Facts About The Sphinx

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Facts, Schematics, Tunnels, Chambers Theories - Riddle of the Sphinx Hall Of Records Mythology - Metaphysics Ellie and the Sphinx


Ellie Visits The Sphinx - December 2000

Cat Headed Beings

Leo Astrology, Astronomy, Mythology, Metaphics, More Sphinx Facts and Schematics

Facts A Sphinx is a zoomorphic mythological figure which is depicted as a recumbent lion with a human head. It has its origins in sculpted figures of Old Kingdom Egypt, to which the ancient Greeks applied their own name for a female monster, the "strangler", an archaic figure of Greek mythology. Similar creatures appear throughout South and South-East Asia, and the sphinx enjoyed a major revival in European decorative art from the Renaissance onwards.

The largest, and best known Sphinx lies near the Great Pyramid in the Giza Valley Plateau, situated about six miles west of Cairo. It is the largest single sculpted statue in the world, carved from the bedrock of the plateau. The Sphinx is oriented due east - facing the rising sun - near the 30th parallel and may well be the oldest monument on the Giza Plateau since long-term water weathering has been found in the great pit in which it lays.

The Western name "Sphinx" was given to it in antiquity based on the legendary Greek creature with the body of a lion and the head of a woman, though Egyptian sphinxes have the head of a man. The ancient Greek term itself is postulated to be a corruption of the ancient Egyptian Shesep-ankh. This name was applied to royal statues in the Fourth Dynasty, though it came to be more specifically associated with the Great Sphinx in the New Kingdom. In medieval texts, the names balhib and bilhaw referring to the Sphinx are attested, including Egyptian historian Maqrizi, which suggest Coptic constructions. The Egyptian Arabic name Abul-Hol, which translates as Father of Terror, came to be more widely used. No one is certain when the Sphinx was built nor what it represents, though many theories about its origin and purpose have been noted. It is commonly believed that the Sphinx was built by ancient Egyptians in the 3rd millennium BC. We do not known the name ancient Egyptians called the statue. It is referred to circa 1500 B.C.E. as Hor-em-akht - Horus in the Horizon, Bw-How Place of Horus and also as Ra-horakhty Ra of Two Horizons. • •

Horus - Hours - the Place Where Time Began Horus - Horse - Horse Horse Nebula - Creation

Carved out of the surrounding limestone bedrock, the Sphinx is 57 metres (260 feet) long, 6 m (20 ft) wide, and has a height of 20 m (65 ft), making it one of the largest single-stone statues in the world. Blocks of stone weighing upwards of 200 tons were quarried in the construction phase to build the adjoining Sphinx Temple. The Sphinx faces due east, with a small temple between its paws. The temple resembles the sun temples that were built later by the kings of the 5th Dynasty. The first attempt to dig it out dates back to 1400 BC, when the young Tutmosis IV, falling asleep beneath the giant head, dreamt that he was promised the crown if he would only unbury the Sphinx. The young prince immediately formed an excavation party which, after much effort, managed to dig the front paws out. To commemorate this effort, Tutmosis IV had a granite stela known as the Dream Stela placed between the paws. Ramesses II may have also performed restoration work on the Sphinx.

In 1817 the first modern dig, supervised by Captain Caviglia, uncovered the Sphinx's chest completely. The entirety of the Sphinx was finally dug out in 1925, to the great pleasure of its numerous visitors. There are no inscriptions on, or in the Sphinx to indicate who built it. The true origin and purpose of the Sphinx remains a mystery, and it is perhaps a puzzle which will never be fully solved. Despite its fundamental enigma, the image of the Sphinx remains in the mind of history as the keystone of ancient Egyptian civilization and a part of its religious beliefs.

Missing Nose The one-meter-wide nose on the face is missing. It has long been presumed that the nose had been broken off by a cannon ball fired by Napoleon's soldiers. However, sketches of the Sphinx by Frederick Lewis Norden made in 1737 and published in 1755 illustrate the Sphinx without a nose. The Egyptian historian al-Maqrizi, writing in the fifteenth century, attributes the vandalism to Muhammad Sa'im al-Dahr, a Sufi fanatic from the khanqah of Sa'id al-Su'ada. In 1378, upon finding the Egyptian peasants making offerings to the Sphinx in the hope of increasing their harvest, Sa'im al-Dahr was so outraged that he destroyed the nose. Al-Maqrizi describes the Sphinx as the "Nile talisman" on which the locals believed the cycle of inundation depended. In addition to the lost nose, a ceremonial pharaonic beard is thought to have been attached, although this may have been added in later periods after the original construction. Egyptologist Rainer Stadelmann has posited that the rounded divine beard may not have existed in the Old or Middle Kingdoms, only being conceived of in the New Kingdom to identify the Sphinx with the god Horemakhet. This may also relate to the later fashion of pharaohs, which was to wear a plaited beard of authority - a false beard (chin straps are actually visible on some statues), since Egyptian culture mandated that men be clean shaven. Pieces of this beard are today kept in the British Museum and the Egyptian Museum.


The head of the Sphinx was altered many times by the Pharaohs therefore it is best remembered with the head of a king wearing his headdress and the body of a lion. Many believe that the original head was that of the lion and the Sphinx dates to the Age of Leo - 12,000 years ago. Based on the current head, many researchers have concluded that the Sphinx was built by the Pharaoh Khafre - Chephren in the 4th Dynasty around 2500 BC. Interestingly the features of the face of the Sphinx bear a far more striking resemblance to an older brother of Khafre, the Pharaoh Djedefre - Radjedef. In 1996, a NY detective and expert in identification, took various measurements of the size, angles and proportions of the head and concluded

that it did not match known representations of Khafre's face. There was a greater resemblance to Khafre's elder brother Djedefre.

