Enterprise Continuous Integration Presentation

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  • Words: 2,286
  • Pages: 38
CM Crossroads Webcast Series Challenges and Characteristics of Enterprise Continuous Integration Moderator Patrick Egan Publisher – CM Crossroads and Agile Journal

Speakers Paul Julius – Willowbark Consulting Anders Wallgren – Chief Technical Officer Electric Cloud

© CMC Media 2008

Challenges and Characteristics of Enterprise Continuous Integration


Introduction In the past… Teams spent weeks or longer verifying that applications worked Time spent „integrating‟ was tortuous, lead to integration „storms‟ of broken builds Developers would have to track down bugs introduced months earlier The answer to this painful process is Continuous Integration

October 9, 2008

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CI: The Beginning Continuous Integration (CI) dictates that, as soon as changes are made, they are integrated and run through a rigorous build and test cycle Build engineers began using various CI tools, sometimes without management approval Once these tools became known, they were embraced by developers who wanted and needed the instant feedback on the health of their builds As teams and applications grow over time, many enterprises find themselves with CI servers spread across the company October 9, 2008

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Challenges With the proliferation of multiple standalone systems, next step is to investigate the idea of consolidation Consolidated approach will help: Teams to reuse procedures and tools Better utilize hardware Free personnel from manual, low value tasks

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Challenges in Real World Enterprise CI No centralized build-test-deploy infrastructure

Difficulty scaling the environment Testing and resource administration increase in complexity Hardware Utilization difficulties

Barriers to sharing and reusing scripts Difficulty tracking builds and cross-project reporting

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S.T.A.R The challenges of Enterprise CI require a CI solution that is: Scalable

Turnkey Automatic


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Scalable Has many aspects

Must scale by: Number of projects Size of an individual project Number of users of the system Number of machines in the build cluster Complexity of workflow Enterprise CI is fundamentally about many projects and many users

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Turnkey Enterprise CI has to be turnkey. The number of builds, number of users, and the reality of 24/7 operations make this imperative Turnkey implies that from the very beginning, Enterprise CI must be useable. It must be trivial to add scripts to the system, without requiring a rewrite.

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Automatic CI system must be automatic, builds must be launch-able with a single click, but it must also be compatible with existing scripts Three forms of automatic: On demand, On stimulus and On the clock On Demand: Builds should be a single click away On Stimulus: Typically caused by changes in the SCM system On the Clock: Replacement for ‘cron’

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Rapid As the system scales to mulitple projects, and the number of builds increase, builds have to be rapid. Hours long builds are a deal breaker Reducing build times from hours to minutes typically is done using parallelism Enterprise CI systems should be able to work in tandem with build parallelism software

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Other Properties Three other properties are important to Enterprise CI:




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Customer Example Problem Medium sized Product company 10‟s of disparate existing builds Varied build infrastructure Nearly impossible to identify a “good” build

Solution Unified Dashboard for all builds Consistent build infrastructure Templated, resuable build infrastructure

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Next Steps It’s easy to get started with an open source CI system But as your needs change and your company grows you have to evaluate the effectiveness of this solution.

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Build vs. Buy Key question then, should we use an open source tool, build our own, or buy a commercial tool?

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Four Key Areas As we mentioned four key areas to review

Fast Builds Software keeps growing = longer builds

On the Clock Builds Scheduled Builds The classic „nightly build‟

On-demand Builds Ad hoc, as needed builds

On-Stimuli Builds Driven by changes in SCM

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Build Your Own?


Seems pretty straightforward…

Automated build and test for one build tool, one machine

Scheduled jobs

Features Trigger builds after check-ins October 9, 2008

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Build Your Own?


Just a few finishing touches

Automated build and test for one build tool, one machine

Scheduled jobs Web-based access to results

Features Trigger builds after check-ins October 9, 2008

CruiseControl gives you this for Java/Ant

Notifications via e-mail/RSS Database of build results

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Build Your Own?


