Encylopedia Of Love-magick

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The Encyclopedia of Love Magic: Over 100 Spells, Charms, and Divinations

Written by Eliza Yetter [email protected] Copyright 2005. All Rights Reserved. This PDF file may not be posted on any website except for sacredspiral.com. Not for resale.

Copyright 2005, Eliza Yetter The Encyclopedia of Love Magic Page 1


Dream Magic Shoes Stockings Garters Pennies Dream Lover Dove Feather Onion Apples Salted Egg Bay Leaves Rosemary Sprig St. John’s Wort Dandelion Dream Root Pink Yarrow Honeysuckle Wreath Ivy Leaves Even Ash Leaf Sprig of Yew Dream Haunting Dream Mirror Dumb Cake Padlock and Key Four Kings

Copyright 2005, Eliza Yetter The Encyclopedia of Love Magic Page 2

Divination Candle Flame Spring and Candle Mirror and Well Who Loves Me Stone Wedding Ring Pendulum Hanging Apples Apple Seeds Apple Peel Book Divination Odds and Evens He Loves Pear Tree Even Ash Leaf Hawthorn Branch Sage Leaves Rosemary and Flour Yarrow Leaf Four-Leaf Clover Ivy Leaves Dandelion Fluff Carlins Pea Pod Hempseed Cigar Tossing a Die Handkerchief Copyright 2005, Eliza Yetter The Encyclopedia of Love Magic Page 3

Love Letter Choosing a New Lover Comb Gold Ring Acorns Walnut Shells Walnut Tree Hazel Nuts Wax Divination (Voskolitie) Three Bowls Cat Whiskers Wishbone Trail of Ashes Spells, Charms, and Rituals Full Moon Ashes Hooked Heart Matchbox Love Spell Two Red Hearts Braided Anklet Circle of Stones Candle Lighting Love Spell Two Sticks Popsicle Sticks The Faithful Wink Lemon Balm Pillow Stone with Two Names Locked in Love Copyright 2005, Eliza Yetter The Encyclopedia of Love Magic Page 4

Valerian Armpit Orange Simple Heart Spell Five pennies in a Well Bent Pennies Luck Changer Herb Bundle To Attract a Soul Mate The Daisy Sending Moth Sending Clam Shell and Candle Attract a Lover Parchment Amulet Knotted Hair Bottled Love Rose Quartz Amulet Finding a New Partner for You and Your Children Walnut Shell Boat Tree-Bound Love Names in the Sand Red Wine Chicory Root Binding the Knave of Hearts Fern Leaf Ivy Leaf Footprints To Force a Confrontation Twelve Pins Copyright 2005, Eliza Yetter The Encyclopedia of Love Magic Page 5

Love Stinks Undoing Love Spells Water Dump Two Separate Candles Appendix Gods and Goddesses of Love Superstitions Dream Dictionary Bibliography

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Dream Magic Shoes

To dream of your future lover, put a pair of your shoes inside your bedroom door with the toes of your shoes pointing in towards your room. This action will provide you with a dream showing you the next lover that will walk into your life.

Another popular bit of dream magic involving shoes requires you to place your shoes in the form of a T on your windowsill. Say:

“Hoping this night my true love to see, I’ve placed my shoes in the form of a T.”


Before going to bed on a Friday night, put your left stocking into your right stocking, and say:

“This is the blessed Friday night I put my left stocking into my right; To dream of the living and not the dead, To dream of the man that I am to wed.”

Place the stockings under your pillow when you are Copyright 2005, Eliza Yetter The Encyclopedia of Love Magic Page 7

finished saying the rhyme.


Using garters in dream divinations was once popular throughout Europe and the United States. There are numerous variations of this spell but nearly all require the girl to knot her garter nine times before going to sleep.

For this first divination, the girl must knit her left garter around her right stocking nine times. She begins by saying the rhyme below and makes a knot at each comma:

“This knot I knit, To know the thing, I know not yet, That I may see, The man that shall my husband be, How he goes, And what he wears, And what he does, All days, And years.”

Another dream divination involving garters requires the girl to tie her garters around the bedposts nine times while saying: Copyright 2005, Eliza Yetter The Encyclopedia of Love Magic Page 8

“This knot I knit, this knot I tie, To see my lover as he goes by, In his apparel and array, As he walks about in every day.”

The following dream divination does not require the girl to knit her garters. Instead, she is to pin her garters to the wall:

“I pin my garters to the wall, And put my shoes in the shape of a T, In hopes my true love for to see, Not in his apparel nor in his array, But in the clothes he wears every day. If I am his bride to be, If I am his clothes to wear, If I am his children to bear, I hope he’ll turn his face to me; But if I am not his bride to be, If I am not his clothes to wear, If I am not his children to bear, I hope he’ll turn his back to me.”

After performing any of the above garter dream divinations, the girl is to immediately get into the bed and not speak another word until waking in the morning. Copyright 2005, Eliza Yetter The Encyclopedia of Love Magic Page 9


To dream the face of your true love, gather five pennies. Place one penny under each corner of your mattress and one under the center of your mattress before going to bed.

Dream Lover

A wise woman recently confided in me that she had a dream lover that visited her nearly every night. When I asked her how she managed to conjure up a dream lover she said that she covered the top of her boxspring with a mixture of dried mugwort and dried red rose petals. After putting the mattress back upon the boxspring, she tied four gold strings, one on each leg of the bed. She replaces the dried herbs monthly and on nights when she doesn’t want any visitations she unties the gold strings.

