Final Questions

  • May 2020
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Q1 The advantages of the client/server architecture are: (more than one answer is correct) • Scalability • The lowest level is the application server' • R/3 programs run at the application server level • The technical distribution of the software is independent of its physical location on the hardware • It is not possible to install all levels on one computer Q2 The Repository... (more than one answer is correct) • Has all objects created with the Workbench development tools are created as repository objects • is subdivided by development classes • Can have objects assigned to more than one development class • Object does not have to be assigned a development class when created • Can be searched using tools Q3 Which of the following statements about active and inactive objects is true: (more than one answer is correct) • Objects are always saved as active versions • Others users see active versions in their worklists • It is possible to access directly the worklist of another user, • In display mode the user always sees the active version of an object • In Change version the latest version is always displayed Q4 Which of the following statements will create a variable. (more than one answer is correct) • TYPES: TY_CARRID TYPE S_CARR_ID DATA: WA_CARRID TYPE TY _CARRID • TYPES: TY_CARRID TYPE S_CARR_ID TYPES: TY2_CARRID TYPE TY _CARRID DATA: WA_CARRID TYPE TY2_CARRID • DATA TY_CARRID TYPE TY _CARR_ID DATA WA_CARRID TYPE TY _CARRID • TYPES: TY_CARRID TYPE S_CARR_ID DATA: WA_CARRID LIKE TY _CARRID Q5 TABLES: KNA1 (More than one answer is correct) • Creates a structure in a program • Creates an internal table in a program • When populated in an ABAP program and referenced in screen field names, explicit move statements are required to transfer data from the program to the screen, • When referenced in screen fields, automatic transfer of values from screen to ABAP program. Q6 Which of the following statements are true.

TYPES: TY_CARRID TYPE S_CARR_ID TYPES: TY_CARRID2 TYPE TY_CARRID VALUE 'LH' DATA: WA_CARRID TYPE TY_CARRID2 CLEAR WA CARRID • After the CLEAR statement is executed the contents of TY _CARRI D2 is initial • After the CLEAR statement is executed the contents of WA_CARRID is initial • After the CLEAR statement TY _CARRID is initial • The initial value of WA_CARRID is space • The initial value of WA CARRID is LH Q7 When would the text 'Customer Details' appear on the screen. 'Customer Details is not the text content of TO 1. (more than one answer is correct) WRITE: 'Customer Details'(TO1). • Whenever the write statement is executed • When the element TO1 has not been created • When the text element TO1 has not been translated and login in another language • Never Q8 The case statement... • Can have more than one WHEN statement • Can have many WHEN OTHERS statement • The WHEN OTHERs can be placed in any sequence in the list of options • Can compare to a literal string Q9 Which of the following statements are true, TYPES: BEGIN OF TY _STRUC, CARRID TYPE S_CARR_ID, CONNID TYPE S_CONN_ID } KUNNR TYPE KUNNR, END OF TY STRUC . DATA: TY_OBJ TYPE TABLE OF TY _STRUC, TY_OBJ2 LIKE TY_OBJ • TY _STRUC defines an internal table object • TY _OBJ2 is an internal sorted table • TY _OBJ is a table type • TY _STRUC is a structure type • TY _STRUC is a global object Q10 What would be the results of the following write statement DATA: WA_A(10) type C value 'ABC', DATA: BEGIN of WA_STRUC, FIELD1(5) TYPE C, FIELD2(3) TYPE C, FIELD3(10) TYPE C, END OF WA STRUC. WA_STRUC = WA_A. WRITE: / WA_STRUC-FIELD3. • 78

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89 67 space program will not compile because of invalid assignments

