Exxon Mobil

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ABSTRACT: A large portion of world’s natural gas reserves are “stranded” resources, the drive to monetize these resources leads to the development of gas-to-liquids (GTL) and liquefied natural gas (LNG) technologies. LNG has the advantage of having been developed for the past 40 years and having an excellent safety record. GTL on the other hand is another option with substantial benefits, but its development stage and commercial viability are far behind LNG. This paper presents a technoeconomic comparison of GTL with LNG, including technical development, market potential for the products, and capital cost for the infrastructure. The aim is to give an overall view on both LNG and GTL and provide a perspective on the profitability of these two technologies.


INTRODUCTION Gas to liquid (GTL) provide ultra clean fuel that can dramatically improve air quality in the major metropolitan areas of the world. Gas to liquid technology uses syngas production and the Fischer – Tropsch synthesis process to convert natural gas into liquid synthetic fuels. Unlike products refined from crude oil, GTL fuels are crystal clean and free from sulphur and aromatic pollutants – greatly exceeding new and proposed Japanese, European Union and U.S. environmental regulations. GTL fuels can be used to run diesel engines, jet and natural gas turbines and also fuel cells. We believe that we can create value for our shareholders by applying this technology to the abundant natural gas available throughout the world and primarily in the Middle East. Engineering advances and exciting new catalyst formulations have dramatically reduced the capital cost of producing super clean fuels from natural gas. The GTL Technology has the potential to convert the trillions of cubic feet of stranded natural gas worldwide into billions of barrels of economic value. Countries that control the gas, will realize great value from the investments, jobs and revenue that will result from the development of these resources. Furthermore, the products and fuel from GTL plants can be transported and sold through conventional infrastructure, such as tankers, pipelines, storage facilities and existing retail distribution systems. The process yields the highest quality synthetic hydrocarbons than can be used directly as a fuel in a normal diesel engine, or blended with lower quality crude oil – derived diesel fuel to help meet more stringent engine exhaust standards and increased performance requirements.

While the GTL process can be designed to refine several types of products, our focus will be on diesel as a transportation fuel and naphtha as a chemical feed stock. Ultra – clean diesel has two natural markets: it can be blended with conventional diesel to meet lower sulphur specifications and be used as a cost effective alternative to more costly refining processes. It can also be sold as a specialty product to major cities for use in buses, trucks, taxis etc. to alleviate air pollution problems. Many of the world’s cities are in need of such an alternative fuel application that functions better than conventional fuels, including compressed natural gas. The ultra-clean naphtha product is ideally suited to ethylene cracking for the manufacture of petrochemicals because of its high paraffin content. Both the diesel and naphtha market are significant today in absolute terms and expanding at strong rates of growth. The clean diesel product is likely to have the highest demand in the Far East and Europe while the high value naphtha will probably be consumed in the Middle East. GTL not only adds value, but also is capable of producing product that could be sold or blended into refinery stock as superior product with fewer pollutants, for which there is growing demand. Reflecting its origin as a gas, gas-to-liquid processes produce diesel fuel with an energy density comparable to conversional diesel, but with a higher cetane number, permitting a superior performance engine design. Another problem emission associated with diesel fuel is particulate matter, which is composed of un-burnt carbon and aromatics and compounds of sulfur. Fine particulates are associated with respiratory problems, while certain complex aromatics have been found to be carcinogenic. Low sulphur content, leads to significant reductions in particulate matter that is generated during combustion, and the low aromatics content reduces the toxicity of the particulate matter reflecting in a worldwide trend towards the reduction of sulphur and aromatics in fuel.

The cetane number indicates how quickly the fuel will auto-ignite, and how evenly it will combust. Most countries require a minimum cetane number of around 45 to 50: A higher cetane number represents a lower flame temperature, providing a reduction in the formation of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) that contributes to uban smog and ground level ozone. 1.1

WHY GAS TO LIQUID (GTL) (i) Expanding utilization of Natural gas: Great expectations for expanding utilization of natural gas are being held by the world’s energy market from the standpoint of addressing the global environmental problems. Converting natural gas into energy in liquid state is thought to be One of the best ways of expanding natural gas utilization and having natural gas complete with petroleum. (ii)Strengthened restriction measures on gas flaring: GTL is been watched with keen interest also from the standpoint of natural gas resources. Nigeria’s push to the end of gas flaring before the end of the decade means oil field developers are forced to find an outlet for natural gas. GTL technology could be a way out. (iii)

Strengthening of quality regulations of transportation fuel: Due to environmental pollution prevention each country in the world is making plans to further strengthen measure to counter the issue of automotive emissions. Since sulphur contained in the diesel fuel tends to increase the quantity of particulate matter in the automotive emissions, plans are underway to strengthen the quality regulation of diesel fuel in most of the countries, of the world.


Escalation in oil price and refining margin: Escalation in crude oil prices will make GTL products more valuable, while the shift towards gas in many companies reserve portfolio promises plenty of cheap, feed gas looking for a path to market.

Market diversification: GTL can increase the market diversification of a


producer’s portfolio. This is the main reasons that Sasol / Chevron and Nigerian government is pursuing GTL technology. (vi)

Increase in the world’s proved natural gas resources


GTL technology advancement.



1.2.1 MONITIZING GAS RESERVES: GTL has the potential to convert a significant percentage of the world’s estimated proved and potential gas reserves – estimated to be upwards of 14,000 TCF of natural gas, which today holds little or no economic value, into several hundred billion barrels of all equivalent of great economic value to the companies and countries that control them. 1.2.2


GTL will help eliminate the need for flaring or re-injecting natural gas, permitting early development and production of oil fields shut in by the inability to dispose of associated gas and reducing the negative environmental impact of flaring. 1.2.3 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF REMOTE GAS: GTL will permit the economic development of remote gas discoveries that are otherwise deemed too far from market to have any economical value. 1.2.4 ENVIRONMENTALLY – SUPERIOR LIQUID FUELS: GTL will yield synthetic hydrocarbons of the highest quality that can be used directly as fuels or blended with lower quality crude oil derived fuels to bring them up to compliance with more stringent environmental and performance specifications.

