Exemplify Magazine May Issue

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EXEMPLIFY MAGAZINE May 2009 The Joy Edition

Awesome Giveaway: Details Inside! ::::: fumbling with former joy?

::::: Sacred Chaos: Book Review ::::: add a little joy to life in 10 minutes or less! ::::: new marriage column

May 3, 2009



















Meet Our Writers


Joy Comes

Win a ticket to A Woman

Get to know our writers and

Find ways to use the internet for

Author Christa Allan is

Inspired's June Conference!

their blogs

better health

featured this month

Page 2

Page 4 & 5

Page 10

Page 18 & 19

“The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.” Psalm 126:3 I don’t know about you but April seemed to fly by for me! I cannot believe May is upon us and yet another issue of Exemplify Magazine is releasing. As I sit here and write, I am amazed at the women who have come up alongside me and encouraged this project. May is our fifth month of publication (we’re still a baby magazine!) but my goodness, your response has been so warm! We are hundreds of women strong and more importantly, our love for our Jesus is strong. As spring dawns and we find the passing showers of April gifting us with May flowers, it is my prayer you will be renewed in spirit and encouraged to walk out this spring with joy. Fittingly so, joy is our theme this month. Find yourself a cozy corner, brew your favorite tea and get ready for an issue filled to the brim with the joy of knowing Christ. This month we are happy to feature Christa Allan on page 18 (whose first novel hits bookshelves next spring!) and Joanne Sher of the wonderful blog, An Open Book (you can read her article on page 15 and her blog feature on page 23!). We have a new marriage column on page 21 and are giving away tickets to the June Woman Inspired Conference (details on page 2!). We are bible studying on the topic of former joy and learning how to add a little joy to life In 10 Minutes or Less. It is my prayer this issue will find you praising our Savior King for the overwhelming gift of joy we’ve been given in knowing Him intimately. May we be joyfully expectant at His feet, offering our all and ready to answer His call. The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy...

Be sure to check out our new marriage column on page 21.

In King Jesus, Kristen Schiffman Exemplify online & magazine :: exemplifyonline.com

May 3, 2009

Win a ticket to the June conference of A Woman Inspired! Exemplify Online & Magazine has the privilege of giving away THREE tickets to our readers for the June conference of A Woman Inspired. Take a look at the details of this particular conference: “Modern technology has opened up new doors of opportunity for ministry. Women who were once confined to space and time due to duties at home can now finish their tasks and sit down to a whole new mission field; one that knows no limits. It is the Internet. How do you begin? What should your boundaries be? Must I Twitter and Facebook? If so then what are the advantages. Are these friendships that you are forming real or imagined? Do you need a blog? How can you branch out? We have a team of ladies who are very educated in the ways of the internet and online ministry. They can show you how to begin, maintain, branch out, and even how to deal with adversity.

This conference has an amazing speaker line up, including Exemplify Online & Magazine’s very own Kristen Schiffman! Be sure to head over to the conference website www.awomaninspiredconference.org to get further information, register, check out the speakers and the topics that will be covered.

This conference is for anyone who is ready to make a difference via the internet.” (Quoted from the A

You are sure to be blessed!

Woman Inspired Conference Site)

To enter the contest... Write a post on your own blog about why you’d like to attend this particular conference. If you attended the April conference, be sure to share why you loved the first conference so much! At the end of your post, link back to ExemplifyOnline.com, telling us YOU are a woman who wants to be inspired! We will provide a Mr. Linky on our blog that will allow all participants to link up to until May 17th! The winners will be announced on May 20th!

Exemplify online & magazine :: exemplifyonline.com

In This Issue... May 3, 2009

A Woman Inspired Giveaway Details


Meet our team ! !











The Juice!











Fumbling with former joy!










no greater joy! !












ihealth !!
















my joy & my delight


A Sanctuary’s greatest accessory !







in 10 minutes or less


pure joy: feature


the book nook with katrina


joy comes: feature


titus 2 corner with christine


marriage column


blog feature: an open book


fashion forward with jennifer


ministry: online!


hannah: god has heard me


submission details













! Kristen is the editor and owner of Exemplify Online & Magazine. It is her desire to encourage women living lives that glorify Christ. She has a passion for relevant media and resources that fit that vision.

Katrina writes the Book Nook Column. She is Exemplify’s source on all things literary!

She is also the author of the bible study column.

Andrea is Exemplify’s Family Columnist. She writes about her adventures as a wife and mom of three seeking to know Christ more.

Jennifer is Exemplify’s resident Fashion Columnist! She has a love for fashion and a desire to see women, no matter what they are wearing, internally beautiful before our God.

Christine is the Titus 2 Corner columnist. Drawing from her experience as a mom of four, she prayerfully offers sound advice. She welcomes your questions at [email protected].

Amy is the writer of our Tech Column, Ministry: Online. Using her experience in design, ministry and knowledge online, she shares practical and powerful ways to make a difference via the internet.

Christy writes the Home Column for Exemplify. She writes with humor and creativity on how to make your house a home.

Shannon is the writer for Exemplify’s Health Column. Drawing from her current pharmacy schooling, she writes with the purpose of seeing women live healthy lives before the Lord.

visit our team members online Kristen Schiffman, Editor & Study Columnist dancinginthemargins.typepad.com Kara is Exemplify’s Devotional Columnist. She writes with a passion to see others love Christ with their all.

Andrea, Family Columnist undergraceovercoffee.typepad.com Christine, Titus 2 Corner Columnist [email protected] Katrina, Book Nook Columnist callapidderdays.com

Rachel writes the Fiction Column. With the call to study and apply God’s Word, she writes with the purpose of teaching.

Christy, Home Design Columnist christyklein.wordpress.com Kara, Devotional Columnist karacwak.blogspot.com Rachel, Fiction Columnist afuturepastorswife.blogspot.com

Carol has mastered the ability to get things done In 10 Minutes or Less. She writes her column with practical tips on how to make the most of that spare 10 minutes.

Amy Bayliss, Tech & Blog Columnist amybayliss.com Jennifer, Fashion Columnist somanybooksblog.blogspot.com Shannon, Health Columnist asetapartgirl.blogspot.com Carol, In 10 Minutes or Less Columnist she-lives.typepad.com Visit our additional team members as well!

Jenifer, drawing from personal experience, writes Exemplify’s marriage column. Check out her first column this month!

Christy M., Facebook Admin & Blog crittyjoy.wordpress.com Patty, Blog Contributor pattywysong.blogspot.com Joanne, Blog Contributor joannesher.blogspot.com

© Exemplify 2009 - The contents of this publication are the copyright of either the individual columnists or Exemplify itself and cannot be reproduced in any form without prior written consent from the individual author or editor-in-chief, Kristen Schiffman. © Exemplify 2009

Victoria, Blog Contributor letthesonshine.org Shane, Blog Contributor heartreflections.wordpress.com Samantha, Twitter Administrator agapegoldens.blogspot.com

TH E JUICE One of my favorite things about blogging is the women I’ve come to know. I’ve been so blessed by bloggers who write from their heart, share their lives and ultimately, point to Christ with their all.

This got me thinking that there are so many great posts out there that often go unnoticed.

It seems so unfair!

So on (most!) Saturdays you will find ExemplifyOnline.com pointing your attention to women who deserve some recognition.

We invite you to get involved! If you read a post that tugs at your heart strings, makes you laugh out loud or stirs something up in you — send it our way.

You can reach our team through the contact page on Exemplify’s website.

I look forward to spotlighting women who have refreshed my spirit as well as yours.

© Exemplify 2009


By Kristen Schiffman

I once heard it said that everyone has five defining moments in their life that go on to shape the course they will take. A few year ago, after hearing this, I sat down to make my list. Two of the moments on my list were traumatic and unexpected deaths that tore through my family with a violent force I had never reckoned with before. Two more of my five events had to do with the devastating absence of relationships that had just fallen apart in my life. And the last event I felt ‘forever marked’ by was my high school battle with constant illness.

These past few days as I have mulled over writing on the subject of joy; I have been struggling with how to approach the topic. I’ve been fighting writing because “I am so full of joy,” is not something I hear many in my inner circle saying. As a matter of fact I’ve been hearing: “I cannot go on like this.” “I don’t think I have anything left to give.” “I feel like I am at my end.” “I cried myself to sleep last night.”