Multiple servers, concurrency

Notifications via e-mail/RSS

Automated build and test for one build tool, one machine

Scheduled jobs Trigger builds after check-ins

October 9, 2008

Run multiple builds simultaneously

Web-based access to results

Database of build results

Resource pooling, load balancing

Multiple jobs run Features on one resource

Resource selection criteria


Multiple servers, remote invocation

Run job steps in parallel Single job can use multiple resources

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Build Your Own?


Better monitoring and control

Monitor system status

Notifications via e-mail/RSS

Automated build and test for one build tool, one machine

Scheduled jobs Trigger builds after check-ins

October 9, 2008

Run multiple builds simultaneously

Cancel jobs

On-demand job invocation via Web

Web-based access to results

Database of build results

Resource pooling, load balancing

View partial results of builds in progress

Multiple jobs run Features on one resource

Resource selection criteria


Multiple servers, remote invocation

Run job steps in parallel Single job can use multiple resources

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Build Your Own?


Better reporting

Monitor system status

Notifications via e-mail/RSS

Automated build and test for one build tool, one machine

Scheduled jobs Trigger builds after check-ins

October 9, 2008

Run multiple builds simultaneously

Cancel jobs

On-demand job invocation via Web

Web-based access to results

Database of build results

Resource pooling, load balancing

View partial results of builds in progress

Multiple jobs run Features on one resource

Resource selection criteria

Customizable reports Trend reports Cross-product reports


Multiple servers, remote invocation

Run job steps in parallel Single job can use multiple resources

Tools for extracting data from logs Annotate builds after completion

Resource utilization reports Slide 21

Build Your Own?


Better error handling

Monitor system status

Notifications via e-mail/RSS

Automated build and test for one build tool, one machine

Scheduled jobs Trigger builds after check-ins

October 9, 2008

Run multiple builds simultaneously

Retry steps after errors/ failures

Detect resource failures

Cancel jobs

On-demand job invocation via Web

Web-based access to results

Database of build results

Resource pooling, load balancing

View partial results of builds in progress

Multiple jobs run Features on one resource

Resource selection criteria

Customizable reports

Logging and error reporting

Timeouts for runaway job steps

Trend reports Cross-product reports


Multiple servers, remote invocation

Run job steps in parallel Single job can use multiple resources

Tools for extracting data from logs Annotate builds after completion

Resource utilization reports Slide 22

Build Your Own?


Developer access to production builds Shared access by multiple teams LDAP authentication


Role-based access control Notifications via e-mail/RSS

Automated build and test for one build tool, one machine

Scheduled jobs Trigger builds after check-ins

October 9, 2008

Monitor system status Resource pooling, load balancing

View partial results of builds in progress

Run multiple builds simultaneously

Retry steps after errors/ failures

Detect resource failures

Cancel jobs

On-demand job invocation via Web

Web-based access to results

Database of build results

User impersonation, password management

Handle multiple independent groups

Multiple jobs run Features on one resource

Resource selection criteria

Customizable reports

Logging and error reporting

Timeouts for runaway job steps

Trend reports Cross-product reports


Multiple servers, remote invocation

Run job steps in parallel Single job can use multiple resources

Tools for extracting data from logs Annotate builds after completion

Resource utilization reports Slide 23

Build Your Own?


Developer access to production builds Shared access by multiple teams LDAP authentication

Notifications via e-mail/RSS

Scheduled jobs Trigger builds after check-ins

Database of build results

October 9, 2008


Monitor system status Resource pooling, load balancing

Retry steps after errors/ failures

Detect resource failures

Cancel jobs

On-demand job invocation via Web Multiple jobs run Features on one resource

Control environment for jobs

Conditional steps

View partial results of builds in progress

Run multiple builds simultaneously

Web-based access to results

Modular, composable process steps



Role-based access control

Automated build and test for one build tool, one machine

User impersonation, password management

More programming features

Resource selection criteria

Customizable reports

Logging and error reporting

Timeouts for runaway job steps

Trend reports Cross-product reports


Multiple servers, remote invocation

Run job steps in parallel Single job can use multiple resources

Tools for extracting data from logs Annotate builds after completion

Resource utilization reports Slide 24

Build Your Own? It Never Ends


Developer access to production builds Shared access by multiple teams LDAP authentication