From the foregoing, it is worthy of note that one major attraction of GTL conversion is that it enables stranded gas reserves to be transported to market through existing oil pipelines, avoiding complexities attending the permitting, regulation and operation of new gas pipeline systems. However, it will be interesting to know that GTL is not viable everywhere. The major factors affecting its viability are:


Premium gas resource

Oil and gas price and capital cost

Financial strength and freedom to operate

Large project execution skill

Global marketing capability

STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM In Nigeria today, everybody is depending solely on crude oil. It has also been discovered that a time in the future, that Nigeria will run short of oil. For this singular reason, a large number of industrial and government sponsored programmes to develop commercially viable process options are in various stages of development. The Nigerian government recently announced a gas reserve base of 170 tcf to 200 tcf, 120 tcf of which is proven and uncommitted. In addition, as much as 90% of discovered oil reservoirs are estimated to constitute the oil leg to a gas cap. While this situation seems to tend itself well to an LNG exploitation strategy, the logistics of gathering discovered gas to a central point are almost impossible as these reserves are scattered in small 1 – 3 tcf deposits among hundreds of fields across the highly fragmented Niger Delta. Therefore, with the exception of a few large concentrations, such as the case of Shell’s Bonny LNG plant, much of the country’s gas remain stranded, reinjected or part of the estimated 2bcf that is flared daily making Nigeria the highest gas flaring in the world. Thus effective utilization of natural gas

resources being flared daily is an urgent task to be addressed also from the environmental protection standpoint. 1.4

OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY With the oil price reaching the climax recently, coupled with dampening oil reserve and global warming, interest has been on production of liquid hydrocarbon through Fischer – Tropsch (FT) synthesis. Even though FT synthesis has long been a technically proven technology, the development of commercial GTL technology has been gradual and slow. The major factor affecting the development of GTL is economics. This has made its economic viability a major concern among major resource holders. Therefore, it is the aim of this project to: (i)

Study the overall process scheme of Fischer Tropsch Gas-to-Liquid Technology


Study the techno-economic comparison of GTL and LNG


Highlight the early efforts to upgrade Fischer Tropsch reaction into fuel, lubricants and useful products.




HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF GTL Petroleum came from two Greek words, Petras meaning rock and Oleum meaning oil. Therefore petroleum is defined as oil from rock. Also it is clearly the fuel of the future, and to insure that Germany would not lack a plentiful supply, German scientist and engineers synthesized petroleum from their country’s abundant coal supplies and thereby established the world’s first technology successfully synthetic fuel industry. Of the several conversion processes the Germans developed, high – pressure coal hydrographic or liquefaction and the Fisher – Tropsch Synthesis (F-T) were the most advanced Friedrich Bergius (1884 – 1949) launched the German program for energy independence with the invention of high-pressure coal hydrogenation in the years 1910 – 25. Franz Fischer (1877 – 1947) and Hans Tropsch broadened it with the gaseous synthesis of liquid fuels in the mid – 1920s Farben, Ruhrehemie, and others industrialized the German energy program with their development of the Bergius process and Fischer – Tropsch Synthesis from the 1920s to the end of World War II. Germans successfully used gas derived from coal to feed Fischer – Tropsch plants to provide diesel and gasoline for its armies during World War II. The process largely fell into disuse after the war due to the availability of relatively cheap oil. However, the isolation of South Africa under apartheid regime created strategic issues for the then government. These issues coupled with the relative abundance of coal in South Africa led to the establishment of sasol in 1955 and subsequently the development and refinement of a Fischer – Tropsch based industry converting coal to liquid fuel / chemicals. South Africa was home to world’s largest GTL plant, the 30,000 bpd Mossel Bay facility, until it was eclipsed by the June 2006 start up of Sasol / chevron and Qatar Petroleum’s 34,000 bpd Oryx plant in Qatar. The only commercial scale GTL project currently in operation is Shell’s 14,700 bpd

Bintulu plant in Malaysia, there are also more than ten pilot GTL plants (with outputs between two to 400 bpd) around the world. FIGURE 2.1 SCAN SHELL GTL PLANT IN BINTULU, MALAYSIA (CLEK OFOMA PG 5)



2.2.1 SASOL Sasol is a synfuel technology supplier established to provide petroleum products in coal-rich but oil-poor South Africa. The firm has built a series of Fischer Tropsch coal-to-oil plants, and is one of the world’s most experienced synthetic fuel organization and now marketing a natural gas to oil technology. It has developed the world’s largest synthetic fuel project, the Mossgas complex at Mossel Bay in South Africa that was commissioned in 1993 and produces a small volume of 25,000 bpd. To increase the proportion of higher molecular weight hydrocarbon, Sasol has modified its Arge reactor to operate at higher pressures.


Sasol has commercialized four reactor types with the slurry phase distillate process being the most recent. Its products are more olefinic than those from the fixed bed reactors and are hydrogenated to straight chain paraffins. Its slurry phase Distillate converts natural gas into liquid fuels, most notably superior quality diesel using technology developed from the conventional Arge tabular fixed bed reactor technology. The resultant diesel is suitable as a premium blending component for standard and diesel grades from conventional crude oil refineries. Blended with lower grade diesel it assists to comply with the increasingly stringent specifications being set for transport fuels in North America and Europe. The other technology uses the Sasol Advanced Synthol (SAS) reactor to produce mainly light olefins and gasoline fractions. Sasol has developed high performance cobalt – based and iron based catalysts for these processes. The company claims a single molecule or Sasol Slurry Phase Distillate Plant that converts 100MMScfd of natural gas into 10,000 bpd of liquid transport fuels that can be built at a capital cost of about US$ 250 million. This cost equates to a cost per daily barrel of capacity of about

