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WASTEWATER VOCABULARY Kelompok 2 /A1/2A 1. Tina Tri Lestari (P1337433117006) 2. Adelia Putri A. P.J (P1338433117007) 3. Zaza Andriyana (P1337433117008) 4. Ega Puspa Riningrum (P1337433117009) 5. Kukuh Eka Indarsyah (P137433117010)

Activated sludge

Activated sludge is Aerated sewage containing aerobic

/ˈæktɪveɪtid slʌdʒ/

microorganisms which help to break it down. Activated sludge (lumpur aktif ) yaitu proses pengolahan limbah cair dengan metode biologi

Example Sentence

Waste water is purified in that an aerated mixture of waste water with activated sludge is degassed before being discharged into the secondary settling basin.

Advanced primary treatment Advanced primary treatment is The sedimentation and /ədˈvɑːns ˈprʌɪm(ə)ri ˈtriːtm(ə)nt/

removal of most suspended matter from sewage effluent. Advanced primary treatment yaitu salah satu tahap dalam pengolahan limbah . ini biasanya terdiri dari pengendapan.

Example Sentence

The next stage is primary treatment, which consists of gravity settling to remove suspended solids.

Advanced wastewater treatment Advanced wastewater treatment is Any process which /ədˈvɑːns ˈweɪstwɔːtə(r) ˈtriːtm(ə)nt/

reduces the level of impurities in a wastewater below that attainable through conventional secondary or biological treatment.

Advanced wastewater treatment yaitu Setiap proses yang mengurangi tingkat kotoran dalam air limbah di bawah yang dapat dicapai melalui perawatan sekunder atau biologis konvensional. Termasuk penghilangan nutrisi seperti fosfor dan nitrogen dan persentase padatan tersuspensi tinggi. Example Sentence

Snapfinger creek is advanced wastewater treatment facility.

Aerobic wastewater treatment (Aerobic bacteria ) /eəˈrəʊbɪk ˈweɪstwɔːtə(r)

Aerobic wastewater treatment is a small scale sewage treatment


system similar to a septic tank system, but which uses an aerobic process for digestion rather than just the anaerobic process used in septic systems. Aerobic wastewater treatment yaitu sistem pengolahan limbah skala kecil yang mirip dengan sistem tangki septik, tetapi yang menggunakan proses aerobik untuk pencernaan daripada hanya proses anaerobik yang digunakan dalam sistem septik.

Example Sentence

Operating aerobic wastewater treatment at very short sludge ages enables treatment and energy recovery through anaerobic sludge digestion.

Alkalinity (salty, soluble, acrid, alkalescent, alkali, antacid) /ˌælkəˈlɪnəti/

Measurement of dissolved alkaline substances in water (higher than 7.0 pH). It tells us the water's ability to neutralize acid Pengukuran zat alkali terlarut dalam air (lebih tinggi dari 7,0 pH). Ini memberitahu kita kemampuan air untuk menetralkan asam

Example Sentence

Loss of carbon dioxide increases alkalinity and causes a slight diminution in the protein content of the egg.

Anaerobic Wastewater treatment

/ˌæneəˈrəʊbɪk ˈweɪstwɔːtə(r) Anaerobic digestion is a collection of processes by which ˈtriːtm(ə)nt/

microorganisms break down biodegradable material in the absence of oxygenThe process is used for industrial or domestic purposes to manage waste or to produce fuels. Kumpulan proses dimana mikroorganisme memecah bahan biodegradable tanpa adanya oksigen. Proses ini digunakan untuk keperluan industri atau domestik untuk mengelola limbah atau memproduksi bahan bakar.

Example Sentence

Bacterias doesn’t need an oxygen in Anaerobic Wastewater treatment.


Bacteria is A member of a large group of unicellular


microorganisms which have cell walls but lack organelles and an organized nucleus, including some which can cause disease. Bacteria






mikroorganisme uniseluler yang memiliki dinding sel tetapi kekurangan organel dan inti yang terorganisir, termasuk beberapa yang dapat menyebabkan penyakit. Example Sentence

Various germs such as fungi and bacteria live harmlessly on the skin and inside the body.


