طريقة مجربةmagomiga difficulty: easy time required: 5 minutes
here's how: click start click run type regedit click ok the registry editor will now open browse to the following key: hkcu\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\policies\explorer note: hkcu stands for hkey_current_user in the right pane, look for the value: nofolderoptions right click nofolderoptions and select delete. (when prompted with "are you sure you want to delete this value", select yes. now browse to the following key: hklm\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\policies\explorer note: hklm stands for hkey_local_machine in the right pane, look for the value: nofolderoptions right click nofolderoptions and select delete. (when prompted with "are you sure you want to delete this value", select yes. close the registry by choosing file | exit you should now be able to access the folder options menu. if not, reboot into safe mode and repeat the steps outlined above. ............................................................. re: can't open tools/internet options or view/folder options monday, july 16, 2001 at 2:54 am windows 98 annoyances discussion forum posted by dennis (101 messages posted) firstly, are you using any tweaking programs that might have stopped access to the
2 options. eg. tweakui etc. secondly, i have just tried a registry hack to prevent access to internet options via ie and it also restricts access to my computer >view >folder options and any other folder >view etc. this is your error! my second suggestion seems to be the culprit. make a registry backup, before continuing this process go to start >run and type in regedit then ok it. now look for the following registry key. hkey_users\.default\software\policies\microsoft\internet explorer\restrictions the restrictions folder is the one containing the restrictive data concerned. once at the restrictions folder, click on it and in the righthand pane look for the entry nobrowseroptions double click that entry and a new window will open, containing the number 1 in the value data box. change the number to 0, that's zero!
then ok it
press f5 to update the registry and close regedit. now go back to ie or my computer and the option should be back as normal. if by any chance the entry is not there, then regedit has a search function on the toolbar >edit >find, use that to find the entry and carry out the above remedy. eg, typed exactly as written here nobrowseroptions do not use the "please email me any responses to my message." it does not work. goodluck.
re: can't open tools/internet options or view/folder options monday, march 19, 2007 at 3:27 am windows 98 annoyances discussion forum posted by shihab (1 messages posted)
copy the codes i have given at the end of this instructions. ----------------------------------------------- open notepad. go to edit>paste. go to file>save. in
the file name field, you have to specify the extention .inf insted of .txt. eg: test.inf save it. close notepad and other opened windows. ________________ right click on the file we created and choose install. ok for everything. now you can check tools>options. if you are not satisfied, please try to restart the pc and try again. __________________________________ if you are not used any tweek utility, please check your pc for viruses. mainely it will be the virus w32.rontokbro@mm best regards shihab [defaultinstall] addreg=unhookregkey [unhookregkey] hklm, software\classes\batfile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*" hklm, software\classes\comfile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*" hklm, software\classes\exefile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*" hklm, software\classes\piffile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*" hklm, software\classes\regfile\shell\open\command,,,"regedit.exe ""%1""" hklm, software\classes\scrfile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*" hkcu, software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\policies\system,disableregistrytools,0x00000 020,0