After tallying My Five, I realized my list was rather depressing. Looking for the theme laced in between My Five I noticed the trend: Loss. What course could possibly await my eager feet, if every ounce of My Five was dripping with the heaviness of loss?

“I’m seriously considering checking out.”

Christ and I indirectly spoke about this over the next few months. I did not mention to Him My Five because I was rather embarrassed. Now, I realize hiding things from Christ is quite impossible, but I gave it a go. Christ was not having it. And so dealing with the loss became our ‘thing’. To be honest, it is still our ‘thing’.

The Holy Spirit has seen not only fit to lace the lesson of joy throughout the Bible, but he has also seen fit to lace the lesson of FORMER joy into the pages of Scripture.

“I’ve got nothing…” Reading the book of Ezra, chapter three the other morning, I felt the Holy Spirit prodding at my heart.

Ezra 3:7-13 sets the stage and scene of the people of Israel rebuilding the Temple. After being carried away into exile, their homes and city foundations destroyed,

© Exemplify 2009

Israel finds their new freedom once again allowing them to rebuild. Within Ezra 3 we read their story of rebuilding something that was once glorious: “Then they gave money to the masons and carpenters, and gave food and drink and olive oil to the people of Sidon and Tyre, so that they would bring cedar logs by sea from Lebanon to Joppa, as authorized by Cyrus king of Persia. In the second month of the second year after their arrival at the house of God in Jerusalem, Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, Joshua son of Jozadak and the rest of the people (the priests and the Levites and all who had returned from the captivity to Jerusalem) began the work, appointing Levites twenty years old and older to supervise the building of the house of the LORD. Joshua and his sons and brothers and Kadmiel and his sons (descendants of Hodaviah) and the sons of Henadad and their sons and brothers—all Levites—joined together in supervising those working on the house of God. When the builders laid the foundation of the temple of the LORD, the priests in their vestments and with trumpets, and the Levites (the sons of Asaph) with cymbals, took their places to praise the LORD, as prescribed by David king of Israel.

With praise and thanksgiving they sang to the LORD: "He is good; his love toward Israel endures forever." And all the people gave a great shout of praise to the LORD, because the foundation of the house of the LORD was laid. But many of the older priests and Levites and family heads, who had seen the former temple, wept aloud when they saw the foundation of this temple being laid, while many others shouted for joy. No one could distinguish the sound of the shouts of joy from the sound of weeping, because the people made so much noise. And the sound was heard far away.” Did you take notice to those last

This new temple foundation was much more humble and simple. Compared to the old, it was lacking. If Israel had a My Five, you can bet that their exile and destroyed temple would be within the list. Do you also notice the text suggests that those who were shouting for joy had not been around the former temple? In other words, they were not struggling with the memory of former joy; joy came easily, because they were not looking at it in terms of what had been lost, but ahead into the promise of what was coming. While researching this passage, I was very taken with bible scholar Matthew Henry’s commentary.

Speaking of those who wept aloud verses? “But many of the older he said, “Let not the remembrance priests and Levites and family heads, of former afflictions drown the sense who had seen the former temple, of present mercies.” wept aloud when they saw the Where are we drowning the sense foundation of this temple being of present mercies? Where are we laid...” allowing former joys to hinder the I must agree with the Family restoration of new shouts of joy? Heads, the former temple was If we were standing in the crowd of something to behold. If you are biblical Israel today, what side interested check out 1 Kings 7:13-51 would we be on? which describes the beauty with The side with shouts of joy? which it was constructed. I encourage you to grab your Or the side with sounds of weeping? BIble and read up on the splendor with which the first temple was constructed. As you read, try to

Would we be able to distinguish ourselves?

imagine what it must have been like for the older priests, Levites and

I want to challenge us in the coming weeks to lay down our firm grip on the past and whatever former family heads to see the new temple. ‘temples’ we may still be holding The former temple was one of out for. Wouldn’t it be heartbreaking majesty and beauty for the people to watch our lives unfold, with only of Israel.

© Exemplify 2009

memories of joy – when new joy awaits us? Even if the joy awaiting seems smaller. More humble. Less outrageous in the moment. Christ is in the ministry of restoration. Not replacement. If we are holding out for the replacement of what has been lost, we will wait forever. If we are standing expectantly, welcoming restoration, we will not be disappointed.

“Weeping may last for the night but a shout of joy comes in the morning. ” Psalm 30:5 Welcome the morning. Speak aloud your frustration with the things of today. Get before our God and tell Him about your let-downs, disappointments, give Him you’re “My Five” list and watch Him lead you ever closer to restored joy. Not back to former things, but into the joy of present things. I pray you will follow. And will soon be heard with shouts of joy.

Scripture Covered In This Article: • Ezra 3:7-13 • 1 Kings 7:13-51 • Psalm 30:5

No Greater Joy By Andrea

As a mom of three, I have had many opportunities to experience pride over my children. Pride over accomplishments, like good grades, a great recital, conquering a fear.

sports from their Dad. And some of those smart genes, too!) Really, in the end, some days it's not so much about what my children have done, but what a good job parenting my husband and I have done.

Pride over talents, like music, art, and sports. (I speak purely for myself here - my husband is a LOT more humble than Pride over doing something they me!) weren’t asked or expected to do, but just did for the sake of helping. Joy, on the other hand, is not about me. It is defined as “a source or Yes, as their mom, my kids have cause of keen pleasure or delight; already done a great many things something or someone greatly that make me proud, that make me valued or appreciated.” feel good about how I have raised them. In the Bible, joy is most often expressed over people faithfully Pride isn't always a bad thing. But it is walking with God. a self-thing. Pride is defined in the dictionary as “pleasure or “It gave me great joy to have some satisfaction taken in something done brothers come and tell about your by or belonging to oneself or faithfulness to the truth and how you believed to reflect credit upon continue to walk in the truth. I have oneself.” no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” (3 My kids belong to me. Their actions, John 1: 3-4) good or bad, reflect upon me. I agree. And to be honest, I do tend to take a bit of credit for their I take great joy in knowing my kids accomplishments. love the Lord. I take great joy in knowing my kids are eager to get They inherited my "smart" genes. into His Word. I take great joy when my kids put others ahead of They get their love of music from me themselves. (although they get their love of

© Exemplify 2009

It gives me joy to hear my son faithfully pray for his friend who was in an accident last year. It gives me joy to know he fully believes his friend will be restored to good health, because nothing is impossible with God (Luke1:37). It gives me joy when I read a prayer or song written by my oldest daughter out of pure love and adoration for Jesus. It gives me joy when I know she takes her struggles to God, believing He will help her overcome them. It gives me joy when my youngest daughter displays the unconditional love and acceptance of Christ with her friends at school. (And even, on occasion, with her little brother!) Oh, I take pride in them, too! But ultimately, I am beyond thrilled when they do things that show they are learning the importance of putting God first in their little lives. It’s the joy of knowing that one day we will all be kneeling before our Lord, worshipping and praising Him. Together.

iHealth By Shannon

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7 The Internet is a great tool for finding information you need. But, it can also be a dangerous supply of “information” garbage without sources. If you have a question about your health, it is always best to ask your doctor or pharmacist. But if neither of them can be reached, the Internet is a great place to look for an immediate answer. However, it is very important to be selective of the resource to ensure that you are receiving accurate information. Here is a list of five credible websites that are at your disposal: 1. Aetna’s IntelliHealth - http:// www.intelihealth.com/

There is also an “Ask the Expert” section where you can send in a health-related question and possibly receive an answer from a doctor or pharmacist. 2. Mayo Clinic - http:// www.mayoclinic.com/ Mayo Clinic is always the first website I look to if I need broad, basic information about a condition. They have a large database of diseases and conditions, and for each condition they offer several pages of information including symptoms, complications, and tests to diagnose the condition. 3. MedlinePlus – http:// www.medlineplus.gov/ MedlinePlus provides information about drugs as well as supplements, and also provides an online medical dictionary and encyclopedia. Drawing information from government health resources such as the National Institutes of Health, MedlinePlus is a dependable tool for accessing health information.

This website provides information Heart Healthy Women - http:// from Harvard Medical School, among 4. www.hearthealthywomen.org/ other reputable sources. The site provides a lot of resources, including interactive tools and a drug search. © Exemplify 2009

Focusing on cardiovascular diseases and conditions, Heart Healthy Women offers in-depth articles about these issues, and each article is first reviewed by 25 or more leading health experts in the field. 5. Office of Women’s Health http://www.fda.gov/womens/ The FDA provides this free online database of fact sheets, articles, publications, links, and other resources, all pertaining to women’s health. Examples of topics covered are Osteoporosis, mammography, pregnancy, and menopause. So, next time you have a nagging question about something, please don’t just Google it! Refer to one of these great websites to make sure you are getting the (real) facts. And no matter what is going on with your health, entrust your earthly body to God, knowing that He will nurture you and take care of you.

My Joy and My Delight By Kara

When was the last time you had one

like that, now, in this situation? When

the spirit, a by-product of living in the

of those grab your gut because it

you have joy it can come across to


feels like you just did 100 crunches

some as absurdity. Perhaps that is

You can pursue happiness, but just as

and now you’re sounding like a

because people have confused joy

stated above it’s not a given that you

hyena but you don’t care and even if

with happiness. In our society

can actually possess it. But joy? Now

you did you couldn’t stop laughing

happiness is a highly valued

that is something that we should be

kind of laughs? Try having that times 7

commodity. We even have it written

trying to pursue. And I’ll let you in on

and you get the idea of what my

into the fabric of our nation. The right

a little secret. As believers, it’s totally

friends and I sounded like last night at

to life, liberty and the pursuit of

our right. It’s tied into grace, into

a restaurant while celebrating some

happiness. How many times have you

salvation, into the One who resides in

birthdays. You know my peeps and I

heard these phrases uttered, “I just


got some crazy looks. We didn’t care.

want you to be happy” or “Whatever

Some people are just never going to

makes you happy” or “As long as

In Psalm 43:3-4 the psalmist writes

get it.

you’re happy”. It’s like the be all end

“Send forth your light and your truth,

all of life. Except that it isn’t.

let them guide me; let them bring me

Joy is like that. When you have real

to your holy mountain, to the place

joy, some of the people around you

Happiness is circumstantial, joy

where you dwell. Then will I go to the

just don’t get it. You get crazy looks.

transcends circumstance.

altar of God, to God, my joy and my

You definitely stand out in the crowd.

Happiness is fleeting, joy is lasting.

delight. I will praise you with the harp,

People wonder why you are acting

Happiness is a mood, joy is a fruit of

O God, my God.”

© Exemplify 2009

Here we see that God is our true

When the allergies or the stress of

source of joy. I think of all the things

my job or petty differences with

in my life that I have pursued trying

people tempt me to discard joy, I

to find joy when all along it is found

need to reaffirm where my hope is.

in Him. Isn’t that always the way

I need to praise God.

with God, in pursuing Him you find everything else you’ve always wanted. In Psalm 16 we find that in God’s presence is fullness of joy. Forget pursuing happiness, I think I would rather have joy at it’s fullest. Wouldn’t we all? Unfortunately, like many other believers I don’t live like someone whose access to joy at it’s fullest is just one prayer away. I often fight depression. I let crummy circumstances stave off joy. Stressful days at work, strained relationships, springtime allergies, you name it, I have let it get me down. Call it

He is our hope, our joy and our song!

“Send fo!h y"r light and y"r tru#, let

#em guide me; let #em b$ng me to y"r holy m"ntain, to % place where y" dwell. 'en will I go to % altar of God, to God, my joy and my delight. I will pra(e y" wi# % harp,

spiritual amnesia.

O God, my God.

Later on in Psalm 43 the psalmist asks himself, “Why so downcast o my soul?” There are days I could ask my own soul the same question. Why am I downcast? Why so negative? I have the true source of

Psalm 43:3-4

Why are y" do)ca*, O my s"l? Why so +*urbed wi#in me? Put y"r hope in God,

joy inside of me! The answer is found right there, “Put your hope in God. For I will yet praise him, my

for I will yet pra(e him,

Savior and my God.”

my Savior and my God.”

© Exemplify 2009

Proverbs 31:27-28

“She looke# well to % ways of her h"sehold, and eate# not #e bread of idleness. Her chil-en a$se up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he pra(e# her.”

A Sanctuary’s Greatest Accessory by Christy Klein

I grew up in a comfortable home. It wasn't big, it wasn't a marvel of contemporary architecture, it wasn't a reflection of the current home interior trends, but it was comfortable. It was a sanctuary and I loved being there. My childhood home might have been lacking a certain decorative flair, but it never felt cold or empty. To me, our sanctuary was as beautiful as a castle, and as warm as a kiss from the sun. To me, our sanctuary lacked nothing because we had the greatest accessory any sanctuary could have... my mom. I loved walking home from school knowing that my mom would be there waiting for me. She would be there willing to take an interest in my day, and ready to meet all of my needs. She kept her home in perfect order (with the exception of the junk drawer, but I think every sanctuary has one of those). I don't know how she did it, but our sanctuary was always spotless and ready for unexpected visitors. My mom's hands were always working on something for someone - pouring herself out for others in her service to them. She worked hard to ensure that her girls grew up with memories to share and traditions to pass on. I do not remember my mom's hands ever being idle. She was very much like a Proverbs 31 woman, though she probably never realized it. My mom was my cheerleader when I felt defeated, my comforter when I felt distressed, my security blanket when I felt scared, my sunlight when I felt blue, and my medicine when I felt homesick. Everything about my mom was beautiful to me. I tell you this because if the Lord has gifted you with the title of "Mother", then chances are your children feel the same way about you. You are what makes being at home a time of peace and rest. You are what those children look forward to seeing when they come home from school. Your hug offers the warmth and peace they crave. You have all the beauty in your smile those little blessings will ever need. Yes, there are a lot of ways we can make our sanctuary a place of peace and beauty. And we should do what we can to that end. But with Mother's Day right around the corner, I wanted to remind you that you are the greatest accessory your sanctuary can ever contain.

© Exemplify 2009

Adding a Little Joy to Life By Carol Moxley in 10 Minutes or Less In the midst of our day-to-day troubles, our daily busy-ness, the concerns and trials we all find ourselves in, it is often difficult to find a little joy. Sometimes, we need to just stop and create a joyful moment. I confess, I sometimes have trouble with this, myself. So, I asked my dear readers at She Lives (http://shelives.typepad.com/) to offer suggestions to you, dear Exemplify readers, of things that can be done in 10 minutes or less to add a little joy to our lives.

•From Kristin at No Small Thing (http://nosmallthing.wordpress.com/):

Play a game with the kids. It kind of amazes me how much fun we can have playing a game of buckaroo. I am always so happy and thankful that I sat down to *play* for once.

•Michelle, who doesn’t have a blog, offered two ideas: a) If you have

a latte machine, take 10 to make your favorite drink. Maybe even a Caramel Macchiato! B) Go to your favorites and browse the blogs that have been updated since you last checked. You could easily read through 6 of them and have 6 fresh views.

Susan at Sweet Annabelle (http://sweet-annabelle.blogspot.com/) this great idea: In ten minutes - Take time to look back through old photos, photo albums or a computer photo cache. Since we don't usually take photos of the "bad" times, usually this is a cheering experience for me! Nothing helps me to count my blessings more than this activity!

From my Twitter friend, @CowPunkMom, Blow bubbles in the backyard!

I’ll add a few of my own:

Sing. Out loud. Okay, I know what you’re thinking. “She’s always telling us to sing.” I know, right? But it’s so very good for your spirit and creates so much joy. Nobody cares if you’re off key when you’re alone, either. So do it as to the Lord!

Dance. Like nobody’s watching. You can even make sure they’re not, if that helps any. It’s more fun when you have a dancing partner, though. So dance with the kids! (Or your hubby!)

Play with your pets! When was the last time you enjoyed a good romp with Fido or jiggled a ball of yarn for Kitty? A few minutes of pet therapy will bring you both a measure of joy!

And now, for my all time, number one, bestest, most favorite thing you can do in 10 minutes or less that will bring joy to your life . . . Worship! When you pray, read the Bible, and praise the Lord God most high, it brings true joy. I’m not talking about the momentary joy we find from fun activities. I’m talking about the deep, abiding, lasting joy that He intends for us through His Son, Jesus Christ. Even in the midst of our trials. The more we focus our eyes on Him, the more we look like Him. The more we look like Him, the deeper our true joy.

“Be joyful always.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16 © Exemplify 2009

Pure Joy By Joanne Sher

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds. James 1:2 NIV The first thing I need to clarify is that there is a difference between happiness and joy. James 1:2 threw me for a very, very long time. I understood, fairly early in my journey as a believer, that coming to Christ wasn’t a guaranteed relocation to easy street. I was, however, guaranteed a Comforter to lean on during tough times, and His watchcare over me as they continued. But that’s not what James is saying here, nor is it the message Paul focuses on in his letter to the Philippians. We are to “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” (Philippians 4:4) Note that this is not only in good times, but in bad as well (Paul was, after all, writing this epistle from a Roman jail). How, you may ask, did he do that? How are WE to do that? How can we possibly have joy in the midst of loss, confusion, and desperation? How can I watch my husband undergo three brain surgeries in one year and still rejoice? Where is the joy in a chronic, debilitating illness or a financial crisis? It all depends, I have discovered, on your perspective.

We are happy when things go our way, when our plans come to fruition, when we are pleasantly surprised. Happiness is a good feeling based on our circumstances. Joy, on the other hand, is based not on the outward factors of our lives that can so often affect our mood, but on trust and faith... Joy is a positive confidence that things are going as they should. So, James and Paul are not asking you to smile wide and dance a jig when, say, your spouse dies. They are, however, asking us to accept and rejoice in God’s sovereignty. We should, with the power of the Holy Spirit, display “the peace of God, which transcends all understanding” (Philippians 4:7) in the midst of our difficulties.

mature and complete, not lacking anything.” James 1:2-4 The ultimate goal of every believer should be to become more mature in the Christian walk—to become more like Christ, reflecting His nature more and more precisely. It should be the desire of our heart. Trials are often the way the Lord develops Christlike character in His children. As we persevere through the difficulties of life, as Jesus did during His time on earth as a man, each struggle we go through, each experience we face, has the potential to make us reflect His Son more and more clearly. Financial loss can help us appreciate what we have, making us more empathetic and generous with our belongings. Physical illness helps us to lean on and trust the Lord more, and give us many opportunities to share God’s faithfulness with others. And the list goes on.

But how do we get to this point? Let’s So, I can rejoice in my difficulties finish looking at James. because God has used them to reach a sinful world, in part by “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, developing Christlike character in whenever you face trials of many me, as well as others around us. I can kinds, because you know that the truly say that, because of the trials testing of your faith develops the Lord has taken me through, I perseverance. Perseverance must have become: finish its work so that you may be © Exemplify 2009

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A more loving and respectful wife More adept at “making the most of every opportunity” (Ephesians 5:16) A more powerful and willing witness of the Lord’s power and love More likely to exhibit the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) More willing to give God, rather than myself, the glory More willing to put others before myself (Philippians 2:3) A better encourager

Of course, I am far from a perfect reflection of my Lord. But for every millimeter closer I grow to that Perfect Model, I know that God is causing it. And with my understanding of Him from His Word, I can certainly trust that it is for my good and the good of His Kingdom. For the purest joy, in its truest sense, will only be found in His presence. And anything that brings me closer to that time is certainly cause for joy.

Heavenly Father, Thank You for using whatever means are necessary to mold us into the image of Your Son. Help us, Lord, to keep our eyes on You, and to rejoice in the work You are doing in each of us, no matter how hard it may be. Help us, Father, to look beyond the temporal difficulties, sorrows, and struggles, trusting Your sovereignty, and Your promise that all will work out for our good. Lead us to trust You, and to rejoice in Your love and watchcare over us. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

He is in control. He won. All will work out for the good of His children (Romans 8:28). My suffering is temporary and serves an eternal purpose. Pure joy.

Be sure to check out Joanne’s blog feature on page 23!

To visit Joanne at her personal blog, head on over to joannesher.blogspot.com!

© Exemplify 2009

The Book Nook with Katrina reviews & recommendations on all things literary

When I first read the back-cover copy of Sacred Chaos by Tricia McCary Rhodes, I knew I needed to read it. The premise was one I could so easily relate to:

In each chapter, Rhodes offers a unique suggestion for noticing the work and presence of God in our lives and for engaging with Him. Her suggestions include:

“Life is often chaotic.” So how can we find ways to connect with God, to pray, and to listen to Him in the middle of the craziness and noise and busyness?

I think we could all use a little help connecting with God amidst the chaos of life – both the everyday chaos that comes with kids or work or extended family, and the seasons of “extra chaos” that seem to sneak up on us and take over our lives and schedules.

Yes, we know that spending time reading God’s word and praying are crucial, but there are times when having an extended “quiet time” each morning seems like little more than a distant memory or vague future hope. What do we do then? How can we keep our communion with God vibrant and at the forefront of our lives?

Use your daily stresses, confusion or disappointments as cues to pray. You may not be able to set aside an hour to pray in the morning, but you can use your circumstances and emotions to remind you to continually turn to God in prayer, throughout the course of the day. Choose a short passage from Scripture and write it out on note cards. Set aside bits time over the next few days to read the passage, meditate on it, ask God to open your eyes to His truth, and contemplate what God is saying in His Word. This can be done in just a few minutes each day. Look for opportunities to connect with God through nature. Go for a walk, look at the stars, etc. Think about what God reveals about Himself through nature and offer Him praise as you enjoy His creation.

These are just a few of the many ways of keeping God foremost in our minds and hearts offered by Rhodes in Sacred Chaos. When I turned the final page of the book, I felt like I had an entire toolbox of strategies and approaches for keeping my mind fixed on the Lord…even when life is completely chaotic.

Sacred Chaos provides some excellent ideas. The chapters are short, easy reads and the author writes with a mixture of humor, warmth and very practical advice – reading Sacred Chaos felt much like chatting over coffee with a mentor. © Exemplify 2009

J O Y C OM E S By Christa Allan “…but joy comes in the morning.” Psalm 30:5, NKJV And, actually, it did. Joy came for me at 11:44 a.m. on a Thursday. On my cell phone. Clearly not the way a psalmist would have envisioned, but arrive it did. My agent, Rachelle Gardner, called with the news of my first sale. My novel, Walking on Broken Glass, sold to Abingdon Press. Joy hung out with me for quite some time after that while I awaited the contract. Of course, the one day I didn’t arrive home before the husband is the day the envelope arrived. But not one of the scenarios I'd played out over the past years involved what came to pass. On that same day, I learned Jonathan, a precious student of mine from the previous school year, died from complications related to his brain tumor treatment. Jonathan didn’t start his junior year of high school because weeks before he was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Those of us who knew Jonathan, even staff and students who only knew of him, were stunned. Well, truly, a brain tumor in any teenager is shocking news. But Jonathan? The kid who didn’t need to walk around campus with a Bible because he could practically quote it verbatim anyway? The kid whose refreshing old-world politeness gave us hope for male-kind? The kid who

didn’t skip classes, but rather skipped to classes? Yes, that Jonathan. Even before Jonathan was a student in my sophomore English class, I knew about him. I'd taught his older brother, Michael, who is now studying aviation. So, years later, when Jonathan appeared in my class, I wasn't surprised by his deep faith and passion for Jesus. I'd seen it in Michael years before. Jonathan bounced toward everything and everyone. I'd observe the "coolest of the cool" kids in class as they'd watch Jonathan "work the room" greeting students, giving away hugs and smiles like he's just won them in the lottery. Whatever skepticism they harbored soon set sail because, regardless of how lovingly goofy they may have thought Jonathan was, they were magnetized by his transparency. No one could ever doubt he was genuine. Jocks, preps, skaters, nerds, divas, geeks and goths--none of those labels mattered to him. He saw their souls and won their hearts. As a writer, I want people to know life is messy and scary and confusing, but we find joy in the chaos. I thought about those yearnings as I read the guest condolences posted for Jonathan. Condolences from Louisiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, California,

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Florida, Kansas, New York, Iowa, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Mississippi, Georgia, Oklahoma, Texas, Virginia, Ohio, from Australia (Adelaide, Newcastle, Kalgoorlie, Brisbane), from England, Scotland, Canada, and the United Arab Emirates, Dubai. Many of these people knew Jonathan only from his many conversations on a theology website. But their commonality was Jonathan had touched their lives, he’d brought them joy. And he was barely 17 years on this earth. So, there was the lesson that Jonathan taught me. I must dare to be afraid so I can trust I'll find courage. Because to reach out to others, I must first reach within myself. Summon the joy that eagerly waves its hands shouting, “Pick me! Pick me!” And whatever gifts God has granted me, I need to spread them lavishly. After all, what's the purpose of a gift that's never opened? I couldn't help but think about Jonathan rejoicing in heaven when I looked at that envelope with my long-awaited contract. Knowing Jonathan, perhaps he wanted that envelope to arrive the same day so I'd rejoice as well. That'd be just his style.

While I'm on this road to publication, I'm picturing Jonathan running cross-country as he used to do at school. Only now he's on the streets of heaven, and he's surrounded by the wisdom of the ages. He crossed the finish line first, but I have no doubt he's cheering me on. ___________________________ Jonathan wrote the poem below when he was 15 years old.

They are naught to me,

Heavenly light shines on me,

In this horrid darkness,

Something I hope to never miss.

Living inside this requiem. Hope is but a longing, For which I can no longer seek,

Existence is but a travesty, A terrible burden upon the man, Under which no man can stand.

“My Wings Take Flight”

Suddenly, as I wonder,

by Jonathan DiLeo (2006)

In what is my horrid requiem,

Sometimes I wonder,

A light above my wond'ring,

If I'm in a solemn dream,

Opens itself up to me.

Wond'ring around in darkness,

From one of his journals: Well, for everyone who doesn't know...I have cancer. Yeah, it sounds bad...it's Ok though...The grace of God can carry though this situation so much...I'm going to make the most out of these next few months. Wow! The grace of God is amazing! The most important mental battle of my life just took place in the last few hours and God has helped me conquer! am!

I can not tell you how joyful I ~Jonathan

In this horrible requiem,

And I see, for the first time,

There is no end to it,

That my life was not in vain. For I shall remember,

No end that I can see,

That I shall never be the same.

I feel that I can't break out,

For hope has wings and it takes flight,

Of this horrible requiem.

Inside the soul of man, A wondrous dream of my God,

Peering into my psyche,

Is the requiem in which I stand.

Into my conscious soul, It's a frightening place, Whose emotions take its toll, And when I ever wonder, If there's a way out, A door in the corner of my eye, Shuts itself to lock me out.

Goodness and longing for my freedom, Inside dwells in me, Power flows inside my veins, Given from the Deity. I now have wings, And I take flight,

Life and death are as the same,

Outside of this abyss,

© Exemplify 2009

Christa Allan is the mother of five adult children and the totally smitten Grammy of two granddaughters. She and her husband, Ken, live in Louisiana where she teaches high school English. Her debut novel, Walking on Broken Glass, will be released by Abingdon Press in March, 2010. She has essays in Chicken Soup for the Coffee Lover’s Soul, Chicken Soup for the Divorced Soul, The Ultimate Teacher, and Cup of Comfort for Parents of Children with Special Needs. WEBSITE: www.christaallan.com

Titus 2 Corner with Christine “I cannot seem to believe that jesus will never leave me... ”

Elise Wrote: I have been a Christian for a number of years. I cannot seem to believe that Jesus will never leave me. I feel like when I mess up that He has had it with me and is going to leave me. How can I overcome this bondage. It honestly controls my life. I fluctuate between faith and fear between victory and defeat. I really want to be free of this. Dear Elise, I have struggled with that same bondage. For me it has been a slow journey. One that even as I was going through it seemed like I was on my own. I can now look back and see the hand of God leading me and changing my heart. Showing me that He is faithful. That there is nothing I could do to be acceptable to God and if that is true then there is nothing I can do to become unacceptable to God. Truth be told it is God beginning to end. He is the faithful one. Even when I am not. (2 Tim 2:13). Jesus is the only thing that makes us acceptable to God. There is nothing we can do to merit salvation on our own. And truly understanding that can set you free to rely and to believe solely on

on God's goodness. His faithfulness to keep us. If you have children, think about what they could do that would cause you to reject them. If you are like most parents your answer will be nothing. I could never leave my children even if they left me. Well God's word says ”if you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!” (Matthew 7:11) Look for scripture that counteracts your fears and speak it daily. God's word is alive and powerful. It cannot return to Him void.  God will continue His work in you until the returning of Christ. He promised it and He will do it. I hope this has helped you.

© Exemplify 2009

If you continue in Christ, He will continue in you. Because He cannot deny Himself. He is a good and faithful God. In Him, Christine

Meet our new marriage columnist, Jenifer!

It is my pleasure to introduce you to Jenifer of By His Grace Ministry (www.byhisgraceministry.com). She has joined the Exemplify team as our monthly marriage columnist. Take some time to read the testimony of her marriage today. You will be amazed at what our God can do! He is faithful and hers is a story that is living proof of that! -Kristen schiffman

Once upon a time in a far away land there lived a handsome young prince. The handsome young prince lived with his father and mother in a beautiful castle atop a wide open field of lush green grass. Over the way there lived a fair young maiden who spent the days filling her mind with lovely stories from the many books that lined her library shelves.

Then one day, as fate would have it, the handsome young prince and the fair young maiden met at the ball of a neighboring countryman. Soon they found themselves head-overheels in love and not long after were married. The handsome young prince and his now lovely princess-bride built a castle of their own, filled it with the finest of things, had a rather large family, and lived happily ever after. Can you relate to this fairy tale of a story? Me either! Well, maybe just a little. My husband IS a very handsome man, my knight in shining armor, in fact. But, that’s about as far as my fairy tale goes. When we met he was not living in a beautiful castle atop of wide open field of lush green grass. He was living in a fifth wheel camper in the middle of a lush green cow pasture. Can you say “Yee-haw?” I did spend my days filling my mind with the books that lined my library shelves, but these books didn’t contain lovely stories that allowed me to drift off into a world free of cares and worries. I was reading philosophy books and psychology

© Exemplify 2009

books hoping to one day graduate from college. My husband and I didn’t meet at a ball or anything remotely resembling a ball. A mutual friend had agreed to host a youth party for me in her home and unbeknownst to me invited him to come. We chit chatted that night, neither of us very impressed with the other, but soon after found ourselves hanging out more and more. Not long after we found ourselves headover-heels in lust and by the next year we were married. Our first home was by no means a castle; it was a rat infested, roach hotel that needed to be burned down. We had mice living in our couch and mattress and birds and squirrels living in the fire place. No need to worry about the upkeep of a lawn of lush green grass. We didn’t even have grass; instead we had a peanut field for a back yard and pecan trees filled the front yard. Not long after we married our family began to grow. We welcomed our first child during the first year of marriage and three years later our second. And, eight years later we were blessed to have a third child.

Living “happily ever after” was not even a thought in our minds during the first years of our marriage. Our honeymoon was over before it even began. My husband and I both brought a lot of junk into our marriage. I had suitcases filled with shame and guilt, bitterness and hatred. I was lonely and depressed searching desperately for someone to fill the hole in my heart. My husband had his own set of baggage as well. He was carrying wounds from his parents’ divorce and had chosen to deal with those wounds by drowning himself in alcohol each night. He too, was lonely and looking for someone to fill those empty places in his heart. So here we were two much messed up people who had no business saying “I do”.