A salt containing the anion HCO₃.


Garam yang mengandung anion HCO₃. The bicarbonates in the wastewater are in equilibrium with dissolved carbon dioxide.

Bioengineering (biotechnology) Bioengineering is another term for genetic engineering /ˌbaɪoʊˌendʒɪˈnɪrɪŋ/ Bioengineering yaitu istilah lain untuk rekayasa genetika

Example Sentence

Most farms today, especially large meat and dairy farms, are corporate behemoths with tractors the size of luxury yachts, and with their soil and animals enhanced by genetics and bioengineering.


Biosolids is Organic material that is recycled from waste, especially for use in

/ˈbaɪoʊ ˈsɑːlɪd/


Biosolids yaitu Bahan organik yang didaur ulang dari limbah, terutama untuk digunakan dalam pertanian. Example Sentence

An important alternative to fertiliser from fossil fuel is biosolids recovered from sewage.

BOD (biochemical oxygen demand) /biː oʊ diː/

BOD is The amount of dissolved oxygen that must be present in water in order for microorganisms to decompose the organic matter in the water, used as a measure of the degree of pollution. BOD yaitu Jumlah oksigen terlarut yang harus ada dalam air agar mikroorganisme menguraikan bahan organik di air, digunakan sebagai ukuran tingkat polusi.

Example Sentence

Gives easy to understand and clear instructions for testing dissolved oxygen, fecal coliforms, pH, biochemical oxygen demand, temperature, total phosphate, nitrates, turbidity, and total solids.


A salt in which the anion contains both boron and oxygen,


as in borax.

Garam di mana anion mengandung boron dan oksigen, seperti pada boraks.

Example Sentence

The borates on the claims in Mule Canyon originated through sedimentation on an ancient lake bed.


A salt of the anion CO₃²⁻, typically by reaction with carbon


dioxide. Garam dari anion CO₃²⁻, biasanya melalui reaksi dengan karbon dioksida.

Example Sentence

Chemistry Convert into a carbonate. The reaction is very slow: the surface will become carbonated within a few days.

Clarifier (purifier, refiner)

Clarifier is A clarifier is a vessel or stage in which remaining


suspended solids are separated from a liquid to leave a clear overflow. Sedimentation is the gravity separation of solids in water in a settling tank or a clarifier. Clarifier yaitu tahap di mana sisa padatan tersuspensi dipisahkan dari cairan untuk meninggalkan limpahan yang jelas. Sedimentasi adalah pemisahan gravitasi padatan dalam air dalam tangki pengendapan atau klarifikasi.

Example Sentence

In Clarifier water is cleaned from impurities by depositing the impurities contained in the water in the lamlar in the form of iron nets at the bottom of the Clarifier.

COD (chemical oxygen demand) /si:odi:/

COD is The amount of oxygen required to oxidize fully the organic compounds contained in a volume of water, used as measure of water quality.








mengoksidasi sepenuhnya senyawa organik yang terkandung dalam volume air, digunakan sebagai ukuran kualitas air. Example Sentence

The chemical oxygen demand test procedure is based on the chemical






contaminants, dissolved or suspended in water.

Combined sewer

Combined sewer is a sewer that accepts storm water, sanitary

/kəmˈbaɪnd ˈsuːə(r) /

water/sewage, and most likely industrial waste water which ideally is treated by a sewage/publicly owned treatment works (POTW)

Combined sewer yaitu saluran pembuangan yang menerima air hujan, air sanitasi / limbah, dan kemungkinan besar air limbah industri yang idealnya diperlakukan oleh limbah / pekerjaan pengolahan milik umum (POTW).

Example Sentence

The sewer system exceeds capacity prompting discharge of waste water including human waste, and industrial effluents to be directly dumped into the water body.

Combined Sewer Overflow ( CSO ) /kəmˈbaɪnd ˈsuːə ˌoʊvərˈfloʊ/

An underground conduit for carrying off drainage water and waste matter

Saluran bawah tanah untuk mengalirkan air drainase dan limbah.

