First Lab [compatibility Mode]

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  • Words: 1,355
  • Pages: 49

o matter why you are taking general chemistry, this course is designed to meet the following objectives: Introduce you to the language that chemists use to describe the world around us-a language that has been adopted by professionals in such diverse fields as political science and astronomy.

Introduce you to concepts and skills those are needed in later courses in your major. Help you improve problemsolving skills that can be transferred to your profession or to life in general.

1 2 3 4

Introduction to Qualitative Analysis Acidic Radical (Groups 1,2, and 3 ions) Basic Radicals (Groups 1,2, and 3 ions) Basic Radicals (Groups 4,5, and 6 ions)

5 6 7 8 9

Identification of Complete Salt Revision for Identification of Complete Salt Introduction to Quantitative Analysis Acid-Base Titration Total Alkalinity By Ph.Ph. & M.O.

11 12 13

Total Alkalinity By Bromocresol Total Hardness Oxidation Reduction Reactions Precipitation Reactions

14 15

Petroleum Experiments 1 Petroleum Experiments 2


Ø Develop basic Chemistry lab skills, and acquire a thorough training on experimental techniques, in both qualitative and quantitative chemical determinations.

Ø Stress the quantitative aspects of the Chemistry lab. Master the techniques of basic chemical measurements. Learn how to assess the precision of a measurement, and thus report a given measurement to the right degree of precision.

Ø Learn how to establish the link between theory and experiment. Study basic calculation techniques for the treatment of chemical data, and learn how to draw conclusions and report final results.

Pipette For exact volume measurements of liquids .

Pipet filler There are several styles of fillers used to draw liquids into a pipet. Never draw a liquid into a pipet with your mouth .

Filter flask Used in conjunction with a vacuum connection to a water faucet to speed up filtration .

Erlenmeyer flask Used to contain reaction solutions .

Test Tube

Test tube holder To hold test tubes while heating . Beaker Used to contain chemical reactions Filter funnel When lined with filter paper, used to filter suspended solids from a liquid .


Ø Safety: Please read carefully the safety regulations and emergency procedures, set by the instructor.

Ø Discipline: It should be strict and rigorous. The lab is a serious work place and could be dangerous if not properly used. Misbehavior will reflect automatically on your evaluation.

Ø Absences: Students are expected to attend all laboratory sessions and perform all experiments. Under very special circumstances, a make-up experiment could be permitted. Students who miss more than one lab session should automatically withdraw from the course.

Your final grade will be determined from a weighted average of the following evaluation tools using the same grading scale as in the lecture.

80% laboratory report and Lab Exam. 10% quizzes (will be announce one week in advance). 10% subjective evaluation of your performance and Participation

1. 2.

Pre-Laboratory Assignments are to be completed before coming to the laboratory. Record data directly on the laboratory data sheets in ink. Data is not to be recorded on scratch paper. A single line should be drawn through an erroneous entry and the corrected number entered above.


Reagent bottles are not to be taken to your desk.


Do not take more reagent than required; reagents are often very expensive and disposal is also costly as well as wasteful.



Never return excess liquid or solid reagents to the reagent bottles. Share them or dispose of them as directed by your instructor. Certain chemicals must be disposed of in designated containers. Others may be flushed down the drain with water, when so instructed. Your work area as well as the areas around the balances and reagent bottles should be kept clean at all times. Spills should be cleaned up immediately and reported to the instructor.

7. Avoid contamination of reagent bottles; do not interchange stoppers or droppers from different bottles; use clean, dry spatulas.

8. Distilled water should be used in experiments unless otherwise instructed.

Do not lock community or shared equipment in your desk. It should be cleaned and returned back when the experiment is completed. 10. Before leaving, the student should be certain that his/her work area is clean, water and gas have been turned off, 9.

Chemical Analysis

Qualitative Analysis Quantitative Analysis

Qualitative Analysis

It’s a series of chemical reactions which carried out for the different types of chemical compounds to determine the main components of the compound

Qualitative Analysis

Analysis of organic compounds

Analysis of inorganic compounds

Analysis of organic compounds

To investigate the characteristic functional groups such as (COOH), (OH-), (NH2), and so on.

Analysis of inorganic compounds

To identify the anions and cations from which the inorganic salt consists.

Quantitative Analysis

Concerned with the methods by which we can evaluate the percentages of each element or ion in the compound by weight or by volume.

Quantitative Analysis

Gravimetric analysis

Volumetric analysis

Gravimetric analysis In which the required element or ion can be precipitated as sparingly soluble compound which can be separated by filtration, then dried and wieghted.

Volumetric analysis Serves in determination of the quantity of effective material present in the solution, i.e. solution concentration. That is achieved by reaction of solution of unknown concentration with another solution of known concentration (standard solution)

In our course we will use the qualitative analysis to identify the Simple Inorganic Salts Salt + Water Acid + Base

HCl + aOH

aCl + H2O

aCl aCl + H2O

HCl + aOH aOH Acid


Basic Radical + a


Acidic Radical

Acidic Radicals: Acidic Radicals are grouped into three groups depending on the reaction occurs between the ion of the salt with a reagent characteristic to this group. (i.e.) Each group has its own reagent which is characteristic for this group.

We have two types of tests 1- Principal Test: Which is the test identifying the group, it occurs on the Solid salt and we seek for Effervescence or Gas Evolution.

2- Confirmatory Test: Which is the test inside the group to confirm the presence of the ions, it occurs on the salt Solution and we seek for precipitation.

ote: • First, we do Experiment • Then, we see the Observation. • Finally, we get the Results.

Group 1:

Solid Salt + dil HCl

Effervescence or Gas Evolution. We have six acidic radicals in this groups















1. Effervesces with evolution of colourless gas. 2. Colourless gas characteristic by odour of rotten eggs. 3. Colourless gas which has suffocating odour. 4. The same gas as in 3 and colloidal sulpher is deposited with yellow ppt. 5. Reddish brown fumes.

CO2 from carbonate or bicarbonates H2S from sulphide. SO2 from sulphite. SO2 from thiosulphste O2 from nitrite.

ote that, After we know the ion from the principle test, we must do the confirmatory test for this ion.

Confirmatory Test of Sulphide • Salt Soln + AgO3 gives Black ppt. • Salt Soln + (CH3COO)2Pb gives Black ppt. Confirmatory Test of Sulphite • Salt Soln + AgO3 gives White ppt. • Salt Soln + (CH3COO)2Pb givesWhite ppt.

Confirmatory Test of Thiosulphate • Salt Soln + AgO3 turns to Black ppt.

gives white ppt

• Salt Soln + (CH3COO)2Pb gives white ppt which turns Black ppt on boiling. Confirmatory Test of itrite • Salt Soln + AgO3 gives white ppt.

To differentiate between Carbonates and Bicarbonates All HCO3-1 are soluble in water whereas all CO3-2 are insoluble in water except (ammonium, Sodium and Potassium) carbonates

HCO3-1 or CO3-2 (H4+, a+, K+) Solid + Water


White ppt


o ppt


Soln + MgSO4

ame: Bench umber:

A) Physical Properties: Solubility: B) Chemical Properties:





Section: Date: /10/2009



1) Solid + Dil.HCL 2) Solid + Conc.H2SO4 3) Soln. + BaCL2 4) Soln. + AgO3 5) Soln. +...... 6) Soln. +......

The Acidic Radical is (


Internet Project about the identification of the three groups of Acidic Radical. •

• The project can be delivered using word or powerpoint.

Thanks for your Attention

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