Error Correction Ex.

  • November 2019
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Passage 2

4.5% with the introduction of background musician while a

Animals perform many useful and entertaining jobs. Dogs are particular valuable in guiding the blind, protecting property,

California farmer discovered that such music calmed nervous 1._______________

finding lost people, and hunting criminals. Horses are used in

cattles and prevented stampedes that used to cause thousands


long been used to carry messages. People realize that, although

shopping but speed up the beat on weekends although the 3.________________

a watchdog often produces unexpected results .Some dogs quickly

mood or build a tempo to work to. 4._______________

is because their masters welcome friends and invite him into their


houses. Some dogs will always attack the postman who comes to 6._______________

Passage 4

it except for George Washington, although he did have a majority part in designing it.The government held a competition

not wanted, but keeps coming back anyway. Masters of dogs who

1.____________ 2._____________

to choose the best design for the President’s house. The winner 7.______________

was a young man of Sough Carolina, James Hoban. His design was

friend and that the dog does not need to treat him as an unwanted


a three-level house of stone. And President Washington made

person. A dog is quite ready to do that his master wishes. And a


some changes in the winning design. He made the house long and

dog is always happy when he is praised for understanding

wider, and changed it into a two-storied house instead of the

correctly. Dogs can be taught to obey commands when the sound

three-storied one. The second President, John Adams, was first to

of a word is connected to a certain act. Two important factors in

live in the White House. When he and his wife moved onto the

teaching a dog to obey commands are: using the same word

new house in November, 1800, although the man living area was

each time for the same act, and teaching only one act at a time.

completed, work was still going on. The whole work did not

Dogs can learn not only to sit, lie down, come and stay in place when

finish since the administration of the third President, Thomas

their masters come away, but also to jump, carry, and fetch.

Jefferson. Twelve years later, the British army invaded


Washington and burned the White House. The fire complete Passage 3

3.___________ 4._____________ 5.____________ 6._____________

7.____________ 8.______________

destroyed the inside of the building and experts said the White 1._______________

small but measurable. Whether in restaurants, shopping centers

House was too dangerous to live in. Later on, workers rebuilt the inside of the White House. More offices were added, most of

nor assembly lines---even on farm---background or mood music


which underground. None of the work, however, changed the

can be heard almost somewhere in the United States, from hushed


appearing of the building. Many people asked why the President’s

executive offices to screeching wrecking yards. One hand tool manufactured plant found that efficiency increased


completed until ten years later. Every American President lived in

house. Therefore, the dog thinks the postman is someone who is

It is not easy noticed but it is everywhere. Its influence is very


The White House began to be built in 1792, but it was not

deliver letters. One explanation for this behavior is that, although

attack postman can easily show the dog that the postman is


crowds are heavier. The music is basically designed not to be listened, says one background music man, but to create a favorable

learned the differences between unwanted people and friends. This


Department stores play slower music during the weekdays encourage

they are smart enough to learn certain things. Training a dog to be

the postman comes to the house often, but he never enters the


of dollars in damage. The type of music seems to have a impact.

guarding herds, and help farmers work in their land. Pigeons have animals may not have the same intelligence like human beings,


house is called the White House. Historians say it has been so 4._______________

called simply because it was painted white.

9.__________________ 10.________________

Passage 5 Almost every new innovation goes through three phases. When initially introducing into the market, the process of


adoption is slow. The early models are expensive and hard to use, and perhaps even unsafe. The economic impact is relatively great.


The second phase is the explosive one, while the innovation was


rapidly adopted by a large number of people. It gets cheaper and easier to use and becomes something familiar. And then in the third stage, diffusion of the innovation slows down again, as if it


permeates out across the economy. During the explosive phase ,whole new industries spring up to produce the new product or innovation, and to service it. For example, during the 1920s, there was dramatic acceleration in


auto production, at 1.9 million in 1920 to 4.5 million in 1929.


