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A Prototype of Recruitment Portal Preprint · May 2017





1 author: A K M Bahalul Haque North South University 7 PUBLICATIONS   0 CITATIONS    SEE PROFILE

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A Prototype of Recruitment Portal Master Project INFORMATION CLASSIFICATION

Final report By Khaled Mosharraf (923542) AKM Bahalul Haque (926413) Submitted to Prof. Dr. Stephan Schneider Date 16,05,2017

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Table of Contents 1


Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 8 1.1

Background and Problem Statement ............................................................................................8


Aim and purpose ...........................................................................................................................8


Goals of the Project .................................................................................................................... 10

System Analysis ....................................................................................................................... 11 2.1


System Description ..................................................................................................................... 11


Job seekers arena ............................................................................................................... 11


Employers Arena ................................................................................................................ 11


Advertisers Arena ............................................................................................................... 12


Learning Management System, LMS .......................................................................................... 12


Core benefit with advantage ...................................................................................................... 13


Benefits....................................................................................................................................... 13


Consultancy ................................................................................................................................ 13

Methodology of Requirements Analysis.................................................................................... 14 3.1

Introduction................................................................................................................................ 14


Elicitation Technique Analysis .................................................................................................... 14


Requirements Entities: ....................................................................................................... 15


Effective Requirements challenge .............................................................................................. 16


The entity of Good requirements:.............................................................................................. 17


Requirements Analysis attributes should consider in analysis phase ................................ 17


Model Base Requirements ......................................................................................................... 18


Standard Requirements attributes ............................................................................................. 19


User story ................................................................................................................................... 19


Attributes of a User Story ................................................................................................... 20


Criteria for Acceptance of user story ................................................................................. 20


Activities ..................................................................................................................................... 20


Topics.......................................................................................................................................... 21


Goals ........................................................................................................................................... 22


Stakeholder Analysis .................................................................................................................. 22


Purpose of the stakeholder analysis [11] ........................................................................... 22


Plan ..................................................................................................................................... 23


Define ................................................................................................................................. 23


Identification Primary and secondary stakeholder ............................................................ 23


Requirements Identification Source................................................................................... 24


Requirements Collection .................................................................................................... 24


Brainstorming ..................................................................................................................... 24

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Interview............................................................................................................................. 24


Survey/Questionnaire ........................................................................................................ 25


Focus Group.................................................................................................................... 26


Document Analysis ......................................................................................................... 26


Online research .............................................................................................................. 26


Interface Analysis ........................................................................................................... 26


Other Discussion............................................................................................................. 26


Prototyping ..................................................................................................................... 26


Stakeholder Requirements ............................................................................................. 26


Improve .......................................................................................................................... 27


Operational Requirements ............................................................................................. 27


PASSMADE ...................................................................................................................... 27


Dependability Requirements.......................................................................................... 28


Quality requirements ..................................................................................................... 29


Process requirements..................................................................................................... 29


Reporting requirements ................................................................................................. 29


Interface / integration requirements ............................................................................. 29


Usability requirements ................................................................................................... 30


Training requirements .................................................................................................... 30


Security requirements .................................................................................................... 30


User Stories ................................................................................................................................ 30


Functional Requirement ............................................................................................................. 33


Non-Functional Requirement ..................................................................................................... 35

Learning Management System (LMS) in Our Project .................................................................. 37 4.1

Object of this platform ............................................................................................................... 37


Stakeholder for LMS system ....................................................................................................... 37


Scope of the Project ................................................................................................................... 37


Benefits of users/system ............................................................................................................ 38

System Design ......................................................................................................................... 39 5.1

Planning ...................................................................................................................................... 39


Analysis ....................................................................................................................................... 39


Implantation ............................................................................................................................... 39

Proposed Prototype ................................................................................................................. 40 6.1

System functionally Overview .................................................................................................... 40


System Architecture ................................................................................................................... 41


System Registration .................................................................................................................... 41


Activity Diagram for registration ........................................................................................ 42

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Employs Arena ............................................................................................................................ 51


Advertiser ................................................................................................................................... 57


SWOT Analysis ............................................................................................................................ 61



Strengths ............................................................................................................................ 61


Weaknesses ........................................................................................................................ 61


Opportunities ..................................................................................................................... 61


Threats ................................................................................................................................ 61

Mockup ................................................................................................................................... 62 7.1

Prototype demo ......................................................................................................................... 62


Data Base Management Analysis .............................................................................................. 66


Software Development Document Analysis .............................................................................. 67 9.1

10 10.1 11

Role & Responsibility .................................................................................................................. 67 Software requirements Findings Analysis .............................................................................. 68 Limitations .................................................................................................................................. 68 References ........................................................................................................................... 69

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Figure of Contents FIGURE 1 REQUIREMENTS ENGINEERING .............................................................................................................................. 22 FIGURE 2STAKEHOLDER ANALYSIS STEPS .............................................................................................................................. 23 FIGURE 3THREE FACTOR AUTHENTICATION ........................................................................................................................... 30 FIGURE 4 TOTAL OVERVIEW OF SYSTEM ................................................................................................................................ 40 FIGURE 5 PROPOSED SOFTWARE MODEL .............................................................................................................................. 41 FIGURE 6 REGISTRATION PROCESSES ACCORDING. .................................................................................................................. 42 FIGURE 7 ACCOUNT SETTING .............................................................................................................................................. 44 FIGURE 8 EDIT INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................................. 44 FIGURE 9USER LOGIN ....................................................................................................................................................... 45 FIGURE 10 PASSWORD RESET ACTIVITY ................................................................................................................................ 46 FIGURE 11 SEEKER ACTIVITY DIAGRAM ................................................................................................................................ 47 FIGURE 12 SEEKER SEQUENCE DIAGRAM .............................................................................................................................. 48 FIGURE 13 SEEKER USE CASE DIAGRAM ............................................................................................................................... 49 FIGURE 14SEEKER WORK FLOW DIAGRAM ........................................................................................................................... 50 FIGURE 15EMPLOYER ACTIVITY DIAGRAM ............................................................................................................................ 51 FIGURE 16 EMPLOYER SEQUENCE DIAGRAM ......................................................................................................................... 52 FIGURE 17 EMPLOYER USE CASE DIAGRAM .......................................................................................................................... 53 FIGURE 18 EMPLOYER WORKFLOW ...................................................................................................................................... 54 FIGURE 19 ADMIN ACTIVITY DIAGRAM ................................................................................................................................ 55 FIGURE 20 ADMIN USE CASE DIAGRAM ............................................................................................................................... 56 FIGURE 21 ADVERTISER ACTIVITY DIAGRAM .......................................................................................................................... 57 FIGURE 22 ADVERTISER SEQUENCE DIAGRAM ....................................................................................................................... 58 FIGURE 23 LMS ACTIVITY DIAGRAM ................................................................................................................................... 59 FIGURE 24 LMS USE CASE DIAGRAM .................................................................................................................................. 59 FIGURE 25 LMS DEVELOPMENT USE CASE DIAGRAM ............................................................................................................. 60 FIGURE 26 LMS WORKFLOW DIAGRAM............................................................................................................................... 60 FIGURE 27 EMPLOYER LOGIN ............................................................................................................................................. 62 FIGURE 28ACCOUNT CREATION .......................................................................................................................................... 62 FIGURE 29SEEKER LOGIN ................................................................................................................................................... 63 FIGURE 30EMPLOYER LOGGED IN WINDOW ......................................................................................................................... 63 FIGURE 31EMPLOYER PANEL.............................................................................................................................................. 64 FIGURE 32EMPLOYER PANEL CHATTING ............................................................................................................................... 64 FIGURE 33 EMPLOYER JOB POSTING ARENA .......................................................................................................................... 65 FIGURE 34 DATABASE STRUCTURE ...................................................................................................................................... 66

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Table of Contents TABLE 1-ISTAKEHOLDER MATRIX ........................................................................................................................................ 24 TABLE 2-I USER REGISTRATION CREDENTIAL DETAILS ............................................................................................................... 43 TABLE 3-IISWAT ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................................................... 61

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Most companies rely on their corporate website or online job portals to recruit. Very few companies use print media, social media or employment agencies. Most of the students have a vague idea about their job or fields of work and as such, they cannot reach out to a company’s website. Job Portals sometimes lack specific filters, and they cannot search their desired opportunities. Our plan is to bring together job portals and recruitment agencies in the same platform. Our idea does not only include typical Job portals already in existence, it will also contain a specific and on-demand filtering scope to provide the users with exact information needed. We have introduced individual interactive sessions like the consultation to provide hand-to-hand service to our clients. Our service will not only work for the job seekers but also for the employers. Our system will allow companies to incorporate their recruitment procedure and this will reduce the need for allocation of additional resources. It is also noted that a huge pool of researchers from abroad want to conduct their research in Germany. Most of them encounter issues whilst searching for a Research Institute or University where they can conduct their research. Thus we have intended to build a section solely for the International Researchers to fulfill the dream of “Build it in Germany.”


