Feast Of Tabernacles - Sukkot

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  • Words: 2,795
  • Pages: 7
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This Feast is held on the 15th day of 7th Month, after Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur. Trumpets or Yom Teruah is a prophetic foreshadow of the gathering of YHVH’s people during the Tribulation prior to the Judgment of YHVH depicted by Yom Kippur or Day of Atonement.

The Feast is celebrated for 7 days of which the first day is a Sabbath. It looks like the reverse of the seven-day week and this depicts the restoration process or reversal of the things that went wrong during the 6000 years, to let those things work out for the good and where YHVH restored everything as He intended it in the Garden of Eden. The New Jerusalem is the restored Garden of Eden state where YHVH will dwell with man again. The 8th day is a Sabbath. 8th day means ' new beginnings'and this depicts the starting of the 8th millennium, where we will live with YHVH forever after the wickedness and Satan has been removed from the earth. Sin came into the world through the lies of Satan and the restoration process is to remove Satan, His lies and the wicked from His creation so that everything will be perfect again. Satan and his followers (fallen angels and men) will be cast in the lake of fire and his lies will be removed (false teachings, false religions (Babylon) and all forms of Satan and idol worship. Note that he will not remove His Torah, only the attached ‘truths’ or oral traditions of men. The seven days living in Booths depicts the 7000 years of man living in a fallen state in a fallen world. the 8th day (millennium) will be the beginning of living in a new world, or as Scripture puts it, ' a new heaven and a new earth' . -

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Sukkot is a Celebration of remembrance where we think back on what our fathers had experienced and what we can learn from them. We stay in booths or tents for seven days to reflect of the time they travelled in the Wilderness as they proceeded up to the Promised Land. Our Wilderness will be the Tribulation and our Promised Land will be the New Jerusalem. We use this time to prepare spiritually of what is coming so that our hearts wouldn’t faint and cause us to fall away. There were many offerings brought during these 8 days, but what does it mean to us, living outside of the Land with no physical Altar to do these sacrifices? We will look at every one of these sacrifices and offerings to see what it means to us and how we can apply it to our lives during these 8 days of celebration.


Burnt Offering - "olah" - Gen_8:20 - [Noah build an altar after the water resided and made a burnt offering unto YHVH of every clean animal that was in the Ark. This word is also associated with "olam" which means eternal and it also relates to eternal life for the people of Elohim after the world is Judged] Our offering unto YHVH is our praises that He will save us at the time of Judgment.

Meat offering - "minchah" Gen_4:3 - [Cain and Able brought meat or food offerings unto YHVH, Cain brought the fruit of the ground and Able the firstlings of his livestock. YHVH accepted Able’s offering but rejected Cain' s offering. Able brought of his first fruits, the first and best of his livestock and it looks like Cain did not. The gift you bring unto YHVH should be your first and your best to be accepted. This also shows the sequence of offerings, first the unaccepted offering and then the accepted offering. This shows our growth into spiritual maturity where we have learned to live our lives as gifts of worship unto Him] Our offering unto YHVH is our aim to be more Set-Apart so that our lives may be acceptable living sacrifices unto Him. Continual offering.

Sacrifice - "zebach" - Gen_31:54 - [This sacrifice was made by Jacob after he and Laban made a vow not to harm one another and not to see one another any more. Laban kissed his grandchildren and left to his place. Laban was the father of Rebecca, and idol worshipper and his name means ' white' . This is the religious system that looks ok but they swear on the name of YHVH and other gods, this is the system called Babylon (mixing and confusion). We are to sacrifice, get rid of the things that are from our past that is contrary to YHVH' s Torah.] Our offering unto YHVH is to cleanse our selves from all idolatry and any form of false religion. We praise YHVH for revealing these things to us so that we can rid our lives from it by His grace.

Drink offering - "nehsek" - Gen_35:14 - [This is the story where Jacob wrestled with YHVH and where YHVH changed Jacob' s name and his walk. Israel then set up a pillar of stone and poured out a drink offering and oil upon it to seal this event.] Our offering unto YHVH is to change your walk (halechaha) and your name (character) and to become part of Israel. Thanking YHVH that you may be part of His people and be part of His Kingdom.

Gifts - "mattanah" - offerings - Gen_25:6 - [Abraham took a wife again, Keturah (incense and to make it to fume), and she bore him 6 sons. He gave all his possessions to Isaac but he gave gifts to these 6 sons and their children and send them away - These 6 sons of Abraham are 6 nations in the world that has a chance of coming in because they were in the loins of Abraham when YHVH made the promise to Him] These gifts are the nations that will come into the Kingdom and become part of Israel. You might be one of these who came from Keturah and we thank YHVH if it is the case.

Vows - "neder" - a promise Gen_28:20-21 [Jacob saw the ladder, gate to heaven and afterwards made a promise to YHVH that He would be his Elohim if He keep him on this path, give him bread to eat and return him to his fathers House in peace - At the time of Jacob' s Trouble, he will return to his father' s House, Ephraim and Judah will be reunited in the time of Jacob' s Trouble, prior to the Second Coming of Messiah] The vow represents the restoration of the Two Houses and that there will be peace in Jerusalem. Peace means completion of the building process and Jerusalem will be complete when the Temple is rebuild. This will signal the end of the Exile of YHVH' s people and that the time is ready


for the return of our King, the Messiah. We are grateful for this to happen as we see it unfolding in our generation.

Freewill offerings - "nedabah" - voluntary, spontaneous - Gen_35:29 - [YHVH commanded Moses to build the Tabernacle and the people brought freewill offerings in the form of gold, silver, precious stones and different kinds of materials.] This is the prophetic shadow of the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem so that the last of the prophecies may come into fulfillment and pave the way for the coming of our Messiah. Our freewill offerings to YHVH is our prayers for the Peace of completion of Jerusalem and the rebuilding of the Temple and the reuniting of the Two Houses and the Nations prior to the coming of our Messiah.

