Excel Xp-2003 Advanced

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Excel XP-2003 Advanced Naming ranges A rectangular group of cells on a worksheet is called a range. One way to make a reference to a range (such as in a function) is to show the first cell address, a colon, and the last cell address (A1:N80). Another way to reference a range is to define it with a name. The name (Expenses) may be used in the argument (number) portion of formulas (instead of cell addresses). There are two ways to name a range: by using the Name box on the Formula bar or by using the menu Insert, Name. Select the cells to be named first; then either click in the Name box or click Insert, Name, Define; type in the range name and press e. The range name can be as long as you want, but there cannot be any spaces, commas, or periods. You should use names that are easy to remember and type. The Insert, Name, Create command may be used if the selected cells include the range name either above, below, or to the left or right of the cells. The Name box has a drop down arrow that you can use to select a range, the cursor will move to the range and the range will be highlighted. [You can use the Name box to go to a specific cell or range, just select the Name box, type the cell address or range name and press e.] The range can be used in a formula such as: = sum(march) = average(grades). To use a name in a formula, start the formula, when you need to put in an argument, either type the name in place of the cell range or click the drop down list of names and select a name from the list. Finish the formula as you normally would and press e.

Working with sheets

Sheet tab scrolling buttons

Sheet tabs

Files in Excel are called workbooks because they may contain multiple worksheets and/or chart sheets. Each worksheet may contain 256 columns and 65,536 rows. Initially the workbooks have three worksheets; you may change that by clicking on Tools, Options, General and changing the number of Sheets in New Workbook. The sheet tabs are displayed in the lower left corner of the screen. The Sheet tab scrolling buttons are to the left of the sheet tabs; use the buttons to scroll the display of the sheet tabs, only a few are displayed at once. To make a sheet active, click its tab at the bottom of the screen and the sheet will be displayed. You may select several sheets at once by either holding down the s key (if they are adjacent sheets – click on the first sheet tab and hold down the s key and click on the last sheet tab) or if they are not adjacent sheets hold the c key (a key on the Mac) as you click on the sheet ITS - C Standfield

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tabs. If you have more than one sheet selected when you enter data, the data will appear on all selected sheets. To rename a sheet, double-click on its tab; the name is highlighted, type in the new name and either press e or click in a cell or on another sheet. To insert a new sheet, click Insert, Worksheet and a new worksheet is added. To delete a sheet, click its sheet tab to select it, then click Edit, Delete Sheet respond OK to the question: “Selected sheets will be permanently deleted, continue?”. Another way to rename, insert or delete a sheet is to select the sheet tab, press the right mouse button (or c + click the mouse on the Mac) while pointing to the selected sheet tab, and selecting the desired command from the shortcut menu. You may also change the Tab Color, from the shortcut menu. To rearrange the worksheets drag the worksheet tab to a new location (in the list of sheets) a b appears above and to the left of the sheet tab, as you drag the mouse the b displays where the tab will be moved, release the mouse button to drop the sheet tab in a new position. When creating formulas the cell addresses may be all on one sheet or they may be spread out over several sheets. A sample formula is: Sheet1!C10+Sheet2!C10+Sheet3!C10 if the sheets had been renamed the formula might be: Western!C10+Central!C10+Eastern!C10. The formula may be typed in, with the sheet name followed by an exclamation mark, or you may use the mouse to select each address in the formula. When you save the workbook ALL the worksheets are saved in the same file. You may also have a formula that includes cell addresses from more than one file; in the formula the file name will be enclosed in brackets. An example of a formula using addresses from multiple files: =D14+Eastern!D14+[BUDGET04.XLS]Central!$D$14. If you are working with more than one file, you may want to save them as a workbook. Have open all the files that you are working with, click File, Save Workspace. When you open the workspace file it will open the files that were being used when the workspace was saved. Workspace files are small and have .XLW for the extension.

AutoCalculate AutoCalculate is on the status bar on the right hand side. If you select several numbers and look at the AutoCalculate area on the right side of the status bar, you will see a display like: SUM=113334. In other words it is giving you the SUM before you ask; the answer is only on the status bar though, not in a cell. It will continue to display the sum for selected numbers unless you change the function. To change the function, point to the AutoCalculate area and press the right mouse button (or c + click the mouse button on the Mac), the choices displayed are: Average, Count, Count Nums, Max, Min, and Sum. It will be set for the selected function until you change it again. ITS - C Standfield

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Using the Insert Function Wizard Excel has hundreds of worksheet formulas (functions) that help you create a special calculation. The Insert Function wizard walks you through creating a formula using one or more of these special functions. Examples of formulas using a function are: = SUM(C23:C33) =AVERAGE(B20:H20) =ROUND(AVERAGE(F10:F55),0) You may type in a formula or use Insert Function. Click the Insert Function button (figure on the left) or click the dropdown arrow by the AutoSum button and select More Functions from the drop-down menu (figure on the right). To use Insert Function, click the cell where you want the answer displayed, click the Insert Function button. Select a category from Or Select a Category drop-down list. Select the desired function from the Select a Function list, click OK. Most functions will require a number, so the next dialog box will request information. A number may be either cell address or a range of cells, the number of decimal places, an interest rate, a logical test, etc. Fill in the information as requested and click OK. The answer will be displayed in the cell; the formula will be displayed in the Formula Bar. There are at least two parts to most functions: the function itself (i.e. SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT) and the number or numbers AVERAGE(number1, number2,…). The function determines what the formula does and the number (or argument) indicates which cells will be used. Some functions require more than one argument, which are separated by commas; such as IF(logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false).

Useful Functions Functions that are used frequently are Sum, Average, Round, Max, Min, If, Count, CountA, Now and Today. The AutoSum button is the easiest way to enter the Sum function, Sum will add up a list of numbers whether they are in a single column or row or in multiple columns and rows [ex: =Sum(B5:B22)]. All of the functions can be entered with Insert Function. The Average function will add a list of values then divide by the total number of values [ex: =AVERAGE(B5:B22)]. Round will round a number or an answer to the specified decimal places [ex: =ROUND(B23,2) or =ROUND(AVERAGE(B5:B22), 2)]. Max will determine the greatest number in a range [ex: =MAX(B5:B22)]; Min will determine the smallest number in a range [ex: =MIN(B5:B22)]. The If function is used to test a condition, if the result is "true" it will respond with one value, if the result is "false" it will respond with a different value [ex: =IF(B5>100, B5*.025, B5*.03) in this example if the value in B5 is greater than 100 it will multiply the value by .025 if the value in B5 is not greater than 100 it will multiply by .03].

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The Count and CountA functions perform similarly. The Count function counts only the numbers in a range [ex: =COUNT(B5:B22)]. The CountA function counts all the non-empty cells in a range [ex: =COUNTA(B5:B22)]. Use the Today function to enter today's date [ex: =TODAY()] or use the Now function to enter the date and the time [ex: =NOW()]. You may subtract two dates to find the number of days between them. You may also add to a date to discover a date the specified number of days away. You may subtract to find the amount of time between two given times, the given times must be in time format. Use the Date & Time formats to change the appearance of the date and/or the time. When you enter a date in a cell, Excel sees it as a serial number that equals the number of days since 1/1/1900 until the given date; Excel assumes a date format so that it appears as a date.

Creating formulas with relative and absolute addresses Anytime you copy a formula from one cell to another the addresses in the cell are automatically adjusted for the new cell address because they are relative addresses. There are times when you will need a formula with one or more absolute addresses that do not change automatically when the formula is copied, such as a cell containing a fixed percentage. An absolute cell address is one with $ signs in front of the column and/or the row such as $C$25. You put a $ in front of the column if the column needs to remain constant and/or you put a $ in front of the row if the row needs to remain constant. There are four possibilities, a relative address: C25 and three absolute addresses: C$25, $C25, $C$25. You may either type the $ or you may use the $ key (a + T on the Mac) to put the $ in for you. When typing the formula, click the cell that needs an absolute address then press the $ key (a + T on the Mac) until you have the correct address. If the formula is already typed, select the address in the formula bar and then press the $ key (a + T on the Mac).

Data Sort The Sort Ascending and Sort Descending buttons on the Standard toolbar only sort by one column. With the Data, Sort command you can sort by up to three columns or fields. Click in the data (in a cell with content), click Data, Sort to display the Sort dialog box. [Excel should highlight your database, since you clicked in the data first. Do not leave blank columns or rows in your database.] If your database has column headings (field names) be sure that Header row is selected, if there are no column headings be sure that No Header row is selected. If you do not have a header row, then the drop down lists will display “Column A, Column B, Column C…”. Select a column (field) from the drop down list under Sort by, then click Ascending or Descending on the right side. To sort by additional columns or fields, make a second selection

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under Then by and if desired a third selection under the last Then by. Click OK to sort the database. In the example, the list would first be sorted by Customer. The records with the same Customer, would then be sorted by Part #. The records with the same Customer and Part # would then be sorted by Order Date. Filter arrow

AutoFilter Use the AutoFilter command to filter out data that you don't want to see. Click in the database, select Data, Filter, AutoFilter; Filter drop down arrows appear for each column (field). When you click one of the arrows, a list of possible criteria appears. If you click one of the items, then all entries in the field that don't match will be hidden. For example if you click one of the customer's names in the list, then all the entries for other customers will be hidden. The fields that have active filters have a blue arrow rather than a black one. To redisplay all the information, click the arrow again and select (All). If you select (Custom) filter, then you can set up your own criteria. For example in a numeric field such as Quantity you can search for < (less than) or > (greater than) a given number. You can combine the criteria using And or Or then add another criteria to use. If a filter in one field is already active when you set a filter for another field then they are both in effect, both will be blue, and both will need to be “turned off”. If you are using several filters a fast way to turn them all off is to click Data, Filter, AutoFilter again or click Data, AutoFilter, Show All; either method displays all the records; only Data, Filter, AutoFilter will turn off the filter arrows.

Subtotals The Subtotals command will take a sorted data list and apply a function such as Sum to a selected field and display the results. In order to display the subtotals, first select the list and sort it; click Data, Sort. In the Sort dialog box select the field to be sorted, choose whether you want Ascending or Descending and click OK. [You may select to sort by up to two additional fields.] After sorting, click Data, Subtotals which displays the Subtotal dialog box. In the At Each Change in: box select the field that you sorted by. Click the Use Function drop down list arrow to select the desired function. The functions listed are: Sum, Count, Average, Max, Min, Product, Count Nums, StdDev, StdDevp, Var, and Varp. The Add Subtotal To edit box is where you select the field you are subtotaling or averaging; after selecting the field to be subtotaled, click OK. The subtotals appear on the spreadsheet in the selected column. A grand total appears at the very bottom. In the gray area to the left of the spreadsheet are buttons 1, 2, 3 to control the level of

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detail that is displayed. You may click [1] for the grand total only; [2] for just the subtotals; and [3] to see all the detail. The levels visible on the screen are the ones that will print. In order to add more subtotals to the same list, set up one field to subtotal, then click Data, Subtotals and set up an additional field; be sure to turn OFF Replace Current Subtotals so that it will add additional fields instead of replacing. If you want to remove the subtotals (to edit the data for example), click Data, Subtotals, Remove All. The spreadsheet will look like it did before the subtotals.

Data Validation The Data, Validation command allows you to control values entered into cells. For example, you can specify that only Whole Numbers can be entered and state the Minimum and Maximum values allowed. You can also create a list for a drop-down list, so that only the items in the list can be selected. The choices under Validation criteria Allow are: Any value, Whole number, Decimal, List, Date, Time, Text length, and Custom. To create a validation for a certain type of value, select the cell or cells, click Data, Validation. Under Data select from between, not between, equal to, not equal to, greater than, less than, greater than or equal to, and less than or equal to. Fill in the requested values in Minimum, Maximum or Value. To create a drop down list for a cell, first type the list of items. Select a cell, click Data, Validation. Under Allow select List then select the cells or type the range in Source click OK. A cell Validation may be easily copied using AutoFill.

What are Excel Charts? Use Excel charts to illustrate the differences between numbers and/or changes over time. Excel charts may take many different forms: column, line, pie, bar, area, etc. and 3-D versions of those.

Create a Chart Charts may be created on the same sheet as the data or on a separate chart sheet. If the chart and the data are on the same sheet, they may be viewed and/or printed together. If the chart is on a chart sheet, it will be printed separately on a whole sheet of paper. In order to create a chart, select the data on the worksheet, then click the Chart Wizard button. Step 1 of the Chart Wizard is displayed. The data selection could include only one data series (a single column or single row) or it could be several series (multiple columns or multiple rows). Pie charts need only one data series that totals 100%. It may be necessary on a pie chart, to select two separate ranges, in the case where one column has the headings and another column the data. To select two separate ranges, hold down the c key (hold the a key on the Macintosh) while selecting the second range.

