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Files: 15.1 What is the best way to rename a file on the webserver in code? Use namespace System.IO VB.NET

File.Move("C:\Dir1\SomeFile.txt", "C:\Dir1\RenamedFileName.txt")


File.Move(@"C:\Dir1\SomeFile.txt", @"C:\Dir1\RenamedFileName.txt")


Rename Function

FileInfo.MoveTo Method

Note: In a Web application, the code is running in the context of the machine\ASPNET account, which has limited privileges. If the error you are getting pertains to permissions, you might need to grant to the machine\ASPNET account the rights to create and delete files in the directory where you're working. Note that this could be a security issue.

15.2 How to create a folder in ASP.NET? Use System.IO namespace VB.NET

Dim path As String = "" try ' Determine whether the directory exists. If Directory.Exists(path) Then Response.Write("That path exists already.") Return End If ' Try to create the directory. Dim di As DirectoryInfo = Directory.CreateDirectory(path) Response.Write(("Directory create successfully at " + Directory.GetCreationTime(path))) catch ex as Exception Response.Write (ex.Message ) end try


string path = @"c:\MyDir"; try { // Determine whether the directory exists. if (Directory.Exists(path)) { Response.Write ("That path exists already."); return; } // Try to create the directory. DirectoryInfo di = Directory.CreateDirectory(path); Response.Write("Directory create successfully at " + Directory.GetCreationTime(path)); } catch(Exception ex) { Response.Write (ex.Message ); }

15.3 How to show the ASP.NET code to the users? Use namespace




Protected Function GetCode(filename As String) As String Dim sr As New StreamReader(filename) Dim sb As New StringBuilder() sb.Append("<pre>") sb.Append(sr.ReadToEnd()) sb.Append("") sr.Close() Return sb.ToString() sb = Nothing sr = Nothing End Function 'GetCode Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Response.Write(GetCode((Server.MapPath("WebForm1.aspx") + ".vb"))) End Sub 'Button1_Click


protected string GetCode(string filename) { StreamReader sr =new StreamReader(filename ); StringBuilder sb =new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("<pre>");

sb.Append(sr.ReadToEnd()); sb.Append("
"); sr.Close(); return sb.ToString(); sb = null; sr = null;

} private void Button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { Response.Write (GetCode(Server.MapPath ("WebForm1.aspx") + ".cs")); }

15.4 How to read a html file in ASP.NET? Use namespace System.IO VB.NET

Dim file As String = Server.MapPath("temp.html") Dim sr As StreamReader Dim fi As New FileInfo(file) Dim input As String = "<pre>" If File.Exists(file) Then sr = File.OpenText(file) input += Server.HtmlEncode(sr.ReadToEnd()) sr.Close() End If input += "" Me.Label1.Text = input


string file = Server.MapPath ("temp.html"); StreamReader sr; FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(file); string input = "<pre>"; if(File.Exists(file)) { sr = File.OpenText(file); input += Server.HtmlEncode(sr.ReadToEnd()); sr.Close(); } input += ""; this.Label1.Text = input;

15.5 How can I to get the path to the system area that holds temporary files? Use System.IO namespace VB.NET

Dim filePath As String = Path.GetTempPath() Dim fileName As String = Path.GetTempFileName()

Response.Write((filePath + " ")) Response.Write(fileName)


string filePath =Path.GetTempPath (); string fileName = Path.GetTempFileName(); Response.Write (filePath + " " ); Response.Write (fileName );

15.6 How to save a file in the client machine? The browser will not allow you to save a file directly to a client machine. You could however do a Response.Redirect("http://server/filename"); which would send the file back to the browser, at which point the user would be prompted to save / open the file. 15.7 How to get the physical path of a file? Use Request.Path 15.8 How to get the current filename? VB.NET

Response.Write (Path.GetFileName(Request.PhysicalPath))


Response.Write (Path.GetFileName(Request.PhysicalPath));

15.9 How to Upload files in ASP.NET? Take a look at following articles

VB.NET code

C# Code

15.10 How to delete a file from the server? VB.NET




Make sure that you have permissions to delete a file. 15.11 How to find the date and time the specified file or directory was last written to? Use namespace System.IO VB.NET

dim path as string = Server.MapPath("page1.aspx") Response.Write ( File.GetLastWriteTime(path))


string path =Server.MapPath("page1.aspx"); Response.Write ( File.GetLastWriteTime(path));

15.12 How to get the File information using ASP.NET? Use the namepsace System.IO VB.NET

Dim fPath As String = Server.MapPath("orders.xml") Dim fInfo As New FileInfo(fPath) Dim strFileInfo As String If fInfo.Exists Then strFileInfo = "Name: " + fInfo.Name + "
" strFileInfo += "Location: " + fInfo.FullName + "
" strFileInfo += "Created on: " + fInfo.CreationTime + "
" strFileInfo += "Extension: " + fInfo.Extension Else strFileInfo = "The file " + fPath + " was not found." End If Response.Write(strFileInfo)


string fPath = Server.MapPath("orders.xml"); FileInfo fInfo = new FileInfo(fPath); string strFileInfo ; if(fInfo.Exists) {

strFileInfo strFileInfo strFileInfo strFileInfo

= "Name: " + fInfo.Name + "
"; += "Location: " + fInfo.FullName + "
"; += "Created on: " + fInfo.CreationTime + "
"; += "Extension: " + fInfo.Extension;