Q11 The MOVE-CORRESPONDING statement moves between fields.. • having the same field names • with fields having the same underlying data element • with field having he same underlying domain • that form the internal table definition Q12 The clear statement does the following (more than one answer is correct). • for data fields defined with the VALUE extension, sets the field content to this preset value • when used with a structure, sets all the fields to the initial value for the field type • for internal tables with header line, sets the table lines to their initial values, • can be used to set initial contents for named fields within structures Q13 Internal tables... (more than one answer is correct) • must have a line structure • must have key fields that must be unique • must have key fields • all table types can be accessed using the internal index Q14 Which of the following statements must be true. LOOP AT T_KNA1. WRITE: T_KNA1. ENDLOOP. • T_ KNA1 is an internal table • T_KNA1 is a structure with a header line • T_KNA1 is an internal table with a header line • T_KNA1 is a database table Q15 Which of the following statements is true. APPEND T KNA 1 • T KNA 1 is an internal table • T KNA1 is an internal table with a header line • T KNA 1 is a structure • T KNA 1 is a database table Q16 Which of the following ABAP statements concerning MESSAGE are true • It is possible to pass up to 5 variables to a message • Message type A will issue an error message • Message type E will cause the redisplay of a selection screen when used in the START -OF-SELECTION event • Message type I displays information messages • Message type E when used in conjunction with the event AT SELECTION-SCREEN terminates a program

Q17 Database tables... (more than one answer is correct) • In R/3 are administered in the ABAP dictionary • All database tables are Transparent • Tables using the same line type and name are called Transparent tables • Database table can be created with reference to internal tables from within ABAP code Q18 The part of the system responsible for converting open SQL into standard SQL is the • Runtime environment • Database optimiser • Database Work process • Database Interface • SOL generator Q19 When reading a single record from the database, the following conditions must be specified: (more than one answer is correct) • The name of either a dictionary: table, view, inner or outer join, or structure to be read, • The fields to be extracted, as either a field list or with the * annotation, • An into clause specifying a structure identical to the columns being read, • The full primary key Q20 When specifying an ARRAY fetch, the following must be specified, • An internal table that must be based upon a database table definition • An ENDSELECT statement • A WHERE clause • An INSERT statement if adding lines to the end of an internal table already filled with data • An internal table Q25 The following are statements that can be added to the REPORT statement (more than one answer is correct) • LINE-SIZE • LINE-COUNT • STANDARD PAGE-HEADING • PRINT ON • LINE-COUNT 15(2) Q26 TOP-OF-PAGE event is required to produce report headings when (more than one answer is correct) • Standard page headings have been switched off and headings are required • When END-OF-PAGE has been coded • When interactive list headings are required • When a colour difference is required for the report headings • When variables are required in report headers Q27 From within the event block AT LINE-SELECTION it is possible to: (more than one answer is correct)

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Set the left scroll boundary Set the right scroll boundary Scroll to any line of a Set the cursor position to a given field Generate special lines like corners

Q28 Which attributes of a screen field can be modified dynamically? (more than one answer is correct) • NAME • GROUP1 • GROUP2 • LENGTH • INVISIBLE Q29 Which of the following statements about the table SCREEN are true • Screen is a database table containing attributes of the screen fields • Screen is an internal table containing attributes that can be changed dynamically • There is one table screen per ABAP program • Can be modified in both the PAI and the PBO • Cannot be modified for modal dialog boxes Q30 Which of the following statements about modifying screen attributes is true (more than one answer is correct) • If the screen attribute invisible is not set in the screen painter, it can be changed dynamically in the program • If the length of a field has been set in the screen painter, it can be lengthened dynamically in the program • Screen-invisible = '0' makes the field appear on the screen • You can use a READ TABLE with the screen table to access a single field at one time • It is possible to change the attributes of more than one field at the same time when looping through the screen table Q31 Which of the following statements about screens are correct: (more than one answer is correct) • Screens 1000 -1010 are reserved from maintenance screens of ABAP programs and standard selection screens • Screen no's greater than 9000 are reserved from SAP system customers • The next screen field provides a default value • If run time compression is switched off, blank lines appear on the screen • Context menu support is not available for the whole screen Q32 Concerning flow logic... (more than one answer is correct) • Is split into PBO and PAI • Process on value request requires the assignment of a field name • The same module name can be called in both PBO and PAl • The same module can be called from more than one screen ABAP program? • The module name can be called from another executable of Module Pool ABAP program Q33

