Flash At The Lake 09 Notes

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  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 18

Remember the magic Aral Balkan – twitter@aral http://aralbalkan.com/

Commodities : coffee, beans, rice -> nowadays hardware, software http://www.scratch.mit.edu/ Experiment -> make it work ! Don’t let the tools stops you from being creative http://www.unity3d.com/ Killer-feature = distribution iPhone ! xna AIR Qt What is the differentiating factor ? USER EXPERIENCE What is the bad user experience ? We spend so much time on computer/phones We design for LIFE User experience : -Worry about the users problems, not yours User don’t care how it’s built, they want to achieve their goals -Focus on users Apple do it so well. « Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away » = fn(UI+responsivness+performance+availability+security) Build -> Share -> Evolve -> Listen Delighters and the story of art. http://www.silverbackapp.com/holding/ http://ge.ecomagination.com/smartgrid/ Does it give me joy to use ? http://www.icanhaz.com/stuffthatmatters/ conference http://www.naklab.com/

Getting the Pretty Stuff Paul Burnett - twitter@pburnett http://www.mad.com.au/

Smart objects in Photoshop Content aware scale Great improvement Ps, Ai, Id, Fw -> Fl Flash animation : Motion timeline from After Effects Bone tool between MC or on a MC Deco tool, particles http://tv.adobe.com/

SQLite in Adobe AIR Peter Elst – twitter@peterelst http://www.peterelst.com/

Synchronous vs Asynchronous AIR specific column affinities -String -Number -Boolean -Date -XML -XMLList -Object SQL injection danger: SQLStatement parameters Result Pagins SQLStatement: “SELECT * ….” -execute(10) -next Transactions Multiple SQL statements in one write operation Allow rollback() if error Database schema Introspect tables, views, columns, indies, triggers Encryption best practices http://byt.ly/... SimpleEncryptionGenerator Database synchronization: Synchronize database server-client Strategies: -overwrite -check what to synchronize: timestamp field, field by field comparison, dirty flag -LiveCycle DS Mac OS X Terminal: Sqlite3 fatl.db Lita SQLite database administration http://www.dehats.com/drupal/?q=node/58 DAO-Ext Data Access Objects – abstract interface to a database http://code.google.com/p/dao-ext/ SQLite wrapper classes http://www.peterelst.com/downloads/sqlite/sqlite-wrapper.zip

PixelBending James Ward – twitter@ jlward4th http://www.jamesward.com/blog/

PixelBender Toolkit PBK-> PBJ ShaderFilter ShaderJob PBA Language AS3->PBA->PBJ PBJAS class http://github.com/jlward4th/pbjas/tree/master

Making Blackbox Paul Reijnierse – twitter@uncle_paulie http://www.demonsters.com/

De Monsters – twitter@deMonsters http://www.demonsters.com/ http://blog.demonsters.com/ De MonsterDebugger http://www.monsterdebugger.com/ Blackbox Helps you understand your team’s workflow http://www.monsterblackbox.com/ Release Fall 2009 Management on a design and development level Documentation during your workflow Communication about design and development Waterfall model: sequential -> hierarchy -> help to control the project How to mix up: craftmen, quality, control, waterfall, creative

You know AS – what about the rest? Andreas Lorenz – twitter@ dctrl http://www.dctrl.ch/

Agile software development Scrum – sprint cycle management Unit testing -> improve quality of code -> reduces development time: bugs caught early in the dev process, less debugging FlexUnit http://code.google.com/p/as3flexunitlib/ Fluint http://code.google.com/p/fluint/ AsUnit http://asunit.org/ Code repository Automate the build Make your code self-testing Everyone commits everyday Test in a clone of the production environment Make it easily distributable Automate deployment Apache continuum http://continuum.apache.org/ CruiseControl http://cruisecontrol.sourceforge.net/ Tinderbox https://developer.mozilla.org/En/Tinderbox Ant http://ant.apache.org/ Subversion (SVN) http://subversion.tigris.org/ Bugzilla http://www.bugzilla.org/ Automated version control / build / tests -> Have time for development

Phidgets! Sandro Ducceschi – twitter@_sandro http://blog.swfjunkie.com/

Shops: http://www.phidgets.com/ http://dshop.ch/ Programmable interface for AS3/Flash/Flex AS3 Twitter API http://code.google.com/p/tweetr/

Dance with me Anielle Bove – twitter@ INM http://www.inm.ch/

http://www.dancewithme.ch/ Concept: Have people dance on a green screen Touring with DJs to promote Adobe 80% discount for student Use the viral aspect of voting Contest with prizes Technology map: Flash/Moyea SWF Kits/ColdFusion

Wii fun Marcel Vogt - twitter @marcelvogt http://vogtmitvogt.com/

Use WiiMote devices in your AS3 projects WiiFlash http://code.google.com/p/wiiflash/ MoteDaemon http://sourceforge.net/projects/motedaemon/

Bend my 3D Tiago Dias – twitter@ tiagodias http://blog.six4rty.ch/

AS3dmod 3D modifier: use with Papervision3D, Sandy, Away3D, Alternativa3D http://code.google.com/p/as3dmod/ Bloat, Twist, Taper, Skew, Bend, Noise, Perlin Papervision3D http://code.google.com/p/papervision3d/ Sandy http://code.google.com/p/sandy/ Away3D http://away3d.com/ Alternative3D http://alternativaplatform.com/en/alternativa3d/

Simultaneous Web/Desktop development Michael Plank – twitter@ Michael_Plank http://www.michaelplank.com/

http://www.powerflasher.de/ Conditional compilation: plateform::web { … } platform::desktop { … } Compiler arguments -define platform::web true -define platform::desktop false SWF modules: Example: XMLloader App Laucher -> WebXMLloader (URLLoader) / DesktopXMLloader (File)

Augmented Reality Rafael Beck – twitter@rafaelbeck http://www.rafaelbeck.com/

Flash/ActionScript open source community http://www.libspark.org/ Library: FLARToolkit http://www.libspark.org/wiki/saqoosha/FLARToolKit/en Manager: FLARManager http://transmote.com/codeshare/FLARManager/ Tool: ARToolkit Marker Generator http://www.libspark.org/svn/as3/ARToolKitMarkerGenerator/ Optimal Marker Black and white for high contrast AR Examples: http://www.livingsasquatch.com/ http://specialmoves.com/xmas/ http://ge.ecomagination.com/smartgrid/ Face tracking: Marilena http://www.libspark.org/wiki/mash/Marilena

Modular Framework Mich Heimann

Modular is a small framework to develop modular flash websites or applications. The basic idea is to describe a flash application with xml. http://modular.sandkasten.ch/ Modular framework - Runtime oriented framework - Easy change of content without recompiling - Simple parameter passing to modules by xml - Reuse of modules in multiple projects - Fast extendable prototype development - Direct access on module instances by class or id - Invoking methods on modules - Loading/accessing external assets with a single xml line - Support for runtime loaded fonts - Support for runtime shared libraries - Easy preloading - Optional logging support to different outputs like DeMonsterDebugger, Alcom, Firebug etc. - Optional layout management between modules - Tiny size - Free in design and implementation

Flash Catalyst Serge Jespers – twitter@ sjespers http://webkitchen.be/

Flex framework “Gumbo” Flash Builder 4 “Gumbo” Adobe Flash Catalyst Start with a composition in CS4 design tool Import into Flash Catalyst with full fidelity Convert artwork into components Defines states and animations

Pushing pixels in Flash Ralph Hauwert – twitter@ UnitZeroOne http://www.unitzeroone.com/

Technology + Experiments + Creativity = Innovation openFrameworks http://www.openframeworks.cc/ Screen space / normal maps Tangent space / object space ZBrush Converting from and to the tangent basis PBShader API Adobe Alchemy http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/alchemy/ Marshaling is slow, dead slow. The “punch card” between Alchemy and AS3 -> the ByteArray http://blog.tweenpix.net/ Pushing voxels! Raycasting http://www.flipcode.com/archives/ http://www.mrdoob.com/ Tiny3D

What’s new in Flash Builder 4 Sven Claar – twitter@ flexsquad http://www.richswat.com/

Designer / Developer workflow FXP: project round trip with Catalyst FXG: XML-based graphics interchange format Support hybrid Flex/Flash CS4 projects Data-centric development Service explorer: introspect server-side operations Network monitor: see network traffic debug data access Coding, code navigation and compiling Debugging, profiling and testing Developer productivity Adobe LiveCycle Data Services 3 Drag & Drop features Update database instantly Plugin in FB Spark skins

The Tinkerer’s Box Mario Klingemann – twitter@ Quasimondo http://www.quasimondo.com/

http://incubator.quasimondo.com/ Subdivision http://www.humancolors.com/ http://www.colourlovers.com/ Geometric inversion Stippling Graphs Minimum spanning tree Limitation Pass images through Twitter messages http://www.flickr.com/photos/quasimondo/3518306770/ Mona Lisa Genetic algorithm Convolution Flickr Commons http://www.flickr.com/commons/ Lectures http://lectures.quasimondo.com/

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