US$250,000 including utilities, off-site facilities and infrastructure units. If priced at US$0.5/MMBtu, the gas amount to a feed stock cost of US$5 per barrel of product. The fixed and variable operating cost (including labour, maintenance and catalyst) are estimated at a further US$5 per barrel of product, thereby resulting in a direct cash cost of production of about US$10 a barrel (excluding depreciation). These costs should however be compared with independent assessments. In June 1999, Chevron and Sasol agreed to an alliance to create ventures using Sasol’s GTL Technology. The two companies have conducted a feasibility study to build a GTL plant in Nigeria that would begin operation in 2010. Sasol reportedly also has been in discussions with Norway’s Statoil, but no definite announcements have been made. 2.2.2 STATOIL With its large gas reserves, Norway’s statoil has been developing catalyst and process rectors for an F-T process to produce middle distillates from natural gas. The statoil process employs a three phase slurry type reactor in which syngas is feed to a suspension of catalyst particles in a hydrocarbon slurry which is a product of three processes itself. The processes continuous to be challenged by catalyst performance and the ability to continuously extract the liquid product. 2.2.3 SHELL Shell has carried out R&D since the late 1940s on the conversion of natural gas, leading to the development of the shell middle Distillate synthesis (SMDS) route, a modified F-T process. But unlike other F-T synthesis routes focuses on maximizing yields of middle distillates notably kerosene and gas oil. Shell has built a 12,000 b/d plant in 1993 in Bintulu, Malaysia (see fig 2.1). The process consists of three steps. The production of syngas with a H2: CO

ratio of 2.1; syngas conversion to high molecular weight hydrocarbons via F-T using a high performance catalyst; and hydro cracking and hydroisomerisation to maximize the middle distillate yield. The products are highly paraffinic and free from nitrogen and sulphur. Shell is inverting US$6 billion in gas to liquid technologies over 10 years with four plants. It announced in October 2000, agreement with the Egyptian government for a 75,000 b/d facility and a similar plant for Trinidad & Tobago. In April 2001, it announce interest for plants in Australia and Malaysia at 75,000 b/d costing US$1.6 billion. 2.2.4 EXXON Exxon has developed a commercial F-T system from natural gas feed stock Exxon claims its slurry design reactor and proprietary catalyst systems results in high productivity and selectivity along with significant economy of scale benefits. Exxon employes a three step process: fluid bed synthesis gas generation by catalytic partial oxidation, slurry phase F-T synthesis; and fixed bed product upgrade by hydroisomerisation. The process can be adjusted to produce a range of products. More recently, Exxon has developed a new chemical method based on the Fischer – Tropsch process, to synthesis diesel fuel from natural gas. Exxon claims better catalyst and improved oxygen – extraction technologies have reduced the capital cost of the process and is actively marketing the process internationally. 2.2.5 SYNTROLEUM The Syntroleum Corporation of the USA is marketing an alternative natural gas to diesel technology based on the F-T process. It claimed to be competitive as it has a lower capital cost due to the redesign of the reactor, using an air-based autothermal gas preparation to eliminate the significant capital expense of an air separation plant, and high yields using their

catalyst. It claims to be able to produce synthetic crude at around $20 per bbl. The syncrude can be further subjected to hydro-cracking and fractionation to produce a diesel/naphtha/kerosene range at the user’s discretion. The company indicates it process has a capital cost of around $13,000 per daily barrel of diesel for a 20,000 to 25,000 bpd facility and an operating cost of between $3.50 to $5.70 per barrel. The thermal efficiency of the syntroleum process is reported to be about 60 percent, implying a requirement for about 90 million, cubic feet (85 terajoules) per day of dry gas for a $300 to $350 million, 25,000 barrel per day capacity facility. These figures therefore suggests a unit cost of less than $20 per barrel ($3.20 per giga joule) of diesel fuel. The company claims the required economic scale would be similar if based on LNG. Table 2.1 locations and estimated capacities of existing and potential commercial GTL plants: COUNTRY COMPANY CAPACITY, B/D Australia Sasol Chevron Texaco 50,000 Australia Shell 75,000 Bolivia GTL Bolivia 10,000 Bolivia Repsol YPE, Syntroleum 103,500 Egypt Shell EGPC 75,000 Indonesia Shell 75,000 Indonesia Pertamina, Rentech 16,000 Iran Shell 75,000 Iran Sasol 110,000 Nigeria Chevron Texaco, Sasol, NNPC 34,000 Malaysia Shell 12,500 Peru Syntroleum 40,000 Qatar Shell, QPC 75,000 Qatar Exxon Mobil, QPC 100,000 Qatar Sasol, QPC 34,000 South Africa PetroSA 30,000 United States ANGTL 50,000 Venezuela PDVSA 15,000 Total 980,000 2.3

ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND BENEFITS OF G.T.L Converting natural gas to liquid fuel benefits the environments in two ways. First, the regulating liquid hydrocarbons are pure and burn cleanly. They are colourless, odourless and low in toxicity. Second, converting gas to liquid

allows producers to transport and market associated gas that would otherwise be flared into the atmosphere. The clean-burning properties of diesel derived from converted natural gas were recognized as soon as Fischer and Tropsch tested their synthesized liquid fuel. Their synthetic diesel burned with reglible emissions and was preferred over petroleum – based diesels for powering underground motors. Liquid fuels distilled form crude petroleum typically contain sulphur, nitrogen, aromatic compounds and other impurities. When burned, these crude – based fuel emit carbon monoxide, sulphur and nitrogen oxides and particulates, all of which contributes to air pollution and the green house effect. It also has a certain number between 75 and 80 compared to a typical refinery diesel of less than 50, which further improves its combustion properties. Two disadvantages of G.T.L diesel are its relatively low density and poor lubricating qualities, which can however be overcome by the addition of additives or by blending with regular refinery fuel. Concerns over the environmental effects of fossil fuel combustion have led global organizations to encourage efforts to reduce industry and transportation related emissions. Several countries now have legislated goals to improve the quality of fuel used for transportation. Further environmental benefits of G.T.L conversion come from facilitating production and transportation of associated gas that is normally flared. When allowed, operators flare produced gas if their field’s surface facilities are designed solely for oil production of if the gas cannot be re-injected. However, flaring waste natural resources and contributes to air pollution. Reducing the amount of gas flared requires curbing gas production, which is linked to oil production. For many fields with associated gas, stick limits on