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ChartWizard The Chart Wizard has four steps. Step 1 of 4 is called Chart Type. Select the Chart type and the Chart sub-type. Among the choices are: Column, Bar, Line, Pie, XY (Scatter), Area, Doughnut, Radar, Surface, Bubble, Stock, Cylinder, Cone, and Pyramid. There are descriptions of the different types at the bottom of the dialog box. Point your mouse to the "Press and Hold to View Sample" button, hold the mouse button down to preview the chart, release the mouse button when finished. Once you have selected the Chart type and Chart sub-type, click Next.

Step 2 of 4 is Chart Source Data; verify the data range and specify whether the data series is in Rows or Columns. When you change the Chart Source Data from Rows to Columns (or vice versa) this determines what is on the X-axis and what is on the Y-axis and in the Legend. Once you have made the selection, click Next. The Series panel on Step 2 allows you to individually edit each Series, changing the cell addresses or the location of the text used in the Legend.

Step 3 of 4 is Chart Options; it has six panels. The six panels are: Titles, Axes, Gridlines, Legend, Data Labels, and Data Table. The first panel, Titles, is for entering the Chart title, Category (X) axis title, or Value (Y) axis title. The second panel, Axes, turns off (or on) the labels on the axes.

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The third panel, Gridlines, is used to turn on or off the Major and/or Minor Gridlines for the X and Y axes. The fourth panel, Legend, allows you to change the placement of the Legend. Select from: Bottom, Corner, Top, Right, or Left as the position of the Legend. The fifth panel is Data Labels; use it to turn on Labels, Values, or Percents. Data Labels will print on the chart. The last panel is Data Table, you may have it show the spreadsheet with the chart. Once the selections have been made, click Next to go on, or click Back to change a selection. Use Step 4 of 4 Chart Location to specify where you want the chart. Select As new sheet or As object in. In the As new sheet box, you may type the name you want for the new chart sheet. For As object in, select the existing sheet that you want to display the chart on. Click Finish.

Edit a Chart Click the chart to select it, handles are displayed around the border. You need to select the chart to move it on the sheet, delete it, or to resize it. To move it, just drag with the mouse on the middle of the selected chart. To size the chart area, drag one of the handles away from the center of the chart to make it larger or toward the center of the chart to make it smaller. To delete a selected chart, just press the d key (use the k key on the Macintosh). To delete a data series from the chart, select the chart. Click one of the bars (columns or lines) that is in the data series to be deleted. When you click one part of the series the whole series is selected. While the series is selected press the d key (k key on the Macintosh). The series is removed from the chart. To add a data series to a column, bar or line chart: if the chart is on the worksheet, select the new data series on the worksheet, drag the selected data over the chart and release the mouse button. The new data is added to the chart. If the chart is on a separate sheet you will need to select the new data on the worksheet, click Copy; change to the chart sheet and click Paste. You can also click Chart, Add Data and type the range of the data to be added.

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Chart Toolbar When a chart is selected, the Chart toolbar is displayed. It has seven buttons and two drop down lists. Chart Objects is the drop down list on the left (lists all the objects in the chart), then the Format (Axis) button (when an Axis is selected), Chart Type drop down list, Legend (turns the legend on or off), Data Table (turns the data table on or off), By Row, By Column, Angle Clockwise, and the Angle Counter Clockwise buttons. If the Chart toolbar is not visible when the chart is selected, click View, Toolbars, Chart to turn it on. To change the Chart Type, select the chart, then click the Chart Type drop down list in the Chart toolbar. Select the desired type, there are eighteen chart type choices, some 2-D and some 3-D to select from. The choices are: Area, 3-D Area, 3-D Surface, Bar, 3-D Bar, Radar, Column, 3-D Column, Bubble, Line, 3D Line, Scatter(XY), Pie, 3-D Pie, Doughnut, ,3-D Cylinder, 3-D Cone, and 3-D Pyramid. To change the format of any part of the chart, select the chart, then click directly on the object to select it. Click the Format button in the Chart toolbar. The Format dialog box is displayed. The choices will change with different objects. With Patterns you may select a Border style, color, and/or shadow and you may select an Area color or Fill Effects. Click the Font tab to change the font, size, or color of the text. Other choices may include: Series Order, Placement, Scale, Number, Alignment, Axis, and Data Labels depending on the object selected.

