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  • Words: 60,637
  • Pages: 238

Electrical characterization of thermally and mechanically exfoliated silicon films for flat panel display applications

A dissertation submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Philosophy

In Materials Science and Engineering

By Felix Paul Lu

Committee in charge: Professor Paul K.L. Yu, Chair Professor S.S. Lau, Co-Chair Professor Harry H. Wieder Professor Jan Talbot Professor M. Lea Rudee


Copyright Felix Paul Lu, 2004 All rights reserved.

The dissertation of Felix Paul Lu is approved, and it is acceptable in quality and form for publication on microfilm:

____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Chair

University of California, San Diego 2004


DEDICATION To my parents, teachers and friends without whom this would not be possible.


TABLE OF CONTENTS Signature Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .iii Dedication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . iv Table of Contents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . v List of Symbols. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix List of Figures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x List of Tables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .xix Acknowledgements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xx Vita, Publications and Fields of Study. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .xxi Abstract. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxii



Introduction 1.1

The evolution and requirements for flat panel displays. . . . . .1


Organic light emitting diodes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15


Pixel addressing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17


Optimization of active matrix addressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19


Material requirements for FPDs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22


Wafer bonding and film exfoliation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26


Thesis overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28


References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Chapter 2: Wafer bonding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 2.1

Wafer bonding theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34




The wafer surface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34


Wafer cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39

The effect of plasma activation of the surface . . . . . . . . . . . .41 2.2.1

Bonding procedure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43


Discussion of bonding procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44


Bond strength vs. RF plasma power . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46


Explanation in terms of plasma physics . . . . . . . . . . 47 Plasma etching physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 UV light emission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51 Particle bombardment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Plasma effects on Si oxidation . . . . . . . . . . .54 Effect of plasma on surface silica chemistry 57


Wafer bonding results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 2.3.1

Si to Si bonding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60


Si to Oxide bonding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61


Si to Glass bonding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62


Wafer to wafer bond strength measurement. . . . . . . . . . . . . 63


Key experiments and results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69


Summary of the mechanics of Si/OX plasma activated hydrophilic wafer bonding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74



Summary for wafer bonding chapter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76


References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78

Chapter 3: SOI film preparation and characterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 3.1

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88


Ion implantation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 3.2.1

Single ion implantation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96


Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation. . . . . . . . . . . . . .97



Implantation induced damage profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .106


Electrical characterization of films . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106



Hall effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .106


Hot Probe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .108

Thermal donors in Si. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 3.5.1

Phenomenological introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .109


Origin, formation and thermal evolution of thermal donors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110


Experimental considerations: annealing and measurement details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .115


Si film characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .119


Electrical measurements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .122 3.8.1

Silicon on Insulator structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .122 Si on glass experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .123 Si on glass results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .124 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128


Si on wet thermal oxide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 Thermally exfoliated films . . . . . . . . . . . . .130 Mechanically exfoliated films . . . . . . . . . . 136 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139



Strain characterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140


Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150


Summary and conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156


References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .158

Chapter 4: Fabrication and characterization of MOSFETs 4.1

Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 4.1.1

Electrical characterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164




Mobility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .167


Leakage current measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .169

Si on insulator (SOI) structures for devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . .173 4.2.1

Effect of film thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175


Partially and fully depleted TFTs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177


Background Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178


Experimental details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .178 4.4.1

SOI MOSFETs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .179


Conductivity conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181


Process conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .182


Results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .182


Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 4.6.1

Hot cut vs. cold cut devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .191


Summary and conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192


References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195


Summary, conclusions and suggestions for continued research . . . . . . . . . . 196


Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203



Drain to source current


Drain to source voltage

VGS = Vg

Gate voltage


Gate width


Gate length or channel length


carrier mobility


Hall effect mobility


Effective mobility


Field effect mobility


Saturation mobility


scattering factor


depletion width at strong inversion


permittivity of Si


Fermi potential


Acceptor concentration


intrinsic carrier concentration


Gate oxide capacitance


Scattering cross sectional area


deflection angle with respect to incident


Atomic number of particle n


incident kinetic energy


Mass of particle n


LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1-1: Relative power consumption of various subcomponents of a portable notebook type computer with an LCD flat panel display. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Figure 1-2: Power draw of various subcomponents of a portable notebook type computer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Figure 1-3: Evolution of screen size and pixel density for notebook flat panel displays. ppi stands for pixels or points per inch, VGA, SVGA, XGA, SXGA, and UXGA signify the display resolutions and are 640×480, 800×600, 1024×768, 1280×1024, 1400×1050, and 1600×1200 pixels respectively. The numbers are the horizontal × vertical number of lines in the screen.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Figure 1-4: Side by side comparison of OLED pixel (left) and LCD pixel (right). It can be seen that the OLED pixel has fewer layers and is thus simpler to fabricate, not to mention correspondingly higher yields.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Figure 1-5: Layer structure of organic light emitting diode. The EIL and HIL layers are basically contact layers, and the ETL and HTL layers are basically the n and p doped layers. The anode and substrate have to be optically transparent.. . . . . . . . . .17 Figure 1-6: Schematic of simple passive matrix (left) and active matrix (right) grids. The active matrix has at least 1 TFT at each pixel location as shown by the MOSFET icon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Figure 1-7: 2 TFT configuration for active matrix control of pixel. The input TFT (Q1) allows charge to flow into the storage capacitor, which holds Q2 on, turning on the LED. The second half of the cycle reverses the charge, discharging the capacitor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Figure 1-8: Semi-log plot of I-V characteristic for amorphous Si TFT. Note the extremely low reverse bias leakage current.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Figure 1-9: MILC schematic of the layer structure (left). The right half shows a zoomed in area near the gate edges. This indicates that the gate edges hardly or do not see the metallic contamination.. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Figure 2-1: different configurations for water attaching to silanol bonds at the surface of the oxidized silicon surface. (a)-(c) show an isolated silanol bond, (d) shows an associated silanol bond. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35


Figure 2-2: Illustration of the “flat and smooth” silicon surface at the atomic scale. The bond strength relies on the effective contact area, which can be increased. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 Figure 2-3: Illustration of the TTV – total thickness variation used to characterize the flatness of the silicon wafers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Figure 2-4: The gap between the bonded silicon wafers (or maybe to be bonded). The water molecules are able to bridge the gaps between the silanols proving a weak temporary bond. Closing the surface would bring the silanol groups closer together to form a stronger siloxane bond. As is shown, the separation is not far (~11 Å in this case). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 Figure 2-5: The effect of the RF input power on the bond strength. From 100-200 W, the difference is small, but going up to 400W actually makes the bond strength weaker! (bonded at UCSD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Figure 2-6: Surface roughness measured by AFM as a function of plasma process time. Circles and squares correspond to hydrogen (H series) and argon (A series) treatments, respectively. Triangles correspond to hydrogen treatment after argon treatment (AH series).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 47 Figure 2-7: Comparison of UV activated samples to samples (■,▲) with no surface activation (♦). The ambient in the chamber was either ozone or (UHP) nitrogen. The wafers were all RCA cleaned before bonding. At room temp (far left), the bond strengths are similar. At higher anneal temperatures, the UV activated samples seem to be slightly stronger. The measured bond strengths match up with those given in the literature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .53 Figure 2-8: surface of SiO2 with a crack/pore. The isolated silanols (left side) are less likely to interact (and form an associated silanol on a flat surface. In the pore, the slope forces the isolated silanols to get closer making it more likely to form an associated silanol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59 Figure 2-9: sample cross section for multiple interference transmission FTIR measurement. The thick gray area is the wafer bonded interface and where the molecular species of interest are. The edges are beveled to facilitate coupling of IR beams at the appropriate angles such that they are confined within the waveguide.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Figure 2-10: Comparison of Si/Si bonding (left figure) to Si/OX bonding (figure on right). The images were taken using a scanning acoustic microscope (SAM) at VTT electronics in Finland. The small bubbles are not visible under an IR transmission imaging (not shown). This shows the benefit of using Si/OX rather than Si/Si


bonding. (4 inch bonded Si wafers, SAM imaged by T. Suni at VTT electronics, Finland) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Figure 2-11: The razor blade measurement method. The blade is inserted between the wafers which creates a separation seen with an IR camera (right picture). The crack length is measured and varies inversely (to the fourth power) with the bond strength. The thing to watch out for is the tapered tip of the blade. It will effectively shorten the crack length making the bond strength seem stronger than it really is, especially for strong bonds.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Figure 2-12: figure of bond strengths with and without blade taper in calculation.. 66 Figure 2-13: The crack length shown in figure 8, will increase as a function of time. It slows down after about 2 minutes.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Figure 2-14: This plot demonstrates several things. The plasma activation makes a significant difference in the bond strength, Activating both wafers (Si and OX) results in stronger bond strength than activating either alone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Figure 2-15: Plot of bond strength with varying “native oxide” thicknesses. This was to show that something diffused across the oxide, and the increase in bond strength was proportional to the amount of diffusant. The thinner the oxide the larger the expected bond strength, which is what is seen. The values are spaced close enough that plotting on a log scale does not spread out the data points much, if any. . . . . . .72 Figure 2-16: Plot of amount of water diffused across the thin oxide as a function of temperature. This shows that at 200 °C, a lot of water has diffused across the wafer bonded interface and through the native oxide. Comparing this with the bond strength profile (vs. temperature), it matches up nicely. Note that the oxygen diffusion profile is also shown for reference. The water diffusion profiles were calculated assuming a finite source (Gaussian) and an infinite source (erfc). Values used: for water: D0 = 1×10-6 cm2/s, EA = 0.79 eV; for oxygen: D0 = 2.7×10-4 cm2/s, EA = 1.16 eV after Tsai (1983). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73 Figure 3-1: SRIM/TRIM simulations (20,000 ions) of implanted H ion concentrations and implantation induced vacancies in Si. Column (a) is the implanted ion concentration profile of atomic hydrogen into silicon for various implantation energies 10, 20 30 and 50 kV. Column (b) shows the damage distributions for the respective implantation energies. The given “ion range” is the projected range (depth of the implanted ion), the straggle (standard deviation), skewness and kurtosis are the second, third and fourth moments of the ion distribution.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90


Figure 3-2: (a) Optical micrograph of 1×1017 H+/cm2 after annealing to 475 °C (Mag. 90×). (b) AFM image of a 15 µm ×15 µm region of the same sample as in (a). . . . .91 Figure 3-3: The Smart-CutTM process. Step 1: Hydrogen ions are implanted into the surface of the (donor) silicon substrate (typically, prime grade silicon) at energies of ~30-150 kV at a dose of ~ cm-2. They roughly end up at ~1000Å per 10 kV per proton, which is where the damage region lies. Step2: The stiffener (usually glass or oxidized silicon with a wet thermal oxide of 2000-5000 Å) and the implanted wafer are then cleaned and then have the surfaces activated with plasma (oxygen, nitrogen or argon) for ~30 s at ~100 W plus any appropriate post plasma treatment. Step 3: The wafers are contacted and Step 4: they are annealed in air first at 100 °C (to strengthen wafer-to-wafer bond strength to prepare for dicing) then at temperatures of 200-400 °C to exfoliate the film.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Figure 3-4: Schematic set up of PIII. It can be seen that the implantation dose is independent of wafer size. A typical dose rate is 1×1016 cm-2 s-1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98 Figure 3-5: SIMS analysis done on PIII DC and Long Pulse Si on glass samples. The thickness of the film is denoted by the dotted line(s) close to 1500Å. The glass was Corning 1737F glass. Note the thickness of the silicon film is different for the DC and AC mode implantations. This is the result of the broadened implantation/damage profile produced by the low energy implants characteristic of the AC mode . . . . .101 Figure 3-6: Differences between DC and AC mode PIII implantation. (a) The finite rise/fall times for AC mode PIII implantation. (b) The low energy implants effectively make a continuum of distributions, increasing the width of the cleavage depth. (c) multiple ion implants introduce more discrete distributions and therefore more discrete cut depths. The central peak of the integrated damage distribution will tend to be larger due to more overlap. The effect of this is that the implanted ions are spread out more smoothly (b), compared to the DC mode which has more discrete cut depths (c). Because of this broader distribution, the cut depth is not precisely defined. The effect is to give a much larger range of possible cut depths. This will result in the cut depth varying over the film giving a long range surface roughness (AC mode) and a short range surface roughness (DC mode). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Figure 3-7: Cross sectional TEM of DC mode PIII for silicon on Corning 1737F glass. In (a), the layers of the glass, silicon and damaged silicon layer are clearly seen. The damage layer is 500 Å thick and the total cut depth for the silicon film is ~1500 Å for the 30 kV implantation. The diffraction pattern is for the middle silicon layer and shows that it is still mono-crystalline. In (b), a close-up of the silicon-glass interface is shown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .105


Figure 3-8: (a) 3-5 mm on a side sample with indium solder dots. (b) Illustration of indium wetting and not wetting the surface for good ohmic contacts to silicon. Essentially, the contact angle should be small. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Figure 3-9: PIII DC mode silicon on Corning 1737F glass measurements as a function of annealing ambient. It is relatively clear that annealing in air has a detrimental effect, making the sheet charge values jump erratically. Annealing in nitrogen seems to solve this problem. The expected type of the silicon film is n-type for the as-exfoliated film and p-type for the annealed samples. It is for this reason that the sheet change at time zero is not included. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Figure 3-10: Thermally exfoliated (hot cut) silicon on wet thermal oxide sheet charge depth profile as a function of annealing ambient and whether or not the damage layer existed. In general, the presence of the damage layer reduced the electron sheet charge and annealing in an argon ambient resulted in the highest electronic sheet charge. “H.R.” is highly resistive, which means that the samples could not be reliably measured. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .118 Figure 3-11: Plot of required film resistivity so that mobility is at least 100 cm2/V·s as a function of carrier concentration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .121 Figure 3-12: Average carrier concentration depth profile for plasma immersion ion implanted (PIII) silicon on corning 1737F alumino-silicate glass. The donor wafer (implanted wafer) was implanted with H+ at 30 kV giving a cut depth of roughly 1500 Å with a 500 Å damage layer at the surface. The as-exfoliated data is n-type and increases throughout the damaged region before dropping off. The data for all three sets stops short of the final hundreds of Angstroms because the film becomes highly resistive and is not measurable using Hall effect. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Figure 3-13: Single ion (as opposed to PIII), as-exfoliated implanted silicon on glass films. The different anneal times are for the wafer bonded pair (before the film was exfoliated.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 Figure 3-14: Comparison between thermally exfoliated AE and EA samples annealed in nitrogen. From the way the graphs line up at about a depth of 2000-2500 Å, one can speculate that the annealing may cause the defect migration to that depth for the case where the damage layer is left intact. [diffusion of ~1000 Å for 4 hours at 650 °C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 Figure 3-15: Thermally exfoliated silicon on wet thermal oxide. The difference between this data and the data for the 650 °C anneal in figure 3-14 is significant. The AE data jumps all over the place compared to the EA data. This may suggest that the


diffusion of the defects from the damage layer has gone all the way through the film. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Figure 3-16: Thermally exfoliated silicon on wet thermal oxide annealed at 1050 °C for 1 hour in nitrogen. This was done to see if the thermally exfoliated samples could be turned back to it’s original p-type doping. Higher temperatures were not attempted because the temperatures approached the softening temperature of the quartz tube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Figure 3-17: Thermally exfoliated silicon films on oxide depth distribution. The asexfoliated data is superimposed as a reference. The annealed samples have had the damage layers etched off before annealing. The main difference between the annealed samples and the as-exfoliated sample is the drop off point. The higher the anneal, the more sloped the profile becomes. This is an indication of a more uniform distribution of carriers since this is a plot of the (average) electron sheet charge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 Figure 3-18: comparison of as-exfoliated data for cold cut and hot cut films. The vertical dotted line denotes the visible extent of the damage layer (through TEM). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Figure 3-19: The effect of etching before annealing and vice versa for cold cut films as well as the effect of differing anneal temperatures. The basic trend is that annealing at higher temperatures raises the carrier concentration and etching off the damage layer before annealing, increases it even more. VTT indicates that the samples were implanted and exfoliated at VTT electronics, Espoo, Finland; and HKUST indicates that the sample was implanted and exfoliated at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .137 Figure 3-20: Comparison of EA and AE samples for cold cut silicon on wet thermal oxide annealed at 1000 °C for 1 hour in nitrogen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .138 Figure 3-21: (Leftmost figure) Cross section of the nominally oriented (001) SOI substrate indicating the relative orientation of the (001) planes in the film and the substrate by the direction of the diagonal lines (exaggerated). (Rightmost figure) the azimuthal direction of rotation with respect to the wafer normal (which may not coincide with the [001] normal of the film.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 Figure 3-22: (a) the hydrogen implanted wafer has a convex curvature [1], which is bonded to a thermally oxidized silicon wafer which also has a convex curvature due to the volume expansion of the oxide. (b) because both wafers are convex and facing each other, the balance each other out (figure not to scale) and the wafers are bonded in a flat state. (c) as the film is delaminated, the much thicker oxidized substrate


reverts back to it’s convex curvature stretching the film and putting it in a state of tension even though the overall curvature is convex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 Figure 3-23: AFM topograph of cold cut and hot cut films. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .151 Figure 3-24: Plot of effective wafer bonded surface energy as a function of anneal temperature. The surface is the “effective” energy because the implanted hydrogen interface is weakened and becomes weaker upon annealing. This plot shows that the bond strength holding the film to the rest of the wafer actually depends on the carrier concentration (Fermi level) and not the doping concentration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .152 Figure 3-25: The implantation is done through the wafer bonded interface. The cut depth is the region of maximum damage. There is a characteristic region of highly damaged material is seen from TEM which is distinct from the H+ concentration profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Figure 3-26: Comparison of cold cut and hot cut films. They can really only be compared in this thesis at temperatures above ~950 °C since they are opposite conductivity types below that. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .154 Figure 3-27: To see if the implantation/exfoliation damage could be singled out, some electrical measurements were done on p-type BESOI and n-SIMOX wafers. The resulting behavior is what was expected for implanted and non-implanted films. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 Figure 4-1: (a) p-channel MOSFET with a positive gate bias produces no channel between the source and drain (dark gray regions). (b) negative gate bias produces a conducting channel between the source and drain. If a bias is now applied between the source and drain, a current can flow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .164 Figure 4-2: example MOSFET drain to source current as a function of drain to source potential bias and gate to source bias. The sloped region is referred to as the linear region, and the flat (horizontal) part is referred to as the saturation region. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 Figure 4-3: MOSFET drain to source current as a function of gate to source potential bias for a fixed drain to source potential bias. Note that the y-axis is a log scale. The level at which the current settles is the base leakage current (off state current). The subthreshold slope determines how quickly the device can turn on or off and is measured as a certain number of millivolts per decade of current. . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 Figure 4-4: diagram showing preferred setup for low current probing. The box should be light tight and grounded, effectively serving as a radiation shield. . . . . 170


Figure 4-5: example of how to connect triaxial cable to probe box interlock connection to coaxial cable inside the probe box. This provides maximum sensitivity for low current measurements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 Figure 4-6: Noise floor for the HP4155B semiconductor parameter analyzer. The connector configuration used was tri-axial guard connect to the co-axial shield. The short integration time was the setting used in the measurements. It has the largest spread but fastest measurement time. As it turned out, it doesn’t matter which setting was used for the measurements here since the currents were all greater than 1 pA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .172 Figure 4-7: Illustration of the kink effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 Figure 4-8: Band diagram in bulk (A), a thick-film SOI (B), and a thin-film SOI device (C). All devices are represented at threshold (front gate voltage = threshold voltage). The shaded areas represent the depleted zones. SOI devices are represented for a condition of weak inversion (below threshold) at the back interface. . . . . . . 175 Figure 4-9: Calculation of depletion width due to the doping level. After annealing to ~1000 °C the electron concentration is in mid 1016 cm-3. This gives a range of 0.14-0.20 µm for the space charge region under the front gate. The depletion width is only a slow function of temperature.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 Figure 4-10: Final structure of p-MOSFET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .179 Figure 4-11: (a) Optical micrograph of the final MOSFET. Shown are the aluminum contact pads for the source, drain and gate. The smaller squares are the windows through the gate oxide through which the metal contacts the doped silicon. (b) Optical micrograph of the channel area of the MOSFET. The gate length is 38 µm and the gate width is 128 µm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 Figure 4-12: (a)-(b) ID-Vds plots for p-MOSFET fabricated on hot cut/cold-cut Si. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 Figure 4-12: (c) ID-Vds plots for p-MOSFET fabricated on bulk Si. . . . . . . . . . . . .184 Figure 4-13: (a) p-MOSFET fabricated on hot cut silicon. The different biasing conditions all gave similar curves as shown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .185 Figure 4-13: (b) p-MOSFET fabricated on cold cut silicon ID-Vgs characteristics. The different biasing conditions resulted in the widest variation of characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186


Figure 4-13: (c) p-MOSFET fabricated on bulk Si. The gate oxide was 1000 Å thick. The biasing conditions didn’t affect the I-V characteristics much if any. . . . . . . . .187 Figure 4-13: (d) Plot of Ids-Vgs in the off and turn-on states for TE, ME and bulk pMOSFETs with Vds = 2.5 volts. The bulk p-MOSFET had the same lateral geometry as the SOI MOSFETs but differed in oxide thickness (~500 Å for SOI MOSFET vs. ~1000 Å for bulk MOSFET) and starting p-type doping concentration (~1015 cm-3 for bulk MOSFET and ~1016 cm-3 for SOI MOSFETs) so they may not be directly comparable.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 Figure 4-14: Plot of n-channel polysilicon TFT off-state leakage and turn-on characteristics for conventional (conv.) polySi and increased grain size (new) polySi films. The inset shows the effective electron mobility as a function of gate bias. . 189 Figure 4-15: I-V characteristic for amorphous silicon TFT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192


LIST OF TABLES Table 1-1: Comparison of several parameters associated with displays. CRT is cathode ray tube, PM-LCD is passive matrix addressed LCD, AM-LCD is active matrix addressed LCD, and OLED is for active matrix addressed organic LEDs. The passive and active addressing methods are discussed below.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Table 1-2: Specifications for Corning 1737F glass from Corning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Table 2-1: Bond strengths of wafer pairs before annealing. The bond strengths are the same regardless of whether plasma activation was done or not. . . . . . . . . . . . . .69 Table 3-1: RMS roughness of PIII silicon on glass for the different implantation modes as measured by AFM. Short pulse = 30 µs/300Hz, Long Pulse = 300µs/75Hz.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Table 3-2: thermal donor type as a function of anneal temperature range. . . . . . . 112 Table 3-3: Hall effect and hot probe measurement data for DC mode PIII silicon on glass. The sheet charge as a function of time was plotted in figure 3-10. Hot probe measurements only give conductivity type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Table 3-4: measured strain values of the film after correcting for the substrate and film offcuts using a triple axis X-ray diffractometer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 Table 4-1: Summary of MOSFET characteristics for hot cut, cold cut and bulk Si. The mobility listed is the field effect mobility. (W/L = 128/38) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank my advisors Paul Yu and S.S. Lau for their advice and for looking out for me, Arthur Clawson for advice and practical expertise, Drs. Robert Welstand, Guoliang Li, Rebecca Welty, Yimin Kang, Philip Mages, Paul Rosenthal and Ivan Shubin for helpful advice, moral support and for asking questions that mattered, Justin Bickford and Clint Novotny for helping out with the X-ray diffraction measurements, Ming Cai for his enthusiasm and very helpful discussions, Michelle Parks for her quick administrative assistance in all sorts of matters, Professor Karen Kavanagh (now at Simon Frasier University, B.C., Canada) for giving me a starting glimpse of graduate school and a taste of materials science, Chris and Teresa Mckinney for encouragement and dietary support, my high school science teachers, Ms. Wilder (O’neil), Mr. Emmerson, and Mr. Stimson, who made science fun, and last but not least my family who pushed and guided me along this path.


VITA 1996

B.S. Engineering Physics, University of California, San Diego


M.S. Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, San Diego


Teaching Assistant, Dept of ECE, University of California, San Diego


Ph.D. Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, San Diego

PUBLICATIONS F. Lu, D. Qiao, M. Cai, P. K. L. Yu, S. S. Lau, R. K. Y. Fu, L. S. Hung, C. P. Li, P. K. Chu, H. C. Chien, and Y. Liou, “Ion-Cutting of Si onto Glass by Pulsed and Direct-Current (DC) Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation”, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 21(5), Sep/Oct 2003. F. Lu, J. Bickford, C. Novotny, S.S. Lau, P. K. L. Yu, K. Henttinen, T. Suni, and I. Suni, “Strain and Material characterization of mechanically and thermally exfoliated silicon films”, Submitted to Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A.

PRESENTATIONS F. Lu, D. Qiao, M. Cai, P.K.L. Yu, S.S. Lau, R.K.Y. Fu, C.P. Li. L.S. Huang, Paul. K. Chu; “Characteristics of Si thin films transferred onto glass by ion-cut employing pulsed and direct-current (DC) plasma immersion ion implantation” 2003 TMS Electronic Materials Conference, Salt Lake City


ABSTRACT OF THE DISSERTATION Electrical characterization of thermally and mechanically exfoliated silicon films for flat panel display applications. By Felix Paul Lu Doctor of Philosophy in Materials Science and Engineering University of California, San Diego, 2004 Professor Paul K.L. Yu, Chair Professor S.S. Lau, Co-Chair For the next generation of flat panel displays (FPDs), higher resolutions and sharp, full motion video are expected. To meet these requirements, high quality semiconductor material on glass substrates are a desirable way to fabricate the thin film transistors (TFTs) needed to drive the pixels and to quickly and precisely control the currents. Single crystal silicon films can be exfoliated onto Corning 1737F glass substrates using ion-cutting techniques. Because the ion-cutting technique requires ion implantation through the film material, the electrical properties of the exfoliated film have to be examined to understand the behavior as it goes through temperature cycling inherent in the TFT fabrication process. After the film exfoliation, Hall effect, hot probe and four point probe measurements are used along with layer by layer etching to get a picture of the carrier depth distribution. The electrical properties of mechanically exfoliated and thermally exfoliated films are compared and discussed in the context of using these for MOSFETs. Finally, pMOSFETs are fabricated and the transistor parameters such as leakage current, subthreshold slope, on/off current ratio and mobility compare and contrasted with MOSFETs made from bulk silicon. The mechanically exfoliated films show superior performance with respect to the p-MOSFET off-state, drain to source leakage current


compared to the thermally exfoliated films. This difference is attributed to the lower temperature the mechanically exfoliated film is subjected to even before film delamination. The temperature difference of the exfoliation temperatures is responsible for a higher density of oxide precipitates in the thermally exfoliated film which leads to higher leakage currents.


Chapter 1


1.1 The evolution and requirements for flat panel displays DISPLAYS - PURPOSE The purpose of a display is to convey information to the viewer. Electronic displays do this by transforming electrical signals to a visible image. For the image to efficiently convey information, it should be able to resolve very finely detailed aspects of the image. To do this requires the display to have a dense array of points which can be individually controlled in color and brightness. Since the advent of the computer, the display has been the main output component which then allows user interaction with the electronics. The cathode ray tube (CRT) was the initial, popular display form which allowed the convenient output of information from the computer. However, the CRT was large in volume and weight due to its requirement for a vacuum for the electrons to travel through; but since the computers were not intended to be easily portable at the time, it made little difference. As the popularity of portable, “notebook” type computers increased, the requirements for the flat panel display (FPD) became increasingly strict. Due to power limitations from the battery, economics, and weight considerations, the ideal FPD has to be thin, lightweight, consume minimal amounts of power, have a high resolution, have a sufficiently high brightness (be sunlight readable), and have a reasonably low cost. The amount of power the display draws compared to other subcomponents of a portable computer is shown in Figures 1-1 and 1-2. To incorporate all these features into a single device is not a trivial task. This thesis will focus on how to create a high quality material layer structure which will, in



turn, allow the minimization of power consumption while maintaining high brightness and low pixel turn-on/off times, as will be explained in the following sections.

Figure 1-1: Relative power consumption of various subcomponents of a portable notebook type computer with an LCD flat panel display. [After Pochang Hsu et al., “Developing low power mobile platforms” Intel Developer Forum, Spring 2001]

Displays in computer systems were initially designed to show static images. However, full motion video at frame rates (a.k.a. vertical refresh rate) of 24 frames per sec (fps) and higher are now commonplace. The capability to clearly display video information is required for the display to be useful. The display attributes required to clearly display a series of fast moving images are the on-to-off contrast ratio and the response time of the picture element (pixel). The contrast ratio, which is essentially how well the pixel can turn off (become black) compared to the brightness level, should be as high as possible and the on-off response times should be as short as


possible. Ideal response times have the shape of a step function with an "on time" (total time the pixel is on during 1 frame, and not to be confused with “turn-on” time) of 1/(frame-rate × number of horizontal pixels per row). As will be shown, the response times, contrast ratios and power consumption are a strong function of the technology used to implement the pixels.

Platform Idle power consumption LCD 15" GFX Power Supply Loss HDD Audio/Modem PIII 600 MHz 1.3V Card Bus I/O subsystem 0





Idle power consumption (W)

[Data from Pochang Hsu et al., “Developing low power mobile platforms” Intel Developer Forum, Spring 2001]

Figure 1-2: Power draw of various subcomponents of a portable notebook type computer.

The vertical screen refresh rate can be compared to the shutter speed on movie projectors which use film to display still images one frame at a time. The faster the


shutter speed, the more frames you can display per unit time and hence, the more subtle the movement can be per frame. Perhaps the main difference between this type of movie projector and a FPD is that because the light source used in a projector is always on, the shutter (or chopper) is the mechanism which determines the frame rate. Thus, each frame is displayed all at once. With an FPD, the pixel data supplied into the display is input, not one frame at a time but serially, pixel by pixel per horizontal line. Because the information is supplied at a sufficiently high rate, the picture can be drawn quickly enough. The limiting factor lies not with the input rate to the FPD, or with the switching rate of each pixel, but with the signal used to control the switching characteristics of the pixel. The higher the density of pixels, the shorter the amount of time allowed to address each pixel. For current controlled devices such as OLEDs, this is a tradeoff between brightness (more current means more photons generated), and lifetime. To produce high brightness displays would then require the OLEDs to be driven with high currents which would then decrease the lifetime of the pixels. For notebook type computing, driving the displays at a higher power quickly depletes the limited power source, but arguably more important, especially with current driven emissive displays, is the off-state leakage current. After all, a pixel that is not emitting light should ideally not draw any power.



The basic metrics that characterize the display are the pixel density and the screen dimensions. The trend is to increase the pixel density. The physical screen dimensions (typically given by the diagonal length or the side length and the screen aspect ratio) also tend to increase but are restricted from increasing indefinitely in portable computer FPD applications as a tradeoff for portability. In CRTs, each pixel is individually addressed until all the pixels in the whole display have been addressed before the cycle restarts. That means that the larger the pixel density, the shorter the time each

Figure 1-3: Evolution of screen size and pixel density for notebook flat panel displays. ppi stands for pixels or points per inch, VGA, SVGA, XGA, SXGA, and UXGA signify the display resolutions and are 640×480, 800×600, 1024×768, 1280×1024, 1400×1050, and 1600×1200 pixels respectively. The numbers are the horizontal × vertical number of lines in the screen. [After Kai Schleupen, IBM (M.I.T. 6.976 Flat panel display devices, spring 2001)]


pixel is addressed. Since pixel brightness is proportional to the pixel addressing time for FPDs and CRTs, the shorter time means that the display brightness will be comparatively reduced as mentioned above.

PIXEL TYPES - EMISSIVE AND LIGHT VALVE In a display, there are two classes of pixels: emissive and light-valve. Emissive pixels emit light when stimulated and otherwise remain inactive (off). Light-valve pixels are color shutters which selectively allow the partial transmittance of a broad band light source behind the pixel plane. Emissive pixels are typically current driven whereas the shutters in the light-valve pixels are typically voltage driven. Examples of emissive pixels include phosphors in CRTs, plasma displays where the phosphors luminesce by electrons generated in the plasma; field emission displays, where an array of sharp metal tips and a large electric field are the source of electrons for the phosphor, and electro-luminescent (EL) or light emitting diodes (LEDs). Examples of light-valve pixels include backlit liquid crystal displays (LCDs) and reflective displays which reflect ambient light back to the observer. The backlight in the light-valve displays can be any broad spectrum light source and are typically fluorescent lights or an array of bright, white colored LEDs which are always on. (It is conceivable that an array of bright, white LEDS could also be "rastered" along with the screen signal to make it more energy efficient but that also makes the device more complex than it has to be.)


