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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We foremost thank our Dean Subash K.C. for moderating the course of MBA with focus and much emphasis on practical approach of learning. It is our immense pleasure to thank our wonderful course instructor Ms. Jyoti Regmi Adhikary for assigning us with the project work that has been of great help to understand the theoretical part and also for her guidance and technical assistance regarding the project. Similarly, we take the opportunity to thank M/s. Bhawana Tamrakar for allowing us to take project at the particular organization thereby enabling communication means to link up with the organization. We cannot remain quiet without giving our regards to Mr. Umesh Bhandari, chief credit officer at Nepal Bangladesh Bank (NB Bank) for permitting us to study about the position in business banking department of the same bank for the fulfillment of project work as required for Managing People and Performance. Our sincere thanks go to Saroja Koirala, in-charge of human resource department at the same bank for giving initiation to the study. Mr. Prabin Basnet, Head of Operation department at NB Bank, is the one who has significantly helped us by his contribution of his valuable time to provide us with the information of the concerned position at the department. Without the help of these great many people, our project would have ended nowhere. So these distinctly recognizable people have special place in our heart. Our heartfelt thanks goes to our dear colleague Roshan K.C. for his logistic support and undefined help rendered. Lastly, a heartfelt feeling of thankfulness goes to those individuals whose direct or indirect help and cooperation have been the motivating source to carry out the project to a decisive point.




EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Today’s world is full of competition and no field remains untouched from the competitive force. In such, the banking sector in Nepal cannot be the exception, and the competition is even more severe. The biggest asset of any organization is its people who manage the operation and working of the organization uniquely and differently and take the organization to the different height apart from the competitors. The simulation project conducted throughout this term has been a wonderful experience in the sense that it has been a great learning opportunity and a chance to understanding the real working world. The project is focused in the selection and preparing such personnel who would consider the organizational goal as the top priority and commit themselves to serve in the best interest of the organization. “Our employees are our most important asset”: It’s been rightly remarked but the actual realization of this theme by the organization is the topic of interest. The project of the managing people and performance has always helped in realization of the actual essence of the human resource in running the organization effectively. The project is focused on the study of relationship manager at NB Bank, one of the most important positions in determining company’s performance and expansion of the services in the banking sector. With the help of this position, the learning is focused on various aspects of human resource management like selection, recruitment, evaluating the performance through effective performance appraisal, planning proper development and training system. The recommendation is made on the basis of best practices that should be followed in order to make the working of the relationship manager effective and efficient and also help in providing the platform for development so that the contribution is more significantly visible.





The project is a simulation project carried-on in Nepal Bangladesh Bank (NB Bank) picking up a position of a banking staff. We have selected a Relationship Manager of the Business Banking Department for the study purpose. The study is focused on various aspects of human resource management. The main purposes of the study can be compiled as: 

Gain on-hand experience on through practical approach thereby understanding the actual working system, challenges, and other related issues in the professional field.

Help in gaining the understanding of the subject matter of managing people and performance.


Nepal Bangladesh Bank (NB Bank) is a reputed banking institution in Nepal with considerable growth of the banking transactions in Nepal. The bank is committed to the growth and overall development of the banking sector in Nepal at the challenging situation. The main task includes the enhancement of satisfaction and trust of the customers through the expansion of its services and facilities to the customer and for the overall development of the bank. The field of expertise that NB Bank is focusing to specialize are enlisted as below: 

Branch expansion: With proper assessment of the situation and the feasibility of the project launching area, the need for the expansion of the branch is heeded. The bank has adopted a policy to go on expanding its branch network in future on priority and merit basis.

Technology Expansion: With the need of the changing scenario in banking sector, the bank is committed to fulfill the demands and requirements of its customers through adoption of technological means.




Consumer Banking: considering the present competitive environment and to cater increasing customer needs, the bank has given top priority to customer oriented services by providing prominent banking service to its valued clients.

Remittance Services: Taking into consideration the importance of remittance in the economy of the country, the bank has established agency relationship with various foreign money transfer agencies.


The objectives of the simulation project are: 

To understand and formulate the conceptual framework of certain key functions of HRM.

To link the concept with real life situation in Nepalese organization.

To increase the analytical skills of the students.

To encourage team work.


The project is carried out for the position of ‘Relationship Manager’ at Nepal Bangladesh Bank. The process followed is a sequential step of the course as learned in the Managing People and Performance. The data are collected basically through two sources: 

Primary Source: We collected the information of the position that we have chosen for the simulation project of certain job dimensions and responsibilities from the bank’s personnel whereas the information regarding the contents necessary for the evaluation of the position in particular was derived from the course instructor.

Secondary Source: With the help of referenced sources from internet sites and other related documents provided by the bank are the great sources that were of great help to carry out the project.


This project study has enabled us to have the clear understanding of the course Managing People and Performance. This study also has inculcated the practice of maintaining proper system of managing human resources, thereby setting up new culture in different organization. 4




Time constraint is an important factor as we were engaged in other projects and assignments at the same time. The position for the study purpose was hypothetical, so the required and accurate information was not gathered in many instances. One position can not define the whole concept of the managing people and performance. So it cannot be regarded as the standard, and may have different practice and style of study adopted for other positions.





Job analysis provides information about a position to be filled that helps to identify the major job requirements (MJR) and links them to skills, education, training, etc. needed to successfully perform the functions of that job. It is useful to identify the experience, education, training, and other qualifying factors, possessed by candidates who have the potential to be the best performers of the job to be filled.

Relationship Manager (RM) is a top level managerial position in a Bank whose important areas of responsibility is to build loans and deposits portfolio of the Bank. Key roles of a relationship manager includes delivery of a significant budget for sales of all the Banks products in a compliant manner, sourcing and developing new customer relationships, preparing and processing documentation in connection with loan applications in line with agreed procedures, promoting and maintaining a sharp business development focus and superior service to high value customers etc. RM reports to the Chief Credit Officer and Chief Operating Officer and supervises the work of Assistant Relationship Manager.

We have used the following 6-step procedure in our Job Analysis process:

Identify how the information will be used

We have identified the areas where the information gathered could be used for making decision regarding appraisals, compensation, recruitment, selection, and career planning.

Review the background information

We have reviewed the relevant background information. We then referred the organizational chart and carefully examined where the position of Relationship Manager fits in.

Select representative position to analyze

Since there would be about 3 similar positions, and they are all the same.




Collect data to analyze the job

At this step, we have collected data on various aspects relating to the job such as the personal characteristics, competencies, experience, working conditions, authority etc needed to perform the job.

Review the information with incumbent

We then reviewed the information with the incumbent as well as his immediate supervisor. This helped us to be sure that we were in the right track.

Develop Job Description / Specification

Finally, we arrive at the stage of actually writing JD and JS. JD is a written statement that describes the nature, scope and the requirement of the job where as JS includes the human requirement necessary to perform a job.

The purpose of job analysis is to help the organization to make decisions related to: training, selection, compensation, performance appraisal and career planning. The following diagram would make much clear regarding how we could use the JA.









I. Methods used to collect Job Analysis Data Information about jobs can be gathered using qualitative or narrative techniques. We have used a combination of the following methods to collect JA data:

a. Job Performance We tried to put ourselves in the position of the incumbent to feel the emotional pressure, and mental requirements involved in the job.

b. Personal Observation We observed the incumbent performing the job and made notes on how the tasks were performed, the emotional level of the worker, and the working conditions.

c. Interviews Interviews were conducted in a group setting with both the incumbent and his supervisor present. This gave a mutual respect for each other. Having a group setting turned out to be quite helpful as the incumbent knows how to do the real job and the supervisor was able to shed some light on how the incumbent’s work was related to the rest of the organization.

II. Major Job areas Manage relationships to meet set of business targets by exploring various opportunities on new loans and deposits and ensuring that the quality of the loans booked are maintained at the satisfactory level and in compliance with regulatory and integral guidelines.

III. Major Job Duties Prepare budgets, formulate account strategies, make marketing calls, conducts meetings, process loans, negotiate deals, monitor loans, etc. as required by the job.

IV. Mental, physical, and emotional qualities 8



Sound health and mind, good interpersonal skills, good analytical skills, ability to work under stress, and good logical reasoning are some of the qualities required to perform the job effectively.

2.1.1 Job Profiling Job Profiles are critical for any organization as they have an impact on a number of Human Resource processes including: Recruitment and Selection, Performance Management, Training and Development, Career and Succession Planning, etc. Thus, it is the process of combining responsibilities and duties into jobs that enhance organizational effectiveness and employee satisfaction The Job Profile must contain certain minimum requirements: 

A Purpose Statement that describes why the job exists. It is a short, inspiring statement that describes what products or services you provide (your purpose), identifies who receives your services (your customers), and describes how these services are provided (your values).

A job is made up of a number of Roles. These Roles are often stated as Key Performance Areas (KPA’s) or Key Results Areas (KRA’s). Many areas affect how to operate a business profitably. By identifying and monitoring the areas in your business that have a direct impact on profitability, you will be in a position to reach your goals in a much more controlled and targeted way.

Roles are made up of Responsibilities or Outputs that must be achieved. These outputs must be stated as an accurate and current picture of what Responsibilities make up the job, and must not include unrelated or irrelevant tasks.

The Job Profile must contain a description of the Inputs of the job – these are the competencies that the person who is doing the job is required to have. This must contain details about the skills, knowledge, experience, qualifications and attributes required to perform the job effectively.




In addition Job Profiling should outline the job’s location, authority levels, supervisory levels, grade, and the interrelationships between the job and other jobs in the same area.

2.1.2 Job identity The major components of job identity are job title, job purpose, work relationship and the information about supervisor and supervisee. This information has been gathered based on experience of some of the team members of this project and also from related people in the job.

2.1.3 Job Contents Job contents contain essential functions of the position. This includes the performance area and standards. Performance area has responsibility statement and duty statement. These statements are the findings of Job.

2.1.4 Job Description Job Description is an important document, which is basically descriptive in nature and contains a statement of job Analysis. It provides both organizational information’s (like location in structure, authority etc) and functional information (what the work is). It gives information about the scope of job activities, major responsibilities and positioning of the job in the organization. This information gives the worker, analyst, and supervisor with a clear idea of what the worker must do to meet the demand of the job. Every job has a description and if it is craft carefully, it can be used for effective hiring, new employee orientation, evaluating performances, discipline and plan for future growth. But if it's poorly written (or not written at all), the company can face all sorts of problems, from low employee morale to legal troubles.

