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Exchange Data

Chapter 3 This chapter is designed to provide the student with knowledge about basic exchange data and the ability to perform basic operational tasks.

OBJECTIVES: After completing this chapter the student will be able to: •

Connect Regional Processors (RPs) and Extension Modules (EMs) in exchange data.

Explain different RP types.

Define Routes, modify existing Route Data and connect devices to Routes.

Understand how the Group Switch works and briefly describe its elements.

Connect Switching Network Terminals (SNTs) and DIgital Paths (DIPs) in exchange data.

Perform Size Alteration of data files in the Data Store.

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AXE 10 O & M Platform in GSM

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3 Exchange Data

3 Exchange Data Table of Contents



GENERAL ............................................................................................99 REGIONAL PROCESSORS AND EXTENSION MODULES .............100 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 100 REGIONAL PROCESSORS ...................................................................................... 101 THE RPD FAMILY ..................................................................................................... 109 DEFINITION OF REGIONAL PROCESSORS (RP) .................................................. 113 DEFINITION OF EXTENSION MODULES ................................................................ 116 SUMMARY................................................................................................................. 118

ROUTE CONCEPTS AND DEFINITION ............................................119 GENERAL .................................................................................................................. 119 DEFINITION OF ROUTES......................................................................................... 119 CONNECTION OF DEVICES TO THE ROUTE ........................................................ 122 PRINTOUT OF DEVICE AND ROUTE DATA ........................................................... 123 SUMMARY................................................................................................................. 126

GROUP SWITCH DESCRIPTION......................................................127 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 127 HARDWARE STRUCTURE AND SWITCHING......................................................... 127 CONTROL OF THE SWITCHING.............................................................................. 131 SECURITY ................................................................................................................. 134 SUBRATE SWITCH ................................................................................................... 135 SYNCHRONIZATION ................................................................................................ 136 PRINTOUTS .............................................................................................................. 139 BLOCKING OF UNITS............................................................................................... 140 CONNECTION OF SNT............................................................................................. 140 THE SNT CONCEPT ................................................................................................. 143 THE DIP CONCEPT .................................................................................................. 146 SUMMARY................................................................................................................. 152

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SIZE ALTERATION ...........................................................................153 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 153 INITIAL SETTING ...................................................................................................... 153 HARDWARE EXTENSION ........................................................................................ 154 EXTENSION BY USING MORE SOFTWARE INDIVIDUALS ................................... 155 WHAT IS A DATA FILE?............................................................................................ 156 THE USE OF SIZE ALTERATION EVENTS.............................................................. 158 COMMANDS RELATED TO SIZE ALTERATION ..................................................... 158 SUMMARY................................................................................................................. 160

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3 Exchange Data

GENERAL This module is named Exchange Data, Basics. The subjects covered in this module are:

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Operation for Regional Processors (RPs) and Extension Modules (EMs).

Route and Device Data

Group Switch Subsystem

SNT and DIP Data

Size Alteration

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REGIONAL PROCESSORS AND EXTENSION MODULES INTRODUCTION The Regional Processors (RPs) belong to the Regional Processor Subsystem (RPS). They are the link between the Central Processors (CPs) and the APT devices. RPS consists of the Regional Processor Handler (RPH), in the Central Processor (CP), the Regional Processor Bus (RP bus) and various Regional Processors designed to meet the user accesses control requirements. The first RPS unit, starting from the CP, is the RPH interface. Its main task is to offer an interface to the RP buses, temporarily store the information (signals) to and from the CP and load the traffic on the RP Buses. The RPB is a bus connecting the CP with the Regional Processors. It exists in both parallel and serial types, they are RPB-P and RPB-S. The RPs are designed to execute simpler high-frequency functions and are mainly used for the direct control of the hardware units in the application systems. These hardware-units offer the traffic devices of the exchange. A group of devices are treated by the system as a module, the Extension Module (EM). An EM is the smallest control unit that can be defined/undefined to/off the system. It contains a well defined number of APT devices. Usually, the EMs are controlled by an EM controller located in the same magazine as the devices. The main task of the EM controller is to provide a control path to the connected circuits and adapt the orders to and from the RP to the level used in the application hardware. The EM controllers are connected to a Regional Processor (RP) through the Extension Module Bus (EMB). In a case where the use of a device is requested, the device (application) hardware detects this and informs the RP, either direct or through the EM controller. The RP serving this request informs the CP by sending a signal, to the CP, about the new situation. The CP takes the appropriate actions (defined in the central software controlling the application hardware) and sends its orders, in the form of signals, back to the relevant RP. The – 100 –

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RP now must decode the signal information and find the device that requested the service in order to deliver the answer from the CP. This decoding is a part of the execution that the RP performs, i.e. a signal, coming to an RP, implies RP operation system engagement and application code execution.

REGIONAL PROCESSORS The Regional Processor Subsystem (RPS) contains the Regional Processors (RPs) with microprograms and executive programs. In addition, the subsystem contains the software which is required to support and maintain the RPs. The majority of these support and maintenance programs are executed in the CPs. However, some of them are executed in the RPs as well. As previously mentioned, the CPs execute complex and data demanding tasks; while the RPs on the other hand are responsible for time consuming functions and routine scanning of hardware and filtering of signals. The RPs are connected to the CPs by an RP Bus (RPB). When the RP bus is drawn in figures, it is indicated by a single line. However, the bus is divided into several branches with 32 RPs on each branch. Please study Figure 3-1.

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Figure 3-1 CP-RP-EM connection

The hardware controlled by the RPs is organized in a number of Extension Modules (EMs). Each EM includes a number of hardware units (devices or switches). The number of hardware units per EM varies between different device types. The EM is a concept defined for many reasons: •

The EM is the smallest handling unit in the system. It is not possible to extend the exchange with only half an EM.

The EM is the smallest part that could be “knocked out” because of a power failure. This means that each EM has its own DC/DC converter.

The EM is also the handling unit from a software point of view, and an RP scans one EM at a time.

The EM is in some cases a complete magazine, but it can also be a board inside a magazine. In that case, there is a DC/DC converter on the board itself. The EMs are connected to the RPs via the Extension Module Bus (EMB). – 102 –

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Tasks allocated to RPs As already mentioned, the regional processors are mainly responsible for routine tasks. To be correct, one must say that the regional software of the function block is responsible for the routine tasks. The RP has its own operating system. The application programs are loaded into the RPs when the equipment is defined and the RP is deblocked. Figure 3-2 shows the structure of a function block containing hardware and software.

Figure 3-2 The structure of a block containing hardware

The central software inside the CP performs tasks that concern all devices, while the regional software inside the RP handles the devices in the EMs. The regional software includes functions such as scanning of test points and reading of error registers. In some cases, the regional software also performs some type of filtering. That means the regional software takes care of disturbances and faulty signals, e.g. faulty line signals.

Load Sharing In normal operation, two regional processors work together in a load sharing mode (exception: RPD family, see later in this chapter). The two RPs, RP and RP twin (RPT), can control a EN/LZT 123 4258 R2A

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maximum of 16 EMs (numbered from 0 to 15). Load sharing means that one RP takes care of half of the load (EMs) while the other takes care of the other half. Usually, one RP controls the even numbered EMs and the other RP controls the odd numbered EMs (this depends on the order of the parameters given in the initializing command). If one of the two RPs in the pair becomes faulty, the other RP in the pair takes over the complete load. In order to make that possible, the data in the twin RP must be updated since there is no parallel work in normal operation mode. The updating of data is taken care of by the central software of the blocks, that have regional software in the RP pair. The updating procedure will cause non established calls to be disconnected. Connected calls are not affected by the RP error. During normal operation, the regional processors get their orders from CP-A. In normal operation, CP-A is the executive and CPB is the standby working. Signals from the SB-WO side are received by the RP, but only checked regarding parity in the bus interface circuit. The parity supervision of signals from the SBWO side supervises the RP-CP communication between the RPs and the CP side. The messages from the EX side are not only parity checked, they are also taken care of by the RP. Messages from the RPs are sent to both CP sides. That is necessary, as both CP-sides must have the same information in order to be able to operate in the parallel mode. The figure below shows the principle.