EMISSIVE PIXELS The phosphors in a CRT are a common type of emitting pixel. The light emission occurs when electrons strike the phosphor (cathodoluminescence). The electron source in a CRT is typically a heated filament at the back of the vacuum tube and the electron beam is steered by electrode plates to the phosphor screen. Because the electrons have to travel some distance (on the order of several centimeters to tens of centimeters), a high vacuum is required to ensure the mean free path of the electrons is long enough such that enough electrons arrive at the phosphor screen. A high vacuum requirement means that the tube must be constructed in a way to provide the necessary strength so as not to collapse under the weight of the atmosphere. Because of this, the CRT is typically very heavy and large in volume which is not suitable for portable applications. Advantages of the CRT are relatively simple design and operation which result in low cost. Flat paneled variants of the CRT are the plasma display and the field-emission display. Rather than having a single source of electrons at the back on of a large vacuum tube, an array of electron sources is available very close to the front phosphor screen. In a plasma display, a plasma is generated in a small chamber behind each pixel by the application of a large potential between parallel electrodes. The plasma is the source of charged particles which strike the phosphor causing it to light up. With a field-emission display, each sharp metallic tip is biased such that the electric field is extremely strong and the work function for electron emission is lowered causing electrons to strike the phosphor. Both of these techniques require rugged construction


to maintain the pockets of vacuum and/or gas for the plasma, making these displays relatively heavy. More recently, however, Fujitsu has developed a plasma display for large scale applications (1200 mm × 1800 mm) (i.e. cannot be easily scaled down for personal notebook computing) which does not require lithography and is relatively simple and economical to produce. These are fabricated using small diameter (1 mm) red, green and blue phosphor coated tubes and passively addressed by electrodes running the length of the tubes on one side and the width of the tubes on the front side. This eliminates the individual pockets of gas for the plasma which form the pixels and does away with the heavy glass plates. [IEEE Spectrum, March 2004, p. 18] LEDs are solid-state devices and that makes them particularly attractive compared to the previous techniques. Because they are solid state devices, there are fewer mechanical considerations to account for in the construction of the display frame, e.g. no vacuum to design the frame around, and thus the weight aspect for portability takes a big step forward. However, with a solid state device, there are also the complications of crystal growth, especially for alloys, material compatibility in terms of lattice match and thermal expansion with films and substrates. The wiring of LEDs, in its most basic design, is simply a connection to the cathodic and anodic ends of the device.

LIGHT VALVE PIXELS Light valve pixels are in their simplest form, an optical shutter. To obtain colors, each sub-pixel is outfitted with a color filter. The blacklight source can be any


broadband white light sources such as white LEDs or cold cathode fluorescent lights (CCFLs). With LCD FPDs, the backlight is blocked or allowed to pass by controlling the orientation of the liquid crystals with a high voltage. The main drawbacks to this approach are that the optical transmittance is reduced due to the color filters and that the backlight is always on. This means that the backlight has to effectively be brighter in order to maintain a reasonably bright image, and because the backlight is always on (even when the screen is dark), there is unnecessary power consumption.

Comparing Brightness levels Photometric units are used in the discussion of brightness levels. The different units and methods of measuring the brightness are defined and discussed below.

Photometric units: [1] Light is an electromagnetic wave; and electromagnetic power or radiant flux can be measured in Watts. However, since the human eye is responsive only to a certain range of wavelengths, the number in Watts does not give a good indication of how bright an object is. A weighted power measurement which is correlated with the spectral response of the human eye is used and is known as luminous flux and has the units of lumens. [1] A lumen is defined from 1 Watt of radiant power at 555 nm (peak sensitivity of the eye) which is equivalent to 683 lumens. The strange choice of 683 lumens is to make the value identical to that obtained with the previous version of the unit: the emission from 1 square centimeter of glowing, solidifying platinum.


1. Luminous intensity (candle power) which has units of candela, is defined as the light density within a small solid angle *in a specified direction*. This can be direction dependent. 2. Luminance or Brightness is the luminous intensity of a surface in a given direction per unit area. This has units of candela per square inch, footlambert(luminance of a surface emitting 1 lumen/sq. foot), or lambert (luminance of a surface emitting 1 lumen per sq. cm). 3. Luminous flux (units of lumens) is the light flux emitted in 1 unit solid angle by a 1 candela uniform point source. The lumen is independent of direction, unlike the luminous intensity, and is connected with the response of the human eye. 4. Illumination is defined as the density of luminous flux on a surface. This has units of footcandle (illumination of a point on a surface which is 1 foot and perpendicular to a uniform point source of 1 candela, so footcandles = lumens/area) or lux, which is used in the S.I. system, where 1 lux = 0.0929 footcandles). luminous efficiency is the ratio of luminous to radiant flux at a specific wavelength. efficacy is the efficiency of converting electrical power to luminous power. 1 candela (cd) = 1 lumen/steradian 1 lux

= 1 lumen/sq. meter

1 phot

= 1 lumen/sq. cm

1 nit

= 1 candela/sq. meter

Examples as a quick reference :[1] Brightness scale "typical" notebook computer flat panel LCD display bright sunlight movie theater screen office Full moon

[luminance (cd/m2)] ~100 3000-6000 300-600 12-18 .0006-.006


LEDs LEDs can be classified into two subgroups: organic and inorganic LEDs. The inorganic LEDs are constructed from semiconductor crystals and the organic LEDs are typically a carbon based polymer chain where the periodicity of the constituents of the chain determines the electronic and optical properties of the material. Inorganic LEDs are grown in MBE or CVD reactors at temperatures of ~500 °C [2] because the degree of crystallinity (or lack of defects) is required to prevent the quenching of the recombination of carriers which

produces light emission. Organic LEDs can be

vacuum evaporated or spin coated as an amorphous layer which makes them convenient and easy to process.

Summary of OLED advantages over LCD: •

simpler design - higher yield, and less material means lower weight.

Brighter and higher contrast with higher luminous efficiency because of lack of color filters. Faster turn-on/turn-off times (~10 µs) compared to LCD (~10 ms).

• •

General consensus is that OLED are more power efficient because no backlight which is always on, however, because of differences in backlight types, brands and configurations, a direct comparison is not easy to make.

DISCUSSION The term "portable computing" includes, by definition, lightweight, low power consumption, and will have a high performance which is defined to be high resolution and the ability to show full motion video free of "ghosting effects". "Ghost effects" are


seen as smears of an object as it moves across the screen and are due to pixels switching off too slowly. This happens to fast moving objects in full motion video. Organic LEDs are favored for the pixel elements due to their simpler design which allows for higher yield and lower weight, for their inherently brighter intensity due to a lack of a color filter, for their faster response and for their lack of a requirement for a backlight which improves power efficiency and contrast ratio. CRTs and their variants (discussed above) require specialized construction for the vacuum or gas environments and as a result are typically heavy which rules this out for portability. Light-valve pixels require a backlight which is always on and so will consume more power than is necessary compared to emissive pixels. To compare power consumption between light valve and emissive displays is not as trivial as one might think. This is essentially because the light valve displays have many factors which affect the net brightness of the screen such as the type of backlight source, the aperture sizes between the light source and the color filters. The listed luminous efficiencies of the backlights commonly used in LCD FPDs, cold cathode fluorescent lights (CCFLs), are listed as 35-50 lumens/Watt with luminences in the range of 27000 cd/m2 [3]. This is considerably more efficient than other light sources, with white OLEDs listed as ~1.5 lumens/Watt with a luminance of over 1000 cd/m2. [4] What is not known from the given information is whether the peak luminescent efficiencies are obtained at a particular current or power and how that affects the battery life. Also, the fact that the CCFLs are always on versus OLEDs which are only


turned on adds to the ambiguity with respect to battery life. The mechanics of the LCDs and the OLEDs also play a role. With voltage controlled color shutters (which ideally don't draw any current). LCDs might be thought to consume less power compared to the equivalent emissive OLED display because of the rapid switching of the OLEDs may introduce current spikes which will draw a lot of power. However, it has been shown that due to the MOSFET acting as a constant current source in the active matrix addressing for OLED displays, current spikes are virtually non-existent and thus no additional power is drawn [5]. In addition, the light valve shutters will reduce the brightness of the backlight such that an even brighter backlight is required to match the inherent brightness of the unfiltered emissive display. Because of these ambiguities, we will assume without any calculation, the general concensus (and Table 1-1) that OLED displays would be more power efficient over LCDs based on the points mentioned previously. This does not change the main motivation of this thesis, which is to study methods of obtaining single crystal silicon films on amorphous substrates for the purposes of thin film transistor fabrication. The use of OLEDs or CRTs is tied in with the flicker phenomena, which as the name imples, is an apparent perceived brightness modulation of the screen on the order of 10 Hz. It is more noticeable at screen vertical refresh rates of ~60 Hz and for non-black colored dominated colors. The flicker of the screen is perceived at different vertical refresh frequencies for different people with the general trend that above 85 Hz or so, for most people, the flickering becomes unnoticeable. This effect is apparently a function of such factors as the gender of the user and has physiological


origins along environmental factors such as the 60 Hz flickering of fluorescent lights, etc. A discussion of this is beyond the scope of the subject matter in this thesis. 1 An interesting observation is that the flicker effect is not observable with LCD (lightvalve) FPDs. This is assumed to be because intensity of the individual pixels are continuously varied [6].

Figure 1-4: Side by side comparison of OLED pixel (left) and LCD pixel (right). It can be seen that the OLED pixel has fewer layers and is thus simpler to fabricate, not to mention correspondingly higher yields. [After www.pctechguide.com] Useful definitions:

Summary of acronyms used: CRT =

cathode ray tube - the typical large monitor with electron gun, beam steering plates, vacuum tube and phosphor coated screen.


Liquid crystal display - current standard for flat panel displays: uses backlighting (a fluorescent tube and electrically driven polarizing filters (liquid crystal) to open and close apertures for different colored pixels.

PM =

passive matrix - method of addressing individual pixels by turning on the corresponding row and column line. Simple and effective but limited to lower resolution and lower performance displays.


For an interesting and more detailed discussion, see slides from lecture 5 from M.I.T.’s 6.976 Flat Panel Display devices: Luminescence in display technologies, spring 2001, currently on http://hackman.mit.edu.


AM =

active matrix - method of addressing individual pixels by using at least 1 TFT and a capacitive element per pixel as well as the row and column addressing in PM scheme to improve response characteristics for higher performance displays at higher resolutions.


organic light emitting diode : lighting element for pixels which is current driven and does not require backlighting as in LCD displays. The organic nature stems from the use of polymers as opposed to the traditional inorganic elemental semiconductors. The use of organic materials allows more flexibility in the tailoring of the characteristics to optimize it for a particular application. This comes at a cost of increased research and developmental time.

Table 1-1: Comparison of several parameters associated with displays. CRT is cathode ray tube, PM-LCD is passive matrix addressed LCD, AM-LCD is active matrix addressed LCD, and OLED is for active matrix addressed organic LEDs. The passive and active addressing methods are discussed below. DISPLAY TYPE




BRIGHT -NESS (cd/m2)


> 190 ° ~49-100 ° > 140 ° > 160 °

300:1 40:1 140:1 100-250:1

~< 1ms * 300 ms 25 ms ~< 1ms

220-270 70-90 70-90 150

OPERATING VOLTAGE (V) 100’s + 100’s + 100’s + 5



~180 45 50 < 50 **

Years 60K Hrs 60K Hrs Depends ***

references: http://www.kodak.com (KODAK website) and http://www.pctechguide.com/07pan3.htm * based on response time of phosphor ** the power consumption for OLED based displays was not listed at the time but based on the fact that there is no backlighting, it is probably less than the AM-LCD power consumption. ***Lifetime of OLEDs will vary inversely with brightness

1.2 Organic light emitting diodes The basic structure of organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) is the same as the conventional (inorganic) LED. There is a p-n junction and contact layers to the p and n type material for the cathode and anode. As current is injected into the junction, electrons combine with holes and emit light at a specific energy determined by the material(s) at the junction. One feature with OLEDs is that the materials which make


up the layers of the diode are not required to be grown at high temperatures as do semiconductor layers. This is possible through the use of polymers which can be chemically designed to have the desired electrical conduction and energy gap among other properties. With the LED, a recombination (depletion) region is naturally formed, however with the OLED, a separate layer is used for the light emitting area (figure 1-5). There are two classes of polymers that are used for the light emitting layer. They are differentiated by the size of the molecules of which they are composed from – “small molecules” and “long molecules” (conjugated polymers). The most common small molecule material used is hydroxyquinoline aluminium (Alq3) and the most common conjugated polymer used is poly-paraphenylene-vinylene (PPV). The materials are organic because of a carbon backbone present in the molecules. The electronic conduction is apparently done through the bonds which are orthogonal to the backbone [7]. A characteristic of the molecule, the conjugation length,2 which is determined by the length of the molecule, determines the effective bandgap of the material. A long conjugation length (like the PPV material) results in a smaller bandgap and a short conjugation length (like the Alq3) results in a larger bandgap. This makes the PPV material more suitable for emitting longer wavelength light (e.g. red light) and the Alq3 material more suitable for shorter wavelength light (e.g. blue light). The simplest diode structure is an organic layer sandwiched between the cathode and


The conjugation length is the number of alternating single and double bonded molecules that are tied together. This single/double alternating bond configuration allows a smaller energy separation between the split energy levels when single atoms are merged together to form a molecule. The longer the conjugation length the closer energy levels.


anode. Over the years, researchers have migrated to a multilayer structure which optimizes the properties of the layers (figure 1-5). Some notable drawbacks include short lifetimes for blue emitting materials and that the OLED typically has to be encapsulated due to sensitivity to moisture [8]. The organic materials might also be difficult to work with since they may not be compatible with current commonly used solvents, which are commonly used to

Figure 1-5: Layer structure of organic light emitting diode. The EIL and HIL layers are basically contact layers, and the ETL and HTL layers are basically the n and p doped layers. The anode and substrate have to be optically transparent. [After Patrik Stark and Daniel Westling, Master’s Thesis, Dept of Science and Technology, Linköping University, Sweden 2002]

remove organics in the lithographic process [9].

1.3 Pixel addressing All modern FPDs are active matrix displays, as opposed to passive matrix displays. All this means is that each pixel is controlled by it's own transistor(s) to regulate when and how much current should be pumped in, in order to maintain the


desired brightness. With earlier FPDs, the picture and video requirements were less demanding in terms of frame rate, resolution and power consumption, and so the simpler approach to fabricating FPDs (i.e. passive matrix addressing) was justifiably taken. Passive matrix addressing of the pixels was done by using a grid of wires. The light emitting elements were at the intersection points of the wires (figure 1-6). When a particular pixel was to be lit, the wires corresponding to the coordinates of the pixel



Figure 1-6: Schematic of simple passive matrix (left) and active matrix (right) grids. The active matrix has at least 1 TFT at each pixel location as shown by the MOSFET icon.

were given a voltage. The combination of the voltages from the 'x' wire and the 'y' wire was enough to overcome the potential barrier of the diode and cause it to light up. The problems associated with this approach were rooted in scaling to larger displays and higher resolutions (which degraded picture quality). The cause was due to several factors: -

the metal grid lines had to be thinner so they wouldn't stand out compared to the size of the pixels. This resulted in the current density being higher which led to larger ohmic losses



the fact that in order to scan the voltages across the array of wires, it became more difficult to control precisely how much current was going into the pixels and thus how bright they were supposed to be.

For example, to scan across 240 pixels, each pixel would receive a pulse of current that was 1/240 of the frame time. [For arguments sake, let us assume that frame time is 1/60 of a second (60 Hz vertical refresh rate)] To double the number of pixels would halve the time of the pulse applied to the line. This would limit the current with the result of reducing the brightness. Reducing the brightness reduced the quality of the picture being displayed. A remedy to this problem was to increase the magnitude of the pulsed currents such that the average current injected gave the desired brightness. While this worked, the tradeoff was that the lifetime of the emissive elements was drastically shortened due to the high currents. Active matrix addressing of pixels became popular because of the limitations of passive matrix addressing. With active matrix addressing, at least one transistor acted as a current buffer between the grid lines and the diode element. The idea was that, the current would be conditioned and controlled such that the optimum amount was injected into the diode junction to produce the desired brightness without excessive currents. The tradeoff was then added complexity in the fabrication steps and as a consequence, reduced manufacturing yield.

1.4 Optimization of active matrix addressing The definition

(in relation to the resolution and contrast) of the image

displayed is directly correlated with the consistency of the brightness of the appropriate pixels. For emissive pixels, the brightness of the pixels are directly


proportional to the magnitude and uniformity of the current passing through them. With passive matrix addressing, in order to obtain a brightness level for comfortable viewing, the pulsed current has to result in a brightness level, averaged out over the pulse period, that gives the desired average brightness. This, as was mentioned, leads to a reduction in pixel lifetime as well as a lower quality image because it now depends on the decay time of the charged up device, which may vary from point to point on the display screen, resulting in non-uniform brightness in random spots. To improve on this, a uniform current profile with sharp turn on/off times are required and can be done with configurations of two to four MOSFETs (figure 1-7).

Figure 1-7: 2 TFT configuration for active matrix control of pixel. The input TFT (Q1) allows charge to flow into the storage capacitor, which holds Q2 on, turning on the LED. The second half of the cycle reverses the charge, discharging the capacitor. [After Stewart et al., 2001] The storage capacitor is charged up and holds the voltage to the current controlling gate for the period of the pulse width with a constant current. To quickly charge up the capacitor, a large current is necessary. A relatively high mobility requirement for the input MOSFET can help meet this requirement.


For the case of one MOSFET per pixel, the current into the OLED is buffered but not quite to the extent that the current profile is uniform. However, this makes a good reference point for calculation of worst case requirements: The average current necessary to produce a reasonably bright display of ~100 cd/m2 is about 10 mA/cm2 [10]. For a 21" display (diagonal) with a 2048 × 2048 pixel resolution (side length is 15 inches or 381 mm) the pixel length is 62 µm (for each of the red, green and blue sub-pixels]. Let's assume 50 µm × 50 µm pixels for convenience, that means that a current of 0.25 µA is required when the pixel is lit. The screen is rastered at a fixed vertical and horizontal frequency (refresh rate) and so the higher the resolution the less time each pixel is connected to the signal. Only the vertical screen refresh rate is of consequence here because for video images the pixel should ideally be on for the whole frame. For a resolution of 2048 pixels, the on-time for each pixel is then (the number of address lines of the frame time)-1, or (1/2048)(1/100Hz) = 5 µs/pixel. This was assuming that 100 Hz is the vertical refresh rate (has to be greater than 60 Hz for flicker free display). In order to maintain an average current of 0.25 µA (for the worst case scenario of the whole line being turned on) each transistor will have to be able to sustain a maximum current load of 0.25 µA × 2048 = 0.5 mA. Assuming that the MOSFET is operating in the saturation region (to minimize fluctuation in current with small changes in Vdrain)


I max W C ox (Vgs − Vth ) 2max 2L


the worst case required mobility is ~100 cm2/V⋅s depending on the actual pixel size, which affects how much current is required (using Imax = 0.5 mA, W/L=2, Vgs-Vt = 10 volts, Cox = εSiε0/d is normalized to channel area, and d = 500 Å). This requirement is for the worst case (and not ever used because 1 TFT/pixel would not include the capacitance element needed) and is extended from the current high end FPDs on the market. Using two or more TFTs per pixel significantly reduces the drive requirements and thus the mobility requirements [11]. This is because the driving current is not the same current used to light up the LED.

1.5 Material requirements for FPDs For flat panel displays, at least one side has to be transparent so that the image can be displayed. This transparent and mechanical backplane are required to have a reasonable cost, to be chemically resistant to the process chemicals used, and to have as high a strain point as possible so that the various processes are not restricted and to have a coefficient of thermal expansion close to that of the semiconductor material

Table 1-2: Specifications for Corning 1737F glass from Corning. Description – Forms Available – Principal Uses – Density (20 ºC, 68 ºF) Expansion 14.5 Strain Point (10 poises): Dielectric Constant :

Alkaline Earth Aluminosilicate Fusion drawn sheet Substrates for Active Matrix flat panel displays 3 2.54 g/cm -7 37.6×10 / °C o 666 C o o 5.7 (20 C/68 F – 1 kHz)


bonded to it. The strain point of a glass is defined as the highest temperature before viscous flow of the glass occur. There are several kinds of glass made by Corning that satisfies all these properties to varying degrees that was especially created for flat panel display applications. The one that was used for experiments in this thesis was Corning 1737F glass. It is a alkaline earth aluminosilicate and has specifications as shown in Table 1-2 [12].The simplest approach to fabricate the TFT drivers on this glass requires that the semiconductor material be deposited first on the glass. Herein lies the first of many problems in making a high performance display. The starting material is undoubtedly very important in the final performance the devices. Ideally, single crystal material offers the best combination of high carrier mobility and low leakage currents. Growing single crystal material on amorphous glass has been difficult if not impossible. The easiest choice was then amorphous silicon because this could be sputtered onto arbitrarily large glass sheets and the inherent nature of the material resulted in extremely low leakage currents (figure 1-8). However, the same feature of amorphous Si, which was its lack of atomic order that allowed low leakage currents, also caused the carrier mobility to be exceedingly low. With such a low mobility, the displays fabricated from this technology could only support low resolutions and sizes, not to mention fast, full motion video due to the slow response. The next major step in material quality developed to address the extremely low mobility involved recrystallizing the deposited amorphous Si layer by various methods including laser annealing and metal induced crystallization. Laser annealing, also called excimer laser annealing (ELA) or pulsed laser annealing, uses XeCl excimer

24 laser pulses at temperatures lower than 300 °C at a pressure lower than 10-6 Torr to recrystallize amorphous hydrogenated silicon films with an energy density of about 160 mJ/cm2, the threshold of crystallization.[13]

Figure 1-8: Semi-log plot of I-V characteristic for amorphous Si TFT. Note the extremely low reverse bias leakage current. [After R.A. Street and P. Mei]

There is also an amorphization threshold which is higher than the crystallization threshold [13]. In order to get large grain sizes (or minimize grain boundaries and to hopefully minimize leakage currents), the energy density should be just below the amorphization threshold [14, 15]. The channel mobilities became high after annealing (640 cm2/V⋅s for n-channel TFTs, and 400 cm2/V⋅s for p-channel TFTs) [14, 15] but the leakage currents were also characteristically high, given as ~10-10 A/µm (at -5V gate bias), where the “µm” refers to the gate width. The leakage current could be reduced dramatically by using an offset [16, 17]. The offset is the shortening of the


gate length such that it is shorter than the channel it covers (see figure below, fig 9 on ref. 20, A. Kohno et al.). It was determined that the excess leakage was from high electric fields near the drain region. So moving the gate edge further away reduces this as shown in the plot (also figure 9 of ref. 20).

Metal induced crystallization is the formation of a polycrystalline silicon phase from an amorphous phase using a thin metal layer as a form of energy barrier reducing stage. It apparently works only with Pd and Ni [18, 19], has been studied and a lot of experimental data has been collected [20,21] but the phenomena is still not well understood. The result, nevertheless, is that the (poly)crystallized area contains a high

Figure 1-9: MILC schematic of the layer structure (left). The right half shows a zoomed in area near the gate edges. This indicates that the gate edges hardly or do not see the metallic contamination. [After T.-H. Ihn, et al., 1999]


concentration of metals which is required for the crystalline phase to form. The metallic atoms would introduce deep level states within the energy gap and increases leakage currents, so another method, metal induced lateral crystallization (MILC) was developed which would minimize the amount of metals in the (poly) crystallized area. A method of offsetting the metal layer such that it is not too close to the channel area allows the recrystallized area to be relatively free of metal impurities was developed by T-H Ihn et al.[22] as shown in figure 1-9. The reduction of metals shows a dramatic improvement over the conventional crystallization method. While this is a good approach, it can possibly be improved by complete elimination of metals using single crystal films to start with. The device characteristics for recrystallized poly-Si films is reasonably good, but for ever higher resolutions and lower power consumption due to massive integration of many devices, even these properties have to be improved. A further improvement is to use single crystal films on glass. Single crystal films offer high mobility due to the crystal lattice and low leakage currents due to the lack of grain boundaries. One way to obtain single crystal films on an amorphous substrate is to use wafer bonding and thin film exfoliation techniques such as Smart-CutTM.

1.6 Wafer bonding and film exfoliation. Wafer bonding and thin film exfoliation is an alternative to depositing a high quality film on the amorphous substrate. Arguably, the main requirements for wafer bonding are that the two substrates to be bonded be flat and smooth enough. The wafers should have a total thickness variation (TTV) of less than ~5 µm and an RMS


roughness of < ~5-10 Å [23]. Two wafers are cleaned to be free of particulates, pressed together and annealed at elevated temperatures to accelerate the formation of covalently bonded siloxane (Si-O-Si) structures between the surfaces of the two wafers. The end result is that the two wafers will not be able to be separated without breaking either wafer. The elevated temperatures used are typically around 1000 ºC. With respect to the application in this thesis, that temperature is unsuitable due to the use of the Corning 1737F glass substrate which has a strain point of 666 ºC. Fortunately, it turns out that by using plasma activation of the surface, the annealing temperature can be reduced to < 400 ºC while still attaining the same interwafer bond strength. The mechanisms behind this are not well understood but there is some interesting data which may enhance our understanding. The potential mechanisms are discussed in chapter 2. To exfoliate a thin film, the ion-cut or Smart-CutTM technique is used: a donor wafer is first ion implanted with hydrogen ions to a characteristic depth which depends on the energy, substrate, and dose (typically 1500-5000 Å). This donor wafer is bonded using the low temperature plasma activation technique. The pair is annealed at ~300 ºC for several hours to strengthen the bond. When the anneal temperature is then raised to ~450 ºC, the layer of hydrogen causes bubble nucleation [24] at the implant depth and splits the surface layer from the rest of the donor substrate. Cross sectional TEM evaluation of the surface reveals that there is a heavily damaged layer (not quite crystalline) and a crystalline layer which may have some defects from the ion implantation.


1.7 Thesis overview This thesis will investigate the aspects of using low temperature plasma assisted surface activation for wafer bonding, film exfoliation onto glass and thermal oxide, electrical and optical characterization of these films and finally the performance of the MOSFET drivers that are designed for use in flat panel display applications. The reasons for choosing organic light emitting diodes as the lighting element has been discussed earlier in this chapter and it is from the requirements of these elements among other processing restrictions that set the boundary conditions and specifications for the devices and ultimately the material. The details of creating a good display for flat panel applications which include features such as high brightness, high contrast and the ability to display sharp, moving images will lead to the requirements for the current limits, and turn on/off times of the TFTs. This is directly related to the mobility and leakage current limits of the material for a given TFT control configuration. Keeping this in mind, the process procedures and requirements will be described in detail with particular attention to the practical aspects and how this is tied in to the device characteristics. There will be a foray into the possible mechanisms for why the plasma activation is able to create strong bonds and some ideas for future research which may be able to elicit the mechanics in more detail. In an attempt to better understand the behavior of the exfoliated thin films, films were exfoliated onto wet thermal silicon dioxide so that higher anneal temperatures could be used. This opens up a host of new doors which can be divided up into two main categories depending on the exfoliation mechanism (hot cut or thermal exfoliation, and cold cut,


or mechanical exfoliation). This naturally led to the comparison of MOSFETs fabricated on both types of substrates (using the two different exfoliation methods). The aim of this thesis is then, to explain why there are electrical differences between the mechanically and thermally exfoliated silicon films by hydrogen ion implantation and how these differences affect MOSFET device performance.


1.8 References [1]

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Chapter 2. Wafer bonding Wafer bonding is the permanent joining of two ultra-flat, ultra smooth surfaces without the use of a secondary medium, e.g. some kind of glue. The basic idea is to bring the two surfaces as close to each other so that chemical bonds can form. The difficulty comes about because microscopically, the surface is never perfectly flat. This is usually dealt with by annealing at high temperatures so that mass flow can occur and maximize contact area. An alternative is to use plasma activation of the surface to effectively carry out the same idea but with an added feature: the formation of the wafer-to-wafer bonds will maximize at much lower temperatures. This will be the main focus of this chapter. For silicon wafers, there are two types of bonding: hydrophilic bonding and hydrophobic bonding. Hydrophilic bonding is the bonding of two oxidized surfaces and hydrophobic bonding is for two bare Si surfaces (no oxide). In this thesis, hydrophilic bonding is dealt with exclusively.

Overview of the process: The wafer surfaces are physically (gently scrubbed) and chemically cleaned. The wafers are then contacted (hoping that no particles get between them) and annealed. The annealing increases the bond strength (or bond energy) a small amount for low temperatures and a much larger amount for high temperatures (~ >800 °C [1]. The characterization of bond strength is done by insertion of a razor blade between the wafers and measuring the crack length that is formed. The shorter the crack length, the stronger the bond. The details will be discussed in detail later in this chapter.


34 Annealing at temperatures in excess of 800 °C brings the bond strength close or equal to the fracture strength of Si. This means that the bond between the two wafers approaches the fracture strength of the Si wafers and that using the blade insertion method of measuring the bond strength could result in the wafers breaking. More recently, it was discovered that by using a plasma to “activate” the surface before contacting the wafers together, the bond strength could approach the fracture strength of Si after annealing at relatively low temperatures of 200-400 °C. The chemistry of this process is assumed to be essentially the same but the mechanics are not well understood. Some data will be presented that sheds more light on this and likely explanations discussed. Finally, Si on glass bonding will be discussed in reference to TFT fabrication.

2.1 Wafer bonding theory 2.1.1. The wafer surface Silicon wafers taken out of the box have a native oxide of roughly 5-10 Å. This oxide surface may be hydrophilic or hydrophobic depending on the state of the local oxidation conditions at that point. This is contrary to the simple, binary, method for determining whether there is silicon dioxide on the silicon wafer surface or not. Typically, oxidized surfaces are hydrophilic and bare silicon surfaces are hydrophobic. The oxidized surfaces are typically hydrophilic because of the dangling hydroxol (OH) group at the surface. Silicon likes to form 4 bonds per atom in a 3-D lattice. However, a surface breaks this 3-D symmetry and leaves one bond free. This free

35 bond can potentially react with whatever is near the surface. In a solution, hydroxyl groups attach themselves to the dangling bond to form Si-OH, (silanol groups) at the surface of the silicon dioxide. The hydrogen then forms hydrogen bonds to nearby water molecules (see figure 2-1), creating a thin layer of water at the surface - making it hydrophilic. However, oxidized surfaces can also be hydrophobic to a degree when the Si-O bonds wrap back upon the surface, closing the bond. The lack of a dangling O atom, makes it much more difficult for water to attach to the surface. This closed bond is an Si-O-Si, or siloxane bond. This is similar, yet different from the mechanism which makes bare

Figure 2-1: different configurations for water attaching to silanol bonds at the surface of the oxidized silicon surface. (a)-(c) show an isolated silanol bond, (d) shows an associated silanol bond. [after Tong and Gosele, (1999) p. 81]

silicon hydrophobic. For hydrophobic silicon surfaces in air, the Si atoms on the surface are terminated by hydrogen. Since hydrogen can cap each dangling Si bond

36 due to its one free electron forming a H-Si bond, there is no room for other molecules to latch on. The wafer bonding done in this thesis will exclusively deal with hydrophilic bonding using a fresh, chemically grown oxide from RCA (Radio Corporation of America) cleaning solutions. So far, it has been assumed that the surfaces of the two wafers will contact each other completely, and that the bonding interaction is due entirely to chemical bonding. The surfaces of real wafers have roughness and waviness, which results in partial contact of the surfaces (see figure 2-2). This turns out to be a very important issue, and possibly the factor which limits the ultimate bond strength between the wafers. There are two types of roughness that are of concern: long range roughness

Figure 2-2: Illustration of the “flat and smooth” silicon surface at the atomic scale. The bond strength relies on the effective contact area, which can be increased.

and short range, or atomic scale roughness. Long range roughness, or surface flatness would be roughness that might be visible at optical wavelengths and can be characterized by a parameter called "total thickness variation" or TTV (figure 2-3). This is typically a parameter measured by the wafer manufacturer and is typically in

37 micrometers. Prime grade wafers typically have a TTV of ~ < 7 µm (Virginia Semiconductor).