gas production translate into limits on oil production that can eventually make oil production uneconomic. Up until a few years ago, mentioning the word diesel used to bring to mind words such as “smell”, “smoke”, and “rattle”. Just how much things have changed has been illustrated by this year’s new racing car entry in the 24 Heures du Mans race (Le Mans). Back in December 2005, the Audi R10, a diesel-powered car, was unveiled as capable of winning the famous Le Mans 24 hour race. With huge torque and superior fuel economy the car’s bid for Le Mans is as credible as any gasoline entry and, furthermore, at the Paris launch of the car, there was no smell, no smoke and no rattle. Indeed, the car’s driver and seven-time Le Mans winner Tom Kristensen commented that the almost total absence of noise is one of the things he and other R10 drivers will need to get used to. So what has changed? Certainly one of the elements is the fuel. Indeed, the Audi R10 will be powered by Shell V-Power Diesel. Whilst the project will see two of the biggest names in motor sport striving for an historic milestone in racing, the expertise behind the technology comes from a deep understanding of what works on the road. Audi, inventor of the TDi technology and pioneer of the European diesel revolution, has worked extensively with Shell in the past – and has been involved in the development and testing of Shell V-Power Diesel. This advanced fuel is designed to help the latest generation of diesel engines to continuously deliver more power, and will utilise Shell’s exclusive synthetic GTL Fuel technology. Shell has led the introduction of this innovative fuel technology and is already supplying GTL Fuel through more than 3,000 of its service stations across Europe as the special ingredient at the heart of

Shell V-Power Diesel. GTL Fuel has the

advantage that although new to motorists, it has been produced for over a decade using tried and tested technology. It is the gasoil or diesel fraction produced from the Fischer-Tropsch process, so called after its inventors, which consists of a catalytic chemical conversion of natural gas into

synthetic liquid oil products. Shell first embarked on research into Gas to Liquids technology in the early 1970s, leading to the commissioning of the Bintulu plant in 1993 that has successfully delivered more than a thousand shipments of GTL products. The operational experience gained at Bintulu over the past decade has helped to drive improvements in the performance and reliability of the plant, creating a safe, efficient and profitable business. Shell is now applying this accumulated knowledge and experience to the development of world-scale GTL projects, such as the Pearl GTL project in Qatar. In addition to GTL Fuel, GTL plants produce a range of other products, including chemical feedstocks, naphtha and lubricant base oils, all of which are already successfully marketed from Bintulu. Compared to the traditional route of extracting normal paraffin from kerosene, the GTL route is simpler and has significant capital and operating cost advantages. In the future, GTL technology could largely replace traditional technology to meet the growth in demand for normal paraffin. GTL Base Oils have unique properties with low volatility and a high viscosity index that will provide a further catalyst for cleaner and higher performance engine designs. GTL Fuel is fully fungible with refineryderived gasoil, and could easily be absorbed by the highly liquid, commodity gasoil market. Any premium for the product is based upon tangible benefits derived from the unique properties of the molecule virtually zero aromatics and sulphur, and high cetane - and the possibility of upgrading conventional gasoil by blending it with GTL Gasoil. Hence, GTL technology offers the potential to place high quality, gas-derived products into readily available and high value oil products markets. Access to these markets is implified and hence made more cost effective by the fact that the transition from natural gas to liquid is permanent at ambient temperature and pressure, making transport possible in conventional oil tankers as well as through the existing land-based distribution infrastructure.

However, marketers are constantly seeking out new, sustainable opportunities for products that add value to both the producer and the customer. Hence, Shell introduced its first blend of standard diesel and GTL Fuel as Shell Pura Diesel in Thailand in 2002. This was followed by the launch of a GTL blend designed for taxis and commercial vehicles as a clean fuel for the Athens Olympics in 2004. In marketing these fuels as well as V-Power Diesel, Shell has drawn on the experience gained from its existing premium fuels business that has seen the successful launch of a range of customer focused fuels in more than 40 markets. Marketing future fuels, such as synthetic GTL Fuel, follows a similar approach to that applied to these advanced premium fuels. The first step is to develop and test the fuel with leading vehicle and engine component manufacturers. The partners will then conduct highly 5 visible public trials to demonstrate the benefits of the product to interested parties such as customers and governments. Of course, the necessary infrastructure must be put in place to ensure that the fuel reaches customers at the appropriate price. In developing a market for GTL Fuel, Shell has been able to draw upon a number of inherent advantages of the product. The first of these is that it can be distributed through the existing fuelling infrastructure and used in existing vehicles. That makes it a more cost-effective option than other alternative fuels for marketers but also for drivers who can take advantage of a new fuel without having to modify their vehicles. Independent research carried out by the California Energy Commission compared the performance of GTL Fuel with other alternative fuels such as CNG and LPG. It concluded that GTL was the most cost-effective alternative fuel for the replacement of petroleum based products and reducing local emissions. The flexibility of GTL Fuel is another attractive feature for the market. In particular, the use of GTL in a blend opens up growing opportunities in the light of the increasing use of diesel-powered vehicles. In France, diesel vehicles now make up 70 per cent of new car registrations and total sales of diesel passenger cars in western Europe are now outstripping those for gasoline powered cars for the first time, with the trend set to continue.