} else { strFileInfo = "The file " + fPath + " was not found."; } Response.Write (strFileInfo);

15.13 How to create a .csv file that grabs the data from the database?


Dim Dim Dim Dim Dim Dim

cn As SqlConnection cmd As SqlCommand filename As String dr As SqlDataReader i As Integer sb As System.Text.StringBuilder

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click cn=NewSqlConnection("server=localhost;uid=sa;pwd=;database=northwind") filename = "products.csv" cmd = New SqlCommand("select * from products ", cn) cmd.Connection.Open() dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection) sb = New System.Text.StringBuilder 'For field Names For i = 0 To dr.FieldCount - 1 If i < (dr.FieldCount - 1) Then sb.Append(Chr(34) & dr.GetName(i) & _ Chr(34) & ",") Else sb.Append(Chr(34) & dr.GetName(i) & _ Chr(34) & vbCrLf) End If Next 'For field Values While dr.Read() For i = 0 To dr.FieldCount - 1 If i < (dr.FieldCount - 1) Then sb.Append(Chr(34) & _ dr.GetValue(i).ToString & Chr(34) & ",") Else sb.Append(Chr(34) & _ dr.GetValue(i).ToString & Chr(34) & vbCrLf) End If Next End While dr.Close()

cn.Close() Response.ContentType = "Application/x-msexcel" Response.AddHeader _ ("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=""" & _ filename & """") 'Write the file directly to the HTTP output stream. Response.Write(sb.ToString) Response.End() End Sub


SqlConnection cn ; SqlCommand cmd ; string filename ; SqlDataReader dr ; System.Text.StringBuilder sb ; private void Button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { cn=newSqlConnection("server=localhost;uid=sa;pwd=;database=northwind"); filename = "products.csv"; cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from products ", cn); cmd.Connection.Open(); dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection); sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); //For field Names for(int i = 0 ;i< = dr.FieldCount - 1;i++) { if( i < (dr.FieldCount - 1) ) { sb.Append("\t" + dr.GetName(i) + "\t" + ","); } else { sb.Append("\t" + dr.GetName(i) + "\t" + "\n"); } } //For field Values while( dr.Read()) { for(int i = 0 ;i<= dr.FieldCount - 1;i++) { if( i < (dr.FieldCount - 1) ) { sb.Append("\t" + dr.GetValue(i) + "\t" + ","); } else { sb.Append("\t" + dr.GetValue(i) + "\t" + "\n"); } } } dr.Close(); cn.Close(); Response.ContentType = "Application/x-msexcel"; Response.AddHeader ("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + filename ) ;


//Write the file directly to the HTTP output stream. Response.Write(sb.ToString()); Response.End();

15.14 How to read text file in ASP.NET? Use namespace System.IO VB.NET

Dim sr As StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(Server.MapPath("1.txt")) Dim strContents As String = sr.ReadToEnd() 'To display normal raw contents Response.Write(strContents) 'To handle Carriage returns Response.Write(strContents.Replace(vbCrLf, "
")) sr.Close()


StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(Server.MapPath("1.txt")); string strContents = sr.ReadToEnd(); //To display normal raw contents Response.Write(strContents); //To handle Carriage returns Response.Write(strContents.Replace("\n" , "
")); sr.Close();

15.15 How to read specific characters from a text file? Use namespace System.IO VB.NET

Dim fs As New System.IO.FileStream(Server.MapPath("1.txt"), IO.FileMode.Open) Dim buffer(5) As Byte ' 5=> number of characters to be read fs.Read(buffer, 0, 5) fs.Close() Dim filechars() As Char = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetChars(buffer) Dim filestring As String = New String(filechars) Response.Write(filestring)


FileStream fs =new FileStream(Server.MapPath("1.txt"), FileMode.Open);

Byte[] buffer= new byte [5] ; //5 => Number of characters to be read fs.Read(buffer, 0, 5); fs.Close(); Char[] filechars = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetChars(buffer); string filestring = new String(filechars); Response.Write(filestring);

15.16 How to check files exist in a particular directory? Try to use "System.IO.File.Exists("path")". path is the physical file path and it will return you a boolean value. 15.17 What is a MemoryStream and how to use MemoryStream in ASP.NET? The MemoryStream class creates streams that use memory as storage instead of a disk or a network connection. MemoryStream encapsulates data stored as an unsigned byte array that is initialized upon creation of a MemoryStream object, or the array can be created as empty. The encapsulated data is directly accessible in memory. Memory streams can reduce the need for temporary buffers and files in an application. For more details refer

MemoryStream Class

How can I display an image from a Sql Server database?

15.18 How to detect if the string indicating a file-system resource is a file or directory? VB.NET

Dim path As String = Server.MapPath("webform1.aspx") ' Put user code to initialize the page here If(File.GetAttributes(path) And FileAttributes.Directory) = FileAttributes.Directory Then Response.Write("Its a directory") Else Response.Write("Its a file") End If


string path =Server.MapPath ("webform1.aspx"); if ((File.GetAttributes(path) & FileAttributes.Directory) ==FileAttributes.Directory) { Response.Write ("Its a directory"); } else { Response.Write ("Its a file"); }

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