English Presentation 4266

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 305
  • Pages: 6
您知道 做好 英文簡 報的 技巧 嗎 ? 眼看國外客戶就要來了,英文簡報內容卻是一片空白? 別輕忽「英文簡報技巧」: 對國外客戶而言,最主要是聽完簡報, 他們能立即掌握提報的重點; 而非口音的差異, 好的簡報是讓自己更上層樓的關鍵。

Step 1: Know your pur pose

When giving a presentation it is important that you have a clear idea of what you want to achieve. Ask yourself: Why am I giving this presentation? Write down in a simple sentence what your objective(s) are. e.g. My objective is to persuade management to introduce a new accounting system.

Step 2: Know your audi ence Find out as much as you can about your audience. The tone, formality, technical content and style of your presentation will depend on who these people are. Also, remember other non-native English speakers in the audience may not have the same level of English as you. You may need to speak more slowly than usual. Avoid using idioms and keep the language clear and simple.

Step 3: Know your m ateri al

A successful presentation always begins with careful background research. This can be time-consuming so make sure you allocate sufficient time for your research, and explore as many sources of information as possible.

Step 4: Keep it short

You will need to plan your talk in order to keep to the time available. Most audiences become restless and impatient if a speaker speaks for too long. Remember most audiences find it difficult to sit and listen to someone for more than about 30 minutes at a time without being able to respond or to ask questions. This is even more true if English is not their native language.

Step 5: Keep in si mpl e

Presentations are given orally. They are completely different from written text. Try to use conversational language, not the kind of language you would write in a report. Also, avoid using technical jargon and acronyms, unless your know your audience are familiar with the terms.

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