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Escola de Petrolina Data: __________________ Professor(a): Priscilla Queiroz Disciplina: Inglês Aluno: ____________________________________________ Série: ____IV Fase______ Exercício de Revisão 1- Complete as sentenças abaixo com o Simple Present dos verbos entre parênteses: a) She __________________ (smoke) every day. b) They __________________ (talk) about many things. c) Susan __________________ (live) near here and __________________ (reach) in seven minutes. d) Paul and Mary __________________ (speak) Spanish and English. e) Little children always __________________ (go) to parks on weekends. Their parents __________________ (like) to go too. f) Good boys __________________ ( brush) their teeth and __________________ (wash) the hands. g) The girl __________________ (justify) her question. 2- Passe as sentenças abaixo para a forma negativa ou negativa contracta: a) She feels bad. ______________________________________________________________________ b) I work at the library._________________________________________________________________ c) Your children go to school in the afternoon. ______________________________________________ d) He loves his girlfriend. _______________________________________________________________ e) We know Miami Beach. ______________________________________________________________ 3- Passe as seguintes frases para a forma interrogativa e interrogativa –negativa: a) Martha works too much. ____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ b) We prefer coffee. ___________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ c) She passes here every day. ___________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ d) People like to wear sunglasses. ________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 4- Faça a tradução do Português para o Inglês das frases a seguir: a) b) c) d)

Ela mora aqui perto.______________________________________________________________ John não gosta de suco de laranja. ___________________________________________________ Eles sabem seu endereço? _________________________________________________________ Ninguém se preocupa com eles. _____________________________________________________

5- Coloque os verbos abaixo no Simple Present, como se eles estivessem com a terceira pessoa do singular (he, she, it). Fique atento às regras a) (to play)_________________________ b) (to relax) _________________________ c) (to destroy) _________________________ d) ( to worry) _________________________ e) ( to fly) _________________________ f) (to learn) _________________________ g) (to do ) _________________________ h) (to watch) _________________________ i) (to become) _________________________ j) (to unterdstand) _________________________

Escola de Petrolina Data: __________________ Professor(a): Priscilla Queiroz Disciplina: Inglês Aluno: ____________________________________________ Série: ___III Fase_________ Exercício de Revisão 1-Escreva os números abaixo por extenso em Inglês: a) 12________________________ b) 8________________________ d) 2_________________________ e) 3_________________________ g) 15________________________ h) 17 _______________________ l) 20 ________________________ m) 1 ________________________ o) 5_________________________ p) 14________________________ 2) Complete as frases com o verbo To be (am , is , are) a) She _____________ a great actress. c) The teacher _____________ in the classroom. e) I _____________ at home. g) They _____________ lawyers.

c) 9__________________________ f) 6___________________________ i) 11 _________________________ n) 13 _________________________ q) 18 __________________________

b) We _____________ Brazilian. d) The boys _____________ in New York. f) Mr. Travolta _____________ in the office. h) It _____________difficult problem to you.

3) Coloque as frases a seguir para as seguintes formas: a) (afirmativa) I am not a volleyball coach. _____________________________________________ b) (interrogativa) You are a new here. _________________________________________________ c) ( negativa) Doris is a beautiful name. __________________________________________________ d) (afirmativa) She isn’t at the sports section. _____________________________________________ 4) Complete as frases com: this, that, these ou those. a) _____________birds are ugly. (→ ☻) b) _____________ hat is magic. (→ ☻) c) ______________ cookies are delicious. (→☻) d) ______________ pie is good. (→☻) e) What are ____________? ( → ☻) f) What is ______________? (→ ☻) 5) Coloque There is ou There are, e depois coloque as frases (a, b e c) para as formas negativa e interrogativa. a) __________________ a telephone in my bedroom. c) __________________ a good programo n TV today. e) ____________________ a lot of churches in Bahia.

b) ________________ three boys in front of the TV. d) __________________ two pictures on the wall. f) _________________ a big river in Petrolina.

a)F.n = ____________________________________________________________________________________________ F.i = ______________________________________________________________________________________________ b)F.n = _______________________________________________________________________________________________ F.i = _________________________________________________________________________________________________ c)F.n = _______________________________________________________________________________________________ F.i = ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Escola de Petrolina Data: __________________ Professor(a): Priscilla Queiroz Disciplina: Inglês Aluno: ____________________________________________ Série: _____I Fase____ Exercício de Revisão 1-Escreva os números abaixo por extenso em Inglês: a) 12________________________ b) 8________________________ d) 2_________________________ e) 3_________________________ g) 15________________________ h) 17 _______________________ l) 20 ________________________ m) 1 ________________________ o) 5_________________________ p) 14________________________ 2) Complete as frases com o verbo To be (am , is , are) a) She _____________ a great actress. c) The teacher _____________ in the classroom. e) I _____________ at home. g) They _____________ lawyers. i) ______ you students? k) Communication and travel ______ extremely quick.

c) 9__________________________ f) 6___________________________ i) 11 _________________________ n) 13 _________________________ q) 18 __________________________

b) We _____________ Brazilian. d) The boys _____________ in New York. f) Mr. Travolta _____________ in the office. h) It _____________difficult problem to you. j) The world ________ a small place. l) Portuguese _______ our official language.

3) Coloque as frases a seguir para as seguintes formas: a) (afirmativa) I am not a volleyball coach. _____________________________________________ b) (interrogativa) You are a new here. _________________________________________________ c) ( negativa) Doris is a beautiful name. __________________________________________________ d) (afirmativa) She isn’t at the sports section. _____________________________________________ e) (interrogativa) They are still working at night. ____________________________________________ 4- Utilize os adjetivos possessivos, adequadamente, nas seguintes frases: ADJ. POSSESSIVOS ( my , your, his, her, its, our, your, their) a) My friend and I always do_____________ lessons at the library b) Teenagers usually express _____________ feelings. c) China is a large country. What’s ___________ capital? d) Clodovil is famous for _____________ clothes. e) Susan didn’t write _____________ name on that book. f) ( I) ________ dog is a poodle. _______color is white and _________ name is Ron. g) Mary, where do you buy ___________ bracelets? 5- Escreva as horas em Inglês: a) 5:00 b) 6:15 c) 7:30 d) 9:45 e) 11:25 f) 12:00

It´s_______________________________________________ It’s_______________________________________________ It’s_______________________________________________ It’s_______________________________________________ It’s______________________________________________ It’s______________________________________________

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