Figure 3-3 Communication between CP and RP

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Hardware of the RP The RPs are built up of ASIC circuits, which is the same structure as in the CPs. The RPs are built up of 5 circuit boards as shown in the following figure.

Figure 3-4 The circuit boards of the RP

The different boards are: 352352FHVVRUERDUG This board contains the actual processor of the RP. It also contains microprogram and registers usage by the processor. 0(50(PR5\ERDUG The board MER contains the memory of the RP, which is a RAM memory with 256kW. The MER board is also responsible for communication using the EM bus as well as the RP bus. Signals from the CP are received without interrupting the RPs processor. The received signals are transferred to an input buffer in the store which then interrupts the RPs processor by an interrupt signal. The signal is then processed by the RPs processor. Sent signals are handled autonomously by the MER board, which leaves the processor free for other types of jobs. 53%85HJLRQDO3URFHVVRU%XV8QLW There are two boards of this type, one for each RP bus. One board connects the RP bus from CP-A and one connects the RP bus from CP-B. There is no “intelligence” located on the boards.

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3RZHUERDUG The power board converts the -48V to the +5V required inside the RP.

The Operating System The operating system inside the RP consists of microprograms and a program that belongs to the block REX. The main task of the operating system is to allocate processing power to the different software units inside the RP. The software units inside the RP are connected to certain Control Modules (CMs). In most cases, one CM is equal to one EM. However, there are programs inside the RP that only consists of software. These software units are also connected to a CM. One can say that the EM concept is a way of dividing the hardware into smaller units, while the CM concept is a way of dividing the software into smaller units. To a great extent, the work of the regional software is scanning, which also affects the working principles of the operating system. Figure 3-5 shows the principle.

Figure 3-5 The principles of the operating system

Every 5 milliseconds, an interrupt is generated by a timer inside the RP. The interrupt starts the primary interval which begins the job by calling the program of extension module 15 (control module 15). It is then up to the CMs program to perform scanning or similar tasks. When the program of CM 15 has completed its work, the operating system calls the program of CM 14. This goes on until all the EMs have been handled by the RP. When the software of CM 0 has finished it’s work, the so called “software CMs” are called in. These are software units that do not have any hardware in the RP but still must perform various tasks at every primary interval. Examples of such blocks are, blocks for error detection and software tracing. Note: that the time allocated to every CM is not equal, but varies.

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If a signal to a software unit inside the RP is received from the CP, ordinary scanning is interrupted and the addressed software unit is started. The signals from the CP are thus processed immediately by the RP. The receiving software unit is indicated by the CM identity. The following figure shows this principle.

Figure 3-6 Reception of a signal from the CP

The EM and CM numbers of the hardware and software units in an RP can be printed using command EXRUP, see Figure 3-7.

Figure 3-7 Command EXRUP

The printout is interpreted using the printout description. As can be seen in the above printout, the units containing hardware and software (ET7R in the printout ) have both a CM number and an EM number. The software units (RPFDR, TERTR and REXR) only have a CM number.

Buses connected to the RP (parallel type) As already mentioned, there are two types of buses connected to each RP. There are two RP buses, one is from each CP side. They are connected to the RPBU boards. The other type of bus

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is the EM bus. This bus interconnects the EMs with the RP and is physically connected to the MER board. From a hardware point of view, there are two types of EMs. First, there are EMs which consists of one complete magazine, (examples are Clock Modules and Time Switch Modules in the Group Switch). In that case, the EM bus is connected to a separate board in the magazine. This board is referred to as EMC6. Secondly, as the hardware becomes smaller, there are EMs consisting of one board only. An example of such an EM is the Exchange Terminal Circuit (ETC). In this case, the EM bus is connected to a magazine which contains the boards (EMs) and where the EM bus then connects to each EM via the backplane of the magazine. Figure 3-8 shows the two types of EMs as well as the connection of buses to the regional processor.

Figure 3-8 The buses connected to the RPs

If the magazine is one EM, the address of the EM is indicated by means of an address plug on the interface board. The address plug is connected to the front of the interface board. If the EM is a single board EM, the address is indicated by means of a DIP – 108 –

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switch on the board itself. The switch is located on the board but is usually possible to see without pulling out the board. The number given on the address plug must correspond to the EM number stated in the commands. The RPs are also numbered using address plugs. The address given by this plug must be used when addressing the RP by command.

THE RPD FAMILY General RPD is a family of processors that includes several processors with a standardized user call interface toward the operating system. The members of the family are: •

RPD One board processor with extended processor bus

RPG One board processor with Group Switch (DL2) Interface

The RPD members are processors designed for applications, which have large program volumes and a high demand on performance. The most characteristic members of the RPD family is the missing EM bus. The application programs can communicate with external equipment through special hardware on the processor board or through application hardware connected directly to the processor bus. The processor bus can then be extended to one or several other boards via the backplane. The way the communication will be performed is dependent on the member in the RPD family. The members of the RPD family are designed for single control of application (EMs) only. 'XSOLFDWLRQRI53'LVQRWSRVVLEOH

Functions in RPD family The functions in the RPD family are the same as in the other RPS-2 processors (those mentioned before), namely:

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The Executive and Processor functions

The support functions

Maintenance functions

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The functions for program execution and data processing in the RPD members are implemented in regional software and hardware. The RPD is built on the hardware platform PRO20 processor board and is controlled by the operating system RDEX. The RPG is built on the hardware platform PRO60GS. The operating system for RPG is called RGEX. The members of the RPD family have a 32-bit processor (the memory, registers and arithmetic unit have a width of 32 bits). RPG is designed for applications that communicate with the external equipment through a Switching Network Terminal (SNT/DL2) group switch interface. The operating system is provided with a signaling interface for the application to communicate with SNT/DL2 interface. This application can, by means of signals, open and close channels (devices) and specify the configuration of each individual channel. The interface to RPB is common for both members in the RPD family. Signals are sent to and from the CP via the RP bus.

Hardware in RPD The magazine for the RPD contains hardware both for APZ and APT. Depending on which application uses the services of the processor, different application hardware is connected directly to the internal processor bus. One example of application hardware is the TRansceiver Handler (TRH) board. The magazine containing the RPD boards and the application hardware board is then called TRHB.

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75+% 53%8% 352

53%8$ 32:(5 75+% 53%8% 352

53%8$ 32:(5 75+% 53%8% 352

53%8$ 32:(5 75+% 53%8% 352

53%8$ 32:(5

Figure 3-9 RPD, TRHM Magazine

Three different types of boards belonging to the RPD are used: •

POWER - The power unit converts from 48v to 5v. The only voltage used is in the magazine.

RPBU - Contains the electrical interface towards the RP bus. The RP bus is connected to the front of the RPBU board. Each RPBU is connected to one CP side.

PRO20 - Is the main processor Motorola 68020 32-bit processor with a gate array circuit CPU Support Circuit (CSC) and a Bus Interface Circuit (BIC). One board memory consists of a Dynamic RAM (DRAM), size 1 MW32 or 4 MW32, depending on the version of processor board and the Static RAM (SRAM) which is size 64 KW8, is used. It is equipped with 2 RS232 serial data interfaces implemented on the CSC.

The PRO20 board communicates with the RPB through the RPBU boards, and may also communicate with the interface to the group switch through an application hardware board. E.g. the TRH.

Hardware in RPG The RPG member of the RPD family is designed for applications that make use of an SNT/DL2 interface. This interface is used for communication through the group switch. The RPG is implemented in three printed circuit boards. One board is for the processor including power and the SNT/DL2 interface, and two boards are for the RPB connection. The

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processor board contains an MC68060 CPU from Motorola that works in companion mode with QUICC32 (MC68360). The QUICC32 circuit handles all communication via the RS232 ports and together with the Group Switch Network Interface Circuit (GSNIC) constitutes the SNT/DL2 interface. RPG consists of three boards with two different types. See Figure 3-10. •

RPBU - Contains the electrical interface towards the RP bus (RPB). Each RPBU is connected to one CP side.