Figure 2-3: Illustration of the TTV – total thickness variation used to characterize the flatness of the silicon wafers. If the TTV were too large, visible unbonded areas might be the result. Short range roughness is typically measured using an atomic force microscope (AFM) and given as Ra (mean roughness), or Rq (RMS roughness). The definition of Ra is the mean value of the surface relative to the center plane and Rq is given as the standard deviation of the height values within a given area [2]. This value is usually in the single digit Angstrom to sub-Angstrom range for prime grade Si wafers. Detailed studies of the effect of roughness on bondability have been published [3-6] so I will not go into much detail here. In order for two wafers to bond when they come into contact, several things must happen. The roughness must be small enough such that the two wafers are not only "touching" at a few points, and that the distances between the two surfaces are not so far as to make formation of chemical bonds between them unlikely; the chemical nature of the surfaces must be ready to react in such a way to allow chemical bonding to take place between the wafer surfaces. (see figure 2-4) For the surfaces to be reactive, a high density of silanol bonds should be at the surface. These bonds will allow the eventual formation of siloxane bonds (which are

38 much stronger) between the wafers with the chemical release of water upon addition of thermal energy [1, p.59-61]:

Si-OH + HO-Si Æ Si-O-Si + H2O Of course, this conversion to the stronger siloxane bonds is not expected to happen spontaneously. For that to happen, the surfaces must be close enough to either allow the silanol bonds to connect or for a bridge of hydrogen bonded water molecules to form. Being a weak bond, the surface must be mostly free of particles in order to let this start, and that is where the RCA cleaning solutions come in.

Figure 2-4: The gap between the bonded silicon wafers (or maybe to be bonded). The water molecules are able to bridge the gaps between the silanols proving a weak temporary bond. Closing the surface would bring the silanol groups closer together to form a stronger siloxane bond. As is shown, the separation is not far (~11 Å in this case). [After Tong and Gosele (1999)]


2.1.2 Wafer cleaning The RCA solutions were created at RCA labs in the 1970s [7] to remove organic (RCA-1) and metallic (RCA-2) contaminants from the silicon surface. RCA-1 (or SC-1) is a mixture of ammonium hydroxide, hydrogen peroxide and water in a ratio of 1:1:5. RCA-2 (or SC-2) is a mixture of hydrochloric acid, hydrogen peroxide and water in a ratio of 1:2:6. These two solutions are used with intermediate hydrofluoric acid (HF) dips to remove the oxides formed from the hydrogen peroxide. The general procedure would start with an HF dip to remove native oxide, rinsing in DI water, dipping in RCA-1 at 70-80 ºC for 7-10 minutes, rinsing in DI water, HF dip, RCA-2 at 70-80 ºC for 7-10 minutes, with the final HF when appropriate. Naturally, people became curious about the state of the surface after all this etching and it was found that several factors actually increased the roughness of the chemically treated Si surface. The RCA-1 ratio was modified to 1:1:30 (NH4OH: H2O2: H2O), essentially reducing the quantity of ammonium hydroxide, and it was recommended that the HF solution be dilute (0.5-2 % HF in de-ionized water) [8-10]. The RCA-1 solution works by using NH4OH as a slow oxide etchant [11] along with the H2O2 as the strong oxidizer. Because of this, RCA-1 can lift particles that have been embedded or are just strongly attached (by Coulombic attraction) to the oxide surface. It also keeps particles from redepositing back onto the surface by charging both the particle and wafer with a negative potential [12,13]. This potential is created when the surfaces adsorb the OHgroups. In addition to the chemical cleaning, megasonic cleaning is often used. Megasonic cleaning uses ~750 KHz – 3GHz acoustic waves to basically allow a fast

40 flowing stream of liquid to get very close to the surface (small acoustic boundary), pushing sub-micron particles away [14,15]. While we are on the topic of removing particles, I'll talk about the practical aspects of this. There were several sources of dust particles in the clean room fume hood: 1.

clean room cloths: these should be lint/dust free but sometimes they have a lot of dust in them so minimize contact of the wafer with these cloths.


inside the fume hood: be sure not to cover the set of holes in the hood table that are closest to the edge. These holes are denser than the evenly spaced holes deeper inside the hood table. The denser holes allow a quicker air flow at the entrance, trapping any particles that try to get in.


Be sure the nitrogen gun has a good air filter (< 0.2 µm preferable) and do not blow the wafers dry near the clean room cloths.


The D.I. water seems to be a major source of particles if not filtered properly. There should be a 0.2 micron filter on the line and I typically let the water run for at least 30 minutes to 1 hour before using it. At other times, it should be left dripping to minimize bacteria growth and keep dust out of the line.

To start off cleaning the wafers, I spin clean the wafers using acetone, isopropanol (IPA) and filtered DI water. Use the Q-tips that have the softer foam tips. Check for particles using a bright, white flashlight to scan the surface at various angles. If there's a sizable particle there, you should be able to see it. It can then be removed by blowing it off or by further spin cleaning, first with DI water. Apparently, blow drying the surface with nitrogen can charge up the surface. In the early stages of this research, we were concerned that this might be a problem and purchased a nitrogen gun with a neutralizing (ionizing) tip. However, if this is the case, it does not seem to make any difference that I could see. After spin cleaning, do the RCA cleans before proceeding.

41 The following observations were noted and could be of further use to the reader : the wafer bonding should be performed a short time (within a few hours) after doing the chemical (RCA) clean. The state (reactivity or hydrophilicity) of the chemical oxide formed changes over a period of several hours. The purpose of growing the chemical oxide is to have a consistent surface to work with on each bonding run. Since RCA-2 does not have the same particle removal capability as RCA-1, using RCA-2 may introduce more particles on the surface, therefore RCA-2 was not used just before bonding. The HF dip for oxide removal may also introduce particles (only a problem if you use RCA-2 due to the order of chemicals used) since particles that fall onto the surface of the HF will stick to the wafer surface as it is pulled out of the solution. One way around this was to put some IPA in the HF. It forms a layer on top of the HF and due to its slightly higher viscosity, it sheets off the wafer as it is pulled out of the HF, bringing along particles [16].

2.2 The effect of plasma activation of the surface As mentioned briefly, the cleaned wafers are pressed into contact and they bond together but this is just a weak Van der Waals bond [1]. The wafers can easily be pried apart and re-bonded without detrimental effects (as far as I could tell. No measurements were done on this though). To get strongly bonded wafers, the pair must be annealed at high temperatures (>800 ºC). This causes the oxide to undergo viscous flow and creates the strong siloxane bonds between the wafers [1]. After this, the wafers cannot be pried apart without breaking one or both of the wafers.

42 Annealing to such high temperatures is the simplest method of obtaining very strong bond strengths, however, if there are pre-existing features with fine physical/chemical structures and specific diffusion profiles on the wafer(s), these will be broadened or possibly destroyed. Since plasma processes are often used to simulate the effect of high temperature reactions (e.g. PECVD) it was soon discovered that by using various plasmas, the high bond strength could be attained at relatively low anneal temperatures of 200-400 ºC [17]. One factor, pointed out by B. Roberds [3], provided by the plasma activation was the removal of water from the surface before contacting the wafers. This fits into the general chemical picture since water would be more difficult to absorb into any material (compared to a gas) and would only impede the intimate contacting of the two opposing surfaces. However, there is a delicate tradeoff, hydrophilic surfaces are desired (lots of silanol groups) to create wafer to wafer siloxane bonds but the copious amounts of water they attract to the outer surface is undesirable. The plasma activation can create more favorable conditions for bonding by the application of ion bombardment and UV emission. This process, however, is rather complicated and not very well understood. With the numerous parameters involved in the materials, cleaning and plasma activation processing, results from the literature were sometimes consistent and sometimes contradictory and often not directly comparable [18-22]. The plasmas used for bonding in this thesis are oxygen, argon and nitrogen. Argon plasmas were only used at VTT Electronics in Finland (our collaborators). There was also some interest in using ultraviolet light as the surface activator but the

43 results were difficult to reproduce, partly due to particles and cleanliness. A discussion of the effect of these plasmas and UV surface activations is given in a later section.

2.2.1 Bonding procedure [23] 1.

Spin clean with acetone, 2-propanol, D.I. water and RCA clean leaving the final chemical oxide on the surface.


Put wafers face up in a parallel plate type plasma reactor (RIE or similar etcher, I used a Technics PE-IIa or IIb parallel plate etcher. Collaborators at VTT electronics in Finland used an RIE). Trying the surface activation in a barrel etcher has mixed results depending on the manufacturer of the etcher. (The Technics barrel etcher does not seem to have any effect on the bond strength, whereas the Tegal Plasma-line etcher does.)


Plasma etch the wafers using either oxygen, nitrogen, or argon plasma at power of 100-150 W (11” diameter plate ( 0.16 – 0.25 W/cm2 ), pressure 10-300 mTorr, and short time (30 secs).


if using oxygen plasma in step 3: dip in RCA-1 (75 ºC) for 45 secs, the running DI water for 2 minutes, dry and bond.


if using nitrogen or argon plasma in step 3: rinse in running DI water for 5 minutes, dry and bond.


At UCSD, bonding took place by hand (using PVC, powder free gloves and squeezing the wafers together), in air at room temperature. At VTT electronics, they used a wafer bonding machine (Electronic Visions EV801 manual wafer bonding station) in a class 100 clean room, which could do bonding in air or vacuum at various temperatures.


anneal the samples on a hot plate at 100 ºC for a minimum duration of 30 minutes.

Differences between the bonding procedure used at UCSD and VTT Electronics (Finland) were the plasma etcher (VTT used an RIE, where UCSD used a parallel plate plasma etcher which has less control over the plasma conditions), the bonding conditions (VTT used a machine made for the purpose of wafer bonding and included

44 a megasonic D.I. water clean before contacting the wafers), and the annealing conditions (VTT annealed bonded wafer pairs for 2 hours, UCSD annealed the bonded pairs for 30 minutes).

2.2.2 Discussion of bonding procedure The wafers were taken out of the container box, examined under a Nomarski phase interference optical microsope for smoothness, and the smoothest wafers were chosen for the bonding process. Wafer WorldTM 2”, p-type (boron doped) ~1×1015 cm3

prime grade wafers were used. The batch of 25 wafers per box had roughly 1/3 to ½

of the wafers which did not have large features as observed under the Nomarski microscope. Out collaborators at VTT electronics used OkmeticTM 4” prime grade Si p-type wafers and these were featureless under the Nomarksi microscope and ideal for bonding. To start the bonding process, the wafers were spin cleaned in acetone, IPA and DI water using soft, foam tipped q-tip swabs and then spin dried. These were then dipped in a dilute HF solutions (0.5-2% in water) to remove the native oxide and cleaned in RCA-1 and RCA-2 to grow a hydrophilic, chemical SiO2 layer. If the wafers were to be oxidized, they were then put into a wet oxidation furnace for 1 hour at 1000 °C, resulting in a 3300 Å oxide layer. The oxidized wafers are then cleaned with RCA-1 again (no RCA-2 or HF dip this time) and rinsed in DI water to make the surface hydrophilic again. The thermally grown oxide tends to “close” the surface bonds forming more siloxane bonds rather than silanol bonds. This is seen as a slightly hydrophobic surface even though there is an oxide there.

45 The wafers are placed into the plasma chamber and the surfaces activated. With oxygen plasma, a post plasma RCA-1 dip (45 secs, 75 °C) and a 2 min DI water rinse is necessary to obtain strong bond strengths (> 2000 mJ/m2) [23,24]. With nitrogen or argon plasmas, the RCA-1 dip may slightly increase the bond strength if at all [23,25]. These observations were from T. Suni’s thesis [23] and suggest that the plasma surface activation is due, at least partly to physical ion bombardment since the nitrogen and argon plasmas give similar results and are not chemically reactive plasmas. Oxygen plasmas are known for their oxidative properties and along with the additional RCA-1 post plasma dip, suggests that oxygen plasma has a chemical component associated with the surface activation. It is likely that the RCA-1 treatment, which acts as a mild oxide etchant, offsets the effect of the chemical oxidation. It may be questioned what the oxygen plasma could oxidize on the thermal oxide? It is known that the thermal oxide, being amorphous has surface charges that can arise from local excesses of Si. It is this excess Si which can react with the oxygen ions in the plasma. At this point, the wafers are either placed into the bonding apparatus where a megasonic clean may be done or the wafers, if they are clean enough, can be pressed together taking care not to trap any air bubbles between them. If the samples will be diced into strips, the 100 ºC anneal will strengthen the bond enough such that the sample will not debond under the vibrations of the dicing saw.


2.2.3 Bond strength vs. RF plasma power. The RF input power used for the surface plasma activation was 100 Watts. Other input powers were used with the result that ~100-200 W gave roughly equivalent bond strengths, 400 W (figure 2-5) and 50 W (not shown) gave lower bond strengths. The reasons for this are not clear but this was done to show that different input RF powers of the plasma etcher would not significantly change the final wafer to wafer bond strengths.

Bond strength at various plasma powers (30 sec nitrogen plasma)


Bond strength (mJ/m )



1000 100 W


200 W 400 W

0 0





Anneal temperature (C) Figure 2-5: The effect of the RF input power on the bond strength. From 100200 W, the difference is small, but going up to 400W actually makes the bond strength weaker! (bonded at UCSD)



Explanation in terms of plasma physics Just what is going on in the plasma chamber when the wafer surfaces are

subjected to these gases? Oxygen plasma is typically used for photoresist descum of the surface; it works by the action of physical bombardment and oxidation of the organic material. The CH groups in the organic are then converted to CO, CO2 and H2 and pumped away. Nitrogen plasma has been used for nitridation of the wafer surface but typically at higher implant energies. Silicon oxynitrides can form with longer exposure to nitrogen plasmas but for short exposures (< ~30 s) this does not seem to be the case [26,27]. Argon plasma is used mainly to physically bombard the surface (e.g. sputtering). At the energies used, it may seem that there should be little if any sputtering of the surface. However, it appears that even light bombardment from Ar

Figure 2-6 : Surface roughness measured by AFM as a function of plasma process time. Circles and squares correspond to hydrogen (H series) and argon (A series) treatments, respectively. Triangles correspond to hydrogen treatment after argon treatment (AH series). [After I. Umezu et al [28] ]

48 ions causes a smoothening effect (see figure 2-6) as well as creating defect sites which make up the reactive surface [28-30]. Argon plasmas are also speculated to be able do some surface densification at these low energies [31]. Observation of the color of the plasmas shows that the spectral emissions are different though the UV spectrum for oxygen and nitrogen plasmas are in the same input RF energy range [32]. The masses of the ions, electrons and neutral particles are also different. Clearly, the wafer is subjected to several things: UV emissions, ion/neutral particle physical bombardment, possibly electron bombardment, and a large bias from the plasma reactor used to power the plasma.

Plasma etching physics

The classical definition of a plasma is a partially ionized gas of electrons, positive ions (same number as electrons) and neutral particles. It is electrically neutral, and commonly has energy coupled into it (to maintain its ionization) either capacitively or inductively. The plasma reactor used for bonding in this thesis used a parallel plate capacitively coupled reactor with energy coupled in at a frequency of 13.56 MHz (due to FCC regulations). A gas is continually bled into a chamber (and being pumped out) such that the pressure is low (typically ~10-800 mTorr), and a high voltage is applied between the parallel plate electrodes to ionize the gas. A plasma in the reactor is initiated by field emission from a sharp edge and high electric fields. The electrons undergo a cascade of collisions ionizing other atoms/molecules. The pressure in the chamber should typically be in the range of ~11000 mTorr. If the pressure is much lower, there are too few atoms/molecules to

49 participate in the cascaded collisions and the plasma cannot be sustained. With too high a pressure, the high number of collisions, which are close together, do not allow the electrons to gain enough kinetic energy to excite other atoms/molecules to sustain the plasma. The ability to sustain the plasma, however, is a function of the input power. The input power provides a continuous source of excitation to sustain the plasma, and this is seen in the characteristic glow which is the result of the electronic transitions induced by the high energy electrons. The requisite power must also be sufficiently high to offset the losses of electrons lost through collisions with the chamber sidewalls and the plasma species. There are plasmas that are excited by a DC source (more often and properly called a glow discharge) and AC sources which oscillate at specific frequencies dictated by the FCC such that they don't interfere with communications channels (if the plasma system is shielded well enough, however, it can operate at other frequencies). AC plasmas have the advantage that non-conductive substrates can be treated without being charged up, and that the electrode surface does not have to be conducting (which could introduce metallic contamination because the metal may get sputtered off by the impinging ions) [33]. If a non-conductive substrate is placed in the chamber with the plasma, a dark space or sheath will form above it. This sheath originates from the difference in mass of the components of the plasma. Because the plasma is composed of electrons and various ions with significantly different masses, there tends to be a separation when the oscillation frequency is sufficiently high. The electrons are light enough to fully

50 respond to the frequencies used, but the more massive ions only see a time averaged oscillation. The outcome of this difference in mass is that the electrons strike the substrate more often than the ions with the result that the substrate tends to become more negatively charged -- repelling the electrons. This sheath thickness will depend on the energies of the impinging electrons and ions and will equilibrate to a certain value. Because the electrons are no longer colliding with the ions in the sheath region, there is no light emission. This sheath thickness ranges from microns to millimeters in thickness. The important thing is that since the electrode is negatively charged, ions can travel across the sheath and collide with the substrate surface. The ions are accelerated across a potential difference given by the plasma potential Vp and the floating potential (of the substrate). Vp actually oscillates in phase with the applied potential Vo(t). In a parallel plate plasma etcher, there are two electrodes - the powered electrode and the grounded electrode with the electrodes facing each other and their surfaces horizontal. The sample typically sits on the powered electrode (bottom). The potential difference across the sheath (also referred to as self bias or DC bias) is a function of the geometry of the reactor (plasma etching chamber). In the Technics PEIIa (later used model b) plasma etcher, the electrodes have the same size (same diameter), whereas in most reactive ion etchers (RIEs), the powered electrode is typically smaller than the grounded electrode [34]. This has the effect of increasing the potential drop across the sheath which spans the plasma and the powered electrode. This point is noted because of an observed difference in wafer to wafer

51 bond strength after plasma activation between bonded pairs activated at VTT Electronics (who use an RIE, with different sized electrodes) and at UCSD (who use a plasma etcher (same sized electrodes)). This geometrical difference in electrode size could explain the bond strength differences of the wafer pairs. If the energy of the impinging ions is a significant factor in the “activation” process, this could be a critical feature to examine.

UV light emission

The majority of plasma components are neutral molecules (unless you use a electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) or an inductively coupled plasma (ICP) plasma system), various species of ions including the atomic forms of the gas(es), electrons, and UV light. To examine the role of UV light in the surface activation, isolation of the UV from the effect of the ion bombardment is required. UV light is known to modify the surface of silica by dehydroxylation of the surface.[35] Dehydroxylation is the process of removing hydroxyl groups (-OH) and converting them to siloxane (SiO-Si) bonds. This has the effect of making the outer surface more orderly and relatively hydrophobic. The more orderly surface and the lack of surface water would aid the contacting with the maximum surface area. (A UV spectrum analyzer should be used to measure the spectral output of the plasma(s) (oxygen, nitrogen, and argon), however, this was not available in this study.) A method to isolate the UV component experimentally would be to cover the silicon surface with a wide bandgap material (say double polished sapphire) to protect the surface from ion bombardment but let

52 UV light through to the surface. This method has the advantage of using the identical UV spectrum, however, it is not clear if a plasma would be formed in any gaps between the sapphire and the silicon; this was not attempted due to the unavailability of clean double polished sapphire substrates that could be used for this purpose. A less ideal alternative is to simulate the UV spectrum by assuming that it is close to that of a low pressure mercury lamp. Using a low pressure mercury lamp, the main spectral peak is at 254 nm (hν = 4.89 eV). A secondary peak at 185 nm (hν = 6.71 eV) is typically used for generating ozone ( it actually dissociates O2, which causes the atomic O to attach to surrounding O2's producing O3). 254 nm UV light dissociates the ozone by breaking it up. To do this, RCA cleaned Si wafers (with only a chemical oxide) were placed in a UV/ozone stripper chamber (SAMCO UV-1) with 1.) Ozone and UV, and 2.) Nitrogen and UV. Approximately 10 minutes of warm up time is required to stabilize the power level of the UV lamp (low pressure mercury arc lamp) ~8 mW/cm2. As can be seen in figure 2-7, the UV treatment (■ and ▲) does result in an increase in the bond strength (~1000-1800 mJ/m2) compared to the case with no treatment (~900-1200 mJ/m2) (♦). However, the experiments were painstakingly slow due to the numerous occurrences of particles which stuck onto the surface of the test wafers, often resulting in the bonding experiments being inconclusive and the tests were not carried further. Figure 2-7 shows only a few of the more successful cases. In hindsight, however, after going through the details in


UV surface activated Si/Si samples (main spectral peaks at 185 and 254 nm)


Bond strength (mJ/m )

2400 2100

no surface activation





1200 900 600 300 0 0





Anneal temperature (C)

Figure 2-7: Comparison of UV activated samples to samples (■,▲) with no surface activation (♦). The ambient in the chamber was either ozone or (UHP) nitrogen. The wafers were all RCA cleaned before bonding. At room temp (far left), the bond strengths are similar. At higher anneal temperatures, the UV activated samples seem to be slightly stronger. The measured bond strengths match up with those given in the literature. [37] this thesis and getting some experience bonding wafers, this would be a direction of research worthy of deeper investigation complementing the examination of the effects of plasma activation. There have been many studies that have used UV to enhance the oxidation rates of silicon [38-42,66,67], especially at lower oxidation temperatures (< 600 ºC) which seems to be one of the components of plasma activation [43]. The mechanisms of enhancement include carrier generation and bond breaking at the Si/SiO2 interface and can lead up an increase in oxidation rate by up to 60%.[67]


Particle bombardment

D. Pasquariello et al., studied the surface energy (bond strength) of the wafer as a function of the self bias (see § for definition) in oxygen plasma [44]. They found that oxygen plasma has a smoothing effect on the surface independent of the self bias voltage. Because the self bias would affect how the ions would strike the surface, this indicates that oxygen plasma may have a chemical as well as a physical effect on the surface energy [45]. This is not unexpected since oxygen plasma is commonly used to decompose organic compounds (plasma ashing) by oxidation. Collaboration with VTT Electronics (Finland) brought observations that argon and nitrogen plasmas behaved similarly in terms of giving about the same bond strengths but without any post-plasma chemical treatment. This fact suggests that the main component of surface activation may actually be the ion bombardment at the surface since Ar is inert and N2 is likely to be inert at these relatively low powers and exposure times. [26]

Physical bombardment of the surface by particles (some

charged, but mostly neutral) can have either smoothening or roughening, and/or densifying effects depending on the plasma conditions and exposure time of the surface to the plasma. [31]

Plasma effects on silicon oxidation

One factor worth mentioning is the effect an electric field has on the oxidation of silicon. Since it is assumed that the bond strengthening is based on an oxidation at the wafer bonded interface, anything that could affect this is worth a careful examination. Just to review the big picture, the idea is that the substantial increase in

55 bond strength is due to a significant increase in the effective contact area between the wafer surfaces. This increase in contact area is made through the surfaces getting closer to each other such that the silanols can bridge the gap and react to form siloxane bonds. The problem with the oxidation induced bond strengthening is that it apparently has to take place at very low temperatures (~200-400 °C since that is what we observe). Thermal oxidation is usually done around temperatures of 1000 ºC. Due to the exponential dependence on temperature, trying to oxidize a silicon surface at temperatures of 200-400 ºC seems hopelessly slow, if it is possible at all. Extrapolating the oxide thickness from the Deal-Grove model gives thicknesses in the range of fractions of Angstroms after 1 hour in wet oxygen at 300 °C [45]. In comparison, roughly 3500 Å of wet oxide is grown after 1 hour at 1000 °C. However, there are several points that make low temperature oxidation rather plausible: many reports showing increased oxidation rates in very thin oxides (< 100 Å) [46-54], UV and electric field enhanced oxidation (both of which are present when plasma surface activation is done), and extension of the linear growth regime which is responsible for the initial oxide formation. The initial regime of oxidation (the formation of the first 10-20 Å or so of oxide) is not well understood. The numerous reports of oxidation rates in this regime which are faster than those expected from the “standard” rates used to calculate thicker films [55-59] are also done at higher temperatures (> 600 °C), making it difficult to say with confidence there is also an increased rate at lower temperatures. Typically, the reports are that dry oxygen has a higher rate compared to

56 oxidation by water (it’s not always clear if this means wet oxidation, with steam and oxygen, or steam and nitrogen, which would isolate oxidation to just the reaction of silicon with water). Oxidation with water tends to follow the typical linear-parabolic model [60], where the linear kinetics indicates surface controlled reactions and parabolic kinetics indicates diffusion controlled reactions. Due to this difference and data from dielectric breakdown of wet and dry oxide [60], it is shown that the results can be explained if micropores exist in the oxide film [60].

UV and electric field

enhanced oxidation of silicon have also been reported [61-70]. These enhancements are based on the principle of creating new oxidation states (breaking Si-Si or Si-O bonds) at the Si/SiO2 interface (UV) and/or driving the oxidants through the oxide at an accelerated rate so that the oxidation is not dominated by diffusion rates through the oxide (electric field). Of course, this approach assumes that the oxygen molecules either decompose into atomic oxygen ions or becomes ionized in the SiO2 network. These arguments are still controversial and still open for discussion. Another approach, and the last one that will be discussed in this thesis is the method of extending the linear regime of oxidation. Since the linear regime is faster than the parabolic regime (which tapers off with time(oxide thickness) it could possibly give insight into the mechanics of oxidation. The idea behind this is that diffusing oxygen ions will charge up the Si/SiO2 interface, slowing down the barrage of impinging ions behind them. By providing an electron current in the right direction to remove the charge buildup, this charge is balanced and the oxidation becomes less diffusion limited [68,69].

57 While the reports of these enhancements to oxidation are all done at the time of annealing, the conditions which provide these enhancements do not necessarily have to be present during the annealing to reap the same benefits. The enhancement mechanisms all have to do with either using charges/electric fields or providing more states for easy oxidation (lowering the barrier for oxidation) which are all present in the plasma reactor. The “growth” of the oxide can be approached from two ways: the bottom (Si/SiO2 interface) and the top of the oxide which contain local excesses of Si. There are reports of enhancing the growth of the oxide by using electric fields and optical excitation (not necessarily together). These are based on the generation of carriers (optically enhanced) or the movement of ions (using electric fields) to extend the initial, linear (fast) growth regime. The plasma reactor contains these components, the difference being that these “stimulants” are applied before annealing (in separate steps). From the top surface of the oxide, ion bombardment may displace certain ions creating Si with different oxidation states [71,72]. These may be receptive to forming new bonds to ambient oxygen, effectively causing a small growth. These features, coupled with the fact that the spacing between the bonded wafers is only around 10-30 Å (from RMS surface roughness of prime grade wafers) makes the possibility of closing the atomic scale gaps quite feasible.

Effect of plasma on surface silica chemistry

To form covalent wafer to wafer bonds, siloxane bonds (Si-O-Si) have to form, bridging the gaps between the wafer surfaces. To form siloxane bonds in this manner,

58 a high density of silanol bonds should be present on each wafer surface. The chemical bonding of two silanol bonds forms siloxane and water as a byproduct (see §2.1.1). The wafer surfaces coming out of the RCA solutions have a very high density of silanols [71,72], so high in fact that the silanols are very close together and chemically couple into groups which form what are called associated silanols [74,75]. Associated silanols are merely isolated silanols which are hydrogen bond coupled between the H of one and the O of the other (figures 2-1 and 2-8). These associated silanols have different chemical properties compared to isolated silanols. For a fully hydroxylated surface (after RCA cleaning) the isolated silanols have an average density of ~1.4 groups/100 Å2 and the associated silanols have an average density of ~3.2 groups/100 Å2 [76,77] indicating that most of the silanols are coupled forming associated silanols. The associated silanols also have a strong affinity for water, whereas the isolated silanols tend to be more attracted to ammonia, nitrogen and diethylamine [78]. In a crack or pore of the silica, associated silanols are prevalent (figure 2-8). This is because the sloped walls of the pore bring any isolated silanols closer, thus increasing the likelihood of hydrogen bonding between the H and O. What this means is that there can be a relatively large amount of water stored under the surface of the oxide due to the copious amounts of associated silanols holding on to them. The depth of this hydroxylated layer is probably ~150 Å thick [79]. On the surface of the hydroxylated wafers, having a high concentration of associated silanols, means that siloxane bonds cannot form as easily with the result that a higher anneal temperature is necessary to form covalent siloxane bonds across the interface. With plasma








Si O




H O Si


Figure 2-8: surface of SiO2 with a crack/pore. The isolated silanols (left side) are less likely to interact (and form an associated silanol on a flat surface. In the pore, the slope forces the isolated silanols to get closer making it more likely to form an associated silanol. activation, however, it is speculated that the physical bombardment of the ions can break up the associated silanols on the surface, leaving only isolated silanols. If the wafer surfaces are then placed in contact with each other, these isolated silanols can easily form strong siloxane bonds upon annealing, resulting in stronger bond strengths at lower anneal temperatures. The density of these isolated and associated silanols can be measured using multiple interference transmission FTIR (MIT-FTIR) (figure 2-9) [80-85]. The reason why this setup has to be used and that conventional FTIR cannot be used is that the vibrational signals from these groups are very weak since they lie only in a plane at the interface. By using MIT-FTIR, the IR beam bounces many times across the interface allowing sufficient absorption to take place to be detected. A dry box is necessary for the measurement because the silanol groups are in the middle of the water spectrum which would otherwise dominate the absorption spectra. The purpose is to examine the interface of bonded wafer pairs and quantify the density of isolated vs. associated silanols. An s/p polarizer can be used to flip the polarization to get spectra which were sensitive and insensitive to the interfacial species – which are


Figure 2-9: sample cross section for multiple interference transmission FTIR measurement. The thick gray area is the wafer bonded interface and where the molecular species of interest are. The edges are beveled to facilitate coupling of IR beams at the appropriate angles such that they are confined within the waveguide. [After Diego, Feijoo et al. (1994)] then subtracted from one another to get a useable spectrum. This measurement was not done in this research, however, it is hoped that this introduction will motivate this characterization technique for the reader by simplifying the details involved.

2.3 Wafer bonding results 2.3.1 Si to Si bonding: When “Si to Si” bonding is mentioned in this thesis, what it really means is there is hydrophilic bonding of two silicon wafers. “Hydrophilic” implies that there is a silicon dioxide layer on the surface, specifically a native oxide or a thin chemically grown oxide (using RCA cleaning solutions) which is ~6-10 Å, but the value is not as important as the characteristics of the oxide with respect to oxidation. The chemical oxide was used for all bonded wafers done at UCSD. This oxide provides a fresh, and consistent surface to start with.

61 Cleanliness of the wafer surfaces and the surrounding lab environment is always an issue. With the initial bonding experiments, I just tried to minimize the number of large particles at the bonded interface. As each potential source of particles was identified, the results were better looking and eventually, bonding could be done with none or at most 1 particle if care was taken. The most useful steps taken to reduce this particle count was spin cleaning (instead of using an ultrasonic clean), letting the DI water run continuously to flush out particles, and using a bright flashlight to examine the wafer surface for particles before bonding. Upon annealing (30 minutes in air (on hot plate) at temperatures from 100 – 400 ºC spots would appear when the interface was viewed using transmission IR. The number of spots was proportional to the anneal temperature. These were gas bubbles which formed when the silicon reacted with water and a byproduct of hydrogen gas was formed (see figure 2-10): Si +2H2O → SiO2 + 2H2. [1, p.126]

2.3.2 Si to Oxide bonding A group from VTT Electronics (Finland) found that by bonding Si with either a native oxide or chemical oxide to a thick wet thermal oxide (5000 Å), the bubbles would not appear upon annealing. This was presumably due to the oxide being able to absorb the gas from the interface, suggesting that the oxide may indeed have some degree of porosity. To examine the bubble formation, a scanning acoustic microscope (SAM) was used to compare Si/Si and Si/OX bonding. The results clearly show that

62 for Si/Si bonding, the bubbles appear even though they are not visible on the IR camera (IR image not shown).