Djedefre's short lived reign occurred just prior to the reign of Khafre. Unlike Khafre, Khafre's father, and later Khafre's brother Menkara, Djedefre did not construct his pyramid on the Giza plateau. Instead Djedefre built his pyramid at Abu Roash where it now lies badly damaged. Some believe that Khafre usurped the throne of Djedefre and then built his pyramid and Sphinx at Giza. The sphinx has been repaired many times due to erosion by water and wind. Some people believe that the Sphinx was painted and was quite colorful. Since then, the nose and beard have been broken away.

A piece of the original beard The nose was the unfortunate victim of target practice by the Turks in the Turkish period. It is often erroneously assumed that the nose was shot off by Napoleon's men, but 18th century drawings reveal that the nose was missing

long before Napoleon's arrival. Traces of the original paint can still be seen only near one ear.


1895 In 1905 the sand was cleared away to expose the full body of the Sphinx. The head has been replaced by several different heads - the original the head of a feline cat. The most recent period of restoration began in 2006. The cement which had been used in earlier attempts at restoration was now found to be causing problems. The statue is mostly constructed of porous limestone, which allows

the passage of air. Because cement is non-porous and rigid, changes in the basic proportions of the statue were found to be occurring.


The paws are 50 feet long (15m) while the entire length is 150 feet (45m). The head is 30 (10m) feet long and 14 feet (4m) wide. It is 200 feet long and 65 feet high.

The Sphinx has a tail which wraps around the right hind paw. The paw has been restored in recent years.

The Sphinx has a breast plate between its front paws.

In the New Kingdom, the Sphinx became a symbol of kingship and many kings of this period built temples and stelae (Sphinx Breastplate tablets bearing inscriptions) in the area surrounding the statue. Amenhotep II built a mud-brick temple to the north-east of the Sphinx, and Rameses II, one of the ancient kingdom's most prolific builders, constructed an altar of granite between its paws. Ancient tablets also show images of worshippers presenting burnt offerings to the Sphinx.

There are many metaphors on the breastplate that following the formula for ceation - separation in the physical - to ascension or resurrection of consciounsess in the alchmey of time. The lions images, for example, facing in separate directions represent duality in the electromagnetic grids that form our consciousness experience. In the New Kingdom, the Sphinx became a symbol of kingship and many kings of this period built temples and stelae (upright stone tablets bearing inscriptions) in the area surrounding the statue. Amenhotep II built a mud-brick temple to the north-east of the Sphinx, and Rameses II, one of the ancient kingdom's most prolific builders, constructed an altar of granite between its paws. Ancient tablets also show images of worshippers presenting burnt offerings to the Sphinx.

Schematics, Tunnels, and Chambers

Side doors lead to underground passageways.

Underground passageways and chambers in front and rear

Two passages were found in 1978 - one behind the head of the Sphinx and another on the tail. Far from leading to the Pyramids, however, these tunnels merely led downwards under the monument and were made during the past century by treasure-hunters. During the past two centuries many have come to study and excavate the monument. These include French scholars accompanying Napoleon's army in 1798, Caviglia in 1816, H. Vyse in 1840, Mariette in 1853, Kamal and Daressy in 1909 and Baraize in 1926. It was Baraize who first began restoration work, by renovating the head using cement, and clearing the sand completely around the Sphinx.

Restoring the paws Another problem is caused by the rising water table, which evaporates, leaving salts behind. These salts react with the limestone, causing it to become powdery and to crumble. Pollution from the nearby city of Cairo, together with heat,

wind, sand and humidity are all agents in the monument's slow process of disintegration. In 1982, stones were lost from the north paw and in 1988 a large stone fell from the Sphinx's shoulder. From 1989 onwards, the restoration project entered a more enlightened phase, with more thought being given to the monument's long-term preservation in its original form. The restoration project was planned in three stages: first, to restore the southern side, next the northern side and the chest and lastly, to protect the whole monument from the ravages of the elements. The large old stones and cement were removed from the southern side and replaced with new stones from a quarry at Helwan, which contains rock consistent with the limestone of the original structure. Mortar made of lime and sand replaced the cement as a fixative, and the chest was protected by a limestone course. The Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics at Helwan conducted important studies on the level of the water table, and this has been found to be seven metres below the base of the monument. An electronic weather station nearby at the Getty Institute now records wind, heat and humidity, and a study of the bedrock under the Sphinx has been undertaken by the Engineering Faculty at Cairo University.

Sphinx as an Archetype Other Sphinx styles combine a beast's body usually a lion's with the human face of the ruling pharaoh. Large-scale examples carved in stone often served to guard sanctuaries in ancient Egypt. Although usually depicted in a recumbent position, some sphinxes were shown trampling Egypt's foes. The sphinx archetype also appeared in various forms among other ancient cultures of Western Asia and the Mediterranean, notably in Mesopotamia, Greece, and Etruria. Wings were often added to the leonine body, and female sphinxes were also created, especially in Greece (8th-6th century BC).

Rows of sphinx statues can be found at Luxor and Karnak.

Many sculptures are bearded and have wings.