Example Sentence

A mysterious prowler scours London's underground sewers and tube lines, searching for suitable victims.

Constructed Wetland

Land consisting of marshes or swamps; saturated land.

/kənˈstrʌktdˈwɛtlənd/ Tanah yang terdiri dari rawa-rawa atau rawa; tanah jenuh.

Example Sentence

She said the wetlands, estuaries and forest streams that pateke call home were under threat.


DAF is the value of coal quality in the condition of the coal is

/diːeɪ ef /

dry and free of ash.

Singkatan dari dry ash free, conto batubara dengan asumsi kadar kelembaban (air) dan abu telah dihilangkan

Example Sentence

Volatile matter dry ash free

Detention Time

How long on average wastewater undergoes the wastewater

/dɪˈtɛnʃ(ə)n taɪm /

treatment process. Time vary greatly across various types of wastewater treatment, from minutes to weeks.

Berapa lama rata-rata air limbah mengalami proses pengolahan air limbah. Waktu yang tepat bervariasi di berbagai jenis pengolahan air limbah, dari menit hingga minggu.

Example Sentence

Detention time calculations are not routing procedures.

Dewatered Sludge

Thick, soft, wet mud or a similar viscous mixture of liquid and

/di wɑːtərdˈslʌdʒ/.

solid components, especially the product of an industrial or refining process Lumpur yang tebal, lunak, basah atau campuran kental yang sama dari komponen cair dan padat, terutama produk dari proses industri atau pemurnian.

Example Sentence

The second ground for refusal was that without a composting facility, the company could not deal with the residual sludge from the process.

Dewatered Sludge Cake

Dirty oil, especially in the sump of an internal combustion

/di wɑːtərdˈslʌdʒ keɪk/

engine. Minyak kotor, terutama di bah mesin pembakaran internal.

Example Sentence

I can make do with that, if we mix it with a caffeine-sugar sludge combo.


Drain (a waterlogged or flooded area)



Example Sentence

A study will determine the impact of dewatering in the







Humboldt Basin area.

Degistion (dissolution)

The process of digesting food.


Proses mencerna makanan.

Example Sentence

Fat slows digestion, giving food more time to ferment.


The removal of nitrates or nitrites from something


penghapusan nitrat atau nitrit dari sesuatu

Example Sentence

Other reactions unique to life, except at extremely high temperatures












reduction, and methane formation. Disinfection

The process of cleaning something, especially with a chemical,


in order to destroy bacteria. Proses membersihkan sesuatu, terutama dengan bahan kimia, untuk



'Instrumen harus menjalani disinfeksi tingkat tinggi sebelum digunakan kembali'

Example Sentence

Organisers of events must in any event adhere strictly to the disinfection procedures.

Dissolved Oxygen

The amount of gaseous oxygen (O2) dissolved in the water.

/dɪˈzɑːlvd ˈɒksɪdʒ(ə)n/

Jumlah oksigen gas (O2) terlarut dalam air.

Example Sentence

This oxygen may also support nitrifying bacteria that convert ammonia to nitrate.’

Ecological Engineering

Ecological engineering has been defined as the design of ecosystems for the mutual benefit of humans and nature

/ɛkəˈlɒdʒɪk(ə)l ˌendʒɪˈnɪərɪŋ/ Rekayasa ekologi telah didefinisikan sebagai desain ekosistem untuk saling menguntungkan manusia dan alam Example Sentence

Take an inventory of what kind of an impact your life has on Mother Earth - your own personal ecological footprint.’


Liquid waste or sewage discharged into a river or the sea.


Limbah cair atau limbah dibuang ke sungai atau laut.

Example Sentence

If the farm allows effluent into the river, then the fishery suffers due to increased costs of water purification.

Extended Aeration

Method of sewage treatment using modified activated sludge

/ɪkˈstendɪd ɛːˈreɪʃ(ə)n/


Aerasi yang diperpanjang adalah metode pengolahan limbah menggunakan prosedur lumpur aktif yang dimodifikasi. Example Sentence

The Extended Aeration (EA) system is one of common Biological system used to treat domestic wastewater due to its functionality and simplicity.

