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  • Words: 1,354
  • Pages: 26
Nutrient Management

Fertilizer Materials and Calculation Part 1: Understanding the PalayCheck System

FERTILIZER TERMINOLOGIES • Fertilizer – any substance which is added to the soil or applied to the plant to supply the elements essential for plant nutrition • Fertilizer grade – the guaranteed percentage of total nitrogen (N), available phosphorus (P2O5), and water soluble potassium (K2O), in that order, in a fertilizer material

16-20-0 16% N

0% K2O 20% P2O5

FERTILIZER TERMINOLOGIES • Total plant food – the total percentage of nutrients (usually of N,P,K and S) in a fertilizer material 17-0-17-12 = 46% total plant food 14-14-14-12 = 54% total plant food • Carrier – a material that is necessary to hold the fertilizer element in a form suitable for use 100% – 46% total plant food = 54% carrier

FERTILIZER TERMINOLOGIES • Filler – a material used to provide the fertilizer with the desired amount of nutrient per unit of weight, to make application easier, or to reduce the absorption of water from the air • Fertilizer recommendation – the amount (kg) of N,P2O5, and K2O recommended per hectare 90+30+60 = 90 kg N, 30 kg P2O5, and 60 kg K2O hectare application


Classification of Fertilizer Materials According to form

According to fertilizer elements present

• Natural organic

• Single

• Chemical or inorganic • Natural chemical • Synthetic chemical

• Incomplete • Complete • Mixed

According to form 1. Natural organic – any fertilizer of plant and/or animal origin that has undergone decomposition. Examples: Commercial organic fertilizer (OF), compost, chicken manure

Commercial OF may either be pure organic or fortified organic: Organic Matter (%)

C:N Ratio

Moisture Content (%)

N+P2O5+K2 O (%)

Pure Organic

≥ 20


≤ 35


Fortified Organic

≥ 20


≤ 35


According to form 2. Chemical or inorganic – any fertilizer material which is natural or synthetic product of chemical reaction of certain raw materials.

 Natural chemical – rock phosphate, Chilean nitrate of soda, most potassium materials

 Synthetic chemical – ammonium sulfate, ordinary superphosphate, ammonium phosphate, complete fertilizer; Urea is synthetic but in organic form.

According to number of fertilizer elements present 1. Single fertilizers – contain only one of the 3 major fertilizer elements (N,P, and K) Examples: Urea, Ammonium sulfate, ordinary superphosphate, muriate of potash, sulfate of potash 2. Incomplete fertilizers – contain 2 of the 3 major fertilizer elements

Examples: ammonium phosphate, 17-0-17, potassium nitrate, potassium phosphate, urea superphosphate (20-10-0)

According to number of fertilizer elements present 3. Complete fertilizers – contain all the 3 major fertilizer elements Examples: 14-14-14; 17-7-17; 10-15-15; 12-12-12 4. Mixed fertilizers – contain 2 or more of the major fertilizer elements that are supplied by 2 or more fertilizer materials Examples: ammonium phosphate + muriate of potash; urea superphosphate (20-10-0)

Why study fertilizer grades and fertilizer computation?

Consider this: If Shane needs a teaspoon of sugar to sweeten her juice but there is no sugar available, can she use honey instead? If Aling Mena does not have enough soy sauce for the adobe she’s cooking, can she add salt? How much?

If Mang Ado needs to apply fertilizer at a recommended rate of 90+30+60 but no complete fertilizer is available, what other fertilizers and how much of it should he use to meet the recommendation?

Common fertilizer grades in the market Complete fertilizer

50 kg

14% nitrogen 14% phosphorus 14% potassium

50 kg sack: 7 kg nitrogen 7 kg phosphorus 7 kg potassium

Ammonium phosphate 50 kg sack:

50 kg

16% nitrogen 20% phosphorus 0% potassium

8kg nitrogen 10kg phosphorus 0kg potassium

Urea 46% nitrogen 0% phosphorus 0% potassium

50 kg sack: 23 kg nitrogen 0 kg phosphorus 0 kg potassium

50 kg

Other common fertilizers: Ammonium sulfate (21-0-0) Solophos (0-18-0) Muriate of potash (0-0-60) Urea superphosphate (21-10-0)

46% x 50 kg 100

Fertilizer Calculation If Mang Ado needs to apply fertilizer at a recommended rate of 90+30+60 but no complete fertilizer is available, what other fertilizers and how much of it should he use to meet the recommendation?