We didn’t talk, we didn’t laugh, most of the time we didn’t even want to be in the same room.

praying for him like nobody’s business. Within a month he was on his knees at our kitchen table crying out to the Lord to save him. That November 2002, brought with it a December, my husband and I were much needed change. I agreed to baptized together. It was the most attend a marriage conference with precious gift we received that my mother-in-law never expecting Christmas. God had not only worked anything to come from it. I need you a miracle in my life, but He also to know that I had grown up in performed a miracle in the life of my church. My dad was a pastor, so I husband. was always there. I knew all the churchy answers and I knew how a Within a few months both of us were “good preacher’s daughter” should actively involved in our student act. But, that’s as far as it went; it ministry department. He was was all an act, a front, a façade. At teaching and mentoring a 12th this point in my life I had wandered grade boy's Sunday School class. I very far away from God. But, praise was also teaching and mentoring a His name He is El Roi, the God who 7th grade girls class. God was doing sees, and all the while He had His a mighty work in us and allowing us eyes on me. to do some mighty work for Him. Since then, God called us to leave God spoke so plainly to me through our home in Alabama and move to the speaker that weekend; it was as North Carolina to prepare for the As I look back over those early though He Himself were standing years, I can see the hand of God ministry He has called us to. before me. I saw in her a love and drawing us closer to Him with each passion for the Lord I had never seen Is our marriage perfect? No. Is our new obstacle that reared its ugly before. I felt the love of God pouring marriage always easy? No. Do we head. Within a year and a half of always get along and agree on marrying, my husband had been to forth from her. God began that weekend to heal my broken heart everything? No. I love my man more see a divorce lawyer; paperwork and battered body. To put into than anything else in this world. The was drawn up and he was on his words all that I experienced during love I have for him flows from a way out the door because of some that one weekend with the Lord heart that loves Jesus more than life very irrational and stupid financial would be far more than these pages itself. Today, we laugh together at decisions I had made. The lawyer he can hold for now. Since that the silliest of things and enjoy each was working with was a Christian moment I have never been the other’s company. He is my and told him that she would not file same. God began healing my heart confidant, my best friend, and my the paperwork until we had that weekend and set my feet to soul mate. God purposed for us exhausted all of our resources with walking down a new path, a before the foundations of the world Christian marriage counseling. We straighter, much narrower path than to spend our lives together. It was a found a Christian counselor and met I’d been used to. He restored to me long, hard road which lead us to this with her for about three months. She the joy of my salvation. The next end, but I wouldn’t trade it for had some very good ideas, but Sunday I went forward during the anything. God is good and His plan neither of us was ready to really deal invitation and told the pastor about in perfect! with our issues. We both sat there the encounter I had with the Lord. I and lied to her, telling her what she The joy of the Lord is our strength knew Jesus like I had never known wanted to hear so that we could through the storms. His joy is the Him before and He knew me. get the “ok” to move on. laughter that now fills our home. My husband was not happy in the And, His joy is the perfect love that For the next three years we continued to drift further and further least with my “new found freedom” floods our souls each day. because he knew he was soon to apart. He buried himself in his work follow. He knew that when I set my and fishing; I dove into my job and motherhood. Our relationship at this mind to doing something, there was no stopping me; it was all or nothing point was nothing more than two and he was going with me. I began people living under the same roof.

© Exemplify 2009

Joanne was raised in Southern California but now lives in West

which she truly enjoys (and has been told she is quite good at!).

Michigan with her wonderful husband

Take some time to get acquainted with Joanne of An Open Book. Exemplify is joyed to feature her blog today! Head on over to her site for joyful devotions and gifted writing. joannesher.blogspot.com

Marc, and their two kids - Andrew & Annika. She was raised in the Jewish faith, but has since become a follower of Christ.

Joanne’s other passion is God's Word, which meets her every need. God has sustained Joanne and her family through so much, and it is

Joanne loves to write and has had assorted stories published in a

her ministry (among others) to share that sustenance, and God's work,

handful of magazines and a few Christian writing anthologies. She is

with all who will listen.

currently working on a non-fiction book about God's workings through her husband's health issues. Tentatively titled Ailing Body, Nourished Soul, the first chapter recently received honorable mention in Fathwriters.com's Page Turner First Chapter contest. Her other writing projects include her personal blog An Open Book and the Faithwriters' Writing Challenge. Joanne also does editing on the side,

© Exemplify 2009

Fashion Forward with Jennifer Like the latest trends but don't want to invest a ton a money on something that might not be around for very long? a great way to experiment with trends, without spending a bunch of money, is with your accessories. One of the big trends right now is Gladiator shoes. Check out these options for

Another great way to accessorize is with sunglasses. You can't go wrong with a great pair of Aviators or the over-sized round glasses. A little reminiscent of the Jacki O sunglasses. Check out this pair from Target.

under $30. If you like a flat shoe, this pair is adorable.

Or if you prefer a heel, these shoes might be for you.

Women's Mossimo® Penina Gladiator Sandals - Black Patent, Target $24.99 Women's Mossimo® Paulina Gladiator Sandals - Brown Pebble Patent, Target $26.99 Adi Designs Oversized Fashion Sunglasses - Brown, Target $16.99 Destination Charm Necklace, Urban Outfitters, $24.00

Big necklaces are in right now and can be worn with pretty much anything. Your favorite button down, tank top or a plain tee. I love mixing stone and wooden bead necklaces. You can also mix a charm necklace with your favorite stone necklace. I adore this charm necklace from Urban Outfitters. Each charm represent a different place on the map. You can choose between six different destination charms. London, California, Tokyo, Amsterdam, Venice and Paris.

“And remember no matter what you wear, The king is enthralled by your beauty ”. Psalm 45:11 © Exemplify 2009

Ministry: Online!  

By Amy Bayliss Karly asks: What kind of web ministry can I do? I know blogging is one way but what are others? I just can’t think of other ways to do it. Can you help? Absolutely, Karly! There are many different ways to begin to reach out in ministry via the internet. I’ll cover a basic list for you but it is by no means exhaustive. My advice to you would be to pray and ask God to show you what He would have you to do. He may not give you a direct answer but He will point you in the right direction.

1. Online Bible Study – You can

conduct a bible study online utilizing Twitter, a chat room, or yahoo group for privacy or you can simply have each participant post on their own blogs and link back to yours. The latter method expands the chances of others seeing the study and possible becoming involved. The first option increases the intimacy of the room and allows for the participants to be transparent and vulnerable where as they may not have been so otherwise.

2. Email – You can send an

encouraging email or devotion each week to someone in particular. I say someone in particular because when something is mass mailed then it is typically overlooked as chain mail. But, if you send it to someone in particular and write a note about how you thought of them when you wrote it or read it or whatever the case may be, then they are more likely to read it and accept it. If you hear of someone having a hard time then simply send them an email and let them know that you are praying for them.

3. YouTube: Believe it or not,

video evangelism is on the rise. If you can think of fun and interesting ways to express the word of God and put it on video then chances are it will reach thousands. Simple illustrations such as standing in a garden and explaining the parable of the sower and the seeds can be a powerful tool. Recorded testimonies, prayer, and short messages are also a great way to reach out.

© Exemplify 2009

4. Twitter: Twitter (also known as

micro-blogging) is being used regularly as a “one-liner” way of preaching the message of the kingdom. I’ve seen some great one liners like: “I have been misrepresented by those who don't know me. John 8:41-44,” “God answers knee mail,” & “Our job isn't to change the message. Our job is to let the message change us.”

5. Facebook – Facebook is an

opportunity to let the light of Christ shine through you. It is an excellent social networking site that allows you to keep up with fellow Christians and minister to those who are seeking. With over 68 million Facebook users, there is no reason not to consider using this application.

Those are just a few ways you can utilize the web for ministry but for the sake of space and time I will just leave it at that.

Karly’s next question was: Is it okay to use a secular website to minister?

My reply is simple, yes! Jesus preached wherever and whenever and the Father promises us that He will use all things for good. The site in and of itself is not evil. It is the person using it and what they do with it that makes it so. The same could be said of many things. The rainbow is a good example. I refuse to stop associating my Christian heritage with a rainbow just because a certain group of people have taken it and used it for ungodliness. With that said, I can think of a couple of reasons why you should not use online sites for ministry.

1. You have been personally convicted by God

that you should not participate in these websites. If this is the case then you should obey God but that does not mean that it is wrong for everyone. I know some people who have been convicted of using cell phones because it became a false god to them. That does not mean everyone else should throw out their phones. Pray about it. Ask God what His plan is for you.

Interested in Ministry Online? Be sure to head over to A Woman Inspired’s website! The June conference will be on this very topic with speakers from around the blog-o-sphere and internet who are daily ministering to women online.

2. You lack time. If you lack the time it would take to minister in this way then you should most definitely wait until you do. In the meantime you can pray for those of us who are in online ministry and when you sense God nudging you to go forward then you can join us!

