Forever And Almost Always

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 5,569
  • Pages: 20

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... I catch my foot on a root of a nearby tree and stumble my way forward, walking faster than I ever thought possible but still I know that there is no way in hell I can ever catch up with him. I can see that the light is quickly disappearing as I slip and stumble my way through the dense forest, the branches of the trees nipping at my skin and tearing my clothes. I slip on the many layers of moist, dead leaves that litter the floor around me. Fighting back the tears that are spilling down my face I attempt to get back on my feet but my body won¶t listen to reason as I sink back down to the forest floor allowing the grief to envelop my body. ³Edward please, I love you, Edward ...´ I sob into the darkening silence... j                       ³Bella, Bella what¶s wrong? Are you okay?´           ³Nothing dad, I¶m fine, it was just a bad dream. Relax.´                                     ³Er, dad is that thing loaded?´      ³What? Oh, no. I just wanted ... stop trying to change the subject Bells. This is the eighth time you¶ve woke up screaming in the past ten day s! Has this got anything to do with the Cullens leaving town?´                          ³No dad, it has absolutely nothing to do with...´                ³... them.´                ³Well then what is it? You know that if you want you can talk to me Bells, I don¶t like seeing you so upset.´ !   

ë     "  ³It¶s nothing dad. Must just be hormones, I¶ve been getting cramps it must just be my period.´#

    $       %                                ³Oh, umm... ok. Well if that¶s all...´            ³Night, Bells.´                                 j                        "  

                 ³Bella, you awake?´ &        %               '()*+    &         "      ³Yeah Jacob, I¶m up, come on in.´ "        &         #        #                                  ,              ³So what brings you to my house so early on a Saturday?´       ³No reason. Do I need a reason to visit my best friend now?´      $ ³Jake.´ ³Ok, ok. Charlie came to see me earlier.´                    

     ³He¶s worried about you Bells. We all are. We¶re your family, we love you and we don¶t like seeing you in pain.´                      &   ³So tell me about the nightmare?´ &         ³It¶s the same nightmare every night, Jake. You know that. I¶m walking through the woods searching for him and I trip.´  &            ³I could fucking kill that leech fo r leaving you out there. It¶s a good thing that we found you when we did who the fuck knows what could have happened.´                 -                      ³It¶s not worth it Jake, I¶ll be fine. I have you guys.´                                 %                      &           "          $      &                                             ./)01         &   &       ³Mmmm. I knew that the bacon smell wasn¶t just in my dream. Smells good Bella, I¶m starved.´ ³Aww poor baby.´  &           ë& 

%             &                                               %       2          3!      4                      &   ³Well I was thinking we could just hang around La Push today, maybe go to the beach later for a few drinks with the pack. If you want?´     ³That sounds good Jay. Let¶s go.´ %         56,  &                                           "   &                 #      ³welcome home, sweetheart.´ 2     %#   ,            &       -    5    5    ,  -                                        ³Hey Em, hey Lee. How are you guys?´       ³We¶re good Bells, just had to go grocery shopping´-   $  ! 7    "     ³Yeah you know what these guys are like hun; they¶d eat everything and anything.´5   !    $   

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 3Edward.4                 "              " "  - "                              !           !               56     -%         

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3You can do this. This is home.4                                         $                  9                    ":                             !    -                               j                          "                                                            &               "                                    3Edward.4                     j                                                                                   

3Why are you crying child?4                      ,    :       -         ;      3He¶s really gone!4                                          j                ,                "            #                  -   "                       "                    ,  #         3What¶s your name child?4  3Bella Swan4              3Nice to meet you Bella, my name is Aro and this is...4 3I know who you are.4  !  3Your name is Aro, they are Caius and Marcus4        3But I don¶t know the names of the other two4 3You¶re the Volturi, the vampire royal family 4       3You know of us?4j              3How?4 3I recognised you from the painting Carlisle has or had hanging upstairs in his study.4

3You know the Cullens?4 j       3Where are they 4 3Yes I know the Cullens but I have no idea where they are. They left two months ago.4j      3Bella maybe you should explain to us how you know so much about us and why you are here and so upset.4,                <        ,    -             "       ,                 3Le Tua Cantante4                             -   "             , ,                  -     :    :       &          -   &     ,          .=      &        $  

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                $  ,                    $        3Aro we can¶t just leave and let her live. She knows too much! 4 3I believe Bella will keep our secret.4,            3That doesn¶t matter; she cannot be allowed to live!4           $    3Caius is right.4 j       ,       3It¶s the law. Our law4 j           ,         #                    &              , #       3Aro4     !        3Could you make it quick? As painless as possible4 #                    3I¶m not going to kill you Bella, at least not yet. We are going to give you a choice, you can agree to be turned and spend your life as a vampire with our family as our daughter, or if you find that option too painful, then I will grant your request and kill you as quick and painless as I know how. We will give you one month to think about it.4  >% "    3I hope you choose correctly. Goodbye sweet Bella. 4 %             >       

,                    ,                     $          My dear sweet Bella, I hope you will take your time in c ontemplating our offer. It would bring me great please and happiness to be able to call you my daughter and for you to call me father but I will understand and respect your decision, whatever you may decide. Be safe Bella. Yours Truly, Aro  ,       "         !                    3Finally4"                 


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