Forgiveness After Confession

  • Uploaded by: Trent Cornwell
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  • May 2020
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Forgiveness after Confession Luke 15:11-24 There is one thing for certain, we all have sinned. We have come to a point in our lives and said, “I never thought I could stoop so low, I never thought I could go so far, I never thought…” As these thoughts rush through our heart, our heart aches to hear the words, “don’t worry, you are forgiven.” But to be able to hear these words, feel the love, receive the grace, and experience the mercy, we must first say, “I have sinned.” • The son • v. 12 he wanted what he thought he deserved – give me – you owe me • v. 13 he thought he could live and handle his life better • He left the presence of his Father (when we are doing wrong we run from any Godly influences in our lives.) • v. 14 he had to pay for his actions – when he had spent all, there came a famine Gal. 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. • v. 15 he had to fail again v. 15 still doing things his way • v. 16 he got so low that he wanted to be like a pig • v. 17 he finally hit bottom – when he came to himself – he arrived at his breaking point how many of my father’s servants • v. 18 I have sinned • v. 19 he stopped making demands – make me • v. 20 he arose – he acted • The Father • V. 20 when he was a great way off – Rom 5:20 Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound: • V. 21-22 he clothed him like His son – feed him like a son – party like a son • His Father forgave him, but only after he confessed and returned to His Father How far will we have to go? Good news is that we don’t have to go that far. We can stop running. Rom. 3:23 Rom. 3:10 Jer 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

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