! The Hour arm: All these offerings are there to prepare us for the things, which are to come at the end of time. YHVH said that there will be a generation where all these things will happen and I believe we are that generation which started at the event where Israel became a nation again in 1948. Seventy years from 1948 is 2018. All of this (I believe) will happen between 1948 & 2018, within the time of the generation that was born close to 1948. /


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The Minute Arm: We have seen the “generation” counts the hours and the Festivals counts the minutes or months in which these events will unfold. .

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' Seasons is the Hebrew word “mo-ed” that means ‘Appointed Times” or Festivals that YHVH had put in place to reveal to us when the Messiah will meet with man on the earth. He fulfilled the first four Festivals during His First Coming and will fulfil the last three during His Second and Final Coming. The purpose of the Festivals of YHVH is to reveal to us the True Messiah and this is very important especially in the last days where the Anti-Messiah will come and deceive even the elect. Those who are aware and follow His Appointed Times will not be caught off guard or be misled by the deceiving power of the Anti-Messiah and they shall escape. /

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The Seconds Arm: As we get closer, we will see prophecies fulfilled and this will be the arm on the clock that counts the seconds or days. 7

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! Daniel repeats the seizing of the sacrifices three times and this makes it very important. The sacrifices will seize during the week of the covenant that will be set up by (I believe) the Antichrist. This will be a seven year period and in the midst of this seven year period, the Altar will be set up and daily sacrifices will start again. He will then come and stop the daily sacrifices and put the “Abomination of Desolation” in the holy place. In the time of the Maccabees, the Abomination of Desolation was a statue of Zeus and it may well be the same for the time of the end. It may also be a statue of the Antichrist, whoever that may be at that time. The things to look out for is this seven year covenant or deal and the rebuilding of the Altar (already started 9 Av 2009) and the image that will be set up. These events will signal the last 3,5 years and the beginning of the Great Tribulation prior to the Second Coming of Messiah. /

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When we see these things happening, we should leave the system and Sukkot for the 3,5 years. These events follow the pattern of the Exodus and this will be the Greater Exodus where YHVH will lead His people out of Egypt (Sin and


bondage) into the Wilderness (away from the System) unto the Promised Land (where He will come to gather us to be with Him at His Second Coming).




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The Four Species were referred to as the Lulav because the Lulav, from the date palm, was the most prominent of the four species. “Now on the first day (of the Feast of Tabernacles) you shall take for yourselves (Heb. - pri etz hadar) the fruit of beautiful trees, palm branches, and boughs of braided (Myrtle) trees and willows of the brook; and you shall rejoice before YHVH your ELohim for seven days” – Leviticus 23:40. “You shall take for yourself …” The common understanding of the meaning of “you shall take for yourself ...” Each person was to have their own Lulav to rejoice with 1. Etrog – Taste & Scent - Bride The Etrog is a citrus fruit that grows on a broadleaf evergreen tree. It is known for its taste and fragrance; other fruits fall from their trees in one season – after ripening; the Etrog continues to hold on more tightly, it “dwells” on the tree, taking years to ripen and bear fruit during several years There are fruit at various stages of ripening that hangs on a tree at one time, each fruit ripening in its own season. This shows a mature Believer that is at different stages in different areas in his/her life. The Etrog has both flavor and fragrance, like one who is both learned and observant of the mitzvoth/commandments, who bear fruit and attract others with their fragrance of peace, love, joy, patience, kindness and goodness. 2. Date Palm – Taste but no Scent - Jews The Date Palm Frond represents the Date, which has a taste but no scent. It is likened to one who is learned in the Torah, apply it and bear fruit, but lack people skills and the fruit of the Spirit of YHVH to effectively convey the Truth to others.

3. The Myrtle – Scent but no fruit/taste - Christians A Myrtle (hadasim) has a pleasant odor but has no fruit, and it is like one who has little Torah but live out a life of love and peace and grace. This is typically people in the Christian Church who follow the Commandment to love but rejects the Torah. The normally also adhere to the Fruit of the Spirit of YHVH and this fragrance is evident in their lives.


4. The Willow – No Taste and no Scent – Non observant Israel

their lives.

Finally the Willow (aravot) lacks both fragrance and fruit, just like one who neither studies the Torah nor keeps the mitzvoth/commandments and lacks the Fruit of the Spirit of YHVH. These are the people who are born into Israel but they are not observant of YHVH’s Torah or His fragrance of His Spirit and Life in

At Sukkot we bind all of these species together to emphasize that all who are Israel are united and interdependent. Within the family called Israel, you will find people who have a beautiful scent as well as tasty fruit, right down to people who know about YHVH but do not follow His Commandments or adhere to His Spirit. YHVH has put us all together so that those who lack something, so that they may be elevated to bearing fruit and having and a lovely fragrance. You will find these four types of people within a Fellowship and you must have room and understanding for each other so that you may learn from one another and grow up into the Image YHVH wants us all to be.

Blessings The Waving of the Lulav "bensching (saying the blessing for) lulav" Baruch atah Adonai eloheynu melech ha-olam, ash-er kid'shanu b'mitzvotav, v'tzi-vanu al n'tilat lulav. Blessed are You, Eternal our ELohim, Ruler of the Universe, who makes us holy through Your commandments and has commanded us concerning the waving of the lulav. May YHVH help us all to grow to become YHVH’s people and become part of the Bride and of Israel. May YHVH help us to prepare our hearts and be ready for the Day of His Coming.


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