This boom was accompanied by all sorts of other essential activities necessary for an auto-based nation: Roads had to been


built for the cars to run on; refineries and oil wells, to provide the gasoline; and garages, to repair it.


Historically, the same pattern is repeated once and again with


innovations. The construction of the electrical system required an enormous early investment in generation and distribution capacity. The introduction of the radio was followed by a buying spree by Americans what quickly brought


radios into almost half of all households by 1930s, up from nearly none in 1924.

Passage 6 Learning does not happen passively. It is an activity which a Person does. It is a task which can be attempted in various of 1.______________ Ways, some of which are more appropriate than others. When the Material to be learned is a brief and simple kind which is familiar 2_____________

with the person and of intense interest to him, effective learning 3______________ usually proceeds automatically. In the first place, the person at once relates the material to other material which has already 4._____________ securely learned. Subsequently, the relevance of the newly learned material to his interests assures its being recalled on many 5. _________________ occasions, and one repetition minimizes the likelihood of 6________________ remembering. Furthermore, the subsequent use of the new material 7._______________ is likely to take place in a variety of contexts and so the material becomes related to a narrower range of other material. Because of 8._______________ all this, the material is rapidly learned, long retained ,and recalled with increasingly readiness in a variety of contexts. Without really 9.________________ trying, the person had fulfilled a few important conditions of 10._______________ effective learning.

Passage 7 After months of speculation about what Amazon. Com would do with its mysterious search-engine company, A9, Web surfers finally got their first taste on April 14th. Yet despite of some 1.___________ intriguing new features not yet found on leading sites such as Google. And Yahoo!, the site (www. A9. com) – still in test mode-rises as many questions as its answers. The biggest 2.___________ question remains is whether Amazon through A9, would clash 3.__________ into Google more directly. Google itself is testing a search engine 4._________ for products called Froogle that’s starting to appeal Web shoppers. 5.___________ At the same time, Amazon clearly isn’t looking to limit A9’s horizons. How directly A9 eventually goes up against the reigned 6.__________ search champion, it faced lots of challenges. For one, it may run 7.___________ into some of the same privacy issues that recently have plagued Google. A9’s privacy policy points out that information provided through entering search term or by signing into one’s Amazon 8.___________ account could supply the company with information that could personally identify the searcher. Those may be somewhat less 9.____________ instructive than Google’s upcoming Gmail free

e-mail offering, which could search the contents of messages to pitch personalized ads. But comments posted on some sites already indicate some people are uncomfortable with Google’s potential threats to privacy.


Passage 8 Doctors tell us not to smoke, but lots of people smoke Tobacco every day. Long ago, no one in the Europe smoked the 1._________ Tobacco plant was unknown there. It grew in America, and Christopher Columbus found it there. Later he returned Europe 2.________ and told everyone about tobacco. He sad that the American Indians often smoked that. One way of smoking was this: the 3.________ American Indians threw some tobacco leaves with fire. Then they 4.________ put long tubes in their mouths. The other ends of the tubes were over the fire, so they were able to draw the smoke from their 5.________ mouths. About the year 1560, a Frenchman, Jean Nicot, was living in Lisbon, Portugal. He was very interesting in all American 6._________ plants, some of them were very different than the plants of Europe. 7.________ He ( and other men too ) used the leaves of the tobacco plant to Cure pain. If a person had a bad pain in a leg or an arm, Nicot put Tobacco leaves on the painless place. He tried to cure the pain in 8.________ That way. Besides, we say now that tobacco contains nicotine. 9._______ A word nicotine comes from this man’s name. 10.______

