[exercise Name]: Initial Planning Conference [date]

  • Uploaded by: Aiman Ilham
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  • December 2019
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  • Words: 599
  • Pages: 20
[Exercise Name] Initial Planning Conference [Date]

Welcome & Introductions

Meeting Agenda  Review Exercise Scope, Purpose, and Objectives  Review Exercise Scenario  Review Participating Agencies  Exercise Facilitation  Exercise Evaluation  Exercise Documents  Exercise Logistics  Meeting Dates  Closing

[Exercise Name]


Operational Security  This briefing contains exercise and operational material that must be safeguarded.  The materials in this briefing are categorized as “For Official Use Only (FOUO).” FOUO: Information that has not been given a security classification pursuant to the criteria of an Executive Order, but which may be withheld from the public because disclosure would cause a foreseeable harm to an interest protected by one or more FOIA Exemptions. [Exercise Name]


Exercise Purpose  To provide participants an opportunity to evaluate current response concepts, plans, and capabilities for a response to a terrorist event in [Jurisdiction].  The focus will be on local emergency responder command and control coordination, critical decisions, notifications, and the integration of State and Federal assets.

[Exercise Name]


Exercise Scope  Emphasize the role of the local first responders and State agencies in response to a terrorist attack, and examine the processes and decision making involved therein.

[Exercise Name]


Target Capabilities  Capabilities provide the foundation for development of the exercise objectives and scenario. These capabilities have been selected from the priority capabilities identified in [Jurisdiction]’s Multi-Year Training and Exercise Plan. − Emergency Public Information and Warning − Emergency Operations Center Management − Public Safety and Security Response − Urban Search & Rescue − Fatality Management

[Exercise Name]


Exercise Objectives  Determine strengths and weaknesses in current plan governing on-scene command and control, the EOC, and coordination and integration of response resources.  Review plans for area perimeter control, staging, and Incident Command Post security.  Assess the adequacy of local plans for interface with and use of media resources.  Review plans to provide information to the public and preclude dissemination of conflicting data.

[Exercise Name]


Exercise Scenario  Terrorist attack in [Jurisdiction] using a vehicle borne improvised explosive device (VBIED)  Specific target TBD  Will include US&R component

[Exercise Name]


Participating Agencies  [State] Department of Emergency Management  [State] US&R  [State] State Police  [Jurisdiction] Office of Emergency Management  [Jurisdiction] Fire Department  [Jurisdiction] Police Department  [Jurisdiction] Sheriff’s Office  [Jurisdiction] Department of Public Works

[Exercise Name]


Exercise Facilitation  Lead Facilitator  Functional Area Facilitators  Facilitator Training Requirements  Facilitation vs. Evaluation

[Exercise Name]


Exercise Evaluation  Evaluators  Evaluator Training Requirements  Scribes  Evaluation Components − Objectives − Evaluation Criteria − Participant Feedback Form − Player Hot Wash − Scribe Notes − Evaluator Notes

 Results in After Action Report [Exercise Name]


Exercise Documents  Situation Manual (SitMan)  Evaluation Plan (EvalPlan)  Facilitator Handbook  After Action Report (AAR)

[Exercise Name]


Exercise Logistics

Exercise Staffing  Select Facilitators  Select Evaluators  Select Scribes  Select Support Staff − Security − Registration Support

[Exercise Name]


Exercise Logistics  Provide Food/Water − Players − Exercise Staff − Observers

 Provide Restrooms  Create an exercise logo and name  Draft and finalize AAR  Develop Media and Public Information

[Exercise Name]


Exercise Logistics  Identify and coordinate an exercise location  Location requirements − Secure − Audio/visual capable − Tables and chairs − Adequate size − Parking

[Exercise Name]


Meeting Dates  Initial Planning Conference

[Insert Date]

 Final Planning Conference

[Insert Date]

 Exercise Conduct

[Insert Date]

[Exercise Name]




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