Esri Arcgis92

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 2,511
  • Pages: 68
What’s new in ArcGIS 9.2 Products / Technology Ryan Dalton, Melita Kennedy, Tim Weisenberger

ArcGIS 9.2 Development Themes • Improve the ArcGIS Desktop applications – Mapping, analysis, editing – Quality, performance, and usability (user driven) • Comprehensive Database functionality – Data Management • Robust Server GIS – Geographic Information Services – Smart Clients • Improve application development platform – SDKs and deployment

Examples of Customer Driven Improvements • GUI – – – – –

Scale Customization Layers control ArcWeb Toolbar Find XY Map Markup Tools

• Performance – Geocoding • 4x+ faster • Stand alone table – Multi-threaded web requests

• Stability – Driven by testing and user


• Metadata – ISO 19139 Support

• Table Improvements – – – – –

Direct read Excel files More long field name support Print tables Calculate areas & perimeter SQL Query Table

• CAD – – – – –

Single Icon for data More accurate symbology CAD Geo-referencing Improve CAD text Standardize Field lists

• Printing – New EPSON Drivers

• Editing – COGO Tools

Desktop GUI Improvements

Map Navigation Shortcuts • Shortcut keys temporarily override tool – Z = Zoom In – X = Zoom Out – C = Pan – B = Continuous Pan/Zoom • Roller Wheel enabled Pan/Zoom Zoom In

Roll wheel away

Zoom In

Hold down and drag

Zoom Out

Roll wheel toward

Customizable Full Extent • Specify your “Zoom to Full” extent

Better Usability for Group Layers • Geoprocessing Tools • Identify Dialog • Select by Attributes • Swipe Tool • Transparency as a Group

Select by Attributes • Subtypes and Domain values displayed • Group Layers • Sort Fields • Show Field Aliases

Identify Tool Enhancements • Identify features by dragging a box • Sort Records, Sort Fields and modify Field Visibility • Copy Location X,Y coordinates – Alter Location units (DD, Feet, Meters)

Go to X,Y Location • Map units • Decimal Degrees • Degrees Minutes Seconds

Measure Tool Enhancements • Measure Area/Length in multiple unit types • Measure Individual Feature • Snapping • Summarize multiple measures

Multiple Viewer Windows • Magnifier Window • Viewer Windows

Customize Map Scales • Edit in ArcMap – Use through Desktop

Tabular Data

Direct Read Excel Spreadsheets • Use first row of non-empty values for field names • Doesn’t support formulas

Table Window Enhancements • Table-to-Map navigation – Zoom to, Pan to, Flash, Select/Unselect records • Extra options for selected or highlighted records • Use Shift and Ctrl keys to select multiple records

Calculating Geometry Area/Length/Centroid/XY • Easily perform Geometry Calculations – Area – Perimeter – Length – X Location – Y Location – Centroid X – Centroid Y

Printing Tables • Print range of records • Basic printing range, page layout and header


Charting • Support Business Charts – Scientific / ESDA Charts –

• Colors match map • 2 way selection (Linking/brushing) • Can be animated

New Features: Coloring, Linking, Sorting, and Editing

• Color matching

• Linking interaction

between graph and map layer

amongst map, graph and data table - Dynamic selection highlighting

• Sort values in

• Improve graphic

ascending / descending order

quality and increase editing control

Data Management and Geoprocessing

Geoprocessing: Spatial Analysis and Modeling

• Enhancements to GP framework – GP Function Looping • (Ex: Clip 10 layers using same Clip Layer)

– List processing – Geoprocessing layer – Raster Attribute Tables

Improving Geoprocessing •

Associate process (model) with layer – When layer is refreshed,

model is rerun – Maintain symbology / avoid adding multiple layers to map – Layers maintain how they were made •

Large data processing

Batch processing

• •

Custom Datum Transformation Support More ArcInfo Workstation tools added



Spatial Join (NEW)

ArcInfo, ArcEditor, ArcView

Data Compare (NEW)

ArcInfo, ArcEditor

Random value generation (AIW)