There are several uses of job description, like • Preliminary drafts can be used as a basis for productive group discussion, particularly if the process starts at the executive level. • It helps in the development of job specification. 10



• It acts as a too during the orientation of new employees, to learn duties & responsibilities. It can act as a basic document used in developing performance standards.

2.1.5 Job Specification Job specification explains what kind of person to recruit and also under what qualities that person should be tested. It translates the job description in terms of the human qualifications, which are required for performance of a job. They are intended to serve as a guide in hiring and job evaluation. Thus, Job specification is a written statement of qualifications, traits, physical and mental characteristics that an individual must possess to perform the job duties and discharge responsibilities effectively.


Every day we're bombarded with headlines that allure our interest and are designed to grab our attention. In a world full of advertising and information - delivered in all sorts of media from print to websites, billboards to radio, and TV to text messages - every message has to work extremely hard to get noticed. As the world of advertising becomes more and more competitive, advertising becomes more and more sophisticated. Yet the basic principles behind advertising copy remain - that it must attract attention and persuade someone to take action. And this idea remains true simply because human nature doesn't really change. Sure, we become increasingly discerning, but to persuade people to do something, we still need to grab their attention, interest them in how our product or service can help them, and then persuade them to take the action we want them to take, such as buying our product or visiting our website. The acronym AIDA is a handy tool for ensuring that our copy, or other writing, grabs attention. The acronym stands for: 

Attention (or Attract)



Action. 11



These are the four steps we need to take our audience through if we want them convince to apply for the job if they think they are suitable for it. Attention/Attract In our media-filled world, we need to be quick and direct to grab people's attention. Use powerful words, or a picture that will catch the reader's eye and make them stop and read what you have to say next. The first job of any marketing message is to get the ATTENTION of the prospective customer. Whether you are using print advertising, direct mail, radio, TV or personal networking, your goal is the same. Get their attention so you have an opportunity to deliver your message. Whatever we use to get your prospective customer to stop and pay attention, it should meet some criteria. Our headline is not supposed to ask for everyone to apply for the post rather to get people to stop and pay ATTENTION to the rest of our message. So, we have kept it simple and on point and hoped for the best results. In our advertisement we have used the picture with the tagline “Searching for the right place” and the color background of blue which can easily attract the eyes of the viewers from a far distance as well the color blue is chosen as Blue is the color of the sky and sea. It is often associated with depth and stability. It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven. Blue is considered beneficial to the mind and body. Interest This is one of the most challenging stages: We've got the attention of a chunk of our target audience, but can we engage with them enough so that they'll want to spend their precious time understanding our message in more detail? Gaining the reader's interest is a deeper process than grabbing their attention. They will give us a little more time to do it, but we must stay focused on their needs. This means helping them to pick out the messages that are relevant to them quickly. So we have used bullets and subheadings, and broken up the text to make our points stand out. Now, after getting your reader’s attention, you should follow-up with enough information to encourage people to continue reading. This part of our ad should either persuade, inform or both. It should follow logically from our headline. It should expand the idea or message of our headline. One of the best ways to develop interest from your reader or listener is to tell them what you can 12



do for them. Talk in terms of their needs and how it they might benefit from doing business with you. The most important thing to remember is that at this stage, we need to give them a good reason to continue reading or listening and hence we have tried making it worth their time. Desire The Interest and Desire parts of AIDA go hand-in-hand: As we're building the reader's interest, we also need to help them understand how what we're offering can help them in a real way. The main way of doing this is by appealing to their personal needs and wants. A good way of building the reader's desire for our offering is to link features and benefits. Hopefully, the significant features of our advertisement have been designed to give a specific benefit to members of our target workers. Once you have your reader’s or listener’s attention and they are interested in your business, then you need to give them a reason to want to contact you. This is the DESIRE stage. Action This is the easiest part. Once the reader or listener are guided this far, it is needed to tell them clearly and simply what the next step is and give them a good reason for taking it. This is the step to create a Call to Action. So a common call to action is a time-limited offer. So, we have tried to be very clear about what action we want our readers to take. For the readers to take immediate action, we have mentioned the website from where the readers can download forms and follow the steps that are explained in such simple manner to drop the CVs and application for the position online on the stated mailing add. We have also kept the option of mailing through postal telegraph open where the address of the bank is clearly stated for those who do not have access to internet. The A.I.D.A. formula is an easy and effective way to add power and impact to the marketing pieces. By using it throughout the advertising, we expect to substantially increase the return on our marketing activities - at no additional cost.





2.3.1 Weighted Application Blank A weighted application blank (WAB) is an approach to collecting and scoring background information from job applicants. It involves scoring applicant background in a quantitative manner based on the proven "best responses" to each application item.

Why the weighted application blank superior to traditional application forms? The WAB is distinguished from traditional application forms in three important ways: 1. The Items on the WAB are selected based on their demonstrated relevancy for the job(s) for which applicants are being evaluated, 2. Best responses to each item are determined based on scientific data, as opposed to the guesswork and assumptions that sometimes guide the development of traditional application forms, and 3. Weights are assigned to each applicant response, and scores are totaled, thus permitting a quantitative comparison of each applicant. What is the process of building a weighted application blank? 1. Choose the criterion. 2. Identify criterion groups among the employees in your study (i.e., a "good" group of employees you wish to have more employees to be like, and a "poor" group you do not wish to have more employees to be like. 3. Select the items that you will evaluate to possible inclusion in the WAB. 4. Specify response categories for each potential item. 5. Compare responses to each item between the "good" group and the "poor" group, and determine weights. 6. Analyze independent samples for cross-validation. 7. Set WAB scores for selection.




The weighted application blank used for one of the positions is not necessarily used for all the other positions. Weighted application blanks should be created for each job or job family which has distinct job requirements so that it can provide the maximum predictive power. While seeming to create a great disadvantage to WAB's, the reality is that traditional application forms should be similarly customized (as a targeted application blank). The fact that many organizations use the same application form for most or all jobs within the organization is indefensible based on known, scientific evidence. When developing a Weighted Application Blank it is not necessary to hire a consultant to design an application blank. Instead, it depends on what expertise is available within the organization. The process of developing WAB's is not too difficult compared to the development of some other selection instruments (such as assessment centers), but the individual(s) who design the WAB must be thoroughly knowledgeable in all aspect of WAB design and scoring. Most often, organizations would need some outside assistance, but consultant fees would not be prohibitive, and once developed a set of WAB's could be utilized for many years with no additional outside investment required. Scheme of weights (For Internal Evaluation Process)



Weight Assigned





Work Experience



Job Specific Questions



General Questions



Language Skills



Training / Certification



Location Mobility








The weight of 15% to qualification is assigned to the particular position of relationship manager because the post we have selected for the study purpose is a senior level one and its importance is quite high. The qualification needed should be high as well for the effective working. Work Experience weight is given 25% since the position has to deal with many practical instances, the work experience in the related field would secure high chances for the applicant to being selected for the job. Job specific questions is allocated with 25% of weightage since the job is highly rated and competitive as well, proper assessment of the applicant concerning the skills, knowledge, competencies, and the way by which s/he deals with the customers is required. So the relevant questions remaining within the area of the control of that position is necessary. General questions weightage of 10% is also necessary for the position because the position requires coordination with other team members, flexibility in the job which are necessary and these questions are the basis of measurement of such features in the applicant. 10% weight is given to language skills to check the efficiency of the applicant in delivering the information and the knowledge in effective manner. The weight of 10% to training/certification is given because it helps in measuring the expertise in the field of job through training and also helps in identifying the applicant’s expectations out of the job and attitude towards the job. Location mobility with 5% weightage is essential since it helps in finding out the willingness of the applicant in going to different places in due course of job requirement. It also mentions the inability for not plying through the mobility conditions which is not so much important for the job of relationship manager, so is assigned 5% of weightage. The reference is not assigned with any weight since this is simply required to check if the applicant is the job holder of the organization that s/he has mentioned of working prior to applying for the current job or s/he is/was the one associated with the institution s/he has mentioned.




2.4 RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION PACKAGE FOR NB BANK The package is designed to provide a clear and simple process for effective recruitment with appropriate flexibility to meet the needs of each area, while at the same time ensuring a transparent and fair process, and clear communication of important information.

2.4.1 STAGES OF RECRUITMENT Stage 1: Preparation a. Review of needs (role, strategic imperatives) Prior to commencing the recruitment process, Bank will conduct a review of the need for the position to take into account the following:

• Strategic and Operational plans for the Bank • Funding • Current staffing structure • Academic profile and specializations - current and future requirements • Current staffing and skill levels • Any foreseeable changes which might impact on the area or the role and • How the needs for the position might best be met. b. Review role and develop duty statement The review of the position will performed and the Bank will come up with updated Job Description (JD) that outlines the key outcomes and activities to be undertaken. NB Bank is looking for a demonstrated commitment from the Relationship Manager in his/her professional and/or personal life to the Values of the Bank which is:

o Integrity - being consistently honest and trustworthy in all activities o Respect - having regard for self and others o Fairness - ensuring just decisions through open decision-making o Care - acting to ensure the welfare of others 17



c. Develop Selection Criteria Bank will develop a set of selection criterion in consultation with HR department. For the top managerial level, the skills, knowledge, experience, values and behaviors required to perform the duties of the position are the basis of the selection criteria which provide the standards against which a panel may assess and select candidates.

Selection criteria is expressed in terms of

o Essential – requirements that are critical to successful performance in the position without which the manager could not be appointed; and o Desirable – requirements that would enable the manager to perform at a higher level in the position, but without which the person could still be appointed.