PRO60GS - This board contains the following main parts:

The main processor Motorola 68060

MC68360, QUad Controller (QUICC)

A Bus Interface Circuit (BIC) and a Group Switch Network Interface Circuit (GSNIC)

A Dynamic RAM (DRAM) of size 4 MW32 and Static RAM (SRAM) of size 64 KW8

Four power supply circuits, 3.3 V and 5 V RPGM





53%8$ 53%8%


53%8$ 53%8%



Figure 3-10 RPGM with 3 RPGs

Possible working areas for the RPG are signaling (S7 functions), TRansceiver Handler (TRH) functions in BSC, AUthentiCation (AUC) in MSC, etc.

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DEFINITION OF REGIONAL PROCESSORS (RP) If the exchange is extended with new hardware devices, new Regional Processors may be needed for the control of the new equipment. However, if some RPs have spare capacity (i.e. all EMs are not used), they can in some cases be used for the extension. Figure 3-11 shows the parts of the system that are handled.





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Figure 3-11 The control part of the AXE system

First of all, the hardware of the RP pair must be connected and the power must be connected to the magazine. However, this is not enough as the RP pair must be defined in data as well. This means that some initial data is loaded into the system and the parts that take care of the maintenance of the RPs are informed of their location. The location of the RP pair is marked by an address strap on one of the boards in the RP and that address must always be used when using commands related to the RP. The Operational Instruction “Connection of RP,” describes the actions required for the definition. The first command used for the definition of an RP pair, is the EXRPI command. EXRPI:RP=rp,RPT=rpt,TYPE=type; EN/LZT 123 4258 R2A

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The RP and RPT parameters are used to indicate to the system, the addresses allocated to the RPs with the address strap. For the RPD family, the parameter RPT is omitted. The TYPE parameter is used to indicate the version of the RP, as both old and new RPs can be used in the same exchange. The Command Description, of the command EXRPI, contains a list of valid RP types. When the RP or RP pair have been defined, the next step will be to define which software units (programs) that should be loaded into the RP pair when deblocked. The programs loaded into the RP should be operating software and regional software in the blocks connected to the RP (e.g. the regional software of block BT1 is referred to as BT1R). The command used to define the RP programs to be loaded is EXRUI. This command will build up a table inside the APZ related to each RP pair. The table can be used by the APZ when reloading it, e.g. in connection with deblocking. Then, the software indicated in the table is sent to the Program Store of the RPs in the RP pair. This also means that a copy of all regional software units must be available in the CP as a backup. When new equipment is installed in the exchange (e.g. a new type of BT device), the new RP program must be loaded into the CP by means of the command, LAEUL. The parameters included in the EXRUI command are RP and SUNAME or SUID. The RP parameter is used to indicate one of the RPs in the RP pair (only one has to be specified). The SUNAME and SUID parameters are used to indicate the name or the identity of the software units that should be included in the RP pair. Which parameter to use is determined as follows: SUNAME

This parameter is used only if there is one version of the software unit loaded in the CP. An example of a software unit name is BT1R.


If there is more than one version of the RP program loaded into the CP, this parameter must be used to indicate which version to use. This parameter is used if the version of a Regional Software unit is changed because of software update or function change. An example of the parameter is, “5/CAA1052105/1R2A02.” The correct identities can be printed by using command LAEUP.

When the loading table has been defined, when using several EXRUI commands, the RP pair can be put into service by – 114 –

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deblocking it. The deblocking is done by using command, BLRPE, which first includes a test of the RP and then a reload of the software units specified in the table. Please study Figure 3-12.















Figure 3-12 The new RP programs are loaded into the CP and are defined for the RP pair

The memory inside the regional processors are RAM type. This means that the software of the processors will be lost in case of the power being off during, for instance, a repair. In order to get the RP working again, the store is reloaded by the central processor (EX side) during the deblocking of the RP. The CP has a copy of each RP program in its store, and this copy can be used for the reload of the RP. When the RP is deblocked after a repair procedure, or when it is put into operation by command, the RP performs a check of its store contents. If the check shows that the contents are faulty, the RP is reloaded before it is tested again, then put into operation.

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When the data has been specified, the EXRPP command can be used to check it. Please study Figure 3-13. (;53353  53'$7$ 53 

67$7( 7<3( :2 53

7:,1 67$7(  :2

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Figure 3-13 Answer printout of command EXRPP

The software loaded into an RP can be printed out using command EXRUP, see Figure 3-7. All the data related to an RP pair can be removed by the EXRPE command. This command is used if the RP pair must be removed from the exchange. Before this occurs, the RP must be blocked by command BLRPI and the software units must be removed using command EXRUE.

DEFINITION OF EXTENSION MODULES When the new RPs have been defined, it is time to define the equipment they should control. As you probably know, this equipment is located in Extension Modules using the same type of interface to the Rps, the Extension Module Bus (EMB). When the EMs are defined by command, the data in both the APZ and the blocks, that own the hardware, are updated with various types of information. The data in the block that controls the hardware, is updated with information about the address of the hardware (RP and EM addresses). This information is required when sending signals to the hardware for initiating functions in the hardware. The command used to define the EMs is EXEMI and the following parameters are included for a normal definition: EXEMI:RP=rp,RPT=rpt,EM=em,EQM=eqm;

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Indicates the RP that controls the EM in normal cases.


Indicates the stand-by RP. This RP must be the twin RP in an RP pair (left out for RPD and RPG). EN/LZT 123 4258 R2A

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Address of EM (an address strap is used).


Used to indicate the equipment type and identity of the devices in the EM. Example: EQM=BT1-32&&-63.

When the EM has been defined, it can be deblocked by command BLEME. This means that the EM is put into service from a control point of view. The devices in the EM are probably still blocked as more data related to the devices must be specified, e.g. the connection to a route, see later on. If the Rps are of the RPD type, the EMs must be deblocked before the RPs. If an EM is to be removed from the exchange, command EXEME is used. Note that the EM must be blocked before (command BLEMI). When the data for an EM has been specified, the print command EXEMP can be used Figure 3-14 shows an example of a printout of command EXEMP.

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7<3( 53 53


(40 %7  %7 


&175/ 35,0 6(&


67$7( :2 :27:,1


Figure 3-14 Answer printout of command EXEMP

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Regional Processors (RPs) work in a pair or stand-alone.

An RP pair can control a maximum of 16 Extension Modules (EMs).

An EM is a magazine which contains a number of devices of the same type.

The RPs execute routine tasks, like scanning of EMs, in the exchange.

In normal operation, the RPs share the load by working in pairs. If one RP becomes faulty the other RP takes care of the faulty RPs work.

To some extent the RPs supervise the EMs.

The RPD family has a different concept; and especially the RPG which is a type of universal regional processor. RPDs and RPGs do not work in pairs.

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ROUTE CONCEPTS AND DEFINITION GENERAL To be able to set up a call between two exchanges an external route must be defined. In this route devices must be connected. All devices in an exchange must belong to an EM that is controlled by an RP-pair. This is the reason why we must start with defining the Regional Processors (RP).

DEFINITION OF ROUTES Before we discuss how routes are connected and defined in the software of AXE, the route concept in AXE should be studied. In AXE, the concept “route” has been extended slightly if compared with other, analog systems. There are basically three types of routes in the system: •

External routes, e.g. routes to other exchanges

Internal routes, e.g. routes to Code Senders and Announcing Machines

Software routes, e.g. routes to subscriber services or routes for register individuals

Figure 3-15 shows the three variants of the routes.


$ ;( + DUGZDUH


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'$0 6RIWZDUH &75



6RIWZDUHURXWHV Figure 3-15 The three types of routes used in AXE EN/LZT 123 4258 R2A

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All three types of routes require “Route Data” in order to function in a specified way. Route data, is data related to a route in the exchange. Examples of route data for an external route is the type of signaling system used, the function of the route (incoming or outgoing) and the number of devices connected to the route. The route data is stored in the block, which the hardware belongs to. The Operational Instruction, “Connection of route for BT,” is one of the documents available that describes the commands that should be used. In this chapter, only the commands and the most common parameters are described. How, then, is the route data defined in the exchange? The answer is the two commands EXROI and EXRBC. These commands have the following meaning: •

EXROI This command is used to initiate the route for the very first time. The parameters included in the commands are (not all are shown):

R, Route name This parameter gives the route a name consisting of up to 7 characters. Characters like #, % and + can be used in the route name to distinguish between incoming and outgoing routes.