Transform (AIW)


ArcInfo Generalization Tools (AIW)


Theissen Polygons (AIW)


Generate Fishnet (AIW)


Find Geometric Relationships (AIW – PALINFO)


Spatial Relationship Analysis (Chi Sq.)(NEW)


Spatial Autocorrelation (k-function) (NEW)


More Raster Formats • Direct Read: • • • • • • •

File Geodatabase USGS ASCII DEM X11 Pixelmap Oracle GeoRaster ECW (ER Mapper – no plug-in download required) PCRaster PCI

• Direct Write: • • • • • • •

File Geodatabase Oracle Georaster JPEG 2000 (JP2) JPEG Windows BMP GIF PNG

Terrain Data Model and Tools •

Terrains are derived based on a set of Feature classes – – – – – –

Mass Points (point or line) – e.g. LIDAR Hard/Soft lines (line) – e.g. contours Erase (polygon) – e.g. no data Replace (polygon) – e.g. lakes Clip (polygon) – e.g. study area definition TagValueFill (polygon) – e.g. tag land cover to tin faces

Stored in GDB – –

User defined terrain (pyramid) levels Optimized for massive numbers of points (+100m)

Tools for LIDAR data import (LAS format)

3D Analyst license required to initially Define a Terrain / All clients can view a terrain

Usable in ArcMap, Catalog, Globe, Server

Temporal Data Visualization and Analysis • Goal: Provide initial set of tools for

temporal data analysis

• Visualization – Animation of data over time (Fire extents, – – –

sea surface temperature, zoning changes, traffic flows, etc.) Charting of time series/ESDA/standard Support for NetCDF format data Same UI in ArcMap, ArcGlobe, and ArcScene

• Analysis (expand beyond

deterministic models)

– Support time and attribute based model

looping – Random value generation for model simulation


CAD data

CAD development for ArcGIS 9.2 • Simplified user experience – User interface standardization and improvement – New CAD dataset organization – New Georeferencing tools • More CAD properties supported – Expanded attribute support – Improved feature rendering – Improved annotation export • Improved documentation • Support AutoCAD Release 12 and 2005

New CAD dataset organization

CAD Drawing Dataset now inside CAD Feature Dataset

CAD data representation at ArcGIS 9.1

CAD data representation at ArcGIS 9.2

Improved feature rendering

Better Better CAD CAD feature feature layer layer rendering rendering at at ArcGIS ArcGIS 9.2 9.2

New Georeferencing tools

22 point point –– Scale Scale and and Rotate Rotate Control points can now be created in the map interactively to define a transformation

Geodatabase Enhancements

ArcGIS 9.2 Geodatabase • Extended Geodatabase models – File-based, MS SQL Express-based • High Precision Storage (64 bit) • Spatial reference • Vertical coordinate systems • Enhanced Transaction Model – History – Replication • Misc. Improvements

Three kinds of Geodatabases

1. Personal Geodatabase

Stored in Access. 2 GB Limit, but effective size is 250 to 500 MB. Windows only. Single editor and a few readers. Legacy support.

2. File

Stored in file folder. Up to 1 TB per dataset. Any platform.


Single editor and a few readers. Recommended.

3. ArcSDE

Stored in RDBMS (Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, Informix).


Uses ArcSDE. Versioning and Multi-user Support. Recommended.

File-based Geodatabases • Single user (no replication, versioning, or history) • Better then shapefiles / Access (pGDB) – Supports all features of geodatabase – – – –

(raster, vector, terrain, annotation, etc.) Query/draw faster 1+ TB dataset limit, no overall size limit Supports data compression (2:1 with most datasets) Uses a coverage-like directory structure (no INFO directory!)