A detailed selection criterion is mentioned below in Stages of Selection.

d. Obtain Approval to Recruit The Approval to Recruit must be sanctioned by the concerned authority before any further action can be taken to ensure that there is a clear understanding between all the parties as to what is required. The approval for the recruitment of top level manager should be given by the Chief Operation Office, the Chief Credit Officer and the Chief Executive Officer.

e. Establish Selection Panel The selection panel will consists of 3 people capable of accessing the skills and attributes required of the position. The members of selection panel are:

1. Representative from Management Committee 2. HR Head 3. Chief Operation Officer 4. External Expert (If Required) 18



Panel members must ensure no conflict of interest in relation to the field of applicants. The Selection Panel undertakes a number of roles throughout a recruitment campaign, including:

o Plan the recruitment process appropriate to the position, providing the opportunity for candidates to demonstrate evidence of the selection criteria; o Plan and agree the timetable for the recruitment process; o Shortlist preferred applicants; o Arrange and take part in the selection process, including collecting references; o Identifying the candidates who meet the selection criteria, rank suitable candidates in order of suitability and recommend the preferred candidate to the Chief Operation Officer via the Selection Panel Report.

f. Plan Recruitment Process, including Selection Techniques and Timetable

The Selection Panel will undertake this role throughout the recruitment campaign.

Recruitment Plan Position Title: Relationship Manager No. of Position: One Job Location: Corporate Office, Kathmandu Source: Internal and External

The bank will consider employee status and equal opportunities aspects for the candidates. The position is career oriented with long term perspective.

The selection techniques and timetable is mentioned below in Selection process.




Stage 2: Obtaining Candidates

a. Internal candidates Existing employees and volunteers have the opportunity to apply for a new job opening. Employee Referral could also be the other source of recruitment. It will help in retaining the organization's investment in the employee/volunteer, reduces the amount of time necessary to orient the person to the new position, reduces the costs of recruitment, provides a limited number of people to select from and reduces the opportunity for increasing diversity within your organization.

b. Advertise and/or search for suitable candidates Positions will be advertised externally in print media (local, metropolitan and/or national/international) and/or internet, through professional associations or through other avenues. It will help in reaching to large audience in specific area. Internet medium is cost effective too. Staff Services is responsible for coordinating all advertising activities.

c. Process applications Applications from candidates are sent direct to the relevant and concerned Department. Applications received after the closing date cannot be accepted unless authorized by the Chair of the Selection Panel, where the application warrants further consideration by the selection panel as part of the short-listing process. The inclusion of a late application must be detailed in the Selection Panel Report.

Applications should be kept in strict confidence in order to protect the privacy of personal information.

The Chair, or their nominee, will make arrangements directly with the candidates, members of the Selection Panel, and any others involved in the selection process.




Where the fields of candidates are part of a ‘pool’ recruitment exercise, applicants may be considered for like positions should such vacancies arise within a reasonable period in future.

2.4.2 STAGES OF SELECTION Selection is a process of choosing a right candidate from a pool of eligible candidates who are most likely to meet the criteria of the job. This process matches people with jobs and predicts future success on the job. The process of selection follows a methodology to collect information about an individual in order to determine if that individual should be employed. The methodology used should not violate any laws regarding personnel selection.

Stage 1: Selection

a. Shortlist candidates Candidates will be considered on the basis of the following criteria and should try to ensure that their application shows how they meet the criteria. The successful applicant will be expected to satisfy the following selection criteria:

1. Proven experience of 5 years in operations and/or relationship management. 2. Must possess MBA degree with specialization either in Marketing or Finance. 3. Ability to work independently and largely unsupervised. 4. Ability to manage the day-to-day running of a banking operations and managing resources effectively. 5. Good communication skills, including ability to present 6. Ability to work as part of a team, working co-operatively with senior and junior colleagues. 7. Ability to organize and prioritize own work, including coping with large volumes of and peaks in work. 8. Evidence of tact and discretion in dealing with confidential or sensitive matters. 21



b. Conduct selection procedures involving interviews, presentations, tests. It is for the Selection Panel to determine the most effective selection process for the position. The process chosen should enable the collection of evidence that confirms that the applicant meets the selection criteria and embraces the Bank’s values. Therefore, the selection panel must ensure that the applicant(s) selected have the required skills and experience, and also demonstrate commitment to the values of the Bank.

The selection process will follow following time table. Activity

Possible Time Range

Pre-recruitment stage (planning)

1 - 2 weeks

Review and/or classification of Job 1- 2 weeks Description (JD) From receipt of Request to Advertise to 1 - 2 weeks advertising

(depending on which media and copy dates)

Advertising period

1 - 4 weeks

Short listing

1 - 2 weeks

From short listing to interview date

1 - 2 weeks

Selection process

1 - 2 weeks

Referee checks

3 days

Letter to unsuccessful candidates

1 week after interview



for 2 - 5 days

Occupancy signed off From receipt of Appointment Form to 5 days issue of contract Timeline for candidate acceptance of 2 weeks contract TOTAL (from start to acceptance)

11 – 20½ weeks




The selection process will follow multiple hurdle approach. The major reasons for the selection of multiple hurdle approach are as follows:

To avoid time consumption.

To avoid high cost associated with large number of Interviewee going through many steps.

To ensure no time and effort wastage of Interviewee likely not to be selected.

It is recommended that the selection technique should include a structured, behavioral and situational interview and following steps for multiple hurdles:

Step 1: Weighted Application Blank A weighted application blank (WAB) is an approach to collecting and scoring background information from job applicants. It involves scoring applicant background in a quantitative manner based on the proven "best responses" to each application item. It is an initial screening tool to predict future performance of the selected candidate. Weighted application blank has been observed to be superior and effective predictor. This consists of application blank having various parts of information required to be filled by the candidates. Each part/question carries a specific weightage and points are awarded according to the weight it carries. Based on this scoring, top performers are taken to next step.

A sample of WAB for NB Bank is provided in the Appendix.

Step 2: Personality Test This selection procedure measures the personality characteristics of applicants that are related to future job performance. Personality tests typically measure one or more of five personality






conscientiousness, and openness to experience.

Personality Test has following advantages: 23



It can result in lower turnover due if applicants are selected for traits that are highly correlated with employees who have high longevity within the organization

It can reveal more information about applicant's abilities and interests

It can identify interpersonal traits that may be needed for certain jobs

Step 3: Cognitive Ability Test This test uses paper and pencil or individualized assessment measures for an individual's general mental ability or intelligence. These tests may be categorized as: 

General Intelligence Tests

Aptitude Tests

Its advantages are: 

It is highly reliable.

The verbal reasoning and numerical tests have shown high validity for a wide range of jobs.

The validity rises with increasing complexity of the job.

Combinations of aptitude tests have higher validities than individual tests alone.

May be administered in group settings where many applicants can be tested at the same time.

Scoring of the tests may be completed by computer scanning equipment.

Lower cost than personality tests.

The test will assess the candidates in following dimensions: 

Verbal Comprehension.

Numerical Ability.

Visual Pursuit.

Visual Speed and Accuracy.

Space Visualization.

Numerical Reasoning. 24



Verbal reasoning.

Word Fluency.

Manual Speed and Accuracy.

Symbolic Reasoning.

Step 4: Interview A selection procedure designed to predict future job performance on the basis of applicants' oral responses to oral inquiries. It is useful for determining if the applicant has requisite communicative or social skills which may be necessary for the job. It allows the applicant to ask questions that may reveal additional information useful for making a selection decision and the interview may be modified as needed to gather important information. We have segregated examining criteria for the Interviewer as the follows:

Head-Human Resource Department and Management Representative: 

Personal Traits o Job Motivation o Work standards o Initiatives o Stress tolerance

Communication skill o Listening o Oral/written Presentation o Technical Translation

Interpersonal Relations o Sensitivity o Leadership




o Tenacity o Persuasiveness

Management ability o Planning and organizing o Delegation o Control o Staff co-ordination

Decision Making o Analysis o Judgment Decisiveness

Impact o Rapport building o Flexibility

Presentability and other generic skills

Chief Operation Officer:

Understanding of the job on broader perspective

Experience and its appropriateness in the proposed job

Ability and skill to perform the job

External experts:

Understanding of external environment of the economy and its interpretation for the performance of job

Understanding the relevant law, acts, directives e.t.c for the job performance

Knowledge or potentiality to learn for assuming higher responsibility 26



c. Conduct Referee Checks References may be taken up at any stage in the selection process but they should be completed before an offer of employment is made. This should be performed by staff services to cross check the referees mentioned in the application form submitted by the candidates. The purpose of referee checks/reports is to collect additional evidence to assess the candidates against the selection criteria, and to gain supporting evidence of the information provided by the candidates.

d. Recommend successful candidate The Selection Panel shall make a decision on the basis of consensus. The Chair of the Selection Panel will complete the Selection Panel Report and Recommendation for Occupancy Form, sign it and forward it for approval by the Board of Director.

The following lists additional information must also be sent to the person approving the appointment:

• Successful candidate’s application; • Referee reports; and • Any other associated documents. The BOD will review the recommendation from the Selection Panel and approve the decision or refer it back to the Selection Panel for further consideration.

The Chair of the Selection Panel is responsible for ensuring that the authorized Recommendation for Occupancy and Selection Panel report and the accompanying documents are forwarded to Staff Services for preparation of the contract.

e. Advice unsuccessful candidates The Chair of the Selection Panel is responsible for contacting unsuccessful candidates. Out of respect to the candidates and mindful of the Bank’s public relations, unsuccessful candidates should be advised of the outcome as soon as possible. 27



If the Chair has verbally advised an unsuccessful interviewed candidate of the outcome and provided feedback then there is no requirement to provide written notification to that candidate. The Chair should record that verbal notification (and feedback if sought) was provided.

Stage 2: Entering Into the Employment Contract

Make verbal offer/negotiate remuneration package

Once the appointment has been approved by the BOD, the Chair of the selection panel may advise the successful candidate verbally that they are the preferred candidate for appointment.

A verbal offer of employment and the candidate’s verbal acceptance creates a contractual relationship between the candidate and the Bank, therefore a verbal offer must not be made until the appointment has been approved and Staff Services are informed.

HR Head, or if delegated to the Chair of the Selection Panel, are authorized to negotiate elements of the employment package, e.g. salary and non-salary items, relocation expenses, retention allowance. It is recommended that Heads contact the BOD or in the first instance if an employment package is to be varied from the standard package which was advertised.

Staff Services must be advised in writing of any changes to the terms of employment which may be negotiated at this stage to ensure that the correct contract is issued.

Issue Written Contract

On receipt of the completed Recommendation for Occupancy Form, Staff Services will issue the written contract of employment. Written contracts may only be issued by Staff Services and must be signed in accordance with the Bank’s Schedule of Delegations. Other officers do not have the delegation to commit the Bank in writing. 28



Form for Recruitment and Selection checklist is provided in appendix. Sample offer letter is provided in Appendix.