DETY, DEvice TYpe The device type indicates the type of devices used in the block. The parameter should be the same as the block name of the block used for the route (e.g. BT1).

FNC, FuNction Code The function code is used to indicate the function of the route. The meaning of the parameter must be collected from the Application Information on the block indicated in DETY. For external routes, the parameter is usually used to indicate the traffic direction of the route. •

EXRBC This command is used when more route data is to be assigned to the route. Also the data of existing routes can be changed by this command. The command has several parameters, which only a few are explained here:

R1, Register Signaling Route This parameter is used to indicate if another route must be used for the register signaling. If MFC (Multi-Frequency Compelled) signaling is used, the route name of the Code – 120 –

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Sender route is indicated here. Figure 3-16 shows this principle.





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Figure 3-16 Register signaling route

RG, Route Group The Route Group parameter is used to prevent the traffic from one exchange, to be returned to the same exchange (also referred to as “return blocking”). By giving all routes to and from the same exchange, the same RG value, the system will not route the traffic back to the same destination. Please study Figure 3-17.


([FKDQJH% 5* 





([FKDQJH& Figure 3-17 Return blocking principle

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RO, Origin for route analysis For incoming routes, this parameter can be used if the Route Analysis should be made differently for this route compared with others. Route Analysis is not described here.

PRI, PRIority Some incoming routes can be given priority. This parameter can be used in various analyses in the exchange.

MB, Modification of B-number This parameter can be used to add or delete digits from the B-number. As already mentioned, there are several other parameters included in the EXRBC command. For more details please study the Command Description and the Application Information for the blocks concerned. When all the route data has been specified for the route, and if the route should be put into service, it should be deblocked by using the BLORE command. Note, that only outgoing routes can be blocked/deblocked. The command BLORP can be used to check if any outgoing route is blocked in the exchange.

CONNECTION OF DEVICES TO THE ROUTE When all the route data has been specified, it is time to connect devices to the route. However, before this is done, the devices should be connected to the Group Switch. We assume this has already been done. Before this step is started, the route has been properly defined by means of EXROI and EXRBC. However, no devices are connected to the route. The EXDRI command is used to make a connection in the data between the devices and the route: EXDRI:DEV=dev,R=r; Figure 3-18 shows what the command does in the data of the block.

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Figure 3-18 The effect of command EXDRI, in the data of a block

When all the devices have been connected to the route, they should be taken into service by using the command EXDAI. This command will change the state of the devices from “Prepost service” to “service.” Finally, the devices can be deblocked by using command BLODE. This will enable the system to use the devices in traffic handling. In most cases, the supervisory functions should be connected to the route in order to activate functions, e.g. “Blocking supervision.” In case of an extension of an existing route, the data related to the supervisory functions should be changed (the number of devices included in the route has changed).

PRINTOUT OF DEVICE AND ROUTE DATA When the data has been defined, and also during the definition, the data loaded can be printed by using print commands. Some of the most useful commands are shown below. EXDEP, please study Figure 3-19.

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(;'(3'(9 %7 '(9,&('$7$ '(9 5 %7 %72:1


'(9 0,6& %7 (1'


617'(93 617(7%7 0,6&



8$ 1&



Figure 3-19 Printout of device data

EXDRP, please study Figure 3-20.

(;'53'(9 %7 '(9,&(53(0'$7$ '(9 5 %7 %72:1 (1'





Figure 3-20 Printout of the RP and EM that the device belongs to

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STRSP, please study Figure 3-21. 675635 $// '(9,&(67$7(6859(< 5 1'9 12&& &656   &655   %72:1   $72:1   .5   « «  « « «

1,'/       «

1%/2      « «

567$7 125(6 125(6 125(6 125(6 125(6 « «

(1' Figure 3-21 Printout of device state survey

STRDP, please study Figure 3-22. 675'35 &656 '(9,&(67$7(6859(< 5 1'9 12&& &656   '(9,&(67$7('(7$,/6 '(9 67$7( &65 ,'/( &65 %86< &65 %86< « «   « « « « &65



567$7 125(6



« «

« «

$%6 +¶ +¶$ +¶$ +¶


Figure 3-22 Printout of device state survey and details

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EXROP, please study Figure 3-23.

(;5235 %72:1 5 5287(3$5$0(7(56 %72:1 '(7< %7 35,  5*  (1'


5 &655

Figure 3-23 Printout of route data


– 126 –

A route is a group of devices having the same characteristics.

A route can be going between exchanges, or internal, or be a software route.

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GROUP SWITCH DESCRIPTION INTRODUCTION The Group Switching Subsystem (GSS) connects an incoming channel to an outgoing channel. GSS realizes the switching in accordance to the Time-SpaceTime (T-S-T) principle used in an AXE switch. This principle is explained briefly in this chapter as well as the hardware structure of the GS employed to perform this switching. There is an outlet and an inlet per device/channel that enables the device to transmit or receive speech or signaling information in both outgoing and incoming directions. Various device types are connected to the GS via a device interface called Switching Network Terminal (SNT). This is the standard device interface used for all telephony devices available in the switch. SNT is described further in this chapter. Up to a maximum of 65,536 devices/channels can be connected to a fully equipped 64K GS hardware, the version that is covered in this description.

HARDWARE STRUCTURE AND SWITCHING In order to ensure adequate flexibility, the Group Switch has been designed and structured into modules referred to as Time Switch Modules (TSM) and SPace Modules (SPM). The number of TSMs and SPMs required in an exchange, depends on the number of telephony devices available in the switch. Up to 16 PCM lines can be connected to each Time Switch Module. Each of the PCM lines has 32 channels. This means that each TSM has 16x32=512 inlets, or Multiple Positions which is the term used to designate an inlet/outlet in the GS, is referred to as printouts and some other GS documents. Each PCM line is connected to the TSM in a Switching Network Terminal Point (SNTP). The Switching Network Terminal (SNT) is a common term for all types of equipment that can be connected to the Group Switch. The SNT is a software concept and represents the software connection of the physical hardware to the Group Switch. Devices connected to the Group Switch hardware in the BYB202 building practice, are connected via the DL2 interface EN/LZT 123 4258 R2A

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to the TSMs. Devices connected to the Group Switch hardware in the BYB 501 equipment practice are: connected first via the DL2 connected to the backplane in the GDM subrack containing the Digital Link MUltipleXers (DLMUX) referred to as Digital Link multiplexer Half-height Board (DLHB). A new Digital Link interface 3rd generation (DL3) cable connects the DLHBs to the TSM. Further on in the book, the DLHB and DL3 are discussed. A specific standard device interface is needed to connect analogue devices to the Group Switch. This interface is called a PCD. The PCD is an analogue/digital converter, which the principles are shown in Figure 3-24. 760



0 83





0 83


0 83

0 83



617  ' / + %






Figure 3-24 Devices connected to the Time Switch Module

The switching through the Group Switch is based on a TimeSpace-Time (T-S-T) principle. The following is a simplified description of how an incoming channel is connected to an outgoing channel using the different units located in the Group Switch hardware: 1. The speech samples originating from the subscribers, (or the signals from signaling devices such as Code Senders) enter the Group Switch and are stored in a speech store referred to as Speech Store A (SSA). Each channel in the PCM line connected to the TSM has its own storage position in SSA. This means that the SSA has 512 storage positions, one for each channel (16x32=512).

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2. Each channel connection or storage position in the TSM is referred to as a MUltiple Position (MUP). There are 512 MUPs per TSM. 3. To make it possible to switch between TSMs the Space Module (SPM) is used. The SPM is also used for speech samples that must be sent back to the same TSM in the case when the A-party and B-party are connected to the same TSM. More about the SPM later on. 4. When the SPM has switched the speech sample and sends it to the correct TSM, the sample is stored in another storage device. This storage device is referred to as Speech Store B (SSB). As with SSA, each channel in the connected PCM line has its own storage position. The relationship between channel and storage position is fixed in both SSA and SSB. Figure 3-25 shows this general principle.










Figure 3-25 The connection of a channel from the A-subscriber to a B-subscriber

No connection is provided between the incoming and the outgoing channels (SSA and SSB) within a Time Switch Module. An incoming speech sample is always sent via the Space Module before it is stored in SSB. In the GS, any position connected to the GS can be connected to any other position via an SPM (from one TSM to another or within the same TSM). The Group Switch size may vary from 2048 (2K) to 65,536 EN/LZT 123 4258 R2A

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(64K) multiple positions. The number of SPMs used in the switch will vary. Figure 3-26 shows the extension steps of the Space Modules.







































Figure 3-26 The connection and extension steps of the Space Modules

Up to 32 Time Switch Modules can be connected to one SPM. One SPM has up to 16,384 MUltiple Positions (MUPs) that may be connected through SNTs. When more than 32 TSMs are needed, there must be a matrix of SPMs built up. The reason for having this matrix, is to provide a path for all the TSMs to be able to communicate with each other. The maximum size of the Group Switch is reached when 128 TSMs are connected to the matrix with 4x4 SPMs, see figure 226. This will make up a Group Switch with 65,536 multiple positions (2048 PCM lines with 32 channels each). This is called 64K GS. A PCM line is a time-division multiplexed connection used by a number of channels in both directions. The number of channels

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per PCM link is 24 or 32. The 24-channel system is used in the US and some other countries.

CONTROL OF THE SWITCHING The transfer of data from SSA to SSB is controlled inside the Group Switch by means of “Control Stores.” The control stores are hardware registers that control both the SSA/SSB and the Space Module. When a path must be established in the switch, the software of block GS in the CP will select a path and then write the proper information in the control stores. The actual writing is carried out by the Regional Processors (regional software of block GS). To understand the operation of the SPM, it can be illustrated by drawing a matrix composed of horizontal and vertical lines. Speech Store A, of all TSMs are connected to the horizontal lines and Speech Store B, is connected to the vertical lines. There are 8 bits for the speech sample, 1 bit for parity and 1 bit for the plane select function (more about that later on). Figure 327 shows this simplified Space Module and Speech Stores A and B in the TSMs.

630 66$ 66$



66% 66%


Figure 3-27 The SPace Module (SPM)

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When a cross point is operated in the SPM the bits are connected from a horizontal line to a vertical line. This means that the speech samples are sent over from SSA to SSB. All cross points along a vertical line are controlled by a control store referred to as Control Store C (CSC). There is one CSC per TSM in the switch and the store has 512 positions. Figure 3-28 shows this principle.

760 SSA 66$


760 SSB 66$





  & 6 &

  & 6 &

  & 6 &

    & 6 &

Figure 3-28 The cross points in the SPM are controlled by Control Store C (CSC)

Each address inside the CSCs contains the number of the cross point to be operated at each moment. This means that the information written in the CSCs is the number of the sending TSM. The storage position in SSA, to be sent to the SPM in the internal time slot must be indicated. The internal time slot is a point of time when the information is to be transferred from SSA to SSB. The writing into the SSB must be controlled by a control store referred to as “Control Store A” and “Control Store B” (CSAB). The names indicate that the store is used to control – 132 –

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the reading and writing to and from Speech Stores A and B. Figure 3-29 demonstrates how CSAB is used. 760

66$ $VXE










66$ %VXE








Figure 3-29 A complete path in the Group Switch

The example described here shows how the hardware of the Group Switch is used to set up a two-way connection between two stated MUPs. This simplified description shows the general principles of how the control stores are used to control the switching. CSAB writes in one of its storage positions the corresponding SSA address. In this example, the location of the incoming information to read out is MUP 12. The speech sample will be switched to the receiving TSM, which in our example is TSM-1. In order to transfer the incoming speech from the SSA to the SSB, a cross point is operated via the SPace Module (SPM). The CSC located in the receiving TSM (TSM-1 in this example) will control this function. The information written in one of the CSCs storage positions is the number of the sending TSM, TSM-0 in our example. The selected storage position in CSAB (TSM-0) and CSC (TSM-1) is the same storage address (23). A storage address

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corresponds to an internal Time Slot (TS). The storage address in CSAB (TSM-1) is 279, this means that the “Anti-phase method” is used when selecting the storage position from where the outgoing speech sample will be written. At the internal Time Slot (TS) 23 (see Figure 3-29), the corresponding cross-point in the SPM is operated. The speech sample from SSA in TSM-0, position 12, is transferred to TSM1. In TSM-1 the storage address for SSB is found as an entry in CSAB, 256 storage positions are after the number of the actual internal time slot. In this example, the storage position in CSAB is 279 and its content points to the SSB position 355, where the transferred speech sample will be stored. Figure 3-29 only shows the transfer of a speech sample from the A-subscriber to the B-subscriber. 256 internal time slots later, the other direction will be operated and a speech sample from TSM-1 will be transferred to TSM-0, using the same entries in CSAB. The Group Switch is capable of handling wide band connections. The complete switching principle is performed for Bothway Narrowband Connections and it is also applicable to Bothway Wideband Connections. A Bothway Narrowband Connection is defined as a 64 Kbits/s channel for communication in both directions. This is made between two Multiple Positions. The Bothway Wideband connection is seen as a contiguous “n x 64 Kbits/s” channels used to establish communication in both directions where “n,” with a value ranging from 2 up to 31, represents the number of time slots to be connected. This type of connection uses Time Slot Sequential Integrity (TSSI) and Time Slot Frame Integrity (TSFI). The terms TSSI and TSFI are meant as a sequence of contiguous time slots that enter the switch on an incoming frame and will be exactly the same when they exit the switch on the same outgoing frame.

SECURITY The Group Switch consists of two identical, parallel working planes referred to as the “A-plane” and “B-plane.” This configuration avoids up to 500 calls from being interrupted or disturbed when a TSM becomes blocked. The two planes are totally independent of each other and all units, that are – 134 –

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connected to the GS, are connected to both planes. The speech samples are sent to both planes but the data is only collected from one of the planes, usually the A-plane. A “Plane Select Bit” is used to inform the connected units which plane to select the information from. This bit tells the connected units if they should read from plane A or B. Figure 3-30 illustrates this principle. 36%3ODQH6HOHFW%LW

$SODQH 760 630


*61,& 73/8



760 630 760Q


Figure 3-30 The use of the Plane Select Bit

When one TSM is blocked in one plane, all connections to that TSM will use the other plane. When two TSMs are blocked in different planes it is not possible to set up calls between these TSMs. In that case, the software of GSS will generate a special alarm indicating that there are traffic restrictions in the Group Switch.

SUBRATE SWITCH The capability to switch bit rates lower than 64 Kbits/s is called subrate switching and can be included in the GSS. Subrate switching functions are used only in exchanges that have the functionality to handle connections with a bit rate of less than 64 Kbit/s, for instance, cellular applications. The hardware that performs the function is a duplicated timespace switch, which is connected to the TSM as an SNT.

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'/ 656 656

760 760



*66 Figure 3-31 Subrate Switch connected to the TSM

When utilizing lower rates than 64 Kbits/s, up to 8 times as many cellular calls may be handled during the same time slot.