Egyptian Sphinxes - Protectors - Guardians  Crisophinx (lion body with ram head)  Hierocosphinx (lion body with hawk head)  Androsphinx (lion body with human head, like the Great Sphinx) Sphinx Theories The Great Sphinx is one of the world's largest and oldest statues, yet basic facts about it such as the real-life model for the face, when it was built, and by whom, are debated. These questions have collectively earned the title "Riddle of the Sphinx", a nod to its Greek namesake, although this phrase should not be confused with the original Greek legend. Riddle of the Sphinx

The Sphinx is said to have guarded the entrance to the Greek city of Thebes, and to have asked a riddle of travelers to allow them passage. The exact riddle asked by the Sphinx was not specified by early tellers of the stories, and was not standardized as the one given below until late in Greek history. It was said in late lore that Hera or Ares sent the Sphinx from her Ethiopian homeland (the Greeks always remembered the foreign origin of the Sphinx) to Thebes in Greece where she asks all passersby the most famous riddle in history: "Which creature in the morning goes on four legs, at mid-day on two, and in the evening upon three, and the more legs it has, the weaker it be?² She strangled and devoured anyone unable to answer. Oedipus solved the riddle by answering: Man - who crawls on all fours as a baby, then walks on two feet as an adult, and then walks with a cane in old age. By some accounts (but much more rarely), there was a second riddle: "There are two sisters: one gives birth to the other and she, in turn, gives birth to the first." (answer: day and night‹both words are feminine in Greek.) Bested at last, the tale continues, the Sphinx then threw herself from her high rock and died. An alternative version tells that she devoured herself. Thus Oedipus can be recognized as a "liminal" or threshold figure, helping effect the transition between the old religious practices, represented by the death of the Sphinx, and the rise of the new, Olympian deities. The person behind the Great Sphinx has been a subject of debate. While there is no contemporaneous evidence indicating with certainty whom it represents, the Dream Stele erected by Pharaoh Thutmose IV in the New Kingdom associates the Sphinx with King Khafra (also known by the Hellenised version of his name, Chephren). This would place its construction during the Fourth dynasty of Egypt (2723 BC-2563 BC). Its super-colossal design is characteristic of Old Kingdom architecture, especially during Khafra's reign. Khafra is known to have ordered the building of twenty-two stone structures that were more than three times lifesize, but the largest is believed to be the Great Sphinx. The Sphinx's link with Khafra therefore continues to be the most widely held view by Egyptologists, but other hypotheses exist. In 2004, French Egyptologist Vassil Dobrev announced the results of a 20-year reexamination of historical records and uncovering of new evidence that suggest the Great Sphinx may have been the work of the little known Pharaoh

Djedefre, Khafra's half brother and a son of Khufu (Cheops), the builder of the Great Pyramid of Giza. Dobrev suggests it was built by Djedefre in the image of his father Khufu, identifying him with the sun god Ra in order to restore respect for their dynasty. In common with many famous constructions of remote antiquity, the Great Sphinx has over the years attracted speculative assertions by non-specialists, mystics, and general writers. The reasons for these alternative theories of the origin, purpose and history of the monument invoke a wide array of sources and associations, such as neighboring cultures, astrology, lost continents and civilizations (e.g. Atlantis), numerology, mythology and other esoteric subjects. Egyptologists and the wider scientific community largely ignore such claims; however, on occasion they are drawn into public debate with these theorists, particularly when the claim purports to rely upon some novel or re-interpreted data from an academic field of study.

Water Erosion In recent years professor Robert M. Schoch of Boston University and Colin Reader have speculated that the Sphinx may display evidence of prolonged water erosion. Egypt's last time period where there was a significant amount of rainfall ended during the 3rd millennium BC. Shoch claims that the amount of water erosion they feel that the Sphinx has experienced indicates a construction date no later than the 6th millennium BC or 5th millennium BC, at least two thousand years before the widely accepted construction date and 1500 years prior to the accepted date for the beginning of Egyptian civilization. Reader's assessment is that the Sphinx is a few hundred years older than the traditionally accepted date. This theory has not been accepted by mainstream Egyptologists or experts in related fields. Alternative theories for the erosion include wind and sand, acid rain, exfoliation or the poor quality of the limestone used to construct the Sphinx. John Anthony West

I met researcher and author John Anthony West in Egypt in December 2000. His theories about the age of the Sphinx are based on the weathering of the Sphinx's body dues to water erosion making it much older than is recorded. In a series of expeditions between 1991 and 1993 led by John Anthony West, scientific investigators conducted geological and seismic surveys around the Great Sphinx of Egypt along with other researchers. The team's conclusion: The pattern of erosion on the Sphinx indicates that it was carved at the end of the last Ice Age, when heavy rains fell on the eastern Sahara - perhaps more than 12,000 years ago. This contrasts starkly with the 'orthodox' Egyptological dating for the Sphinx of around 4,500 years ago. Seismography: The seismic survery indicated the existence of several unexplored tunnels and cavities in the bedrock beneath the Sphinx, including a large rectangluar chamber at a depth of some 25 feet beneath the monument's front paws. This film linked the Sphinx to Atlantis and suggested that the chamber beneath the paws might contain the legendary 'Hall of Records' of Atlantis. Dr. Zahi Hawass does not agree stating that there is no scientific proof to these claims. "The Sphinx is the soul of Egypt."

Hancock and Bauval One well-publicized debate was generated by the works of two writers, Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval, in a series of separate and collaborative publications from the late 1980s onwards. Their claims include that the Great Sphinx was constructed in 10,500 BC; that its lion-shape is a definitive reference to the constellation of Leo; and that the layout and orientation of the Sphinx, the Giza pyramid complex and the Nile River is an accurate reflection or "map" of the constellations of Leo, Orion (specifically, Orion's Belt) and the Milky Way, respectively. Their initial claims regarding the alignment of the Giza pyramids with Orion ("... the three pyramids were an unbelievably precise terrestrial map of the three stars of Orion's belt"- Hancock's Fingerprints of the Gods, 1995, p.375) are later joined with speculation about the age of the Sphinx (Hancock and Bauval, Keeper of Genesis, published 1997 in the U.S. as The Message of the Sphinx). By 1998's The Mars Mystery, they claim: ...we have demonstrated with a substantial body of evidence that the pattern of stars that is "frozen" on the ground at Giza in the form of the three pyramids and the Sphinx represents the disposition of the constellations of Orion and Leo as they looked at the moment of sunrise on the spring equinox during the astronomical "Age of Leo" (i.e., the epoch in which the Sun was "housed" by Leo on the spring equinox.) Like all precessional ages this was a 2,160-year period. It is generally calculated to have fallen between the Gregorian calendar dates of 10,970 and 8810 BC. (op. cit., p.189) A date of 10,500 B.C. is chosen because they claim this is the only time in the precession of the equinoxes when the astrological age was Leo and when that constellation rose directly east of the Sphinx at the vernal equinox. They claim also that in this epoch the angles between the three stars of Orion's Belt and the horizon was an "exact match" to the angles between the three main Giza pyramids. The Pharaoh's Journey Horakthi - Horus-of-the-horizon is referenced in the pyramid texts.