• Cross platform (Windows, Linux, Solaris) • Access (mdb) based Geodatabases still supported, but not

encouraged • After 9.2 publish API for File Geodatabase

ArcSDE Products • ArcSDE Personal

(SQL Server Express + ArcSDE Direct Connect) – SQL Server Express limited to:

4 GB data, 1 CPU, 1 GB Ram – Limited to 3 concurrent users (1 editor, 2 readers) – Intranet Use ONLY – Simplified Administration – – – –

Support via ESRI for all aspects of DBMS ArcEditor and ArcInfo create, design, and edit ArcView read-only Included with ArcGIS Desktop (as optional installation)

ArcSDE Products • ArcSDE Workgroup

(SQL Server Express + ArcSDE Direct Connect) – SQL Server Express limited to: – – – – – –

4 GB data, 1 CPU, 1 GB Ram Limited to 10 users/editors Intranet Use ONLY Simplified Administration ArcEditor and ArcInfo create, design, and edit ArcView read-only Support via ESRI for all aspects of DBMS

• ArcSDE Enterprise – Multiple Database Options – Unlimited Users – Internet and Intranet use supported

Pre-9.2 geodatabases

• Pre-9.2 geodatabases use 32-bit integers • Limited to 0 – 2147483645 integers

Pre-9.2 default values

• Spatial domain/precision defaults were useless – Doesn’t fit geographic or projected data

• Conversion tools were better—checked data extents

High precision • 64-bit storage • Actually, it’s 53-bits • Range is 0 to 9007199254740990 • ArcSDE supports it already, ArcGIS couldn’t use

the data • Equivalent to double precision

Upgrading to high precision • Two parts – Upgrade the geodatabase – Upgrade feature dataset/class spatial reference • Will not ‘shake’ the data

Upgrading to high precision • Black = original grid 0.5, 1.0 0.0, 1.0

1.0, 1.0

• Blue = new grid, 4x • Rose = 16x

0.75, 0.75

0.25, 0.75

1.0, 0.5

0.0, 0.5

0.75, 0.25

0.25, 0.25

0.0, 0.0

1.0, 0.0 0.5, 0.0

Tolerance, resolution, and precision

• Tolerance—data accuracy • Resolution—1/precision – In the units of the coordinate system – Storage precision • Precision—number of decimal places – XYUnits

New feature dataset/class wizards

• Completely reworked • Less things are hiding on the last panel – Point/line/polygon – Spatial reference

Vertical coordinate systems • Can define on vector data • Transformations not supported yet • Supports geoid-based and ellipsoid-based heights • Heights/Depths

Feature class wizard


Developer Tools

ArcGIS Engine • ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit – Toolkit for building and deploying .Net and Java

custom desktop ArcObjects solutions • ArcGIS Engine Runtime – Software for running cross platform custom desktop solutions built with Engine Developer Kit

Tools & Controls


. . . Quick & Easy Application Development . . . Embed GIS in Your Application

ArcGIS Engine- New for 9.2 • Increase developer productivity by providing more

controls and commands • Geoprocessing support • New extensions for specialized solutions • Java and .Net focused SDKs

• Hundreds of Tools • All Desktop Extensions • Many New Controls

ArcGIS Engine- New Components • Symbology Selector Control • Common dialogs – Add data, Identify, Find, etc • New tools – Map exploration – Editing / Markup (Digital Ink) – Network Analyst / Schematics – ArcWeb Services – Globe

ArcGIS Engine- Geoprocessing • Geoprocessing part of ArcGIS Engine Runtime – Standard Engine Runtime apps use ArcView level GP tools, scripts, & models – Engine Runtime + GDB Update extension provides support of the ArcEditor level GP tools – Engine Runtime extensions are enhanced with GP tools • New GeoProcessor .NET object – Visual Studio .Net integration tools – Allows selection of any GP toolbox

Engine Extensions Updated 3D

GP tools


GP Tools, solar radiation tools


Better error reporting, GP tools New


High quality labeling

Data Interoperability

GP integration for Server models


View / modify schematics


Build custom tracking solutions

GIS Servers • Major improvements in ArcIMS • Major enhancements for ArcGIS Server

ArcIMS 9.2

Major release • Improved administration • Improved Java developer framework – Integration with Java Eclipse and Sun Creator • Major quality enhancements • Improved documentation • OGC web services standards

More Integration with ArcGIS

ArcIMS 9.2 • New Client Viewer – –

New Designer – Quick Start Based on .NET connector

• New .Net Connector – Integration with Visual Studio .NET

Geoportal Tool Kit

• ArcIMS API part of the Web ADF – Same Web ADF as ArcGIS Server – Same Development Environment for


ArcIMS & ArcGIS Server Mapping



The Web ADF allows you to create ArcIMS solutions completely in the .NET Framework, without having to write ArcXML requests.