Background and Problem Statement

For the last few years, the working environment in Germany has been very good and favorable. It is also one of the highest paying countries. Even then it is somewhat tough to find work for both German and International students. Varying factors contribute to this problem. Amongst the issues area lack of information about companies and lack of knowledge of application procedures. Moreover the language barrier is one of the most faced problems here in Germany. Although not generally faced by German students, the scenario is very different for international students. In last few years, around 300,000 new international students have entered Germany to study. Most of them intend to work in Germany after their studies. However as an international student without proficient language ability and a few other reasons, it is very difficult for them to arrange an appropriate job. Being an international student we have figured out a few reasons behind that. Most of the students lack the proper knowledge about the job market here in Germany. Language barrier lists in the top among the problems students face, as most of the recruiters want employees with very good German language proficiency. The Internet is the best medium to search jobs but most of the job search websites do not contain exact filtering methods so the seeker is unable to search the exact type of job they desire. Even they find a company the next steps become more difficult for them, starting from making the curriculum vitae, cover letter and applying to the respective company. The standard recruitment procedure may sometimes differ from their home country. The situation stated above will affect the total economic condition around Germany and around the European Union as a whole. For this reason, it is very much important to increase the employment rate and employment opportunity. In this case, up to date and customer oriented job portal pave the way.


Aim and purpose

In Germany, there are several online job portals providing different types of facilities towards its clients. Most of them are students who are about to graduate. Until now a vast number of companies are interested in recruiting new trainees and employees through their official websites, the job portals are trying their level best to facilitate the students in different manners. It is to be noted that these job portals are sometimes not a useful choice for getting a job as our observation has shown some distinctive scenarios. The job sites in most cases merely help to get information and provide instructions virtually to the clients but they seldom provide any other support like face to face consultancy, workshops, company visits and other resources which would help the job seekers to interact with experienced persons in these fields. FH Kiel MIT| Prototype of Recruitment Portal

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Job portals are one of the easiest and most effective ways to interact with the companies and search for a job. These portals provide us with enough opportunities to start from the absolute basics of job searching, such as making curriculum vitae to an online job interview. Though there are various sites, they effectively follow the same procedure to build and to process. These portals are used mostly by the graduates who want to get into the job market immediately after finishing their studies. In some cases, students who are currently studying or about to finish their studies also use this type of online portal. While the current students look for part-time jobs or mini jobs, the other type of student mass looks for the project, internship or thesis. Some students are also interested in attending some comparatively long workshops, but for the prospective job seekers, they gain a large amount of knowledge. The online job application portals are considered as the vital resource in case of employment. Our focus here is going to be towards the current students, graduates and research personnel as the number is rapidly increasing over time. Students who finish their studies want to get involved in jobs in this country as they hope to get some extra facilities here, but reaching that level is a daunting task. A shade of light in the darkness is that the recent the demand for international students who are eventually termed as skilled professionals is increasing day by day. Especially in a case of Information technology the demand is much higher, but not only for the Information technology, also for other fields like medical, business, entrepreneurship, etc. the scenario is the same. During the recent web research, statistics have shown intriguing results for the international students in Germany and also the problem they face whilst in study and after studying there. While in the recent past more than 300,000 international students have come here to study, most of them have a little knowledge of the language here. It is also a very difficult task to study a new language whilst completing other studies. Moreover, the students and prospective job holders do not have enough information about the companies here. It’s also time-consuming to find this information. Even after finding the company, the next step becomes more challenging which involves creating curriculum vitae, cover letter and applying to the respective company. These kinds of problems occur as the total system is different from the students’ concerned countries. Our objective is to improve the overall system design of the job portals. Based on our research and customer feedback, if our model can correctly be implemented, we can control more than 65 percent of the total student's traffic through our portal and additional activities mentioned as lacking above. The tweaks and upgrades to the system will help the system to grow more efficiently, and a customized version of existing job portals can be implemented. This new version of the scheme will take the industry to a whole new level.

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Goals of the Project

We have gathered primary research data and also have conducted a requirement analysis process in this case. Here we have found some important information, which has worked a catalyst towards the advancement of our project. This data has shown us what problems the international students face whilst they search for a job both during the study and after the study. The problems are shown below:  Most of the companies (depending on the region asks for the German Language proficiency)  The students do not know how to approach job searching in this region  The students do not have enough information about different companies around their area  As compared to the students home country ,the steps to apply and appear for the interview within this country is different (in most cases) and it is also a significant problem  Students suffer when they opt for project or thesis or even a part time job  Some students are ignorant of the job policies applicable here. In this case, position plans also referred to financial matters like a tax, insurance, and other stuff. Our primary goal is to solve all those problems and make the life easier to fresh graduate or graduate to get suitable jobs.

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System Analysis

A job seeker finds out about the website. The student visits the online portal and gets to know about the registration procedure. They register on the site with his personal information and upon approval and confirmation, they is redirected to the different packages available inclusive of the payment option. They contact the customer manager through the website and are informed about the detailed procedure. They confirm the payment method and after being approved by the finance department, they start to use the services. A renowned company recruits about 300 employees a year. The concerned authority needs to spend a lot of time for this task. They have to post a job circular and advertise it. Then they have to consider all the applicants CVs and select them. Next, they have to arrange an interview. The candidates have to go through HR department interview and procedure to finalize the recruitment. In this process, they have to extra effort to scrutinize the qualification of the applicants carefully. They want to facilitate a better solution for this whole employment procedure. They get to know about the web portal of … from advertisement. They go to the website and get an idea. For better understanding, they contact the customer service and after gathering further information, they decide to use the service of the company. They finish the registration procedure including the payment option and a message of confirmation. After some days they decide to visit the company in person and talk to them how they can quickly and efficiently recruit the right personnel. After that, they visit the customer managers in person, and according to their instruction, they post the new recruitment advertisement through the agency. A few days later they get a call from the customer manager department and informed they have selected one personal for their company. They find that this is a suitable candidate. This is the end of the initial recruitment procedure. The customer manager gets a request for the user (seeker) registration and service he wishes to avail. The client manager provides him with the details of services and payment and directs the request to the finance department.


System Description

The system is designing as a platform where a job seeker can find a job by themselves and also there is one individual future where a job seeker can extend his knowledge and skills in order to get a job.


Job seekers arena

This arena in the job portal project includes different opportunities and level of support that a potential job seeker would get. As defined in our motivation, we have tried to identify some problems according to our study and research. So we have a plan to integrate all the factors that a job seeker would need to start his career. 1.2.2

Employers Arena

Employer’s arena will provide them with the most flexible opportunities like – • • • • • • •

Employers will be able to manage their profile and activities in a simple but useful dashboard Manage job posting in a flexible manner Surf the profile of the seekers and collect information about them if needed Get support for urgent recruitment Facilities available to advertise their company Prioritize the job posting Facilities to test the applicants through different projects and also conduct and interview.

