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  • Words: 540
  • Pages: 20
Marketing Common Research:

Rebate Perceptions Presented By: Adithya Raj Gaurav Kumar Nishant Chaubisa Surbhi Agarwal Urpreet Kaur Soni Vipul Gupta

INTRODUCTION • Rebate – kind of promotional tactic to increase unit sales and discriminate among consumers • Rebates offer consumers an opportunity to receive a monetary reward for buying a promoted product, provided they expend some effort to receive the reward.

Research Problem • Gain an insight on “common rebate perceptions”. • Examine: – rebate-induced purchases – rebate redemption

Insight of Research • Problem Identification: – determine the factors underlying consumer perception of rebates.

• Scope of the Research: – Respondents were students of ABS – Age groups between 20-30

Insight of Research • Type of Research: – descriptive research

• Data Collection: – Primary Data collected through help of questionnaire – Secondary Data included Articles from internet, Business journals

Insight of Research • Sample Size: – 60 questionnaires were distributed uniformly – 50 samples units were chosen (else being incomplete)

Insight of Research • Scale used in questionnaire: – five point Likert Scale – 1 represents “STRONGLY AGREE” – 5 represents “STRONGLY DISAGREE”

Data Analysis • Why Factor Analysis: – allow us to test theories involving variables which are hard to measure directly. – help us establish that sets of questionnaire items (observed variables) are in fact all measuring the same underlying factor. – so can be combined to form a more reliable measure of that factor.

Interpreting SPSS Output

– A value of 0 indicates diffusion in the pattern of correlations (hence, factor analysis is likely to be inappropriate). – 1 indicates factor analysis should yield distinct and reliable factors. – (p < 0.001)- factor analysis is

Communalities Analysis

– Reflect common variance in data structure

– 62.3% of the variance associated with question 1 is common, or shared variance

Factor Extraction

– 3 Eigen values greater than 1. – Hence 3 factors can be obtained

Factor Loadings

– Shows percentage of variance explained (so, factor 1 explains 23.780% of total variance).

Rotated Component Matrix

– Factor 1 – • • • •

Complicated_process Could_be_easier Consumer_benefit Sincere_manufacturer

Rotated Component Matrix – Factor 2: • Pursuade_customers • Slowmoving_items • Buy_more

– Factor 3: • Consumer_demand • Consumer_welfare

CONCLUSION – Rebates are effective in • obtaining new users • brand switching • repeat purchases among current users.

– Play an important role in market transformation – Act as a catalyst to jump-start markets

RECOMMENDATIONS – Manufacturers give rebates usually on products that are less used by consumers hence they should take care to give rebates on fast moving goods. – Manufacturers should give rebates which are not only beneficial to them but also helpful to customers. – Rebates sometimes seem to be very useful but there is not as much profit as it seems so that we can consider them. – Manufacturers should offer rebate that are beneficial to consumers, they should offer differential rebates.


Make sure that manufacturers provide quality products with rebate offers; they should not be eye washers.

Business exists due to customers, but customers’ welfare is not the primary motive of business.

Todays manufacturers are very shrewd in designing the rebate, they very well take into consideration the need of the consumers.

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