Chart Menu When the chart is selected, a Chart item is added to the Menu at the top of the screen. The Chart menu has: Chart Type, Source Data, Chart Options, Location, Add Data, Add Trendline, and 3-D View. Use Chart Type to change the type of the selected chart. Source Data is used to change the range of the data series. If you need to change whether the chart is on a worksheet with other information or on a chart by itself, use Location. Add Data is used to put additional data on a chart. You can also click Add Trendline to add that to your chart. 3-D View is discussed below. The Chart Options dialog box has six panels (the same as Step 3 of the Chart Wizard): Titles, Axes, Gridlines, Legend, Data Labels, and Data Table. Use Titles to type, edit or remove the individual titles on the chart. Use Axes to turn on or off the labels on an axis. On the Gridlines panel you can display major or minor gridlines on either axis. The last three: Legend, Data Labels, and Data Table are for displaying or not displaying information. To add, delete, or edit a title, select the chart, then click Chart, Chart Options, Titles. To add a title, type the title in the correct text box and click OK. One way to remove a title is to click Chart, Chart Options, Titles then select and delete the title, click OK. To edit the title, correct the title in the text box, then click OK. Another way to edit the title is to select it (on the chart), then click in the selection to get the flashing insertion bar. Edit the title text as you would any

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other text. Click outside of the title when finished. While you have the title selected, you may change the Font, Font Size, and/or Font Color using the buttons on the Formatting toolbar. To change the rotation, or perspective or elevation of a 3-D chart, select the chart (must be a 3-D type chart). Then click Chart, 3-D View. The 3-D View dialog box is displayed. The two arrows in the top left hand corner may be used to change the Elevation, or you may type the number in the Elevation box. In the lower left hand side, you may type the degrees to rotate in the Rotation box, or use the two buttons to the right of the Rotation box. On the top right are buttons to change the Perspective, or type in the Perspective box. Click Apply to preview the changes on your chart, then click OK when you are finished. To change a piece of a pie chart, click once on the piece, handles appear for each piece. Click again on the individual piece you wish to change, handles appear around the one piece. You can then select Format Data Point from the Chart toolbar, or double click the pie piece to display the Format Data Point dialog box. You may select a color or pattern to fill the pie piece or change the border color or style. In order to “explode” a piece of the pie (see figure), select the piece, then drag it away from the center of the pie and release the mouse button.

Format Chart Axis It is possible to change the axis labels, scale, and tick marks. Click the axis to select it, then click Format Axis in the Chart toolbar. There are five panels on the Format Axis dialog box: Patterns, Scale, Font, Number, and Alignment. On the Patterns panel, you can change the Lines: Style, Color, and/or Weight. Also on Patterns, there are choices for Major tick mark type, Minor tick mark type and Tick mark labels. Tick marks are the marks on the axis to indicate the distance. Major tick mark refers to Major unit on the Scale, Minor tick mark refers to Minor unit on

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the Scale. Each of the tick marks have these types to select from: None, Inside, Outside, and Cross. The Tick mark labels choices are: None, High, Low, and Next to axis. The Scale panel has the Value (Y) axis scale settings. Usually the Auto check box is selected for each Scale value. If you wish, you can manually specify the values for Minimum, Maximum, Major unit, and Minor unit. You can also specify where the X axis crosses the Y axis in the Category (X) axis Crosses at: text box. Use the Font panel to change the Font, Size, Color, and Effects for the text on the selected axis. Use the Number panel to format the numbers on the axis, such as adding $ signs or commas or setting the number of decimal places. Use the Alignment panel to change the orientation of the text on the axis. You can specify the degree angle that you want for the text. Instead of specifying the number for Degrees, you can put your mouse on the red diamond and drag it up or down to the desired location.

Note on Printing a Chart If you select the chart and then click File, Print, it will only print the chart. If you wish to print a worksheet which has the chart on it, be sure that you have clicked in a cell not on the chart.

Excel Sheet - Exercises 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

In Excel, Open the file sample-2004 Click File, Save As and change the name to Company Workbook Double click on the Sheet1 tab, rename it Western Rename Sheet2 to Central, Sheet3 to Eastern, Sheet4 to Totals, Sheet5 to Orders. Scroll through the sheet tabs until Sheet8 thru Sheet11 tabs are visible; click in a cell on Sheet8. Hold down the s key, click Sheet11 to select all four sheet tabs. 6. Type your name in a cell on Sheet8, format your name (font, size, color, borders, column width, etc.) click on one of the other sheet tabs (such as Sheet12) to turn off the selection, then click on each of the four that had been selected: Sheet8, Sheet9, Sheet10, and Sheet11. Your name should be in the same cell of all four, the formatting and column width should be the same. 7. Hold the c key (a on the Mac) and select the sheets 6, 12, 15, and 16 then click Edit, Delete Sheet, OK. 8. Select Sheet9 and drag it to move it between Sheet13 and Sheet14; drag Sheet11 between Sheet7and Sheet10. 9. Hold the s key and select all the sheets from Sheet7 through the last sheet, Sheet14 then Edit, Delete Sheet OK (leaving five sheets). 10. Click on the Western sheet tab to select it. Click the Save button. 11. Select the range E23:E34, then click Insert, Name, Define type March and click OK.