Send you questions to: [email protected]

AWomanInspiredConference.org And don’t forget to enter our giveaway! Three readers will win a free ticket to the June conference. Head to page 2 to read the details or hop over to ExemplifyOnline.com!

Married  to  her  best  friend  and  “main  squeeze”,  Amy  Bayliss  is  a  4th  year  homeschooling,  co‐ educa?ng mom to three boys who loves to celebrate life to the fullest. She thoroughly enjoys wri?ng  about the pearls of wisdom God delivers to her soul. Amy is the co‐owner  of the popular sites: Heart  of  the MaHer Online and  Internet  Cafe  Devo?ons. She  is also the co‐founder  of A Woman  Inspired,  affordable and inspiring online conferences for  Chris?an women. You  can visit  her at her  site:   Amy  Bayliss.

© Exemplify 2009

By Tara Rachel

HA N N A H : GOD HAS H E A R D M E She stared down at the piece of meat on her plate, trying to find joy in his sincere gesture. His hand closed over hers, warm and comforting. “See what I have given you, Hannah my love? The choicest portion of the meat, and only for my best person. Now please eat, beloved. You look pale today.” Elkanah smiled at her warmly before turning back to his own plate. From across the table, Penninah glared at her coldly. Hannah picked up her utensils and began to eat, doing so only to satisfy her husband. She had no appetite, no desire for food or drink. She only wanted to go home and slip under her blankets, to hide from Elkanah and his oblivious placating tendencies and Penninah and her vitriolic retributions. She tore off another piece of meat and placed it in her mouth. Why, Lord? Why has my life come to this? Why is this curse upon me? she prayed silently, avoiding Penninah’s dangerous gaze. Have I not been faithful? Has my husband not been faithful? May You deal with me, be it ever so

severely, if You can find another Levite as pious and devoted to You as Elkanah is. Across the table, Hophni was telling a raucous joke, and Phineas and Penninah laughed aloud. Hannah closed her eyes, blocking out the grating sounds. Elkanah cleared his throat loudly, but his sons paid him no mind. We’re good, but we’re not perfect, Lord, Hannah admitted morosely. We have thwarted Your plan for marriage. Had Penninah never entered the picture, we would not be in this mess. She swallowed thickly. It was her fault Penninah and her abundant womb were there. If she had only been able to provide Elkanah a son! It never happened, though. Month after month, the potential for new life flushed out of her womb, mocking her and her infertility. But shouldn’t Elkanah have been content with the lot the Lord had given him? Ridiculous. The mark of a man (and subsequently his wife) was how many children had been borne to him. And Hannah had failed at her duty to provide an

© Exemplify 2009

offspring. She couldn’t fault her husband for his need to carry on his line. But could she fault the Lord for closing her womb? Oh, God, I want to fault You. It would be so easy to cast all the blame at Your feet. My emptiness, my loneliness. I want to curse You and be done with it. Her eyes filled with thick tears. But I can’t. You are all I have. You have blessed me indeed with a wonderful husband who loves You with all his heart and desires to serve You. You have blessed me with a husband who loves me despite my faults. So I will praise You for such blessings, even though my heart hurts more than You can understand. I understand, My child. And I will sustain you, if you lean on Me and continue to be thankful in all circumstances. Her hand instinctively came to rest over her flat abdomen. Lord, let me be as Rachel, loved by her husband and mother of a son. Just one son, Lord. I ask You for one son. Please hear the cry of Your servant.

Hannah pushed her plate back from her. She had taken three bites of the meat. “Why Hannah, you didn’t eat much! Aren’t you feeling a little empty inside?” Penninah taunted wickedly. Elkanah shot her a warning look. “Penninah, that’s enough out of you!” He turned toward Hannah, concern in his eyes. “Don’t listen to her, my dear. She is only trying to upset you.” He smudged a tear from under her eye. “Oh, Hannah,” he whispered, cupping her cheek. “Why are you weeping? Is it because of her?” He gestured to her relatively untouched meal. “Why don’t you eat? Why are you so downhearted? Don’t I mean more to you than ten sons? Isn’t my love enough?” She met his eyes. Oh, she loved him so much. He was so good to her and showered her with his love and affection. Yes, my love, you do mean more to me. She managed a weak smile and turned, taking a long drink from her cup. But you could never understand my pain. Hannah counted the minutes until the fellowship meal was over. As soon as the last bite of food had been consumed, she stood quickly and excused herself, making a dash for the entryway. She left her family seated, enjoying the last of their drinks and laughing. She burst through the door, choking back her grief and stood under the moon. She tilted her face to the strong evening breezes, so common in Shiloh during this time of year, and let them cool her face and tried to ease her rapid breaths. She walked out into the open, towards the tabernacle, the Tent of Meeting. The tent cloths slapped and whipped in the strong breezes. She sank down to her knees in the dirt, giving in to her emotions. She wept – hard, gut-wrenching sobs – that shook her entire body. Clutching handfuls of dirt in her palms, she let her thoughts race

into dangerous territory I hate her, God. I hate her and her children. I hate how she makes me feel. I hate how she treats me. I hate how she constantly rubs it in my face that she can give birth and I can’t! I hate how she makes me feel worthless. Beloved… No, God, I’m not done! I hate this whole situation I am in. Why can’t I have children? It’s the most natural thing in the world! Why has this blessing been withheld from me? Is it something I’ve done? Something I am being punished for? Why this wedge within my marriage? I love my husband, and I want to bear him a son. Why, Lord? Why? Hannah… Oh, God, it hurts. Couldn’t the other woman, this concubine, have been a gracious woman, not tormenting and deceptive? Are you being gracious by saying how much you hate her? Hannah shook her head, wiping tears with her dirty hands. No, Lord, forgive me. But it is so hard, and the root of bitterness is growing. Hannah, have you seen a time in My Word when women didn’t have chasms of mistrust and anger in this situation? Look at Hagar and Sarah. Rachel and Leah. When men try to take matters into their own hands, disaster happens and often the women suffer right along with the consequences. I know, Lord. But she makes me – She doesn’t make you anything, My child. You are basing your worth and identity on the actions of a wicked woman. You are called grace by name, and I have given you blessings many other women desire deeply. Yes, your womb is closed, but that does not make you less of a person. That does not make you less of a woman. That does not mean you are loved any less by Me or by your husband. As hard as it is, take your eyes off your situation and keep them focused on Me. Continue to be thankful, and find joy in Me

© Exemplify 2009

despite the circumstance. I will ultimately receive glory from this, as long as you are obedient and longsuffering. Hannah nodded again, letting the Lord’s words wash over her in comforting waves. Any woman can go through the act of childbirth, Hannah. Flesh is flesh. But the true test lies in what will become of that child – how will he live, how will he grow? Will he find favor with Me or will he turn his back against me? Hannah understood. The Lord wanted more than just population. He wanted a people who loved and served Him. She listened to the coarse laughter coming from within the hall, the sons of Penninah – the so-called priests. They were servants of God by birth, and yet they had no desire to love and honor Him. The root of bitterness dug a little deeper, and she felt the fleshly urge to gloat over Penninah’s lack of ability to raise her sons with a knowledge of God. No, I will pray for them. I will pray for a turning of their hearts, that they would serve the Lord as honorable men, and that their mother would turn to Him as well. So she dropped her head again and began to intercede on behalf of her husband’s children and their mother. After several long minutes of praying for those she so often despised, Hannah began to feel her spirits lift. Joy spread throughout her body, a hope taking root like a flowering vine, choking and killing the bitterness that tried so hard to overcome her. She sat up and sank back on her heels, lifting her face to the heavens and to the Lord. She began to praise, worshiping Him for His hearing of her cry, of her grief. While she praised, her resolve grew. She remembered Abraham petitioning the Lord for the sparing of Sodom. She opened her eyes, the stars in the heavens twinkling back at her. “Oh, Lord,” she prayed, her mouth moving silently.

