Exterior Ca1

  • November 2019
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Colour Architecture - Highlight View

1. What is Colour Architecture?

Colour Architecture - Tall View

Colour is a characteristic of all building materials and it is a constant feature of architecture. A well-chosen selection of colors can draw attention to architectural details and disguise design flaws. A poor selection can make a structure seem flat and featureless. Using proprietary principles of skilfully infusing colour into architecture, Kansai Nerolac has developed a science of Colour Architecture which is featured in this guide.

Colour Architecture - Balanced View

2. How can Colour Architecture enhance the exteriors of my home? Colour Architecture is about using colour to organise the structure of a building or house to make it look broad, tall, balanced or add a highlight. Therefore, the perspective of a structure can be improvised in different ways by the techniques of Colour Architecture.

Colour Architecture - Broad View

3. How can I highlight a certain portion of my exteriors?

4. How can I make my house look taller?

Many times there might be a particular portion of the structure that is unique and needs to be highlighted. This could be the gallery, verandah or the entrance. You can highlight that particular portion with a bright colour while the rest of your structure can be in a light colour. Automatically the spotlight is on the portion painted with the bright colour, visually making it look unique and special.

You have the option of using the techniques of Colour Architecture to make your house look visually taller. Two or more colours used in a vertical manner across the entire facade, visually stretches the structure upwards, making it look taller. Likewise, residential buildings or corporate office buildings can make their structures look more imposing by using the Tall View principle of Colour Architecture.

Colour Architecture - Highlight View

Colour Architecture - Tall View

A bright highlight in Green enlivens this building which is otherwise painted in muted Greys.

By using Green and Peach in a vertical format, this house looks taller than it actually is.

5. How can my house look well balanced?

6. How can my house look broad?

If you wish to use two or more colours and yet, maintain a uniform look after painting your home, the principles of Colour Architecture can be used to lend symmetry to the structure. Two or more colours can be used evenly to make the structure look uniform and balanced.

A building or house which looks narrow compared to nearby buildings can be made to look broader by using the techniques of Colour Architecture. By using two or more colours in a horizontal format across the structure, the structure looks broader than it actually is.

Colour Architecture - Balanced View

Colour Architecture - Broad View

Beige and Brown are balanced perfectly, giving this villa a harmonious look.

Bright accents in Turquoise and Purple are painted in a horizontal format lending a broad feel to this row house.

The Nerolac Colour Combination Tool is a customised tool created specially by Kansai Nerolac Paints Ltd, to aid you in your colour

8. What are the different kinds of colour combinations that the Colour Wheel can help you achieve?

scheme selection. The Nerolac Colour Combination Tool consists of...

The Nerolac Colour Combination Tool helps to arrive at two different kinds of colour combinations...


Co n Co tra st lou r

ee n

ee n Gr

e Blu



e Bl u

G re en


Blue Green

Blu e

Co n Co tras lou t r

le urp dP Re


Re d

ed R

t as ntr Co lour Co


Re d





e B lu

Orange Red

Blue Green

an ge

Main Colour

t as ntr r Co olou C


Orange Red

Ha rm Co on lou y r


ge an

Main Colour

Ha rm Co on lou y r

Orange Red


12 Colour Families

y on rm r Ha olou C

Main Colour


Ye llo w



y on rm r Ha olou C

w llo Ye

ge an Or


Point the MAIN COLOUR arrow to the colour you have chosen as the dominant colour of your exterior ge an Or


Or an ge

Or an



Pu rpl e


w llo Ye

n ee Gr

B l u eP urp le

llo Ye

Ye llo w

en re


Ye llo w

n ee Gr

Blue Green


l urp dP Re

7. How can I use the Colour Combination Tool to arrive at colour combinations?


le urp dP Re

Blu eP urp le


The Outer Wheel

The Inner Wheel

Harmony Colour Combinations

Contrast Colour Combinations

The Outer Wheel is divided into 12 colour families, which represent all the colours of the spectrum. Nerolac Paints offers over 1200 shades within these 12 colour families. Within each colour family, the shades range from light to dark and dull to bright. Depending on your personal preference, the final shades can be chosen from the Nerolac Color Scapes Fan Deck, Mini Deck or the Nerolac Shade Cards.

The Inner Wheel illustrates the 2 kinds of colour combinations that can be arrived at. These combinations can be either Harmony colour combinations or Contrast colour combinations. While the Outer Wheel is stationery, the Inner Wheel is movable. To arrive at these Colour Combinations, simply point the arrow which says - MAIN COLOUR - to the dominant colour that you have chosen for the main body of your home. The Nerolac Colour Combination Tool automatically points out to you the Harmony and Contrast colour combinations that are possible.

Harmony colours lie next to the Main Colour on the Nerolac Colour Combination Tool. Because they lie next to each other on the Colour Combination Tool, the movement of colour is harmonious. Harmony colours blend in easily with the Main Colour and give a soothing feel. A Harmony colour combination brings in a sense of calm and an organised feel to the exterior of your home.

Contrast colours lie equidistant from each other and from the Main Colour on the Nerolac Colour Combination Tool. Being on 3 opposite ends of the Colour Combination Tool, Contrast colours are drastically different from each other and the Main Colour. As a result, they immediately catch the eye and stand out among other colour combinations. Contrast colour combinations perk up the exteriors of the home and add to the appeal of your home.

9. What is a Harmony colour combination?

10. What is a Contrast colour combination?

Use a Harmony colour combination if you seek serenity, calm and an organised feel for the exterior of your home.

Go for a Contrast colour combination if you seek to make a statement and add a sense of adventure to the exterior of your home.

Your Mind...

Your Home...

Your Mind...

Your Home...







Your want your home to be an abode of peace and serenity. You prefer colour combinations which harmonise rather than jar with each other.

¤ ¤


You believe in challenging conventions. You are creative and strive for unique solutions. You are unafraid of expressing your opinion.


Your home is a reflection of your creative personality. You have added interesting trims and mouldings to the exterior of your home, which need to be highlighted.


The Patels have used the Nerolac Colour Combination Tool to arrive at a Harmony colour combination for BLUE. On pointing the Main colour arrow to BLUE, they have automatically got the 2 Harmony colours that they can use in combination.

Meet the Patels - they are planning a family and are looking to create a serene, soothing atmosphere. For their new home, they have decided on BLUE as their Main colour. The Patels are seeking a colour combination that is a balance between convention and modernity.

The Chopras have used the Nerolac Colour Combination Tool to arrive at unique Contrast colours. By pointing the Main colour arrow to YELLOW, they have arrived at a Contrast colour combination with BLUE and RED



Blu eG

pl e ur eP Blu

Main Colour

ree n

Contrast Colour 2

Ha rm Co on lou y 2 r

t as ntr Co oloru C 1

Ye llo w

d Re

y on rm r Ha olou C 1

The Chopra family has moved into their new home next to the Patels. Their children insist on a modern, unique colour combination. They have chosen CREAM as their Main colour, which is in contrast to BLUE.

M Co ain lou r


Your personality reflects balance. You seek solace from your home. You are not looking at making a statement but rather prefer privacy.




Before Painting


After Painting with Harmony Colours (1) Main Colour: Condare 2415 (2) Harmony Colour: Cosmic 2391 (3) Harmony Colour: Sitka 2459

Before Painting 2

After Painting with Contrast Colours (1) Main Colour: Tampico 2751 (2) Contrast Colour: Terrace 2815 (3) Contrast Colour: Debonair 2371


Colour Combinations for Traditional Houses 1 3


1 Lafleur 2156 2 Monday 2949 3 Gold Dust 2699

Traditional Indian homes are elaborate and elegant with projected balconies, decorative windows and doors. The tiled, high roofs are sloping with gables and vents. The colours used should reflect warmth, heritage and stability. Earthen tones of Beige, Brown, Terracotta and Brick Red are the conventional choices for main wall colours. These colours can be accented with Purples and Yellows.

