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  • Words: 924
  • Pages: 2
EQUALITY  the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities. "an organization aiming to promote racial equality" synonyms: fairness, equal rights, equal opportunities, equity, egalitarianism (1) Equality does not mean absolute equality In common usage equality is taken to mean full equality of treatment and reward for all. It is demanded as natural equality. It is said that all men are born natural and free. However, despite a strong emotional appeal to our hearts, the notion of natural and absolute equality of all cannot be fully accepted and realised. Men are neither equal in respect of their physical features nor in respect of their mental abilities. Some are stronger others weaker and some are more intelligent and capable than others. Their capacities and abilities are different. As such equality of treatment and rewards cannot be ensured. Rewards must depend upon the actual abilities and work of various people. Hence equality does not mean absolute and total equality. Equality really means equal opportunities for development. In fact, when we talk of equality of all men we really mean general and fair equality and not absolute equality. We really talk of a fair distribution of opportunities reward and not equal reward for all. (2) Equality means absence of all unnatural and unjust inequalities. In society there are present two types of inequalities: 1) Natural inequalities, and (2) Man-made unnatural inequalities. The former means natural differences among human beings. These have to be accepted by all. The man-made inequalities are those which are there because of some social conditions and discriminations. These are of the nature of socioeconomic inequalities resulting from the operation of social system. The discriminations practiced and inequalities maintained in the name of caste, color, creed, religion, sex, place of birth and the like are all unnatural man- made inequalities. Equality means end of all such inequalities and discriminations. TYPES OF EQUALITY 1. Natural Equality Despite the fact that men differ in respect of their physical features, psychological traits, mental abilities and capacities, all humans are to be treated as equal humans. All are to be considered worthy of enjoying all human rights and freedoms. 2. Social Equality It stands for equal rights and opportunities for development for all classes of people without any discrimination. Specifically, it stands for: 1. Absence of special privileges for any class or caste or religions group or an ethnic group; 2. Prohibition of discrimination against any one on the basis of caste, color, creed, religion, sex and place of birth; 3. Free access to public places for all the people, i.e. no social segregation; and 4. Equality of opportunity for all people. It however accepts the concept of protective discrimination in favor of all weaker sections of society. A modern central theme of social equality is to end gender inequality, to ensure equal status and opportunities to the women and to ensure equal rights of male and female children to live and develop. 3. Civil Equality It stands for the grant of equal rights and freedoms to all the people and social groups. All the people are to be treated equal before Law.

4. Political Equality It stands for equal opportunities for participation of all in the political process. This involves the concept of grant of equal political rights for all the citizens with some uniform qualifications for everyone. 5. Economic Equality Economic equality does not mean equal treatment or equal reward or equal wages for all. It stands for fair and adequate opportunities to all for work and for earning of their livelihoods. It also means that primary needs of all should be met before the special needs of few are satisfied. The gap between rich and poor should be minimum. There should be equitable distribution of wealth and resources in the society. 6. Legal Equality Legal Equality stands for equality before law, equal subjection of all to the same legal code and equal opportunity for all to secure legal protection of their rights and freedom. There should rule of law and laws must be equally binding foe all. In every society equality must be ensured in all these forms. Some non-government organizations that promote equality: 1. InterAction Since 1992, InterAction, through its Commission on the Advancement of Women, has worked to advance female empowerment and gender equality in the policy and practice of InterAction members and other agencies. 2. Equality Now Their mission is to achieve legal and systemic change that addresses violence and discrimination against women and girls around the world. 3. ProMundo Promundo is a global leader in promoting gender justice and preventing violence by engaging men and boys in partnership with women and girls. 4. CARE CARE’s commitment to women’s empowerment and gender equality is based on decades of expertise in dozens of countries and in every development sector. We see gender as a crosscutting issue that we address in every program to make an equal world free of poverty. 5. Centre for Health and Social Justice CHSJ is a resource organisation on issues of men, masculinity and gender, health rights of marginalized communities and reproductive and sexual health and rights. 6. White Ribbon White Ribbon is the world’s largest movement of men and boys working to end violence against women and girls, promote gender equity, healthy relationships and a new vision of masculinity. 7. The Gender and Development Network GADN is a diverse, effective and inclusive membership network made up of leading UK-based non-governmental organisations’ (NGO) staff, practitioners, consultants and academicians working on gender, development and women’s rights issues.

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