Almost every organization in one way or another goes through a periodic ritual, formally or informally, known as performance appraisal. Performance appraisal has been called many things. The formal performance appraisal has been called a tool of management, a control process, an activity and a critical element in human resources allocation. Uses for performance appraisal have included equal employment opportunity considerations, promotions, transfer and salary increases. Primarily performance appraisal has been considered an overall system for controlling an organization. Performance appraisal has also been called an audit function of an organization regarding the performance of individuals, groups and entire divisions. Performance appraisal may be defined as a structured formal interaction between a subordinate and supervisor, that usually takes the form of a periodic interview (annual or semi-annual), in which the work performance of the subordinate is examined and discussed, with a view to identifying weaknesses and strengths as well as opportunities for improvement and skills development. Almost every organization in one way or another goes through a periodic ritual, formally or informally, known as performance appraisal. Performance appraisal has been called many things. The formal performance appraisal has been called a tool of management, a control process, an activity and a critical element in human resources allocation. Uses for performance appraisal have included equal employment opportunity considerations, promotions, transfer and salary increases. Primarily performance appraisal has been considered an overall system for controlling an organization. Performance appraisal has also been called an audit function of an organization regarding the performance of individuals, groups and entire divisions.




2.5.1 Objectives of Performance Appraisal: 

Give feedback on performance to employees.

Employees would like to know from a performance appraisal system: - concrete and tangible particulars about their work; and · assessment of their performance.

This would include how they: · did; · could do better in future; · could obtain a larger share of rewards; and · could achieve their life goals through their position.

Therefore an employee would desire that the appraisal system should aim at: · their personal development; · their work satisfaction; and · their involvement in the organization.

From the point of view of the organization, performance appraisal serves the purpose of: · providing information about human resources and their development; · measuring the efficiency with which human resources are being used and improved; · providing compensation packages to employees; and · maintaining organizational control.




Identify employee training needs.

Document criteria used to allocate organizational rewards.

Form a basis for personnel decisions: salary increases, promotions, disciplinary actions, etc.

Provide the opportunity for organizational diagnosis and development.

Facilitate communication between employee and administrator.

2.5.2 Steps of Appraisal: 

Establish performance standards: The first step of performance appraisal consists of the establishment of the performance standards which serves as the criteria of performance i.e. what is to be done and how well it is to be done. It establishes job expectations like standard of quantity, quality, time and cost. The standard set should be on the basis of SMART criteria.

Mutually set measurable goals: The standard of the job should be made clear to the employees. The supervisor and employee should set measurable goals through communication.

Measure actual performance: Actual job done by the employee is measured.

Compare performance with standard: The actual performance is then compared with the standards. The Deviations found is to be noted. The magnitude, nature, causes and incidence of deviations are analyzed. Performance can be equal or above or below standards.

Discuss Appraisal with the employee: The result of performance appraisal is discussed with the employee to provide performance feedback to the employee.

Initiate development/correction actions: The corrective actions can be to correct deviation in performance through training and development programs.




2.5.3 Methods of Performance Appraisal

There are various methods of performance appraisal as described: a. Graphic Rating Scale: The graphic rating scale is the simplest and most popular technique for appraising performance. It lists a number of traits (such as quality, reliability) and a range of performance (from unsatisfactory to outstanding) for each employee. Supervisor then rates each subordinate by checking the score that best describes the subordinate’s performance for each trait. b. Alternate Ranking: This method of ranking of employees includes ranking them from best to worst on the basis of one single trait, choosing highest, then lowest, until all are ranked.




c. Paired comparison: Subordinate to be rated is paired with and compared to every other subordinate on each trait (quantity of work, quality of work, and so on). d. Forced Distribution: It is similar to grading on curve. In this method manager places predetermined percentages of subordinates in performance categories. e.g. 15% high performers, 20% high-average performers, 40% average performers, 15% marginal performer and 10% unsatisfactory performer. e. Management by Objectives (MBO): MBO requires the manager to set specific measurable goals with each employee and then periodically discuss progress toward these goals. MBO generally refers to a comprehensive and formal organization wide goal setting and appraisal program consisting of following six steps. 

Set the organization’s goals

Set departmental goals

Discuss departmental goals

Define expected results

Conduct performance reviews and measure the results

Provide feedback

f. Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS): It is an appraisal method that combines the benefits of narrative critical incidents and quantitative ratings by anchoring a quantified scale with specific narrative examples of good or poor performance. The process of BARS involves Generating critical incidents, Developing performance dimensions, Reallocating incidents, Scale the incidents, Develop a final instrument.




2.5.4 Scope of Performance Appraisal 

To help each employee understand more about their role and become clear about their functions;

to be instrumental in helping employees to better understand their strengths and weaknesses with respect to their role and functions in the organization;

to help in identifying the developmental needs of employees, given their role and function;

to increase mutuality between employees and their supervisors so that every employee feels happy to work with their supervisor and thereby contributes their maximum to the organization;

to act as a mechanism for increasing communication between employees and their supervisors. In this way, each employee gets to know the expectations of their superior, and each superior also gets to know the difficulties of their subordinates and can try to solve them. Together, they can thus better accomplish their tasks;

to provide an opportunity to each employee for self-reflection and individual goalsetting, so that individually planned and monitored development takes place;

to help employees internalize the culture, norms and values of the organization, thus developing an identity and commitment throughout the organization;

to help prepare employees for higher responsibilities in the future by continuously reinforcing the development of the behavior and qualities required for higher-level positions in the organization;

to be instrumental in creating a positive and healthy climate in the organization that drives employees to give their best while enjoying doing so; and

to assist in a variety of personnel decisions by periodically generating data regarding each employee.

2.5.5 Errors Occurred in Performance Appraisal One of the biggest problems with performance appraisal is the fact that most people are not accurate raters of others’ performance. When an employee’s performance rating does not reflect 34



their true or actual performance, we say a rater error has occurred. The most common rater errors are:-

Halo / Horn Effect

Central Tendency




2.5.6 Performance Appraisal Policy: General Statement: The history of Nepal Bangladesh (NB) Bank shows that the performance appraisal of the employees was not clear to the employees and the performance of the employees of the bank was diminishing. After the intervention in the management by Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB), the bank has gone through a series of changes, among the changes one of them is the performance appraisal of the employees at the bank. In Nepal Bangladesh (NB) Bank, it has been in practice that after every year the performance appraisal form is given to all the permanent employees for their evaluation. The form is provided to the junior level office employees by their supervisors and to the senior level managers, it is the duty of the chief managers of respective department/section to see that the appraisal is carried out.

Purpose or Objectives: The main intent of carrying out performance appraisal is to enhance the performance and the knowledge within the organizational context in general. The more importantly, there are various purposes of the performance appraisal few of which are regarded useful and worth noting are enlisted as:




a. Provide a forum for open discussion of individual strengths and identification of areas where improvement is needed. b. Provide assistance to the individual for improvement of performance and ongoing development. c. Provide an opportunity for the individual and supervisor to set mutual objectives. d. Provide a fair and effective basis for making personnel decisions. e. Recognize the importance of the individual's contribution to institutional success. f.

Provide supporting documentation for pay decisions, promotions, transfers, grievances, complaints, disciplinary actions, and terminations.

g. Allow for continuous communication between supervisor and employee about job performance. h. Offer the supervisor and employee the opportunity to develop a set of expectations for future performance. i.

Provide the opportunity for the supervisor and employee to assess the employee's past performance.

Guidelines: There are various ways of carrying out performance appraisal. Specifically, the following can be considered as basic guidelines: a. The evaluation is completed in cooperation with the appraisee. b. The criteria on which performance is evaluated will be clearly communicated to the appraisee prior to the commencement of the evaluation process. c. The performance of each individual is different due to the difference in their skills and abilities. d. Performance is compared with expectations-the current position description. e. Generally, supervisors are considered for making valid judgments, but the evaluations are sought from the junior level staffs as well. f. Confidentiality is maintained throughout, and the results are clearly explained and controlled stating it to be the effective and fair means of appraisal.




g. A result of the evaluation process will be the identification of appraisee development needs and the creation of a plan by which that development will be achieved. Meets Unacceptable



Needed Work


performance is performance inadequate and does







performance is performance is

not consistently

inferior to the consistently standards

of meet




consistently the above

the standards

of standard

of performance

required for the performance for for position.




consistently the superior to the of standards required for the

the for the position. job.

position. position.

Performance at Serious effort is this level cannot needed


be allowed to improve continue.


The table presented above gives the overall performance rating on the basis of the performance appraisal given in the annex 5.1 (performance evaluation format used at NB Bank)


“Our employees are our most important asset": It may be true, but how do you give teeth to this highly overused statement? To be credible to your employees, you need to exhibit a genuine commitment to their professional growth, while remembering that you are not running a training organization. Fortunately, achieving this balance is not that hard. The 37



key is to keep it simple. The essential elements of a development plan are clearly tying training and education to business objectives, defining and obtaining mutual commitment to specific actions, and following up periodically on the commitments made. In practice, you will find that employees who were complaining about not being given opportunities to develop their skills may in fact not be living up to their end of the commitment. Over an extended period of time, those who are committed to developing their skills become evident.

2.6.1 Benefits An effective training and development strategy: • Provides a clear statement to employees that you are interested and committed to their professional growth. • Focuses on the mutual commitment (employee and employer) necessary to make career development a reality. • Enables predictable budgeting of training costs. • Provides for feedback on the efficacy of training. 2.6.2 Initiation If you do not have a formal training/development program in place, take the following steps: a. Develop a program for training and development using as the foundation form similar to that provided in the sample form. b. Ensure that there is adequate funding available to carry out the program. c. Assert and ensure the commitment to the program from all parties involved. d. Ensure that support for the program is part of the management evaluation process for your management team.

2.6.3 Development Package for Relationship Manager in Nepal Bangladesh Bank The Recognition and Development Program provides employees with a fair and confidential process for establishing clear expectations regarding duties and 38



responsibilities, gaining an understanding of the objectives and workloads of a position, recognizing achievements and conveying appreciation, providing feedback about work performed, agreeing on staff development and training needs and the means of meeting those needs, offering guidance, planning career moves, and giving the opportunity to resolve work problems.