However, the key advantage offered by GTL Fuel is the reduction it offers in local emissions. This is attractive to policy makers, drivers and the inhabitants of cities and traffic-congested areas. GTL Fuel significantly reduces local emissions of particulates, nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide, and hydrocarbons. Furthermore, independent studies show that carbon dioxide emissions from GTL Fuel are currently comparable with refinery-produced diesel on a life cycle assessment basis. Considerable R&D is being invested to increase GTL plant efficiency targeting up to 30% reductions in CO2 emissions, whilst improvements in engine technology will lead to further gains. Already, GTL Fuel can offer improved engine efficiency from minor adjustments to ignition timing and compression ratio designed to maximise the benefit of its high cetane number. All of which means there is potential to improve emissions performance still further. The most rewarding part of our GTL Fuel marketing activities is the favourable response from our customers. Indeed, in the markets where GTL Fuel blends have been launched, the product has proved attractive to customers and has rapidly gained market share. Customer research has shown that consumers react positively to the synthetic fuels story, appreciating its innovative nature, its emissions performance and the fact that they are at the leading edge of a very new development in the fuels market. GTL Fuel, neat or blended with conventional diesels, has been tested in close cooperation with the diesel experts from the automotive industry who are convinced that it enables better performance, fuel economy and reduced local emissions. 2.4 TESTING GTL ON THE ROAD Shell has been conducting a number of trials using GTL Fuel in some of the major cities around the world. These trials have helped to demonstrate the advantages of the fuel in practice and to raise awareness amongst both governments and the public. Each of the trials have tested GTL Fuel in different conditions and in different vehicles, (cars, buses and lorries), and the results of all these trials to date have shown significant reductions in particulate emissions, along with decreases in

hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide, at the same time as maintaining engine performance. Emissions benefits were seen in a trial with 25 Volkswagen Golf cars launched in Berlin by former German Chancellor Schroeder. Results showed that neat GTL Fuel used in unmodified cars provided reductions of 26% in particulates, 63% in hydrocarbons, 6% NOx and 91% carbon monoxide even compared with so-called ‘sulphur free’ diesel. In June 2005, Shell and Volkswagen were jointly awarded one of the top honours in the world for advancements in automotive engineering and fuel development, the coveted Prof. Ferdinand Porsche prize, following their partnership in the successful GTL Fuel trial conducted in Berlin. In London, ten Toyota cars operating on 100 % GTL Fuel were loaned to voluntary organisations to use in their every day activities. The vehicles were also equipped with Toyota’s D-CAT emission reduction technology as part of a joint Toyota and Shell research programme that is developing new 6 vehicle and fuel technologies. This work underlines the way that the advantages of GTL Fuel can be leveraged further when combined with advanced engine technology. A year-long trial in California, tested GTL Fuel in six trucks with conventional engines as they delivered bottled water. The results showed that even without particulate filters, nitrogen oxide emissions were reduced by 16 % and particulates by 23 %. Similar reductions have been seen from trials of GTL blends in heavyduty lorries and diesel-hybrid buses in Japan. In Shanghai, an Audi A8 using 100 % GTL Fuel was one of the class winners of the Michelin Bibendum vehicle challenge. The trial involved a series of driving and emission performance tests carried out on the Formula One race circuit. This provided a powerful illustration to the wider public of the high performance that can be achieved using GTL Fuel. In China, Shell has entered into cooperation with three prestigious universities with the aim of demonstrating the benefits of GTL Fuel and helping find clean energy solutions for Shanghai.

2.5 AN ATTRACTIVE, COST EFFECTIVE ROUTE TO LOW EMISSIONS It is, however, important to be clear that in the short to medium term, GTL Fuel production will be small, up to 3-4% of total diesel demand by 2020, so that crude oil will remain the main source of transport fuel. This means it will be important to target particular markets where GTL Fuel’s emissions performance can offer the most significant advantages. As the world’s population grows and with it the demand for mobility, as exemplified in China, it is clear that the world’s major cities will face increasing challenges in dealing with local air pollution. There are currently 25 cities, with populations of more than 10 million people (so called mega cities), and 68 more with populations of over 4.5 million. Rapidly expanding mega cities, such as Shanghai and Beijing, currently have high transport emission levels causing significant local air pollution, as well as growing populations and old diesel fleets. GTL Fuel offers one pragmatic way of helping those cities to meet the challenges of providing more sustainable transport. In particular, the flexibility of GTL Fuel means that we could envisage a situation where vehicles could use GTL Fuel in urban driving conditions or on congested highways and then revert to advanced diesel in rural areas where air pollution is less of a problem. There is real potential to realise further advantages from GTL by working in collaboration with engine manufacturers. Shell is part of a project supported by US Department of Energy that is working to develop a clean combustion engine with DaimlerChrysler, whilst in Japan the government is supporting a project to explore the potential for dedicated GTL engines. While limited GTL Fuel is available now, its increasing availability will be one element in a rapidly changing and increasingly diverse fuels market. Those changes are being driven by concerns about energy security, environmental impact and economic development and GTL Fuel can play a role in addressing each of these issues. On energy security, GTL offers governments the chance to diversify their energy supplies and in particular to reduce the dependence on oil. With regard to environmental

concerns and stricter legislation, both consumers and governments want cleaner fuels, and the low emissions performance of GTL Fuel presents both groups with a very attractive option, particularly in larger cities. With more volume available in more markets in the short to medium term, GTL can also be seen as part of the synthetic fuels continuum, providing flexible feedstock options such as biomass (BTL) and coal (CTL) as well as natural gas. BTL can significantly reduce CO2 (by up to ~80%), and CTL can exploit vast coal resources but requires CO2 management. Identical synthetic products are produced from these feedstocks that can enable the development of advanced engines to fully exploit the homogenous chemistry and premium properties of GTL Fuel. Governments and car manufacturers are showing growing interest in synthetic fuels as a step towards the longer-term goal of high efficiency, low emission hybrid technology or renewable fuels. To governments, GTL Fuel offers the potential for cost-effective emissions reductions using existing infrastructure and without the need to replace vehicles or make expensive conversions to other alternative fuels such as CNG. To consumers, it provides a premium fuel, with improved performance 7 including reduced noise levels and emissions, as well as the chance to use an innovative fuel in both heavyduty buses and trucks and high performance diesel cars. Better still, it can be used in existing engines and refuelling infrastructure. All these reasons make GTL an attractive gas conversion technology to resource holders, producing a range of products that are attractive to customers. The technology has been proven over a decade of operations, whilst the products have been demonstrated in many countries and vehicle types. This means Gas to Liquids provides an opportunity for significant business growth in the fuels market but also a pragmatic and costeffective way of meeting the challenge of sustainable mobility. The 2006 Le Mans race will see Shell V-Power Diesel fuel technology put to the test alongside some of the world’s fastest gasoline-driven cars for what is widely regarded as the world’s toughest motor race. Le Mans is considered by many as the