SYNCHRONIZATION The main purpose of synchronizing a network is to minimize the slip rate between the exchanges. The whole network must keep almost the same clocking speed for their Group Switches. In the AXE 10 the Group Switch controls the clocking of the transmitted data on the outgoing PCM links. The reading of speech samples is controlled by the clock in the GS. In order to supply the Group Switch with reliable clock information, three CLock Functions (CLF) are used. One CLF is designated as the master and the other two CLFs are synchronized to the master clock. The term CLF is used to designate the hardware part of the local clocking system in an exchange. Commands and printouts related to these units refer to it as CLock Module (CLM). Each CLF contains an OCVCXO, Oven Controlled Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator, and a Device Processor (microprocessor) which contains software for adjustment of the OCVCXO. The operational frequency of this crystal oscillator is 8.192 Mhz. The Device Processor adjusts the OCVCXO according to the results obtained, on the phase measurements, from the other clocks and its own. Three signals are generated by each CLF. One 4.096 Mhz (CLK) signal and one signal of 8 Khz (SYNC) are delivered to the – 136 –

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switch core through the SPM from all three CLFs. A third signal of 8 Khz (CLSY) is exchanged between the three CLFs. Once the SPM receives the clocking frequencies, it generates a 48Mhz signal that is supplied to the TSMs together with the 8Khz (SYNC). The TSM divides the 48 Mhz frequency internally into the different frequencies that are required for the internal speed of the switch. Reading speech samples from SSA and writing them into SSB, is an example of how these frequencies are utilized. . 0K]DQG[.K]


Clock 2&9&;2 generation


Clock 2&9&;2 generation &ORFN






Clock select Internal Clocking

'$& Phase difference measurement






Figure 3-32 The hardware of the Clock Functions

Several methods exist for the synchronization of the exchanges in a digital network. One of the methods is the “Master-Slave” method. For security reasons there is usually a secondary master in the network. This means that the incoming PCM lines are used as reference when synchronizing the Group Switch (channel 0). Figure 3-33 gives an example of how the Master exchange can synchronize the Slaves and also the hardware required in a Slave exchange.

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% N+]

)URP$ 35, 


)URP% 35, 







&/) &/) &/)


Figure 3-33 Hardware required in a Slave exchange

If the exchange is operating as a Master exchange, the reference in the exchange is usually a Reference CLock Function (RCLF) or a Cesium Clock Module (CCM). The CCM is more accurate, but also much more expensive than the RCLF. It is also possible to have a combination of RCLF and CCM in an exchange. The Group Switch utilizes three RCLF/CCMs as the majority, choice principle is used to check if one clock is starting to deviate from the other clocks. RCLF replaces the former Reference Clock Module (RCM), but this last term is still used in commands and printouts. The printouts and commands use the terms CLM and RCF for the CLFs and the RCLF.

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CLM - 0 CLM - 1 CLM - 2


1 1 1

SPM - A - 0 - 0



SPM -B - 0 - 0




2 2 2 2




A A AA -

0 1 2 3










0 1 2 3


Figure 3-34 Printout of the state of the Group Switch

Print commands are available to check the state of the Group Switch and the Clock Functions. GSSTP is the command to print the state of the different parts of the Group Switch. The command prints the states of the TSMs, SPMs and CLFs. When no parameters are given in the command, all units in the Group Switch will be printed. If the parameter TSM, SPM or CLF is used, only that type of equipment will appear in the printout. Figure 3-34 is an example of the printout received when using command GSSTP without any parameters.

CLM - 0 CLM - 1 CLM - 2



1948 2048 1997

END Figure 3-35 Printout of Clock Module control value

The Device Processor controls the OCVCXO. One of the CLFs acts as a Master Clock. The Master Clock can be determined by using the print command GSCVP. Figure 3-35 shows an example of such a printout. EN/LZT 123 4258 R2A

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The CLF with the value of 2048 is the one that is Master related to the other two. The Device Processor can, via a DigitalAnalogue Converter (DAC), control the OCVCXO with a value between 0 and 4095. If the value is reaching the limits, i.e., close to 0 or 4095, an alarm will be initiated telling the staff that the CLF must be adjusted manually or changed.

BLOCKING OF UNITS For blocking the units belonging to the GS (TSM, SPM or CLF) the command GSBLI is entered. In the case of CLFs, the system does not allow the operators to manually block all the clocks. When more than one clock is to be blocked, before confirming this blocking, the system issues a warning telling the operator that it is their own responsibility to proceed with this task. If two of the clocks are already blocked, and if the command is given and confirmed, the blocking is never carried out due to security reasons.

CONNECTION OF SNT General Several types of devices are connected through a standard hardware interface. The standard interface is implemented in a circuit called GS Network Interface Circuit (GSNIC). This circuit is located on the device interface board for digital devices used in connections to/from other switches or remote ends. When the device type is analogued, the Time and PLane selection Unit (TPLU) board does the interface work. The GSNIC circuit is responsible for the plane selection, link supervision and test routines. Figure 3-36 shows the principle.

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$SODQH 760 630


*61,& 73/8



760 630 760Q


Figure 3-36 The hardware interface towards the Group Switch

Devices Connected to the Group Switch, BYB 501 The devices in Figure 3-37 represent a simplified configuration of the common devices connected to the Group Switch.

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'(9 '(9

'/ '/ '/+%

630 '/ 760

*'0 53



Figure 3-37 Devices connected to the Group Switch

The Group Switch requires a new high-speed interface to connect the Digital Link multiplexer Half-height Board (DLHB) to the TSM. This interface is the Digital Link interface 3 (DL3). Its operational speed is at 48 Mbits/s and conveys 512 time slots. DLHB belongs to the Group Switch System. It is physically situated outside the switch core. The DLHB is contained in a Generic Device Magazine (GDM) subrack. The GDM subrack will be described in detail later in this book. The task assigned to the DLHB takes 16 DL2 frames and multiplex them into a unique DL3 frame in one direction and demultiplex one DL3 to 16 DL2s in the other direction. Figure 3-37 illustrates how DLHB is connected. There are some devices not located in the GDM subrack that have to use the external DL2 cables. This is achieved with the Input/Output Digital Link 2 board (DL_IO2B) that is incorporated to the GDM subrack. DLHB units in the Group Switch are duplicated. This means that it has two planes carrying the same data for reliability and security.

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For the BYB202 version of the GS, DL2 interfaces are directly connected to the TSMs.

THE SNT CONCEPT The Switching Network Terminal (SNT) has been introduced in the AXE system for several reasons: •

Hardware Interface As several different types of hardware units can be connected to the Group Switch, there is a need for a standard. All units designed must follow this standard.

Software Interface Regarding Supervision The digital links between the Group Switch and the connected devices must be supervised. The Group Switch software can order the connected units to perform tests. All units must be designed to be able to handle the supervision in a similar manner.

Operation and Maintenance To make it easier for the O&M staff to handle the different units connected to the Group Switch the SNT concept includes a standard interface (commands and printouts) towards the operators. All units connected to the Group Switch are handled in the same way.

One block must be designated responsible for the supervision of the digital link between the device and the Group Switch in the software. The supervision is normally a function of the block that “owns” the hardware. The Application Information for the block will include some parameters related to SNT. In blocks designed to cooperate with some other Group Switch versions (older variants), an adaptation block must be responsible for the supervision. In that case, one of the following blocks should be used: For units of type ET:


For units of type PCD:


Connection of SNT to the GS When defining the SNT, (i.e., the ETC5 is connected to the Group Switch in software) the command includes a parameter indicating the variant of the SNT. This means that the operator EN/LZT 123 4258 R2A

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indicates which type of hardware variant is used. This information is required when errors in the hardware are detected. The SNT function can generate a list of boards suspected to be faulty, determined by the variant of the magazine. The document Application Information of the SNT block (e.g., SNTET) contains a list of the variants and the numbers they correspond to. There are OPerational Instructions (OPI) that must be followed when defining an SNT. The OPI is called “Connection of Switching Network Terminal.” The initiating command is NTCOI. See Figure 3-38.



760 6173    


Figure 3-38 Connection of SNT

The command has the following parameters: NTCOI:SNTP=sntp,SNT=snt,SNTV=sntv; The parameters have the following meanings: •

SNTP, SNT Point This parameter indicates the hardware position of the connection in the Group Switch. If the second inlet in TSM2 is used, the parameter should be SNTP=TSM-2-1.

SNT, Switching Network Terminal This is the name of the SNT. The name must follow a special syntax. The SNT name is followed by a dash (-) and then the numerical sequence of that type of SNT. The first

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SNT defined for ETC5 type devices would be named ET6-0. Block ET6 is the “owner” of the ETC5 type of devices. •

SNTV, SNT Variant This information indicates the magazine type used, or in some cases, the board type (e.g. for single-board ETC5). The parameter value is found in the block that handles the SNT (e.g., SNTET).