Figure 2-10: Comparison of Si/Si bonding (left figure) to Si/OX bonding (figure on right). The images were taken using a scanning acoustic microscope (SAM) at VTT electronics in Finland. The small bubbles are not visible under an IR transmission imaging (not shown). This shows the benefit of using Si/OX rather than Si/Si bonding. (4 inch bonded Si wafers, SAM imaged by T. Suni at VTT electronics, Finland)

2.3.3 Si to Glass bonding For flat panel display applications, Si/Glass bonding is required because the glass serves as the mechanical backplane as well as the window for light emission. The glass is Corning 1737F, an alumino-silicate glass that was specifically created so that it would thermally match the expansion of silicon for flat panel display applications. The glass was used in the industry to make displays with amorphous or poly silicon TFTs and suits our bonding purpose well. As was mentioned in chapter 1, the goal of this research is to see if reasonably good transistors can be fabricated on a thin layer of Si, on top of a glass substrate (the screen of the FPD). The silicon film

63 will be bonded onto the glass substrate just like a typical silicon on insulator (SOI) structure. The difference here is that the glass is not merely SiO2. Since the glass was engineered to thermally expand in a particular way, its composition had to be altered. These extra components can potentially cause problems if they were to migrate/diffuse into the silicon film close to the junctions of the transistor. To address this potential problem, a study was done using the 1737F glass by J.G. Couillard et al. [86]. It was known that the glass acted as a gettering site for impurities such as sodium [87]. Devices which were fabricated on top of the 1737F glass had lower leakage currents when compared to devices fabricated on top of SiO2 by a factor of 6-8 times! If the concern is over elements such as aluminum, calcium, boron, and barium which are present to varying degrees in the glass, doing a RCA clean will leach out these and other metallic components in the first 6 nm of the glass [88]. Therefore, with the proper precautions, impurity diffusion from the glass can be minimized.

2.4 Wafer to wafer bond strength measurement The bond strength (or bond energy) is measured in units of milli-Joules per square meter. It characterizes the quality of the wafer to wafer bond. For reference, a weak bond (no annealing) has a bond strength of ~30-300 mJ/m2, whereas a strong bond (annealed at 1000 ºC) would have a bond strength ~ >2700 mJ/m2. If it is stronger, it can't be easily measured because the silicon wafers would break.

64 The easiest way to measure the bond energy is by the razor blade test proposed by Mazura [89] (see figure 2-11). A razor blade is inserted into the wafer interface and an infrared camera (Black and white Sony CCD-IRIS used with halogen microscope lamp bulb as IR source) is used in transmission mode (light passed through wafer into camera) to measure the length of the crack that forms. A long crack is an indication of a weak bond, and a short crack is an indication of a strong bond. Using elasticity theory, a quantitative relation can be derived which gives the bond strength as inversely proportional to the fourth power of the crack length for a pair of identical wafers [90]:

3Et w3 t b2 γ = 32 L4 where γ is the bond strength or bond energy in joules per square meter, E is the Young’s modulus of Si, tw is the thickness of the wafer (not the bonded pair), tb is the thickness of the blade, and L is the measured crack length. For pairs of dissimilar materials or thicknesses, more sophisticated relations are given in chapter 2 of Tong and Gösele’s book. It is important to note the extreme sensitivity of the bond strength to the value of the measured crack length, which goes as the fourth power. Since the bond strength value is so sensitive to the crack length, measuring this value accurately is very important. The best way to do this is to measure the crack length as a number of pixels on screen and then correlate the number of pixels to an accurately measured (preferably using a microscope) constant distance. Of course this depends on the camera position and focus. Changing any one of these will require that

65 the reference be recalibrated. Another factor which is even more important at high bond strengths (short crack lengths) is the fact that the razor blade has an edge, which contributes extra length (shortening the visible/measurable crack length) and makes


Figure 2-11: The razor blade measurement method. The blade is inserted between the wafers which creates a separation seen with an IR camera (right picture). The crack length is measured and varies inversely (to the fourth power) with the bond strength. The thing to watch out for is the tapered tip of the blade. It will effectively shorten the crack length making the bond strength seem stronger than it really is, especially for strong bonds.

the bond strength seem larger than it actually is (figures 2-11 and 2-12). For silicon wafers, IR light longer than 1.10 µm will pass through the material. If the bubble is filled with air with refractive index of 1.0, the height of the bubble, H, can be estimated by the number of fringes N: H = N·λ/2. The smallest bubble height can be measured down to half a fringe. That means that there will only be significant contrast in the transmitted image for crack widths greater than λ/4 = 0.275 µm [1, p.

66 35]. What this means is that the crack length may extend up to approximately 1.5 µm past what can be measured using the IR camera [1, p.42-3] (figure 2-12). Whether this

The effect of accounting for blade taper length [500µm thick Si wafers, 100µm blade width, 0.36mm taper length]

Bond strength (mJ/m 2)

3000 2500 without correction with correction

2000 1500 1000 500 0 9




Measured Crack length (mm) Figure 2-12 : figure of bond strengths with and without blade taper in calculation.

is the case or not can only be determined using a SAM with a very high frequency scan which is not practical for every bonded sample. In either case, adding the length of the tapered end of the blade (about 0.33-0.36 mm) can give a more accurate value of the bond energy. What this means is that the bond strength measurement can give a reasonable relative measure of the surface energy, however, due to bonding parameters or calculation methods, the bond strengths between different research groups doing these measurements may not be directly comparable.

67 Another complication in the measurement of bond strength is that the crack length changes (lengthens) quickly and then slows down with time (figure 2-13). The settling point seems to change rather slowly after 2 minutes. After inserting the blade, the crack length was measured after 2 minutes for each measurement. This slow change in crack length might be due to water from the atmosphere attacking the crack tip [91-94].

Normalized ∆ L (%)

Normalized ∆L vs. time

1.00 0.95 0.90 0.85 0.80 0






time since blade was pushed in (secs)

Figure 2-13: The crack length shown in figure 8, will increase as a function of time. It slows down after about 2 minutes.

Optical transmission is probably the easiest method to see if the bonded pairs have any sizable gaps/bubbles at the interface. Since silicon has an energy gap of 1.12 eV, light with a wavelength longer than that is transmitted through. For air bubbles (therefore assuming the refractive index of air is 1.000) with separations around 1.10 µm at the

68 interface, interference fringes are observed. The separation distance can be estimated by counting the number of fringes and using the relation: Height (H) = N.λ/2, where N is the number of fringes, and λ is the shortest wavelength of light that can pass through (1.10 micron). The lateral resolution is ~100 µm which depends on the detector [95,96]. Another way that was available to our collaborators at VTT Electronics in Espoo, Finland was the acoustic microscope. The acoustic microscope used high frequency acoustic waves (depending on the application and equipment, ~700 KHz – 3 GHz is used) with water as the coupling medium. The lateral resolution of the SAM is about 10 µm, which is much better than the IR imaging technique [97]. The wafers can have the bond strength measured using the whole wafer, or it can be diced into strips (preferable). The bonded pairs were diced using a modified saw in the basement of Mayer Hall (Physics Dept.) using DynatexTM blades (with 5 µm particle size). The two inch wafers first had to be annealed for 30 minutes at 100 ºC to increase the bond strength such that the vibrations from the dicing did not separate the slices. The slices could then be annealed at different temperatures and bond strength measured conveniently. One thing that is worth mentioning: when the bonded pairs have a high bond strength, measuring the bond strength by inserting the razor often shattered the wafers before the crack length could be measured. This was determined to be due to one of two things: the razor blade was too thick (100 ± 1 µm) and/or the wafers were too thin (300 µm). To thin the razor blades down (Gillette #10), ferric chloride was used to etch the stainless steel. However, it was soon discovered that the blades were not

69 etched evenly and at best, the thickness of the blades slowly increased from front to back. Using 500 µm thick wafers solved the problem of breaking the wafers during measurement using the unetched blades. (wafers were prime grade, single side polished, 2 inch, (100), n-type 1-20 Ω·cm, 500 µm). The dicing blades had to be selected appropriately such that the total thickness of the bonded pair (now approximately 1 mm) could be cut through.

2.5 Key experiments and results Wafers which are RCA cleaned and activated, but not annealed have the same bond strength (Table 2-1): Table 2-1: Bond strengths of wafer pairs before annealing. The bond strengths are the same regardless of whether plasma activation was done or not. No surface activation Oxygen plasma activation (30 sec, 100W) + DIW rinse (5 min)

220 mJ/m2 220 mJ/m2

Comparing bonded pairs which are surface activated and then annealed to ones that were not surface activated and annealed in figure 2-14. For Si-Si bonding where both wafers only have either a native or chemical oxide on the surface, there are bubbles appearing on previously particle free interfaces (as seen by IR transmission though the bonded wafer pair). These bubbles are presumably hydrogen gas which forms upon annealing from the reaction [1, p. 126]:



Surface energy [mJ/m ]



Both wafers activated SiO 2 wafer activated


Si wafer activated No activation



0 100







Annealing temperature [°C], 2h

Figure 2-14: This plot demonstrates several things. The plasma activation makes a significant difference in the bond strength, Activating both wafers (Si and OX) results in stronger bond strength than activating either alone. [After T. Suni [99]]

Si + 2H2O Æ SiO2 + 2H2 Note that the bonded pairs which show the hydrogen gas bubbles evolving with annealing are for non-thermally oxidized wafers. When a silicon wafer with a chemical oxide is bonded to a wet thermally oxidized silicon wafer and annealed, no bubbles appear! This is because the thick, thermal oxide probably absorbed the evolved hydrogen gas (suggesting some degree of porosity) and due to its thickness, has more surface area available to adsorb the hydrogen gas. The fact that the barrel etcher (asher) doesn't seem to enhance the wafer to wafer bond strength and that the parallel plate etcher does do something, suggests that

71 ion bombardment is involved in the surface activation. This activation can be by modification of the surface topography (either physically or chemically as in the case for oxygen plasma) or a very shallow effective implant as an enhancement for adsorption. Of course, this is not certain because one barrel etcher (TechnicsTM) seemed to make no difference and another (Tegal PlasmalineTM) seemed to have some improvement in the bond strength. The bond strength increase has been speculated to be due mainly to an increase in effective contact area enhanced by localized oxidation which could close up the gaps. An experiment to show this was carried out (figure 2-15). The oxide thickness of the thermally oxidized silicon wafer was the constant. The thickness was kept at 5000 Å. This wafer was bonded to a series of different wafers with different thicknesses of wet thermal oxide ranging from 0-5000 Å. It was expected that, if there was diffusion of something across the wafer interface and this was responsible for the bond strength increase, the 0 Å oxide thickness would have the strongest bond strength because there was no barrier for the diffusion. We should also see that as the oxide thickness increased, the bond strength should monotonically decrease. This is exactly what was seen in the experiment. There are a few points to note: The biggest jump in bond strength was for the 200 °C anneal (2 hrs in air) for the 5000 Å / 0 Å bonded pair whereas the other pairs marginally increased. The next step in the oxide thickness was 300 Å (which also didn’t change much) which suggests that sufficient oxidant cannot diffuse 300 Å in 2 hrs at 200 °C to substantially increase the bond strength.


Effect of "native" oxide thickness on bond strength (OX has 5000 Å oxide, oxygen plasma bonded)

Bond strength (mJ/m 2)

3000 2500 0Å 300 Å 1000 Å 5000 Å

2000 1500 1000 500 0






Anneal Temperature (°C) Figure 2-15: Plot of bond strength with varying “native oxide” thicknesses. This was to show that something diffused across the oxide, and the increase in bond strength was proportional to the amount of diffusant. The thinner the oxide the larger the expected bond strength, which is what is seen. The values are spaced close enough that plotting on a log scale does not spread out the data points much, if any. (measured at VTT electronics, Finland) Note that the peak bond strength can be attained after annealing at 200 ºC. The calculated diffusion of water seems to peak at around this temperature (compare with oxygen). As has been seen, the exposure to the plasma makes a big difference. Doing the plasma activation for 6 minutes results in a weak bond strength (though stronger than with no activation). Doing the activation for ~30 s results in a strong bond strength! Apparently, for reasons not particularly well understood, the first 15 s or so of the plasma impart a “kick” to the sample being “activated” [26]. The plasma

73 species also make a difference. Argon and nitrogen plasmas behave similarly, but oxygen plasma requires a RCA-1 dip (45 secs) followed by a 2 min. water rinse to get the same bond strength as Ar and N activation [27].

amount oxidant diffused through 20 Å SiO 2 (30 min anneal) and bond strength profile as a function of anneal temp 1




0.5 water (erfc) oxygen (erfc) water (gaussian) measured data


0% 0





normalized bond strength for measured data

percent oxidant diffused


0 400

anneal temperature (°C)

Figure 2-16: Plot of amount of water diffused across the thin oxide as a function of temperature. This shows that at 200 °C, a lot of water has diffused across the wafer bonded interface and through the native oxide. Comparing this with the bond strength profile (vs. temperature), it matches up nicely. Note that the oxygen diffusion profile is also shown for reference. The water diffusion profiles were calculated assuming a finite source (Gaussian) and an infinite source (erfc). Values used: for water: D0 = 1×10-6 cm2/s, EA = 0.79 eV; for oxygen: D0 = 2.7×104 cm2/s, EA = 1.16 eV after Tsai (1983) [After Tsai, J.C.C., “Diffusion,” in VLSI Technology, ed. S.M. Sze, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1983, Chapter 5.]

The idea might be that the oxygen plasma actually "closes up" some of the surface pores by creating new SiO2 from non-stoichiometric and dangling Si bonds in

74 the oxide. Since RCA-1 (actually the ammonium hydroxide in the RCA-1) slowly etches SiO2 [100], it could unblock the entrance to the pits in the oxide and allow the oxygen or water (the oxidant) out with a smaller barrier. This idea of the surfaces closing up for maximal surface area contact is apparently not new. This idea, as far as I know, was first proposed by Weldon, et al. [101], but was only discussed for the case of high temperature annealing of non-plasma activated pairs. What is different in this thesis is the proposal of the mechanics of the wafer to wafer bond strengthening mechanism(s) with the addition of surface plasma activation and the possible effects of the activation to allow these events to push forward.


Summary on the mechanics of Si/OX plasma activated hydrophilic wafer bonding Based on the data shown above from various sources and references, it is

plausible that the mechanics are as follows: The thick, wet thermal oxide (OX) is somewhat porous and has many sub-Angstrom to several-Angstrom sized holes. The surface being the first initial stage of silicon to get oxidized, it happens very fast with the result that it can be non-stoichiometric. This leaves extra Si atoms and dangling bonds on the surface which makes it hydrophilic also. This surface being not so flat on the atomic scale has a high density of silanol groups which tend to clump and form associated silanols. Associated silanols also tend to attract and hold water molecules. If we bonded the wafers now (without plasma activation) the associated silanols would react and form siloxanes but there would be the intrinsic surface roughness as well as

75 an excessive amount of by-product water at the interface which would reduce the contact area. By using plasma activation, excess water is driven off and the associated silanols are broken up and turned into isolated silanols. However, the plasma might not penetrate deeper into the SiO2 where the associated silanols may still lurk (in crevices) holding onto water (see § When the wafers are then bonded together, the isolated silanols can then form siloxane but without the excessive water being formed as a by-product. The byproduct water and the water under the surface are thermally released and diffuse through the thin chemical oxide to the silicon where they oxidize the silicon locally (this explains why the 2 thick OX do not result in large bond strength in figure 2-15). Where the gaps between the wafers are largest lie the thinnest oxides and largest reservoirs for water and oxygen. The local oxidation, due to the volume increase of the oxide, closes the gap between the wafers all over the place allowing more siloxane bonds to form increasing the bond strength of the wafer pair. There is evidence to support the occurrence of low temperature oxidation (200400 ºC). The well known Deal-Grove model is really only valid for long oxidation times when the oxide is much thicker. This, along with numerous reports of enhanced oxidation as a result of external factors (electric fields, UV light) which are present in the plasma reactor, make the possibility within reach. The required oxide thickness for this process is ~5-20 Å (based on the RMS roughness of the wafers) which is an entirely reasonable range of oxide growth for the start of the oxidation process.


2.7 Summary for wafer bonding chapter The mechanics of

why the bond strength is significantly increased after

annealing has been approached by several groups [102-104]. It started with an explanation by Stengl et al., who proposed that van der Waals attraction is able to hold the activated surfaces together forming a cyclic tetramer between the two surfaces, followed by a dehydration reaction where siloxane bonds are then formed. Bengtsson gave a thorough review on all things dealing with wafer bonding but dealing only with high temperature kinetics. Farrens et al., extended Stengl’s work, adding the effect of plasma induced charges which increases the atom mobility near the surface (described by Cabrera-Mott oxidation kinetics) for low temperature oxidation. These groups presented clear big picture models with the relevant ideas (e.g. low temperature oxidation, water layers, etc.) but they always seemed to lack a simple, mechanistic picture of what was going on. The insight to mechanism for the plasma activated bond strengthening was what I was after in this chapter. A quantitative model was not established, but perhaps some new insight could be obtained from the ideas presented in this chapter. The bonding process was presented along with what was deemed important practical steps in the recipes. Two components of the plasma were discussed: UV light emission and ion bombardment and their possible effects on the silica surface. What may be more important for good insight would be the differences between nitrogen and argon plasmas versus oxygen plasmas. The oxygen plasmas seem to have a chemical effect in addition to the physical bombardment that the other plasmas have.

77 This chemical effect is speculated to “seal up” the surface through the creation of a better oxide at the top of the silica layer(s). This surface oxide would then have to be etched away (with RCA-1, which provides a slow etch) to free up the micropores inherent in the oxide. These micropores are the reservoirs where the subsurface water is stored – trapped by the associated silanols. The effects of Si-Si vs Si-OX bonding is presented. The thick thermal oxide is necessary to prevent gas bubbles from being trapped. The oxide acts as a gas sponge soaking up excess gas. Bond strength measurement and potential pitfalls were discussed using the blade insertion method. Evidence from the literature [75, chapter 6] shows that porosity in the oxide has been suspected for decades, however, because these pores are small, there have been no direct pictures of these to prove their existence. What these ideas are trying to show is that there seems to be a relatively complex interplay between the surface chemistry involving isolated and associated silanols, at and below the surface, and the physical bombardment from the plasma. This sets up a condition which makes water (or possibly some other oxidant) available at the appropriate time to proceed with low temperature, localized oxidation. This ultimately brings the surfaces close enough so that siloxane bonds can be bridged. With some understanding of the processes involved in joining two otherwise, normally un-joinable surfaces, we can proceed to add another step to the recipe which will allow delamination of a single crystal film on an amorphous substrate – ion implantation.


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Chapter 3:

SOI film preparation and characterization

3.1 Overview Semiconductor on insulator (SOI) structures can be fabricated using several techniques including including “bond and etch back” SOI (BESOI), silicon by implantation of oxygen (SIMOX), and ion-cutting, also known as Smart-CutTM. With the BESOI technique, two substrates (of which at least one has an oxide layer) are bonded together and annealed to obtain a strong bond. One of the wafers is then lapped and chemical and mechanically polished (CMP) to produce the SOI layer. SIMOX wafers are created by ion implanting a high dose of oxygen below the surface and annealing the implanted wafer to recrystallize the surface. Ion-cut SOI wafers are fabricated by bonding a wafer with an oxide layer to another wafer which has been ion implanted with a light ion (e.g. H, He). The plasma activated bonded pair is then annealed causing the bond interface to strengthen while the implanted interface is weakened. The result is that a thin film can be delaminated at the implanted interface from the rest of the substrate, forming an SOI layer. Ion cutting is arguably the most versatile and efficient technique for fabricating SOI structures, compared to the other two techniques mentioned above. Ion cutting allows the potential reuse of the substrate that the film originated from, unlike the BESOI technique, nor is the film restricted to being the same material as the substrate as in SIMOX method. However, compared to the SIMOX technique, the ion-cut films (as do the BESOI films) do possess an inherent complication: ion-cut films are not oriented in the same direction as the substrate (if they are both crystalline) due to


89 slight offcuts of the two wafers. For layer characterization methods such as x-ray diffraction, this orientation difference has to be accounted for. The ion-cut films are typically implanted with a dose of ~1016 cm-2 with an energy of 30-50 keV/atom (so for H2+, it would be twice that). The energy of the implant is proportional to the depth of the ion distribution and, more importantly, the damage distribution caused by the impinging particles.[1]

SRIM/TRIM simulations

can be used to simulate the penetration depth of the ion species (e.g. H+, H2+, H3+, etc.) into the Si wafer. This film exfoliation was done for two different kinds of implantations : single ion implantation and plasma immersion ion implantation - and on two different types of substrate : Corning 1737F glass and wet thermal silicon dioxide. The electrical properties of these films are compared and discussed based on their Hall effect and hot probe measurements, which is the focus of this chapter. The following chapter will divert attention to the use of these films for the fabrication of MOSFETs and the characterization of the MOSFETs. Figure 3-1 shows the SRIM/TRIM simulated ion concentrations (left column) and damage distribution (right column) for several implantation energies. These distributions were created using a 20,000 ion Monte-Carlo calculation. The ion peaks as a function of energy are shown under the heading “Ion range” which is the projected ion range (net distance from the surface). Implantation of hydrogen into silicon and annealing at temperatures at or above 300 °C allows the hydrogen to be both more mobile and more reactive. The effect of this is increased pressure in the subsurface cavities, which is the damage


10 kV

20 kV

30 kV

50 kV

(a) (b) Figure 3-1: SRIM/TRIM simulations (20,000 ions) of implanted H ion concentrations and implantation induced vacancies in Si. Column (a) is the implanted ion concentration profile of atomic hydrogen into silicon for various implantation energies 10, 20 30 and 50 kV. Column (b) shows the damage distributions for the respective implantation energies. The given “ion range” is the projected range (depth of the implanted ion), the straggle (standard deviation), skewness and kurtosis are the second, third and fourth moments of the ion distribution. [2,3]


Figure 3-2: (a) Optical micrograph of 1×1017 H+/cm2 after annealing to 475 °C (Mag. 90×). (b) AFM image of a 15 µm×15 µm region of the same sample as in (a). [4][After M. K. Weldon, et al., J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 15(4), 1997]

92 region caused by the impinging ions. Since the layer of silicon “above” the cavities is thinner (than the rest of the substrate), it is easier for the expanding gas to push in that direction. The result is the bubbles and blisters shown in figure 3-2. The effect of bonding a capping wafer (also called a stiffener) on top of the implanted wafer is that the capping wafer provides a “restoring” force to the surface of the implanted wafer. If the surface is not bonded to a stiffener and the donor wafer is annealed to about 400 ºC for 10-15 minutes, surface blistering occurs due to the expansion of hydrogen gas (see figure 3-2). It can be seen that there are numerous small bubbles and a large number of “popped” blisters (darker areas). In figure 3-2b, an atomic force microscope (AFM) image provides a close-up of a 15 ×15 µm2 region. With the bonded wafer on top, the gas cannot easily expand normal to the surface and instead expands laterally. This propagates a ion damage induced crack parallel to the surface which is able to delaminate a film of silicon. The general process is illustrated in figure 3-3 below. The exfoliated film can also be delaminated using alternative methods. This apparently modifies the electrical and structural properties of the film. The method using only heat to self-delaminate the film, is termed thermal exfoliation (TE), otherwise known as "hot cut", because the film is self-delaminated or cut at room temperature after an anneal of ~400-450 ºC or so. The alternate method is termed mechanical exfoliation (ME) or "cold cut". This involves annealing the bonded pair for ~2 hours at temperatures up to 250-350 ºC to strengthen the wafer to wafer bond (also done in TE sample), cooled to room temperature, and then using a razor blade inserted into the gap between the bonded wafers to mechanically delaminate the


Step 1: H+ implantation

Step 3: Bonding

H+ SiO2


Implanted layer

Step 2: Cleaning and activation

Step 4: Annealing and exfoliation

Stiffener (Si) SiO2 SiO2 Bond surfaces

Exfoliated Layer



p-Si p-Si

Figure 3-3: The Smart-CutTM process. Step 1: Hydrogen ions are implanted into the surface of the (donor) silicon substrate (typically, prime grade silicon) at energies of ~30-150 kV at a dose of ~1016 cm-2. They roughly end up at ~1000Å per 10 kV per proton, which is where the damage region lies. Step2: The stiffener (usually glass or oxidized silicon with a wet thermal oxide of 2000-5000Å) and the implanted wafer are then cleaned and then have the surfaces activated with plasma (oxygen, nitrogen or argon) for ~30 s at ~100W plus any appropriate post plasma treatment. Step 3: The wafers are contacted and Step 4: they are annealed in air first at 100 °C (to strengthen wafer-to-wafer bond strength to prepare for dicing) then at temperatures of 200-400 °C to exfoliate the film.

94 film. Because the impinging implanted atoms have left a particular damage profile, the film/substrate interface is weakened. This allows the film to be separated from the original substrate due to the fact that the wafer to wafer bond interface is stronger than the substrate to film implantation interface. This is why it is critical to have a very strong wafer-to-wafer bond at low temperatures. In this chapter, the electrical properties of these films were measured using Hall effect (Van der Pauw type measurements), and hot probe as a function of depth into the film. Tetra-methyl Ammonium hydroxide (TMAH) was used to etch silicon in between the electrical measurements. The samples measured included thermally exfoliated Si on glass (Corning 1737F, an alumino-silicate glass) and thermally and mechanically exfoliated silicon on wet thermal oxide (~3000-5000 Å thick) using single ion and plasma immersion ion implantation (PIII, pronounced as "P-3"). These measurements were done after exfoliation, and after annealing the films at temperatures between 550 ºC and 1050 ºC. In addition, the strain in the films were characterized using x-ray diffraction for the as-exfoliated films and also after annealing at 1000 °C which is the maximum temperature reached in the fabrication of the MOSFETs without all the intermediate temperature cycling (discussed in chapter 4). The effect of thermal and other shallow donors and their origins are discussed as well as the effect of annealing in air, nitrogen and argon.


3.2 Ion implantation Ion implantation is a process commonly used for doping semiconductors with tightly controlled doses in precisely designated areas. The implanted distributions are typically laterally abrupt with a Gaussian[5] distribution along the direction of the implant which makes it particularly useful in doping for self-aligned processes in MOSFETs. There were two types of ion implanters used for creating the exfoliated films used in this study: 1.

conventional (single) ion implantation which uses a mass separation filter so that only one ion species is allowed to pass through into the sample; the particle beam is scanned across the sample surface in order to evenly cover the area, and


plasma immersion ion implantation (PIII, pronounced “P–three”). With PIII, a plasma containing multiple ionic species is generated and the ions are accelerated over a short distance and implanted into the sample. Because the whole wafer is implanted at once (dose is independent of wafer size), the implantation is inherently more efficient. However, this comes at the cost of having to indiscriminately implant several types of ions due to the difficulty in separating them out of the plasma. This results in multiple implantation depths (due to mass differences of the different species) which can affect the surface quality of the exfoliated film. Another draw back with this PIII method was that it did not yet have ultra high vacuum capability (due to technological difficulties) and so other contaminants which may have been in the chamber are also implanted. The bias voltage (acceleration voltage) is limited by the fact that at higher energies, the collisions of the ions with the substrate create larger amounts of x-rays, require larger currents and cause faster heating of the substrate. [6]



Single ion implantation

Silicon samples which were hydrogen implanted, were obtained from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and VTT Electronics in Espoo, Finland. The implantation energies were 100 KeV for H2+ implantation (VTT electronics), 50 KeV for H+ implantation, and the implantation dose was 5×1016 cm-2 making them comparable. These implants were done at room temperature. Another set of samples was obtained from Los Alamos National Laboratory which had been H+ implanted at 40 KeV with a dose of 6×1016 cm-2 . This particular set was, however, implanted at -135 ºC instead of the "usual" room temperature used. This was done for two reasons: (1.) the surface became noticeably smoother which is probably better for strong wafer to wafer bonding, and (2.) the ion damage induced defects will migrate a shorter distance [7]. Hall effect (room temperature), hot probe and four point probe measurements were performed on these two sets of samples. An interesting result was that the samples implanted at low temperature (-135 ºC) became highly resistive compared to the samples implanted at room temperature, even after annealing at temperatures in the range of 650-1000 ºC in nitrogen, and the resulting exfoliated film was slightly thinner. Possible reasons and similar observations will be discussed later in this chapter.



Plasma immersion ion implantation (PIII)

The use of PIII [8,9] as an alternate ion implantation source is worth a careful examination for several reasons. Conventional implantation using a rastered ion beam takes a significant amount of time and can increase the costs of implantation, especially for larger wafers. [10] For a sophisticated circuit/device, several if not tens of sequential implants may be required. For a fab to turn out a few hundred wafers an hour, individual wafer processing time is critical. The main feature that makes PIII very attractive is the fact that the implant dose is independent of the wafer size: large area wafers take the same time to implant as small wafers. Unlike the "conventional" method of using a single ion species for implantation, the PIII method implanted several species at the same time. This is because the implantation chamber does not allow mass separation of the ions. The chamber is basically a plasma etcher. Hydrogen gas is introduced at low pressures (base pressure of ~1 µTorr, working pressure of about 0.2 mTorr) and the plasma is ignited. The plasma will be composed of several species of hydrogen: H+, H2+, H3+... as well as electrons and neutral particles. Since there is a bias between the sample stage and the chamber, the ions are accelerated towards the cathode and implanted in the silicon sample. (This is, of course, a very simplified picture of what happens but it will suffice for the purposes here.) The drawbacks with this method, are 1. sputtering of the chamber material is inevitable and this causes the (typically) metallic ions to also be implanted into the sample, 2. because the chambers are usually not designed for UHV conditions, residual impurities such as nitrogen and oxygen as implanted


Fig 3-4: Schematic set up of PIII. It can be seen that the implantation dose is independent of wafer size. A typical dose rate is 1 ×1016 cm-2 s-1 [10][After P.K. Chu et al., J. Vac. Sci. Tech. A 19(5) 2001] in large quantities [10], and 3. that because the implanted ions have different masses, they are implanted into the substrate with multiple different dose and damage distributions. (See figure 3-1) A question comes up with this introduction of impinging ions of different masses: Does the more massive ion create more damage? If we examine this in terms of the effective cross section of collision, we can perhaps gain more insight. Assuming that the magnitude of the damage created by the collisions is proportional to the cross section, we have [11]:

σ (θ) = (Z1Z2 e2/4E)2 [sin-4 (θ/2) - 2(M1/M2)2 + …]

99 where the leftmost term in the parenthesis is the first order Coulombic repulsion term and the terms in the brackets are the higher order corrections due to atomic recoil. σ is the effective scattering cross sectional area that the incoming particle sees approaching the target, θ is the deflection angle measured with respect to the direction of the impinging particle, Z1

and Z2 are the atomic numbers of the incident particle

(hydrogen in our case) and the target particle (silicon in our case), e is the electronic charge, E is the incident kinetic energy, and M1 and M2 are the masses of the incident and target atoms. This expression comes from a two-body central force problem accounting for recoil of the atoms and is an expansion of a power series from a more concise expression. Assuming that M1 << M2, which is true in our case for hydrogen (M1=1) and silicon (M2=28), the cross sectional dependence on mass is quite small, ∆σ ~ 2 (M1 / 28)2 is 0.25% for M1 = 1 (H+) and 2.3% for M1=3 (H3+). The difference is about an order of magnitude and shows that there can be more damage from the larger ions. Another easily remedied problem is that, at least in this chamber, the vacuum was not particularly high (i.e. pressure was not as low as it could be) and so a host of other contaminants may also have been implanted into the silicon (e.g. carbon). This may introduce other effects which may not be easy to separate. The most obvious one is a reduction of mobility which is observed for PIII vs. single ion implanted silicon films on glass (see section Another feature examined using the PIII technique are the effects of the implantation frequency (pulse width and frequency). The three implantation modes used in this examination were DC (no voltage oscillation, just fixed anode and cathode

100 potentials), long pulse (low frequency voltage oscillation) and short pulse (higher frequency oscillation). The differences between the long pulse and short pulse is the pulse width and the frequency (duty cycle). The short pulse and long pulse modes are characterized by a 30 µs pulse width with a 300 Hz frequency and a 300 µs pulse width with a 75 Hz frequency, respectively. The DC mode is a subset of these with an infinite pulse width. The DC mode is characteristic for its mono-energetic implants. The pulsed modes have low energy implantations included because of the finite rise and fall times of the pulse. These low energies smoothly broaden the distribution of the implanted ions and the damage profiles that result (see figure 3-6). This is on top of the fact that there are several species of the ion that could be implanted, which by itself will result in varying depths. The DC mode only had the single complication of multiple ion (different masses) implantations. This would result in distinct damage distributions which would result in a rougher cut. With the AC modes, the effect of having the lower energy implants effectively introduces a continuum of implanted distributions making the cut smoother in the small scale but potentially rougher over a long range. The small scale RMS roughness of PIII silicon on glass as measured by contact mode AFM is shown in Table 3-1. As seen under a Nomarski microscope (not included here because features do not show up well in the photograph), the AC implanted, exfoliated films are clearly more bumpy and patchy compared to the DC implanted films (under 1000× magnification). For the DC mode implant, the electrical characteristics seem to be more stable compared to the long pulse implantation which was more stable than the short pulse implantation. To examine the potential effects of

101 contamination, secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) analysis was done to see

Concentration (atoms/cc)

what sort of impurities may have been introduced (figure 3-5).














