Evaluasi Diri Kelas 7

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,215
  • Pages: 10
SELF REFLECTION Subject: Mathematics

Grade : VII

Name : …………………………………….. Class : ……………………………………..


Standard Competency

Basic Competency

Essential Material


1. Carrying out the computations number as well as capable of applying it on problem solving

1.1 Determine the estimation of the opration of integers and fraction 1.2 Carrying out the operation of whole numbers and being able to determine the carracteristic of the operation of integers and fraction

Integers Fraction


2. Understanding and being able to carry out of algebraic operation, equation, and innequality involving one variable

2.1 To know the algebraic form and the element of its 2.2 To carry out mathematical operations of algebraic form 2.3 To determine the solution of linear equation with one variable 2.4 To determine the solution of linear innequality with one variable

Linear Equation and Innequality with One Variable


3. Using algebraic form, equation, innequality, and ratio to problem solving

3.1 Making mathematic sentence form the related problem with equatin and innequality with one variable 3.2 To find the solution of mathematic sentences are related with equation and innequality with one variable 3.3 Using algebraic concept to solve the problem of the simple social arithmetics 3.4 Using the ratio to solve the problem

Social Arithmetics









4. Using the concept of sets and the Venn diagram to solve problem

4.1 To understanding of the definition and the notation of sets and express its 4.2 To expres a sets with a Venn diagram 4.3 Using the concept of sets to solve problem



5. Understanding the relation of line and line, line and angle, angle and angle as well as determining their measure

5.1 Determining the relation of two line, the measure, and the types of angle 5.2 Undertanding the carracteristic of angles in 2 intersect line or parallel lines that intersecting by the other line 5.3 Drawing an angle 5.4 Dividing an angle

Line and Angles


6. Understanding a concept of tiangles and quadrillateral and determining the measurement

6.1 Identifying the carracteristic of triangle based on the sides and the angles 6.2 Identifying the carracteristic of squares, ractangle, parallelogram, kite, rhombus and trapezium 6.3 Counting the perimeter and the area of triangle and quadrillateral as well as to solve the problem 6.4 Drawing a triangle, altitude, bisector, median, and axis of symetry

Quadrillateral and Triangle


Mathematics Teacher


Kristiana Sili Pramuharyanti, S.Pd NIP: 131879319

SELF REFLECTION Subject: Mathematics

Grade : VIII

Name : …………………………………….. Class : ……………………………………..


Standard Competency

Basic Competency


1. Carrying out the computations number as well as capable of applying it on problem solving

1.1 Determine the estimation of the opration of integers and fraction 1.2 Carrying out the operation of whole numbers and being able to determine the carracteristic of the operation of integers and fraction


2. Understanding and being able to carry out of algebraic operation, equation, and innequality involving one variable

2.1 To know the algebraic form and the element of its 2.2 To carry out mathematical operations of algebraic form 2.3 To determine the solution of linear equation with one variable 2.4 To determine the solution of linear innequality with one variable


3. Using algebraic form, equation, innequality, and ratio to problem solving

3.1 Making mathematic sentence form the related problem with equatin and innequality with one variable 3.2 To find the solution of mathematic sentences are related with equation and innequality with one variable 3.3 Using algebraic concept to solve the problem of the simple social arithmetics 3.4 Using the ratio to solve the problem


4. Using the concept of sets and the Venn diagram to solve problem

4.1 To understanding of the definition and the notation of sets and express its 4.2 To expres a sets with a Venn diagram 4.3 Using the concept of sets to solve problem


5. Understanding the relation of line and line, line and angle, angle and angle as well as determining their measure

5.1 Determining the relation of two line, the measure, and the types of angle 5.2 Undertanding the carracteristic of angles in 2 intersect line or parallel lines that intersecting by the other line 5.3 Drawing an angle 5.4 Dividing an angle


6. Understanding a concept of tiangles and quadrillateral and determining the measurement



6.1 Identifying the carracteristic of triangle based on the sides and the angles 6.2 Identifying the carracteristic of squares, ractangle, parallelogram, kite, rhombus and trapezium 6.3 Counting the perimeter and the area of triangle and quadrillateral as well as to solve the problem 6.4 Drawing a triangle, altitude, bisector, median, and axis of symetry

Essential Material Integers Fraction

Linear Equation and Innequality with One Variable

Social Arithmetics



Line and Angles







Quadrillateral and Triangle

Mathematics Teacher

Kristiana Sili Pramuharyanti, S.Pd NIP: 131879319

SELF REFLECTION Subject: Mathematics

Grade : IX

Name : …………………………………….. Class : ……………………………………..


Standard Competency

Basic Competency


1. Carrying out the computations number as well as capable of applying it on problem solving

1.1 Determine the estimation of the opration of integers and fraction 1.2 Carrying out the operation of whole numbers and being able to determine the carracteristic of the operation of integers and fraction


2. Understanding and being able to carry out of algebraic operation, equation, and innequality involving one variable

2.1 To know the algebraic form and the element of its 2.2 To carry out mathematical operations of algebraic form 2.3 To determine the solution of linear equation with one variable 2.4 To determine the solution of linear innequality with one variable


3. Using algebraic form, equation, innequality, and ratio to problem solving

3.1 Making mathematic sentence form the related problem with equatin and innequality with one variable 3.2 To find the solution of mathematic sentences are related with equation and innequality with one variable 3.3 Using algebraic concept to solve the problem of the simple social arithmetics 3.4 Using the ratio to solve the problem


4. Using the concept of sets and the Venn diagram to solve problem

4.1 To understanding of the definition and the notation of sets and express its 4.2 To expres a sets with a Venn diagram 4.3 Using the concept of sets to solve problem


5. Understanding the relation of line and line, line and angle, angle and angle as well as determining their measure

5.1 Determining the relation of two line, the measure, and the types of angle 5.2 Undertanding the carracteristic of angles in 2 intersect line or parallel lines that intersecting by the other line 5.3 Drawing an angle 5.4 Dividing an angle


6. Understanding a concept of tiangles and quadrillateral and determining the measurement



6.1 Identifying the carracteristic of triangle based on the sides and the angles 6.2 Identifying the carracteristic of squares, ractangle, parallelogram, kite, rhombus and trapezium 6.3 Counting the perimeter and the area of triangle and quadrillateral as well as to solve the problem 6.4 Drawing a triangle, altitude, bisector, median, and axis of symetry

Essential Material Integers Fraction

Linear Equation and Innequality with One Variable

Social Arithmetics



Line and Angles







Quadrillateral and Triangle

Mathematics Teacher

Kristiana Sili Pramuharyanti, S.Pd NIP: 131879319

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