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1.3.2 • • • • •


Advertisers Arena Would be able to post and manage advertisements easily Emergency customer support available when needed They will have a simplified dashboard to manage the advertisements and other facilities Real time notification system, so that they can updated the online profiles Project Critical Success Factors

Learning Management System, LMS

LMS (Learning Management System) is a platform to share educational materials and create different educational events depending on the specifics. The software and services allow the users of different levels to work with flexibility. The organization, distribution, and development of coursework is more flexible using this type of system. It has already successfully empowered the educational and training institutions performance. The office staff will also be provided withaccess to a handful of facilities if the concerned company wants to provide their staff with additional training and workshops. It is one of the best mediums for implementing e-learning. In our proposed prototype, we are also planning to implement a learning management system. As the prototype is about making the employees and students capable for the job field, a real-time and industry-oriented learning management system will be implemented in our project. The users of our service will have the facility to improve their skills by opting for various types of course work and workshop. The coursework and workshops will be managed through the learning management system. The users will have the ability to choose from the list of required courses and workshops which they desire. All the courses will be uploaded to the system by the experts who are willing to help other people both as voluntarily and also in the mode of paid job. Depending on the current job trends and future employment trends we will upload relevant course work for the users. In addition, the students can use this portal in order to learn information regarding their educational coursework. The learning method is very simple, more efficient and can easily be implemented into their projects. Entry to different coursework and workshops will be decided upon request by the user. There will be an exclusive consultancy service about which course to take and which will be provided to the concerned users. This facility will be given as students and job seekers struggle to choose from the many beneficial courses available. This service will help the users to use the LMS more effectively and efficiently. For a particular course, there will be several lectures and tutorials. The tutorials will be uploaded on a separate hosting site or can be extracted from the third party sites. There will be assignments and projects after certain days of the lesson so that the trainees can brush up their work before proceeding to a new one. One course supervisor will handle the activity and progress of the trainee. They will be given extra instructions if needed for using the system to gain the best possible outcome. After finishing the coursework, there will be several assignments and projects given to the trainees. They must complete those tasks otherwise no course completion certificate will be provided to the respective users. Moreover, if the user wants to take part in alternative projects or assignments related to the course, it is possible on a request basis. These can be added to the curriculum vitae if the user wants. Moreover, the clients related to our portal will also have the facilities to provide these projects and it will assist the employers to select their intended qualified employees among our CV bank. It is a much easier approach for both the job seekers and employers also. The project files and assignments that the job seekers undertake will be uploaded on our GitHub account. It will help everyone to see a different perspective which ultimately will develop different ways of solving a problems and issues using alternative methods. The users can share their projects,

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assignments and also can edit others and comment on them. This will develop bonds and analyze the capability of our company’s developer community. In the case of workshops, there will be both online webinars and workshops will be available both online and onsite in various universities and businesses. These workshops will be conducted mostly by the people who are already working with the various companies. They will share their experiences with the attendees and also learn more about their expectations. Moreover, the workshop speaker will also provide the attendees with valuable information and training about what to do and how to prepare to enter the job sector. In fact, it will be an opportunity to get one step closer to the recruitment. As discussed our learning management system is expected to be a one-stop service for the users to choose and complete whatever their desired courses in a very efficient manner, with all the possible assistance they require.[1]


Core benefit with advantage

LMS (Learning Management System) core benefit are on this system, All document such as Learning material and project material are in the same plane. It is 3rd ERA anytime, anywhere and anyone has access to this system. Security is strictly followed. It has reduced time and cost for the learner with location independency.


Benefits         


Training History Recall training if needed Audit Facility’s Training reminder Documents Request LMS is anytime anywhere 3rd ERA Improve learner performance. Cost reduction Expected knowledge from candidate alignment.


Within the job market, there is always potential to have a lot of suitable candidates with prior job experience. This service specially assists the user to prepare them for the Job market. After analyzing requirements, the vast number of seekers do not know where to go, how to apply, how to create their CV and how to focus their skills. On this project perspective, this service reduces time, preparing, and applying on behalf of user/seeker that is looking for jobs.

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Methodology of Requirements Analysis



The very first step of software engineering process is requirement analysis [2]. While developing a new system or any existing system, element analysis is a must use the method. User Requirements are the most important part of developing the desired software system. It is a critical task and challenging to identify appropriate requirements from targeted users. Gathering requirements has always been a challenge for project developers. Nowadays it has become tougher and more challenging. Several contributing factors [3] can be considered here. With the advent of modern era software and system, the users and people related to the systems development are also changing and becoming more sophisticated. Above all the relationship between the two components must be preserved otherwise any misleading requirements during the development will bring devastating effect on the whole system. As mentioned in the beginning, the complexity of the scheme is increasing, various classes of users are related to the system. Their perceptions are also different from each other. Also, facts worthy of mentioning are the stakeholder variability and growing number of influencers who have a notable impact on gathering requirements. Communication among the interested parties in the system is vital as it also has a significant effect on requirement gathering. Miscommunication leads to some serious problem while collecting requirements. Functionalities of the stakeholders in the system define their needs. These requirements differ on their expertise and roles in the system. The person spearheading this task has to deal with these problems and come up with a solution. To have a successful design or system design requirements is a major part of software engineering. It is specified in ISO 13407 (ISO 1999), which entails requirements analysis to increase efficiency, Quality of delivering goods, and cost reduction including support. It also increases user satisfaction. It is a daunting task to specify each requirement. It is a very analytical procedure. The requirements gathered must have some basic characteristics such as measurability and testability. It is not too easy to get all desired requirements for the system.


Elicitation Technique Analysis

In the case of elicitation technique, the two most important aspects of knowing are the starting point and ending point. The task of requirement elicitation needs a point of departure that is where the team should start their work. Not knowing a lot of things about the project is very normal. It can be seen if some questions are asked to the people related to the project. At first, it is important to get an idea of the project, how it will work, how it might look like or what is the goal of the project. Talking to a project sponsor might be a good idea. A project sponsor is a person or an organising body who is responsible for the financial aspect of the project and has a significant influence like pausing or stopping the project. The idea is to talk to the person responsible.

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Requirements Entities:

One of the biggest problems of requirement elicitation is asking the right question to the stakeholder. They might not know everything or perhaps cannot express their demand and expectations clearly. They might not even know what they want for the system. So, in that case, it is important for them to get a clearer idea about the project. The uncertainty of the project requirements may lead to a significant problem. Conducting the elicitation techniques in an efficient way is a good way to reduce the risk as this is an important procedure that can be done. Uncertainty cannot be removed rather reduced. While collecting requirements, several things should be considered. The elements of requirements can be categorised into various steps. As mentioned earlier, some things are known about the project already. These specifications are called Facts. This distinctive note is imperative as it is the baseline of next requirement gathering. The second type of elements is known as the Unknown. In this case, the team should ask questions to the people who are responsible and have the authority and expertise to answer. If someone provides concise information about the project if requested, that information later becomes a Fact considering the above characteristics of the person. Next in line is an experience. This category represents the fact that there are some projects which have been completed in the past and it might help for better understanding of the requirements needed for this project. In this category, the team should study documentations and come up with some conditions like the current project. There is something else which also falls into this category, and that is Assumption. It is realistic that people associated with this project will not be available always when needed. They might be unavailable for some reasons, or the project might be a new one where proper stakeholders cannot be found as it has not been done before. In this case, it is unwise to skip that part and move on to the next step. Here, the expertise and assumptions come into play. The previous project documents assumptions are the options. So, studying past projects and report will be a good source of requirements gathering. There are no projects where all the requirements can be collected as facts or assumptions. Even the best projects also have these scenarios where the team had to depend on something called Fate. There FH Kiel MIT| Prototype of Recruitment Portal

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are always some things which should be probably left alone in the hand of fate. In this case, the options are limited. The scenario is to go on with it. If this category is ignored or not considered, there may be a pitfall during the project. All these factors are vital for requirement elicitation techniques.

Figure: Requirement Elicitation Technique


Effective Requirements challenge

Approximately 60%-70% of project failures result from poor Requirements gathering, analysis, and management. - Meta Group, March 2003. Insufficient requirements define that Gap between description and systems. To overcome inadequate requirements, need to come up close to preliminary requirement areas, research work needs for a new area of context and finally go through all gathered requirements. [4]To avoid poor conditions, there should be a scope for verification or validation by others so that it can be corrected. The complexity of the project is another challenge for practical requirements. During requirements gathering, the use of the word “Maybe” causes misconception of boundary and context area, thereby causing anomaly in the collection of practical requirements. For the conditions, defining is required for different stakeholders to prioritise the function they want regarding the time scale. The user does not know their expected requirements, and so they always use terms like “Maybe”, Elicitation technique tries to skip those words. It is a big challenge in requirements engineering. Practical requirements problems are considered as insufficient requirements, scope, Scope creeps / Poor creep, volatility, Stakeholders not sure of what they want or need, wasted time for wrong functions. FH Kiel MIT| Prototype of Recruitment Portal

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The entity of Good requirements:

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) standard 830-1998, titled Recommended Practice for Software Requirements Specifications, defined those entities [4] of good requirements which are adhered to on this project.