Data Delivery


ArcIMS Designer

ArcIMS Extensions • Enhance Metadata Server • Enhance Data Delivery Extension – More formats • New Routing Server

ArcGIS Server 9.2 New Approach for Deploying GIS Data and Analysis On the Server

Map Globe Geoprocessing Routing Tracking


Database Management Write your own Service

Supports • • • • •

Web Browser Mobile Devices Smart Clients Open Web Service Enterprise Application Integration

ArcGIS Server 9.2 • • • • •

Significant .Net and Java ADF improvements Security Load balancing Administration Map display performance

Full support for .NET Framework 2.0 and Visual Studio 2005

ArcGIS Server 9.2 • Map Cached Services • Publisher for Web Services – Map Server Objects – KML, WMS Support • GIS Server Output

– Geodata Server • Support for Replications and Synchronizing

Geodatabase with ArcCatalog from ArcGIS Server

• • • •

Pre-Create Non-Pooled Server Objects Programmatically Access Logs Server Object Extensions Data Interoperability Supported

ArcGIS Server 9.2 • Web ADF – Complete Re-Write – ArcIMS Support – ArcWeb Services Support – WMS Service Support – Multiple Service Display • Transparent Service Integration

• Incorporates Site Builder Web Designer – Intended for people with little web development skills • AJAX support – Asynchronized Calling – No more complete refreshes from the Server “The Ajax engine allows the user’s interaction with the application to happen

asynchronously — independent of communication with the server. So the user is never staring at a blank browser window and an hourglass icon, waiting around for the server to do something.”

ArcGIS Server 9.2 • Web Controls – Map Control • More than one Service • Seamless Panning and Zooming, Scroll Wheel Support and Keyboard shortcuts – Toolbar Control • Pick List Property to add Tools and Commands – New Navigation Control • Pan and Zoom in one control

– Map Tips Control

ArcGIS Server- Mobile ADF • Developer technology for creating mapping

applications: – Lightweight (< 1 MB) – Run on Windows Desktop and Mobile – Occasionally disconnected and distributed – Leverage ArcGIS server • Map control and component library • Part of ArcGIS Server

Mobile ADF- Functionality • Basic mapping – Pan, Zoom, Identify – Basic symbology • Download and cache

• • •

data from ArcGIS Server Extremely fast display Vector and raster data Web services communication No editing in first release

Network Analyst Extension Support

• NAServer Extension: – Easier Access to Network Analyst

Functions – Publish Network Analysis Layers • Routing • Closest Facilities, Service Areas

– Expose as Web Services

Geoprocessing on Server Goal: server-side geoprocessing • Models, Scripts, Tools run on • • • •

the server Synchronous processing (no queuing) Just like any ArcObjects function Access is by developers, via ArcObjects Access to ArcInfo level GP tools (except AIW tools)

ArcGIS Server

Globe Viewer and Server

Goal: 3D visualization and analysis over the web • ArcGIS Globe Server • Clients – – – – –

Free viewer – ArcGIS Explorer ArcReader ArcGIS Engine - Globe Control ArcGIS Desktop Developer API

• ArcWeb Services • Excellent performance - caching on client and


Server Extensions Updated 3D

Globe Server, GP tools


Includes GP Tools, solar radiation tools


Better error reporting, GP tools New

Maplex for ArcGIS

Included in ArcGIS Server (Included)

Data Interop

Use pre-defined formats, direct read and export


Focused for viewing / modifying diagrams


Support tracking solutions

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