In the New Kingdom, around 1550 BC, the sphinx was known as 'Hor-emakht', 'Horus in the Horizon', 'Place of Horus'. Horus, originally a sky god, whose eyes were the sun and the moon, was often depicted as a falcon-headed man. He was revered as the protector of Kings. It is said that the pharaoh, the Horus-king, is to identify himself with the solar disc and that he is to make a journey on the ground by following a map in the heavens. Computer simulations confirm these alignments. The texts tell the pharaoh identifies himself with the solar disc. [Sun - Source of Light or Creation] He placed himself on the riverbed of the Winding Waterway 70 days before the summer solstice. He is then to make a journey of 70 days in which he will be carried across "the Winding Waterway", finally to be united with or fused with Horakthi, Horus-of-the-horizon. Seventy days before the summer solstice in 2,500 BC, the sun or Pharaoh, was exactly west of the Milky Way, the riverbed of the Winding Waterway. [Winding Waterway - Sea of Creation - DNA Spirals of Time and Consciousness] This ceremony took the Pharaoh to a place between the front paws of the Sphinx on the summer solstice in 2,500 BC and that this was an important lead in the search for the secret of the First Time, the Zep Tepi, or the Shining Ones - the Gods who roamed the Earth before the Pharaohs and immortality.

Seventy days later, one finds that the Sun or Pharaoh - has passed the Milky Way and is between the front paws of the constellation Leo.

'Horakthiis' is the name the ancient Egyptians had for the constellation Leo. If Horakthiis also a name for the Sphinx, and the Sphinx is called Hor-emAkhetas well, then it means that the Sphinx is the earthly counterpart of the constellation Leo, its perfect reflection, located in the earthly horizon at Giza. The Sphinx is oriented exactly to the east, to the point where the sun rises on the spring equinox (the time of year when day and night are the same length, which falls on March 21), and not to the point where the sun rises on the summer solstice. This means that when the Pharaoh stood there at dawn, looking due east, on the summer solstice in 2,500 BC, he did not see the Sphinx's celestial counterpart, the constellation Leo, rising directly in front of him; instead, it was coming over the horizon 28 north of east.

If we go back to the time before the birth of Christ, we see that the sun had then begun to rise in Pisces. Hancock believes that this is one of the reasons the early Christians represented Jesus as a fish. If we go further back, to Tutankamon's time, the sun was rising in Aries, and that is why rams are such a common motif in that age, he says. If we go back to 2,500 BC when the Sphinx is said to have been built, we see that the sun is rising in Taurus on the spring equinox. The Sphinx marks the spring equinox. This place is based and founded on astronomical knowledge.

Hancock believes that we have to find the epoch or heaven when the sun was in Leo on the spring equinox, as was an initiation in ancient Egypt. The point in time when the sun is in Leo on the spring equinox is the year 10,500 BC. As I see it, it really is that everything about this place points to just that time period. It is also the period signaled by the three pyramids at Giza.

Alignment of Belt of Orion and the 3 main pyramids of Giza. The reflection between the ground and the sky begins functioning a good month before the spring equinox, a period of time that falls between the winter solstice on December 21 and the spring equinox on March 21. This is indicated by the so-called causeway that goes from the Great Pyramid and points straight at the sunrise at the above moment at the same time the Sphinx is looking directly at Leo.

Hancock and Bauval are sure that all of this is no coincidence based on visible celestial alignments directly south at sunrise on the spring equinox in 10,500 BC. Precisely at the moment the sun disc is rising over the horizon, the three stars in Orion's belt are crossing the meridian in the south, exhibiting in the sky at that moment the pattern that the three pyramids at Giza have.

The whole region from Leo to Orion is the part of the sky that the ancient Egyptians called the Duat, the underworld, chaos, place of creation. It was there the soul traveled after death and of which it must have knowledge before death. These monuments at Giza are perhaps built for remembering and representing that First Time, Zep Tepi, when the gods walked the Earth and were carrying with them a great secret concerning the mystery and meaning of life -- Creation as a consciousness program created by the spiraling patterns of sacred geometry -- 12 around 1. More metaphors from the geometry of the grid program ... This timeline coincides with the American psychic Edgar Cayce's dating of Atlantis, and together these claims are used to support the overall belief in some advanced and ancient, but now vanished, progenitor civilization.