4.1.3 • • • • • • •

Requirements Analysis attributes should consider in analysis phase Need to have knowledge or ability to capture all needed requirements. Change primary requirements when Approved requirements affecting. Additional requirements capture parallel with primary and secondary requirements for verification, traceability, test and standard or others. Visibility of requirements as needed. Should support different methodology such as Waterfall, Agile, RAD, etc. Clear visible resolution for different requirements. Very good documentation with natural language. [4]

After documenting the requirements, it is necessary to check it according to different criterion [5]. The quality standards must be matched with the documented requirement. Stakeholders of a system have different wishes and demands. After conducting the elicitation technique, the project team has to gather and record all types of needs. These documents must be cross-checked with the stakeholder's demand. All these processes are called requirement validation and negotiation. Requirement validation[5] is defined by the incident how the documented requirements are similar and dissimilar to the stakeholder's demand. If it has dissimilarities, what the quantity is etc. there should be a prefixed measure of getting an idea about the validity of the requirements. They will be checked according to the standard. There is a tiny room for error in this case. These collected data will be used FH Kiel MIT| Prototype of Recruitment Portal

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for the further development of the system. The functional and non-functional requirements prototyping depends on this. If there is any error and it is discovered after the system is operational, there will be a huge loss. The system will be affected by it, and the system can show a devastating effect if it is on the market. Moreover, if the proposed architecture and functionalities are not met correctly, the client might reconsider about the contract so it might also bring an end to the project. Sometimes all the requirements cannot be included in the system. In that case, if there are no agreement amongst the stakeholders, usually problems arise. It might be seen that for some requirements, a group of speakers have some different opinions than the others. An example can be given. If there is any problem with the project, some might advise that it should be restarted. Others might ask for the system to undergo troubleshooting or rebooting. For this reason, there should be some form of agreement between the stakeholders. These issues must be solved in a proper manner. If these are not done properly, as mentioned previously, these groups of influencers might be the element of project failure. For the system to be accepted, the requirement negotiation is vital and should be dealt with very carefully. The aim of this technique is to bring all stakeholders to understand the requirements and make them agree on some different issues. The requirement negotiation is such a step, which must run throughout the project. It might seem expensive, and there might be some problem with granting the finance, but the importance has been discussed above. For this reason, it is a must use the technique for project development from scratch to being operational. If there is any delay and some issues arise, it will be a catastrophic event for the project. There are various types of quality aspects of requirements in a project. Content documentation and agreement, these three are the criterion according to which the quality will be determined. The content element is related to the elicitation and gathering of requirements from the stakeholders. Each of the requirements must document with proper detail level. They should be elicited correctly. If there are errors, the content will not provide proper information the team needs. There are several types of mistakes that might occur in content. Completeness refers to the appropriate documentation of all the requirements and with the required description in each of the. The stakeholder's demand must be considered, and the content should include them to maintain the adequacy of the content. There should be consistency in the content where there should not be any counter statement. There are other criterions also to define this quality aspect like verifiability, necessity, etc. In the case of documentation, there are some standards which must be followed. It will increase the acceptance and understandability of the document. If the specifications or predefined guideline is not followed correctly in the documentation there will be some serious problems like development activities which will be hindered, there will be a misunderstanding among the team, the document will not be complete, and there will be some requirements which are overlooked. If the process is properly followed, the report will be understandable, unambiguous and well formatted. There is another quality aspect called agreement. As mentioned above, the stakeholders must be agreed on different issues and make a win-win scenario. Then the project will run as per expectations. While the project is going on, the stakeholders might learn something more about the project. This learning can make them change something in the project. These changes can also be included in the project on the recommendation if there is not any issue of hampering the development activity of the project.


Model Base Requirements

Model is potential configuration system generator. Can be described also it is an abstract image which could be used in reality. (The Term Model). It’s graphical image to understand how the system works. It is a faster way to understand system functionality and behave. Models user for three main objectives on requirements engineering which are a mapping of reality, Reduction of reality, Pragmatic property. On Modeling of requirements engineering, the modeling language is defined as syntax or notation and semantics. The syntax is defined for the specific and valid combination. Others one define individual modeling elements. The Unified Modeling Language (UML) has used to construct a model regarding the FH Kiel MIT| Prototype of Recruitment Portal

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requirements. The main focus of ULM has captured all precise requirements and domain knowledge to understanding for stakeholder into it. UML is object-oriented modeling language for defining the complex systems. UML used for different purpose and different level of requirement assessment. The main advantage of UML, a model, could make different purpose and its help to understand the purpose of a system from a different perspective.[5] Three main area of UML:  Data perspective  Behavioral perspective  Functional perspective Deferent perspective has individual diagram designed. For example on Data perspective class diagram can define very well way. Association class dependency generalization, interface, realization Behavioral prospective state chat and where event, effort region, state, transition, trigger, etc. are well defined. Functional perspective is activity diagram. Action, activity, control node, data flow, exception, exception region fork, join object node and pin. It's dependents on requirements and scenarios. There is a different type of model such as state diagram, state chart dataflow class diagram entity-relationship diagram. Use case first proposed on [Jacobson et al. 1992] two different way. First one Use case diagrams and second one use case specifications. A use case defines on system relation between users with functional requirements. Use case have different component which are actor, system boundary, Extend relation, Include relation and Relation between actors and use cases. All together can define a good use case of system. An activity diagram is one of good action of the sequence. The purpose of activity diagram to control a flow of activity action. It is defined action necessary, route calculation. Activity diagrams explain exception scenarios, alternative and main condition of the system. It is mainly defined category, action, and purpose.[23] Sequence diagram state that interaction between two-dimensional chart. Which are time and role? Vertically dimension considers as time and horizontal consider as a role.[23]


Standard Requirements attributes

Requirements Analysis attributes should consider in analysis phase [4] • Need to have knowledge or ability to capture all needed requirements. • Change primary requirements when Approved requirements affecting. • Additional requirements capture parallel with primary and secondary requirements for verification, traceability, test and standard or others. • Visibility of requirements as needed. • Should support different methodology such as Waterfall, Agile, RAD etc. • Clear visible resolution for different requirements. • Very good documentation with natural language.


User story

After collecting all necessary requirements, it is benefitting to write a statement on “Shall statement”. It is more convenient to validating requirements. To understand the difference between new system and old system. It helps stakeholders to understand main benefits and goal of the current or new system [6]. Below this is the standard format to define user story. “As a , I want so that .” “As a <who>, I want <what> so that <why>.” FH Kiel MIT| Prototype of Recruitment Portal

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In this part, the is the person / people, / system, /application, or service that is doing or affected by this, also known as <who>. The specification is most important as it is practical user to the role that they spearhead. The is the action the needs. Clearly, this is the most important aspect of the story of the three. This describes <what> is wanted. For example. The is advantage of the user will achieve with this [function/feature]. 7.1.3

Attributes of a User Story

User story defines what makes a good requirement. There are different attributes of a good user story. Bill Wake came up with the acronym INVEST to describe compact attributes [7]. Those attributes define as INVEST stands for: • Independent • Negotiable • Valuable • Estimable • Small • Testable This INVEST term first component is Independent which means collected story could be tested, Developed and deliverable which can stand its own. In the second point which is Negotiable, here story could be discussed, develop, refine, update, or reject in different time phase of life cycle. It is negotiable with stakeholder even within developing phase with developer team to the satisfaction of stakeholders. Which gives flexibility to everyone related to system boundary or stakeholder. The third point is the value of a user story. It should be valuable to end user or stakeholder perspective. It is one of the ways to identify the primary role of function. It identifies appropriate user and stakeholder to understand of value. After Negotiable and value measure, the next part is Estimation of story’s value which must measure complexity, time and cost. It is untestable and measurable to test user story. The user story should be usually small. If a user story is too big, it takes a long time to develop and test. Short sprint is easier to establish and test also consuming time for backlog and focus. At last user, the story should be testable. Until a successful test is conducted, it is not complete. If user story fails in the testing phase, it would be a total failure. Final sprint is not possible to realise. 7.2.3

Criteria for Acceptance of user story

In this topic, it's defined as when a user story is acceptable. There are some rules specified for acceptance of user story. Such as -Results should be clear (Pass / Fail) -Functional/nonfunctional or both could be on the user story -Boundaries (System/ context) should be defined -Parameters should be there -User story should be clear, not ambiguous -There should be an independent implementation scope



There are several types of events in requirement analysis. These are elicitation techniques, analyzing the collected requirements and recording the same. Gathering requirements from the customer are the first step of element analysis. For this reason, the team has to depend on various elicitation techniques like an interview, questionnaire, brainstorming, etc. After collecting the requirements, they have to carefully examine if there is any ambiguity, contradiction or incompleteness existing. If any issues exist, they also

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have to be resolved at this stage. Requirements can be recorded in various forms, for example, use cases and user stories.