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12. Select the range H23:H34, then select H23 in the Name box type June and press e. 13. Select the range B14:F14, then click Insert, Name, Create; Left Column should already be selected, click OK. [Assigns the name Operating_Income to the selected range.] 14. Select the range B32:N32, then click Insert, Name, Create; Left Column should already be selected, click OK. [Assigns the name Travel_Expenses to the selected range.] 15. Click in cell H10, click the Function Wizard button, click MIN, click OK, select the cells C10:F14, click OK. The answer appears in the cell, the formula is: =Min(C10:F14). 16. Click in cell H11, click the Function Wizard button, click MAX, click OK, select the cells C10:F14, click OK. The answer appears in the cell, the formula is: =Max(C10:F14). 17. Click in cell H14, click the Function Wizard button, click AVERAGE, click OK, click Insert, Name, Paste select Operating_Income, click OK. The answer appears in the cell, the formula is: =Average(Operating_Income). 18. Click in cell G14, click the Function Wizard button, click ROUND, click OK, select cell H14, click in the num_digits box and type 0, click OK. The rounded answer from cell H14 appears in G14, the formula is =Round(H14,0). [Another way would be to change the formula in H14 to be: =Round(Average(Operating_Income),0) the answer appears in H14.] 19. Click in cell H7, click the Function Wizard button, select ROUND, click OK. Click the Function drop down arrow on the Formula bar, select SUM, click Insert, Name, Paste select Travel_Expenses then click OK. Instead of the Step 2 screen for the Round function you will probably get an error message. In the Formula bar, the cursor is flashing in the formula, type type ,2 press e. [The completed formula is =Round(Sum(Travel_Expenses),2). ] 20. Click the Save button. 21. Click Insert, Worksheet. In A3 type March; in C3 type June. 22. Click the drop down arrow in the Name box, select March, click Edit, Copy. 23. Click on the Sheet1 tab, click in A4, click Edit, Paste Special, Values click OK. 24. Click the drop down arrow in the Name box, select June, click Edit, Copy. 25. Click on the Sheet1 tab, click in C4, click Edit, Paste Special, Values click OK. 26. Click in B4, create the formula to find the percent for expense to total: =A4/A15 format it as % with 2 decimal places. Fill the formula down the column from B5 through B14. [Since it does not have an absolute address, it does not work in the other cells.] 27. Edit the formula in cell B4 so that it has an absolute address where needed, then copy the new formula down the column. [=A4/A$15] To edit the formula, select A15 in the formula bar, then press $ (a + T) twice to insert the $. Copy the formula to the rest of the column.

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28. Enter the formula in D4 to calculate the expense to total percent (or copy the formula from B4), then copy it to the rest of the column. [=C4/C$15] 29. Drag Sheet1 to the end, after the Totals sheet, click the Save button; select the Totals sheet. 30. Click in cell C14, begin a formula, press = then click the Western sheet tab, click cell C18 and press + then click the Central sheet tab, click C18, press + then click the Eastern sheet tab, click C18 , press e. The formula on the Totals sheet in cell C14 should be: =Western!C18+Central!C18+Eastern!C18. 31. Use AutoFill to copy the formula to C15 and then copy both formulas across to N14 and N15. Look over the formulas. 32. Click in cell C19 on the Totals sheet , begin a formula, press = then click the Western sheet tab, click cell C23 and press + then click the Central sheet tab, click C23, press + then click the Eastern sheet tab, click C23 , press e. The formula on the Totals sheet in cell C19 should be: =Western!C23+Central!C23+Eastern!C23. 33. Use AutoFill to copy the formula to C20:C29 and then copy all the formulas across to N29. 34. Look over the formulas, then click the Save button. 35. Click the Orders sheet tab to select it; click cell I2. 36. Use the Function Wizard to put in an IF formula to calculate a discount for orders over $700; select IF, click OK. For logical_test type: F2>700 for value_if_true type: F2*0.9 for value_if_false type: F2 click OK. The completed formula is: =IF(F2>700, F2*0.9, F2) 37. Use AutoFill to copy the formula down the column. 38. Select column I, then look at the AutoCalculate number displayed to see the Sum. Point to the AutoCalculate number and press the right mouse button (or a + click the mouse on a Mac) select Average. 39. Change the AutoCalculate function to Min, Max and Count Nums. 40. Click in cell J2; use the Function Wizard to put in an IF formula to calculate a 5% charge for delivery under 5 days. Select IF, click OK. For logical_test type: H2<5 for value_if_true type: I2*0.05 for value_if_false type: 0 click OK. The completed formula is: =IF(H2<5, I2*0.05, 0) 41. Use AutoFill to copy the formula down to J70; also AutoFill the formula in K2 down to K70. 42. Go to cell M2 type the formula or use the Insert Function Wizard to create the formula: =COUNTIF(B2:B70,"EC08") Any part number could replace “EC08” to count the number of orders for that part number. 43. Click the Save button. Click in A2 or some other cell in the list. 44. Click Data, Filter, AutoFilter to turn on the filter arrows.