According to Edgar Cayce, the Sphinx was built in 10,500 BC by survivors of the vanished civilization of Atlantis. In the bedrock under the Sphinx they had built a Hall of Records containing all the wisdom of that civilization. The opening to the Hall of Records, which holds the history of the Earth, will be found in the right shoulder of the Sphinx. If you bisect the golden mean that fits around the spiral at the Giza plateau, it passes exactly through the headdress of the Sphinx. Also, extended from the southern face of the middle pyramid and the line that bisects the golden mean, forms a cross that marks a very specific spot on the right shoulder of the Sphinx. Cayce gave the date of the opening of the Hall of Records between 1996 -1998 by certain chosen people. He was not correct. He said that this was all relative to the level of consciousness of humanity at that time. They had to be ready to receive the information. These claims, and the astronomical and archaeological data upon which they are based, have been refuted by scholars who have examined them, notably the astronomers Ed Krupp and Anthony Fairall. The refuting evidence includes noting that the correspondence of the angles between the pyramids and the angles in Orion's Belt at that epoch is not in fact precise or even very close, that the Age of Leo (period when the Sun's path appears in this constellation at the equinoxes) in fact starts 1500 years later than this, that the Zodiac of western astrology is known to have originated in Mesopotamia and not pre-ancient Egypt, and that if the Sphinx is meant to represent Leo, then it should be on the other side of the Nile (the "Milky Way")

from the pyramids ("Orion"). Hancock and Bauval maintain their positions and continue to publish books on their speculations. The scientific community regards these as pseudoscience.

Ethnicity of the Face of the Sphinx Over the years, casual observers, as well as at least one forensic expert have characterized the face of the Sphinx as "Negroid". One of the earliest known descriptions of a "Negroid" Sphinx is recorded in the travel notes of French scholar Constantin-François de Chasseb¦uf, Comte de Volney, who visited in Egypt between 1783 and 1785. Volney described it as "typically Negro in all its features." Likewise, French novelist Gustave Flaubert traveled to Egypt in 1849 and recorded the following observation: We stop before a Sphinx; it fixes us with a terrifying stare. Its eyes still seem full of life; the left side is stained white by bird-droppings (the tip of the Pyramid of Khephren has the same long white stains); it exactly faces the rising sun, its head is grey, ears very large and protruding like a negro's its neck is eroded; from the front it is seen in its entirety thanks to great hollow dug in the sand; the fact that the nose is missing increases the flat, negroid effect. Besides, it was certainly Ethiopian; the lips are thick. In 1992, the New York Times published an article reporting the findings of Frank Domingo, a senior forensics artist with the New York City Police Department who had traveled to Egypt to take exact measurements of the Sphinx's head. Domingo, credited with convening the first national gathering of forensic artists almost ten years earlier, generated a model of the head of the Sphinx both by hand and utilizing computer graphics, and determined that the Sphinx represented a person other than Khafra. Robert M. Schoch of Boston University further suggests that the face has "a distinctive 'African,' 'Nubian,' or 'Negroid' aspect which is lacking in the face of Khafra." The New York Times subsequently published a letter to the editor submitted by orthodontist Sheldon Peck, who concurred with Domingo: The analytical techniquesŠDetective Frank Domingo used on facial photographs are not unlike methods orthodontists and surgeons use to

study facial disfigurements. From the right lateral tracing of the statue's worn profile a pattern of bimaxilliary prognathism is clearly detectable. This is an anatomical condition of forward development in both jaws, more frequently found in people of African ancestry than in those from Asian or Indo-European stock. Zecharia Sitchen

I lectured with scholar Zecharia Sitchen at NYU and made a radio appearance with him in the 1990's. Sitchen's information links with the ancient civilization Sumerand metaphoric Nibiru. In Zecharia Sitchin's book, The Wars Of Gods And Men, he gives his interpretation of ancient texts which strongly suggest that there was an actual war involving gods around 9000 BC. It ended in a peace treaty of sorts between factions of En.lil and En.kiKi, rival half-brothers.

The Pyramid Wars Sitchin says that these gods and goddesses were the political, military, and scientific leaders of The Anunnaki on Earth. They were apparently humanoid. We are descended from them, in-combination-with some indigenous hominoid

genes (Neanderthal, according to Lloyd Pye's opinion and research) or else incombination-with some 'hominid' genes (Homo Erectus, according to Sitchin's opinion and research). Genetic engineering by The Anunnaki, accounts for the so-called unexplained missing link in the Darwin's Theory of the Evolution of humans. Creation of first man by Anunnaki

Laboratory vessels and Tree of Life Sumerian Gods Create a Biogenetic Experiment Sitchin writes that the Great Sphinx was designed and precisely located in terms of exact latitude and longitude, by the Anunnaki. On page 181 of The Wars Of Gods And Men he shows a diagram of a 'layout' involving the general area of Giza/Sinai/Israel/Lebanon.

If you look at this layout, you will notice a dotted line drawn from Giza to where Sitchin thinks the Anunnaki had spaceport facilities in the Sinai. Sitchin says these spaceport were completely destroyed by thermonuclear weapons around 2024 B.C. He backs-up this statement, as always, with compelling evidence from ancient texts, plus tangible modern empirical facts. If the relationship of the face on Mars is analyzed for its distance to other pyramidal structures also discovered on Mars, the geometric relationship is found to be identical to the distances of the Egyptian Sphinx and the pyramids in the surrounding areas of Egypt. Sitchin concluded the placement of these pyramids indicates that they served as landing markers for the Nibiruans after they entered the Earth's atmosphere from outer space. Sitchin also has asserted that the early pyramids were not designed by the Egyptians. NBC-TV aired a program on Nov.10, 1993 entitled "The Mystery of the Sphinx", indicating that the Sphinx is 2,000 years older than previously thought. This corroborated Sitchin's findings that someone other than the Egyptians designed the Sphinx and Great Pyramid.

