End Note 4

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EndNote 4: Guide to Using the Software Spring 2002

Overview 1.

In EndNote, you can create a separate “library” (file) of citations for each type of research you conduct or you can use one large library.


Within an EndNote library, references can be sorted, edited, reformatted, etc.


Citations can be entered into EndNote manually or they can be saved from databases such as PsychInfo, Medline, or Web of Science and imported. It is important to save the database citations in the correct format. This is discussed in Searching Databases and Saving Citations below.


An add-in can be installed into Word or WordPerfect to allow communication between your word processing software and EndNote. This allows you to automatically enter citations in your text as you type and to generate your citations and bibliography in the proper format within your word processing software. This is covered in Writing a Paper Using EndNote Capabilities below.

There are two ways to become familiar with EndNote. The first is to take the “Guided Tour.” Instructions are included in the user’s manual. 1.

Open the Endnote software. Files created in EndNote are called libraries. They may be saved on diskette or moved using ftp like other files.


To use the Guided Tour, when you see the prompt to “Select a Reference Library,” open the Examples folder. Then open PALEO.ENL.

The second way to learn EndNote is to use a tutorial. There are several tutorials available through the Internet. 1.

EndNote offers one at that can be downloaded onto your computer.


Other tutorials created by various universities can be found by searching the web for “endnote tutorial.”

Searching Databases and Saving Citations Citations must be saved in a format that is compatible with the import filter in EndNote. The exact procedure varies between databases and between vendors. A database such as PsychInfo is marketed through several vendors including SilverPlatter, Ovid, and FirstSearch. It is imperative that you know both the name of the database and the vendor and choose the filter that matches both because a filter for one vendor will not work for another, even then the database is the same.

Created by Flora Shrode. Updated by: Jacqueline Kracker and Margaret Mellinger 152 Hodges Library • 974-0014 • [email protected] • EndNote.doc


Instructions for how to save citations are available in your EndNote user’s manual and be available in the Help section of the database. Instructions may also be available online by searching the web for “database name and endnote.” Three examples are given below. 1. PsychInfo (through SilverPlatter WebSPIRS): Mark records, click “Save Records ”, select “all fields”, include record number and database name, choose short labels, and continue the save procedure. Citations will be automatically saved as a text file. 2. Web of Science (through ISI): Mark records, submit, and view marked records. You can save the abstract, if you like. There are two options for saving citations. If you are working from a machine that has EndNote installed, select “Export to Reference Software” and your references will be exported directly into EndNote. Alternately, you can choose “Save to File” and later import into EndNote. When using “Save to File,” citations are automatically saved in the proper format. 3. PubMed (through NLM): Mark records, save to clipboard. Open Clipboard, chose MEDLINE display format, click save. Citations will save as an .fcgi document. This is the proper format to use with the PubMed filter.

Create a New Library 1.

Go to EndNote’s File menu, and choose New. Type a name for your library in the File Name box that appears. File names for libraries have the extension .enl added automatically to distinguish them from other types of files. Click the Save button.


Whenever you create a new library, an empty EndNote library screen will appear showing 0 out of 0 references.

Import Citations into the Library You can import downloaded references into an EndNote library file from searches you have done on databases such as PsychInfo, Web of Science, and PubMed. This is a good way to create EndNote libraries. Before importing records into a library, a Filter must be selected to enable EndNote to recognize saved references from different databases produced by various vendors. 1.

If it isn’t already open, open the EndNote library into which you want to import a file of saved references.


Choose File ... Import.


Click the Choose File button to open the file you want to import. Use the “Look in” box to find the directory where your file is stored, select the file, and click “open.”


In the Import Option box, use the pull-down menu to select the database and vendor from which you saved the reference you wish to import. If you see the appropriate filter listed, choose it. If you do not, select Other Filters. When the list of filters opens, browse to identify the correct filter. Be sure to choose the correct vendor associated with your database. At UT, PsychInfo is supplied by Silverplatter, Web of Science is provided by ISI, and PubMed comes from NLM. Select the appropriate filter and click the “choose” button. If you do not see the correct filter listed, see the note at the end of this section.

Created by Flora Shrode. Updated by: Jacqueline Kracker and Margaret Mellinger 152 Hodges Library • 974-0014 • [email protected] • EndNote.doc



Look at the options in the Duplicates list, and select the one you want.


