Excel Quiz

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  • Pages: 17
Excel Quiz Formula 1. Which function would you use to change text to initial capital letters? □ PROPER □ UPPER □ LOWER 2. You want to use a nested formula to fix both incorrect capitalization and extra spaces at the same time in cell A2. This is how to type the formula in another cell: =PROPER(TRIM(A2) □ True. □ False. 3. Which function would you use to compare cell contents? □ LEN □ TRIM □ EXACT 4. Which operator could be used to combine text from multiple cells into one cell? □ $ □ & □ % 5. To combine text from cell A2 (Nancy) and cell B2 (Davolio) so that the name is displayed in cell C2 as Davolio, Nancy (reversed name order), you would type this formula: =B2&","&A2 □ True. □ False.

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Excel Quiz Format Paint 1. In Word and Excel, where is Format Painter located? □ On the Formatting toolbar. □ On the Format menu. □ On the Standard toolbar. 2. To use Format Painter, the first step is to: □ Click Format Painter. □ Select the text or cell you want to copy formatting from. □ Double-click Format Painter. 3. In Word, you've copied a format that you want to apply to a single word. The fastest way to do that is to: □ Double-click the word. □ Drag over the word to select it. □ Click once anywhere in the word. 4. In Excel, a cell is formatted bold and red. You want to use Format Painter to make a lot of cells look like this. To do that you: □ Right-click Format Painter. □ Click Format Painter twice. □ Click Format Painter once. 5. To turn Format Painter off, you press: □ CTRL □ SHIFT □ ESC

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Excel Quiz

Clip Art 1. How many pieces of clip art, photos, sounds, and animations can you download at the Clip Art and Media site? □ More than 140,000 □ Around 100,000 □ About 60,000 2. On the Clip Art and Media site, what is a category? □ A collection of clips that follow the Dewey Decimal System. □ A collection of clips that are similar in subject. □ A collection of clips that Crabby Office Lady decided should go together. 3. How do you quickly change the number and size of thumbnails you see on a page at one time? □ Click Options in the upper right corner of the page. □ Click Help and find the topic. □ Conduct a search for clip art quantity and size. 4. You're looking for black and white clip art of computers. What is the best way to do this? □ Search for computers, then browse through pages of computer images to look for black and white clips. □ Search for black and white images, then browse through pages of black and white images to look for computer clips. □ Refine your search by clicking the Black & White category on the Clip Art and Media home page, typing computers in the search box, then clicking Go. 5. You can change the colors in a clip. □ True □ False 6. Let's say you want to find photos of children. What is the quickest and easiest way to do this? □ Type photos in the search box, then browse through pages of images to look for photos of children. □ In the Search dropdown list, select Photos, then type children in the search box next to it. □ Search for children, then browse through pages of images to look for photos of children.

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Excel Quiz

7. What is the fastest way to use a clip in your document? □ Select a clip from the Clip Art and Media site, download the clip to Clip Organizer, then click and drag the clip to your document. □ Buy a random clip art CD, find a clip you want to use, drag the clip from the CD onto your hard drive, try to remember which folder you put that clip in, then paste it into your document. □ Right-click on the clip you want, click Copy, move your cursor to where you want the clip in your document, right-click to get the drop-down list, then click Paste. 8. How do you open Clip Organizer? □ In an Office program, use the Organize Clips link in the Clip Art task pane (Insert menu, Picture command). □ On the Microsoft Windows Start menu, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft Office, point to Microsoft Office Tools, and then click Microsoft Clip Organizer. □ Download a clip from the Clip Art and Media site on Office Online. □ All of the above. 9. One way to tie together the look and feel of all the sections of your document is to use clips of the same: □ Style □ Flavor □ Family 10. You've made lots of changes to a clip - rotated it, changed its color, made it larger. Now, you decide you want to start from scratch. On the Picture toolbar, which button will give you the clip back in its original form? □ Reform Picture button □ Reset Picture button □ Retract Picture button

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Excel Quiz

Clip Organize 1. How do you open Clip Organizer? In an Office program, use the Organize Clips link in the Clip Art task pane. □ On the Microsoft Windows Start menu, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft Office, point to Microsoft Office Tools, and then click Microsoft Clip Organizer. □ Download a clip from the Clip Art and Media site on Office Online. □ Any of the above. 2. What are the three major collections in Clip Organizer? □ My Collections, Office Collections, and Web Collections. □ My Collections, Business Collections, and Other Collections. □ Main Collections, Office Collections, and Online Collections. 3. If you need to delete a clip, what's your method? □ □ □ □

Delete the clip reference from a particular collection. Completely delete the clip reference from Clip Organizer. Delete the clip from your computer altogether. Any of the above.