Stakeholder identification is one of the most important issues of element analysis. Stakeholders are distinct entities which are directly related to and have a direct interest in the system. One of the most efficient ways to collect information from the stakeholder is through the interview process. The stakeholders can be interviewed by the team who will gather the necessary requirements. During the interview process, the stakeholders will have options to share their ideas with the team if they have any. The users of a system can be interviewed, and their requirements can be documented in this way. Brainstorming is also another way to collect the requirements from the stakeholders in a short time. It is more effective considering that the users related to the system will be able to hear the explanation about the system from the team and they will also have opportunities to discuss their opinions and provide feedback. This elicitation can be very productive and motivating way of requirement analysis. The requirement can also be collected through document analysis. Some existing document can be studied and also other related documents can be taken into account for this elicitation type. Various business plans, models, graphs statistics can be included in relevant text study. Focus groups are also another method of the elicitation techniques. In these techniques, different focus groups are selected, and the moderator asks an open question about the system. In this way, there is a question-answer session, and some essential requirements can be collected from this discussion. Surveys and questionnaires are another type of requirement elicitation. Using this method, essential information can be gathered in a short time frame, from potentially a large group. The users are given a questionnaire which includes different questions related to the system. It can be online or offline. The target people are sent these questions, and from these replies, a huge number of requirements are collected. There are several other elicitation techniques which are used according to the system and its stakeholders. Requirements can be recorded in various ways. The requirements are documented in the form of documentation or use cases and in the event of the interviews, there are user stories. The user stories are written in a natural language format and the stakeholder requirements are collected. There are lots of repetitions and misinformation which have to omit. Moreover, later the stakeholder requirements are divided into two parts named as functional requirements and nonfunctional requirements. Use case diagram is a graphical representation of requirements that has been collected. It explains the relation among the elements of the system. It does the following work for system requirements• Clarification • Identification • organization The system boundary, the actors, roles of the actors in the system and the relations among them are the main components of the use case diagram [8]. An activity diagram, which is similar to a flow chart, depicts the control flow of a proposed or existing system. While in the use case, the relation between actors and their roles are drawn, in an activity diagram the functionality of the steps used in use case are pictured[9]. In every system there is logic, upon which the system runs on. These logics are represented in a pictorial manner which is called sequence diagram. A sequence diagram allows to properly document the logics and also to validate the same needed for our system. These diagrams can be used for analysis of the system and also to design the system as it focuses on the total characteristics and behavior of the system [10]. FH Kiel MIT| Prototype of Recruitment Portal

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Figure 1 Requirements Engineering



From the recorded requirements the developer team should extract the purpose of the system. The developer has to discover some clues by asking and repeatedly asking about the reason behind the requirements. After finding the proper goal of the proposed system and its primary features, the prototyping starts for further elicitation of the scheme. This prototype is then tested under different circumstances and test cases set by the developer team according to the stakeholder requirements.


Stakeholder Analysis

11.1.3 Purpose of the stakeholder analysis [11]          

Stakeholder Key identification for both internal and external or connected. Stakeholders interest on the project. Stakeholders measures from Attributes. Stakeholders Impact identification. Identify primary and secondary. Estimating value of project Clear system requirements. Prioritized of requirements. Cost estimation Improve Organizational process.

Stakeholder Identification analysis steps Here for the necessity of system, we followed some of the steps to analysis this.

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Stakeholder Analysis

Plan Define Identification Select Implementation Method Information collection Stakeholder Matrix Analysis Stakeholder Improve Figure 2Stakeholder Analysis Steps

11.2.3 Plan Planning phase it is essential for requirement analysis to find out every individual stakeholders interest. According to this project seeker, employer played the most important role. Therefore, every single element could be impacted or affected this system. In planning phase the underlying goal is to identify primary stakeholder and secondary stakeholders which are directly and indirectly involved with this system has interest in the system and or involvement with a system 11.3.3 Define • •

After analyzing stakeholder list shown below According to the SDLC, process and software life, stakeholders are identified.

11.4.3 Identification Primary and secondary stakeholder Requirements Analysis team uses different elicitation technique to identify Primary and secondary stakeholder here. Elicitation techniques like interview, questionnaire and online survey functional and nonfunctional requirement of various stakeholders were drawn. Questions were asked regarding different features of the system, and their comments were care-fully noted as User Stories. The main Users in The Project can be categorized into modules are       

Job Seeker Administrator Employer Advertiser LMS (Learning management system) Project reviewer Project Instructor

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Stakeholder name

Importance/Key Interest

1 Owner 2. Admin

Influence & Power

Interest /positive Impact

   

3. Employer

Priority on system

 

 

 

 

 

 

 

 

 

4. Developer Team

 

5.Advertising Agencies

 

6. Project Manger

 

7. Seeker

 

8. Technical support team/webmaster 9.Application Engineer

Concerns/ Negative Impact

 

14. Business Partner

 

 

 

 

 

   

12.Customer manager 13.Financial Manager

 

 

 

 

 

 

Table 1-IStakeholder Matrix 11.5.3 Requirements Identification Source For requirements identification, we analyzed stakeholders, defined primary and secondary stakeholders and then followed elicited technique applied for gather requires from the specific valid stakeholder. In meanwhile strictly followed that all of the collected requirements are legal and clean. Only valid and legal stakeholders are considered as a source of authentic requirements.

11.6.3 Requirements Collection The random technique (elicitation techniques)[12][13] is used to collecting requirements from the targeted people. Targeted groups were current students and final year students. 11.7.3 Brainstorming It has used on this project to identify innovative, excellent creative ideas to determine the interest of stakeholder in a short time. To identify openly know without any sound logic. Stakeholders wanted different future like the easy way to get jobs, learn easily from LMS, and prepare themselves for the job market. The team has received a lot of innovative ideas from the sessions such as a filer, salary calculation, LMS system, and Knowledge Improvement. 11.8.3 Interview This Elicitation technique is one of most important and modern technology. In this way, it is a flexible way to ask a relevant question and responds to critical stakeholders. Regarding this project, we have

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done an interview from primary stakeholders such as owner, Seeker, Employer, and Admin and collected some unique ideas from interviews suck as filtering. 11.9.3 Survey/Questionnaire Several different surveys have been completed using different methods. Below there is a basic template which is used on survey.                    

        

Age: Sex: Level Of Study: Field Of study: Institution: Nationality: Have you ever applied for any job? (Part time/Full time) Have you used any job recruitment system before? Which job portals you visit frequently? What was the frequency of our use? What do you think about those websites? For example, what is missing in those sites? What type of problem do you face while applying to jobs in typical job portals?(If the person doesn’t have any experience before then we will start from here) If we want to build a job recruitment system, what type of information, do you want from our portal? What type of filtering to search jobs, you want from our project? Which type of job info do you expect from our project? Which info you do not want to share with anyone? If you have to pay for the service. Which payment gateway you would like to pay for the service? (You can choose one or more) 12. Which features you prefer to have in the job search engine? 13. Would you like to use your Smartphone to use our service? Would it be helpful for you if your online registration would ask your permission (require-ment) to use one of your social networks(e.g Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, LinkedIn, Pinterest etc.) to get your personal data so that you wouldn’t to type in hands all your data and your data would be automatically retrieved from there. Do you want automatic application of jobs for your desired category jobs? What kind of Instruction you want to use our service? Do you want access overwriting of your user account? Do you prefer a map where you can find jobs near your location and see direction from your place of stay? What rather support you would like from the system? What do you think the office hour of the support section should be? Would you like to have a salary calculator to compare salaries by job title or location or to plot your current salary against local and national average? Would you like to have blog in our system where you can get advices Resume advices and interviews tips? Do you like an anonymous company, salary, and interview and benefit review in our system as a current or former employee with which future job seekers can accelerate their carrier?