Si film

glass O







Depth (Å)

Concentration (atoms/cc)

Long Pulse 10












Si film

glass O








Depth (Å)

Fig 3-5: SIMS analysis done on PIII DC and Long Pulse Si on glass samples. The thickness of the film is denoted by the dotted line(s) close to 1500Å. The glass was Corning 1737F glass. Note the thickness of the silicon film is different for the DC and AC mode implantations. This is the result of the broadened implantation/damage profile produced by the low energy implants characteristic of the AC mode.


Bias Max. implant energy/bias

(a) time Lower energy implant regions Projected range from max. implant energy

Implant concentration/ damage

AC mode

Cleavage area

Integrated damage distribution

(b) depth Low energy implants

Implant concentration/ damage

DC mode

Integrated damage distribution

(c) depth Multiple ion implants

Figure 3-6: Differences between DC and AC mode PIII implantation. (a) The finite rise/fall times for AC mode PIII implantation. (b) The low energy implants effectively make a continuum of distributions, increasing the width of the cleavage depth. (c) multiple ion implants introduce more discrete distributions and therefore more discrete cut depths. The central peak of the integrated damage distribution will tend to be larger due to more overlap. The effect of this is that the implanted ions are spread out more smoothly (b), compared to the DC mode which has more discrete cut depths (c). Because of this broader distribution, the cut depth is not precisely defined. The effect is to give a much larger range of possible cut depths. This will result in the cut depth varying over the film giving a long range surface roughness (AC mode) and a short range surface roughness (DC mode).


Table 3-1: RMS roughness of PIII silicon on glass for the different implantation modes as measured by AFM. Short pulse = 30 µs/300Hz, Long Pulse = 300µs/75Hz.

PIII Implantation mode

RMS roughness (Rq) (nm)



Long pulse


Short pulse


There were no obvious characteristics which stood out other than the fact that the AC implanted films had a more non-uniform distribution compared to the DC implanted films, and the AC implanted films were noticeably thinner than the DC films. The thinner AC films is likely the result of the broadened damage distribution, which creates a range of possible cut depths. The effect of this would be potentially smoother films at the atomic scale but at the cost of larger long range roughness. This is similar to what was observed with the low temperature implantation of hydrogen into silicon (discussed earlier). It would not be unreasonable to think that the low temperature implanted films were thinner than room temperature implanted films because the low temperature implantation damage distribution was broader. This would result in smoother (atomic scale ) films which is what was measured with the AFM (Table 3-1). Cross sectional TEM (Figure 3-7) was performed on PIII (DC mode) silicon glass samples at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)

104 [13].

Hall effect, hot probe and four point probe measurements were performed on

these exfoliated films and are discussed later. These are compared to single ion implanted films on glass. In this section, the ability to have a single crystal layer of silicon on an amorphous layer (glass) was demonstrated using the ion cut technique with single ion implantation and PIII. The glass limits the scope of the study because of its relatively low strain point of 666 °C which means that all process temperatures used to study the film characteristics must be kept below this temperature. To get a wider scope, the study will progress with silicon on thermal oxide. This will allow electrical characterization using process temperatures ~1000 °C and avoid additional complications

due to restrictions from the glass substrate such as strain point

temperature and chemical impurities from the glass.



Cut depth

Defective Si



As-exfoliated Si/Glass cross section.




Si/Glass interface

Figure 3-7: Cross sectional TEM of DC mode PIII for silicon on Corning 1737F glass. In (a), the layers of the glass, silicon and damaged silicon layer are clearly seen. The damage layer is 500 Å thick and the total cut depth for the silicon film is ~1500 Å for the 30 kV implantation. The diffraction pattern is for the middle silicon layer and shows that it is still mono-crystalline. In (b), a close-up of the silicon-glass interface is shown. (After F. Lu et al, J. Vac. Sci. and Tech B, Sept/Oct 2003)


3.3 Implantation induced damage profile With mass separation (ion selectivity), a single type of ion with a well known energy produces a well defined implantation profile in the target substrate. Using Monte Carlo based simulations, the ion concentration and damage profile can be calculated and simulated with SRIM/TRIM (by James F. Ziegler). The important difference here is that the ion distributions and the damage distributions are in general not the same [14], as seen in figure 3-1. The basic idea is that the hydrogen not only creates a distribution of broken bonds but also chemically passivates the dangling bonds, preventing them from easily reforming and thus creating a semipermanent network of hydrogen. As the implanted sample is annealed, the hydrogen collocates to form H2 gas increasing the pressure in the cavity. This pressure is forced laterally across and below the sample surface when there is a mechanical stiffener (wafer bonded to surface). This will result in delamination of the film from the substrate.

3.4 Electrical characterization of films 3.4.1 Hall effect The Hall effect has been discussed in detail in many textbooks [15-20] so it will not be repeated here. The Hall effect measures the voltage difference across two surfaces which are perpendicular to the direction of current flow. This is a function of temperature, magnetic field, sample type...among many other things [15-20].


107 measurement can reveal the carrier density, mobility, and conductivity -- important parameters in characterizing the electrical properties of these exfoliated films. Indium was soldered onto oxide free surfaces at four points (Van der Pauw technique) [19] to provide ohmic contacts to the Si film. The solder has to wet the surface as shown in figure 3-8b and a quick resistance measurement using a Fluke 89 multi-meter was used to verify that the contacts have similar and symmetric resistances. The Hall voltages were set by a Keithley 220 programmable current source and measured with a Keithly 617 programmable electrometer. Note that warming up these machines for several hours allows some stabilization to occur and may optimize the measurement conditions. Indium dots

3-5 mm 3-5 mm

(a) Indium solder Bare Si surface




Figure 3-8: (a) 3-5 mm on a side sample with indium solder dots. (b) Illustration of indium wetting and not wetting the surface for good ohmic contacts to silicon. Essentially, the contact angle should be small.

108 The films were electrically characterized as a function of depth into the film. Tetramethyl-ammonium hydroxide (TMAH) was used to etch off layers of the Si film in roughly 500 Å increments. TMAH is a popular Si etchant because it can etch off Si layers while providing smooth surfaces with less toxicity than the usual KOH etchant. It also has the additional benefit of not containing potassium (K) which can cause contamination problems in devices (e.g. threshold shifts in MOSFETs). The solution was nominally 25% concentration by weight in de-ionized water and was used at temperatures of 60-85 ºC. The solution was reused (because it wasn’t cheap enough to dispose of every time) resulting in the “active ingredients” becoming depleted -forcing a higher temperature to be used in order to have similar etch rates (~100 Å / sec) [21].

3.4.2 Hot probe The hot probe (or thermoelectric probe) test is used as a quick confirmation of the Hall effect type test. Most of the time, the two measurements agree with each other. They most often disagree when the sample is highly resistive possibly by surface depletion, excessive trapping (implantation induced usually), etc. This has been discussed in Dieter Schroeder’s book [16]. Essentially, two sharp, metallic probes are placed on the In contacts and a hot soldering iron is applied to one of the probes near the sample (the indium contacts are not really necessary). A voltmeter is attached to the metal probes. The way this works can be thought of as: the high temperature probe drives away the majority carrier from the hot area (by diffusion). The diffusing carriers create an electric field to counteract the diffusion and the

109 potential difference across the electric field is measured. For example, if the sample is n-type, applying a hot soldering iron to the probe attached to the positive side of the voltmeter, causes the electrons to flow away and to the cold probe. This means that the (hole) current goes from the cold probe to the hot probe. Since the voltmeter can be thought of as a large resistance, the current will cause a positive voltage to be induced on the positive voltage probe (display shows a positive voltage). If the display voltage is negative, it means that the sample is p-type.

3.5 Thermal donors in Silicon 3.5.1 Phenomenological introduction The starting material for this film exfoliation process was always p-type (001) Czochralski (CZ) grown single crystal silicon wafers. What was noticed after the exfoliation process was that the film became n-type as measured with hot probe, four point probe and Hall effect measurements. Upon annealing at temperatures of 650~1000 °C in nitrogen, the (cold cut) films usually returned back to the native p-type conductivity. This phenomena was attributed to what is called thermal donors – which are newly introduced states which happen to have an extra electron or two (the number of electrons will be discussed later in this section). These thermal donor states arise from oxygen clusters that form within the silicon lattice. The mechanics of the formation and thermal evolution of these will be discussed.



Origin, formation and thermal evolution of thermal donors The formation of thermal donors in silicon has been intensely studied since the

1950’s but there is still debate over their physical and chemical structure [22-31]. This is due to sometimes inconsistent data which is presumably the result of the sensitivity of thermal donor formation to many factors. These factors include complex issues such as thermal history, any number of substitutional and interstitial impurities, defects, and strain. To top it off, these thermal donors geometrically and chemically evolve during the heat treatments. What is known has been determined mainly through Fourier transform infrared measurements (FTIR), TEM, deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS), and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR or NMR) [27,2931]. Overall, thermal donors are formed in Czochralski (CZ) silicon from clustering of oxygen [30], and/or precipitation of SiOx and/or silicon self-interstitial phases [32]. The oxygen is present in Czochralski silicon due to the use of a silica crucible from which the single crystal boule is pulled [27]. The amount of oxygen can be as high as ~2×1018 cm-3, which is the solubility limit of oxygen in silicon at the melting point of silicon [33]. Upon cooling, the oxygen becomes supersaturated in the silicon lattice. At temperatures close to room temperature, the oxygen is frozen in and being interstitial, has negligible electrical activity. When the silicon is annealed at temperatures above 300 °C, the oxygen becomes mobile [28] and tends to form clusters [32-34]. These clusters of oxygen range from four to as high as twenty-four,

111 (and possibly even higher) with a mean size of roughly ten oxygen atoms [31,32] as determined by four point probe, FTIR, ab-initio calculations and electronic transitions from the ground state to the 2p0 excited state [32, 34]. The oxygen clusters were found to have a C2V symmetry along the <001> axis [31] and have decreasing ionization energies as the size of the cluster increased [32] – reminiscent of a kind of “macroatom”. The addition of oxygen atoms to a cluster changes the electrical properties and creates a new species of thermal donor. The thermal donors (TDs) that have been discussed can be either shallow (single) thermal donors or what are termed “thermal double donors” (TDDs) due to the fact that they carry two free electrons [35]. These double donors are subdivided into 2 categories: neutral and positively charged [32]. The neutral category is further subdivided into 16 different defects: TDDx0, where x ranges from 1-16 (ionization energy ranges from 69.2-41.9 meV). The positively charged defects are subdivided into 9 cases: TDDx+, where x ranges from 1-9 (ionization energies range from 156.3-116.0 meV) [32]. These TDDs have a common core [31] and the increase in x shifts the donor state closer to the conduction band edge. The presented thermal donor picture so far seems busy, but relatively straightforward. However, to illustrate the confusion in the literature dealing with this issue, there have been reports that the addition of an oxygen atom to a pre-existing TD can render it electrically inactive [28]. To complicate things even more, the introduction of hydrogen, which is what was used to do the ion cutting of the films in this thesis, acts as a catalyst to the formation of these thermal donors [29]. Also,

112 hydrogen can bond strongly with the thermal double donor turning it into a shallow single donor [35]. It is known that hydrogen is unique in this way from studies of introducing helium, argon, argon/oxygen mixtures, and nitrogen by plasma and observing no effects quite like those produced by hydrogen [36]. The formation of oxygen clusters and precipitates has been correlated with a decrease in interstitial oxygen and vice-versa [28,31,32]. Without the introduction of hydrogen, annealing times in excess of 20 hours at temperatures of 700 °C have been observed to be be necessary to see significant change [32]. With hydrogen, it seems that formation of these thermal donors require only minutes (based on thermal exfoliation times). The formation of the type of thermal donors are also affected by the anneal temperature as seen in table 3-2.

Table 3-2 : thermal donor type as a function of anneal temperature range. [after Om Prakash, [28]] Anneal Description temperature (°C) 300 – 850 Oxygen thermal donors in general 300 – 470 450 – 550 600 – 700

Thermal single and double donors New thermal donors (smaller generation rate and higher thermal stability) New donors (has an incubation period which can be reduced by pre-annealing at ~450 °C)

As mentioned, the TDs formed at higher temperatures will have larger cluster sizes and larger clusters have been reported to be more stable than smaller ones. This

113 interesting fact comes about due to Ostwald ripening [28], where smaller than average clusters are redissolved and taken up by the larger clusters. However, this presents a dilemma. Because the clusters are in a lattice, a larger cluster would present more localized strain to the lattice and thus be more likely to be energetically unfavorable. It would seem that there would have to be a tradeoff between the driving force from supersaturation of the oxygen atoms and the strain. The tradeoff is that the oxygen clusters continue to grow but due to the volume expansion, the addition of two interstitial oxygens means that one silicon self-interstitial is produced to alleviate the strain [41,42]. It is not clear if the strain is completely relieved or if some residual stress is accumulated. The build up of silicon self intersitials introduces a different phase known as a silicon precipitate. These precipitates typically form ribbons of hexagonal silicon which is associated with what are termed “new donors” (NDs) [33] (these have to be differentiated from another class of thermal donors called “new thermal donors”). With the films used in this thesis, thermal donor effects are seen throughout the process. As mentioned, the initial material is p-type; after exfoliation (300 °C for mechanically exfoliated films, 400-450 °C for thermally exfoliated films) the films are n-type. What should be expected for the as-exfoliated (not annealed) films is minimal thermal donor effects in the mechanically exfoliated films and definite and possibly substantial thermal donor influence in the thermally exfoliated films. After annealing at 650 °C for 4 hours in nitrogen, the mechanically exfoliated film returns back to its native p-type conductivity, however, the thermally exfoliated film does not. In fact,

114 the thermally exfoliated film is highly resistive at anneal temperatures from 550-650 °C, and remains n-type even after annealing at 1050 °C for 1 hour in nitrogen. This effect is likely due to the time at the maximum exfoliation temperature as noticed by a Russian group [35]. The return to p-type conductivity is the expected result presumably because the thermal donor states may effectively “dissociate” – eliminating the donor level. However, as we have seen from the description above, the real picture may not be that simple. To summarize this section, with the material we used, oxygen thermal donors will have at least some, if not substantial, influence on the properties of the silicon film. This is compounded in complexity by the introduction of hydrogen and possibly by the implantation induced damage layer on the film surface. The thermal evolution of the thermal donors, new thermal donors and new donors (note to reader: “new thermal donors” are not the same as “new donors”) are driven by (chemical) supersaturation, and (physical) strain relief nucleated by some sort of defect such as substitutional or interstitial carbon, dislocations, or under the right conditions, possibly homogeneous nucleation. The strain relief introduces precipitates of SiOx (oxide precipitates (OPs) ) and self interstitial silicon which can act as a nucleation point for new donors [33]. What is clear is that the evolution of the thermal donors has to do with the clusters/precipitates growing bigger with longer anneal times and higher temperatures. With all these complications with Czochralski Si, why isn't float zone Si used more often? [27] It turns out that the occurrence of high concentrations of interstitial

115 oxygen can be beneficial for the manufacture of electronic devices. The temperature cycling encountered during device fabrication processing causes the interstitial oxygen to form precipitates of SiO2. These precipitates act as intrinsic gettering sites for fast diffusing transition metal impurities and also as "pins" for dislocations because they can grow in the cores and inhibit glide and dislocation multiplication arising from local stresses [26]. These features have the benefit of increasing device yields for CZ Si.

3.6 Experimental considerations : annealing and measurement details After the films were exfoliated onto a handling substrate, they were cleaved into square pieces roughly 3-5mm on a side for Van der Pauw and Hall effect measurements. Since these measurements involved etching off ~500 Å (measured using the Filmetrics F20 optical thin film thickness measurement system which has a ~50 Å effective resolution) of the silicon film using TMAH, etching off the native oxide, soldering four indium dots, making the series of voltage measurements to get the resistivity, Hall mobility, and sheet charge; each data point took a little time. It required roughly 30 minutes per data point if there were no surprises or snags in the process. To measure a series of 4-10 points took several hours at best, to the whole afternoon or whole day (at worst). When this was first performed, the best use of time was to just keep going, finish where you finish and continue the next day. However, some large jumps in the measured parameters occurred and it was noticed that they happened in between the points which were taken on consecutive days with a time gap

116 of ~10-14 hours. Measuring the same point that was finished at the previous day showed that the measurement was significantly different the next day.

This is

speculated to be due to changes on the surface which are related to oxidation, but even if the oxide was etched

Effect of annealing in air vs. nitrogen for PIII DC silicon on glass

Sheet charge (cm







air nitrogen

-10 0




Anneal time (hours)

Figure 3-9: PIII DC mode silicon on Corning 1737F glass measurements as a function of annealing ambient. It is relatively clear that annealing in air has a detrimental effect, making the sheet charge values jump erratically. Annealing in nitrogen seems to solve this problem. The expected type of the silicon film is ntype for the as-exfoliated film and p-type for the annealed samples. It is for this reason that the sheet change at time zero is not included. off and the indium contacts resoldered, the values were usually not close to the values measured the day before. The bottom line is that the measurements should be done in

117 one run with a time gap of less than about two hours if the measurements are to be consistent. Another factor that can change the measured values is the annealing ambient. In the early stages of this research, the samples were annealed in air. However, the following graph shows that annealing in air seems to change the measured values somewhat unpredictably. The variations from annealing in air were solved by annealing in nitrogen. The measurements were much more consistent (figure 3-9). The only drawback

Table 3-3: Hall effect and hot probe measurement data for DC mode PIII silicon on glass. The sheet charge as a function of time was plotted in figure 3-10. Hot probe measurements only give conductivity type. Anneal time (hrs) Si thickness (Å) ρ (Ω.cm) n (x1015 cm-3) µ (cm2/V.s)

Sheet charge (x1010 cm-2)

Hot Probe

annealed in air 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

1550 1550 1550 1550 1550 1550 1550 1530

5.2 391 223 147 127 123 144 217

-31 -1.1 4.96 4.6 -2.6 1.3 -2.1 2.2

-40 -15 5.6 9.2 -19 3.9 -20 13.4

-47.6 -1.67 7.7 7.1 -4 2 -3.3 3.3


annealed in nitrogen 0 2 4 6 9

1550 1550 1530 1530 1530

3 H.R. 248 77 78

-220 --1.2 5 3.8

-10 --21 16 21

-330 --1.9 7.7 5.9


with annealing in nitrogen was the fact [46] that nitrogen can create deep level traps in Si. If they form, they can reduce the carrier mobility and sheet charge densities. An alternative to this is to anneal in argon (see figure 3-10), which shows a marked

118 improvement in the carrier sheet charge. It can be seen that the largest difference between the samples where the damage layer is etched off before being annealed (EA) and the samples where the damage layer is annealed before being etched layer by layer (AE), is that of argon annealing. This lends credence to the fact that annealing in nitrogen may introduce traps (solid and hollow circles on plot), which may explain why the EA and AE profiles are relatively close together in figure 3-10. With oxygen

Thermally exfoliated Si/Oxide annealed 800 °C / 4 hours. 18 EA -Ar AE - Ar EA - O2 AE - O2 EA - N2 AE - N2

Electron Sheet charge × 10 11 (cm -2 )

16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0






Depth into Si (Å)

Figure 3-10: Thermally exfoliated (hot cut) silicon on wet thermal oxide sheet charge depth profile as a function of annealing ambient and whether or not the damage layer existed. In general, the presence of the damage layer reduced the electron sheet charge and annealing in an argon ambient resulted in the highest electronic sheet charge. “H.R.” is highly resistive, which means that the samples could not be reliably measured.

119 annealing, the variation is much greater which makes it undesirable since it is then difficult to predict. One interesting pattern observed in figure 3-10 is the clear rise and fall trend of the carrier profiles. Even for the EA samples where the damage layers have been etched off prior to annealing, the electron sheet charge continues to increase for ~1000 Å or so. This suggests that the defect layer extends slightly into the crystalline region (from TEM, see figure 3-5) and upon annealing, diffuses deeper into the film. Normally, it would be expected that the sheet charge only decreases as you etch away the surface. The reasoning behind the increase is that a compensated layer is present which is the byproduct of the traps from the damaged layer.

3.7 Silicon film characteristics Even though the data from the previous section shows that annealing in argon rather than nitrogen seems to give higher carrier densities (which is seen as a positive attribute), using argon as the annealing ambient was not always convenient in different annealing furnaces. To be consistent with previous material processes and studies, annealing was always done using nitrogen unless otherwise specified. The electrical characteristics of the exfoliated films using Hall effect and hot probe measurements will be presented in the following section(s). From the Hall effect measurements, resistivity and sheet charge are used to calculate volume carrier concentration and carrier (Hall) mobility. To relate this material data to what is needed for our intended application, recall from chapter 1 that, the channel mobility desired for a reasonable value of current conduction was ~100 cm2/V.s. This was for

120 the worst case of only using one MOSFET/pixel. For “stacked” TFTs, [see chapter 1 for TFT configurations]

the mobility requirement would be less stringent.

Nevertheless, 100 cm2/V.s is a good reference point. Since the Hall mobility can be calculated using the sheet charge and resistivity, [16] it can be seen that the mobility is inversely proportional to the carrier density, which is expected since a higher concentration of free carriers increases scattering. A large value of mobility, therefore implies that the carrier concentration is low. A low carrier concentration can be interpreted as being the result of traps which can increase leakage currents in the MOSFET channel. Traps are essentially disturbances in the periodicity of the lattice which create a state in the band gap which act as carrier recombination/generation sites. We would like to minimize the presence of traps to maintain material quality. On the other hand, a large carrier concentration does not necessarily mean that the material is good. The formation of donor states (e.g. oxygen related thermal donors, new donors) will increase the carrier density and reduce the resistivity and will also introduce states in the material bandgap. A balance will have to be made to balance out mobility and carrier concentration for this application. From the measured Hall effect data, a sheet resistance, Rs, can be extracted. [16, p. 202] Knowing the film thickness allows the calculation of the film resistivity ( ρ = Rsd ). Likewise a sheet charge, Qi, can be calculated from the Hall effect measurement, and with the value of the film thickness, a volume carrier concentration is obtainable ( nvolume = nsheet / dfilm ). [50]

From the general definition of conductivity, σ = neµ, we can

get µ = 1/ (ensheetRs) = 1/ (e n ρ ). If we set the desired value of mobility as a minimum

121 of ~100 cm2/V.s, we get a relation between the film resistivity and the carrier concentration:

ρ n = ( e µmin )-1

Tradeoff between exfoliated film resistivity and volume carrier concentration 1.E+03

film resistivity ( Ω .cm)

2 mobility = 100 cm /V.s 2 mobility = 200 cm /V.s


2 mobility = 300 cm /V.s 2 mobility = 400 cm /V.s

1.E+01 1.E+00 1.E-01 1.E-02 1.E+14




1.E+18 -3

volume carrier concentration (cm ) Figure 3-11 : Plot of required film resistivity so that mobility is at least 100 cm2/V·s as a function of carrier concentration. Since the values of ρ are taken for thin films (SOI), the relation should be valid for films in general. Values of n are in the range of ~1014 – 1017 cm-3. This allows us to plot the desired values of film resistivity to get a reasonable mobility. So for a carrier concentration of ~1×1016 cm-3, we would like a resistivity of less than or about 10

122 Ω.cm. Cross checking these values with actual measured values (listed in the appendix) show a good correlation. This can be used as a guide during the Hall effect measurement as an additional check to the validity of the data.

3.8 Electrical measurements 3.8.1 Silicon on insulator structures From the applications perspective, the goal is an understanding of the behavior of silicon films exfoliated on glass. However, using glass as the mechanical support substrate introduces the constraint that processing temperatures cannot go much above 650 ºC due to the strain point of the 1737F glass (666 °C). Fabrication of MOSFETs on glass would then entail making use of many low temperature processes which would add numerous new variables to the study; this would make it more difficult to focus on the film properties by themselves. Therefore, this approach was not taken and the use of thermal oxides as the gate dielectric was used. Using the traditional silicon on (wet) thermal oxide SOI structure allows us to concentrate on the film and its behavior under varying thermal histories. In particular, carrier distributions, thermal donors and possibly trap or defect diffusion. The anneal temperatures can go up to 900-950 ºC so we can see how these parameters vary as a function of the anneal temperature. Above ~950 ºC, however, the type changes from the recovered p-type conductivity to n-type conductivity. This was not expected. For Si films on oxide, however, this does not matter since we can merely make a pchannel MOSFET, assuming that no significant differences are introduced.

123 The follow sections will first show silicon on glass electrical results, then move on to silicon on wet thermal oxide studies.

Silicon on glass experiment

The materials used were Corning 1737F glass and prime grade, Czochralski grown, p-type (~4.5×1014 cm-3), (001) oriented, 2 inch silicon wafers. The glass was degreased in DeContam®, and both the glass and silicon were cleaned in organic solvents using trichloroethylene (TCE), acetone and isopropal alcohol (IPA) and rinsed in running deionized water for 1 hour before being spun dry. Following that, both substrates were activated in an oxygen plasma (100 Watts, 200-500 mTorr) for 30 secs, dipped into RCA-1 (75 °C) for 45 secs, rinsed in deionized water and blow dried with nitrogen before contacting the two surfaces. The bonded pair was then annealed at 300 °C for 2-16 hours before increasing the temperature to ~400-450 °C for thermal exfoliation. (All silicon on glass samples were only thermally exfoliated) There are two sets of silicon on glass samples. One set was implanted with plasma immersion ion implantation scheme and the other with the more conventional single ion beam. The electrical properties of these films are presented for as-exfoliated and annealed (at 650 °C typically for 4 hours at a time) as a function of depth into the film using layer by layer etching and Hall effect/hot probe measurements. Four hours seemed to be the minimum anneal time that would usually give consistent results. The etchant used was 25% (by wt.) tetramethylammonium hydroxide. The intended etch interval was 500 Å steps, which was usually followed. The film thickness was

124 determined using a Filmetrics model F20 reflectometer which has an effective film resolution of ~ ±50Å. Electrical data was taken using a Van Der Pauw / Hall effect measurement set up as described previously. Square sample pieces roughly 3-5 mm on a side were used with indium solder for ohmic contacts making sure the indium had actually wet the surface of the silicon film. A 1-2% hydrofluoric acid solution was used before applying the contacts for each measurement to make sure there was no native oxide present








concentration, carrier type, mobility and sheet charge were obtained as a function of depth into the film, in ~500 Å increments. Each point was measured after using TMAH (25% nominal concentration by weight, 55-85 ºC, with stirring [whatever was necessary to maintain about 100 Å/sec etch rate] as the Si etchant, an HF dip and a quick film thickness measurement using the Filmetrics F20 optical thin film measurement system.1

Silicon on glass results

Figure 3-12 shows the measured silicon on glass carrier concentration as a function of depth for separate as-exfoliated and annealed films. There are two sets of data for the annealed films. One has the damage layer (1500 Å thick from TEM) intact


To use the Filmetrics F20 system effectively, there are several things that can be done. Turn off robust thickness check box (it’s unclear what exactly this does but seems to use a simpler calculation to get the film thickness(es). Narrow the search range (under “constraints”). I usually try to keep the search range in the 10-20% (of the rough film thickness estimate) and < 1% for layers such as oxides that are well known. The third point is that sometimes you will saturate the detector and the reflectance spectrum will have noticeable notches in the peaks. You can re-establish a new baseline by choosing “Setup/Data Acquisition”, deselect “Autoscale integration”, reduce the integration time and retake the reference. Redo the standard baseline with a standard silicon wafer and it should be calibrated to handle the new reflectivity without saturating the detector. [51]

125 as the film was annealed (anneal then etch), while the other was annealed after etching off the damage layer (using TMAH). For all three sets of data, the average carrier concentration increases as a function of depth. The reasoning given for this is either that the carriers are compensated or close to being compensated near the film surface or that implantation induced damage is maximum near the film surface (more traps) and decreases with depth (less traps). For the as-exfoliated film (no anneal), the increase in average electron concentration increases more than an order of magnitude

PIII DC SOG average carrier concentration depth profile [anneals done for 4 hrs@650C in nitrogen face down, etches done with TMAH]


as exfoliated [electrons]

average carrier concentration (cm



anneal then etch [holes] etch then anneal [holes]

1.E+18 1.E+17 1.E+16 1.E+15





depth into silicon (Å)

Figure 3-12: Average carrier concentration depth profile for plasma immersion ion implanted (PIII) silicon on corning 1737F alumino-silicate glass. The donor wafer (implanted wafer) was implanted with H+ at 30 kV giving a cut depth of roughly 1500 Å with a 500 Å damage layer at the surface. The as-exfoliated data is n-type and increases throughout the damaged region before dropping off. The data for all three sets stops short of the final hundreds of Angstroms because the film becomes highly resistive and is not measurable using Hall effect.

126 before falling off, presumably due to surface depletion from the opposite side. After annealing, the increase is only about half an order of magnitude. This is consistent with the trap density following the damage distribution. The etch then anneal case (EA) (▲) was done to see if there was any substantial contribution from the damage layer. From figure 3-12, it looks like there isn’t much difference but there is a noticeable increase in hole concentration. To compare PIII implanted films with single ion implanted films, the same layer by layer etching is done for single ion implanted silicon films exfoliated onto glass as shown in figure 3-13. The same procedure applies, except after bonding, one

Average electron concentration depth profile for single ion implanted SOG as exfoliated [25% TMAH etched]

Electron concentration 14 -3 x10 [cm ]


100 14 hrs.@300C [n-Si]


2 hrs.@300C[n-Si]







Depth into silicon layer (Å)

Figure 3-13: Single ion (as opposed to PIII), as-exfoliated implanted silicon on glass films. The different anneal times are for the wafer bonded pair (before the film was exfoliated.).

127 bonded pair is annealed for 14 hours at 300 °C in air (■), and another annealed only 2 hours at 300 °C in air (▲). One difference is readily apparent to the astute reader: the PIII films are inherently thinner than the single ion implanted samples. This is due to the experimental difficulties associated with PIII (increased X-rays, etc.). PIII can go to higher energies for deeper implants but the operators chose not to at the time. This was not a problem for single ion implanted samples which used energies of 50 keV/ion. From figure 3-13, it can be seen that after annealing for 14 hours, the implanted depth is slightly increased (~2500 Å). Finally, a side by side comparison of the cases for annealed then etched (AE) and etched then annealed to see the effect the damage layer may have on the electronic properties of the film. From figure 3-14, the AE and EA curves meet up at about 2300 Å. This suggests that the effect of the damage layer, which is determined to be very close to 1500 Å from a TEM photo, extends further. This can be attributed to thermally induced diffusion of vacancies further into the film or possibly the tail of the damage distribution. The latter is more likely since a calculation of the former for silicon self diffusion at 650 °C (for 4 hours) gives a negligible value [52, p.206].


