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  • Words: 694
  • Pages: 3
National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences (Islamabad Campus)

Department of Computer Science


Aitzaz Ahmad






Mam Rafia Raza

Date of Submission:- 14th November 2018

Illiteracy in Pakistan Illiteracy is one of those things which can become the cause of destruction of any nation. Illiteracy means inability of a person to read and write. If we talk about Pakistan, it is also suffering from this very serious issue. According to the survey of year 2016-17 the illiteracy rate in Pakistan is 42%. Due to such a high illiteracy rate, Pakistan is an under-developed country even after 70 years of its independence. If the population of any country is illiterate in a bigger percentage, then those people are unable to take a right decision due to which they cannot put their efforts in a right direction despite of wanting to do so. It may result in economical, social and political instability which we have seen in Pakistan too many times. So, if we want to show the importance of literacy as a nation we can say the following quote of our National Hero Muhammad Ali Jinnah: “Education is a matter of life and death for Pakistan.” Like every other problem in the world, illiteracy also has certain causes. Poverty is the first cause in this regard. Due to financial pressure, many of the families are unable to send their children to schools because they hardly make their both ends meet. Therefore, despite of wanting to get education they can’t do so. The second cause is the feudal system. In many undeveloped areas of Pakistan, whole control is under a few powerful persons who don’t want people to get educated because in that way they will get mature and they will ask for their rights. Hence in order to maintain the power of few persons, future of thousands of people is ruined. One other important cause is the negative concepts about education which can be removed only through education. In many areas people think that getting education is useless and especially the girls shouldn’t be allowed to get education in any case. Therefore neither they get education nor let others to be educated. This serious issue of illiteracy has very deep and negative effects on the social and economical fields of a nation. If the people of a country are illiterate on a large scale then they can easily be used by the enemies of that nation because

such people are unable to differentiate between right and wrong. The terrorism which Pakistan was facing a few years ago can be outcome of the same problem. Moreover if the people are illiterate, they really can’t perform their rights and duties which disturbs the whole cycle of social life of any society. The most big and main effect is that in such a society people can’t get recognized with their abilities and talent due to which the nation can’t get progressed. We know that every problem has some solutions so there are solutions to solve this problem also. Firstly the government should make every person strong enough in financial life so that he can enjoy all the facilities equally. In this way the hurdle of poverty in getting education will be automatically vanished. Moreover the government should take steps to encourage education and it should try to vanish negative concepts regarding education. The government should also take immediate steps to remove feudal system. Illiteracy is such type of matter which can destroy the future of whole nation if took unnoticed but it can be resolved too through unity, determination and strong faith. The government of Pakistan is already well aware of their responsibility and has taken a lot of initiatives to encourage the education. In order to make a healthy environment for education we should contribute to this cause in individual aspects too so that our nation could progress and stand among the developed countries of the world. As Nelson Mandela said: “Education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to change the world.”

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