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      

Would it be helpful for you if you get information about Internships and Research Opportunities along with part time and full time job? Would you like to have online CV builder with our system? Would you prefer to upload your existing CV along with building CV with Online CV builder? Do you want Smartphone verification while opening your account and in case if you forget your password? What do you expect the home page of our job portal should look like? Would you like to get different training, workshop and or event information from our portal? Which level of data encryption do you want?

11.10.3 Focus Group Focus on designing this System for Targeted people or group. To focus group discussed experience on existing job system, what was the vulnerability, missing component, costing, time, desire facility, etc. was considered other question on recruitment environment personal and group feedback of the customer. 11.11.3 Document Analysis The team observed different existing recruitment system, document “AS Is” attributes on different systems. Traditional processes are considered on this system after analyzing the document and added different new features after cross checking collected requirements. 11.12.3 Online research Online research was one of most important aspects of this project to identify the current platform. The proposed system and current system gap analysis were easily understandable after online research. For the analysis of popular job sites in Germany and European Union also international portals were included. Findings were more clear and accurate. 11.13.3 Interface Analysis A different interface is used on a separate system and device, which receives further analysis by a project manager regarding if this can be applied on a system or not. This phase also includes analysis of details requirements for each single interface. For this phase, it was planned to have different interfaces on our system, the step to identify interface needed, complicated interface and also the need to test the interface on the system. 11.14.3 Other Discussion On other discussions, have done by the different random conversation with various employers and employees. The discussion was with HR, Professors, and Professionals in order to get an idea to improve this system. From this analysis, we have found lots of innovative measurement for this system. 11.15.3 Prototyping After collecting requirements and analysis prototype is designed. Several test cases were run with the random users. It has changed on multiple occasions after test case. The Very basic prototype is designed next part of the report. 11.16.3 Stakeholder Requirements Stakeholder analysis is one of the primary aspects of every IT project and assists in understanding the relation between system and Stakeholder. If there is a gap, it is evident to fail the designed system. FH Kiel MIT| Prototype of Recruitment Portal

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Regarding this project team carefully analysis and collected every single point from each Stakeholder. In this system Job seeker, employer and LMS systems Stakeholders clearly define their opinion and expectation. Some particular point were very clear for a system like Filter should be accurate, Authorization should be secure, Interface should be user-friendly, Single sign in the Real life project, Support for all. Excellent customer service, such as live chat, video, data security, etc. which is explained in the next part of this system. There was some conflict with Stakeholder which solve by conflict analysis and afterwards, there was a clear financial Estimation and system imagination founded. 11.17.3 Improve Regarding this process, it is to understand stakeholder’s requirements and aggregated. The team sought to avoid stakeholder’s conflicts to improve the system, separated important stakeholder group to the planning team and simplified planning to design. 11.18.3 Operational Requirements Operational requirements define capabilities, performance measurement and describe the processes to improve effectiveness, system performance, technical performance, etc. to make the user usability to smooth. 11.19.3 PASSMADE In a short from it is called PASSMADE [14], which is below abrogation Performance Regarding this project, we consider it as Server response time, Bandwidth management, and Network capacity on this system, Server traffic and Application processing time. As it is a prototype, we consider it for implementation. Arability It's dependents for backing up and scheduling down or restarting server and maintenance working time which could be pre- scheduling or short notice. This is dependents on time which cost money on the maintenance. Requirements • Should be Skill engineer, • Strong Time scheduling. • Amiable resources • Testing Facility • Code strangeness • Hardware failed • Human error Security Followed CIA principle with • • • • • • •

Authorization Authentication Data security Encryption Data policy Auditing to prevent data altering Authentication factor

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Scalability Basically, on these requirements, it's about change hardware and software capacity increase or change. Whenever user increasing hosting extended indeed it’s include this requirement. • • • • •

Processor Capacity Hard disk capacity Band Width Server Ram Backup System

N.P: expected service to the customer for every certain amount of user need to increase ram and HDD capacity for personal data and backup storage. Maintainability Factors              

Business Requirement Complexity Application Complexity Data Structures Complexity Code Complexity History Documentation Automated Documentation Business Overview Documentation Code Annotation Code Size Release Frequency Not to Heavy code Should be easy program Defect free application preferable

Accessibility A proposed system designed by user type with different access right and facilities. On the project World Wide Web Consortium followed, consider with the integrity user can access and their rights and strictly followed security protocols. Deployment Regarding this project, deployment is possible from any users TAB, Phone or computer as the system design is going to provide different interfaces for various devices. Extensibility It is designed for a smooth performance which can be run on any kind of system and low conf system as well. Developer team tried to make error free code and no fault occur during in operation time. 11.20.3 Dependability Requirements This type of requirements is defined to which extent the system can take any threat against it. • • • •

Reliability Availability Safety Security

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If a system can be of use to the customers and stakeholders without any hindrance, the system does not have any damage to itself, and it has no untoward effect towards the environment and as such, that system can be defined as dependable. In our project, our system is expected to provide services towards its stakeholder according to their requirements. The developer team will also try to ensure that it runs uninterrupted. Various forms of other requirement types are mentioned below [15]. 11.21.3 Quality requirements Quality requirements are more important than functional requirements. In software engineering it is essential to quality requirements otherwise project could be failed all thought with proper conditions. So on this project; we consider it as the high priority. As we followed: • • •

Completeness Stander of requirements Quality factor

11.22.3 Process requirements In this particular requirement type, the system must have to work according to the stakeholder needs. The system should do as it is instructed to be designed and function. Regarding our project, the process requirement is it should be able to provide the user with proper information needed for the operational procedure. The system shall be useful to the job seekers, employers, and the project reviewers. 11.23.3 Reporting requirements According to this requirement type, the system has to deduce proper documentation according to the user’s particular demand. In the case of our project, the system shall provide the following documentations: • • • • • • •

Curriculum vitae of the job seeker Summary of company profiles for the job seekers Curriculum Vitae provided to the employer without giving personal information Project summary for the job seekers Project summary for the project reviewers Provide data sheets for the system admin Provide any troubleshooting reports need to the system admin etc.

11.24.3 Interface / integration requirements The proposed system has to make proper and efficient interaction with the users to meet the interface or integration requirements. For the reason, the following interface requirements have met• • • •

Online registration form for employer, job seeker CV builder form for the job seeker Online chat help with customer service Properly organized tab in each web pages for navigating through the system in a smooth and efficient way.

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11.25.3 Usability requirements From the user stories, it has been possible to identify usability requirements and put it in the system. Some of the usability requirements are put down below• • • • • • • • •

Salary calculator Search bar Help menu Social media integration menu Proper navigation menu Map Categorized job search Usable in different languages Filtered job search etc.

11.26.3 Training requirements Training requirements include proper manuals and documentations needed for the system to continue to be operational. There shall be proper documentation about how the whole system works before it comes to functional and after the final testing procedure. 11.27.3 Security requirements It is nonfunctional requirements. After collecting all of the requirements from stakeholders, end-user and backend user both needed security for this system. Regarding the conditions, we use multi-factor authentication for the system use. The speaker mentions momentous of in-formation security. Accrediting to the requirements this system implemented by different security method

Something you know

•User ID

Something you have


Something you are

•Dont know

Figure 3Three Factor Authentication


User Stories

User’s stories provide a simple but detailed overview of the total requirements. It provides both functional and non-functional requirements to the stakeholders. The developer team and other interested parties can get the opportunity to get close to the users who will eventually use the system and eventually use their opinion help develop the system. For this reason, the integrity, acceptable and reliability of the system will be ensured [16][17].