The SubRate Switch (SRS) is connected as an ordinary SNT following the same procedure as above. The indication that the SNT is used by the SRS will be given by parameter SNTV. When the SNT has been defined, it is tested by using the command NTTEI. The test checks the connected hardware by using a special test program. The test checks the hardware of the interface itself and also the interface between the hardware interface (GSNIC/TPLU) and the Group Switch. Finally, the SNT is deblocked with the command NTBLE.

Connection of Devices to the SNT Devices are connected after the SNT has been installed and tested. This is accomplished by the command EXDUI. See Figure 3-38. The command has only one parameter: EXDUI:DEV=dev; The system determines which SNT the devices will be assigned, by a fixed relationship between the SNT’s name, sequential number and the device number: Device number

SNT number







... 320-351


... etc.

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There are several possibilities of printing the state of the SNTs and also checking which SNT a device belongs to. In the following Figure 3-39 and Figure 3-40, the SNT is printed in two ways: <EXDEP; DEVICE DATA DEV BT6 - 1




DEV BT6 - 1









Figure 3-39 EXDEP is used to check which SNT the device belongs < N T S T P ; S W I T C H I N G S S S C E E E J J S S C E


T T T R 2 2 2 M M T T D D



M - 1 M - 2 0 0 1 2 0 1 3 2 - 0 D - 0 - 0






/ S



/ S

Figure 3-40 NTSTP is used to print the state of the SNTs

THE DIP CONCEPT Before the DIP concept is explained, the device interface hardware that is commonly associated to it for various supervision reasons, is described first.

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Exchange Terminal Circuit (ETC) The device hardware for connecting DIPs is the ETC type. Here, the ETC, 5th generation (ETC5) is taken as an example for the description. The hardware unit ETC5 is the interface type used frequently to connect the external PCM lines and the Digital Link multiplexer Half-size Board (DLHB). ETC5 is commonly used to connect the Remote Subscriber Switches as well as every type of trunk interface integrated to the BYB 501 Equipment Practice. This unit together with other blocks, is responsible for the supervision of the PCM lines. The ETC5 forms part of a block called Exchange Terminal (ET). This block has a close cooperation with blocks which use the ETC5. These block are in charge of the pure telephony functions. One can say that block ET handles the supervision of the hardware unit ETC5, e.g. block BT is responsible for the traffic handling functions. Figure 3-41 shows the structure.

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Block ET






Blocks for supervision

Traffic Handling

Blocks for traffic handling

Block BT

Figure 3-41 The structure of block ET

When something abnormal is detected on the ETC5 hardware, e.g. a slip occurs, the information is sent to the ETR (the regional software of block ET) and then forwarded to the ETU (the central software of block ET). A block, type BT (e.g. UPD), only concerns about line signals to be sent to block ET which will forward the signal to the hardware. Block ET does not process the signal in any sense, it just forwards the information to the hardware, ETC5. Digital Path (DP) is the name of the function used for supervision of the connected PCM lines. ITU-T has issued recommendations which state how the PCM links should be supervised. All these recommendations are implemented in the DIP function and the ETC5, which form a part of the subsystem Trunk and Signaling Subsystem (TSS), but they are associated in some way to the GSS. A number of blocks starting with the letters DIP contain the functions described here. In this chapter, only the connection of the function is described. – 148 –

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The SNT supervision supervises the hardware of the connected units while the DIP function supervises the PCM line. See Figure 3-42. for an illustrated example. *6VXSHUYLVLRQ 617VXSHUYLVLRQ







',367 ',30&



Figure 3-42 Digital Path supervision

When connecting the Digital Path supervision, the Operational Instruction called “Connection of DIP,” must be used. The first command in the OPI is DTDII which connects to the SNT, which must be defined in the system to a Digital Path. The Digital Path (DIP) is given a name with a maximum of 7 characters. The name is only used as a route name; it should be given a name that reflects where the traffic, on those lines, goes to and comes from since the DIP name is included in alarms related to the DIP. An example of the command is: DTDII:DIP=0BT6,SNT=ET6-0; When the DIP has been defined, some initial data is set by using the command DTIDC, see B11 Command Description. This command specifies the way the DIP will operate and report faults.

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When a wrong combination of parameters and their values is given in the command, an alarm will be generated when the DIP starts operating. The next action is to load the fault supervision data for the DIP. The data is loaded with command DTFSC and printed with DTFSP. Command DTFSC connects different types of fault cases to the DIP and associates an alarm class with each fault case. The principle is easiest explained by first looking at a printout of the fault supervision data. Study Figure 3-43.

ACL A3 A3 A3 A3


FAULT 2 4 6 9



Figure 3-43 Printout of DIP Fault Supervision Parameters

The eight fault cases are listed and the other columns indicate if each fault case is supervised (ACT) and the alarm class associated with it. The fault cases are listed in the command description, of command DTFSC, and also the possibility of combinations for different types of PCM systems (not all fault cases can be supervised by all PCM systems, e.g. 24-channel systems and CCS). For further information regarding DIP fault supervision parameters consult the B11 module, Command Description of the DTFSC command. When the fault supervision data has been loaded for the DIP, the next step is to load the quality supervision parameters. The quality supervision is used to monitor the quality of the PCM line and if the quality on the line is below defined values, alarms will be generated. Some of the quality supervision parameters to supervise are listed below: – 150 –

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Slip Frequency

Disturbance Frequency

Errored Second

Severely Errored Second

All the parameters related to these functions are loaded by command DTQSC. The parameters can also be printed by means of command DTQSP. Figure 3-44 shows the printout generated.
BFFL1 10




TI 24




DFL 5000

TI 24




ESL 25

TI 15









TI 15








TI 15






BFFL2 800






Figure 3-44 Printout of DIP quality supervision parameters

See the Printout Description for the interpretation of the content of the printout.

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SUMMARY Connection to the Group Switch is based on the following:

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Basic functions implemented in hardware and software. Various groups of function blocks are constituted by both hardware and software and some are only realized in software.

Hardware structure and switching is structured to provide switching based upon Time-Space-Time principle.

Subrate Switching provides for bit rates lower than 64 Kbits/s to be handled by the Group Switch, when used only in cellular switches.

Security for hardware reliability is provided by two identical, parallel working planes, that are referred to as “A-plane” and “B-plane.” This reliability applies also for the Subrate Switch.

Internal synchronization is provided by 3 CLock Functions (CLF) while external synchronization comes from either a Reference Clock Function (RCF), Cesium Clock Module (CCM), or any other incoming source.

Connection of Switching Network Terminals (SNT) and devices to the GSS are executed according to the existing hardware interfaces for digital and analogue devices. The SubRate Switch (SRS), by a command sequence, follows in the corresponding OPI.

The PCM line supervision and the DIgital Path (DIP) concept: When an SNT is associated to a device type, that is connecting the switch towards any other switch or remote connection, supervision of the connected PCM lines to the Group Switch is performed by the DIP, which is actually the PCM line name. Fault and quality supervisions are handled by the DIP, the parameters to supervise and their values are entered by command.

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3 Exchange Data

SIZE ALTERATION INTRODUCTION Size Alteration is the name of the function used to change the file sizes in the Data Store of the Central Processor. The changes are normally initiated by a change in the size of the exchange or in the traffic intensity of the exchange. Examples of changes in the size of the exchange are: addition of more subscribers or more trunk lines added. If the traffic intensity is increasing, the number of register individuals must be increased. The affected part of the AXE system is the Data Store in the CP. In this store, the data related to all the blocks are stored. The size of the data, i.e. the number of data individuals, is changed by the function Size Alteration. However, the Program Store is not affected by this function, as there is no change to the function of the system. If new or modified functions are loaded into the exchange, the process referred to as Function Change, is used. Figure 3-45 shows the difference between these two methods.