Module pools (more than one answer is correct) • Are programs having a complex structure, containing INCLUDE structures, • A module pool must have assigned to it a transaction code • There is a 1:1 relationship between module pool and transaction code • The TOP include is used to define all the variables contained in the program • Module pools can be submitted from a calling ABAP program Q34 When setting the next screen attribute, which of the following statements is true (more than one answer is correct) • The screen can belong to another program • The LEAVE TO SCREEN statement immediately calls the PBO of the called screen • The SET SCREEN statement permanently overrides the next screen attribute • Issuing an error type message after the LEAVE TO SCREEN statement first displays the error message then displays the next screen • The statement must be included for subsequent screen processing Q35 The difference between CALL SCREEN and LEAVE to SCREEN is the following (more than one answer is correct) • LEAVE TO SCREEN adds another layer to the screen stack • CALL SCREEN adds another layer to the screen stack • CALL SCREEN requires you to remove the stack layer afterwards • LEAVE TO SCREEN is the normal way to call a modal dialog box • CALL SCREEN a has the same effect as LEAVE TO SCREEN 0 Q36 Setting the cursor position is possible (more than one answer is correct) • As part of the screen attributes • Inside the PBO • Inside the PAI • When entered into the ABAP after an E message called from the PAI, sets the cursor field to that position before the screen is redisplayed • Can be conditioned by ABAP statements Q37 Functions... (more than one answer is correct) • When assigned the value T, call a transaction, • When assigned a value E are used to trigger event processing • When P trigger PBO processing in the screen • Have to be assigned to both the menu and the application toolbar • Can be assigned a fastpath attribute 038 Menus... (more than one answer is correct) • Can contain up to 10 items • Entries can be either functions, separators and other menus • A GUI status can contain upto 8 different menus excluding system and help • Can contain menus from other programs Q39

In order for a status icon to be assigned to a screen field... (more than one answer is correct) • A status field must be assigned to the screen using the screen painter • A data field is required of type ICONS-TEXT, • Call a function module to assign the icon in the PAl of the required screen • The name of the icon to be created must be passed to the function module • The name of the icon can be changed at runtime Q40 Input and output fields can have the following attributes changed dynamically (more than one answer is correct) • Bright • Invisible • 2 dimensional • required • quick info Q41 Which of the following checks are executed before the PAI is invoked (more than one answer is correct) • Mandatory field checks • Field format check • Process on help request • Foreign key checks • Process on Value Request Q42 Which of the following statements are true UPDATE SFLIGHT SET PRICE = '1000' CURRENCY = 'USD' WHERE CARRID LIKE 'A%' • All records in all clients for CARRID starting with A will be updated • All records in the current client where CARRID contains A will be updated • All records in the current client for CARRID starting with A will be updated • All records in the current client will have only their price changed • All records in the current client with a price of 1000 and a currency of USD will be changed Q43 CLIENT SPECIFIED • Without addition, refer to the current client only • Without valuation, can be used to access data from all clients • With valuation, can be used to access data in all clients • Data access is automatically restricted to the appropriate authority level • Data cannot be accessed outside of he current client

Q44 (more than one answer is correct) When inserting a set of records into the database from an internal table... • It is important to ensure that all the records in the internal table have unique keys as duplications will always result in a runtime error and cannot be catered for • The primary keys to the table must always be included • Foreign key validation takes place • The number of records inserted into the table is stored in a system field SY-DBCNT • Database rollback takes place for all records rejected from an insertion Q45 Which of the following statements concerning using a database view are correct (more than one answer is correct) • The view can contain more than one table • The view must reference only one table • The view must have status 'read and change' • Only the INSERT statement can be used, not MODIFY when using a view • The system variable TABIX contains the number of records that have been changed Q46 Your program has code to insert records into the database. After the insert the system sent a return code other than zero. How could you reset the database to the state it was in before the insert was called? (more than one answer is correct) • MESSAGE S • MESSAGE I • ROLLBACK WORK • MESSAGE A • COMMIT WORK Q47 Logical locks can be set... (more than one answer is correct) • If the requested lock is not already set • Can be set for records that do not currently exist • Are set using authorization checking • Are released automatically with the LEAVE PROGRAM statement • Can be set before the execution of more than one database logical unit of Work 048 The lock argument for a client dependent table has been defined as CARRID and CONNID. What would be the effect of calling the enqueue function module passing just the CARRID field • The function module would abend, all fields referenced in the lock arguments must be passed to the table • the client would be defaulted to the current client • A generic lock is created for all client and CARRID fields • A lock is set for just the current client CARRID field combination • The lock is set using the current client and the CARRID field, along with a null value for the CONNID field