Single ion implanted silicon on glass [im planted at HKUST] bonded pair annealed at 300C for 2 hours, exfoliated film annealed at 650C for 4 hours

Hole sheet charge ( ×10 11 cm -2 )

7 6




4 3 2 1 0 0






Depth into Si film (Å) Figure 3-14: Comparison between thermally exfoliated AE and EA samples annealed in nitrogen. From the way the graphs line up at about a depth of 20002500 Å, one can speculate that the annealing may cause the defect migration to that depth for the case where the damage layer is left intact. [diffusion of ~1000 Å for 4 hours at 650 °C.]

Discussion of silicon on glass results

In general, comparing the PIII implanted vs single ion beam implantation, the mobilities were significantly higher (about one order of magnitude) for the single ion beam case. This is due to at least two factors: single ion implantation is done at a higher vacuum and is therefore cleaner. The reduced impurity content is clearly a

129 factor when the electrical properties are considered: data are more stable and it’s more consistent. However, there is another factor which is coupled in which make the two cases a little more difficult to compare. Since the PIII implantation was only done at 30 kV (it can apparently go up to 100 kV but for reasons such as higher X-rays, samples heating, etc. it was not done) the ion-cut film was only ~1500 Å thick. This thinner film inherently reduces the carrier mobility (see appendix for values) due to increased surface scattering as well as the host of impurities that were implanted due to non-ideal vacuum conditions. The effect of the damage layer has been shown to reduce the carrier concentration, presumably due to the presence of traps. The traps extend further than the visible damage layer most likely because the implantation induced damage distribution has a tail. Even though thermal donors were not mentioned in the results, there was a subtle introduction here by the fact that the asexfoliated films were n-type and the annealed films were p-type. This will be discussed in more detail later on. Nevertheless, it has been demonstrated here that silicon can be exfoliated onto glass with reasonable electrical properties suitable for making flat panel displays.


Silicon on wet thermal oxide Wet thermal oxide was used in order to keep the variables consistent with what

was done in chapter 2. The wafer bonding study was done using wet oxide (3300-5000 Å). Dry oxide was also used in the wafer bonding study but its role in the quality of bonding is not conclusive due to limited data. However, based on the very limited

130 data, there does not seem to be any difference between the wet and dry oxides with regard to wafer to wafer bond strength. These electrical measurements were performed using the same method mentioned in the silicon on glass section (see §3.1 and § and done for mechanically and thermally exfoliated films (mechanically exfoliated anneal conditions: ~300 ºC for 2 hours in air on hot plate, no weight on top; thermally exfoliated: 250-300 ºC hot plate and annealed for 2 hours in air, then temperature increased to 400-500 ºC in 50 ºC increments for 30 minutes at a time until the wafers separate with a soft 'pop'). Under these two categories, were the etched and annealed (EA), and annealed and etched (AE) films. The “etch” referring to the ~1500 Å damage layer etched off (using TMAH). Before any etching or annealing, however was the as-exfoliated case. The annealing was done in a tube furnace in nitrogen at temperatures in the range of 550-950 ºC for 4 hours and 1000-1050 ºC for 1 hour.

Thermally exfoliated films (hot cut)

These films were single ion implanted (as opposed to PIII ) on wet oxidized silicon substrates (3300-5000 Å). They were annealed at 300 °C for 1-2 hours in air as a bonded pair before raising the temperature to 400-500 °C until the film delaminated (also in air). The data starts with the films being annealed (in nitrogen) at 900 °C, instead of 650 °C. This is because the hot cut films were highly resistive after annealing at temperatures from 550-650 °C in nitrogen for 4 hours. To further complicate things, these hot cut films never returned back to the original p-type doping, even after 1050 °C anneals.


Hot cut Si/wet thermal oxide annealed 900 °C / 4 hrs in N 2 Electron sheet Charge x10 11 (cm -2)

12 Annealed before etching Etched before annealling

10 8 6 4 2 0 0






Depth into Si (Å)

Figure 3-15: Thermally exfoliated silicon on wet thermal oxide. The difference between this data and the data for the 650 °C anneal in figure 3-14 is significant. The AE data jumps all over the place compared to the EA data. This may suggest that the diffusion of the defects from the damage layer has gone all the way through the film. In figure 3-15, the AE plot shows the usual increasing electron sheet charge in the damage layer (left of the vertical dotted line) but then drops off with a more complicated up and down fluctuation in a region about 1000 Å thick. The EA plot is a smoother plot but still shows an increasing trend until about 2500 Å from the original surface (which includes the damaged layer), which is consistent with the “extension” of the damage layer mentioned earlier (section The behavior of the AE plot

132 (also figure 3-15) seems to suggest that the fluctuations (between 2800 Å and 3800 Å) may be due to a damage layer migrating as a whole to a deeper part of the film and

Hot cut Si/w et thermal oxide 1050 °C /1 hr / N 2 Electron sheet charge x10 11 (cm -2)

20 etched before annealing


Annealed before etching

10 5 0 0






Depth into Si (Å) Figure 3-16: Thermally exfoliated silicon on wet thermal oxide annealed at 1050 °C for 1 hour in nitrogen. This was done to see if the thermally exfoliated samples could be turned back to its original p-type doping. Higher temperatures were not attempted because the temperatures approached the softening temperature of the quartz tube. preferentially nucleating donor rich regions (if increasing sheet charge with depth actually does indicate a damaged region.). To see if the hot cut films could be turned back to it’s native p-type, annealing at 1050 °C was tried (see figure 3-16). Higher temperatures were not attempted due to equipment limitations. At this point the AE

133 electron sheet charge decreased monotonically as a function of depth (except for a small part near the surface) indicating that the ion induced damage was annealed out. However, the EA electron sheet charge fluctuated up and down and

VTT hot cut Si on wet thermal oxide electron sheet 11 -2 charge x10 (cm )



1 VTT hot cut as-exfoliated VTT hot cut 950C / 4 hrs N2


VTT hot cut 900C /4 hrs N2 VTT hot cut 800C / 4hrs / N2

0.01 0


2000 3000 4000 Depth into Si layer (A)


Figure 3-17: Thermally exfoliated silicon films on oxide depth distribution. The as-exfoliated data is superimposed as a reference. The annealed samples have had the damage layers etched off before annealing. The main difference between the annealed samples and the as-exfoliated sample is the drop off point. The higher the anneal, the more sloped the profile becomes. This is an indication of a more uniform distribution of carriers since this is a plot of the (average) electron sheet charge. then the sample became highly resistive, preventing further measurement. At 1050 °C, points defects should be annealed out as shown in the AE plot and there should be

134 very few vacancies left. Figure 3-17 shows the overplots of the electron sheet charge depth distributions for the as-exfoliated and 800 °C, 900 °C, 950 °C anneals for 4 hours in nitrogen. This shows that the carrier concentrations of the annealed samples do not fall off as quickly as the as-exfoliated sample but instead, remains within the same order of magnitude. A further observation for the thermally exfoliated films is that the higher the anneal temperature, the higher the maximum carrier concentration (not counting the as-exfoliated data).

Discussion of hot cut results

These thermally exfoliated films on wet thermal oxide were exfoliated at temperatures between 400-500 °C in air on a hot plate. After an initial 300 °C bond strengthening anneal (wafer to wafer) the temperature was ramped up to 400 °C for 30 minutes, 450 °C for 3 minutes, and finally 500 °C or until the wafers separated. The unexpected characteristics about these films was that they never returned to the native p-type doping as was expected. When this was first encountered, it was not clear whether this was due to some sort of contamination (VTT films were exfoliated at VTT electronics, Finland), the nature of the exfoliation or something in the silicon wafers which was activated by this process. However, contamination by n-type dopants after annealing at UCSD was not likely since a low doped p-type BESOI Si wafer was measured before and after annealing and it was found that there was little or no change in the carrier concentration (doping was on the order of 1012 cm-3 as measured by Hall effect). Since the cold cut films (next section) were also exfoliated at VTT electronics (albeit, at a different time) and did not show these characteristics, it can probably be assumed

135 that it was not due to some unknown contaminant. SIMS was performed on these samples to see if the reason for the continual n-type conductivity was due to carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, boron, or phosphorus. No obvious patterns or features were seen. This anomalous behavior was also reported by a Russian group [40] where the difference in conductivity type was attributed to exposure time to the thermal exfoliation temperature. A reference by E.B. Yakimov et al. [61], showed that this phenomena could be explained by the action of new donors. Apparently, pre-annealing Czochralski Si around 450 °C (the thermal exfoliation temperature) enhances the formation of nucleation sites for these new donors, which form in the temperature range of 700-900 °C [28,33,61]. These new donors are essentially oxide precipitates (OPs) which form from the reaction of interstitial oxygen with the surrounding silicon lattice. These OPs have positive surface state charges, Qss, which is likely due to localized excesses of Si atoms. The Qss is able to invert the conductivity type of the region immediately around the OP. If the density of the OPs is sufficiently high, these inverted regions can form a continuous inverted region. The conditions for the formation of these new donors / oxide precipitates is consistent with the conditions involved with thermal exfoliation.

Mechanically exfoliated (cold cut) films

The cold cut films are also single ion implanted and bonded to wet oxidized silicon substrates (3300-5000 Å). After annealing at 250-300 °C for 2 hours in air, a 100 µm razor blade was inserted between the bonded wafers. Due to the strong wafer

136 to wafer bonding and the weakened implanted interface, the film delaminated to form the cold cut film. Comparison of the electron sheet charge depth distributions of the

electron sheet charge 11 -2 x10 (cm )

As-exfoliated cold cut and hot cut films 100 cold cut hot cut

10 1 0.1 0.01 0






Depth into Si film (Å) Figure 3-18: comparison of as-exfoliated data for cold cut and hot cut films. The vertical dotted line denotes the visible extent of the damage layer (through TEM). as-exfoliated hot cut and cold cut films are shown in figure 3-18. Note that the hot cut film changes only a very small amount up to the edge of the damage layer before falling off very quickly. The cold cut film drops off linearly at a faster rate up to the damage layer edge also before rapidly falling off. The unchanging average sheet charge of the hot cut film in the damage layer means that there are few carriers there. Figure 3-19 shows the AE and EA plots of the hole sheet charge for various anneal

137 temperatures. All the AE cases are solid shapes while the EA cases are hollow shapes. In general, the EA cases had a larger hole sheet charge compared to the AE cases.

Cold cut Si/wet thermal oxide

hole sheet charge [ x10 11 cm -2 ]

20 AE 650C EA 650C AE 800C EA 800C AE 650C EA 650C EA 900C AE 900C


12 8


4 0






depth into Si layer (Å) Figure 3-19: The effect of etching before annealing and vice versa for cold cut films as well as the effect of differing anneal temperatures. The basic trend is that annealing at higher temperatures raises the carrier concentration and etching off the damage layer before annealing, increases it even more. VTT indicates that the samples were implanted and exfoliated at VTT electronics, Espoo, Finland; and HKUST indicates that the sample was implanted and exfoliated at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Annealing cold cut films to 650 °C (4 h, N2) produced a recovery of the p-type conductivity. However, annealing above ~920 °C turned the film n-type again! Figure 3-20 shows the electron sheet charge depth profile for the Ea and AE cases. The EA monotonically decreased, however, the AE case fluctuated after ~2000 Å.


Cold cut Si on wet thermal oxide annealed 1000 °C / 1 hr N2 12 Etched then Annealed

10 [ x10 11 cm -2 ]

Electron sheet charge

damage layer

Annealed then Etched

8 6 4 2 0 0






Depth into Si layer (A) Figure 3-20: Comparison of EA and AE samples for cold cut silicon on wet thermal oxide annealed at 1000 °C for 1 hour in nitrogen.

Discussion of cold cut results

There are three distinct slopes seen in the hot cut data. This suggests that there are more carriers just below the damage region in a thickness of about 1000 Å and even more carriers below that. This is seen from the increasing slope. As a layer is etched away, a large change in the sheet charge takes place. With the cold cut film, there are not enough data points to see if the same trend follows. What is seen though is that there is a relatively uniform concentration of carriers in the damage region and quite a few carriers in the damage/”undamaged” interface (along the dotted line).

139 Figure 3-19 shows the behavior of the cold cut films under various anneal temperatures, all for 4 hour intervals in UHP nitrogen. The trend here is relatively clear: higher anneal temperatures produce higher carrier sheet charges and etching the damage layer before annealing increases the carrier sheet charge by about a factor of two. For the most part, the removal of the damage region leaves carriers spread out over the rest of the film rather uniformly, as is evident from the linearly decreasing sheet charge. A similar trend is seen in the cold cut film annealed at 1000 °C for 1 hour in nitrogen as seen in figure 3-20. The removal of the damage layer results in the resulting carrier distribution matching the same pattern of approximately parallel sloped lines (♦). This is contrasted to the fluctuating behavior of the AE case (■). The cold cut films differed most significantly from the hot cut films by the fact that they returned to the native p-type doping after being annealed at temperatures in the range of

650-900 °C in nitrogen.

From figure 3-18, there are two main

differences between the hot cut and cold cut films. The first is that in the damage layer, the electron sheet charge for the hot cut films barely change indicating that there are few free carriers. For the cold cut films, there is a shallow but clear slope indicating that, while there are not a lot of carriers, they are uniformly distributed (linear slope). This is consistent with the fact that due to the low exfoliation temperature, there are fewer thermal donors (see section 3.10 for more details) and possibly fewer traps, though there is no easy way to distinguish between the two with the data here. From figure 3-19, it is clear that etching off the damage layer before annealing has a significant effect on the carrier sheet charge. The difference between

140 the EA and AE curves (for each respective anneal temperature) is also proportional to the anneal temperature, i.e. higher anneal temperatures lead to a bigger separation between the AE and EA curves. This can be rationalized by defect diffusion from inside the surface damage layer into the “bulk” of the film. At anneal temperatures greater than ~920 °C, the cold cut films turn n-type again. This is likely due to the formation of new donors which, through oxide precipitates and surface state charges, can invert the material conductivity as it did with the thermally exfoliated films in section However, with the mechanically exfoliated films, the films were not subject to the “requisite” pre-anneal temperature of ~450 °C [61] since they were delaminated from the substrate after an anneal of 300 °C or less. This lower pre-anneal temperature allows the formation of fewer nucleation sites for the oxide precipitates and a sufficiently high density of new donors do not form until a temperature of ~920 °C is attained.

3.9 Strain characterization of hot and cold cut films on wet thermal oxide To a first approximation, strain in an epitaxial layer is easily measured using xray diffraction. By measuring the angular separation of the substrate (zero order) and the film (first order) peaks, and calculating the lattice strain using a differential form of Bragg’s law [53], it seems straight forward. However, there are several assumptions that are inherently made in order to use this relation unconditionally. The material is assumed to be single crystal, lattice matched and is typically 2 layers including the substrate (though it can be extended to multiple layers). The wafers are also assumed

141 to be relatively flat so that any stress in the film can be measured and directly correlated with the strain induced curvature [52]. In an SOI substrate, there are 3 layers, one of which is amorphous and depending on how the SOI substrate was fabricated, the lattice orientation

of the (100) plane may be different from the

substrate due to the fact that the film originated from a completely different wafer and may possess a different tilt or offcut. The amorphous oxide layer being bonded to the donor silicon wafer (implanted with hydrogen) introduces some degree of uncertainty at the interface – there is no long range lattice, no lattice matching and there exists the possibility that the interface can slip depending on the thermal history of the sample. To further complicate the issue at hand, it is not clear whether any initial curvature in the virgin wafer(s) can significantly affect the final strain state. This initial curvature in the wafer means that only the change in curvature in the substrate will have any meaning. The traditional way of determining whether the film has a compressive or tensile stress by examining the curvature of the structure (e.g. for film on top: concave ≡ tensile and convex ≡ compressive) may not always be applied as will be explained below. For a 2 layered system with an epitaxial film on top of a crystalline substrate with a flat substrate, a smaller lateral (in the plane of the wafer surface) lattice constant in the freestanding film compared to the substrate will result in a concave curvature of the substrate or a tensile strain of the film. Likewise, a film with a freestanding lateral lattice constant larger than the substrate lattice constant will result in a convex curvature of the substrate or a compressive strain of the film. The

142 compressive strain refers to the biaxial (in the plane of the film) force from the substrate pressing the film from the sides. Because the materials that are typically used have positive Poisson ratios, the lateral force(s) cause the planes parallel to the surface (in our case: (100) planes) to increase their interplanar distance (increasing the out-ofplane strain). The method of creating a single crystal SOI layer can currently take two paths: wafer bonding and ion implantation. With oxygen ion implantation, a SIMOX (Separation by Implantation of Oxygen) type SOI structure is created. With this technique, the orientation of the film is still the same as that of the substrate since they were one and the same only now separated by a layer of implant induced oxide. With the wafer bonding approach, two different wafers are used for the substrate and the film and this leads to complications since the donor wafer (for the film) and the substrate will, in general, not have the same tilt/offcut orientation. Wafer normal

Wafer normal SOI

SiO2 Azimuthal direction Substrate Figure 3-21: (Leftmost figure) Cross section of the nominally oriented (001) SOI substrate indicating the relative orientation of the (001) planes in the film and the substrate by the direction of the diagonal lines (exaggerated). (Rightmost figure) the azimuthal direction of rotation with respect to the wafer normal (which may not coincide with the [001] normal of the film.

143 Rotation of the SOI piece in the azimuthal direction with respect to the x-ray beam will show a variety of strains from very compressive to very tensile, which proved to be quite puzzling at first. To correct for this, the correct azimuthal and offnormal angle must be determined (see appendix and ref. 58). To do this, a triple axis diffractometer was used for more careful control of the sample orientation, and the offcut for the film and the substrate are each independently corrected for. The correct azimuthal angle was the average of two measured Bragg angles taken 180 ° apart in the azimuthal direction, or essentially, the angle which resulted in the Bragg angle not shifting after the sample was rotated 180 °. The respective, corrected Bragg angles for the substrate and the film are then used to calculate the strain in the film. The results in Table 3-4

show that the in-plane strain of the as-exfoliated

films exfoliated at 400 °C is in compression, i.e. the out-of-plane lattice spacing is longer than that of the substrate.. After annealing the films at 1000 °C for 1 hr. in nitrogen (the conditions used in the fabrication of the MOSFETs), the strain in films relaxes to ~0, which is what is expected.

Table 3-4 : measured strain values of the film after correcting for the substrate and film offcuts using a triple axis X-ray diffractometer.

Cold cut (250 °C) Hot Cut (450 °C)

As-exfoliated (unannealed)

Annealed 1000 °C 1 hr. / nitrogen

(4.3 ± 1.0) × 10-4 compression


(5.6 ± 1.0) × 10-4 compression


144 A triple axis x-ray diffractometer was used to measure the strain in the films. Since the buried oxide was somewhat thick, there was the question of whether or not the zero order peak was actually due to the handling (Si) substrate or due to the body of the film. To be sure we were actually measuring the actual film and substrate and not just the body of the film, it had to be confirmed that the x-rays could penetrate the 5000 Å oxide layer. To get a better feel for this, the penetration depth of Cu-Kα x-rays (1.540562 Å) [53, p.509] in Si can be calculated. Unfortunately, it is not a simple matter of giving a number since the x-rays decay exponentially in the material. Rather, it is given as a certain depth which gives a percentage of the reflection [53, p.292-5]. For silicon and Cu-Kα1 a depth of ~5000 Å will reflect 95% of the x-rays back to the detector. From this calculation, it can be safely assumed that the entire exfoliated film is included in the output intensity. To be sure that the handling (Si) substrate is also seen by the x-rays (as the reference, zero order peak), a rocking curve from an oxidized (5000 Å wet SiO2) Si wafer was obtained. The substrate peak counts were about an order of magnitude lower than typical but the peak was still clearly seen. From these observations, it is clear that the zero order peak is the (relaxed) Si substrate and the first order peak is due to the film. To calculate the strain in the film, the relation [53, p. 350-4]

(∆d/d) = - ∆θ cot (θΒ) is used, which is derived from the differentiated form of the Bragg law, with respect to θ. “d” is the out of plane spacing, ∆d/d is the strain (unitless), ∆θ is the angular

145 difference between the zero and first order peaks in radians, and θB is the Bragg angle of the substrate.

Discussion of x-ray diffraction results Strain has been associated with thermal donor formation [54,55]. It is important to note that the references do mention observing compressive strain in annealed (~450 °C) H-implanted CZ Si. To explore this possibility a little further, examination of the possible sources of this strain is necessary. From Ohring’s book “The materials science of thin films” [56,57], a list for possible sources of strain is presented: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

thermal expansion mismatch incorporation of atoms or chemical reactions lattice spacing differences in mono-crystalline substrates and the film during epitaxial growth variation with interatomic spacing with the crystal size Recrystallization processes microscopic voids and special arrangements of dislocations phase transformations

With thermal expansion mismatch, there are several possibilities since there are three layers in an SOI structure and the three layers are not necessarily bonded together the same way. The complication lies with the oxide-film interface. Since our SOI substrates were fabricated using ion-cutting and wafer bonding, the full wafer-to wafer bond strength is not attained until the bonded pair has been annealed at 200-300 °C. That means the possibility exists that the interface between the bonded wafers could slip during annealing due to the expansion of the silicon (we’ll assume the oxide does not expand enough to make a difference as a worst case). If this was the case, then the

146 silicon would be bonded to the oxide at a larger lattice constant (because it expanded during the anneal) whereas the opposite surface of the silicon film would shrink back down to the room temperature value (as the sample cooled). There would then be a lattice constant gradient across the film and this would show up as asymmetric skew in the first order (film) peak because the lattice constant could only be larger than the room temperature lattice constant. Calculation shows that this skew would be around 0.05° wide and thus clearly visible using our rocking curve scan parameters. However, there was no observed skewing of the film peak and so it is concluded that the interface does not slip during annealing. Another way that is traditionally used to measure strain in a film is by measuring the change in curvature of the substrate before and after the film is bonded or deposited. Unfortunately, the initial curvatures of the substrates were not measured before processing so no further progress was made along this approach. In addition, having three layers (film, oxide, and substrate) means that the traditional way of thinking of the curvature is not directly related to the film strain. The traditional way of thinking assumed that the film was lattice matched with the substrate and that the change in curvature of the substrate was a direct indication of the sign of the stress in the film, e.g. with a film on top of the substrate: a concave curvature for tensile stress and a convex curvature for compressive stress. With a three layer structure though, it can turn out that the film is in tension even though the substrate is curved in a convex shape. The way to reason this out is to start from the beginning: assuming a flat Si wafer, thermal oxidation causes the wafer bow into a convex shape due to the volume expansion of the oxide. This means that the

147 oxide is under compressive stress and this is a well known fact. Bonding this to a flat or slightly convex silicon wafer (which presumably has been implanted with hydrogen so that we can exfoliate a film) [1] means that the bonded pair now becomes more flat

H implanted Si Thermal oxide Oxidized handle wafer

Handle wafer (b) (a)

Si film oxide

(c) Figure 3-22: (a) the hydrogen implanted wafer has a convex curvature [1], which is bonded to a thermally oxidized silicon wafer which also has a convex curvature due to the volume expansion of the oxide. (b) because both wafers are convex and facing each other, the balance each other out (figure not to scale) and the wafers are bonded in a flat state. (c) as the film is delaminated, the much thicker oxidized substrate reverts back to it’s convex curvature stretching the film and putting it in a state of tension even though the overall curvature is convex.

148 again due to the compensating curvature (see fig. 3-22). The film is bonded in the condition where the whole structure is flat. After annealing and delamination , the oxidized wafer (to which the film is now bonded to) reverts to its convex shape and stretches the film. So now, the film is actually in tension, even though the substrate shows a convex shape. [58] It is clear from the results in Table 3-4 that the films, being in compression, are not consistent with this line of reasoning. The second point in the list is of particular interest since it is known that thermal donors form and that they originate from the clustering of oxygen. The question is whether the growth of these oxygen clusters catalyzed by hydrogen, ranging in size from ~3-20 oxygen atoms, could act as inclusions and introduce strain into the silicon lattice. However, it is also known that the formation of these oxygen clusters and platelets spawn the formation of other defects such as silicon ribbons and other related silicon interstitials. What makes this scenario tricky to analyze is that, while oxide precipitates and platelets haven been directly observed via TEM to have dimensions in the range of several nanometers thick (along the (100) plane) and up to 500 nm on a side of a square, [59] the formation of these structures and their volume expansion also creates silicon interstitials to relieve the strain. [1,32,33,46,47,60] The formation of the oxide precipitates/platelets are known to nucleate from oxygen and carbon related defects and the density of these defects are a function of what is termed “pre-annealing”. [61] Specifically, the reported annealing cycle consisted of 2 cases: a pre-anneal at 470 °C, a subsequent anneal at ~1000 °C, and a control case where the pre-anneal was not performed. This annealing sequence is similar to the anneal sequence used here at

149 UCSD for the film exfoliation and post exfoliation anneal at 1000 °C. The electron sheet charge of the as-exfoliated films , which are 7.4 × 1011 cm-2 for the mechanically exfoliated film (at ~250 °C) and 1.2 × 1012 cm-2 for the thermally exfoliated film (at ~450 °C), suggests that the formation of donor states was enhanced for the case with the pre-anneal. The consequences of this will be discussed in chapter 4. Points 3, 4 and 7 refer to epitaxy, crystal size (assuming polycrystalline Si), and phase transformations all of which either do not really apply here. However, points 5 and 6 refer to recrystallization and special arrangements of dislocations to relieve strain which have been documented [1,32,33] and briefly discussed previously. Höchbauer et al. [1], observed compressive stress in thermally exfoliated silicon films as a function of H implantation dose and pointed out that the implanted hydrogen and it’s related complexes does not contribute to the accumulated stain in the material. Instead, it was assumed that, due to the high mobility of single vacancies and isolated silicon self interstitials at room temperature, it was likely that these were responsible for the buildup of the observed compressive stress in the film. There is mutual agreement in that the silicon self interstitials, which can form as a result of oxygen clustering of thermal donors, may play a role [46,47]. Another point which is consistent with the idea that thermal donors are involved is the observation that the recovered p-type conductivity (exfoliated and after annealing at 650 °C for 4 hours in hours in nitrogen) for the cold cut films is lower than the starting concentration of the virgin wafers. The initial concentration of holes in a p-type wafer is in the range of 1014 - 3×1015 cm-3 (5×1012 – 1.5×1014 cm-2 for a 500 µm thick Si wafer). Hydrogen

150 implantation creates an n-type layer at the surface and the recovered concentration is in the low 1011 cm-2 after annealing at 800 °C (4 hours in nitrogen) and mid to high 1011 cm-2 after annealing at 900 °C (4 hours in nitrogen) (see figure 3-18 and Tables of sheet charge in the Appendix). The reduction in the hole sheet charge corresponds to a reduced p-type conductivity. The reduced p-type conductivity is likely a result of unquenched donor states or deep level traps from the new donors.

3.10 Discussion The mechanically exfoliated silicon films (a.k.a. "cold cut films") from VTT electronics (Espoo, Finland) came to UCSD as as-exfoliated films on an oxidized silicon substrate (they used 4 inch (100) OkmeticTM wafers) diced into strips 1 cm wide. Our collaborators at VTT electronics exfoliated these films by annealing at 250300 ºC for 2 hours and then inserting a razor blade (GilletteTM #5, double edged blade (100 ± 1 µm thick)) into the gap between the bonded wafers. The cold cut films exfoliated at VTT electronics had smoother RMS surface roughness compared to the hot cut films (also exfoliated at VTT electronics) as shown in figure 3-24. Later in the study, donor wafers which had been H+ implanted at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) by Dr. Jung-Kun Lee were also used. The samples from LANL required annealing at 400 ºC for 2 hours before the film would delaminate. This was presumably because that the wafer to wafer bond strength (bonded at UCSD) was not as strong as that obtained in the samples from VTT Electronics in Finland. The required bond strength should be greater than the bond strength at the implanted layer interface. This can be seen in the figure 3-24.


Cold cut, Rq ~ 4 nm Hot cut, Rq ~ 8 nm Figure 3-23 : AFM topograph of cold cut and hot cut films. (After Henttinen et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. (2000) ) [62] The reason for the smaller bond strength could be due to a variety of factors but differences in the plasma reactors (also see chapter 2) are likely to blame for the reason that even reactors of the same type made by different manufacturers have many variables and differences such as chamber geometry, input power and possible modes of the plasma, chamber cleanliness, etc. The thermally exfoliated films (also known as "hot cut films") used in this thesis were all bonded and exfoliated at VTT electronics, Finland. From the Hall measurement data, the carrier sheet charge is plotted as a function of depth into the films. Keep in mind that the surface of the film was originally in the bulk of the implanted wafer and the hydrogen ions were incident from the film side closest to the buried oxide (see figure 3-25 for schematic diagram). For the cold cut samples, it is evident that the "etched then annealed" (EA) samples have higher sheet charge concentrations overall compared to the "annealed then etched" (AE) samples. To recap: the etch was done using TMAH on the ~1500 Å damaged layer (as seen by TEM). The reason for this difference between the EA and AE is

152 probably due to defect (trap) diffusion in the body of the film in the AE case, thereby reducing the available carriers. At temperatures ~650 °C, the defects cannot be

Figure 3-24: Plot of effective wafer bonded surface energy as a function of anneal temperature. The surface is the “effective” energy because the implanted hydrogen interface is weakened and becomes weaker upon annealing. This plot shows that the bond strength holding the film to the rest of the wafer actually depends on the carrier concentration (Fermi level) and not the doping concentration. (after K. Henttinen, et al, [64]) annealed out but are mobile and diffuse deeper into the film (see figure 3-13). Figure 3-27 shows a plot of the electron sheet charge for the hot cut and cold cut films. The films were annealed at 950 °C to make them both n-type (actually to make the cold cut film n-type, since the hot cut film never turns p-type). It is seen that the cold cut films


damag damage

implantation H+

depth Damage region Bonding interface Figure 3-25 : The implantation is done through the wafer bonded interface. The cut depth is the region of maximum damage. There is a characteristic region of highly damaged material is seen from TEM which is distinct from the H+ concentration profile. have a much lower, and more non-uniform sheet charge compared to the hot cut films (figure 3-27).

This difference is only due to the difference in the exfoliation

processes. At 950 °C, one might think the point defects are being annealed out. However, if that were the case, the cold cut film should have a similar sheet distribution as the hot cut film. Because of this, the difference in sheet charge is not likely to be due to the defects being annealed out but rather with new donors states being formed from the nucleation of oxide precipitates. With that in mind, the oxide precipitates for the hot cut film form due to a higher density of nucleation sites which are from the higher “pre-anneal” temperature from the exfoliation temperature of ~450 °C (compared to the cold cut exfoliation temperature of ~ 250-300 °C). Oxygen is not

154 particularly mobile until about 300 °C and so the cold cut films have much fewer oxygen clusters (which act as the nucleation sites for the oxide precipitates) compared to the hot cut films.