Central Processor Function Change:

New or modified function

Program Store

Data Store

Size Alteration:

More data required for one function (more records)

Figure 3-45 The parts in the exchange affected by Size Alteration and Function Change

INITIAL SETTING The initial size of the data records in the Data Store is set when the exchange is installed. The information about the sizes to set, originates from the customer in the form of filled in data forms or similar information. This information is referred to as Exchange Requirement. The document, Exchange Requirement, is the input for the department inside Ericsson that produces the EN/LZT 123 4258 R2A

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initial data. The process is referred to as Data Transcript. One of the activities included in the Data Transcript, is the setting of the file sizes in the software of the exchange. The output from the Data Transcript is a command file with commands related to Size Alteration as well as other functions. The size alteration commands are loaded as one of the first files when loading the exchange data. This must be done since no other data can be loaded before the file sizes, in the data, have enough space for storage of the data. Figure 3-46 shows the principle.


Size of exchange:


Exchange Requirement


– No of trunk lines – No of subscribers – Traffic intensity –… Command file with initial exchange data. Size Alteration commands included. Figure 3-46 Initial setting

HARDWARE EXTENSION If, e.g. the number of trunk lines in an exchange is extended, there is usually a requirement for more hardware to be installed. This means that more ETC boards (or magazines for older types of ETCs) must be installed in the exchange. For each channel in the PCM system (24 or 32 channels per ETC), there is some data in the Data Store that defines, e.g. the state of the device and to which route it belongs. As there is data related to each hardware unit, the file sizes in the Data Store must be changed by means of a Size Alteration. Please study Figure 3-47.

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3 Exchange Data

New hardware Existing hardware

53 CP Data Store

More data required in Data Store Figure 3-47 Extension of hardware requires change of the file sizes in the Data Store

When the hardware is installed in the exchange, various Operational Instructions must be used depending on the hardware type (the names of the instructions are “Connection of...”. These Operational Instructions describe the commands and actions required to “connect” the new hardware with the software).

EXTENSION BY USING MORE SOFTWARE INDIVIDUALS In many cases of Size Alteration, only software is affected. Some examples of changes that only affect software are given below:

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If the traffic intensity (Erlang) is increasing in the exchange, more Registered individuals are required to handle more simultaneous call set-ups. In this case, no additional hardware is required as the RE block is implemented in software only.

If more subscribers would like to have a certain subscriber service (e.g. Call Transfer), more data individuals are required in order to handle more call transfers at the same – 155 –

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time. Also the storage capacity of the service will probably need to be increased (e.g. the C-number in the case of Call Transfer). In this case, only software is affected as all subscriber services are implemented in software only. •

Analysis tables have space for a limited number of analysis cases. The size of each analysis table is set by means of a Size Alteration. Examples of such tables are the analysis table for the B-number analysis and the Charging analysis table. If more analysis cases are to be introduced (e.g. more Charging Cases or new subscriber number series), a Size Alteration is used to create more space in the table.

Figure 3-48 gives an example of a change when only software is affected.

Program Store


Data Store

Register individuals located in the Data Store

New Register individuals are created by means of a Size Alteration Figure 3-48 New register individuals are defined by means of a Size Alteration

If only a Size Alteration in software is to be made in the exchange, the Operational Instruction “Size Alteration of Data Records” must be followed. Note that this instruction will also be used for reduction of data files.

WHAT IS A DATA FILE? A size alteration affects a data file consisting of data records (referred to as an individual in some cases). What then, is a data record? Please study Figure 3-49.

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Logical data structure in the Data Store:


New hardware means new records in data

Variable 1 Variable 2 Variable n

1 record per device

Figure 3-49 Definition of data file and data record

The hardware located in the EMs must have data related to it in the Data Store. For the same type of hardware in one block, the same type of data can be used. The designer of the Function Block describes one record only. The “record” is the data required for one device. If the block contains 16 devices for one exchange, the number of records must also be 16. These 16 records make up one “data file” and the size of that file is in example 16. If more hardware devices are to be added to the block, a corresponding change of the number of records in the data file is required. The change of the number of records is made by using commands belonging to the function Size Alteration. As already mentioned, most of the Size Alteration cases involve no hardware. Only the file size in the Data Store will be affected in order to increase the number of devices. It should also be noted that one Function Block usually contains more than one file. E.g., one type of record is used to store the data related to the devices inside the block and one type of record is used to store the data related to the routes defined in the block. This means that the block has two different files in the Data Store that can be changed independently of each other.

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THE USE OF SIZE ALTERATION EVENTS In order to find the blocks that are affected by a Size Alteration, the AXE system numbers the Size Alteration cases. Each number is referred to as Size Alteration Event (SAE). The SAE is used as a parameter in all the commands related to the size alteration function. The documentation of the B-module also uses the SAE number in various documents and lists. There are two different types of size alterations in the AXE: •

Local Size Alteration Events These events will only affect one block in the exchange. E.g. an event, is the number of devices inside one block.

Global Size Alteration Events These events will affect files in more than one block. E.g. the number of routes in the exchange. Several blocks in the system store information about each route and all these blocks require the same file size (e.g. blocks for statistics and supervision).

The Size Alteration Events (the numbers) are allocated in a special way so that AXE will know which system (APT or APZ) and which type of event it is (Local or Global). The following numbering has been used inside the system: •

Global Events:

APT: 000-299

APZ: 300-499

Local Events:

APT: 500-799

APZ: 800-999

This means that all SAEs higher than No. 499 are Local events. This is important to know as the parameters included in the commands related to the function are affected.

COMMANDS RELATED TO SIZE ALTERATION There are only three commands related to the function for Size Alteration function. The three commands are: • SAAII

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The command is used to increase the file sizes in a Size Alteration Event • SAADI Used when decreasing the file sizes in one SAE • SAAEP Used when printing the number of individuals currently defined for the SAE The two commands for changing the file size (SAAII and SAADI) have an optional parameter, “BLOCK=block”. This parameter must be used if the SAE is a local event. The reason for having this parameter is so the Local SAEs (e.g. SAE=500) use the same SAE number for several blocks. E.g., all the blocks that have telephony devices use SAE=500 for changing the number of devices in the block. If the operator wishes to change the number of UPD-devices, the format of the command is: SAAII:SAE=500,BLOCK=UPD,NI=XX; The parameter “NI=XX” in the command is the parameter indicating the total number of records after the change. Note that the total number is stated, not the number of records added. When the change has been ordered by the operator, the system will reallocate the Data Store in order to create more space for the variables included in the records. This reallocation will take some time to perform, as much of the data must be moved in the store. This work has to be given low priority in the system as traffic is handled at the same time. It usually takes 5 to 10 seconds but may take several minutes for a Global Event affecting several blocks. The result of the Size Alteration is sent to the operator in the result printout called Data File Information. Figure 3-50 shows the format of the printout.



NI 64



Figure 3-50 The result printout of the Size Alteration

Which SAE number is related to which block? The SAE number is required in all the commands for the Size Alteration function EN/LZT 123 4258 R2A

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and must be found before the work can start. There are two ways to find this relation: 1. In the Application Information of the block affected. We use this method if we know the block and want to know the SAE number. In the Application Information, we can find all the SAE-numbers related to the block. 2. In the Parameter List, in the last part of B14. This list is sorted in numerical order starting with SAE=0. The list contains information about the block/blocks affected by the event as well as information about how to calculate the number of individuals. This method is to be used when we know the SAE number and would like to know the block or read some information about the event. Figure 3-51 shows the principle.






3DUDPHWHU/LVW % Figure 3-51 The two ways to find the relation between the SAE numbers and the blocks in the exchange library


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When you change the file size in Data Store, it is called Size Alteration.

When you add more hardware to the exchange, this is called Extension of Exchange.

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A Data Record contains data specific to one individual, e.g. a data record can contain information about a specific subscriber number.

A Data File consists of a number of Data Records. These Data Records are of the same type, e.g. ten data records with information about ten Regional Processors.

There are one thousand Size Alteration Events (SAE) and they are numbered from 0 to 999.

The first five hundred are called Global events. They change the data file size for more than one function block.

SAE numbered from 500 and higher, are called Local events. They change the data file size for only one function block.

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Bl n a

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