Amount of Fertilizer = Recommended Rate (kg nutrient/ha) x Area (ha) Material (kg) Percent Nutrient in Fertilizer Material

Use a combination of 3 single fertilizers

Use a combination of incomplete and single fertilizer materials


Use a combination of complete and single fertilizer materials

Option 1. To calculate the amount of fertilizer materials for 1 ha at the recommended rate of 90 + 30 + 60 using a combination of single fertilizers: • • •

21-0-0 (ammonium sulfate) 0-18-0 (ordinary superphosphate) 0-0-60 (muriate of potash or potassium chloride)

Amount of 21-0-0 (kg) =

90 kg N/ha x 1 ha 0.21



Amount of 0-18-0 (kg) = 30 kg P2O5/ha x 1 ha = 0.18


Amount of 0-0-60 (kg) = 60 kg K2O/ha x 1 ha = 0.60


Therefore, Mang Ado must apply 428.6 kg 210-0, 166.7 kg 0-18-0, and 100.0 kg 0-0-60 to satisfy the recommended rate of 90 + 30 + 60.

Option 2. To calculate the amount of fertilizer materials for 1 ha at the recommended rate of 90 + 30 + 60 using a combination of incomplete and single fertilizers: • • •

16-20-0 (ammonium phosphate 46-0-0 (urea) 0-0-60 (muriate of potash)

Amount of 16-20-0 (kg) =

30 kg P2O5/ha x 1 ha

Amount of 46-0-0 (kg) =

90 kg N – kg N from 150 kg 16-20-0/ha x 1 ha 0.46


90 – (150 x 0.16) 0.46 = 143.5 =

Amount of 0-0-60 (kg) =


60 kg K2O/ha x 1 ha 0.60


= 90 – 24 = 0.46


Therefore, he must apply 150.0 kg 16-20-0, 143.5 kg 46-0-0, and 100.0 kg 0-0-60 to satisfy the recommended rate of 90 + 30 + 60


66 0.46

Option 3. To calculate the amount of fertilizer materials for 1 ha at the recommended rate of 90 + 30 + 60 using a combination of complete and single fertilizers: • • •

14-14-14 (complete) 46-0-0 (urea) 0-0-60 (muriate of potash)

Amount of 14-14-14 (kg) = 30 kg P2O5/ha x 1 ha = 0.14


Amount of 46-0-0 (kg) = 90 kg N – kg N from 214.3 kg 14-14-14/ha x 1 ha 0.46 = 90 – (214.3 x 0.14) = 90 – 30 = 60 = 130.4 0.46 0.46 0.46 Amount of 0-0-60 (kg) = 60 kg K2O – kg K2O from 214.3 kg 14-14-14/ha x 1 ha 0.60 60 – (214.3 x 0.14) 60 – 30 30 = = = = 50.0 0.60 0.60 0.60 Therefore, he must apply 214.3 kg 14-14-14, 130.4 kg 46-0-0, and 50.0 kg 0-0-60 to satisfy the recommended rate of 90 + 30 + 60

Determine the least expensive fertilizer combination that can satisfy the recommended rate (90 + 30 + 60).

Cost of option 1. combination of single fertilizers:

21-0-0 =

428.6 kg 50 kg/bag

x P 550/bag = P 4,714.60

0-18-0 =

166.7 kg 50 kg/bag

x P 550/bag = P 1,833.70

0-0-60 =

100.0 kg 50 kg/bag

x P 825/bag = P 1,650.00 TOTAL COST = P 8,198.30

Cost of option 2. combination of incomplete and single fertilizers: 150.0 kg 16-20-0 = 50 kg/bag x P 820/bag =

P 2,460.00

143.5 kg 46-0-0 = 50 kg/bag x P 890/bag =

P 2,554.30

100.0 kg 0-0-60 = 50 kg/bag x P 825/bag =

P 1,650.00

TOTAL COST = P 6,664.30

Cost of option 3. combination of complete and single fertilizers:

14-14-14 =

214.3 kg 50 kg/bag x P 810/bag = P 3,471.66

46-0-0 =

130.4 kg 50 kg/bag x P 890/bag = P 2,321.12

0-0-60 =

50.0 kg 50 kg/bag x P 825/bag = P


TOTAL COST = P 6,617.78

Use a combination of 3 single fertilizers

Use a combination of incomplete and single fertilizer materials

Use a combination of complete and single fertilizer materials

CREDITS Instructional presentation designer:

Ms. Ev Parac

Note: Adapted from powerpoint presentations developed by:

Mr. Salvador Yabes You may use, remix, tweak, For more information, visit: & build upon this presentation non-commercially. However, always use with acknowledgment. Unless otherwise stated, the names listed are PhilRice staffers.

Produced in 2011.

Text: 0920-911-1398

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