digital media 2 building modeling ex3-1 : Pool Design and Development
exercise goals To research and understand the various structure components required for pool design. This is to also further the students grasp of implementing the spectacle of their designs. performance procedure 1) Research all the components required to construct a working pool. This includes but is not limited to structural systems, skin envelopes, water treatment, drainage systems, filtrations systems and water retainage. 2) Using a combination of the gathered research, and your own chosen pool design, create a series of simple drawings in plan and section of a pool proposal. These drawings may be rough hand drawings but must include approximate dimensions and material callouts. These drawings should also include a rough idea and placement of the mechanical systems required to maintain these pools. BRING THE DRAWINGS AND RESEARCH TO CLASS ON THE NEXT CLASS PERIOD, THURSDAY, OCT. 9TH. 3) Continue to use the research and develop your drawings. Take these rough drawings and flesh them out in a drafting program. These should be workable modeling drawings at this point, focus on modeling efficiency, and not line weights. 4) Take these drawings into Form Z and model the pool design. This model should be flexible so that you may change it and adapt it to your studio design. Therefore, stray away from over use of booleans, and be sure to use layers. This will allow you to change the model according to future design demands. 5) Export and develop a composite axonometric render of your pool design. This should be a combination of hidden line and wire frame renders as demonstrated in class. With the line drawing set, use live paint to add depth and contrast to your drawing. The more information included in this drawing the better, think of dimensions and call outs and how they can be added to the final drawing. 7)
Your final drawings will be submitted as JPEGs of two different sizes. Due is:
a. A CMYK, high res drawing (150-300 dpi) with an 8.5 x 11 image size
required file name: Print_XXX_Ex3-1.jpg b. A RGB, low res drawing (72 dpi) with a 900 x 600 image size
required file name: Screen_XXX_Ex3-1.jpg c. Your Form Z file.
required file name: File_XXX_Ex3-1.fmz
coa@ttu / Pauls + Kyle / arch3341 / fall ʻ08 / p. 1 of 1