Exam Study Guide

  • May 2020
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HIST 1493 EXAM 1 STUDY GUIDE You will need:

The test covers:

1 100-question Scan-tron sheet 1 blue book 2 sharpened #2 pencils to fill in Scan-trons ink pen for essays

Chapters 16-19, Norton / Chapters I-III, Oates / Lectures NOTE: You are responsible for all material in the textbooks & lectures. You are still held accountable for material in the textbooks even if it was was not covered in the lectures! Study the following: 1863 Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction Lincoln's 10 Percent Plan The Wade-Davis Act Presidential Reconstruction Congressional / Radical Reconstruction Radical Republicans Freedman's Bureau The Compromise of 1877 13 th , 14 th , & 15 th Amendments Civil Rights Act of 1866 1866 Race Riots in Memphis & New Orleans “Swing Around The Circle” Andrew Johnson Tenure of Office Act Sharecroppers & Sharecropping Crop Lien system Black Codes carpetbaggers & scalawags Depression of 1873 Liberal Republicans Crédit Mobilier US Grant Great Plains Indians Lifestyle Western Railroads Containment of Indians

Reservation System Allotment System & Dawes Severalty Act of 1887 Riparian & Prior Appropriation Water Systems Newlands Reclamation Act of 1902 Western farming & ranching Cattle industry open range Pullman Strike of 1894 National Labor Union Knights of Labor American Federation of Labor Industrial Workers of the World vertical integration horizontal integration Andrew Carnegie John D Rockefeller European immigrants Cornelius Vanderbilt US Steel middle-class attitudes toward organized labor Social Darwinists Jane Addams & Hull House farmers vs. the railroads Ghost Dancers

Possible Essay Questions (three of these will show up on the test): 1. Compare and contrast Lincoln’s plans for Reconstruction, Presidential Reconstruction, and Radical Reconstruction. 2. Discuss the economic and social pros & cons of the sharecropping system for both the sharecroppers and the landowners. 3. Discuss the western expansion of the railroads and government involvement. 4. Compare and contrast the National Labor Union, The Knights of Labor, The American Federation of Labor, and the Industrial Workers of the World. 5. What were the causes of urbanization during the period 1865-1910? What consequences did this urban revolution have on politics, the economy, and society?

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