Author: Chandrasekar
Created on 29/Dec/05 6:56:00 a12/p12
Features JVigil, 1) Can monitor any application server which are JMX compatible. Right now, we are testing it on JBOSS. 2) Can monitor application server locally (in the same machine as the server) or remotely (in different machine). 3) Can monitor in ‘Real-time’. i.e., an online graph is shown while the JVigil monitoring session is ON. 4) Produces data in form of CSVs’ also. So, the data collected during the session can be used to draw our own graphs also. 5) Uses an embedded, light weight database called ‘HSQLDB’. All the monitoring data is ‘inserted’ in tables, and thus persistent. Limitations & To-do 1) The code is not fully tested. Unit Testing is done only for very few cases. 2) Should design a ‘Add New Server’ Wizard, which will help create a server profile in user-friendly way. 3) Right now, the counter (or the MBeans to be monitored) are configured manually in a properties file. This configuration (Adding/Removing a counter) should be made available in GUI. Known Bugs (To be resolved) 1) In the ‘Graph’ tab, when a category is selected for the first time, it takes some time to show up the corresponding graph. This is a ‘Panel Repaint’ problem. But the second time the same category is selected, the issue is not observed.