The Bank’s Staff Development Policy aims to assist the development of each individual and thereby enhance the Bank’s performance through improved organizational efficiency and effectiveness. Towards this objective, the Recognition and Development Program provides a process that supervisors can use to further the organization unit’s common goals, acknowledge achievements of their general staff, learn whether problems exist, and work with individual staff to build on their strengths and overcome any problems.

2.6.4 Needs Assessment Companies must analyze carefully if they need to enroll their employees in specific development programs. If so, what courses are best suited for their company? What target results do they want from their employees on account of the training? These questions can be answered using a needs analysis and finding out which areas need extra training for employees. Usually managers need training to help perform better and manage more efficiently, make sure the employees are up to date with the latest technology available to ensure they perform better, convey to the employees all about the program, the outcomes the bank expect, and how important it is he/she do his/her jobs better by using the opportunity the bank has provided him/her. Hence, employee development programs are essential for any business to thrive and succeed.  Needs Assessment from Position Holder’s Perspective An individual development plan is prepared by the position holder in partnership with his or her supervisor. The plan is based upon the needs of the position holder, the position and the organization. A good individual development plan will be interesting, achievable, practical and realistic. It is implemented with the approval of the employee's supervisor. o Self-assessment 39



The position holder identifies his or her skills, abilities, values, strengths and weaknesses. To conduct a self-assessment the position holder should: 

Compare his/her knowledge, skills and abilities to those identified in the job description

Review performance assessments (performance assessments are often used as the starting place for developing individual development plans).

Identify his/her areas of strength and weakness.

Explain the beliefs, attitudes and values that he/she can bring to the job.

Identify his/her needs such as security, advancement, money, challenge, etc.

Ask for feedback from the supervisor o Assessement of his/her current position and work environment

The employee does an assessment of the requirement of his or her position at the present time and how the requirements of the position and/or organization may change. To conduct a position assessment: 

Identify the job requirements and performance expectations of his/her current position.

Identify the knowledge, skills, and abilities that will enhance his/her ability to perform the current job.

Identify and assess the impact on his/her position of changes taking place in the work environment such as changes in clients, programs, services, and technology.

Describe what environment he/she can learn best in.

Describe the supervisory style he/she is most comfortable with.

 Needs Assessment from Management Perspective Employee training is the responsibility of the organization. Employee development is a shared responsibility of management and the individual employee. The responsibility of management is to provide the right resources and an environment that supports the growth and development needs of the individual employee. 40



The management should focus on the following aspects for successful employee training and development program: 

Provide a well-crafted job description - it is the foundation upon which employee training and development activities are built

Provide training required by employees to meet the basic competencies for the job.

Develop a good understanding of the knowledge, skills, and abilities that the organization will need in the future. What are the long-term goals of the organization and what are the implications of these goals for employee development? Share this knowledge with staff.

Look for learning opportunities in every-day activity. Was there an incident with a client that everyone could learn from? Is there a new government report with implications for the organization?

Explain the employee development process and encourage staff to develop individual development plans

Support staff when they identify learning activities that make them an asset to the organization both now and in the future.

On the part of individual employee in order to make employee development program a success, the following are impotant: Look for learning opportunities in every-day activity


Identify goals and activities for development and prepare an individual development plan




2.6.5 Development Package for NB Bank The recognition and development process starts when the staff member is new to the position with a meeting to discuss tasks and accountabilities from the duty statement. Performance, training and development needs, key aspects/areas of focus, and objectives for the next review period are discussed at each annual review. Outcomes from the annual review include a recommendation concerning remuneration and an agreed training and development plan. The cyclic representation of employee development process is mentioned below:

• • •

Duty Statement Primary purpose of the position Tasks/Accountabilities Objectives

• • •

Possible Outcomes Recommendation for an increment, as appropriate Recommendation for outstanding performance, if warranted Agreed training and development plan

• • • •

Annual Review Performance assessment and results Training and Development Job Skills and Knowledge assessment Training and Development planning Next 12 months Key aspects/areas of focus Objectives

2.6.6 Cost-effective methods for employee training and development Employee training and development needs to suit the organization's context, job descriptions, employment contracts and collective agreements. When selecting employee




training and development methods, it is important to remember the learning process. There are many ways to provide employees with learning opportunities, including:

I. On-the-job experience a. Committees 

Committees are part of every-day activity in any organization made up of staff from different areas of the organization will enhance learning by allowing members to see issues from different perspectives.. They can also be effective learning tools, with the right focus.

Set aside part of the committee's work time to discuss issues or trends that may impact on the organization in the future.

Duration: Atleast weekly meeting is arranged by the department itself. The committee with members from different departments meets every fortnightly to share the experience of achievement and success within the orgainization.

Outcome: The members of different committee come up with certain plan and share with the members in the meeting. The relationship manager should be able to analyse the important issues under his/her areas of working.

b. Conferences and forums 

The relationship manager can attend conferences that focus on topics of relevance to his/her position and the organization.

Requirement: The employee makes a presentation to other staff as a way of enhancing the individual's learning experience and that of the organization’s as a whole.

Location: The relationship manager in the prospective program of training can be send to attend seminars, conferences and forums (like the ones conducted by the international association of banks, etc.) to different places in-and-outside the country.




Outcome: The relationship manager after attending such programs will gather expertise in the new prospective fields of the banking sector.

c. Critical incident notes 

Day-to-day activities are always a source of learning opportunities.

Select the best of these opportunities and write up critical incident notes for staff to learn from. For instance, a client complaint was handled effectively by the relationship manager. S/He can write a brief summary of the incident and identify the employee's actions that led to a successful resolution.

The manager can share the notes with the employees involved and with others as appropriate. If the situation was not handled well, again s/he can (even) write a brief description of the situation identifying areas for improvement.

d. Field trips 

NB Bank has many branches at different locations. So the visit by the relationship manager to the sites other than the central office helps the manager gain a better understanding of the full range of programs and clients that the organization serves.

Field trips to other organizations serving a similar clientele or with similar positions can also provide a valuable learning experience.

Even the staff’s visit would be helpful for the manager by making follow up of the field trip by having the staff explain what s/he has learned and how s/he can apply that learning to the organization.

Duration: The field trip should be frequently organized which should not exceed the time of 2 year between the two consecutive visits and it should be for a time period of atleast 2 months.

Outcome: This will help in gaining hand-on experience of the working of the different places with the type of sub-culture within the same organization.

e. Job aids




Job aids are very useful for the relationship manager (especially the one taking on new responsibilities and for activities that happen infrequently). Tools like manuals, checklists, phone lists, procedural guidelines, decision guidelines and so forth can be given to the manager to help perform the job better.

This even includes the enrichment of the job with the addition of technological advancement equipments and their needs and requirements should be assessed in the organizational context.

Outcome: The relationship manager can enhance efficiency in his/her areas of control.

f. Job expanding 

Once the manager has mastered the requirements of his or her job and is performing satisfactorily, s/he may want greater challenges. The manager can be assigned new additional duties of his/her choice in consent with the supervisor.

Organizations with flat organizational structure are starting to give some managerial tasks to experienced staff as a way of keeping those staff challenged.

Outcome: It strenthens the ability of the manager and prepares for the new job responsibilitis and even the position as well.

g. Job rotation 

On a temporary basis, the realtionship manager can be given the opportunity to work in a different area of the organization.

The employee keeps his or her existing job but fills in for or exchanges responsibilities with another employee.

The organization has to identify the behavior of the employees and see to it that if they need any changes in the working environment and job responsibilities and provide so accordingly through job rotation.




h. Job shadowing 

If an employee wants to learn what someone else in the organization does, the employee can follow that person and observe him or her at work.

Usually the person doing the shadowing does not help with the work that is being done.

Outcome: This increases the skill and in the field outside his/her actual field of work.

i. Learning alerts 

Newspaper articles, government announcements and reports can be used as learning alerts.

Prepare a brief covering page which could include a short summary and one or two key questions for the employees to consider. Then circulate the item.

Include the item on the agenda of the next staff meeting for a brief discussion.

j. Peer-assisted learning 

Two employees agree to help each other learn different tasks. Both employees should have an area of expertise that the co-worker can benefit from.

The employees take turns helping their co-worker master the knowledge or skill that they have to share.

A successful manager even seeks information and tries to learn from his/her subordinates.

k. 'Stretch' assignments 

These assignments give the employee an opportunity to stretch past his or her current abilities.

The manager should take time after the consigned assignment to discuss with the employees what went well and what could have been improved.




Outcome: This helps the manager to look out of the window and think out of the box and also prepares for the higher rated job than what s/he has been doing right now and makes ready to take up the added responsibilities.

l. Special projects 

Give the manager an opportunity to work on a project that is normally outside his or her job duties.

Frequency: The relationship manager can be asked to undertake the new projects of the bank in regular basis.

Outcome: The manager can be trusted with new project launch and ready him/her for such undertaking.

m. Relationships and feedback m1. Coaching 

Coaching refers to a pre-arranged agreement between an experienced manager and a newly appointed or inexperienced one.

The Chief Credit Officer (CCO) has to provide practical skills on how to sanction and control the credit flow in co-ordination with the experts.

The CCO has to evaluate and provide feedback on the skills practised by the Relationship Manager on monthly basis.

Duration: There should be the provision of providing coaching for at least one month about the job to be performed.

Outcome: The relationship manager is able to understand the accurate working of the organization in banking sector.

m2. Mentoring 

Mentoring is similar to coaching. Mentoring occurs when a senior, experienced manager provides guidance and advice to a junior employee. 47



As, the relationship manager and his/her sub-ordinates have a working relationship with each other so the manager can direct his/her sub-ordinates regarding the task performed through his/her experience.

Outcome: The manager himself/herself will be able to tackle the problems faced while carrying out an assigned task.

m3. Networking 

Some professional specialties have informal networks designed to meet the professional development need of the members. Members meet to discuss current issues and to share information and resources.

The bank needs to call for meeting and if possible call for conference with its legal advisors, national economist and other related individuals to deal with current issues and problems of the bank and also discuss on the issues related to the bank.

Outcome: The relationship manager can help the bank identify its potential threats, opportunites and act accordingly.

m4. Performance appraisal 

Performance appraisals are partly evaluation and partly developmental. In traditional performance appraisals the manager evaluates the employee's strengths and weaknesses.