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45. Click the Customer filter arrow, select Hilo Ventures; look at the results. To redisplay the records, click the Customer filter arrow, select All. 46. Click the Quantity filter arrow, select 5; look at the results. Click the Quantity filter arrow, select Custom, select greater than or equal to (>=) 5 click OK, look at the results. 47. Sort the filtered records by Customer and Order Date: click Data, Sort, Sort By Customer, Then By Order Date click OK. 48. Click Data, Filter, Show All to redisplay all the records. 49. Click the Total filter arrow, select Custom, then put greater than 1000 OK. Select column F, use AutoCalculate to find out the sum of the selected records (Sum). 50. Click Data, Filter, AutoFilter to turn off the filter and redisplay all the records. 51. Sort the records by Customer and Order Date again: click Data, Sort, Sort By Customer, Then By Order Date click OK. 52. Click Data, Subtotals; set it so that: At Each Change in: Customer Use Function: Sum Add Subtotal to: Total Charges and click OK. Subtotals should be displayed for each customer, with a grand total at the bottom. 53. Click the 1, 2, and 3 level buttons on the top left to see the available displays. 54. Click Data, Subtotals again; turn OFF Replace Current Subtotals; select Use Function: Average and Add Subtotal to: Days to Delivery (turn off Total Charges). Click OK. 55. Click the Print Preview button to see how it would print. 56. Remove the subtotals: click Data, Subtotals, Remove All. 57. Click the Save button. Close the file.

Excel Charts - Exercises 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

In Excel, Open the file cost-2004 Click File, Save As charts Select B3:E7 click the Chart Wizard button. On Step 1 - Chart Type; click Column for the Chart Type and Clustered Column for the Subtype. Click Next to go to Step 2. Step 2 - Chart Source Data, click Rows for Series in: and click Next. For Step 3 - Chart Options, in the Chart Title box type: COST OF GOODS SOLD In the Axis Titles, Category (X) box type: 1st Qtr 2004 then click Next. On Step 4 - Chart Location, select As Object in: Sheet1 then click Finish. With the chart still selected, drag it to the left to center it under the table. Click a cell to deselect the chart. [You might insert a new column A which will give more space for centering the chart under the table.]

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10. Click File, Page Setup; click the Margins tab, select Center on Page, Horizontally; click the Sheet tab, turn off Gridlines; click the Header/Footer tab, set the Header to none, type your name in the center section of the Footer; click OK. 11. Click the Print Preview button to see the page; click Close to return to the worksheet screen. 12. Click the Save button to save the first chart. 13. Select B4:B7, then hold the c key (a key on the Mac) down and also select E4:E7. [If you inserted a column in step #9 above, select C4:C7 and F4:F7.] 14. Click ChartWizard, Step 1 is displayed. 15. Click the Pie chart type and the first subtype; click Next to go to Step 2. 16. Click Next without making changes on Step 2. 17. On Step 3, type Cost of Goods Sold in the Chart title box; click Next. 18. On Step 4, select As new sheet Chart1 then click Finish to see the completed pie chart. 19. Click in the chart title, type - March 2004 at the end of the title [the complete title will be Cost of Goods Sold - March 2004 when you finish]; click outside the title area to deselect it. 20. Still on the pie chart sheet, click the drop down arrow for the Chart Type on the Chart toolbar. [If the Chart toolbar is not displayed, click View, Toolbars, Chart.] 21. Click the 3-D Pie Chart type. Click the pie chart, the whole pie is selected. 22. Click one of the pie wedges to select it (handles around one wedge only); click Format Data Point on the Chart toolbar, select a color, click OK. 23. You may change the color of the other wedges if there is time. 24. Click Chart, Chart Options; turn off Show Legend and on Data Labels, check Category name and check Percentage, click OK. 25. Select the “Freight” wedge, drag the wedge away from the center about ½”. 26. Select Chart, 3-D View; change Rotation to 60º, click Apply; then change it to 180º click Apply again. Change the Elevation to 25°, click OK. 27. Select the Plot Area of the chart (click in the “corner”) and enlarge the pie by dragging a corner handle. 28. Click one of the data labels (all of them will be selected); change the Font Size to 12, also click Bold and change the Font Color if desired.