Passage 9 Word came from California of a new weapon in the war on Household pests. Two scientists work for a firm in California 1._________ developed a new method to eliminate insects with using dangerous 2._________ chemicals. The new weapon-hot air. The basic idea is that insect pests can adjust to temperature much above normal. In laboratory 3._______

experiments, cockroaches and termites can’t survive much more than a quarter of hour at 100 degrees Fahrenheit or about 50 4._______ degrees centigrade. The new method involves covering a house with a huge tent, and fill it with air hearted to around 65 degrees 5._______ centigrade. Hot air is forced in with fans and the tent keeps the heat inside the house. Although termites try to escape by hiding in wood beams, the 6._______ heat treatment must be continued by four to six hours. But when it’s 7._______ All over and the insects are dead, there are no toxic residues to Danger humans or pets, and no funny smells. Scientists claim that 8._______ there’s no danger of fire too, since very few household materials 9.______ will burn at 65 degrees centigrade. In fact, wood is prepared for construction use by drying in the ovens at 100 degrees centigrade, that is substantially hotter. 10._______

Passage 10 Expressing Yourself in English is an interesting new textbook with some variations from the traditional ones in its approach. They would seem appropriate for self-study, especially when used 1.___________ in conjunction with the cassette, but is primarily intended of 2.___________ classroom use. Indeed, the text itself contains notes to the teachers rather than that appearing under a separate teacher’s guide. Each 3.___________ unit contains three readings, all of which ,except for those appearing in the ninth and the final unit, are illustrated. The teacher’s notes indicate the teacher should refrain of answering 4.___________ students’ questions about these readings until each student has

worked through all the reading comprehension exercises without help. Among the book’s distinctive features is the fact that contains 5.__________ a more extensive list of references than any other writing for this 6.___________ level, while exercise are provided and allow students to be creative with the English they learn. Again, like most comparable 7.____________ texts, Expressing Yourself in English does not formally introduce the verb until Unit 3. One hint for teachers and students likely is 8.____________ that students should not expect to be successful with the examinations offered in the body of the text if they study outside 9.___________ of class and memorize the dialogue that introduces each unit. In order to keep the price lowly, the book is paperbound and all 10._____________ pictures and illustrations are in black and white. They textbook will be accompanied by a workbook to be published later this year.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Key Passage 2 1. particular->particularly 2. help-> helping 3. like->as 4. learned->learn 5. him->them 6. but->yet 或 but 去掉 7. postman->postmen 8. ^friend->a 9. that->what 10.come->go Passage 3 1. easy-easily 2. nor->or 3. somewhere->everywhere 4. manufactured-> manufacturing

musician->music catttles->cattle a->an ^encourage->to although->when listened^-> listened to

Passage 4 1. for-> for 去掉 2. majority-> major 3. of-> from 4. long-longer 5. ^first->the 6. onto->into 7. since-until 8. complete->completely 9. which^->which were 或 which->them 10. appearing->appearance Passage 5 1. introducing->introduced 2. great->small 3. was->is 4. if->if 去掉 5. was-> was a dramatic acceleration….. 6. at-> from 7. been->be 8. it-> them 9. once-> again 10. what->that Passage 6 1. of-〉of 去掉 2. is-> is of

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

with->to already^-> already been assures-> ensures one->this/the remembering->forgetting narrower->wider increasingly->increasing had-> has

Passage 7 1. of->of 去掉 2. rises->raises 3. question^->that/which 4. into->with 5. appeal^->appeal to 6. reigned-reigning 7. faced-faces 8. term->terms 9. Those-> that 10. Google->A9 Passage 8 1. in the Europe->the 去掉 2. returned^->to 3. that-> it 4. with->on 5. from->into 6. interesting->interested 7. than->from 8. painless->painful 9. Besides->So/Therefore 10. A->The

Passage 9 1. work->working 2. with-〉without 3. can->cannot 4. hour->an/one hour 5. fill->filling 6. Although->Since 7. by-for 8. danger-endanger 9. too-either 10. that->which Passage 10 1. They->It 2. of-> for 3. that->those 4. of->from 5. ^contains->it contains 6. writing->written 7. like->unlike 8. likely->alike 9. if->unless 10. lowly->low

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