4. You can add, edit, or delete keywords for clip art. □ True □ False 5. You have Clip Organizer if you have: □ Office 2003 □ Office 2003 or Office XP □ Office XP or Office 2000

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Excel Quiz

Introduction 1. There are three worksheets with every new workbook. You can change that automatic number if you want to. □ True. □ False. 2. To enter a fraction such as 1/4, the first thing you enter is _____. □ One. □ Zero. □ Minus sign. 3. ###### means: □ You've entered a number wrong. □ You've misspelled something. □ The cell is not wide enough. 4. To delete the formatting from a cell, you would: □ Delete the cell contents. □ Click the Format menu. □ Click the Edit menu. 5. To add a new row, click a cell in the row immediately above where you want the new row. □ True. □ False

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Excel Quiz

List 1. On which menu is the List command? □ On the Tools menu. □ On the Data menu. □ On the List menu. 2. How do you add a column to a list? □ Type in the empty column to the right. □ On the Data menu, point to List, and then click Resize List. □ Right-click the empty column to the right, click Insert, and then click Entire Column. 3. How would you count the number of names in the last column in a list? □ Count them manually yourself. □ Click the AutoSum button on the Standard toolbar. □ Click the Toggle Total Row button on the List toolbar. 4. You can have more than one list on a worksheet, and you can add or delete a row in one list without adding or deleting a row in the list next to it. □ True. □ False. 5. How do you hide the total row in a list? □ Click List on the List toolbar, point to Delete, and then click Row. □ Click the Toggle Total Row button on the List toolbar. □ Press the DELETE key on the keyboard.

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Excel Quiz

Find Files Fast 1. What is My Places? □ A folder on your desktop where you can store the important folders and files you want to access every day. □ A toolbar you can view by clicking All Programs and then clicking My Computer. □ A bar on the left side of some dialog boxes, such as Open, Save As, and Insert Pictures. 2. You can customize your My Places bar by adding shortcuts to other locations. □ True. □ False. 3. You can't rearrange items on the My Places bar. □ True. □ False. 4. I created and saved a file this morning, but now I can't find it. How can I use My Places to find it? □ Use the Search command on the Start menu. □ Search my desktop, where I often dump things. □ Look in My Recent Documents in the My Places bar. 5. You can change the size of icons on the My Places bar. □ True. □ False

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Excel Quiz

Printing 1. Using the Zoom command will make your worksheet print bigger or smaller. □ True. □ False. 2. To fit all the columns on your worksheet on one printed page, what's your first step? □ □ □ □

Adjust a column. Use the Fit to option. Change the page orientation. Open the worksheet in print preview.

3. You want to print identifying information on each page about what the columns contain. To do that, select: □ The Rows to repeat at top box. □ The Columns to repeat at left box. □ The Row and column headings check box. 4. You cannot print column titles and column headings at the time same. □ True. □ False. 5. To print comments at the end of a worksheet, you do not need to display them in the worksheet. □ True. □ False.

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Excel Quiz

Keystrokes / Keyboard 1. Which one of these is NOT a way of using keystrokes? □ □ □ □

To move around menus. To cut, copy, and paste text. To move around toolbars. By using a mouse, a tracker ball, or a touchpad.

2. How do you open a menu by using keystrokes? □ Type menu. □ Pressing CTRL. □ Pressing ALT plus the underlined letter in the menu. 3. What do the keyboard shortcuts at the right-hand side of an open menu mean? □ They show the direct shortcut for certain commands without having to open the menu. □ They explain how you select certain commands from the menu. □ They indicate that there is a submenu for certain commands. 4. What is the quickest way of using the keyboard rather than the mouse? □ By using the menu bar and menus. □ By using the toolbar buttons. □ By using specific keyboard shortcuts, for example CTRL+A = Select All. 5. Which of these statements about a specific-action shortcut is true? □ □ □ □

It takes longer. You have to know the exact keystrokes. The menu must be open. The Help window must be open

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Excel Quiz

Filter 1. How do you remove one filter when multiple filters have been applied? □ Click the AutoFilter arrow on a column, and then click All. □ On the Data menu, point to Filter, and then click Show All. 2. You know that worksheet data is filtered because it says: □ AutoFilter in the status bar. □ Filter Mode in the status bar. □ Filter is applied in the title bar. 3. To see the population of Washington state and Oregon state, you would use the "And" condition in a custom filter. □ True. □ False. 4. To create a custom filter that shows values both greater than or equal to 24 and less than or equal to 56, you use the "Or" condition. □ True. □ False. 5. To create a custom filter that shows prices greater than 62.5 or less than 36.8, you would use the "Or" condition. □ True. □ False.