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29. Click the Print Preview button, after looking the chart over, click Close. 30. Select File, Page Setup; click the Header/Footer tab. 31. Click the Custom Header button. In the center section, select the text, type your name. In the Custom Footer, center section, click the Date and Time buttons. 32. Click OK to get out of Page Setup. 33. If there is a printer and enough time, print the chart sheet.

34. Click the Save button. Click the Sheet1 button to return to the original worksheet. 35. Click the column chart to select it. Click one of the “Markdown” (yellow) bars to select the whole “Markdown” data series. 36. To remove the data series, press the d key once. 37. On the worksheet, select B6:E6 (the Markdown row; C6:F6 if you inserted a column), place the mouse pointer (arrow) at the bottom of the selected area, drag it to the chart and release the mouse button to add the series to the chart. 38. Change the chart to a 3-D Column. Enlarge the chart and the plot area as needed. 39. Click one of the "Markdown" bars on the chart. Click Format Data Series on the Chart toolbar, then click the Series Order tab. 40. Click the Move Up and Move Down buttons to rearrange the order of the four data series, place them in order with the shortest in the front to the tallest in the back. Click OK to complete the command. 41. Click the Legend to select it, click Format Legend on the Chart toolbar. 42. On the Patterns dialog box, select a light gray color for the Area. 43. Click the Font tab, select 10 for the size. 44. Click the Placement tab, select Bottom as the placement for the legend, click OK. 45. Click the labels on each axis and set each with Font Size 10.

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46. With the chart selected, click Chart, Chart Options, Titles. 47. In the Value (z) Axis title, type: Thousands then click OK. 48. Select "Thousands" click the Format Axis Title on the Chart toolbar. Make the Font Size 12 and click Alignment, under Orientation put 90º then click OK. 49. With the chart selected, click the z-axis. Click Format Axis on the Chart toolbar, click the Patterns tab, under Minor tick mark type, select Outside. 50. Click the Scale tab, turn off Auto for Minimum, Maximum, Major Unit, and Minor Unit. Set the Minimum to 0; set the Maximum to 7000; set the Major Unit to 1000; and set the Minor Unit to 500. Click OK; click the Save button. 51. If necessary, make the chart "taller"; select the chart and stretch it down several rows. 52. Select Chart, 3-D View; experiment with changing the Elevation, Rotation, and Perspective. Click Apply after each change to see the effect (you may have to move the dialog box over to see the chart). 53. Click outside the chart; click Print Preview to see the page, click Close. 54. Save the file; if possible, print the sheet with the chart. Close the file. 55. On a new sheet, type the SMU Student Growth information in the table on the right; start in A1 1915 1915 1994 1997 is in cell B3, the last number is in cell E5. Save. 706 5,240 5,449 Undergrad students 56. Select the data A3:E5 then 4,259 3,760 Graduate students click Chart Wizard. 57. Select the Line Chart type and the default subtype (with markers); click Next. 58. Accept Step 2, then click Next. On Step 3, type SMU Students for the Chart Title. 59. Click Next, on Step 4, click As New Sheet Chart2 then click Finish. 60. Change the dark blue line to bright blue and change the magenta line to red. 61. Select the blue line, click Insert, Picture, From File; select bluehorse.gif and Open. 62. Select the red line, click Insert, Picture, From File; select redmustang.gif and Open. 63. Change the Plot Area color to white. 64. Save. 65. Put your name in the footer, print if there is time. Close the file. 66. Exit from Excel.

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