ultimate challenge, where blistering power, engine endurance and unrivalled fuel economy are critical to success. The GTL industry has come a long way. Audi have won 4 of the last 5 Le Mans races and the prospect that they may add another success with a diesel engine car, fuelled by a GTL blend, is exciting for all those involved in both the GTL and the Motor industries.

CHAPTER THREE 3.0 METHODOLOGY Natural gas has played an important role in the supply of daily energy requirements for industrial and domestic use. The total global annual gas consumption is forecasted to rise to 2.9 trillion cubic metres by 2015 accounting for approximately 27% of the total primary energy supply. Most of this gas is supplied to the ultimate consumers by pipeline distribution. However, a considerable portion of the world natural gas reserves fall into the category termed as ‘stranded’ where conventional means of transportation via pipeline is not practical or economical. ‘Stranded’ gas reserves are either located remotely from consumers or are in the region where the demand for gas is limited. The drive to monetize large stranded gas resources, coupled with prudent utilization of gas resource and environmental considerations lead to the developments in Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and in Gas-to-Liquid (GTL) Fischer-Tropsch technologies. The former is essentially a physical change process converting natural gas to liquid for ease of transportation while the later is a chemical change process yielding naphtha, transportation fuels and speciality chemicals such as lubes and basestocks. The use of LNG and GTL products offer environmental benefits over other conventional fuels such as coal and products derived from crude oil. LNG and GTL serve entirely different energy markets with different marketing systems, policies and strategies. The comparison between LNG and GTL is the most prominent debate for resource owner, developer and investors alike. LNG has the obvious advantage of being established for the past 40 years and has to-date enjoyed robust growth and has an excellent safety record. GTL on the other hand is an emerging technology on the verge of demonstrating, commercial viability, technology robustness, and safety performance. LNG trade to-date has been dominated in the Far East primarily due to the proximity of the suppliers and consumers with Japan and Korea accounting for the lion’s share of the market. The birth of the North American and European market is about to radically change the LNG trade fundamentals bringing about a new era for LNG.

Until recently the viability of GTL did not look promising when compared to alternative transportation fuels production from crude oil refining. Developments in GTL technology and stringent environmental specifications for transportation fuel oils have paved the way for GTL projects. The use of GTL technology spearheaded by Qatar is on the verge of commercial viability and has the potential for becoming a prominent alternative for stranded gas monetization in the next two decades. 3.1Technical developments of GTL and LNG The LNG process first involves a gas treatment plant for removal of acid gas (sulfur, carbon dioxide), water, and other contaminants. The gas is then cooled to separate the heavier hydrocarbons such as C3, C4, and C5+ components. These heavier components are then fractionated to produce C5+ and Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) products. The purified gas is then liquefied in cryogenic exchangers at a temperature of -162 °C. LNG, occupies only 1/600 of its original volume in the gaseous state, is then stored in LNG tanks prior to shipping to market in heavily insulated tankers and regasified for use in conventional gas markets such as power generation and domestic applications (Yang and Wang, 2005). A typical LNG process is as Fig. 3.1.

Natural gas

Acid gas removal




End Flash


Propane pre-cooling



Fig 3.1 The schema of a typical LNG process. Like the LNG process, the GTL process also starts with a gas plant for removal of sulfur, carbon dioxide, water, other contaminants and heavier hydrocarbon

components. However, unlike the LNG process, which is a simple physical process to liquefy natural gas at a cryogenic temperature, the GTL process involves several complex chemical reactions. A GTL unit comprises of three core technologies: synthesis gas (syngas) manufacture, Fischer-Tropsch (F-T) synthesis and hydrocracking (Hu et al, 2006; Fleisch et al, 2002; Heng and Idrus, 2004; Bakkerud, 2005; Sie, 1998). In the syngas manufacture process, the purified gas is converted to syngas by partial oxidation, steam reforming, or a combination of the two processes. The syngas is predetermined with a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide with a 2:1 ratio of hydrogen to carbon monoxide as the feedstock of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. The syngas is then converted to paraffinic hydrocarbons in a F-T Reactor with the use of cobalt or iron based catalyst. This stage is the key to the commercial success of the GTL process, and high yields of desirable middle distillate products are essential to lower unit cost. In the final stage of the GTL process, the raw F-T hydrocarbons are subsequently upgraded to final products by using conventional refinery processes: wax hydrocracking, distillate hydrotreating, catalytic reforming, etc. The primary products include naphtha, and transportation fuels such as diesel and jet fuels. GTL is also an efficient process for producing high quality lubes, waxes and white oils, which are utilized in the food and pharmaceutical industry. A simplified GTL-F-T process is shown in Fig. 3.2.

