Exercise # 8: Objectives: Develop a web dynpro application with a view that displays two tables: a list of flights and a list of bookings. The data displayed in the second table should depend on the selected row in the first table. Note: Supply function is used to make sure that the data in the second table is changed whenever the user selects a different row in the first table. Tasks required to be performed for developing the application: 1. Create Web dynpro component. 2. Create Web dynpro window. 3. Create two views one for accepting the user inputs as selection criteria and the other view with two tables one for displaying the data in the table based on the selection criteria and the other for displaying the data based on the record selected from the first table. •
Use the web dynpro code wizard to create a table display with binding to the context node FLIGHTTAB for the first table and BOOKINGTAB for the second table.
4. In the component context create node FLIGHTTAB with reference to SFLIGHT and a sub-node of context node FLIGHTTAB (Suggested name: BOOKINGTAB) with reference to the ABAP dictionary structure SBOOK and cardinality 0…n. 5. Make sure that the context node BOOKINGTAB also exists in the view OUTPUT_VIEW and that this node is mapped to the BOOKINGTAB node of the component controller context. 6. Create and implement a supply function to fill sub-node BOOKINGTAB according to the lead selection of node FLIGHTAB. •
In the component context, double click the subnode.
Enter the name for the supply function as attribute of property Supply Function and double –click on the name.
Remove the comment signs for the generated code.
Declare a structure where the components correspond to the attributes of the parent node (Suggested name: STRU_FLIGHTTAB).
Add the code as shown below: method BOOKINGS_READ . * General Notes * ============= * A common scenario for a supply method is to aquire key * informations from the parameter <parent_element> and then * to invoke a data provider. * A free navigation thru the context, especially to nodes on
* * * *
the same or deeper hierachical level is strongly discouraged, because such a strategy may easily lead to unresolvable situations!! data declaration data: Itab_Bookingstab type IF_COMPONENTCONTROLLER=>Elements_Bookingstab, Stru_Bookingstab like line of Itab_Bookingstab, Stru_flighttab type IF_COMPONENTCONTROLLER=>Element_flighttab. CALL METHOD PARENT_ELEMENT->GET_STATIC_ATTRIBUTES IMPORTING STATIC_ATTRIBUTES = Stru_flighttab. types:begin of ty_Bookingstab , CARRID type sbook-CARRID, CONNID type sbook-CONNID, FLDATE type sbook-FLDATE, BOOKID type sbook-BOOKID, CUSTOMID type sbook-CUSTOMID, CLASS type sbook-CLASS, FORCURAM type sbook-FORCURAM, FORCURKEY type sbook-FORCURKEY, ORDER_DATE type sbook-ORDER_DATE, AGENCYNUM type sbook-AGENCYNUM, CANCELLED type sbook-CANCELLED, PASSNAME type sbook-PASSNAME, PASSFORM type sbook-PASSFORM, PASSBIRTH type sbook-PASSBIRTH, end of ty_Bookingstab. data:t_Bookingstab type standard table of ty_Bookingstab, x_bookings type ty_Bookingstab. select CARRID CONNID FLDATE BOOKID CUSTOMID CLASS FORCURAM FORCURKEY ORDER_DATE AGENCYNUM CANCELLED PASSNAME PASSFORM PASSBIRTH from sbook into table t_Bookingstab where carrid = stru_flighttab-carrid and connid = stru_flighttab-connid and fldate = stru_flighttab-fldate. if not t_Bookingstab[] is initial. loop at t_Bookingstab into x_bookings. move-corresponding x_bookings to Stru_Bookingstab. append Stru_Bookingstab to Itab_Bookingstab. endloop. CALL METHOD NODE->BIND_TABLE EXPORTING NEW_ITEMS = Itab_Bookingstab. * SET_INITIAL_ELEMENTS = ABAP_TRUE * INDEX =
endif. endmethod.
7. Activate the component and create an Application and test the same. 8. The output appears as below: 9.
10. When Clicked on Submit: 11.
12. When selected any other row in the first table i.e., data record from SFLIGHT, corresponding data from SBOOK table appears in the second table which is as below: