Epsilon - Multi Axis Capacitively Controlled Musical Instrument

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 508
  • Pages: 2
50 Underwood Road, Bishopstoke, Eastleigh, Hampshire. SO50 6FW U.K EMAIL: [email protected] URL: www.Fundamental-Designs.com URL for capacitive musical instruments: http://www.therasynth.com/home.html Telephone: (Afternoon / Evening) +44(0)2380 643403 U.K. 02380 643403 Fundamental Designs Ltd has been engaged in research and development on capacitively controlled musical instruments. Analogue sound generation and processing is employed in all these designs, digital processing being reserved for a few non-audio and mathematically intensive functions. Products under development include a high end Theremin based on Theremin’s original concepts, but with digital processor doing auto-calibration and linearity correction. Another product (in advanced stages of development) is the Flewt © which is a wind instrument where pitch is controlled by hand capacitance, and volume / harmonics by breath. The final development (and first to be released) is Epsilon © which is due to be launched in November 2008:


Epsilon Multi-axis Capacitance controlled analogue synthesizer.

The heart of Epsilon is an antenna / oscillator “array” which simultaneously processes and compares sensed capacitances, and outputs high resolution (14 bit or 16000 ‘steps’) voltages for each axis. X and Y signals are linear (voltage is an absolute linear function of the sensed objects [hand] position).Voltage of the Z signal (distance, or height of hand above the antennas in the lid) is not linearly proportional to distance, but is reasonably close to a log function and therefore well suited to control of volume. With movement of one hand, it is possible to play this instrument. Moving the hand on the X axis (left/right) will control the pitch, Volume out will be controlled by vertical (Z) movement / position, and harmonic content of the sound (filtering or other effects) by forward / backward (Y) movement. All outputs are standard 10V, X output (Pitch) is 1 volt / Octave. S-Trig and 10V Trigger outputs are also provided. Two versions are planned: Epsilon -EC1 is a controller only version, Epsilon -ES1 Contains a full dedicated analogue synthesizer for about 20% additional cost.

Digital Interface. Provides access to functions, some of which are: Tuning: Adjustable in steps of 1 cent, 10 cents, 1 semitone, 1 octave. Range: (how many octaves covered by X axis) 2 octaves to 9 octaves in 1 octave steps. Preview level: Adjusts height at which preview (cue) is enabled. 1 to 100%, in increments of 1 or 10. Trigger level: Adjusts height at which Trigger is output. 1 to 100%, in increments of 1 or 10. Z / Volume / VCA: These set the sensitivity and active region for the Z axis (and VCA / Volume on ES-1 version). These functions are only available on ES-1 Version: VCO (Oscillator): Primary sound source – Waveform selection etc. VCF (Filter): This is a unique design employing Moog type ladder but specifically tailored to allow production of Theremin-like waveforms. 24db / octave, precision pitch tracking and ability to go into (deliberate) Oscillation allows this to be used as an oscillator – Frequency controlled by any combination of X, Y and Z signals. © Fred Mundell. Fundamental Designs Ltd. September 2008. [email protected]

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