Natural gas


Synthetic gas production H2S, CO2, H2O, others

Air dzzcxzcx Air Air separation Separation

Gas Processing + Pre-treat

C5+, LPG & (Ethane) Hydrogen Steam

O2 Catalytic Partial Oxidation


Steam reforming

F-T synthesis Steam reforming

Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis Fuel Gas (LPG)


Steam Water Aqueous Oxygenate

Product Recovery

C2H4 (polyethene) C3H6 (polypropene)

Product Grade-Up

LPG (Pentene/hexene) Hydrocarbon Upgrading: Hydrocracking Isomerization Cat. Reforming Akylation

Neptha Kero/Diesel Waxes

Fig 3.2 The overall Schema of a GTL process. Although long achieving technical success, GTL has not been economically competitive, and LNG has been actually the only commercial option for the owners of “stranded” gas, until recently. Today we see a resurrecting second generation GTL process using low-temperature F-T conversion as a result of abundant gas supply and strong need of high quality transportation fuels. The increasing

efficiency of the GTL process and the ability to build bigger plants of commercial scale based on operational experience make GTL an attractive alternative to LNG for the gas owners to monetize the “stranded” gas resources. However, the GTL process is still in its infancy, and only Shell SMDS and Sasol Synthol are in commercial operation. The other processes, such as Rentech, Exxon Mobil AGC21 and Syntroleum are still in the demonstration stage. Therefore, GTL production has significantly larger technical risk than LNG production at present. 3.2 Products and market The primary market for LNG is power generation, industrial fuel and domestic and commercial heating and air-conditioning. Since its inauguration in 1964, LNG has consistently increased its share in world’s natural gas trade. The total LNG trade is 8×104 tonnes in 1964 and increased to 1.318×108 tonnes in 2004 with an annual increase rate of 20.34%. If we just take the development from 1994 to 2004 into account, the annual increase rate is also as high as 7.31%. The portion of LNG trade in the world total natural gas trade increased from 0.3% in 1970 to 26.2% in 2004. According to BCC (Business Communication Company, USA), the total LNG trade will reach 2.50×109 tonnes in 2010 (Zeng, 2006). Before 2000, the world LNG trade was in a period of short-term balance. However, with the strong rise in the price of crude oil from the winter of 2000, the world LNG demand has grown rapidly and the demand of LNG exceeded the supply from 2004. As the three major markets of LNG, the import of Asia, European, and North America was 9.23× 107 t, 3.74×107 t, and 1.36×107 t in 2005, and was increased by 9.6%, 25.9%, and 21.4% compared to that in 2004, respectively. This supply/demand imbalance combined with high oil price caused a significant rise of LNG price for long-term contracts and on the open market. The FOB price of LNG contract signed in 2003 was less than $3.5/MMBTU (1 MMBTU = 28 m3), whereas the price increased to $5/MMBTU at the end of 2005, and $6/MMBTU in 2006 (Zeng, 2006; Zhang and Pang, 2005; Wang, 2005). Due to the large growth potential in the LNG market, the supply-demand balance for LNG in the short to medium term

is forecasted to remain very competitive. However, the world natural gas resource is abundant and the high price of LNG has attracted aggressive investment in LNG facilities, which is estimated to be over $67 billion from 2005 to 2009, and the potential supply of LNG will exceed demand. The imbalance situation of LNG supply versus demand is forecasted to change after 2010 and the prices of LNG would possibly decline in a long-term prospect. Therefore, many natural gas owners are devoting a lot of effort to develop other competitive projects except LNG facilities and gain market share even while the LNG prices remain fairly aggressive. The pricing mechanism for LNG is usually based on long-term commitment by the supplier and consumer. Via long-term contract, the suppliers can reduce the high risk for building new LNG facilities and the buyers can get guaranteed and reliable LNG supply. Therefore, most of the LNG trades are longterm contracts of more than 20 years and the actual price adjusts according to the crude oil price with a floor and a ceiling (Zhang and Pang, 2005). GTL plants are capable of producing a slate of products with highly desirable properties, including lube base stocks, diesels/kerosene, petrochemical naphtha and waxes as Fig. 3.2 shows. These products meet or exceed virtually all product requirements and, therefore, are fully compatible with petroleum-derived products. F-T diesel is characterized by low sulfur (~3 ppm), low aromatics (~1%), a high cetane number (~70), and excellent cold flow properties (Cold Filter Plugging Point, CFPP < –10 °C). These properties make GTL diesel significantly different from diesel derived from crude oil, which is under increasing environmental pressure to reduce its sulfur, nitrogen, olefins, aromatics and metals content. GTL naphtha due to its high paraffin content is an excellent feedstock for petrochemical plants. These environmental benefits of the GTL products make the GTL technology important for the supply of low sulfur, low aromatic transportation fuels (Yang and Wang, 2005; Fleisch et al, 2002; Heng and Idrus, 2004; Bakkerud, 2005; Sie, 1998). The primary market for GTL products is the ever increasing transportation fuels sector. The current world demand for diesel derived from crude refining is enormous at around 28 MMbpd (1 MMbpd = 5×107 t/a). GTL is considered a very small player in this vast diesel market and such market potential for GTL products can essentially be considered unlimited. The high-quality of GTL diesel exceeds

all anticipated future diesel requirement anywhere in the world. More important, the GTL fuels work well in existing infrastructure and in standard diesel fuel engine technology. This is not usually the case for many other alternative fuels that require customized vehicle modifications. A smooth transition can significantly increase the speed of introducing GTL as an alternative fuel into the market. Given this market potential and superior product quality, it is perhaps only a matter of time before F-T-GTL becomes a formidable industry (Patel, 2005). Unlike LNG, GTL products are commodities that do not require long-term purchase agreements and can be sold in the open market. Although GTL diesel is environmentally superior to diesel derived from crude oil, the pricing mechanism for the GTL products will essentially be similar to that of the refi ned products, which is essentially benchmarked on crude oil prices (Patel, 2005; Yao, 2005). 3.3 Capital costs The total capital cost for a typical full chain LNG facility processing 1 BSCFD (103.36×108 m3/a) is estimated at around 2.4 billion US dollars, which can be conveniently divided into three units: liquefaction facilities (gas plant, liquefaction process, utilities, and offsites), transportation (mainly the LNG ships), and receiving regasification terminals. Among them, the cost for the liquefaction plant is about 52% of the total cost, the cost for the receiving regasification terminals is about 16%, and the LNG ships is about 32%. During the past ten years, the typical cost for liquefaction has decreased by 25%-35%; the cost for transportation has decreased by 20%-30%, whereas the decrease of the cost for regasification is much slower. Similarly, the capital cost of a GTL processing 1 BSCFD is estimated at around $ 2.5 billion, which can be divided into the following units: gas plant, syngas unit including the air separation unit, Fischer-Tropsch unit, product upgrading unit, other processing units, utilities, and offsites. Significant developments in GTL technology have been made in the past several years and are still ongoing and it