Click the Import button to import the file. A progress report will display as the records are imported. When the process is complete, the imported references will appear in the library you opened. To view all references in your file, click References ... View All.

Note: If you do not find the correct filter among those provided with your software, visit the EndNote filter download page at and browse for the correct filter. EndNote continues to add new filters. To download the filter, click the FTP link and save the file in the EndNote Filters folder. The file should have an .enf suffix. If you do not find the correct filter listed, search the web for “database name and vendor and filter.” Often an institution, such as a library, will have created a filter and made it available to download.

Copying and Pasting References into an EndNote File (If you have just imported references, you may want to skip this section.) Sometimes you may have references in a file that are not saved from a database, and you can copy and paste them into an EndNote library. 1.

Open the file containing the references in a word processor or text editor.


Copy a reference you want to move into EndNote using the Edit menu options or key commands for the word processor.


Open your EndNote library, go to the References menu, and choose New.


Put the cursor in the first field displayed (usually Author) of the new reference, and paste (from the Edit menu or using key commands) the reference into that field. The default Reference Type is journal article, but you can use the pull down menu to view and select other options.


Pasting in this manner results in the entire reference appearing in the Author field. Use cut and paste to move individual pieces of the reference into their proper fields in the End Note record. Note: Authors’ names must appear last name first followed by first name or initials. Put each author’s name on a separate line within the Author field of the record. Remove extraneous punctuation from all fields.


Close and save the record by closing the window.

Search References (Skip this section if you want to work with all the references in the library) 1.

In order to search for a subset of references in a library go to the References menu and use the Search command.


In the search window that appears, the default is to search the whole library that is open. The name of the library EndNote will search appears in the title bar of the search window.

Created by Flora Shrode. Updated by: Jacqueline Kracker and Margaret Mellinger 152 Hodges Library • 974-0014 • [email protected] • EndNote.doc


This matters when more than one library file is open because EndNote will search the active file. 3.

You can search for a word, a phrase, or part of a word. Search items may be entered in the search windows and combined using the Boolean operators, “or,” “and,” and “not.” The default search will look in all fields of the references. You can specify fields to search such as author, keyword, or year.


The resulting references will appear in the library window. In order to return to displaying all the records in the library, go to the References menu and choose Show All.


If you have imported references into one EndNote library from more than one saved file of citations, you can remove duplicates. From the References menu, choose the Find Duplicates command. EndNote compares the references and looks at author, year, title, and reference type fields to detect duplicate records. A window will appear with duplicate records displayed. If there are no duplicates, skip step #6.


Before deleting duplicates, a good way to review them to be sure they are duplicates is to go to the Edit menu, and choose Show Record Numbers.

Writing a Paper using EndNote Capabilities First, EndNote and your word processing software must recognize and be able to communicate with each other 1.

EndNote can be used with Word or WordPerfect to create citations and generate a bibliography or reference list. The following instructions are for Word. To use WordPerfect, please consult the EndNote user manual.


After installing EndNote, you must activate EndNote’s capabilities in Word. To do this, locate the add-in file ENWord32.wll in EndNote.


Copy this file into the start menu of Word. The path is likely to be Program Files\ Microsoft Office\ Office\ STARTUP


Once installed there should be several EndNote functions available through the Tools menu on Word.

Second, creating your paper in Word 1.

Begin drafting your paper. When you wish to insert a citation, go to EndNote and highlight the citation(s) you want to cite. You can go to EndNote from Word by choosing Tool s ... Go To EndNote. Once in EndNote, you can highlight more than one citation by holding down the control key and clicking on each citation you want to select.


Return to Word and select Tools ... Insert Citation(s). EndNote will insert a temporary, abbreviated citation in brackets.


Continue to write, inserting citations as necessary.


When you are finished and ready to create the reference list or bibliography, EndNote will format the citations in your text and create your reference list. You must first choose the style you are using for your paper. In EndNote, go to Files ... Output Style ... Open Style Manager. Search the list and choose the appropriate style. Return to Word and select

Created by Flora Shrode. Updated by: Jacqueline Kracker and Margaret Mellinger 152 Hodges Library • 974-0014 • [email protected] • EndNote.doc


Tools ... Format Bibliography. Once selected, this style will remain among a short list of selected styles until you de-select it. 5.

