Fcc Form

  • October 2019
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WSRN-FM Station Policy 1. Missing your program If you know that you cannot do your radio show a particular week make sure you notify your director 24 hours in advance of the time slot. You are also required to notify the DJ’s scheduled before and after you AND find someone to replace you for that show. A master list of all trained DJs and their phone numbers will be placed in Studio A for your reference. Every DJ is a potential sub (even board members) so you should be able to find someone. Not following this procedure constitutes and unexcused absence. Two unexcused absences will result in the removal of your show for the semester. Three excused absences (which amounts to missing approximately 1/4 of your semester on the air) will also result in the removal of your show. If such infractions occur late in the semester, the penalty will be carried out the following semester. 2. Program logs Make sure you fill out one for your show. The FCC (and therefore WSRN) requires them. If there isn’t one in the book for your show, then it will be assumed that you did not broadcast; this is equivalent to missing your show. If there are no program logs in Studio A, contact the Program Director and make your own until new ones are run off. 3. Refiling Records and CDs REFILE YOUR RECORDS! The records can be easily lost, making it impossible for another DJ to find them. It also makes the station look like a pigsty. Take a few minutes to put away your records and any others which you discover unfiled. Consistent failure to refile records will result in disciplinary action. The alphabet has been posted for your convenience. 4. Food and Drink in Studio A or the Libraries No food or drink is permitted inside WSRN’s studios. There is a lot of expensive equipment in the station, much of it fairly new. Having a soda accidentally spilled on it would cost the station a lot of money. Having food or drink in the station is considered to be grounds for losing your show for the semester. 5. Broadcasting Under the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs If you do it, never again will you broadcast on WSRN. ‘Nuf said. 6. “Borrowing” music from the WSRN libraries This is equivalent to stealing. DJs found to be removing music from the station will be brought before the CJC and will not be eligible to broadcast at WSRN in the future. 7. Obscenity If you think something could possibly be considered obscene, it is. Use common sense, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, keep your audience in mind. You will be held responsible for the judgments you make in this regard. The WSRN Board will be listening, the greater Swarthmore and DelCo community could be listening and, at times, the FCC as well. Be sensible. If the WSRN board deems some content to be obscene, then action will be taken against the DJs responsible for its airing. DJs are responsible for the conduct of their callers and guests.

Do’s and Don’ts of Broadcasting: Keeping the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Happy Obscene or Indecent Material (From WSRN’s policy adopted 1990) WSRN prohibits the broadcast of obscene and/or indecent material at any time. As defined by the FCC, obscene material meets the following conditions: 1. An average person, applying contemporary community standards, must find that the material as a whole appeals to the prurient interest. 2. The material must describe, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct specifically defined by Pennsylvania State Law. Broadcast indecency is language or material that, in context, depicts or describes sexual or excretory activities or organs, in terms of patently offensive as measured by contemporary community standards for the broadcast medium. Mind-altering Substances Use of alcohol, illegal drugs, or prescription drugs which may impair or alter one’s judgment or perception while operating radio transmission equipment is prohibited. Transmitter Operation and Security An operating transmitter must be attended by a responsible broadcaster trained in its use. A transmitter which is to be left unattended must have its transmission ended according to regulation and then be secured against operation by unauthorized persons. Telephone Conversations DJs are responsible for the conduct of any callers they place on the air. NO PORTION of any telephone conversation may be broadcast without informing all parties to the telephone conversation that it is being or will be broadcast. Whether you intend to broadcast a conversation from its inception, answer the phone with “WSRN, you’re in the air.” Invasion of Privacy and Defamation Avoid broadcasting anything that cannot be found in a public record or document cited whenever possible (“...as reported in the New York Times,” for example). Do not make false statements about anyone, including companies and businesses, especially if that statement will harm the individual or entity’s reputation. Precede/follow questionable material with a disclaimer (e.g. “The views expressed during this program are not intended to represent the views of WSRN.”). Hoaxes The Commission will hold any station liable which airs false information concerning a crime or catastrophe if it is foreseeable that broadcast of the information will cause public harm. If a DJ broadcasts a hoax that harms any of our listeners, WSRN can be faced with severe fines and possible revoking of its license. -------------------------------------------------------------- <cut here>--------------------------------------------------------------After reading the rules, please sign and return this portion to WSRN management. Each DJ must submit his/her own, even if you have submitted a joint application. I have read and understand the rules, regulations, and procedures outlined above. By signing this, I agree to abide by all FCC, WSRN, and Swarthmore College rules, as well as decisions of WSRN’s management. Signature________________________________________________________Date________________ Printed Name_________________________________________________________________________

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