Notifications via e-mail/RSS

Scheduled jobs Trigger builds after check-ins

October 9, 2008

Web interface for editing processes Command-line interface

Portable across hardware/OS platforms

Modular, composable process steps



Monitor system status Resource pooling, load balancing

Retry steps after errors/ failures

Detect resource failures

Cancel jobs

On-demand job invocation via Web Multiple jobs run Features on one resource

Control environment for jobs

Conditional steps

View partial results of builds in progress

Run multiple builds simultaneously

Web-based access to results

Database of build results

User impersonation, password management

SCM integration, bill of materials


Role-based access control

Automated build and test for one build tool, one machine

Support multiple languages and build tools

Resource selection criteria

Customizable reports

Logging and error reporting

Timeouts for runaway job steps

Trend reports Cross-product reports


Multiple servers, remote invocation

Run job steps in parallel Single job can use multiple resources

Tools for extracting data from logs Annotate builds after completion

Resource utilization reports Slide 25

Build Your Own You could try that

Before you do think about… How much time do you have to write all that code? How you are going to manage 200+ builds per day? How are you going to get the build down from 4 hours to 15 minutes? How are you going to manage hardware failure in your build system?

Build Managers now control the heartbeat of software engineering They need something more than a creaky Perl script

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Build Your Own Fast builds Buy lots of SMP hardware and try out GNU Make parallelism or manually parallelize the build.

Scheduled builds Use cron for that

On demand builds Build an intranet page, integrate it yourself with the current build and source code management system

Stimuli builds Build ad-hoc script attached to source code management system

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Open Source Fast builds distcc, ccache, GNU Make -j

Scheduled Builds cron, CruiseControl

On-demand Builds Apache Continuum

Stimuli Builds CruiseControl has some support SourceControl plug-in

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Commercial Build speed tools Like ElectricAccelerator

Build visualization and troubleshooting tools Like ElectricInsight

Build management tools Like ElectricCommander or CruiseControl

Together these tools enable build managers to build, package, test, and deploy software And they enable Agile development

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Stepping Stones Builds up 18 months little by little

Four stepping stones

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Stepping Stones (1) Step 1: Put full builds in the hands of developers

Set up an internal web page that allows a developer to fire off a build The developer should be able to select: Which branch to build… … or the location of his personal source tree Whether to run unit tests or not

The build runs and the engineer gets an email with the result

Start a new rule: developers run on demand builds before they commit

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Stepping Stones (2) Step 2: Buy those lava lamps

Set up the full build system to run more than once per day Set up a system the feedback to the entire team whether the full build succeeded red/green lava lamps or a flat panel screen mounted high enough for engineering to see and a web page showing live build status

Scheduled builds start to be the heartbeat of engineering October 9, 2008

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Stepping Stones (3) Step 3: Speed up the build

Look into tools that can speed up your build Set an under-60 minute goal for a full build and smoke test Announce to the team that multiple integrations can now happen per day, during the day These fast builds begin to enable agile development

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Stepping Stones (4) Step 4: Fully automate

Integrate your fast builds with your source code management system When the source code changes run a stimuli build and test it Now the lava lamps really matter Now the build is the heartbeat of engineering Start referring to yourself as the Build Automator not the Build Manager

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When to buy Look at $$$ build tools when Existing builds are too slow; developers complain Existing builds are frequently broken Existing builds are blocking implementation of new techniques (e.g. Agile/XP) Development teams are spread across the country or the globe

Other drivers are Company mergers Implementation of new target platforms A rapidly growing code base

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Summary No one builds their own: Editor Compiler Debugger SCM

Most people don’t build their own: Issue tracker Test system

Why DIY the build system?

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For More Information Electric Cloud 408.419.4300 [email protected] www.electric-cloud.com

Willowbark Consulting 312.560.5351 [email protected] www.WillowbarkConsulting.com

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Questions and Answers Please post your questions now using the “Ask a Question” box on left side of the screen

View other Webcasts in the Series at www.cmcrossroads.com/wc

© CMC Media Inc. 2008

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