End Term Practical Examination Ecom

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 3
En d Te rm Practica l Exami nat io n Eco mm er ce T ech nol og ie s – I I (M S 25 6)

Q 1 (a) Write a program to create an array @months It should have 11 months names as elements. After creating an array perform the following operations: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

Add the 12th month name an element as an array Remove the first and last element from the array Print the sorted array Copy the 7th and 8th element of the array to another array

(b) Write a program in Perl to display all the CGI environment variables Q 2 Write a program in Perl to create an associative array %months. It should have months names as key and month numbers as values. After creating an array perform the following operations: (i) (ii) (iii)

Add a new element to associative array Delete a element from associative array Print the sorted associated array

Q 3 Write a program in Perl to perform the following operations: (i) Reading the content of a file (ii) Writing into the file (iii) Appending into a file Q 4. Create a counter in Perl to keep track of the numbers of visitors accessing your website: Q 5. Write a program in Perl to create to display the content of a HTML form using (a) Get method (b) Post method Q 6. Create a Guest Book for your website using Perl Q7 Create an application form and corresponding script for an educational institution seeking an admission. Have a collection of text fields, buttons, checkboxes, radio buttons in the form. Define your validation rule either to accept the application as to reject the application. On accepting, inform the user with an attractive letter. On rejection also inform the user with the appropriate reasons.

Q 8. write a program in Perl to register a new user in the database. Q 9. write a program in perl to display the data from the table in tabular form. Q 10. write a program in Perl to change the existing password. Section B Q 1 (a) create a database with a name student (b) Create the table student with attributes (stud_id, name, course, marks). Make stud_id as identity column. Put other possible constraints also © Insert three records in the student table. Q 2 create two table of your choice and enable the referencial integrity constraints on the tables. Q 3. display the titles of all the books where type in NULL Q 4. display the titles of all the books where type is undecided and not NULL Q 5. List title-id, price and proposal price by increasing the current price by 10 percent, under the heading proposed price. Q6. create a new table EMP, which should be same as employee table. Q 7. write a query that return the average sales figure from title table of all categories Q 8. write a query that return the title of all the books that are written by more than one author. Q9. write query that will return the maximum price of each category. Q 10. (a) create a databse EMP (c) create the table EMP with attributes (empno, ename, jobs, sal, hiredate) make empno as identity column (d) create a default and attach it with column ename (e) create a rule and attach it with column sal. (f) Insert three records in the table emp. Q 11 create a view which should include the attributes Job_id, job_desc from the job table and Job_lvl from employee table. Q 12 create a stored procedure “abc” which accepts two parameters of integer type low limit and high limit and return pub_id, type, price from titles table where price is less then the high limit and greater then low limit.

Q 13. create a stored procedure “avg” which return average sales of the titles stored in the titles table. Q 14. List the names of the employees whose name start with the letter ‘P’ and job_lvl is greater then 50 Q 15. In ERP Module as soon as sales record is entered into sales table, inventory for the sold item is automatically reduced in the inventory table. Write a trigger for it. Q 16. when a tuple is inserted in a table EMP(emp_no, ename, job, sal) then same tuple is also inserted in the table EMP1, which has same structure as EMP. Write a trigger for it. Section ‘C’ Q 1. Show how are the contents of a website is verified. Take website of your choice Q 2. Show the publishing process with the Siteserver Q3. Build the Sireserver search. Take website of your choice

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