Pool Green 2508 Concordia 2251 Coppertone Tan 2083

Sublime 2670 Sangria 2159 Verbena Violet 2334

Rainy Day 2417 Pumpernickel 2824 Green Grape 2583

Aegean Blue 2396 Bubblegum 2234 Mecca Gold 2048

Vanilla Custard 2002 Creole 2167 Blue Spark 2460

Cranberry Ice 2269 Gem 2447 Soft Yellow 2667

Ember Glow 2075 Violet Nosegay 2242 Serbia 2489

Primrose Path 2005 Velveteen 2255 Cove Blue 2403

Festive 2074 Rose Lace 2200 Sitka 2459

1 3


1 Apricot Illusion 2785 2 Kendall Rose 2193 3 Streamline 2440

Colour Architecture - Highlight View

By highlighting the entrance of the house with a Brick Red, the entrance looks warm and welcome.


Residential House



1 Sesame 2730 2 Phantom 2956 3 Scoria 2140



2 1 Main Colour 2 Colour Combo 1 3 Colour Combo 2

Shades shown are for indicative purposes only. When applied, actual paint may differ from colour chip and sheen shown. Colours shown in the images are for indicative purposes only. Slight variations may occur on actual application. Shade combinations indicated in this Colour Architecture can only be availed at Nerolac Color Scapes counters.

Yellow Grass 2668 Sunny Lemon 2001 Eurasia 2510

Flattery 2404 Streamline 2440 Sweet Lavender 2340

Colour Architecture - Tall View

1 Mineral Water 2577 2 Flo-jo 2265 3 Siesta 2101

1 3


By using Green and Peach in a vertical format, the house automatically looks taller than it actually is, lending an imposing feel. Colour Architecture - Balanced View

1 Belinda 2394 2 Amazon 2972 3 Amethyst Crystal 2285

1 3


Purple and Blue are uniformly balanced in this view, lending harmony and symmetry to the house.

Colour Architecture - Broad View


1 Vermicelli 2709 2 Windstream 2995 3 Faraway Sky 2999



Cream and Blue have been used in a horizontal manner to visually broaden the facade.

Colour Combinations for Duplex Houses

1 3


1 Beige Pink 2834 2 Rose Morn 2821 3 Grape Popsicle 2293

Duplex houses contain two separate dwelling units. The rooms are divided into two floors with a staircase leading upstairs. Duplex houses are convenient for joint families as they ensure privacy while allowing two or more families to live together. During painting, duplex houses are usually treated as a single unit with the colours usually integrating both the floors of the house. Chintz Rose 2178 Deep Periwinkle 2342 Blushing Bride 2190

Green Tiara 2598 Redwood 2812 Citron 2625

Pale Cordovan 2822 Walnut Grove 2846 Grape Ice 2299

Peaceful Night 2361 Creole 2167 Summer Green 2562

Cherokee 2082 Serbia 2489 Fantan 2079

Swedish Ivy 2571 Jam 2328 Suede Tan 2759

Capulet 2569 Deep Forest 2602 Chameleon 2599

Cathedral Blue 2375 Purple Shade 2300 Gem 2447

Horizon Blue 2368 Blue Madonna 2461 Legend 2878

1 3

1 Pale Sable 2758 2 Aqua Electra 2468 3 Cool Grass 2579


Colour Architecture - Tall View

The front and the side walls are painted in Brick Red and Brown integrating both the ground and first floors giving the appearance of height.


Residential House



1 Cheeky Pink 2127 2 Raisin 2762 3 Scoria 2140



2 1 Main Colour 2 Colour Combo 1 3 Colour Combo 2

Sheer 2205 Grape Shadow 2322 Panama Rose 2130

Ravinia 2318 Buccaneer 2838 Erie 2373

Colour Architecture - Highlight View

1 Chamois 2731 2 Hint of the Orchid 2316 3 Ember Glow 2075

1 3


The front facade in a bright Orange highlights the entrance portion adding a grand look to the exterior.

Colour Architecture - Balanced View

1 Fantan 2079 2 Raven Sky 2384 3 Autumn Leaf 2133

1 3


By balancing two colours, symmetry is added to this duplex home.

Colour Architecture - Broad View

1 Lafleur 2156 2 Cedar Rust 2816 3 Light Camel 2745

1 3


Pink and Beige are painted horizontally to make the house look broader.

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