In a 360-degree performance appraisal, feedback is gathered from supervisors, peers, staff, other colleagues, and sometimes clients.

Objective: The results of an appraisal can be used to identify areas for further development of the employee.

Outcome: The manager should be able to identify the developmental needs of the employees and the ways to motivate them to work keeping in mind of the organizational interest.

n. Classroom training n1. Courses, seminars, workshops 48



These are formal training opportunities that can be offered to employees either internally or externally. A trainer, facilitator and/or subject matter expert can be brought into your organization to provide the training session or an employee can be sent to one of these learning opportunities during work time.

By identifying the needs of the employee, the organization needs to invite experts for special training through seminars, courses and workshops to its employees to improve their performance.

Duration and Frequency: One month of training provided by the seminars and the workshops is at least required and should be regularly attended assessing the changing context of the banking operation.

Outcome: The change is implemented in the best interest of the organization and personal development is assured.

II. Off-the-job learning

a. Courses offered by colleges or universities 

The relationship manager is sometimes send to colleges and universities that offer courses relevant to his areas of job responsibilities at flexible time, but the cost of course would be incurred by the bank itself..

If the manager needs to attend some courses related to his/her performance, the manager can find crash courses related to the manager’s requirement and attend the class on paid leave.

Outcome: The manager would be updated with the latest scenario and achievements in the field of banking in relation to the human resources and the ways of operation of the system in organizational context.

b. Professional associations 

Professional associations, like networks, provide employees an opportunity to stay current in their chosen field. 49



Purpose: The manager needs to maintain a sound relation with professionals and experts.

Outcome: The manager would be updated with the market nature and take advice and can provide suggestions for solving problems or addressing issues.

c. Reading groups (also called learning circles or reading circles) 

A group of staff meets to discuss books or articles relevant to the work or the business banking department of NB Bank.

Time: Meetings usually take place outside normal working hours on weekly basis to discuss any article related to the financial sector.

Requirement: The article or journals should be provided beforehand for the employees to prepare on it.

Outcome: The work group can have various ideas and they are expected to come up with solution to some problem on consensus. An appreciable team work is expected.

d. Self study 

Self-paced independent reading, e-learning courses, and volunteer work all provide learning opportunities. The manager engages in the learning activity by choice and at his or her desired pace of learning.

Outcome: The manager is supposed to have enhanced the research ability and analyze the situation independently on his/her own.

The above mentioned procedures definitely help in enhancing the level of the work at the organization. Apart from these methods of developmental activities, the organization should be arranging the training programs and other activities to uplift the capability of the personnel. After assessing the form for the need of developing the job skills, and knowledge as presented in the annex, the organization should act accordingly.




3. LEARNING This simulation project has been designed with the objective of acquiring practical knowledge and implications to what we have learned theoretically. At first, we have selected “Save the Children” for this simulation purpose. But it was going through a restructuring program and was unable to provide us with the necessary information any more. So, we have to change the organization. Then we selected “NB Bank” for this project. It provided us with all the required information. Even while selecting the organization, it is important that we should select such organization that provides us with continuous information according to the need of the study and as designed by the course instructor.

The learning from this project has been in a sequential order such as job description and job specification, ad construction, weighted application blank, recruitment and selection package, appraisal package and development package. With the preparation of these packages, we learned to apply the HR concepts in a more practical manner.

The position “Relationship Manager” was hypothetical for which we have designed all these packages. So we were involved in more complex cognitive processes. All team members have to do lot of brain storming for developing every package. To some extent, we also learned to be more analytical. And also this project report is a result of our team effort. We also recognized the value of team work while going through the project.




4. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION The objective of the project was to get hand-on-experience in professional HRM functions and to combine practical experience with theoretical knowledge on several HR issues of Nepal Bangladesh Bank. While working on the project, we came to know about different issues that were essential but not highlighted. The preparation of different parts of the project was not a big issue but to understand the implementation of such small issues in different package was worth learning. Humans are by nature prone to error, but the successful person learns from the mistake and tries to correct him/herself from not committing the same. Due course of entire project, we committed certain mistakes in the study process and on the matter as well. Those mistakes were corrected in the report with incorporation of fundamentals of subject-matter from human resource management. The project enabled us with the learning of the organizational context and its real work environment. The organizations which do not consider the human resource management have the improper way and system of working. So in order to bring out the effective working of any organization, the systematic approach as guided by human resource management is absolutely necessary.

In regard to recommendation, we can divide this part into two sections: recommendation for the position (relationship manager) that we have studied and to the organization as a whole. Considering the recommendation to the relationship manager, we devised following points:  Gather the knowledge through training, seminars and other sources to broaden the knowledge of the field of working.  Understand the real duties of the area of control, and make the employees under the position to work with sense of responsibilities by helping them achieve certain goals which they consider challenging but attainable.  Know the power authorized for the post, and utilize it to enhance the working.  Prioritize the key responsibilities and duties so that the important aspect of job assignment is carried out at first hand and later finish other duties as well. 52



 Communicate the expectations out of the job, wants and desires from the organization, so that the real intention of the job is understood. Similarly, the organization has to take care of various things such that the overall performance can be heightened. Some of the points worth to be mentioned in view of giving positive comments to the organization are:  Keep up-to-date record of human resources management through HRIS.  Select the best individuals for the vacant position who can meet the job requirements and specifications and understand the organizational goal.  Whenever it has to announce the vacancy in any post, follow the AIDA guidelines to publish the advertisement in most suitable media.  Always create an open communication channel so that the personnel of organization can share their achievements, complaints and ideas which can be of great benefits to the organization.  Motivate the staffs through proper means, and create a sense of respect and recognition in the employees so that they feel motivated to work with full commitment.  Devise effective, reliable, faultless performance appraisal with consent of the employees.  Manage trainings and developmental programs to the staffs after assessing the evaluation form.  Create change in the organizational structure and culture that best carries the interest of the employees as well.




Table of Contents ACKNOWLEDGEMENT………………………………………………………………...i EXECUTIVE SUMMARY……………………………………………………………….ii TABLE OF CONTENT………………………………………………………………… .iii 1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 INTRODUCTION TO THE PROJECT ................................................................... 3 1.2 INTRODUCTION OF THE BANK......................................................................... 3 1.3 OBJECTIVES........................................................................................................... 4 1.4 METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................... 4 1.5 SCOPE...................................................................................................................... 4 1.6 LIMITATIONS......................................................................................................... 5 2. CONCEPTUAL ANALYSIS .............................................................................................................. 6

2.1 JOB ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................... 6 2.1.1 Job Profiling ...................................................................................................... 9 2.1.2 Job identity....................................................................................................... 10 2.1.3 Job Contents .................................................................................................... 10 2.1.4 Job Description ................................................................................................ 10 2.1.5 Job Specification.............................................................................................. 11 2.2 ADVERTISEMENT............................................................................................... 11 2.3 APPLICATION BLANK ....................................................................................... 14 2.3.1 Weighted Application Blank ........................................................................... 14 2.4 RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION PACKAGE FOR NB BANK .............. 17 2.4.1 STAGES OF RECRUITMENT....................................................................... 17 2.4.2 STAGES OF SELECTION ............................................................................. 21 2.5 PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL:........................................................................... 29 2.5.1 Objectives of Performance Appraisal:......................................................... 30 2.5.2 Steps of Appraisal:........................................................................................... 31 2.5.3 Methods of Performance Appraisal ................................................................. 32 2.5.4 Scope of Performance Appraisal ..................................................................... 34 2.5.5 Errors Occurred in Performance Appraisal ..................................................... 34 2.5.6 Performance Appraisal Policy: ........................................................................ 35 2.6 DEVELOPMENT PACKAGE:.............................................................................. 37 2.6.1 Benefits ............................................................................................................ 38 2.6.3 Development Package for Relationship Manager in Nepal Bangladesh Bank 38 2.6.4 Needs Assessment ........................................................................................... 39 2.6.5 Development Package for NB Bank................................................................ 42 2.6.6 Cost-effective methods for employee training and development .................... 42 Duty Statement ............................................................................................................... 1 3. LEARNING .................................................................................................................................. 51 4. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION................................................................................... 52




ANNEX: ANNEX 1: JOB DESCRIPTION Name of the Organization: NB Bank Ltd. Part One: Job Identity Relationship Manager (RM) 1. Position title: 2.

Position Identity:

3. Work Unit: 4. Reports to: 5. Supervises:

6.Work relationships (nature of relationship):

Manager: Level Four (M4) Business Banking Department Chief Credit Officer and Chief Operating Officer Assistant Relationship Manager (Set A) Assistant Relationship Manager (Set B) Internal: External: Credit Support Unit staff (coordinating Borrowers/customers for documentation), (coordinating, serving, Chief Executive Officer (Reporting on advising), all major developments or on any other Regulators (reporting, issues on demand) responding to queries), Head of Business Banking (Reporting etc. on all and specifically business matters) Head of Credit (Reporting on all credit matters), Other Relationship Managers (advising / coordinating). Assistant relationship Manager (Advising / Guiding /Supervising)

7. Job purpose:

Manage relationships to meet set business targets by exploring various opportunities on new loans and deposits and ensuring that the quality of the loans booked is maintained at satisfactory level and in compliance with regulatory and internal guidelines.

Part Two: Job Contents 8. Performance Areas and Standards Performance Standards Responsibilities and Duties  At least 15 deposit / loan customers 1. Book loans to increase existing should be met every month duly portfolio of risk assets (loans) 55



Carry out regular marketing calls on existing and new accounts. Calls for loans of Rs. 20 million and above on a minimum monthly basis while on others on quarterly basis to achieve the monthly/quarterly targets through the monthly / quarterly reviews. Conduct meetings with customers to understand needs, process loan applications based on customer request need, financial strengths, through credit application formats within the time periods specified in the service delivery standards, to achieve the set targets.

At least 5 new loans must be approved and booked every month.

Loan and deposit budgets to be tracked vis-à-vis achievement every month.

Each customer must be responded on a decision in favor of their request or otherwise within 7 days of receipt of written application.

Account strategy of each account or portfolio must be thoroughly reviewed once a year vide the annual review of each such loan account and thereafter updated quarterly or bi-annually depending on the size of the loan i.e. quarterly or loans above Rs. 20 million and others on semi-annual basis. So that the targets of the portfolio is monitored on a timely manner to ensure achievement. However, in case of reactive market/ industry scenario review of the respective account /portfolio strategy to be done as and when required.