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Registration for The system • • • •

As a user, I want to have the proper registration and authentication system in it, so that the system is more reliable for us. As a user, I do not want to share my family information while registering, so that I can keep my personal life out of the system. As a job seeker, I don't want to share my photo while registering, so that it can be used for other purposes. As a user, I want to provide only my name, date of birth and email address, so that it takes less time for me to type.

Blog • • •

As a user, I want a LinkedIn link apart from the Blog, so that I can get interview tips and advice. As a job seeker, I want to get advice about CV Writing and Interview Tips from professionals, so that I have industry-oriented experience. As a job seeker, I want to share my experience from application to getting a job, so that future applicants get benefit from it.

Automatic Application • • • • •

As a job seeker, I want automatic, so that I can save some of my time. As a job seeker, I want the system should only search jobs for me automatically and provide me the result so that I can save my time. As a job seeker, I want to take total control of my job application, so that I do not get offers from anywhere that does not interest me. As a job seeker, I want to set filters in the automatic application system, so that its search and apply places I prefer. As a user, I do not want, automatic form, so that I can control my job applications.

Maps • • • • •

As a job seeker, I want a location map in the system, so that I can locate and get direction from the place of work to my place of stay. As a job seeker, I want a map link, so that I can check the location on my own. Website Outlook As a user, I want the website should be simple and user-friendly so that I can use it efficiently. As a user, I would like to I want clearly written text so that I can understand every-thing written on the website

Features • • • •

As an international student, I want the system should have features to be translated into English and other mostly spoken languages so that I can understand every content of the system. As a job seeker, I want different subsection of job category, so that I can search the desired job quickly. As a user, I want my login information's are saved into cookies so that I need not type every time I log in. As a job seeker, I want the system should contain basic and advanced searching option so that I can manipulate my searching.

Salary Calculator •

As a job seeker, I want the salary calculator so that I can get an advance idea about my future jobs.

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• •

As a job seeker, I want a living expense calculator of different cities with the salary calculator so that I can measure my budgets. As a job seeker, I do not think salary calculator is necessary because companies do not mention their wages in the offer so that that job seeker may misguide through this.

CV Builder • • • •

As a job seeker, I want the online CV builder should have fields for all discipline so that I do not need to write anything separately. As a job seeker, I want the system to allow a maximum size of documents to be uploaded so that I can provide good images in the CV. As a job seeker, I want to update my online CV anytime, So that my CV remains al-ways updated. As a job seeker, I do not want that my personal information have to be shared with any third party, so that my privacy may reveal.

Security • •

As a user, I want mobile phone verification when I forget the password so that I can retrieve my account securely. As a user, I want an excellent data encryption, so that people do not get my personal information.

Smartphone App • • •

As a job seeker, I do not want a Smartphone app with the system, so that I can take my time to use it with my home computer. As a job seeker, I want a Smartphone app so that I can carry it anywhere and check my status anytime. As a user, I want the Smartphone app should be as like as the website so that I get the feeling of using the same thing in mobile.

Customer Support • • • •

As a job seeker, I want 24-hour online assistance, so that I can get help anytime I need. Personal Development Platform As a job seeker, I want the Personal development Platform should be linked with Courser. As a job seeker, I want to have the personal growth platform as an optional feature, so that I do not need to use if it is not necessary for me.

Mobile Verification • • • • • •

As a user, I want mobile phone verification when I forget the password so that I can retrieve my account securely. As a user, I want to synchronize my mobile with the system, so that I can use it as an account recovery option. Payment As a user, I want multiple payment methods, so that I can choose my most convenient one. As a user, I want the system should not remember my credit card information so that no transaction apart from my knowledge will happen. As a user, I want to get a payment receipt every time I make a purchase so that I can keep my money management.

Filters •

As a job seeker, I want an experience required based filter so that I can get results only where I am eligible.

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• • • • •

As a job seeker, I do not want too many filters, so that it can make my searching too narrow. As a seeker, I want a salary range based filter so that I can start searching from my expected salary. Social Networking website As a user, I want to connect my social networking site with the system, so that I do not need to type my necessary information. As a user, I wish to know which information will be taken from my social networking website, so that I can confirm it.

Project Reviewer: • • • • • •

As a project analyst, I want the all the relevant information about each project that has been uploaded. As project reviewer, I want to edit the project if it is necessary after checking the project specifications As a project reviewer, I want to evaluate the project anonymously. As project analyst, I want notification of completed projects which are in progress of my supervision As a project analyst, I want to update the project in real-time to keep the recent industry standard As a project analyst, I want to update my personal information anytime.

Project Instructor • • • • • •


As a project instructor, I want to update and modify my personal information any time As a project instructor, I want to verify the authenticity of the given project As a project instructor, I want to have a notification if anyone has any opinion about the project. As a project instructor, I want to comment and pass my remarks upon completion of any project As a project instructor, I want to authenticate myself for my access rights As project instructor, I want to check on the employee records of accomplishment whenever it is necessary.

Functional Requirement

Job seeker • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Register and login into the system. Ability to build the CV Online and upload the current CV. Update the online CV Upload a cover letter for job where needed Upgrade the profile and add photos. An original job search engine that enables the seeker to search jobs according to specific qualification and filters. Enroll for courses in Personal Development Platform. Payment through multiple payment Methods. The seeker shall receive a payment receipt for catch transaction Set filters for electronic application. A blog/forum where job-related general discussion could be made. Set filters for automatic Job Application system. Guide locations and direction from the seeker's location to job location.

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• • • • • • • •

Ability to be notified when the employer is interested about his/her CV. Be advised by request. Payment system should be more flexible and secure. Ability to customization of course on LMS. Guide users from User catalog/service directory. Knowledge management is more well decorate. Single click sign in. Self-enrollment.

Employer • • • • • • • • •

Company registration Ability to add and edit company profile and logo Ability to search Job seekers CV from CV bank. View and download posted candidates CV Post job Vacancies Post job responsibilities Manage company advertisement. Payment using a different payment gateway. Retrieve password by automated email or mobile code

Administrator • • • •

Manage job seeker, employer and advertiser profile. Ability to create package promotions for customers for special deals. Manage payment for employer, job seeker and advertiser. Manage E-Learning Portal

• Manage Developer Team Activities Advertiser • •

Ability to upload my advertisement by my own Ability to modify my ad if needed

Learning Management System: • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

User friendly or easy use Easy configuration Customize dash board/ course Security Well Data management Test/exam engine well decorate Mobile access Multi language Self-enrollment or remove enrollment Service catalog Notification Single click login Discussion forums Authentication

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• • • • • • • • • • •

Live chat / Voice Orientation/help Group work Self-assessment test Course authorization Automated testing and scoring File exchange Calendar/progress review Instructor helpdesk Accurate Searching Knowledge tracking

Project Instructor • • • • • • • • •

Provide all personal info as a instructor For security wanted gatekeeper to authentication Act as a anonymous Able to update all kind of info required regarding project Review project and add comment for mentor before published Able to verify metros identity Ask to mentor for any kind of information Capable to reject or modify without any expiation to mentor if not standard Capable to rescheduling project

User stories Project Reviewer • • • • • •


As a project reviewer, I want the all, the relevant information about each project that has been uploaded. As project reviewer, I want to edit the project if it is necessary after checking the project specifications As a project reviewer, I want to evaluate the project anonymously. As project reviewer, I want notification of completed projects which are in progress of my supervision As a project reviewer, I want to update the project in real-time to keep the recent industry standard As a project reviewer, I want to update my personal information anytime.

Non-Functional Requirement

Job Seeker • • • • • • •

The system should be able to synchronize email address with the user account. The system should be able to synchronize mobile number with the user account. The seeker should be able to retrieve Account from Email Address and mobile number. The seeker should be able to use the system with Smartphone. The seeker should be able to hide personal information from Employer. The seeker should be able to comment anonymously about salary and company benefits. Ability to comment on blog for registered users.

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• • • • • • •

The seeker should be able to activate and deactivate automatic application feature. Ability to connect with social networking websites. The seeker should be able to set home location. The system should be able to Calculate Approximate salary. The seeker should be able to Take Test in Personal development Platform. The system should be able to certify users after successful completion of test or project. The seeker should be able to block employers from searching CV.