Cold cut vs. Hot cut VTT silicon on wet thermal oxide, 950C / 4 hrs in N2


(cm )



Electron sheet charge

18 16

Cold cut


Hot cut

12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0






Depth into Si layer (A) Figure 3-26: Comparison of cold cut and hot cut films. They can really only be compared in this thesis at temperatures above ~950 °C since they are opposite conductivity types below that. This is seen in the slopes in the damage region of the as-exfoliated films in figure 318. The non-changing slope of the hot cut film indicates that there are few carriers, presumably due to traps. The cold cut film has a larger linear slope which indicates a uniformly doped region with fewer traps which is consistent with the lower mobility of oxygen at the cold cut temperature (250-300 °C) forming fewer oxygen thermal

155 donors. Another point that should not be ignored is the amount of hydrogen in and around the damage area. This excess hydrogen (which is substantially reduced in hot

p-BESOI and n-SIMOX carrier distribution 8

BESOI hole sheet charge

carrier sheet charge 11 -2 x 10 (cm )


SIMOX elec. sheet charge 4 2 0 -2 -4 0




Depth into top film ( µ m)


Figure 3-27 : To see if the implantation/exfoliation damage could be singled out, some electrical measurements were done on p-type BESOI and n-SIMOX wafers. The resulting behavior is what was expected for implanted and non-implanted films.

cut films since most of it probably turns into H2 gas…) can either form electron traps [26]

or diffuse out (more likely once the film has been delaminated.


possible, but not probable, reason would include contamination from the stainless steel razor blades used to delaminate the cold cut films. However, the hot cut films are ntype and they did not touch the blade at all. To dig a little further and see if implantation



damage, electrical depth profiles of BESOI and

156 SIMOX wafers were done. BESOI stands for Bonded and Etch back, SOI. The wafers are not implanted, but are bonded with a thermal oxide layer between them and one wafer is lapped and chemically etched almost all the way down. With SIMOX (Separation by IMplantation of OXygen), a wafer is implanted with a high dose of oxygen and annealed at high temperatures to form a buried oxide layer. Unfortunately, these wafers are expensive and I was only able to obtain a p-type BESOI and n-type SIMOX wafer for testing. The BESOI wafer characteristics were as expected, a linear sheet charge profile showing uniform doping throughout the wafer. With SIMOX, the the sheet charge profile increases with increasing depth into the film. The profiles are smooth, unlike some of the profiles measured for the exfoliated films shown earlier. It was not known whether the film layer of the BESOI was from CZ Si or not. However, the results suggest that due to the lack of hydrogen in the material, there are no extraneous donor states (no upward trend or carrier sheet charge with increasing depth) where SIMOX wafers are annealed at high temperature for many hours to repair the ion implant induced damage. This extended high temperature anneal is consistent with the formation of donor states in the literature.

3.11 Summary and conclusions: The electrical depth characterization of the BESOI and SIMOX wafers behave as expected and are consistent with the general behavior of the exfoliated films. This gives us confidence that the processes and measurement techniques used are valid and consistent. The quartz annealing tube was also measured using an undoped piece of

157 silicon to see if there was contamination in the tube that was causing the results to skew. No significant dopants were detected using Hall effect measurements of the undoped samples before and after annealing. What these measurements do tell us is that there is a difference in the electrical properties between the cold cut and hot cut films. Physical evidence that could explain these differences are hard to come by, and the focus turns mainly to chemical differences that are “activated” by the difference in process temperatures between the hot cut (~450 °C) and cold cut (~250 °C) films. Oxygen thermal donors enhanced by the implanted hydrogen, are the likely culprit for these differences after annealing at 650 °C. Silicon films on glass samples have been demonstrated and electrically characterized using PIII and the usual single ion implantation. To extend our studies to higher temperatures, glass could not be used due to its relatively low strain point and so thermally oxidized silicon substrates were used. What is found is that the cold cut films have a lower sheet charge compared to the hot cut films when they are compared after annealing at 950 °C (so they are both n-type). This is presumably due to the fact that there are fewer thermal donor states formed due to lack of oxygen mobility since the films are cut after annealing at only 250-300 °C. At lower anneal temperatures, the films are not directly comparable due to differing conductivity types. These studies will for the basis for the differences encountered in the MOSFETs fabricated from these SOI films in the next chapter.


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Chapter 4:

Fabrication and characterization of MOSFETS.

4.1 Background The Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect transistor (MOSFET) is the most important semiconductor device to date. Its relatively simple structure allows it to be both practically and analytically understood and scaled down to dimensions approaching "physical limits", or so as one might have been led to believe over the last decade. The "M-O-S" describes the cross sectional structure of the device, metal (for the contact pads) on top of the gate oxide layer (which serves as passivating as well as an insulating layer), and the semiconductor, which more often than not is silicon. The "F-E-T" describes the method of operation of this transistor: it operates on the ability of the metal contact to apply a bias voltage across the insulating oxide, pulling up mobile carriers which then form a conducting layer between the source and drain regions. This control of the conductance of the channel between the source and drain is what allows the transistor to turn "on" and "off". The “source” and “drain” are the regions doped opposite to that of the substrate and form the connecting ends of the channel. When the channel is present, current is allowed to flow from the drain to the source (named “source” because it is typically grounded and thus is a source of electrons – which move opposite to the hole (conventional) current). The physics involved in the formation of the channel basically determine how the MOSFET will behave and function. Factors such as ions in the oxide, substrate


164 bias and geometry all affect the electrical properties. These will not be discussed in detail since they can be found in numerous other texts.

metal SiO2

++++++ p





metal SiO2





(b) Figure 4-1: (a) p-channel MOSFET with a positive gate bias produces no channel between the source and drain (dark gray regions). (b) negative gate bias produces a conducting channel between the source and drain. If a bias is now applied between the source and drain, a current can flow.

4.1.1 Electrical characterization MOSFETs are commonly characterized by their current-voltage (I-V) and capacitance-voltage (C-V) properties. However, with the introduction of the buried

165 oxide

layer of


SOI structure, C-V

measurements would require a more

sophisticated analysis. Therefore, only I-V measurements are taken in this thesis.

I-V curves Current-Voltage curves are typically what are used to characterize MOSFETs (not to mention just about all other semiconductor devices). There are two types that will be used here: ID-Vds and ID-Vgs plots.

The former is geared more towards

examination of the higher current and associated properties whereas the latter is geared towards examination of low currents such as leakage, on-off ratios, and subthreshold properties. The general trend is shown in the figures below:

1 Vg = 2v


Vg = 4v

Ids (mA)

Vg = 6v Vg = 8v


Vg = 10v

0.4 0.2 0 0






Vds (V) Figure 4-2 : example MOSFET drain to source current as a function of drain to source potential bias and gate to source bias. The sloped region is referred to as the linear region, and the flat (horizontal) part is referred to as the saturation region.


Log (Ids)

Subthreshold slope

Leakage current level

Vgs Figure 4-3 : MOSFET drain to source current as a function of gate to source potential bias for a fixed drain to source potential bias. Note that the y-axis is a log scale. The level at which the current settles is the base leakage current (off state current). The subthreshold slope determines how quickly the device can turn on or off and is measured as a certain number of millivolts per decade of current. The subthreshold slope indicates the sharpness of the on-off current transition. The subthreshold swing, S ≡ 1/(subthreshold slope) is defined as the swing in the gate voltage needed to reduce the current by one decade and has a minimum value of 60 mV/decade of current at room temperature. [1]

Square law description The square law description (“square” because it has a quadratic dependence) provides an easy and accurate way to quantify the MOSFET Id-Vds characteristics. For the linear region:


ID = ( WµCox / 2L ) [ 2( Vgs – VT ) Vds – Vds2 ] and for the saturation region:

ID = ( WµCox / 2L ) ( Vgs – VT )2 where ID = IDS (subscripts are case insensitive) is the current flowing from the drain to the source, W is the channel width, µ is the carrier mobility, Cox

is the oxide

capacitance, L is the channel length, Vgs is the gate to source bias, and VT is the threshold voltage. These equations give a useful description in terms of simplicity and accuracy. There are higher order terms for additional precision which come into play under the appropriate conditions and requirements, but these will not be discussed here.


Mobility Qualitatively, mobility is a measure of how easy it is for a carrier to move in a

lattice environment. A lattice with defects can reduce the mobility due to various scattering effects. More quantitatively, mobility is the proportionality constant between the velocity of the particle and the applied electric field. It is typically given in units of cm2/V.s and in bulk silicon, where electrons have values in the range of 1500 cm2/V.s and holes in the range of 450 cm2/V.s. [2] In a MOSFET channel, the dimensions of the narrow channel increase surface scattering and under strong inversion, the large number of carriers can reduce the mobility. Mobility can be extracted from the Hall effect measurements as


µH = |RH| / ρ [3], where RH is the Hall coefficient and ρ is the resistivity. The Hall mobility is not the same as the conductivity mobility which is given as :

µp = 1/(q·p·ρ) for p-type semiconductors [4], where q is the electronic charge and p is the doping concentration. The difference between the two mobilities are usually ignored because it is small. The relation between the Hall mobility and the conductivity mobility is a scattering coefficient:

µH = r · µp where ' r ' is a scattering factor that lies between 1 and 2 depending on the scattering mechanism [5]. For lattice scattering, r = 3π/8=1.18, for ionized impurity scattering r = 315π/512=1.93 and for neutral impurity scattering, r =1.00. [5-7]

Mobility Extraction By plotting channel conductance or transconductance vs. Gate bias (Vgs), a linear equation from the respective expressions can be fit to the experimental data and a mobility extracted from the slope of the fitted line. There are three main types of mobility for the MOSFET. There is “effective mobility” (µeff), which is calculated from the channel conductance at low drain voltages and fixed gate bias; “field effect mobility” (µFE), which is calculated from the transconductance in the linear region


with a fixed drain-source voltage; and “saturation mobility” (µsat), which can be calculated from the saturation drain current. [8] The field effect mobility is easier to calculate and has less variation with common parameters and so it is the most popular one to use and the one used here. Overall, the end product is that the TFT drivers should have a sufficiently large mobility so that large currents can be available to charge up and discharge the holding capacitors that will sustain the light emitting element for the desired duration. It was shown in chapters 1 and 3 that ~100 cm2/V·s is more than sufficient, and that the measured Hall mobilities are greater than ~100 cm2/V·s, so it is expected that the effective mobility will also be sufficiently large.

4.1.3 Leakage current measurement The drain-source leakage is directly proportional to the gate width. This is true because the larger the width, the more "parallel" channels are potentially available. Therefore, to get a good measurement, a large area MOSFET (gate width = 128 µm) is used. This magnifies the leakage current and avoids the problem of running into the limits of the HP 4155B semiconductor parameter analyzer used for this measurement. To make sure that the leakage currents measured are actually currents passing from source to drain and not some artifact of noise or the measurement setup, certain guidelines have to be followed [9] : The measurement limits are dictated mainly by the connections used. The general set up is the HP4155B connected via tri-axial cable to a

170 probe station box made of metal, is grounded and shielded from light as much as possible (see figure 4-4).

Figure 4-4 : diagram showing preferred setup for low current probing. The box should be light tight and grounded, effectively serving as a radiation shield. (after HP 4155B/4156B Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer, Product Note-3 Prober Connection Guide, Hewlett-Packard) The triaxial cables are usually converted to coaxial cables via a connection panel on the side of the probe station box. The coaxial cables are then directly connected the probes which then contact the MOSFET pads. The connection between the tri-axial and coaxial cables

are extremely important. The triaxial cables have an extra shield

171 between the sensing probe ( the signal wire) and the outer most (grounded) shield. This extra, intermediate shield is called the "guard". The guard is biased to the same potential as the sense cable by a unity gain amplifier in the 4155B. Since the guard and the sense are at the same potential, no current can flow between them and current

leakage is minimized. It is important that when connecting the tri-axial probe to the Figure 4-5: example of how to connect triaxial cable to probe box interlock connection to coaxial cable inside the probe box. This provides maximum sensitivity for low current measurements. (after HP 4155B/4156B Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer, Product Note-3 Prober Connection Guide, HewlettPackard)


Open circuit leakage as measured by 4155B in ITL using triaxial-coaxial-probe connection with floating ground "measured" current (A)

1E-10 short integration time (640us) medium integration time (20.0 ms) long integration time (320 ms)

1E-11 1E-12 1E-13 1E-14 1E-15 -5




Bias (V) Figure 4-6: Noise floor for the HP4155B semiconductor parameter analyzer. The connector configuration used was tri-axial guard connect to the co-axial shield. The short integration time was the setting used in the measurements. It has the largest spread but fastest measurement time. As it turned out, it doesn’t matter which setting was used for the measurements here since the currents were all greater than 1 pA. coaxial probe, the guard is connected to the outer shield of the coaxial cable (inside the probe station box). With this configuration, the resolution of the measurement is about 10 fA (10-15 amps) in the best case. Connecting the ground of the triaxial to the ground of the coaxial limits the resolution to about 1 nA and using other types of nonshielded cables worsens the resolution.


4.2 Silicon on insulator (SOI) structures for devices The semiconductor on insulator structure has been carefully examined and studied for a number of years and there are at least several texts worth mentioning. [10] For the silicon on glass or the silicon on oxidized silicon substrate structures, the top layer of silicon is on top of an insulating substrate, as the name implies. This has important consequences for the electronic properties. For a device fabricated from an SOI structure or wafer, the insulating layer can be used to isolate the devices from each other effective providing shielding from cross-talk. This is commonly used for space electronics and is called "radiation hardening" or “radiation resistant”. In bulk Si, the substrate constitutes the dominant volume of the semiconductor material the device sit on. With energetic particles flying around (the “radiation”), they impact the semiconductor and leave a trail of electrons and holes in the path. These extra carriers can then diffuse all throughout the substrate (since it is semiconducting) and create havoc with the devices causing shorts, errors, etc. With SOI, the semiconducting material thickness is kept to a minimum, just enough for operation of the device, and so energetic particles that enter the region can only create a minimal number of extra carriers. This is what makes the SOI structures "radiation resistant". However, there are other complications to deal with which are centered around the main feature of the SOI structure. The isolation provided by the buried oxide also creates a free floating film (with no fixed electrical reference, i.e. no sourcing/sinking of carriers). This leads to charging of the film under certain conditions which is seen as the kink effect – part of the floating body effect family in TFTs. The oxide on the bottom can also act as a

174 second gate depending on how the substrate is biased or charged (possibly by impurities which are close to the interface, such as sodium). The kink effect is seen as a step or kink in the ID – Vds characteristics (see figure 4-7). This is explained by a sudden shift in the threshold voltage which is caused by a bias change to the film.

Ids kink

Vg3 Vg2 Vg1

Vds Figure 4-7 : Illustration of the kink effect.

The bias change is the result of a build up of charge due to impact ionization (from large drain-source bias) in the film. Since the charge has no place to go (because the film is floating), it changes the potential of the film. The coefficient of pair generation by energetic holes is much lower than that of pair generation by energetic electrons. Because of this, p-channel SOI MOSFETs are usually free of the kink effect. [10, p. 159] The kink effect is not observed in bulk Si because the carriers generated by impact ionization can escape into the substrate or well contact. The biasing of the film

175 can also cause an anomalous sub-threshold shift which can reduce the slope from it’s theoretical minimum value of 60 mV/decade at room temperature. [10, p.159] Further discussion of these and other artifacts associated with the SOI structure can be found in Jean-Pierre Colinge’s book, Silicon-on-insulator Technology: Materials to VLSI. [10]

4.2.1 Effect of film thickness The thickness of the silicon layer determines the properties of the layer to a large degree. The reason why the thickness makes a difference is basically due to the effect of the surface potential(s) on the band edges. The gate oxide induces band A











Gate oxide

Front gate oxide


Back gate oxide

Front gate oxide

Back gate oxide

Figure 4-8 : Band diagram in bulk (A), a thick-film SOI (B), and a thin-film SOI device (C). All devices are represented at threshold (front gate voltage = threshold voltage). The shaded areas represent the depleted zones. SOI devices are represented for a condition of weak inversion (below threshold) at the back interface. [After ref. 10, pp. 126]

176 bending at the front surface and the buried oxide layer that the silicon sits atop of induces band bending from the "bottom". If the film is very thin, the bending effects will reach each other and fully deplete the film. This is not unlike what happens at punch-through conditions. The maximum depletion width is reached at strong inversion or the threshold condition and the expression is given by [2, page 373; and 10, 1st Ed., page 109]:

xdmax = [( 4 εSi . ΦF ) / (q . Na) ]½ where ΦF is the Fermi potential which is

ΦF = (kT/q) . ln(Na/ni) and εSi is the permittivity of silicon, k is Boltzman’s constant, q is the electronic charge, Na is the doping concentration and ni is the intrinsic carrier concentration. Note that some texts will write the xdmax as [(2 εSi . ΦF) / (q.Na) ]½ and the ΦF as 2(kT/q).ln(Na/ni) to remain consistent with previous notation.


Partially depleted → fully depleted film transition for silicon

depletion width (µm)


-100 °C Room Temp. 100 °C 300 °C

1.E+00 0.20 µm


0.14 µm

1.E-02 1.E+14




doping concentration (cm-3) Figure 4-9: Calculation of depletion width due to the doping level. After annealing to ~1000 °C the electron concentration is in mid 1016 cm-3. This gives a range of 0.14-0.20 µm for the space charge region under the front gate. The depletion width is only a slow function of temperature.

4.2.2 Partially vs Fully depleted TFTs If the depletion regions do not completely enclose the body of the FET (leaves a neutral region), the FET is considered to be partially depleted. However, if the film is thin enough, the whole layer is enclosed in the space charge region and the FET is considered fully depleted. The implications of fully depleted and partially depleted MOSFETs are essentially operational simplicity vs. enhanced performance. The fully

178 depleted MOSFET allows larger current densities, sharper subthreshold slopes and have immunity to the kink effect but at the cost of being more sensitive to front and back gate coupling.

4.3 Background summary MOSFETs and its basic mechanics have been presented. The basic operational modes have been quantified by the first order square law description which is sufficient for extracting transistor parameters such as mobility and transconductance. Other parameters such as drain-source leakage and subthreshold swing are not so easily calculated and have to be measured. The optimal conditions for the measurements have been described using the HP4155B semiconductor parameter analyzer along with the requisite connections for low current measurements. Finally, a brief introduction to the properties of thin film MOSFETs has been described and the pros and cons reviewed. The following sections will cover the fabrication details and the results of the electrical measurements.

4.4 Experimental details To isolate the properties of the films and not have them convoluted with properties of low temperature oxides, process conditions, or possible unknown contaminants from glass, the MOSFETs will be fabricated using the exfoliated films on wet thermal oxidized silicon substrates, a dry thermal oxide as the gate oxide and boron diffused wells for the source and drain regions. This means that the films will be annealed at temperatures in the range of 900-1000 ºC which will anneal out physical

179 defects associated with damage from the ion implantation. This basically leaves chemically oriented defects such as the thermal donors.

4.4.1 SOI MOSFETs (hot cut and cold cut samples) The as-exfoliated silicon films started as 5000 Å thick films. After etching off the damage layer, and thermally growing the field and gate oxide (which consumes another 1500 Å of silicon), the final thickness was ~2000 Å. The final structure had a 500 Å (dry) gate oxide, and a ~2000 Å exfoliated silicon film, on top of a substrate which consisted of 5000 Å wet thermal oxide on a silicon substrate (figure 4-10). MOSFETs with 38 µm gate lengths and 128 µm gate widths (figure 4-11) were processed using thermally grown wet and dry oxides at temperatures as high as 1000 °C for diffusion masking and gate oxides. The source-drain doping was done with a

2000-2500 Å 5000 Å 400-500 µm

Wet thermal oxide Si handle wafer

Figure 4-10 : Final structure of the p-MOSFET.


1000 Å Al


500 Å gate oxide




Figure 4-11a: Optical micrograph of the final MOSFET. Shown are the aluminum contact pads for the source, drain and gate. The smaller squares are the windows through the gate oxide through which the metal contacts the doped silicon.

128 microns

38 microns

Figure 4-11b: Optical micrograph of the channel area of the MOSFET. The gate length is 38 µm and the gate width is 128 µm.

nitride source from PDS products® (Saint-Gobain advanced ceramics). A 5 minute predep and 5 minute drive-in process (both at 1000 °C) was utilized so as to minimize diffusion into the buried oxide. Finally, aluminum contacts were evaporated onto the source, drain and gate areas and annealed at 450 °C in nitrogen.


4.4.2 Conductivity conversion Recall that the starting wafers were p-type CZ (100) prime grade wafers. After hydrogen implantation, the presence of hydrogen was able to catalyze the formation of oxygen thermal donors, new thermal donors and new donors as well as the complementary oxide precipitates and silicon interstitial related defects. The donor states turned the sample n-type due to the overwhelming number of oxygen intersitials present. It was roughly calculated that even with oxygen cluster sizes of up to 20 oxygen atoms/cluster, the n-type doping concentration was at least 1016 cm-3 compared to the starting p-type concentration of ~1×1015 cm-3. After annealing at 650 °C (this temperature was used because a lot of silicon on glass samples were annealed at this temperature also) for 4 hours in nitrogen, the cold cut films turned back to being ptype but the hot cut films did not. The hot cut films were highly resistive after annealing at temperatures from ~500 – 650 °C, and were n-type from 650 – 1050 °C. Higher temperatures were not used due to equipment limitations (quartz tube starts to soften at higher temperatures). It is believed that this n-type doping was due to new thermal donors or new donors since they become active at high temperatures. It also turned out that the cold cut film turned n-type at anneal temperatures above about 920 °C. This coincidence made the comparison between hot cut and cold cut more direct. So instead of the initial expectation that n-MOSFETs were going to be fabricated and compared, it turned out that p-MOSFETs were what would be created.


4.4.3 Process conditions The fabrication was similar to the fabrication of a MOSFET on bulk silicon, however there were a few issues which had to be noted.

Perhaps the foremost

problem was to carefully keep track of how much silicon was being used in the film to create the diffusion mask oxide and the gate oxide. With bulk silicon, this is not a problem due to the very thick substrate. The parameters involved were essentially the depth of the source and drain p-wells and the thickness of the masking oxide grown at a particular temperature. There was also the difficulty of determining if the doping profile was uniform. Because the quartz wafer holder was designed to hold 300 µm, 2” wafers, the 1 cm × 1 cm × 500 µm piece could not be placed in the recommended position about 1-2 mm next to the boron nitride (BN) source wafers for doping. Instead, small pieces were laid flat or at an angle facing the BN wafers but about 1 cm away.

4.5 Results and discussion The Ids-Vds curves for the hot cut, cold cut and bulk Si p-MOSFETs are shown below in figures 4-12a-c. The curves look like the standard I-V curves expected for a MOSFET and are all similar. The current reaches ~1 mA at a drain bias of 5-6 volts and a gate bias of 10, 11 and 14 volts for the cold cut, hot cut and bulk Si devices respectively. From these curves, the field effect mobility, the transconductance and the threshold voltage are extracted and summarized in Table 4-1. Figures 4-13 a-c depict the Ids-Vgs curves which give information on the off-state drain-source leakage current


p-MOSFET on hot cut silicon film Drain-source current (mA)








Vg=6v Vg=4v







Drain-source bias (V) Figure 4-12a : ID-Vds plots for p-MOSFET fabricated on hot cut Si.

p-MOSFET on cold cut silicon Drain-source current (mA)


Vg=11 Vg=10


Vg=9 Vg=8v


Vg=7v Vg=6v Vg=5

0 0






Drain-source bias (V) Figure 4-12b : ID-Vds plots for p-MOSFET fabricated on cold cut Si.


p-MOSFET on bulk n-Si

Drain-source current (mA)


Vg=14v Vg=12v


Vg=10v 0.5

Vg=8v Vg=6v Vg=4v

0.0 0






Drain-source bias (V)

Figure 4-12c : ID-Vds plots for p-MOSFET fabricated on bulk Si. and subthreshold swing. There are several plots for each of the film types indicating the sensitivity of the device to differing biasing conditions of the film body. The main differences are whether the film body was floating, grounded or biased. For all cases, the turn on voltages were very close to each other indicating that the fabrication process was consistent and no obvious problems were at hand. Also note that the current at turn-on rises up to just shy of ~0.1 mA which is higher than similar polysilicon TFTs (figure 4-14). [11] The FET fabricated on the hot cut film shown in figure 4-13a shows that the lowest leakage current is obtained for drain and body biased at –2.5 volts and the source grounded. The leakage current profile, however, was noisy resulting in what almost seems like two separate plots.


P-FET Hot cut film from VTT 1.E-04

Vds=-2.5v, Vbs=-2.5v


Vds=-5v, Vbs=-5v Vds=-5v, Vbs=float

drain current (A)


Vds=-5v, Vbs=-5v 1.E-07 1.E-08 1.E-09 1.E-10 1.E-11 1.E-12 -5








Gate bias (V)

Figure 4-13a : p-MOSFET fabricated on hot cut silicon. The different biasing conditions all gave similar curves as shown. In figure 4-13b, the FET on the cold cut film characteristics show a wide range of variation for the various biasing conditions. This device had the lowest yield of about 20% and was the most sensitive to any change in the film body potential. However, the bias which gave the optimum conditions were again the body and drain biased at – 2.5 volts. This condition also resulted in the sharpest on-off transition and the largest current magnitude. For the bulk Si p-MOSFET, the I-V displayed no noticeable change for the varying bias conditions. The transistor parameters extracted from these I-V plots are also summarized in Table 4-1. The leakage current is given per unit width (128 µm gate width) to make it easy to compare to other FETs. The cold cut device had the lowest drain to source leakage current with ~0.6 pA/µm. This was even lower than the bulk Si device and is


P-FET Cold cut film from VTT 1.E-04

Vds=-5v, Vbs=-5v


Vds=-2.5v, Vbs=-2.5v

drain current (A)

Vds=-2.5v, Vbs=0 1.E-06

Vds=-5v, Vbs=0


Vds=-2.5v, Vbs=float

1.E-08 1.E-09 1.E-10 1.E-11 1.E-12 -5








gate bias (V)

Figure 4-13b : p-MOSFET fabricated on cold cut silicon ID-Vgs characteristics. The different biasing conditions resulted in the widest variation of characteristics. likely due to the smaller leakage through the thin film. However, this also means that the hot cut film, due to it’s relatively large leakage current of 10 pA/µm, after it was processed, possesses a very large number of defects that act as carrier generation sites. This leads us back to the idea that the differences in the films are caused by defects which are thermally activated and depend on the thermal history – new donors. The transconductance is the change in (drain-source) current with a change in the gate bias. It is a conductance because it follows the traditional definition of ∆I/∆V, but because the gate bias acts indirectly on the amount of current, it is a “trans”conductance. It is essentially a measure of how readily the channel under


P-FET bulk Si 1.E-04 1.E-05

Vds=-2.5v, Vbs=-2.5v Vds=-1v, Vbs=0

drain current (A)


Vds=-2.5v, Vbs=0


Vds=-5v, Vbs=0

1.E-08 1.E-09 1.E-10 1.E-11 1.E-12 -5








gate bias (V)

Figure 4-13c : p-MOSFET fabricated on bulk Si. The gate oxide was 1000 Å thick. The biasing conditions didn’t affect the I-V characteristics much if any. the gate oxide can be formed. For both films, the transconductances are very close but the bulk Si FET has the highest value whereas the cold cut FET has the lowest value. This can be interpreted as defects or damage due to the implantation/exfoliation process slightly hindering the formation of the channel. Overall, the cold cut FET has the lowest leakage current, transconductance, mobility and subthreshold swing. Out of these four parameters, low leakage and low subthreshold swing are highly desirable characteristics while the other parameters are sufficiently close to the hot cut and bulk Si or are sufficiently high for the intended application.

Drain-Source current per gate width (A/µm)


















TE device ME device Bulk Device











Gate-Source bias (V) Figure 4-13d: Plot of Ids-Vgs in the off and turn-on states for TE, ME and bulk pMOSFETs with Vds = 2.5 volts. The bulk p-MOSFET had the same lateral geometry as the SOI MOSFETs but differed in oxide thickness (~500 Å for SOI MOSFET vs. ~1000 Å for bulk MOSFET) and starting p-type doping concentration (~1015 cm-3 for bulk MOSFET and ~1016 cm-3 for SOI MOSFETs) so they may not be directly comparable.


Figure 4-14: Plot of n-channel polysilicon TFT off-state leakage and turn-on characteristics for conventional (conv.) polySi and increased grain size (new) polySi films. The inset shows the effective electron mobility as a function of gate bias. [after J-H Jeon et al., (2001), 11]


Table 4-1: Summary of MOSFET characteristics for hot cut, cold cut and bulk Si. The mobility listed is the field effect mobility. (W/L = 128/38)

pA/ µ m)

Leakage (

Transconductance µ S @ -4.8 v Mobility (cm


Subthreshold swing ( mV/decade) @ -3 v Threshold Voltage (V)

I on / I off ratio @V

d =0


I on / I off ratio @V

d =-5 v


/V s)



Bulk Si













-3.2 ~10


-2.9 5












4.6 Discussion 4.6.1 Hot cut devices vs cold cut devices To examine the off-state, drain-source leakage current without all the different biasing conditions, one case will be examined in figure 4-13d. The measurement conditions here are Vds = 2.5 v, and the vertical axis is already normalized to the gate width. It is clear that the TE (hot cut) device has a substantially large leakage current which increases quickly with increasing positive gate bias. In contrast, the ME (cold cut) device close resembles that of the bulk Si device which should have the fewest defects and contaminants (most notably hydrogen). This case shows that by keeping the exfoliation temperature low (< ~300 °C), even with the introduction of hydrogen which enhances the formation rate of the donor states and the high temperature processing at 1000 °C, the quality of the material can be maintained, similar to that of bulk Si. This is corroborated by a report by E.B. Yakimov [14] who connects the dependence of the formation of new thermal donors on a “pre-anneal” at ~470 °C. This temperature is very close to the exfoliation temperature of the hot cut films used in this thesis.


Figure 4-15 : I-V characteristic for amorphous silicon TFT (after MIT 6.976: Special topics in flat panel display devices, lecture 16, Spring 2001)

4.7 Summary and conclusions For flat panel display applications, as noted in chapter 1, it was determined that ~100 cm2/V.s channel mobility was more than sufficient to obtain the required current for controlling the light emitting element to meet a threshold brightness. With values of 100 and 91 cm2/V.s for the hot and cold cut devices, this requirement is readily met. MOSFETs fabricated on amorphous silicon films have mobilities less than or about 1-

193 10 cm2/V.s. The best values for hole mobility for poly-silicon TFTs reported in the literature are in the range of

120-180 cm2/V.s, [12, 13]

While this may seem

significant, drawbacks to the devices are also significant – the leakage current for the TFT with the high mobility had a leakage current of roughly 2 × 10-8 A, which is roughly an order of magnitude higher than the leakage current from the hot cut devices measured.

Effectively, the cold cut MOSFET seems to have the best tradeoff

between the critical parameters while still basically meeting and sometimes exceeding the required attributes. The closest contenders are apparently devices fabricated on amorphous silicon. Just by glancing at the plot in figure 4-15 the off state leakage current is astonishingly low, but the corresponding mobility for amorphous Si is also exceedingly low! SOI p-MOSFETs fabricated on thermally and mechanically exfoliated films were characterized using the standard current voltage technique and the results compared to similarly fabricated polysilicon and amorphous silicon MOSFETs. It was shown that using mechanically exfoliated single crystal silicon films instead


thermally exfoliated single crystal silicon, polysilicon or amorphous films allowed the best tradeoff between hole mobility, off state leakage current and maximum current swing while still meeting required “specifications” for high performance TFT flat panel displays as given in chapter 1. The difference between the devices fabricated on the thermally and mechanically exfoliated films is apparent and discussed in terms of oxygen related thermal donors, new thermal donors and new donors and how these are nucleated as a function of the thermal history of the film. Based on these reports, the

194 difference between the devices stems from the “additional” anneal necessary to exfoliated the hot cut film.


4.8 References: [1]

Sorin Cristoloveanu, Sheng S. Li, Electrical characterization of silicon-oninsulator materials and devices, Kluwer 1995, pp. 250.


S.M. Sze, Physics of semiconductor devices, 2nd ed., Wiley, New York, 1981, pp.851.


D. Schroeder, Semiconductor Material and device characterization, Wiley 1990, p. 200.


ibid, p. 195.


ibid, p. 73.


S.M. Sze, Physics of semiconductor devices, 2nd ed., Wiley, New York, 1981, pp.256-63.


Y.P. Song, R.L. Van Meirhaeghe, W.H. Laflere, and F. Cardon, Solid-State Electron. 29, 633-38, June 1986.


D. Schroeder, Semiconductor Material and device characterization, Wiley 1990, pp. 226-31.


Personal communication: Alson Wong, Agilent, Colorado, May, 2003


Jean-Pierre Colinge, Silicon-on-insulator technology: Materials to VLSI, 2nd Ed., Kluwer Academic publishers, 1997; Sorin Cristoloveanu, Sheng S. Li; Electrical characterization of silicon-on-insulator materials and devices; Kluwer academic publishers, 1995.