Facultative Ponds

A lagoon that forms the second treatment stage in waste

/ˈfak(ə)lˌtətɪv pɒnd/

stabilisation ponds

Sebuah laguna yang membentuk tahap perawatan kedua di kolam stabilisasi limbah Example Sentence

These responses can and often are superimposed upon more programmed life history traits in ways that can suggest specific mechanisms by which facultative responses can become obligate.


A loosely clumped mass of fine particles.


Suatu partikel partikel halus yang menggumpal.

Example Sentence

Microsand particles and polymer are added to the floc in the same tank.


A substance which promotes the clumping of particles,


especially one used in treating waste water.

Suatu zat yang mendorong penggumpalan partikel, terutama yang digunakan untuk mengolah air limbah.

Example Sentence

The latter has four subgroups: corrosion inhibitors, coagulants and flocculants, oxidizers, biocides, and all other.


Process wherein collids come out of suspension in the


form of floc or flake, either spontaneously or due to the addition of a clarifying agent.

Proses pengumpulan partikel-partikel ukuran halus yang dapat diendapkan menjadi partikel yang diendapkan secara gravitasi dengan cara menambahkan koagulan.

Example Sentence

A significant portion of these pollutants is deposited in the sediment by adsorption, flocculation and sedimentation, constituting potential sources of chemical contamination of the water column.


A thick oily substance, especially as used as a lubricant.


Substansi berminyak yang tebal, terutama digunakan sebagai pelumas.

Example Sentence

The bearing lubricant has a huge effect on rolling resistance, which is why some speed skaters run their bearings with minimal thin oil rather than grease.


Small loose particles of stone or sand.


Partikel kecil yang longgar dari batu atau pasir.

Example Sentence

During the course of your fishing session your line will pick up small bits of grit, sand and algae.


Apparatus for controlling the flow of water in a river or



Aparatus untuk mengendalikan aliran air di sungai atau saluran.

Example Sentence

The association has threatened that if the case was not withdrawn, canal water supply would be stopped by junior engineers from various headworks in the state.


A compound of a metal with the hydroxide ion OH⁻ (as in


many alkalis) or the group —OH. Senyawa logam dengan ion hidroksida OH⁻ (seperti dalam banyak alkali) atau grup -OH.

Example Sentence

Carbonates and hydroxides are generally insoluble.


some particles delivered in the influent streams settle in the



beberapa partikel yang dikirim dalam aliran influen menetap di waduk.

Example Sentence

The influent solution was sparged continuously with N2 gas to maintain anoxic conditions for the bacteria and to prevent aerobic oxidation of the materials in the wastewater.


A small arm of the sea, a lake, or a river.


Lengan kecil laut, danau, atau sungai.

Example Sentence

Bays, inlets and ocean-flooded river valleys are all examples of estuaries.

Liquid Solids Separation

The process of separating the liquids and solids in a given

/ˈlɪkwɪd sɒlɪds sɛpəˈreɪʃ(ə)n/ wastewater.

Pemisahan adalah suatu cara yang digunakan untuk memiahkan atau memurnikan suatu senyawa atau kelompok senyawa yang mempunyai susunan kimia yang berkaitan dari suatu bahan.

Example Sentence


separation involves

theseparation of


phases, solid and liquid, from a suspension.


Million Gallons per Day - 694.4 gallons per minute.

/emdʒiːdiː/ Jutaan Galon per hari – 694.4 galon per menit.

Example Sentence

Here two reservoirs of a combined capacity of 668 million gallons per day.


Municipal is associated with or belonging to a city or town that


has its own local goverent.

Suatu entitas administratif yang terdefinisi secara jelas wilayah dan penduduknya, yang umumnya merujuk pada suatu kota atau desa, atau kelompok kecil dari entitas-entitas tersebut.

Example Sentence

The municipal authorities gave he goalnead for he march.


A salt or ester of nitric acid, containing the anion NO₃⁻ or the


group NO₃.