Hall Of Records

Ellie Standing Beside the Right Paw

Do you sense anything buried here? Schematics The metaphysical Hall of Records is allegedly a library buried under the Great Sphinx of Giza, which is in the Giza pyramid complex. It is rumored to house the knowledge of the Egyptians in papyrus scrolls, much as the Great Library of Alexandria housed Grecian knowedge. There is debate as to whether the Hall actually exists or not, but all excavation in the area has so far yielded little or no results. In truth they never will find a Hall of Records, as that is a term referencing the frequency grids that create our reality, nothing more and accessed until consciousness evolves at the end of the program. Our reality the Masonic (mother sound) Program began in the Middle East (Giza plateau) and so it shall return at the end of linear time. The object of finding any object, the Holy Grail, the Ark of the Covenant, the Akashic Records, Shambhala, Atlantis, etc. is about the quest to find sacred knowledge, the keys that will unlock the truth about reality - who are you? why are you here? what is your soul's purpose? The answer: We exist in a holographic projection, a biogenetic experiment in linear time and emotion, created by electromagnetic grids through which we virtually experience. The program will soon end having come full circle in the cycles of time. It's about knowledge. Crystalinks Hall of Records: Sumerian Gods Allegedly Create a Biogenetic Experiment

Quetzalcoatl 2012 12 Around 1 11:11 Eye Symbology, All Seeing Eye The Eclipse of Time and Consciousness Sacred Geometry Zero Point Flower of Life Thoth Consciousness Frozen in Time Amphibious Gods of Creation Gods with Water Buckets Though repeatedly denied by mainstream Egyptologists, the mythology of the Hall of Records is a popular one among those who hold alternative theories of Ancient Egypt while conducting scientific inquiry in the mysteries of that time. The sources on which this topic is based are not robust. The origins of the story about the "Hall of Records" are unknown, though the idea that there is a cavity around the sphinx dates back to Pliny. In Pliny's Natural History, he states that "[the Egyptians] are of the opinion that a King Harmais is buried inside it." The psychic Edgar Cayce had several psychic reading of the Hall of Records. He claimed that in 1998 the Hall would be discovered and opened and humanity would move into a new era of prosperity. The history of the Earth would be found in the right shoulder of the Sphinx. Cayce also suggested that the opening would coincide with the Second Coming of Christ. Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval, in "Message of the Sphinx" stated that American archeologists and the Egyptian government had in the past blocked investigations around the Sphinx, including attempts to locate any underground cavities. Bauval later wrote Secret Chamber in 1999. According to Bauval's research, Egyptian Antiquities granted an American team a license to search for the Hall of Records under the Sphinx. It is know that there are three passages around the Sphinx, two have unknown origin. One is a small dead-end nineteenth century shaft behind the head. Also, little holes in the body of the Sphinx may be related to its construction, but this is unknown. According to some, the Hall was not the work of Ancient Egyptians at all but another society (this has ranged from advance prehistoric societies to a superior race of intelligent beings). Accordingly, this society sealed the Hall away with scrolls of their accumulated knowledge at about 10,500 BC - the last period of

time when the constellation of Leo was located between the Sphinx's paws when it rose in the night sky. Skeptics have relegated such notions to be much like the supposed inhabitants of Atlantis in the Hellenic Myth. The study of and the search for the Hall may fall under the category of pseudoarchaeology, if such activity does not use methodology that is part of the established scientific method. Also of note, There are 2 other Hall of records located in and around Bimini and in the Yukatan jungle, most likely the ruins of Piedras Negras. According to Drunvalo Melchizedek One of the problems with the Sphinx is that the right shoulder, the area marked by the cross, keeps cracking. The Egyptians have been trying to patch it to keep it together. The head is also falling off. Thoth told me that the head will fall off and that, in the neck, there will be found a large golden sphere, which is a time capsule. The Egyptians are doing everything they can to keep the head and right shoulder from falling off. Thoth also told him that everything was set up at a higher level so that the Halls of Records would be discovered before the end of 1999. Thoth said 148 sets of three people would try to enter the Halls of Records, until one of these sets, coming from the West, would open the doorway by making a sound with their voice. Inside there would be a spiral staircase going into an underground room. The Japanese have the technical ability to see this room clearly enough with instruments to detect a clay pot in the corner. There are three channels that go out from this room. If you know how to read it, the clay pot will tell you where to go and what to do. Thoth said that the three people from the West would enter and go down the right channel. If you go down the wrong channel, or if you are not the right group of people, you will die- a real "Indiana Jones"- type scene. If you are one of the chosen three people you can walk right in without any problem. These three people eventually will come down a long stone hallway lit on its own with no lights; that is, the air itself would be luminous. High up on the left side of the wall would be etched forty-eight sacred geometry drawings. These are the illustrations of the chromosomes of Christ-consciousness-- The first one being the 'flower of life'.

At the end of the hallway there is a slight right hand turn into a large room. Sitting on the raised shelves of this room is physical evidence of the existence of civilization on this planet for the last five and a half million years. At the front of the room is a stone. At the top of the stone these three people would find something like a photograph, an image of themselves. Beneath the images in the photograph they would find their names- not necessarily the names they were given at birth, but their true names. Underneath the names would be a date, which would be that actual day. Thoth said that each of these three people will be allowed to remove one of these objects and take it out. The Akashic Records The Akashic Records refer to the frequency gird programs that create our reality. The Akashic records (Akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning "sky", "space" or "aether") are collectively understood to be a collection of mystical knowledge that is encoded in the aether; i.e. on a non-physical plane of existence. The concept is prevalent in New Age discourse. The Akashic Records are understood to have existed since the beginning of The Creation and even before. Just as we have various specialty libraries (e.g., medical, law), there are said to exist various Akashic Records (e.g., human, animal, plant, mineral, etc) encoding Universal lore. Most writings refer to the Akashic Records in the area of human experience but it is understood that all phenomenal experience as well as transcendental knowledge is encoded therein. History of Akashic Records Those who champion the truth of the Akashic Records assert that they were accessed by ancient people of various cultures, including the Indians, Moors, Tibetans, Bonpo and other peoples of the Himalaya, Egyptians, Persians, Chaldeans, Greeks, Chinese, Hebrews, Christians, Druids and Mayans. It is held that the ancient Indian sages of the Himalayas knew that each soul, jiva, atma, or entity recorded every moment of its existence in a "book", and that if one attuned oneself properly then one could access that book (refer mindstream for example). Nostradamus claimed to have gained access to the Akasha, using methods derived from the Greek oracles, Christian and Sufi mysticism, and the Kabbalah. Other individuals who claim to have consciously used the Akashic