Jehovah Saboath,, my Lord of Hosts… Jehovah-Jireh, my provider… El Roi, the One who sees me… El Shaddai… Lord Almighty. I pray You hear me and Your heart will be turned, much like it was with Your servant Abraham. If you would but look upon the misery of Your servant and remember me, and not forget Your servant but give her a son, then I will give him back to the Lord for all the days of his life, and no razor will ever be used on his head.” She continued to worship and prayed, hands lifted and heart soaring and aching at the same time. “Woman, what are you doing?” A sharp voice cut in through her private devotion. “Hallelujah,” she whispered softly, and got to her feet, brushing the dirt from the knees of her linen shift. She searched around for the owner of the voice, and found him seated outside the flap to the tent of meeting. It was Eli the priest, and he studied her with a critical gaze. He slowly rose from his chair and walked toward her. “I have been watching you,” he said carefully, leaning heavily on his walking stick. “I see your lips moving but I hear no words. You must be drunk.” She shook her head quickly, wanting to explain, but he cut her off. “How long will you keep on getting drunk?” he accused. “You need to get rid of your wine.” “Please, my lord, it’s not so,” she replied, and hoped he could discern from the clarity of her words that she was indeed sober. She shrugged her shoulders. “I am a woman who is deeply troubled. I have not been drinking wine or beer; I was pouring out my soul to the Lord.” Her eyes prickled, and she blinked quickly to hold back the start of tears. “Do not take your servant to be a wicked woman; I have been praying here out of great anguish and grief.” She saw old Eli’s eyes soften, and she knew he recognized her as

the wife of Elkanah. No doubt he was familiar with the family situation of one of the most pious worshippers. He raised his hand before her. “Go in peace, and may the God of Israel grant you what you have asked of Him.” The thrill of joy rushed through her, and she grinned widely. “May your servant find favor in your eyes.” Eli nodded and turned to go back to his chair outside the tabernacle. Hannah drew a deep breath and turned to face the hall. Lights still shone from the tables and brackets on the walls. She walked back in to find her family still seated, some loud and rosy-cheeked because of too much wine. Elkanah’s eyes lit up when he saw her, and he drew her chair back for her so she could sit. “My dear, are you hungry yet?” She took her seat and tore off a piece of meat, stuffing it into her mouth. “I am,” she answered, and she took his hand, smiling broadly over the favor of the Lord in her life. She would tell Elkanah later in private about her vow; she knew he would not force her to nullify it under the Law. He wanted her to have a son as much as she did. She smiled again, her heart full with hope. “Push, my lady, one more push should do it!” Hannah squeezed her eyes closed, straining every muscle in her body as she focused on moving the mass within her abdomen. Pain ripped at her to her very core; her back throbbed dully. Even her legs ached in protest from the muscles being clenched for so long. Puah the midwife knelt between Hannah’s raised legs, one hand on her swollen abdomen and the other poised to catch the new child. She raised her eyes to Hannah’s, smiling brightly. “I can see the head, my lady. Is your stomach still tightening? Give one last push

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the next time you feel your stomach tighten and the baby should come out.” Hannah propped herself up on her elbows, sweat pouring off her face and chest. Muscle spasms rolled throughout her abdomen, and she bit her lip against the pain. Drawing in a deep gasp of breath, she focused as hard as she could and felt the child slip easily from her body. “Praise the Lord,” she whispered, collapsing heavily back on the pile of blankets. Her stomach continued to cramp but the intensity of the pain was over. She dragged air into her lungs, more exhausted than she had ever felt in her life. She heard the choking cry of her baby, and she began to sob herself. She heard water splashing and looked over. Puah was washing the child thoroughly and rubbing the body down with salt. She took the clean strips of linen and began to wrap tightly, until the child was a perfect little package. She brought the baby over to Hannah and placed it gently into her arms at her breast. “A son, my lady,” Puah whispered. “You have a beautiful son.” Hannah stared through her tears at the tiny, perfect face. The rosy pink lips nuzzled her shoulder and she moved him to her breast. He began to suckle immediately. Puah stood close, gazing at the new boy. “Shall I get the master?” she asked excitedly, brushing a sweaty strand of hair from her forehead. Hannah nodded and Puah bolted from the room. Soon Elkanah came rushing through the door, tears flowing freely down his cheeks. “Oh, Hannah, oh, Hannah,” he gushed, coming to her side and kissing her drenched forehead. She smiled weakly, though inside her heart was racing with joy. “I have given you a son, my love.” Elkanah laid his hand on her head. “What should we call him?”

She already knew his name. She knew it the first time she noticed her monthly flow was missing. She knew it the first time she couldn’t tie her belt around her shift. She knew it the first time she felt sick in the midday, the first time she felt the tickling sensations deep within her womb. She whispered the name to him when she was alone, told him of the God who had woven him together despite her barrenness. “His name will be Samuel,” she replied, and Elkanah smiled. “Because I asked the Lord for him, and He heard me.”

carefully for this day. Had it really been three years already? Eli the priest walked toward her and reached out to young Samuel. Samuel, as though instinctively, reached out and joined him. Eli patted the child’s head. Hannah stepped forward. “As surely as you live, my lord, I am the woman who stood here beside you praying to the Lord. I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of Him. So now I give him to the Lord. For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord.” Tears fell hard and fast, obstructing her vision. She and Elkanah said their Hannah stood in the goodbyes and watched as young doorway, watching as Elkanah lifted Samuel was led away by the old the last of his belongings onto the priest. Then together they packed back of his donkey. He wiped his up their belongings and headed for brow and shielded his eyes from the Ramah. Going home without their overhead sun. He came back into son. the shade of the house and kissed Hannah didn’t speak for most her cheek. “I must go back to Shiloh of the trip. Her thoughts and and fulfill my vow to the Lord.” He emotions were consumed and she cupped her face with his hand. “Are spent most of the trip in desperate you sure you won’t join us?” prayer. My son, Lord. Oh, I didn’t She shook her head and think it would hurt this bad. shifted Samuel slightly on her hip. She Cling to me, my child. was amazed at how much he had I’m trying, God. I want to grown in the last two months. “I am serve You and I want nothing other going to stay here.” Her husband than my son to serve You. But it still met her gaze, a solemn reminder of hurts. her own vow she would need to fulfill. It was dark by the time they “After he is weaned, I will take him arrived back in Ramah. As they and present him before the Lord, made their way into the house, and he will live there always.” She Elkanah approached her. “You’ve sounded steadfast, though inside the been awfully quiet, my love.” words made her tremble. She smiled at him. Sweet, She noted the mixed compassionate Elkanah. “It hurts, emotions crossing Elkanah’s face. Elkanah. I won’t lie and say it She understood his feelings: joy to be doesn’t. I had no idea three years able to serve the Lord could pass so quickly. Sometimes I wholeheartedly, and yet wish I could go back on my vow. But unspeakable sorrow for giving up the I also know had I never made it, I one thing they had wanted for so would never have had Samuel.” She long. Elkanah bent and kissed her looked outside, towards the direction again, turned into the sunshine, and of Shiloh, where she knew her young departed for Shiloh. son was already being trained for the *** service of the Lord. Hannah stood before the Tent “But if there is one thing I of Meeting, watching the flaps wave know, it’s that God can do amazing in the breeze. She clutched the things in a short amount of time. chubby hand of her son, dressed so Look at what he has done for us in © Exemplify 2009

three short years.” She felt her eyes filling with tears again. “I wanted nothing more than a son. It was the deepest desire of my heart and I gave it over to God. He answered my cry and my prayer and gave me the one thing I longed for more than anything else.” She saw the sheen of tears in Elkanah’s eyes as well. “I love the Lord more than anything or anyone – even you, my dear, and Samuel.” She swallowed over the stinging lump in her throat, trying to coax out her next words. “I can think of no greater way to demonstrate my love for Him than to give to Him the thing I love the most. If that means my son, then it must be my son. I will give up my son for Him, because of my deep love for Him.” She swallowed again, the lump in her throat growing larger. “As happy as Samuel makes me, I now know that only in His presence is fullness of joy.” She sighed. “I need to be alone for a minute,” she said. Elkanah nodded and she turned to go back outside. The night breeze was warm, and it lifted her hair and made chills break out on her skin. She looked up at the sky again, the same sky and same stars that once winked down on her in her great distress. She lifted her hands in praise to the Lord, thanking Him for the life that came out of the death of her womb, for the three amazing years, and for being a God who hears and listens to the cry of His people, even a lonely wife desperate to be a mother. Hallelujah . Adapted from 1 Samuel 1 © April 2009

May 3, 2009

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