Garam atau ester dari asam nitrat, mengandung anion NO₃⁻ atau grup -NO₃

Example Sentence

Preserved meat and vegetables contain nitrates

Nitrogen (N)

The measure of nitrogen usually as ammonia and nitrate present in


various wastewaters.

Ukuran nitrogen biasanya sebagai amonia dan nitrat hadir dalam berbagai air limbah.

Example Sentence

The absorption of nitrogen by plants plays an important role in their growth.

Natural Systems

Wastewater treatment systems usually biological with a minimum

/ˈnatʃ(ə)r(ə)l sɪstəm /

of mechanical components or processes, for example, constructed wetlands.

Sistem pengolahan air limbah biasanya biologis dengan minimal






membangun lahan basah.

Example Sentence

Natural systems are open and their existence depends upon effects beyond their borders.


Wastewater treatment at the point of production typically






residential reduce

systems the


such of




wastewaters into one huge treatment plant.

Pengolahan air limbah pada titik produksi biasanya terkait dengan sistem perumahan seperti tangki septik. Penanganan dapat mengurangi biaya konsentrasi air limbah ke dalam satu pabrik pengolahan besar.

Example Sentence

The disposal of medical waste through on-site incinerators would be a cure that is worse than the disease itself.

Overland Flow Land Treatment /ˈəʊvəland fləʊ land

Grassy slopes used to treat wastewater. Leftover water is captured


at the bottom.

Lereng berumput digunakan untuk mengolah air limbah. Air sisa ditangkap di bagian bawah.

Example Sentence

To evaluate the effectiveness of overland flow treatment in upgrading secondary...


A measure of acidity or alkalinity of water, or any given substance.


The scale is 1 to 14 with 7 being neutral. Over 7 is alkaline or caustic, under 7 is acid or base.

Ukuran keasaman atau alkalinitas air, atau zat yang diberikan. Skala 1 hingga 14 dengan 7 netral. Lebih dari 7 bersifat basa atau kaustik, di bawah 7 adalah asam atau basa.

Example Sentence

Non-enzymatic reduction of DHA by reduced glutathione in phosphate buffers of different pHs was also measured in a separate cuvette at the same time.

Phosphorus (P)

The measure of Phosphorus present in wastewater.

/ˈfɒsf(ə)rəs/ Ukuran Fosfor hadir dalam air limbah.

Example Sentence

The main pollutants were found to contain nitrogen, phosphorus, oil and copper.

Primary Wastewater Treatment /ˈprʌɪm(ə)ri weɪstwɔːtər ˈtriːtm(ə)nt/

The first process usually associated with municipal wastewater treatment to remove the large inorganic solids and settle out sand and grit.

Proses pertama biasanya terkait dengan pengolahan air limbah kota untuk menghilangkan padatan anorganik yang besar dan mengendapkan pasir dan pasir.

Example Sentence

Primary wastewater treatment removes material that will either float or readily settle out by gravity.

Raw Sewage

Untreated sanitary wastewater.

/rɔː ˈsuːɪdʒ/

Air limbah sanitasi yang tidak diolah.

Example Sentence

Raw sewage damage can have severely negative effects on those who become exposed to it.

Reclaimed Water

Reusable wastewater from wastewater treatment such as

/rɪˈkleɪmd wɑːtər/

tertiary treatment of wastewater in biological and other systems.

Air limbah yang dapat digunakan kembali dari pengolahan air limbah seperti pengolahan air limbah tersier dalam sistem biologi dan lainnya.

Example Sentence

Reclaimed water is highly treated wastewater that is often used as a replacement for potable water for irrigation and industrial needs.

Run Off

Storm flows that aren't absorbed and flow off the land and

/ˈrʌn ɒf/


Air mengalir yang tidak terserap dan mengalir dari daratan dan jalan.

Example Sentence

Runoff is extremely important in that not only does it keep rivers and lakes full of water


Conditions relating to public health, especially the


provision of clean drinking water and adequate sewage disposal.

Kondisi yang berkaitan dengan kesehatan masyarakat, terutama penyediaan air minum yang bersih dan pembuangan limbah yang memadai.