Records include: Charles Webster Leadbeater, Annie Besant, Alice Bailey, Samael Aun Weor, William Lilly, Manly P. Hall, Lilian Treemont, Dion Fortune, George Hunt Williamson, Rudolf Steiner, Max Heindel and Edgar Cayce amongst others. A Chinese man named Sujujin was reported to need only the first name of anyone to access the Akasha and describe their life history. Another Chinese seer, named Tajao, explored a variety of topics in the Records which span over two thousand years. In Surat Shabda Yoga cosmology, the Akashic Records would be located within the causal plane of Trikuti. Description and Explanation of the Akashic records The Akasha is said to be the library of all events and responses concerning consciousness in all realities. Every lifeform therefore contributes and has access to the Akashic Records. It is asserted that to gain access into the Akashic Records, every individual human can become the physical medium, and various techniques and spiritual disciplines (e.g., yogic, pranayama, meditation, prayer, visualization) can be employed to quiet the mind, become a "witness", and achieve the focused, preconscious state necessary to access the Records. While accessing the Akashic Records, both the events and responses are said to be perceived. This is analogous to having a meta-enhanced cinematic experience. When accessing the future, the events are known, but the responses are only probable. Based on an individual's responses in the past, the Akashic seer/reader can investigate probable future responses and give the highest future probability. A simple illustration of this might be witnessing several alternate endings to the main characters in a movie (e.g., Run, Lola, Run). At some point in the evolution of the Akashic reader, however, a state of unification and awareness can be achieved whereby even the future responses are known with absolute clarity instead of only as a probability. Claims and Skepticism Believers in the Akasha make many claims about how widely the Akasha was used, including: •

The claim that in Egypt, those who could read the Akasha were held in high standing and would advise the Pharaohs on daily activities and dream interpretation.[citation needed] The claim that the Druid cultures of Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England (???-500 (est.)) demonstrated the ability to access the Akasha. [citation needed] The claim that the Bible refers to the Akasha records as the Book of Life in both the Old Testament (Psalm 69:28) and the New Testament (Philippians 4:3, Revelation 3:5, 13:8, 17:8, 20:12, 20:15 and Revelation 21:27 "Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life.")

Despite claims that the Akashic Records have been used by mystics throughout history, there are not any direct references to the Akasha to be found in any of the historical documentation of the aforementioned groups. The term Akasha itself, along with the concept of an aetheric library, originated with the 19th century movement of Theosophy. Skeptics say that the concept of Akashic Records has been attributed indiscriminately and inappropriately to a wide range of historical religious figures and movements. Traditionally the theory has also been rejected by the scientific community, due to a lack of any independently verifiable evidence. Interestingly, Ervin Laszlo (2004) explores science and the Akashic Records in the spirit of Occam's razor, and champions the theory of the Records as resolving many anomalies within history, science and experience with simplicity. Specific Accounts of the Akashic Records In Theosophy and New Age discourse the Akashic Records are records of all knowledge, including all human experience, held in the Universe. The Akashic Records are metaphorically described as a library and are also likened to a universal computer or the 'Mind of God'. The Akashic Records are referred to by Edgar Cayce, who stated that each person is held to account after life and 'confronted' with their personal Akashic record of what they have or have not done in life in a karmic sense. The idea is comparable to the biblical Book of Life which is consulted to see whether or not the dead are admitted to heaven. Jane Roberts in the Seth books describes a different version of a similar idea when Seth asserts that the fundamental stuff of the universe is ideas and

consciousness, and that an idea once conceived exists forever. Seth argued that all ideas and knowledge are in principle accessible by "direct cognition". Direct cognition shares semantic congruency with intuition and allows for the possibility of direct knowing without time elapsing and without knowledge needing to be transferred e.g. in speech or text. This is similar to what Robert Monroe refers to as rotes in his out-of-body book trilogy. Some writers believe that, free from and independent of all religions and faiths, there exist many libraries or record repositories such as the Akashic library throughout the universe, albeit on various planes of existence. According to Max Heindel's Rosicrucian writings, the Memory of Nature (Akashic Records) may be read in three different inner worlds. In the reflecting ether of the Etheric region there are pictures of all that has happened in the world - at least several hundred years back, or much more in some cases - and they appear almost as the pictures on a screen, with the difference that the scene shifts backward. The Memory of Nature may be read, in an entirely different manner covering the essence of a whole life or event, in a higher world, in the highest subdivision of theRegion of Concrete Thought of the World of Thought, and, last, it may be read in the World of Life Spirit, covering events from the earliest dawn of our present manifestation, but only spiritual adepts, spiritual entities and through grace is access to the Records granted. In Michel Desmarquet's book Thiaoouba Prophecy, the author claims to have been abducted by supreme alien beings, that in one part of the book guides him through something that is most likely the Akashic records. The term they are using is Psychosphere. The author's understanding is that the Psychosphere is like a "vibratory cocoon, which turns at a speed seven times that of light. This cocoon acts as a blotter, as it were, absorbing (and remembering) absolutely every event occurring on the planet. The contents of this cocoon are inaccessible to us on Earth - we have no way of Œreading the story¹" Urantia Book The Urantia Book confirms the validity and reality of these Living Records in several accounts. In Paper 25 is found the statement: "The recording angels of the inhabited planets are the source of all individual records. Throughout the universes other recorders function regarding both formal records and living records. From Urantia to Paradise, both recordings are encountered: in a local

