Ethics Conflicts Negotiation

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  • Words: 1,256
  • Pages: 25
Lecture 12

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Ethics Conflicts Negotiation Safe-title box: anything outside of this box may be cut off on the TV screen


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• Ethics-beliefs about what is right & wrong, and good or bad. • Ethical behaviour-conduct conforming to generally accepted social norms. • Unethical behaviour-actions that violate accepted social norms. • Business ethics-beliefs about acceptable & unacceptable business Safe-title box: anything outside of this box may be cut off on the TV screen practices.

Goals of Ethical Business Communication

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• Business communicators can minimize the danger of falling into ethical traps by setting specific ethical goals.

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Goals of Ethical Business Communication

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• • • •

Telling the truth Labeling opinion (fact versus opinion) Being objective (free from bias) Communicating clearly-short sentences, simple words & clear organization. • Giving credit-no plagiarism (referring to the originator’s name, documenting-footnotes, Safe-title box:references) anything outside of this box may be cut off on the TV screen internal

Tools for Doing the Right Things UWTV watermark ID logo

• Is the action you are considering legal? • How would you see the problem if you were on the opposite side? • What are alternate solutions? • Can you discuss the problem with someone whose advice you trust? • How would you feel if your family, friends, employer, or coworkers learned of your Safe-title box: anything outside ofaction? this box may be cut off on the TV screen

Ethical Responsibilities of Group Members & Leaders

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• Determine to do your best • Decide to behave with the group’s good in mind • Make a commitment to fair play • Expect to give and receive a fair hearing • Be willing to take on a participant / analyst role • As a leader, be ready to model appropriate team behaviour Safe-title box: anything outside of this box may be cut off on the TV screen


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• Process in which one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party. • …is natural and even desirable, but it can cause awkwardness and uneasiness. Safe-title box: anything outside of this box may be cut off on the TV screen


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• Conflict is part of every job • Work related issues • Personal issues

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Sources of Conflicts?

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What is the problem…? How to overcome…..? Who has important role play…? ????? ?????? Safe-title box: anything outside of this box may be cut off on the TV screen

Approaches to Conflicts (How to respond?)

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• • • • •

Avoiding-stay away from conflicts Accommodating-maintaining harmony Competing-disregarding others concerns Collaborating-work together Compromising-each party sacrifices Safe-title box: anything outside of this box may be cut off on the TV screen


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• To collaborate, to compete, to compromise – need negotiation skills. • Negotiation occurs when two or more parties discuss specific proposals to find a mutually acceptable agreement. Safe-title box: anything outside of this box may be cut off on the TV screen

Negotiation Strategies

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Competitive Approach (Only one side can reach its goals)

Win-win Approach (everybody involved is satisfied)

Your interests & the other party’s clearly conflict

You & other party have common interest

The other party insists on taking a The other party is willing to win-lose approach consider a win-win approach Do not need long term harmonious relationship

Continuing & harmonious relationship is important


Weaker or equal power

Short term goals are more important

Long term goals are more important

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Preparing to Negotiate

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• Clarify your interest & needs-focusing on the ways to achieve the goals rather than the ends (goals) alone. • Consider the best time to raise the issue – free from any other issues in mind • Prepare your statement –make your point quickly & clearly, practicing. Safe-title box: anything outside of this box may be cut off on the TV screen

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Conducting the Negotiation • Identify the ends both parties are seeking • Develop a list of possible solutions • Evaluate the alternative solutions • Implement & follow up on the solution (after a reasonable amount of time, plan to meet with the other parties to discuss how the solution is working out).outside of this box may be cut off on the TV screen Safe-title box: anything

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Managerial Communication (BMC1024) Lecture 13 – Communication, Culture, and Work

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• Cultural Diversity and Communication • Organizational Culture and Communication

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Cultural Diversity and Communication

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Culture is a learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs, values, and norms, which affect the behaviors of a relatively large group of people. Safe-title box: anything outside of this box may be cut off on the TV screen

The Nature of Culture • • • •

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Learned Shapes our view of the world Determines how we interact Formed of many dimensions

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Cultural Differences in Doing Business UWTV watermark ID logo

Differences in Custom and Behavior Formality (using titles/names)

Social Customs (greetings, exchanging business cards, gift giving) Styles of Dress Time (monochronic-small delay as an offense vs polychronic-less concerned about the punctuality) Conflict Styles (the ways of responding to conflictdirectly, indirectly, individual, group etc) Gender Roles

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Communicating Across Diversity

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1. Become culturally literate 2. View diversity as an opportunity 3. Avoid ethnocentrism -The inclination to see all events from the

perspective of one’s own culture as superior and other cultures as inferior.

4. Create dialogue -intercultural competence-to enter into dialogue.

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Organizational Culture and Communication

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Organizational culture is a relatively stable, shared set of rules about how to behave and a set of values about what is important. Safe-title box: anything outside of this box may be cut off on the TV screen

Dimensions of Organizational Culture     

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Sociability Power distribution, Job autonomy & Degree of structure Achievement rewards & Growth opportunities Risk tolerance, Change tolerance, Conflict tolerance Emotional support

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Creating and Maintaining Organizational Cultures 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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Set tone early Reflect company culture Reinforced by daily activities Positive traditions: rewards Negative traditions: complaints

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The End

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