Employer • • • • • • • •

Ability to know job seekers expertise on specific work field. Ability to know seekers heath issue related information. Check job seekers qualification, training, and experience. Ability to know expected salary from the job seeker. Ability to know job seekers location. The employer should be able to know job seekers desired duration of work in the company. Ability to know job seekers Nationality and language spoken. Ability to know if the job seeker has any disability or not.

Administrator • •

Manage location console to modify location for jobs posted and job seeker. Comment about Improvements of the system

Advertiser • • •

Ability to know the validity of my advertisement. Ability to display best quality images/ Video in my advertisement 24/7 support from the system to report my problem anytime and get instant help.

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Learning Management System (LMS) in Our Project

This application platform usually used for so-called common purpose like [18] • Administration, • Documentation, • Tracking, reporting and • Delivery of electronic educational technology However, in the Project we design, LMS system not only designs for education purpose but also it is special purpose with development of Skill for getting job.


Object of this platform • • • •


Stakeholder for LMS system • • • • • •


sync with job searching platform Knowledge development. Skill Analysis and testing. Evaluation of Skill of seeker.

Seeker/learner Instructor Employ Examiner Reviewer Operational manager

Scope of the Project

Our proposed LMS is easy and use friendly to use for all stakeholders such as student and c-coordinator and reviewer from different company. Our proposed LMS system includes the following.

Web-based access: Proposed LMS system all users who have internet facility can access the system wherever and whenever they wish. A user not allowed to access without job portal interment.

Document management: Proposed LMS System allows uploading and downloading of documents (pdfs, word documents, PPT).

Media management: Proposed LMS System allows System allows uploading and downloading of ppts and pdf files.

Tracking Management This management system allowed tracking the application or tracking activates for client and Business partners activates.

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Benefits of users/system

After finishing the course, the learner will be empowered with further knowledge and guidance to assist with job seeking. This is a not normal e-learning platform is not designed for absolute beginners. As it is designed for job seekers, basic knowledge should already be in place.

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System Design

In this Project, we followed SDLC and Agile process to design our system. We followed main process from SDLC [19] [20], which is o o o o 5.1

Planning    


Planning Analysis Design Implantation

In this steps we planned before start Planning is important to determine why a system has to be built and implemented Roadmap of team work and how the project will be developed step by step Two steps included in the planning phase are project initiation and project management steps. Project initiation phase determines the business value of the project and project management phase determines work plan, different techniques required for the development and proper direction of the project through SDLC. Analysis

In this phase, we did requirement analysis. At the beginning we (Explain bit more here) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5.3

Investigates existing system. Market analysis regarding system Cost analysis (Reduced cost for developing and maintained) Targeted customer analysis (For expected system) Identification of improvement new proposed system regarding stakeholder demand. Identify primary and secondary stakeholder, which mention first part of this report. Identify involvement with system to stakeholder. Identify stakeholder interest. (Stakeholder Matrix) Gathering all of requirements Prioritize requirements Negotiation with stakeholders requirements Test requirements Proposal for new system on demand of stakeholder Develop high level design


We develop different kind of UML and mockup to test and finally we develop prototype. Implementation of different stakeholder’s different prototypes

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Proposed Prototype

System Requirements   

Operating system: Window 7 and any upper OS (Windows and Linux) Microprocessor: Pentium-4 class processor, 2.2 GHz Hard disks : 2GB RAM : 256 MB

SoftwareRequirements      

Java language : JavaSCRIPT ,.JSP,Java Servlets Package : java UPDATE Database : MYSQL Server,5.6.17 : Database - sis Client side scripting :HTML,CSS,JavaScript. Web-Server :WAMP server Package. Web Application server: Apache Tomcat Server 8.0.27

End-user characteristics    


Every user must have basic knowledge of English/ German Should be able to work with computer. All users must have his/her unique login name and password for join web portal. The user should know the details (meaning) of the operation.

System functionally Overview

Figure 4Total overview of system

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System Architecture

Figure 5 Proposed Software Model


System Registration

For system, registration for all users should be followed billows Process o o o o

User Name Must be 6 character with case sensitive Valid mail address Valid cell phone number Valid data should be input

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Activity Diagram for registration

Figure 6 Registration processes according.

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Field Name User Id First Name Middle name Last Name Gender Date of Birth Mobile Email Category Marital Status : Nationality Address

Type of data varchar int varchar varchar varchar int Data varchar varchar varchar varchar varchar


Discipline 100 Primary Key Auto Increment 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255

Overview It is the unique id of user.

Career and Application Information Objective Expected Salary : Looking For : Available For :

varchar int varchar varchar

255 255 255 255

varchar varchar

255 255

Preferred Areas Job Category : Preferred Job Category varchar Job Location(s) varchar Organization Type

255 255

Other Relevant Information varchar Career Summary : varchar Special Qualification : varchar Keyword

255 255 255

Table 2-IUser registration credential details

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Figure 7Account setting

Figure 8Edit information

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Figure 9User Login

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Figure 10Password Reset Activity

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Seeker Arena:

Figure 11 Seeker Activity Diagram

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Figure 12Seeker Sequence Diagram

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Figure 13Seeker Use Case Diagram

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Figure 14Seeker Work Flow Diagram

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Employs Arena

Figure 15Employer Activity Diagram

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Figure 16Employer Sequence Diagram

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Figure 17Employer Use Case Diagram

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Figure 18Employer workflow

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Figure 19Admin Activity Diagram

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Figure 20Admin Use Case Diagram

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Figure 21Advertiser Activity Diagram

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Figure 22Advertiser Sequence Diagram

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LMS system

Figure 23LMS Activity Diagram

Figure 24LMS Use Case Diagram

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Figure 25LMS Development Use Case Diagram

Figure 26LMS Workflow Diagram

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SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis [21][22] refers to the systems strength weakness opportunities and threats. It helps the system to be fully functional and be aware of the advantages and drawbacks. In case of our project, we have defined some specifics of the same which areSWOT analysis template

6.1.6      

6.3.6    



Detailed information about finding job opportunity to getting to the interview One stop solution for career tips and improvement Self-development and adding portfolio Filtered job search according to user specification Hiring opportunity depending on the company standard project review Employers can post demo project for making initial selection

  

Weaknesses There should be both onsite and offsite customer support On demand video chatting opportunity for emergency hiring interview Frequent workshop and event organization




One stop solution for career opportunists Self-development learning platform at professional level Get certified by professional reviewers Employers trusted place both for job posting efficiently and hiring skilled employees as they have ample scope to judge the candidates Both for students professionals a hub to communicate and exchange knowledge

Initially integrating the learning management system with job portal as it requires huge educational materials and professional project reviewers Further integration takes more human resource and planning

Table 3-IISWAT Analysis

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Prototype demo

Figure 27 Employer Login

Figure 28Account Creation

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Figure 29Seeker login

Figure 30Employer Logged In Window

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Figure 31Employer Panel

Figure 32Employer Panel Chatting

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Figure 33 Employer Job Posting Arena

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Data Base Management Analysis

SQL is an umbrella term for various software categories.SQL allows schema-less data storage, which is not promising with relational database storage. In the last two or three decades, SQL databases are supporting explosively to increase business data, especially, in social networks, retail, e-commerce, etc. This is why we have used SQL as our supportive database to access user / group and employee access, as well as an admin panel to provide high scalability, simpler designs and higher availability with more precise control. The capability to securely manage big data is another significant reason for the adoption of SQL databases.

Figure 34 Database Structure

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Software Development Document Analysis


Role & Responsibility

System admin:   

Add delete modify users Modify user access to the system Remote access for system troubleshooting

Employer    

Update profile Edit company profile Edit job posting within a specific time limit Post advertisement, projects and review the results

Job Seeker    

Update profile Edit information in the curriculum vitae Modify job application status Modify project solution posting and update it

Project Reviewer     

Update /modify profile Upload new project Modify old projects or delete them Upload results Add / modify solution

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Software requirements Findings Analysis



 

 

Video chatting between the employee and job seeker will be included so that the employer can have a quick short interview in case of emergency recruitment or distant interview Different workshops, company visit information will be available to the users so that the recruitment company can have their job seekers see the real life job situation and get advice from the already established jobholders A forum and/or blog has to be included so that the users can share their ideas and exchange knowledge among themselves Users have to be given more control over the system to properly interact with it.

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