Ensure full compliance of the requirements as laid down in the Management of Deteriorating Credits Policy and Nepal Rastra Bank directives on compliance are strictly followed.

An update on financial and account performance of borrower need to be updated to approving chain on quarterly basis.

All quarterly reports from the set must confirm that the Credit Policy requirements have been ensured and deterioration problems, if any, with regard to any specific loan account have been reported vide a separate memo within 3 days.

At least once a year and within 6 months of the close of the financial

Formulate marketing strategy to “grow” or “maintain” or “exit” on each specific sector/category of businesses so that targets and achievements with regard to each sector are monitored on timely manner and necessary change of sectors are ensured on a timely basis.

2. Manage all loans within a default rate not exceeding 1% of the total loans. 

evidenced through call records.

Carry out monitoring and control of the loans and ensure that early alert mechanisms, as described in the Management of Deteriorating Credits Policy Manual or the Nepal Rastra Bank directives, are followed and problems if any are detected on a timely manner. Review the financial statements of all loan borrowers to check if the actual financials are as per earlier projections.

Conduct audits / inspections of assets / security financed.

Ensure that all regulatory and internal guidelines are adhered to.




year, the financial statement of the loan borrowers should be reviewed.

4. Guide/Supervise /Advise: 

Advise and guide the subordinates (Assistant Relationship Managers) credit / relationship management and any issues with regard to the customers or the portfolio in general or customers in particular through on spot advice or through a formal orientation collected during the period both or as required by monitoring the performance contract of both.

5. Recover all applicable revenue 

Calculate account revenue and compare with the target set for the account, to ensure applicable revenue is tracked and collected.

Any negative variance in sales or profit of the financials by more than 10% must be reported for discussion in the Credit Review Committee meeting. At least on a quarterly basis conducting audit and recording the evidence of the same in file.

In case of any detected a flag approving chain within 3 days recommendations actions.

issues / problems must be raised & formally appraised with appropriate on next course of

In case of any shortfall in drawing power by more than 15% vis-à-vis loan outstanding a flag must be raised to approving chain within 3 days with recommendations on next course of actions.

Customer list is prepared and updated every month.

Feedbacks collected from customers on a quarterly basis.

Existing portfolio of loans and deposits are reviewed / monitored every month.

Respective sector caps on each industry/ products are reviewed & updated every month.

Regularly with formal updates feedbacks taken at least quarterly.

Tracking of revenue /account earning is tracked against the budget every quarter.


9. Authority 

Authority to approve cash secured loans and mortgaged secured loans up to Rs. 2.5 million as per the framework provided in the Credit Approval Discretion Manual and respective Product Paper Guidelines.




Approve annual leaves of subordinate up to a maximum of 30 days in one year including a mandatory annual leave of 12 days at a stretch. Approve cash advance up to Rs. 20,000/- on the request of his/her subordinate for any outstation visit related to any existing customer of the portfolio. Authority to liaise with Nepal Rastra Bank Inspectors directly on credit matters related to his/her portfolio of the loan customers. Authority to use the Bank’s pool vehicle for the use of marketing calls or visiting customers, a prior information only of one day to be provided to administration. Authority to access any security documentation related to the portfolio of the customers managed by self and which are placed in the custody of the Credit Support Unit (CSU). A form for the purpose must however need to be filled and submitted to CSU for its records. Other authorities as per Authority Delegation Manual of the Bank

   

10. Key Result Areas and Performance Indicators Key Result Areas Performance Indicators 1. Make budgets 1. Achievement of growth of …. % 2. Loan management measured every month against budget 3. Train & manage subordinates approved by management. 4. Recover applicable revenue 2. Call records in file. i.e. minimum 1 visit every 3 months for loans up to Rs. 5M and minimum 1 visits every 2 months for loans above Rs.5M. Achievement of NPA to risk assets of 1.5% or below; to be measured every month. 3. File record on inspection reports maintained by Credit Support Unit i.e. inspection bi-annually for loans up to Rs. 5M and inspection every quarter for loans above Rs. 5M.

Part Three: Job Requirement 11. Minimum Educational Attainment: Master’s degree preferably in finance, accounts or an MBA. 12. Minimum professional experience: Minimum 5 years exposure in Credit / Relationship Management of a commercial bank. 13. Required Competencies     

Familiar with Nepal Rastra Bank Directives and guidelines Ability to use computers specially word, spreadsheets and power point. Ability to make presentations on credit/relationship matters and take trainings. Ability to convince the customers on various products and services offered by the Bank / cross selling abilities. Good communication / interpersonal skills



 


Ability to work with team / as a team player Ability to manage / lead and motivate staff

14. Critical Attributes Leadership, adaptability, positive attitude, assertive, self driven, team player, able to handle customer queries, flexible regarding working hours or on working late, a team player.





ANNEX 3: APPLICATION BLANK Weighted Application Blank for post of Relationship Manager The information included in any application blank has the following parameters: 1. Personal Information Name Gender Date of Birth (AD)

Marital Status





Nationality Postal Address

Permanent Address (If different) Mobile No. Email Address (If appropriate) Telephone (daytime)

Telephone (evening)

2. Qualifications (Most Recent First) Level Subject

3. Work Experience Employer Job Title


Main Responsibilities


Dates Employment


of Reason Leaving


4. Job Specific Questions 4.1. Refer to Job Description / Advertisement for this position and indicate your skill level against these areas…


Strike out or delete what’s not applicable Excellent High Beginner




4.2. Describe how your experience, qualifications and competencies match the position for which you are applying (use no more than 1,000 characters)

4.3. Give a detailed description of your knowledge and practical experience relating to function of relationship manager.

4.4 Describe your understanding and experience about Credit Appraisal process. What do you think are the most critical aspect of Credit Appraisal process?

4.5. Describe your experience in dealing with customers. What lesson have you learned regarding importance of communication skill in your Job?

4.6. Describe the risk types we may be exposed to on our decision to extend credit facility.

4.7. What strategy are relevant for dealing with clients with doubtful account, client with loss graded account, default client whose asset is already booked into NBA. Why? 62



4.8. How much relevancy does periodic monitoring and inspection has in maintaining healthy credit portfolio?

5. General Questions 5.1. Describe a time when you have improved or changed something for the improvement of your colleagues/work team/friends.

5.2. In your current (or most recent) job, how did you share information, skills & knowledge with others?

5.3. Describe a time when you have shown great flexibility in your job, and describe the affect you had?

6. Language Skills



Language Level of spoken competence (E.g. basic, intermediate, fluent)


Level of written competence (E.g. basic, intermediate, advanced)

7. Other Relevant Training/Information 7.1. Please detail other relevant training or information, which you feel, may support your application.

7.2. Please state monthly salary of your present job or most recent job (according to No. 3)

7.3. Please state how soon will you be able to start working in case we agree on a contract?

8. Location Mobility 8.1 This job will require frequent travel to various cluster locations Please indicate whether you would be able to make this commitment.




8.2 Please note below any constraints or limitation we should be aware of.

9. References Please provide the names of 2 professional people to give references on your behalf. Title Name Address (include email and telephone number if appropriate)

Note: One referee must be your current employer and other may be professional referee. Include detail addresses of both the referees. Please state where you learnt about this vacancy:

Signature: ______________________________


(If you email the form, we will ask your signature later, please enter date only) Note: Ensure that you have supplied all requested information; incomplete application form will be rejected. ANNEX 4: RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION Annex 4.1: Recruitment and Selection Checklist Staffing Action for: The Relationship Manager Before recruitment 

Review the bank’s recruitment and selection policy and/or practices

Review the strategic and operational plans to determine if the position should be filled

Confirm that funding exists to recruit for and staff the position

Obtain the necessary approvals to staff the position 65



Develop a job description if the position is new

Review and update the job description for an existing position

Decide on the type of employment (full-time; part-time; permanent; contract; short-term; etc)

Identify constraints that will have an impact on the staffing process (need someone soon; specialized skills; supply/demand, etc)

Establish the recruitment and selection criteria 

Develop recruitment and selection criteria based on the job description

Establish the minimum qualification for the position

Review all recruitment and selection criteria to ensure they are job-related and measurable

Ensure that all recruitment and selection criteria comply with Human Rights Legislation

Recruitment process 

Determine the best method for recruiting for the position

Draft the job announcement using the job description, minimum qualifications and selection criteria

Include the following in the job announcement: o Application deadline o Request for references o Start date o Salary range o Contact information o Format for submission

Ensure that the job announcement complies with Human Rights Legislation

Selection process




Before the interview 

Plan the interview process: o Number of rounds of interviews o Number of interviewers o Length of the interview o Location of the interview o Date of the interviews o Any materials the candidate should bring to the interview

Ask colleagues to sit on the interview panel

Give the interview panel the logistical information about the interviews

Develop the interview questions

Prepare an interview rating guide

Develop a reference check guide

Prepare a reference release form

Ensure that the interview questions, reference questions and other selection criteria comply with Human Rights Legislation

Prescreen applications using the selection criteria

Set up the interviews with the selected candidates

Forward the applications of those candidates being interviewed to the interview panel

Forward the interview questions and interview rating guide to the interview panel

Meet with the interview panel to brief them on the interview process

Conduct the interview 

Review the candidate’s application before each interview

Welcome the candidate to the interview

Introduce the interview panel

Explain the interview process

Rate the candidate’s responses to the questions 67



Give the candidate an opportunity to ask questions

Close the interview by explaining the next step and thanking the candidate for coming to the interview

Ensure that the discussion and the note taking during the interview complies with Human Rights Legislation

After the interview 

Finalize the interview notes

Select the right candidate 

Use other selection methods as appropriate

Telephone the references

Use the reference checking guide to document the conversation

Ensure that the discussion and the note taking during the reference check complies with Human Rights Legislation

Conclude the staffing process 

Make the decision and review it

Make a verbal offer of the position to the selected candidate

Follow-up the verbal offer in writing

Prepare the job contract and have it signed before the new staff member starts work

Send out rejection letters to the other candidates that were interviewed

Set up a competition file

Complete the paperwork necessary for the new staff member to start work




Annex 4.2: Sample Letter of the Offer Date Name Address City Postal Code


Dear Mr. /Ms.