Q49 If there are standard functions that can be adjusted to fulfil the customers needs, which of the following methods are those recommended by SAP in order to change the function (more than one answer is correct) • Customizing • Customer Development • Enhancement • Modification • Personalization Q50 Which of the following are examples of system enhancements (more than one answer is correct) • Function module exits • Menu exits • Screen exits • Variant Transactions Q51 When creating an Append structure for a table, which of the following statements are true (more than one answer is correct) • Append structure allow the attachment of fields without actually modifying the table, • An append structure can belong to more than one table • CI includes can be referenced in multiple tables • CI includes can be inserted into any table by the customer Q52 Which of the following statements about transaction variants is true (more than one answer is correct) • Transaction variants is a reference to a set of screen variants • It is possible to create any number of normal transaction variants • Transaction variants can be either client dependent or client independent • Transaction variants can be added to a personalization list of transactions Q53 It is required to add a number of bespoke fields to SAP tables. Which of the following method would best satisfy that requirement. • First create a bespoke INCLUDE structure containing the required fields, then add as an append structure the created include to the respective tables • For each of the required tables get an object key from OSS and then add bespoke fields as appropriate to each table • First look for a CI- include in all the tables. If one exists, add the required fields through customizing • First look for a CI- include in all the tables. If one is not there then go to each of the tables and add an include.

Q54 It is a requirement to copy an SAP table that has an append structure attached to it. Which of the following will happen when the table is copied • You cannot copy a table that has an append structure attached • The new table will be created and it to will have an append structure in it created with a default by the SAP, • The table will be created and it will have an append structure in it. You will have a chance to rename the append structure • The new table will be created and the fields in the append structure become normal fields in the target table • It is not possible to copy a table containing an append structure Q58 Which objects when created in the data dictionary do not create corresponding database objects (more than one answer is correct) • Structures • Database tables • Internal table types • Include structures • Views Q59 Which of the following are objects created in the underlying database (more than one answer is correct) • Tables • Primary indexes • Secondary Indexes • Database views • Internal table types Q60 Which of the following are types that can be defined in the data dictionary (more than one answer is correct) • Data elements • Structures • Tables types • Tables • Search helps Q61 The data dictionary provides a number of services to support program development. These include (more than one answer is correct) • Field exits • Documentation • Search helps • Locki ng • Logging Q62 Comparing structures and tables, which of the following statements are true • Both a structure and a table have an underlying database definition • A structure can include structures, a table cannot include structures • A structure can include another structure, a table cannot include another table • A table can have fields created using direct type entry, a structure cannot • An append structure can be added to a table only

Q63 When defining a database table key, which of the following statements are true (more than one answer is correct) • Every table must have a primary key, whose keys do not have to be contiguous • Every table must have a primary key J whose keys do have to be contiguous • It is not possible to delete primary keys to a table because activation could result in record duplication • A primary key must be made up of fields constructed of different data elements • Quantity and currency fields must have a corresponding reference unit of measure Q64 A Data element... (more than one answer is correct) • Must be assigned a domain • Can have supplementary documentation attached to it • Can have its field labels changed outside the data dictionary utility • Must be used to build table and structure fields • Provide a list of F4 values Q65 Which of the following settings are used to define the technical settings of a table (more than one answer is correct) • • • • •

Data class Size category Logging Initial extent size Buffering

Q66 The data class... (more than one answer is correct) • Defines the physical area of the database • Is for master data • Transactional data • Organizational data • Application data

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