Example Sentence

Food habit, clean drinking water and proper sanitation hold the key to preserving the health of the people.

Sanitary Wastewater

Wastewater from human domestic water use.

/ˈsænəteri ˈweɪstwɔːtə(r)/ Air limbah dari penggunaan air domestik manusia.

Example Sentence

...used water from houses and apartments; it is also called sanitary wastewater.


Screening removes objects such as rags, paper, plastics, and


metals to prevent damage and clogging of downstream equipment, piping, and appurtenances.

Penyaringan menghilangkan objek seperti kain, kertas, plastik, dan logam untuk mencegah kerusakan dan penyumbatan peralatan hilir, perpipaan, dan perlengkapan.

Example Sentence

Screening is the first treatment station, both for surface and wastewater.

Settling (Precipitation, Sedimentation) /’sƐt(Ə)ling/

The action or process of precipitating a subtance from a solution.

Reaksi pembentukan padatan dalam larutan atau didalam padatan lain selama reaksi kimia.

Example Sentence

In places where the warmer air extends, to the ground, the settling falls as snow.


A salt in which the anion contains both silicon and oxygen,


especially one of the anion SiO₄²⁻.

Garam di mana anion mengandung silikon dan oksigen, terutama salah satu anion SiO₄²⁻.

Example Sentence

Any of the many minerals consisting of silica combined with metal oxides, forming a major component of the rocks of the earth's crust.

Scum (Dirt)

Usually fatty material in wastewater that floats.

/skʌm/ Biasanya bahan berlemak di air limbah yang mengapung

Example Sentence

That scum brings too much disease.

Secondary Wastewater Treatment /ˈsekəndri weɪstwɔːtə(r)

Second biological process of digestion with bacteria.

triːtmənt/ Proses biologis kedua pencernaan dengan bakteri

Example Sentence

The methods and stages of the wastewater treatment process that have been developed are very diverse


The used water and added waste of a community which is


carried away by drains and sewers.

Air bekas dan limbah tambahan dari komunitas yang terbawa oleh saluran air dan selokan

Example Sentence

Do not dispose of factory sewage in the river.


A system of sewers; the removal of waste materials by means


of a sewer system.

Sistem saluran pembuangan penghilangan bahan limbah melalui sistem saluran pembuangan

Example Sentence

An increase in water and sewerage charges


The solid waste material which settles out in the wastewater


treatment process, sometimes biosolids. Can be dewatered and reused or disposed.

Bahan limbah padat yang mengendap dalam proses pengolahan air limbah, kadang-kadang biosolids. Dapat dikeringkan dan digunakan kembali atau dibuang.

Example Sentence

Lapindo sludge continues to expand to Sidoarjo, East Java.

Sludge Dewatering

Removing the remaining water from sludge for reuse and to

/slʌdʒ di wɑːtəring/

lighten the sludge for reuse or disposal.

Menghilangkan sisa air dari lumpur untuk digunakan kembali dan meringankan lumpur untuk digunakan kembali atau dibuang.

Example Sentence

Management planning unit for Sludge Dewatering.


A measure of how clear water is in Nephelometric Turbidity


Unit (NTU), invisible to the average naked eye until readings in excess of 100 are reached, typically determined by shining light through a sample placed in a turbidimeter.

Ukuran seberapa jelas air dalam Nephelometric Turbidity Unit (NTU), tidak terlihat oleh mata telanjang rata-rata sampai pembacaan lebih dari 100 tercapai, biasanya ditentukan oleh cahaya yang bersinar melalui sampel yang ditempatkan dalam turbidimeter

Example Sentence

Any substance that makes turbid water will cause turbidity.

Storm Drain

A pipeline or channel system that carries surface water and/or

/stɔːm dreɪn/

runoff to public waters, but does not feed into sewer system.

Saluran pipa atau sistem saluran yang membawa air permukaan dan / atau limpasan ke perairan umum, tetapi tidak masuk ke sistem saluran pembuangan.

Example Sentence

Storm drainage systems are a network of waterways, pipes and ponds.