Following our recent discussions, we are delighted to offer you the position of Relationship Manager with NB Bank. NB Bank is one of the fastest growing banks in the nation after the occurrence of bank run. If you join NB Bank, you will become part of a fast-paced and dedicated team that works together to provide our clients with the highest possible level of service and advice.

As a member of NB Bank team, we would ask for your commitment to deliver outstanding quality and results that exceed client expectations. In addition, we expect your personal accountability in all the products, actions, advice and results that you provide as a representative of NB Bank. In return, we are committed to providing you with every opportunity to learn grow and stretch to the highest level of your ability and potential.




We are confident you will find this new opportunity both challenging and rewarding. The following points outline the terms and conditions we are proposing.

Title: Relationship Manager

Job description: See attached

Start date: Start date

Salary: Amount per year (as per bank’s policy) Probation: Describe Bank’s probationary policy Group benefits: Succinctly include bank’s group benefits plan, including when the new employee will be eligible

Hours of work: Mention the hours of work per week this position requires

Reporting relationship: Identify the position that this position will report to

Vacation: Explain bank’s vacation policy including how many days, how they are accumulated etc.

Following the initial probationary period, a progression and performance review will be conducted on a quarterly basis to assess performance to-date, and to clarify or modify this arrangement, as the need may arise.

This arrangement may be terminated by either party upon notice in writing to either party with notice that complies with Employment Standards.




We look forward to the opportunity to work with you in an atmosphere that is successful and mutually challenging and rewarding.


Name Title Organization

With the signature below, I accept this offer for employment.





ANNEX 5: PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL ANNEX 5.1: Performance Evaluation Format: Employee Name:


Payroll Title (Class):

Date Hired:


Length of

(in Period covered by this



time in present job




Supervisor’s Name:


Supervisor’s Payroll Title:





Years Months have



Rating Standards

Unacceptable (U)

Work performance is inadequate and inferior to the standards of performance required for the position. Performance at this level cannot be allowed to continue.

Improvement Needed (IN) Work performance does not consistently meet the standards of performance for the position. Serious effort is needed to improve performance. Meets Expectations (ME)

Work performance consistently meets the standards of performance for the position.

Exceeds Expectations (EE) Work performance is consistently above the standard of performance for the position. Outstanding (O)

Work performance is consistently superior to standards required for the job.

Not Applicable (NA)

The employee is not required to perform in a specific rating factor, and it cannot be measured.

Critical Dimensions: The evaluation of the given dimensions will be done by the Chief Credit Officer (CCO) for Relation Manager. 72













1. Technical Skills (Effectiveness with which the employee applies job knowledge and skill to job assignments)

Job Knowledge Analyzes Problems Provides Suggestions for Work Improvement Employs Tools of the Job Competently

2. Quality of Work (Manner in which the employee completes job assignments)

Accuracy or Precision Reliability Responsiveness


Requests For Service FollowThrough/Follow-Up Judgment/Decision Making

3. Interpersonal Skills (Effectiveness of the employee’s interactions with others and as a team participant) 73



With Co-workers With Supervisors With



Staff Commitment to Team Success

4. Communication Skills (conveying message to other people clearly and unambigiously)

Written Expression Oral Expression Shares


Willingly Tact and Diplomacy

5. Approach to Work (Characteristics the employee demonstrates while performing job assignments)

Seeks Ways to Streamline Processes Open to New Ideas and Approaches Initiative Planning


Organization Flexible/Adaptable Follows Instructions Challenges Status Quo




Processes in Appropriate Ways Seeks


Training and Development

6. Quantity of work (Employee’s success in producing the required amount of work) Priority Setting Amount of Work Completed Work Completed on Schedule

7. Supervisory/Leadership Skills (Applies only to employee who is a Manager, Supervisor, or Lead)

Support of NB Bank Diversity Programs







Responsibility, Accountability, Authority 75



Evaluates Staff Regularly

Faces Performance Problems Squarely



Risk Taking






Maximizes Resources

Instills Performance,

Service, Innovation, and Quality

Sets High Standards for Self, as well as Others



Institutional Goals in Evaluating Unit Effectiveness

Supports Useful Debate and Disagreement




Welcomes Constructive Criticism

Fosters Respect for Facts, Data,




Uses Analytical Tools and Models




Sets Specific Goals for Simplicity,


and Process Improvements

Supports Experimentation and Brainstorming


Leads to Innovation and Learning

Overall Performance Rating (Place an X in the box below that describes the employee’s overall performance rating.) Meets Unacceptable



Exceeds Expectations


Needed Work


performance is performance inadequate and does inferior to the consistently




performance is performance is

not consistently meets

consistently the above


consistently the superior to the 77


standards performance


of meet

the standards


of performance

required for the performance for for position.


of standard performance

of standards required for the

the for the position. job.

position. position.

Performance at Serious effort is this level cannot needed


be allowed to improve continue.


Supervisor’s Comments (Additional comments may be attached)

Actions Plans/Training and Development Goals (If applicable, summarize any specific projects, performance objectives, or training and development for the next review period)

Employee Comments/Reactions (Optional. If employee wishes to do so, any comments concerning the appraisal may be indicated in this section, or by an attachment)




Employee Signature


I have read and discussed this evaluation with my supervisor and I understand its contents. My signature means that I have been advised of my performance status and does not necessarily imply that I agree with either the appraisal or the contents.



Signature and Date


and Date

ANNEX 5.2: Self Performance Appraisal Format Name:



Date of Joining: Experience with ______________: I. The Relation Manager needs to fill up the form and submit to Chief Credit Officer (CCO) for further performance evaluation




1. What kind of project/ task you have accomplished during past 6 months and what do you consider being your most

important achievements that have increased the level of individual productivity in the past 6 months?

2. What elements of your job do you find most difficult?





Self Rating

Manager’s Rating

Manager’s Comments

General Awareness and Understanding of technologies & organization culture and goals and targets to be achieved. Accuracy of Estimation, Ability to effectively interact with clients and superiors and make a positive impact, Effective Delegation & Resource utilization B. OPERATIONAL/TECHNICAL COMPETENCIES 1. Planning and organizing

Ability to visualize, prioritize and translate goals to short term & long term work plans Ability to optimize time. 2. Problem solving and decision making Analytical Skills / Logical reasoning & maturity in information analysis & interpretation and makes clear, consistent, transparent decisions; acts with integrity in all decision making; 3.Innovation and creativity New & out -of the box thinking / Lateral thinking / Imagination, Generate ideas for new projects/ Initiating workable ideas, techniques, solutions, Willingness to change/try new approaches & Initiative to improve efficiency 4.Process and results orientation Process adherence, Attitude of first –time right & Quality of deliverables, Schedule adherence and Customer Delight - internal & external 5. Personality Being self-motivated, keeping focused , positive and productive, Learning /Development orientation and Adaptability, Accountability, Leadership and Integrity 6. Team and Interpersonal Skill Contribution to team-work & team success, Building trust, empathy, mutual understanding and cooperation 7. Communication Connects with peers, subordinates and customers, actively listens, clearly and effectively shares information, demonstrates effective oral and written communication skills 8. Contribution to organizational goals and system Internalisation & projection of Vision, Culture & Business model, Adherence to , organizational systems and Processes, cost consciousness, Organisational Responsibility & Discipline ,Contribution to Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning, Initiative in company activities & Contribution to company morale and spirit 9. Quality improvement Strives for efficient, effective, high quality performance; delivers timely and accurate results; resilient when responding to situations that are not going well; takes initiative to make improvements 10. Leadership Accepts responsibility for own work; develops trust and credibility; demonstrates honest and ethical behavior 11. Service focus Values the importance of delivering high quality service to internal and external clients; understands the needs of the client; customer service focus; shares accountability for results provided 12. Questioning and Listening skills 3. What elements of your job interest you the most, and least?

4. Describe your achievement of goal set in the last period. SN

Last Period’s Goals


1 2




3 4 5 6

5. Please assess performance / position fit against the following areas on a 4 point Scale (1= Below Target, 2 = On Target, 3 = Above Target, 4 = Outstanding).


Goal’s for the next period Manager’s Comment

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Signature of the employee: _________________




7. Professional Development Plan

Instructions to use: Q1. Write about the following: a. Type and kind of project you have handled b. Significant achievement in the eyes of the organization c. Significant improvement in view of your fellow managers Q2. Major difficulty faced while accomplishing the targets. Write to the point and specific. Q3. Write the most pleasant part of your job and most sad part of your job. Q4. Write about the achievements in the past 6 months. These can be relating to a. Professional Upgradation i.e. obtaining the professional certification which is useful in the upgradation of technical skill and improved employee and customer care. b. Technical achievements/ improvements c. Others Q5. Please assess performance / position fit against the following areas on a 4 point Scale (1= Below Target, 2 = On Target, 3 = Above Target, 4 = Outstanding). Q6. Determine and set the goals for the next period in consultation with the Chief Credit Officer. Q7.Professional Development Plan, this will be filled by the Chief Credit officer.

1. Please put your answers in precise manner with neat and understandable hand writing. 2. Please do not fold this form and present it in the good condition. 3. No duplicate form will be provided; in case this form misplaced by you. 4. Please Submit on or before the date of submission as mention in the form. 5. Non submission of form will be considered as misconduct and it will be presumed that no appraisal is desired by the employee.




Employee Development Plan (Nepal Bangladesh Bank Ltd.) Name: Date:

Purpose Select one or more: Professional Development


Work Relationships

Personal Development

Life Balance


My Professional / Personal goals: Over the next 12 months are:

Over the next 3 years are:

Employee Development Plan (Nepal Bangladesh Bank Ltd.)

Analysis Complete












Life Balance Qualifications and Position at

Most Recent Performance Appraisals

Any formal testing results




Employee Development Plan (Nepal Bangladesh Bank Ltd.)

Objectives Your objectives describe where you plan to be. Based on the information above, identify up to three objectives that you would most like to achieve over the next year in your professional and/or personal development. Objectives What professional and or personal objective you want to achieve

Key Performance Measures What would indicate that this has been achieved

1 2 3

HOW Strategies

Action Plan

Due Date








Employee Development Plan (Nepal Bangladesh Bank Ltd.)




This is your chance to identify what programs or extra training would enhance your professional and/or personal development. What program or course will improve your professional and personal Date development? 1.





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