universe, more of the written records and less of the living; on Paradise, more of the living and less of the formal; on Uversa, both are equally available. Again in Paper 28 in The Urantia book we find reference: "The Memory of Mercy is a living trial balance, a current statement of your account with the supernatural forces of the realms. These are the living records of mercy ministration which are read into the testimony of the courts of Uversa when each individual's right to unending life comes up for adjudication, when "thrones are cast up and the Ancients of Days are seated. The broadcasts of Uversa issue and come forth from before them; thousands upon thousands minister to them, and ten thousand times ten thousand stand before them. The judgment is set, and the books are opened." And the books which are opened on such a momentous occasion are the living records of the tertiary seconaphim of the superuniverses. The formal records are on file to corroborate the testimony of the Memories of Mercy if they are required." Mention in "The Law of One" In The Law of One, Book I, a book purported to contain conversations with a channeled "social memory complex" known to humans as "Ra," when the questioner asks where Edgar Cayce received his information, the answer received is, "We have explained before that the intelligent infinity is brought into intelligent energy from eighth density or octave. The one sound vibratory complex called Edgar used this gateway to view the present, which is not the continuum you experience but the potential social memory complex of this planetary sphere. The term your peoples have used for this is the "Akashic Record" or the Hall of Records. Sphinx Mythology and Metaphysics The Great Sphinx was believed to stand as a guardian of the Giza Plateau, where it faces the rising sun. It was the focus of solar worship in the Old Kingdom, centered in the adjoining temples built around the time of its probable construction. Its animal form, the lion, has long been a symbol associated with the sun in ancient Near Eastern civilizations. Images depicting the Egyptian king in the form of a lion smiting his enemies appear as far back as the Early Dynastic Period of Egypt. During the New Kingdom, the Sphinx became more specifically associated with the god Hor-em-akhet (Greek Harmachis) or Horus at the Horizon, which represented the Pharaoh in his role as the Shesep ankh of Atum (living image of Atum). A temple was built to the northeast of the Sphinx by King Amenhotep

II,nearly a thousand years after its construction, dedicated to the cult of Horemakhet. Myths About the Sphinx

A record of the lost city of Atlantis lies somewhere under the Sphinx's paws - the alleged Hall of Records. This actually references the grid matrix that creates the programs of our reality through which we consciously experience

There is a temple under the Sphinx - The temple or cave is a metaphor for the mind or consciousness

There is a UFO between the Sphinx and The Great Pyramid. This is part of a creational myth encoded within the grid program. The UFO is the egg of creation. The sphinx is the female, the pyramid the male coming together in union - creational egg. The Sphinx appears in Greek mythology as the monster-a woman's head and breasts, dog's body, lion's paws, wings of an eagle, and the tail of the serpentwho questioned Oedipus. To the ancient Egyptians, she symbolically represented the Nile and its seasons. She was also a manifestation of Hathor, Goddess of birth and death. The Sphinx of Egypt was built as guardian of the horizons, the rising and setting sun. It held the keys to the wisdom gates. In the path to deep knowing, initiates had to confront the challenges that the Sphinx posed.


According to Edgar Cayce, the Sphinx was built in 10,500 BC by survivors of the vanished civilization of Atlantis. In the bedrock under the Sphinx they had built a Hall of Records containing all the wisdom of that civilization. The opening to the Hall of Records which holds the history of the Earth, will be found in the right shoulder of the Sphinx. If you bisect the golden mean that fits around the spiral at the Giza plateau, it passes exactly through the headdress of the Sphinx. Also, extended from the southern face of the middle pyramid and the line that bisects the golden mean, forms a cross that marks a very specific spot on the right shoulder of the Sphinx. Cayce gave the date of the opening of the Hall of Records between 1996 -1998 by certain chosen people. He was not correct. He said that this was all relative to the level of consciousness of humanity at that time. They had to be ready to receive the information.

Drunvalo Melchizedek

I met Drunvalo Melchizedek in June 1996 while attending the first Star Knowledge Conference in South Dakota. Drunvalo said that he had met Thoth in the Sphinx where information was given to him. I believe this to be telepathic - the information metaphoric in content. Thoth told me that the head of the sphinx will fall off one day. A large golden sphere, which is a time capsule, will be found in the neck. 148 sets of three people would try to enter the Halls of Records, until one of these sets, coming from the West, would open the doorway by making a sound with their voice. Inside there would be a spiral staircase going into an underground room. These three people eventually will come down a long stone hallway lit on its own with no lights; that is, the air itself would be luminous. High up on the left side of the wall would be etched forty-eight sacred geometry drawings. These are the illustrations of the chromosomes of Christ-consciousness. The first one being the 'flower of life'. At the end of the hallway there is a slight right-hand turn into a large room. Sitting on the raised shelves of this room is physical evidence of the existence of a civilization on this planet for the last five and a half million years. At the front of the room is a stone. At the top of the stone these three people would find something like a photographic representation of themselves. Beneath the images in the photograph they would find their names - not necessarily the names they were given at birth, but their soul names. Underneath the names would be a date, which would be that

date. Each of these three people will be allowed to remove one of these objects and take it out. In A Class Of His Own In the 1980's I taught Special Education in High School in Brooklyn. The groups I taught had various learning challenges but were basically good students. One of the students was a boy named Patrick Ager who aspired to be an artist. In June 1989 - the last day of class for the semester - 18 year old Patrick - asked me if he could draw a picture of how he saw me. I agreed. Forty minutes later the bell rang sounding the end of the lesson! This is how Patrick saw his teacher, Miss Crystal!

I will never forget his words, "Miss Crystal, this is you. I am not sure why I drew the beard and mustache. I hope you are not offended. This is who you truly are and where you have to go one day." I put the picture away, finding it again on July 2, 2000. There is a reason for all things.



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