very likely to see a continuous downtrend of the overall capital cost of GTL in the near future. Both GTL and LNG require large capital investment, and the magnitude of capital investment is similar for GTL and a full chain LNG facility processing equal amount of natural gas feed. However, the capital costs for LNG production facilities alone are much less than those for GTL because LNG importers usually take the responsibility for investing LNG ships and regasification terminals. For LNG and GTL facilities, the bigger the scale, the more the profit. However, several companies such as Syntroleum and Exxon Mobil have developed smallscale GTL technology that requires relatively smaller capital investment. Therefore, the GTL production is more fl exible and can easily be regulated according to the marketing and international circumstances, making GTL more suitable for small “stranded” natural gas storages (Hu et al, 2006; Yao, 2005; Han et al, 2006; Antari and Mokrani, 2002; Qian and Zhu, 2007 ). 3.4 Economic evaluation The economic evaluation of GTL versus LNG can be conducted in terms of production costs and product value (Patel, 2005). Table 1 presents the costs of producing GTL transportation fuels and LNG at a natural gas price of $7.011.0/MMBTU and refinery fuels at a crude oil price of $80-120/bbl (1 bbl = 0.14 tonnes). Since one barrel of GTL product requires approximately 10 MMBTU of natural gas, the comparison of the production costs in Table 1 is made at a standard of 10 MMBTU natural gas feed stocks. Although the operating and capital costs are higher for GTL than for refinery products, the overall cost of producing diesel from gas by GTL is similar with that from crude oil by refinery. The cost of LNG production corresponding to 10 MMBTU of natural gas is estimated to be $80-125, which is slightly smaller but close to that of GTL. Therefore, the profitability of the two gas monetizing options is essentially governed by the final value of the products.

Table 3.2 compared the production value (revenue) generated from the same quantity of gas (10 MMBTU) between LNG and GTL. If the typical current market price of the GTL diesel is assumed as $120-160/bbl and one barrel of GTL product requires approximately 10 MMBTU of natural gas, the ultimate production value of the natural gas resource is $12.0-16.0 per MMBTU for GTL. If the typical current market price of LNG is $14.0-18.0/MMBTU, taking account of the conversion efficiency, the ultimate production value of the natural gas resource can be calculated as $12.32-15.84 per MMBTU for LNG. As the production cost, the product value of the natural gas resource appears to be very similar based on the above pricing assumptions for the two systems. Table 3.1 Production cost of GTL transport fuel, Refinery fuel and LNG. Facility Natural gas (10 MMBTU) Cash costs Crude oil (1 Barrel) Operating costs Capital costs Total cost of product

GTL $70-110 --------$6-8 $9-14 $85-132

Refinery -------$80-120 $2-3 $4-7 $86-130

LNG $70-110 ------$2-3 $8-12 $80-125

Table 3.2 Production value of GTL and LNG. Facility Market price product Conservation efficiency Feed Production value of feed

GTL $120-160/bbl 60% 10 MMBTU $12.0-16.0

LNG $14.0-18.0/MMBTU 88% 1.14 MMBTU $12.32-15.84

The above analysis suggests comparable investments for both GTL and LNG. The long term pricing mechanism for LNG is not conducive to maximize the resource revenue. The GTL product value on the other hand is vulnerable to crude oil prices. However, due to the high quality of GTL products, whose value is at the uptrend, under the ‘normal’ crude oil pricing range GTL appears to offer better revenue for the resources (Smith, 2004; Yao, 2005; Kashav and Basu, 2007). Table 3.3 is the economic analysis of GTL and LNG by Syntroleum Company for the gas resources at Yamal peninsula, which forecasts similar investment and a fairly higher profitability of GTL for large-scale natural gas reservoirs (Qian and Zhu,

2007). Although the analysis of Table 3.3 is made in 2004 with the price for crude oil and natural gas increasing significantly during the past several years, the forecast still works reasonably due to the similar scale increase of crude oil and natural gas price. Table 3.3 Economic analysis of GTL and LNG for large-scale natural gas reservoirs. Product price Sale volume Facility investment Oil tanker investment Total investment Market location Market Distance Investment repayment rate


GTL $220/ft 550*104t $3.4 billion $0.3 billion $3.7 billion Rotterdam 4000km 15%

LNG $140/t 640*104t $2.3 billion $1.0 billion $3.3 billion Zeebrugge 4000km 12%

In summary, GTL F-T technology is beginning to show commercial viability, whereas LNG has been well established. A GTL facility is more complex, has lower plant efficiency and is more expensive than an LNG facility. However the full chain capital expenses of both GTL and LNG are comparable. Due to the similar capital investment the decision to invest in LNG or GTL from a resource owner’s perspective can be challenging. Besides the capital, other factors, such as technology risks, plant availability, local market, overall company strategy and political consideration are also important in the decision-making. GTL and LNG serve different energy markets and both are attractive for monetization of stranded gas reserves. GTL products, dependent upon the crude oil price, exhibit slightly higher value per MMBTU than LNG. Technological improvement and compelling investment from the world’s major oil companies suggest that the GTL industry is likely to expand rapidly over the next decade and will develop into a significant commercial factor in world energy markets over the next few years. More GTL means that less LNG will be available on the world market, slowing the development of competition and resulting in higher prices and less available supply of LNG, potentially altering LNG’s projected role in the world’s natural gas market.

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