Jae-Hong Jeon, Min-Cheol Lee, Kee-Chan Park, and Min-Koo Han, A New Polycrystalline Silicon TFT With a Single Grain Boundary in the Channel, IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 22, No. 9, 2001, pp.429-31


Ucjikoga, S. Low-temperature polycrystalline silicon thin-film transistor technologies for system-on-glass displays. MRS Bull. 27, 881-886 (2002)


Mizuno, T., Sugiyama, N., Kurobe, A. & Takagi, S. IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 48, 1612-1618 (2001).


E.B. Yakimov, O.V. Feklisova, M. Acciarri, A. Cavallini, S. Pizzini, Solid State Phenomena Vols. 69-70 (1999), pp.327-332.

Chapter 5: Summary, conclusions and suggestions for continued research Chapter 1 defined the somewhat arbitrary requirements for high end flat panel displays using organic LEDs. The requirements were based on current top of the line models and then extended some within reason. The end goal is to have a bright, high resolution screen which has the capability to clearly display full motion video. While the geometry of this screen this can be scaled up or down, the main application the requirements were designed for were portable notebook type computers. Active matrix addressing was targeted even though it was more costly and complex to design and manufacture because of its inherent advantages and flexibility. The transistor drivers will more than likely be staggered (more than 1 TFT per pixel) for superior control of the injected current profile, thus relaxing the mobility requirement. Nevertheless, a high but still reasonable value of 100 cm2/V.s was the target mobility to design for. Because the display is among the largest consumers of power in a portable computing system, OLEDs were chosen because of its inherent and apparent power efficiency compared to liquid crystal light valve type displays. On top of this, the off-state leakage currents in the transistor drivers must be minimized to extend the battery life. By using nominally single crystal films instead of polycrystalline films, this feature is inherently implemented. To be able to lay down a single crystal silicon layer on an amorphous substrate requires the use of wafer bonding techniques which is the topic of discussion in chapter 2. Wafer bonding is a necessary but not sufficient condition for creating a high quality SOI structure for FPD applications. This is because FPD applications require



the use of glass as a backplane substrate. The glass can be one of several boroaluminosilicates designed with thermal expansion coefficients close to that of silicon. The current technology only allows temperatures of up to 666 °C before the glass begins to soften and so traditional wafer bonding techniques which require temperatures of up to 1000 °C, have to be improved. This bonding enhancement is possible through the use of plasma activation of the to-be-bonded surfaces which allows bonds approaching the fracture strength of Si at relatively low temperatures of 200-400 °C. The exact mechanism for the plasma activation is not known but through a variety of experiments and observations, a plausible model has been proposed. The model is centered around the action of the plasma(s) and the idea that wafer bonding is essentially an oxidation of the interface. Certainly, more work can be done in this area to elicit the mechanisms responsible for this interesting phenomena, including a more comprehensive study of roughness as a function of plasma species, power, exposure time, driving frequency, and reactor type. Now that it is known what sort of conditions results in an effective surface activation for high bond strengths (chapter 2), the study can be centered around these parameters. Without these specific conditions, this study would be an exercise in frustration. The basic surface chemistry presented in books on wafer bonding was never quite satisfying to me. I had picked up the idea of looking at the isolated and associated silanols after reading that the associated silanols apparently attract water more strongly than the isolated silanols in Tong and Gosele’s book. These can only be detected using multiple internal transmission FTIR measurements to strength the absorption of IR light from the resonances of these molecular species.


Thinking about this will eventually lead to wondering how the plasma activation affects these silanol groups. This can be further explored using plasma activated and annealed bonded pieces to look for isolated and associated silanol groups, using different types of oxides (e.g. various chemical oxides, wet and dry oxides), and different plasma reactors to explore whether the activation is dominated by physical mechanisms or chemical mechanisms (using the ICP vs RIE type reactors). There are many potential problems that will be briefly described in hopes of helping the reader who chooses to attempt these types of experiments. First of all, aligning the IR beam from scratch/spare parabolic and elliptical mirrors and micro-positioners is no easy feat, even with a IR phosphor detection card. I did get the system aligned and the signal was read using a mercury cadmium telluride (MCT) detector with help from Lucio Flores (of Professor John Crowell’s group in the chemistry dept. of UCSD) but the next problem was to enclose the system in a dry nitrogen box to avoid partial absorption of the spectra from water in the atmosphere (the silanol group peaks largely lie in the middle of the water spectrum), and that was never completely done. Another point worth exploring is confirming the impact of UV light in the activation process and carefully quantifying its contribution. I’ve seen at least one thesis on this topic but it was unconvincing because there was no tangible model to explain the results. What might be a useful approach is to temporarily bond a piece of double polished sapphire (because it allows the UV to pass through) to a silicon wafer and put that piece in the plasma reactor. This allows UV to interact with the surface but does not allow the ions to come into contact with the surface. Afterwards, unbond the sapphire


and bond the silicon wafers together. It would be better if one or the other or both wafers could be tested in this manner similar to what Tommi Suni did in this Masters thesis (VTT Electronics, 2001). Another, easy in principle, experiment is to try and measure the UV spectrum of the different plasmas through the port window of the plasma chamber and correlate the photon energies with bond strengths present at the Si-SiO2 interface. Of course, the transmission spectrum of the window would have to be known for this information to be useful. Ideally, the complete characterization of the plasma would be ideal but due to the number of variables which are often coupled to other variables, this has proven to be next to impossible. The foundation for investigating the physics of how to exfoliate a film lies in the ability to consistently control the bond strength of the two wafers. This is because the wafer-to-wafer bond strength must exceed that of the implanted interfacial bond strength. The capability to achieve a strong bond at low processing temperatures minimizes problems in material due to such things as thermal donors as was seen in chapters 3 and 4. The properties of the glass used as the backplane in the FPD are not as thoroughly explored as that of Si. Keeping the process temperatures low also minimizes any diffusion of impurities from the glass into the Si used for the TFTs. The physics behind the film exfoliation is being vigorously investigated. For this thesis, only hydrogen implantation was used. At least part of the complication came from the fact that depending on how the film was exfoliated, different electrical properties (as measured by Hall effect) were found. The main indicator of this was a difference in the depth distribution of the carrier concentration (or sheet charge). In


general, mechanically exfoliated films displayed lower carrier concentrations compared to thermally exfoliated films at the same depth into the film. Whether or not the damage layer was etched off prior to annealing also made a significant difference. The damage layer also seemed to extend further than the “standard” 1500 Å as seen from TEM because the meeting point of the EA and AE sheet charge distributions was observed to “meet up” maybe 100-200 Å deeper than where the damage layer was supposed to end. Perhaps, etching off a little more would result in improved electrical characteristics due to a more complete elimination of defects that could diffuse around the film? The issue of anneal ambient was not explored due to the time issue of this thesis. Due to safeguards for securing extra gas cylinders and the like, it was never convenient to use argon as the annealing ambient during the fabrication of the MOSFETs. It would be interesting to see how the transistor characteristics change with argon instead of nitrogen. The majority carriers in the film followed the standard behavior of what are known as thermal donors. These can evolve into “new thermal donors” and “new donors” upon annealing at higher temperatures, the respective distribution of which depend strongly on the thermal history at lower anneal temperatures. Essentially, the complexity of these donor states determines the properties of the film since these donor states lead to the precipitation of oxide phases in the silicon which, because of their volume expansion which leads to a lack of a complete lattice match, turn into dangling bonds which then behave as deep level traps. These oxide precipitates as they are termed, contain positive surface state charges that are present in any oxide. These


positive charges originate from sodium or potassium contamination or local excesses of unreacted Si. The positive charge results in layer inversion near the oxide precipitates and due to their mismatch with the lattice, form dangling bonds which cause states to open up in the band gap due to the disruption in the lattice. If the density of these oxide precipitates is sufficiently high, the inversion layers connect with each other eventually inverting a large portion of the material. This is a complicated scenario to analyze especially with MOSFETs since the channel region is formed by inverting the new donor inverted region. Nevertheless, with all these interesting properties, devices were fabricated and tested. p-type MOSFETs were fabricated because the films ended up n-type after annealing above 920 °C. This was presumably due to the effect of new donors in the silicon. Standard, large area MOSFETs were made for several reasons: to avoid scaling problems or device artifacts associated with geometry, to get a good average over a large part of the film, and to effectively amplify the leakage current so that low current (<100 fA) measurement difficulties are avoided. With that given, the partially depleted MOSFETs were fabricated using the standard process that goes up to 1000 °C (for oxidation and boron diffusion). What the results show are that the cold cut film has the lowest leakage current and comparable transconductance, mobility, subthreshold slope and threshold voltage. The small leakage current is thought to be due to a smaller number of new donor states and/or oxide precipitates which are also associated with deep level generation states which is consistent with the respective formation densities of the new donors associated with the films.


Samples obtained much later showed that p-type conductivity was recovered after annealing at 1000 °C. To get a more complete picture, n-channel MOSFETs could be fabricated and the results compared to the Hall effect measurements more directly. To do this meaningfully though, would mean doing the Hall effect and MOSFET characterization within a short time period. It was noticed that the Hall effect measurements of the same sample taken after about 1.5 years did not show the same characteristics. This is consistent with the observation that the layer by layer etching and Hall effect measurements and to be done in the same run (the same day). The result of starting one measurement one day and finishing the next day was that there was always a large discontinuous change in the film properties, e.g. the sheet charge distribution (see chapter 3). This time delayed measurement was only done for a small number of samples so I can’t conclude that the sample characteristics always change over time but it is certainly a point worth watching. Overall, in this thesis, plasma activated hydrophilic silicon wafer bonding was examined and reasonable control of the bond strength as a function of plasma and wet chemical process parameters was obtained. This was necessary for the film exfoliation process. The films were electrically characterized as a function of depth into the film and at several different anneal temperatures. Clear differences were observed for the mechanically and thermally exfoliated films which manifested as differences in the pchannel MOSFETs fabricated on these films. The device fabricated on the mechanically exfoliated film exhibited the desired characteristics for low power consumption, and high performance flat panel displays.

Appendix Thermally exfoliated [Hot cut] (single ion) Silicon on wet thermal oxide Annealed 4 hours at 800 °C in argon

Table 3-10-1: Hall effect and hot probe measurement data for argon annealed thermally exfoliated silicon on wet thermal oxide for EA (etched, then annealed: damage layer etched off before annealing at 800 °C) and AE (annealed, then etched: damage layer left intact during annealing). Qi denotes the sheet charge. The samples were consistently n-type between the Hall effect and hot probe measurements. 10/22/2002 Hot cut Argon annealed 4 hours at 800C EA Si thickness (Å) 3400 2750 2200 1700 1200 750 400

Depth into Si (Å) 1400 2050 2600 3100 3600 4050 4400

ρ (Ω.cm) 1.53 0.66 0.53 0.5 0.47 0.43 H.R.

electron conc. 2 µ (cm /V.s) -3 (cm ) x1e16 1.38 2.96 4.1 4.1 6.8 4.04

296 323 290 311 193 356

Qi (cm ) x1e11

Hot Probe

4.7 8.1 9.01 6.9 8.2 3.03


Qi (cm ) x1e11

Hot Probe

0.76 0.49 0.86 1.67 2.3 1.72 2.1 3.3



AE Si thickness (Å) 4900 4300 3800 3400 3200 2400 1700 950

Depth into Si (Å) 0 600 1100 1500 1700 2500 3200 3950

ρ (Ω.cm) 47 26 13 2.9 1.9 2.2 1.7 5.9

electron conc. 2 µ (cm /V.s) -3 (cm ) x1e16 0.16 0.11 0.225 0.49 0.71 0.72 1.2 3.5


86 208 214 433 467 394 294 30



Thermally exfoliated [Hot cut] (single ion) Silicon on wet thermal oxide Annealed 4 hours at 800 °C in oxygen

Table 3-10-2: Hall effect and hot probe measurement data for oxygen annealed thermally exfoliated silicon on wet thermal oxide for EA (etched, then annealed: damage layer etched off before annealing at 800 °C) and AE (annealed, then etched: damage layer left intact during annealing). Qi denotes the sheet charge. The samples were consistently n-type between the Hall effect and hot probe measurements. 10/22/2002 Hot cut oxygen (dry) annealed 4 hours at 800C AE Si thickness (A) 4700 4350 3700 3250 2150 1500 850

Depth into Si (A) 0 350 1000 1450 2550 3200 3850

ρ (Ω.cm) 6.8 6.2 2.8 1.2 1.38 0.83 1.5

electron conc. 2 µ (cm /V.s) -3 (cm ) x1e16 0.41 0.39 0.63 1.5 1.6 2.9 19.6

223 257 361 352 292 259 22

Qi (cm ) x 1e11

Hot Probe

1.9 1.7 2.33 4.8 3.3 4.4 17


Qi (cm ) x 1e11

Hot Probe

3.3 5.3 6.2 5.2 5.21



EA Si thickness (A) 3000 2400 2000 1500 900 700

Depth into Si (A) 1800 2400 2800 3300 3900 4100

ρ (Ω.cm) 2.4 0.93 0.71 0.5 0.33 H.R.

electron conc. 2 µ (cm /V.s) -3 (cm ) x1e16 1 2.2 3.1 3.4 5.8

259 304 284 364 332



Thermally exfoliated [Hot cut] (single ion) Silicon on wet thermal oxide Annealed to 800 °C in nitrogen

Table 3-10-3: Hall effect and hot probe measurement data for (UHP) nitrogen annealed thermally exfoliated silicon on wet thermal oxide for AE (annealed, then etched: damage layer left intact during annealing). Qi denotes the sheet charge. The samples were consistently n-type between the Hall effect and hot probe measurements. The EA samples are shown later in this chapter.

Hot cut, nitrogen annealed at 800C AE Depth electron conc. Si thickness 2 into Si ρ (Ω.cm) µ (cm /V.s) -3 (A) (cm ) x1e16 (A) 4700 0 20.7 0.137 220 4300 400 19.7 0.191 166 3700 1000 3.7 0.63 270 3100 1600 1.32 1.08 440 2600 2100 1.08 1.3 436 2150 2550 1.26 1.66 297 1500 3200 1.45 1.67 259 1050 3650 unstable

Qi -2

(cm ) x 1e11 0.645 0.82 2.3 3.33 3.45 3.6 2.5

Hot Probe N N N N N N N N


Thermally exfoliated [Hot cut] (PIII) Silicon on glass Annealed 4 hours at 650 °C in N2 Table 3-12-1: Hall effect and hot probe data for PIII thermally exfoliated silicon on 1737F glass. The mobilities are characteristically small presumably due to the implantation of large numbers of impurities such as carbon, nitrogen and oxygen. This is typical of PIII due to the non-UHV conditions. PIII as-exfoliated silicon on glass Si thickness(Å) depth(Å) 1620 1310 1000 870 450

0 310 620 750 1170

ρ (Ω.cm) 2.3 2 2 1.6 3

electron concentration (cm-3) 1.50E+17 2.00E+17 4.50E+17 2.90E+18 5.00E+16

mobility (cm2/V s)

sheet charge (cm-2)

Hot Probe typing

18 16 8 1.4 42

2.40E+12 2.60E+12 4.50E+12 2.50E+13 2.30E+11


PIII annealed, then etched (with TMAH) silicon on glass ρ (Ω.cm) Si thickness(A) depth(A) 1620 0 1250 370 940 680 LOST 1630 1380 1240 1030 810 600 350

0 250 390 600 820 1030 1280

459 365 279

170 154 146 139 140 H.R. H.R.

carrier concentration -3 (cm ) -1.10E+15 -9.40E+14 7.10E+14

4.10E+15 3.90E+15 4.60E+15 5.20E+15 7.40E+15

mobility (cm2/V s)

sheet charge (cm-2)

Hot Probe typing

-12 -18 31

1.80E+10 -1.20E+10 6.70E+09


9 10.5 9.4 8.6 6

6.50E+10 5.40E+10 5.70E+10 5.40E+10 6.00E+10


mobility 2 (cm /V s)

sheet charge -2 (cm )

Hot Probe typing

6 3

9.80E+10 1.20E+11


PIII etched (with TMAH), then annealed silicon on glass ρ (Ω.cm) Si thickness(A) depth(A) 940 650 560

100 115 H.R.

carrier concentration -3 (cm ) 1.00E+16 1.80E+16


Thermally exfoliated [Hot cut] (PIII) Silicon on glass Annealed 4 hours at 650 °C in air

Table 3-12-2: Note: these samples annealed in air, not nitrogen. Even after multiple measurements, the data flip-flop between n and p type material as shown by the Hall data and in some cases the hot probe data. PIII SOG (samples annealed at 650C in air) Pulse DC

anneal time(total) 0 hrs 4 hrs 0 hrs. 4 hrs

4 hrs

24 hrs

Short pulse

Long pulse

0 hrs 1 hr 4 hrs

0 hrs 4 hrs 8 hrs

1581 1581 1000 1590 1590 1424 1155 990 975 1484 1014 701 1484 1179 1150

4.2 -1.00E+17 100 4.30E+15 62 7.63E+15 7.3 -3.90E+16 310 4.22E+14 307 2.80E+15 250 1.70E+16 267 1.63E+14 253 1.00E+15 246 2.10E+14 224 -3.30E+15 144 5.62E+15 HIGHLY RESISTIVE HIGHLY RESISTIVE HIGHLY RESISTIVE

-14.1 14.3 13.2 -22 48 7.3 1.5 143 24 122 -8.5 7.7

-1.67E+12 6.90E+10 7.63E+10 -6.20E+11 6.71E+09 4.00E+10 2.00E+11 1.61E+09 9.90E+09 3.10E+09 -3.30E+10 4.00E+10


sample 7A unetched,unannealed

1464 1464 1464 1157 850

38.8 -1.22E+16 65.4 3.84E+15 17 2.36E+00 39 -1.73E+15 HIGHLY RESISTIVE

-13.2 25 15.5 -93

-1.80E+11 5.62E+10 3.45E+11 -2.00E+10


sample 8B unetched,unannealed

1390 1390 1390 1131 1080




N P? P? P? P?

TMAH etched unetched, unannealed 650C anneal in air only TMAH etched TMAH etched


TMAH etched TMAH etched sample 9C unetched,unannealed

TMAH etched TMAH etched


Thermally exfoliated [Hot cut] (single ion) Silicon on glass Annealed varying times in air

Table 3-13-1: Top half data is as-exfoliated depth data measured by Hall effect, hot probe and layer by layer etching with TMAH. Lower half data is the electrical data measured the same way but the film has been annealed (leftmost column) in air. The “14 hrs” and “2 hrs” signify the annealing time of the bonded Si to glass pair before the film was exfoliated. carrier Silicon Post exfoliation mobility 300C anneal time ρ concentration thickness anneal time 2 before exfoliation (Ω.cm) (cm /V s) @650C (Α) (cm-3) 0 hrs 14 hrs 4660 1.32 -1.60E+16 -292 4660 0.93 -3.50E+16 -193 4078 0.62 -4.70E+16 -211 3416 0.74 -3.30E+16 -240 3157 0.96 -2.86E+16 -242 2670 1.45 -1.20E+16 -357 2260 1.47 -2.40E+16 -175 1930 3.64 -1.40E+16 -119 1580 50 -4.65E+14 -270 1126 82 -5.35E+14 -143 0 hrs

2 hrs

4660 4680 3858 3509 3142 2710 2230 2030 1600

0.51 0.72 0.64 0.79 1.02 1.68 4.5 7.7 140

-3.60E+16 -7.60E+16 -3.30E+16 -2.20E+16 -1.78E+16 -1.13E+16 -8.00E+15 -2.10E+15 -2.10E+14

-341 -114 -295 -364 -343 -330 -170 -378 -213

carrier Silicon Post exfoliation mobility 300C anneal time ρ concentration thickness anneal time before exfoliation (Ω.cm) (cm2/V s) -3 @650C (Α) (cm ) 1 hr. 14 hrs. 4660 HIGHLY RESISTIVE 2.5 hrs. 14 hrs. 3460 22 -2.22E+15 -130 2.5 hrs. 14 hrs. 3164 75 2.00E+15 40

-7.60E+11 -1.62E+12 -1.90E+12 -1.12E+12 -8.50E+11 -3.23E+11 -5.50E+11 -2.80E+11 -7.40E+09 -6.00E+09

Hot Probe typing N N N N N N N N N N

-1.67E+12 -3.60E+12 -1.30E+12 -7.63E+11 -5.60E+11 -3.10E+11 -1.80E+11 -4.35E+10 -3.30E+09


sheet charge (cm-2)

Hot Probe typing

-7.70E+10 6.67E+10


sheet charge (cm-2)

1 hr. 2.5 hrs. 2.5 hrs. 2.5 hrs.

2 hrs 2 hrs 2 hrs 2 hrs

4670 4670 3790 3200

24 4.70E+15 3.7 1.10E+16 37 5.85E+14 HIGHLY RESISTIVE

56 159 287

2.20E+11 5.00E+11 2.22E+10


2 hrs

2 hrs

4630 4090 3470 2950 2590 1980 1550

51 1.90E+15 51 1.30E+15 131 4.30E+14 HIGHLY RESISTIVE HIGHLY RESISTIVE 46 -5.30E+14 57 -4.60E+14

65 94 111

8.80E+10 5.30E+10 1.50E+10


-258 -237

-1.00E+10 -7.10E+09


122 158 18 -187 -207 -256 -237 171

1.70E+11 9.10E+10 2.50E+10 -4.80E+09 -3.80E+09 -4.20E+10 -4.00E+10 1.25E+11


4 hrs

2 hrs

4630 4090 3560 3050 3050 2580 2170 1500

14 18 500 213 122 15 14 4.4

3.70E+15 2.20E+15 7.00E+14 -1.60E+14 -2.50E+14 -1.60E+15 -1.80E+15 8.30E+15


Thermally exfoliated [Hot cut] (single ion) Silicon on glass Annealed 4 hours at 650 °C in air

Table 3-14-1: Hall effect and hot probe data for AE (top half) and EA (bottom half) silicon on glass samples. The bonded pair was annealed at 300 °C for 2 hours, and the exfoliated film was annealed at 650 °C for 4 hours in nitrogen. Qi denotes the sheet charge. Si thickness Depth into (Å) Si (Å) 4640 4115 3600 3200 2700 2250 1980 1820 1630 1430 800

0 525 1040 1440 1940 2390 2660 2820 3010 3210 3840

electron -3 conc.(cm )

µ (cm /V.s)

6.6 5.8 2.1 4.90E+00 4.9 5.5 6.7 8.4 9.6 15.8 H.R.

8.50E+15 9.90E+15 1.20E+16 1.30E+16 1.38E+16 1.40E+16 1.20E+16 1.10E+16 8.80E+15 9.90E+15

112 110 100 101 92 81 78 66 74 40

Si thickness Depth into (Å) Si (Å) 3200 2760 2500 2400 1450

1440 1880 2140 2240 3190


ρ (Ω.cm)


ρ (Ω.cm)

electron conc.(cm-3)

2 µ (cm /V.s)

3.3 3.5 3.5 3.7 12.6

2.10E+16 1.90E+16 1.80E+16 1.70E+16 1.30E+16

92 96 100 102 39

Qi (cm ) 11

[x 10 ] 3.90E+00 4.10E+00 4.40E+00 4.10E+00 3.70E+00 3.10E+00 2.40E+00 2.00E+00 1.40E+00 1.40E+00

Qi (cm-2) [x 1011] 6.6 5.2 4.4 4 1.9

Hot Probe P P P P P P P P P P

Hot Probe P P P P P


Thermally exfoliated [Hot cut] (single ion) Silicon on wet thermal oxide Annealed 4 hours at 900 °C in nitrogen

Table 3-15-1: Hall effect data for thermally exfoliated Si on wet thermal oxide, annealed at 900 °C for 4 hours in nitrogen. The upper half of the table shows the EA case (damaged layer etched off before annealing) and the lower half shows the AE case (damage layer annealed with film). Qi denotes the sheet charge. Si thickness (Å) 3220 2800 2450 2200 2000 1600 1150 650 Si thickness (Å) 4700 4000 3600 3000 2400 1850 1350 900 100

Depth into Si (Å) 1580 2000 2350 2600 2800 3200 3650 4150 Depth into Si (Å) 0 700 1100 1700 2300 2850 3350 3800 4600

ρ (Ω.cm) 0.98 0.88 0.72 0.68 0.7 0.79 0.79 H.R. ρ (Ω.cm) 1.1 0.79 0.68 0.51 0.52 0.43 0.43 0.69 unstable

electron conc. 2 µ (cm /V.s) (cm-3) x-1016 1.5 1.9 2.2 1.9 2.1 2.3 1.5

Qi (cm-2) x -1011

Hot Probe

427 371 396 490 423 345 527

4.8 5.3 5.4 4.2 4.2 3.65 1.7

electron conc. 2 µ (cm /V.s) -3 (cm ) x1e16

Qi (cm ) x 1e11

Hot Probe

6.8 8.2 8.3 9.8 6.3 1.1 7 3.03


1.4 2.1 2.3 3.3 2.4 6.1 5.2 3.4

396 386 398 377 455 234 280 270


N N N ? N ? N P?


Thermally exfoliated [Hot cut] (single ion) Silicon on wet thermal oxide Annealed 1 hour at 1050 °C in nitrogen

Table 3-16-1: Hall effect and hot probe data for thermally exfoliated silicon on wet thermal oxide annealed at 1050 °C for 1 hour in nitrogen. The negative values represent n-type carriers. Qi denotes the sheet charge. Si thickness (Å) 3120 2600 2200 1100 700 Si thickness (Å) 4600 3900 3150 2400 1100

Depth into Si (Å) 1680 2200 2600 3700 4100 Depth into Si (Å) 200 900 1650 2400 3700


ρ (Ω.cm)

carrier conc. -3 (cm ) x1e16

µ (cm2/V.s)

Qi (cm ) x 1e11

Hot Probe

1.9 1.4 1.6 5 unstable

1.90E+16 3.85E+16 -2.80E+16 5.60E+15

175 -117 -137 218

-5.80E+11 -1.00E+12 -6.30E+11 6.30E+10


ρ (Ω.cm)

carrier conc. -3 (cm ) x1e16

µ (cm2/V.s)

Qi (cm ) x 1e11

Hot Probe

0.34 0.29 0.3 0.4 5.9

-3.60E+16 -4.50E+16 -4.20E+16 -3.20E+16 -3.40E+15

-505 -480 -492 -492 -313

-1.70E+12 -1.74E+12 -1.30E+12 -7.60E+11 -3.70E+10




Mechanically exfoliated [Cold cut] (single ion) Silicon on wet thermal oxide Annealed 4 hours at 650 °C in nitrogen

Table 3-19-1: Cold cut films exfoliated at VTT electronics (Finland). In the AE case (top set of data), the surface became rather non-uniform with the result being that the thickness was not measurable using the Filmetrics F20. With the EA case (bottom set), the film material became highly resistive (H.R.) after etching off ~600 Å. Annealed 650 °C for 4 hours in nitrogen VTT Cold cut - annealed(650C for 4 hrs in N2) then etched Si Depth electron µ thickness into Si ρ (Ω.cm) -3 conc.(cm ) (cm2/V.s) (A) (A) 4850 0 4.1 8.00E+15 189 4215 635 3.5 5.70E+15 315 2540 2310 3.4 8.60E+15 216 1900 2950 5.2 2.60E+16 46 sample surface too nonuniform to measure using F20.

Qi (cm ) x1e11

Hot Probe

3.90 2.40 2.20 5.00



VTT Cold cut - etched(~1500A) then annealed(650C for 4 hrs in N2) Si Depth Qi electron µ thickness into Si ρ (Ω.cm) -3 2 -2 conc.(cm ) (cm /V.s) (cm ) x1e11 (A) (A) 3400 1450 3.3 1.00E+16 186 3.50 3150 1700 7.2 5.80E+15 151 1.80 2760 2090 120 1.50E+15 34 0.42 2510 H.R. 2300 H.R. 2000 H.R.

Hot Probe P P P


Mechanically exfoliated [Cold cut] (single ion) Silicon on wet thermal oxide Annealed 4 hours at 800 °C in nitrogen

Table 3-19-2: Cold cut film exfoliated at VTT electronics (Finland). Annealed at 800 °C for 4 hours in nitrogen. 6/11/2002 Etched (away damage layer), then anneal Si thickness (A) 3230 2780 1780 800

Depth into Si (A) 1650 2100 3100 4080

6/12/2002 Anneal, then etch Si thickness (A) 4860 4150 3730 3380 2750 1690 1270 500

Depth into Si (A) 0 710 1130 1480 2110 3170 3590 4360

800C for 4 hrs in nitrogen face down

ρ (Ω.cm)

c.c. (cm )

µ (cm /V.s)

(cm ) x1e11

Hot Probe

1.1 1.8 3.6 811

3.2E+16 2.8E+16 1.9E+16 -1.4E+15

172 126 89 -5.5

10.00 7.80 3.50 -2.50





Qi -2

800C for 4 hrs in nitrogen face down

ρ (Ω.cm)

c.c. (cm )


µ (cm /V.s)

(cm ) x1e11

Hot Probe

3.5 3.1 3.1 3.3 4.34 12.6 19.5 H.R.

1.10E+16 1.50E+16 1.30E+16 1.50E+16 1.30E+16 3.30E+15 -6.50E+15

166 141 153 126 113 151 -49

5.20 6.00 5.00 5.00 3.50 5.56 -8.30





Mechanically exfoliated [Cold cut] (single ion) Silicon on wet thermal oxide Annealed 4 hours at 900 °C in nitrogen

Table 3-19-3: Cold cut film exfoliated at VTT electronics (Finland). Annealed at 900 °C for 4 hours in nitrogen. The NÆP signifies that the hot probe reading switched type (voltage polarity) over the course of the measurement. Annealed 900 °C for 4 hours in nitrogen Annealed then etched Si thickness (A)

Depth into Si (A)

ρ (Ω.cm)

4700 4350 4120 3500 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800

100 450 680 1300 1600 2000 2400 2800 3000

2 2.1 2.2 3.4 8.3 9.5 25 33 31

2 2 2 1.5 0.77 2.8 -1.4 0.26 -0.16

1.1 2.3 1.6 4.3 2.7 3.1 11

6.1 4.5 0.6 1.9 3.1 3.5 0.11

Etched then annealed 3350 1450 3100 1700 2900 1900 2300 2500 2050 2750 1700 3100 1400 3400

hole conc. µ -3 2 (cm ) x1e16 (cm /V.s)

Qi (cm ) x1e11

Hot Probe

158 150 140 123 98 24 -185 71 -125

9.4 8.6 8.2 5.2 2.5 7.7 -0.33 0.53 -0.29


91 60 106 75 77 59 537

20 14 10 4.4 6.3 5.9 0.15

P P P P P N -> P P



Mechanically exfoliated [Cold cut] (single ion) Silicon on wet thermal oxide Annealed 1 hour at 1000 °C in nitrogen

Table 3-20-1: Cold cut film exfoliated at VTT electronics (Finland). Annealed at 1000 °C for 1 hour in nitrogen. 7/16/2002 VTT cold cut annealed 1000C for 1 hr in nitrogen.

Annealed then etched Si Depth electron µ thickness into Si ρ (Ω.cm) -3 2 conc.(cm ) (cm /V.s) (A) (A) 4790 0 4.1 -3.20E+15 -472 4230 560 2.3 -1.10E+15 -251 3730 1060 1.12 -9.80E+15 -570 3250 1540 0.81 -1.30E+16 -585 2640 2150 -2.00E+16 -615 2100 2690 2.6 -5.90E+15 -410 1500 3290 0.69 -1.70E+16 -529

(cm )

Hot Probe

-1.60E+11 -4.60E+10 -3.60E+11 -4.30E+11 -5.20E+11 -1.20E+11 -2.60E+11


Etched then annealed 3340 1450 2450 2340 2140 2650 1920 2870 1650 3140 1450 3340

-1.10E+12 -8.10E+11 -6.20E+11 -3.70E+11 -2.20E+11 -2.00E+11


0.29 0.28 0.3 0.52 0.86 0.77

-3.40E+16 -3.30E+16 -2.90E+16 -1.90E+16 -1.40E+16 -1.40E+16

-635 -672 -706 -624 -534 -578

Qi -2

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