Subsurface Flow Wetland A type of constructed wetland in which primarily treated waste /subsɜːfɪs fləʊ wetlənd/

flows through deep gravel or other porous substrate planted with wetland vegetation. The water is not exposed to the air, avoiding problems with odor and direct contact.

Jenis lahan basah yang dibangun di mana limbah yang diolah terutama mengalir melalui kerikil dalam atau substrat berpori lainnya yang ditanam dengan vegetasi lahan basah. Air tidak terkena udara, menghindari masalah dengan bau dan kontak langsung

Example Sentence

Wetland agriculture is a type of agricultural activity that utilizes wetlands.

Surface Treatment

Process applied to the surface of a material to make it better in some way,

/sɜːfɪs triːtmənt/

for example by making it more resistant to corrosion or wear. proses perlakuan terhadap permukaan benda kerja untuk mendapatkan permukaan yang lebih baik.

Example Sentence

The barrier discharge: basic properties and applications to surface treatment

TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) /tiːdies/

Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) is the combined total of all dissolved solids in wastewater, both organic and inorganic and very fine, such as colloidal minerals.

Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) adalah total gabungan dari semua padatan terlarut dalam air limbah, baik organik dan anorganik dan sangat halus, seperti mineral koloid.

Example Sentence

Total dissolved solids are dissolved materials in water that are not filtered with millipore filter paper

Tertiary Wastewater Treatment /ˈtɜːʃəri weɪstwɔːtə(r)

Biological or chemical polishing of wastewater to remove


organics, solids and nutrients. Tertiary wastewater effluent limits are generally 10 mg/1 BOD5 and 10 mg/1 TSS.

Biologi atau pemolesan kimia air limbah untuk menghilangkan organik, zat padat dan nutrisi. Batas limbah air limbah tersier umumnya 10 mg / 1 BOD5 dan 10 mg / 1 TSS

Example Sentence

More than one tertiary treatment process may be used at any treatment plant.

Tertiary Treatment

The use of filtration to remove microscopic particles from

/ˈtɜːʃəri ˈtriːtmənt/

wastewater that has already been treated to a Secondary Level. Anthracite coal is the filter medium used by the MWWD.

Penggunaan filtrasi untuk menghilangkan partikel mikroskopis dari air limbah yang telah diperlakukan ke Tingkat Sekunder. Batubara antrasit adalah media filter yang digunakan oleh MWWD. Example Sentence

tertiary treatment methods are: 1. Filtration 2. Air/Steam Stripping 3. Biological Processes 4. Adsorption 5. Membrane Separation

Processes 6. Ion

Process 7. Precipitation 8. Oxidation

Exchange and


and 9. Disinfection.


How treatable a water sample is with a given substance.

/ˈtriːtəbliti/ Bagaimana sampel air dapat diobati dengan zat yang diberikan Example Sentence

A treatability study might help.

TSS - Total Suspended Solids /ti es es/

As the name implies, the total solid particles that are suspended (as opposed to dissolved) in the wastewater. TSS must be filtered out, flocculated, digested and so on for removal in the treatment of wastewater.

Seperti namanya, total partikel padat yang tersuspensi (berlawanan dengan terlarut) dalam air limbah. TSS harus

disaring, diflokulasi, dicerna, dan seterusnya untuk dibuang dalam pengolahan air limbah.

Example Sentence

Total suspended solids (TSS) is the dry-weight of suspended particles


situated beyond the visible spectrum at its violet end —used of


radiation having a wavelength shorter than wavelengths of visible light and longer than those of X-rays. Ultraviolet






gelombang radio, radiasi inframerah, sinar-X dan sinar gamma

Example Sentence

The orbiter’s main spectrometer, NOMAD, operates in the infrared, ultraviolet and visible parts of the electromagnetic spectrum.


Land consisting of marshes or swamps; saturated land.


Tanah yang terdiri dari rawa-rawa atau rawa; tanah jenuh.

Example Sentence

the lake is recognized as a wetland of great international importance.

Water surface

The top layer of a body of water.

/ˈwɔːtə(r) sɜːfɪs/

Lapisan atas dari badan air.

Example Sentence

the surface water of a pond or lake.

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