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Excel Quiz

Security 1. You have received an e-mail message from someone you know with an unexpected file attached to it. What should you do? A. Do not open it. B. Make sure the sender actually sent you the file, being cautious not to open the attached file until you can trace its source. C. Go to antivirus Web sites that monitor possible virus attacks to see if this file is known to be bad. D. Both B and C 2. You have a Microsoft Word 2003 document with sensitive information in it. What is the best method of securing it? A. Open the Security dialog box and click Advanced. In the Encryption Type dialog box, select an RC4 encryption type with a 128-bit encryption length, and then click OK. Enter a password in the Password to open text box. B. Save the file and then open Microsoft Windows® Explorer, browse to the file, and right-click it. On the General tab, click Advanced. Then set the Encrypt contents to secure data check box to checked. C. Save it to a secure floppy disk and put it in a lockable file cabinet. 3. Is there a difference in how Microsoft Access databases are secured vs. Word and Excel files? A. Yes. B. No. 4. Microsoft Outlook® does not display the photographs or graphics in a received e-mail message. Why? A. The photos or graphics were inadvertently left out of the message and only the placeholders remained. B. They were stripped out of the message by the security feature and replaced with hyperlinks. C. They were stripped out because they made the file too large to store. 5. You receive a protected Word file from another user. How do you open it?

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Excel Quiz A. If Word is installed on your computer, start Windows Explorer, browse to the folder where the file was saved, double-click the file, and then respond to the prompts. B. Open Word, click File, and then click Open. Browse to the file, and then click it to open it. C. Insert the key they gave you into the padlock, turn the key, and then open the door to the safe to retrieve the protected disk. D. Either A or B 6. You just opened an e-mail message and inadvertently allowed an attached file to load and run. What are your options? A. Hold your breath and see if your hard disk begins to melt down. B. Run an antivirus scan on all of the files on your computer. C. Turn off your computer as quickly as possible. 7. Can you use SelfCert.exe to sign a macro and pass that macro to others if their macro security is set to High? A. Yes. B. No. 8. Is Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) a security risk? A. Yes. B. No. C. It depends. 9. Is it possible to completely turn off VBA? A. Yes. B. No. C. It depends. 10. Do some Office programs not use any security methods? A. Yes. B. No. 11. What does encrypting a file do? A. It scrambles the contents of the file. B. It sets the Hide property of the file to selected. C. It puts your file in Dracula’s crypt.

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Excel Quiz 12. In Microsoft Word, what is the difference or similarity between "Password to open" and "Password to modify"? A. Both Password to open and Password to modify uses encryption algorithms to scramble the contents of a file. B. Neither Password to modify nor Password to open uses encryption methods to scramble the contents of a file. C. The Password to open is used as an encryption key. The Password to modify is not used as an encryption key. 13. What is a “digital signature”? A. An e-mail signature applied to the bottom of messages in Outlook. B. A digital license attached to a file indicating who created the file. C. A file with a bitmap of a person's signature. 14. What does the “Trust all installed add-ins and templates” option do? A. It registers all add-ins and templates currently installed on the computer as safe to use. B. It registers all current add-ins and templates, and all future add-ins and templates installed by other applications, as safe to use. C. It registers only current add-ins installed by other software products as safe to use. 15. Is the “Protect Document” option in Word a form of security? A. Yes B. No 16. Does using a longer encryption key length make an encrypted file more or less secure? A. More B. Less 17. If you use an encryption algorithm to save a file, are people who receive the file required to have the same encryption support to open the file? A. Yes B. No 18. Where can you find the Macro Security dialog box in Word? A. Tools | Options | Security (tab) | Macro Security B. Tools | Macros | Security C. File | Save As | Tools | Security Options | Macro Security

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Excel Quiz D. A and C E. A, B, and C 19. What is the closest definition of a “strong password”? A. A series of mixed, alphanumeric characters that do not create a recognizable word, date, or logical sequence. B. A series of mixed alphanumeric characters based on the names of pets or favorite cities. C. A password you exercise often throughout your day. 20. When should you use the “Remove personal information from file properties on save” option? A. When releasing a file to a wide audience of readers. B. Always. C. Just before the file is ready for printing.

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Excel Quiz

Chart 1. The Column chart type is usually effective to compare values directly. A. True. B. False. 2. To try a different chart type, right-click the border of a chart, and then click what command on the shortcut menu? A. Chart Options. B. Chart Type. C. Chart Window. 3. A Pie chart can chart how many sets of values? A. Two. B. Three. C. One. 4. A chart that uses two or more different chart types in one is a _____ chart. A. Mixture. B. Combination. C. Pattern. 5. To add a secondary axis to a chart, you would select the data, and then click Selected Data Series on the Chart menu. A. True. B. False.

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Excel Quiz

Macros 1. Where does the name of the macro appear in the code? A. Between the Sub line and the End Sub lines. B. In the first cell of your data in the spreadsheet. C. After the word "Sub" on the same line. 2. If you want a loop to run until it finds a specified value, what type of loop would you use? A. A For Each…Next loop. B. A Do...Loop. C. A Loop-dee-Loop. 3. When looping through a list in Excel, is it easier to use the Cells property or the Range property? A. The Cells property. B. The Range property. 4. When is it best to use a Do…Loop? A. B. C. D.

When your range of data can grow or shrink. When the end of your data range is shown by a specific value or condition. When you don't need to loop through every cell. All of the above.

5. By default, VBA is case sensitive when using the Like operator to compare text. A. True. B. False

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