Be aware that you can unformat your bibliography by choosing Tools ... Unformat Citation(s).


Always check your citations and reference list for proper format. Hints for troubleshooting are included in the next section.

Troubleshooting Bibliography Formatting After formatting your document, check the reference list to see if citations have been properly formatted. If you find an error, you have three options for making corrections: 1.

Edit the citation in the paper. Click on the reference text and make the correction. The text may appear highlighted in gray, but you can still make changes.


Check to see if the record for this item should be edited or modified. If the information in the record is not placed in the various “fields” properly, the reference will not format properly. When this is the case, modifying the record is the best option because the correction will affect present and future applications. Select the record from your working library, make the changes, and exit – your changes will be saved when you exit the record. You must then unformat your citations in Word and reformat to incorporate the change.


Check to see if the template should be modified. If every instance of a particular type of citation (e.g., journal articles) is formatting incorrectly, you may need to modify the bibliography template for that type of citation. To do this, go to File … Output Styles … Open Style Manager … Select … Click the ‘Edit’ button … Choose Bibliography … templates from the left-hand column. Select the reference type you wish to modify. Decide whether you wish to permanently modify the existing file or if you wish to save your modifications under a new style name (of your choice). Choose either Save (for permanent modification) or Save As to designate a new style.

Printing and Exporting References You can create what EndNote refers to as an Independent bibliography. This is the time when the format, or style, for citations becomes important because it determines how the references will look when output to a printer or other file. 1.

Go to Files ... Output Style ... Open Style Manager to select a style for formatting your bibliography. Search the list and choose the appropriate style. Note that there are APA Submitted and APA Published styles.


If it’s not already open, open the EndNote library from which you want to print or export references.


Select the desired references you wish to format for printing. You may wish to go to Edit and choose Select All, or you may click on individual references. Holding the Ctrl key while clicking allows selection of references that are not listed in succession. Or you may use the search function described earlier as a way to establish a sub set of a library, then Select All the references resulting from the search.

Created by Flora Shrode. Updated by: Jacqueline Kracker and Margaret Mellinger 152 Hodges Library • 974-0014 • [email protected] • EndNote.doc



From the Edit menu, select the Copy Formatted command which copies the references to the computer’s Clipboard. Unfortunately, nothing happens to confirm that the references were copied. (You can peek at the formatted references by going to Edit and selecting Show clipboard.)


Open the word processing file (or text editor file), and use the Paste command to make the references appear. You may want to adjust formatting or font.


Use the word processing software to print the bibliography.


Alternatively, after the Copy Formatted step (#7 above), you can use EndNote’s File menu and the Print command to print references.

Exporting References You may want to export references to create files of three types: RTF for Rich Text Format maintains special features such as underlining, boldface, or italics determined by the bibliographic style. This file type can be opened in most popular word processing software packages. Saving as an RTF enables you to save the formatted references for future use in any paper you may be writing, even if you use different word processors. Text Only export results in an ASCII text file. This is useful if you want to import references into a database of another type. Special features like italicized letters will not be maintained, but the contents of the EndNote records will be intelligible to other databases or bibliographic management software. HTML for Hypertext Markup Language creates a file that can be used to post references on the World Wide Web. It retains special instructions to format the text according to the selected bibliography style, i.e., retaining boldface, underling, and italics.

Removing “Hidden Formatting” for Publication Submission The most common reason for eliminating hidden formatting is to provide a paper to a publisher without field codes so that it can easily be imported into the publisher's page layout software. To unlink fields: 1. Make a copy of your Word document. 2. With that copy of the document open, choose "Select All" and press Ctrl-6 (Windows) or Cmd-6 (Macintosh). All of the fields in that document will be unlinked (not just EndNotes -- this includes date and time stamps, cross references, etc.). If you plan to continue citing references and formatting the document, be sure to return to the original copy with the links intact when you wish to edit.

Searching Online Databases from EndNote While it is possible to search online databases directly from EndNote, this method of searching does not permit use of the full range of search features that the database interface provides. Because of this, it is best to search the database directly, save the records of interest, and import the results into EndNote. Refer to the manual for instructions on searching directly from EndNote. Created by Flora Shrode. Updated by: Jacqueline Kracker and Margaret Mellinger 152 Hodges Library • 974-0014 • [email protected] • EndNote.doc


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