Dove Feather

Whether you are infatuated with a movie star or a character in a book, you can create a dream image of the person or character for dreamtime romances. All you need is a dove’s feather (the bird of Venus and of lovers’ souls), a bottle of ink, a slip of white paper, and three dimes. Snip off the end point of the dove feather and use it as a quill to write the Copyright 2005, Eliza Yetter The Encyclopedia of Love Magic Page 10

person or character’s name on the paper. When dry, put the paper inside your pillowcase and place the three dimes on your windowsill. Happy dreaming!


To sleep with an onion under your pillow will enable you to dream of your future lover. The onion also drives away negative energy and will absorb recurring nightmares.


To discover whether or not you will marry the man you love, push a pin into a juicy red apple. Put the middle finger of your left hand on the head of the pin and say the man’s name. Place the apple under your pillow. When you have gotten into bed to go to sleep, clap your hands together one time and say:

“If you be he that must have me To be your wedded bride, Make no delay, Come right away, This night to my bedside.”

Another dream divination requires that you be given an apple on Halloween. Place the apple under your pillow and you Copyright 2005, Eliza Yetter The Encyclopedia of Love Magic Page 11

will dream of your future husband or wife.

Salted Egg

For those who like salty foods, one way to dream of a future lover is to remove the yolk from a hard boiled egg and put salt in its place. Eat this just before going to bed.

A similar dream divination states that you should eat the yolk, salt the white, and put the salted eggwhite under your pillow.

Bay Leaves

Gather five bay leaves on the night of a full moon. Pin a bay leaf to each of the four corners of your pillow and one bay leaf to the center of your pillow. Say:

“I now lay down to go to sleep, My dreams will show me if I keep My sweetheart, and if married we, Before the year is out, shall be.”

Rosemary Sprig

On the night before Halloween, put a sprig of rosemary and a silver coin under your pillow to dream of your future husband Copyright 2005, Eliza Yetter The Encyclopedia of Love Magic Page 12

or wife.

St. John’s Wort

On the night before Midsummer Day, gather nine yellow St. John’s Wort flowers and place them under your pillow. You will dream of the person you will marry.

Dandelion Dream Root

To dream the face of your next lover, dig up and dry a dandelion root. When completely dried, tie a red thread around the root. Keep this root in a pouch of its own and whenever you desire to see who your next lover will be, place the root under your pillow before going to sleep.

Pink Yarrow

To dream of the man you will marry, gather pink yarrow, and say:

“Yarrow, pink yarrow, the first that I have found, In the name of Love, I have plucked you from the ground. Always when I hold you, all is well and dear, And in my dreams tonight, my true love shall appear.”

Place the yarrow beneath your pillow before going to Copyright 2005, Eliza Yetter The Encyclopedia of Love Magic Page 13


Honeysuckle Wreath

To dream of your future husband, make a wreath out of honeysuckle vine and hang it above your bed.

Ivy Leaves

Should a man desire to know who his wife will be, he must pick ten ivy leaves while he is outside, preferably at midnight on a full moon, and bring them to his home. When he reaches his front door, he must toss one ivy leaf to the ground and put the rest under his pillow. This will cause him to dream of his wife-to-be.

Even Ash Leaf

To see your future husband in a dream, pluck an even ash leaf, and say:

“Even ash, even ash, I pluck thee, This night my own true love to see, Not in his rick nor in his rare, But in the clothes he does everyday wear.” Sleep with the even ash leaf beneath your pillow.

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Sprig of Yew

To dream of your future husband or wife, cut a small sprig from a yew tree that is found growing in a graveyard and place it under your pillow before going to sleep at night.

Dream Haunting

To haunt the dreams of a former lover so that he will return to you, you will need to gather three red roses on Midsummer Eve. Then on Midsummer morning you must bury one rose under a yew tree and one rose at a cemetery. The third rose needs to be placed under your pillow. Sleep with the rose under your pillow for three nights and, afterwards, burn the rose.

Images of you will then begin to haunt the dreams of your former lover until he returns to you.

Dream Mirrors

If you desire to sleep with a mirror under your pillow will provide you with a dream of your future lover. Some say that you need to first purify the mirror by washing it in salt water and then take it to your bed without it reflecting anyone’s image. One lady told me that the mirror should first catch sight of a red apple before being used.

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To dream of a specific person you must first catch his or her image in the mirror before placing it under your pillow. If you cannot get the person’s image directly, reflect his or her picture in the mirror before placing it under your pillow.

Dumb Cake

In England, girls would make a dumb cake for the purpose of discovering who would marry first and for finding out exactly who a girl’s husband would be. The dumb cake was made on the night of Halloween or on the night of the full moon. This tradition has strong roots in Paganism and lunar associations and could more accurately be named moon cake.

The dumb cake was made by combining one eggshell full of flour, one eggshell full of sugar, and a pinch of salt. This was made into a dough using spring water and patted out round. Sometimes it was baked by the fireplace and other times it was used unbaked.

To discover which girl would marry first and who the husband would be, a group of maidens would take turns making this cake between 11 pm and midnight. Each girl would then write her initials on the cake using a pin. The dumb cake was then set on a table and the girls waited in absolute silence until a few minutes after the stroke of midnight when the image of the future husband would enter the room and place his hand Copyright 2005, Eliza Yetter The Encyclopedia of Love Magic Page 16

over the initials of the girl he would marry.

Another practice using the dumb cake was to be performed by no more than three maidens. The dumb cake was made and baked. When the clock struck midnight, each of the girls would take a portion of the cake and walk backwards to bed. On their way, the girls would either see the image of their future husbands following after them or they would hear a tapping on their bedroom door. If nothing was seen or heard, that girl would not be married.

To dream of one’s future husband, a group of three girls would make and bake the dumb cake, divide it between them, and then each would eat a bit of her portion and place the rest of it under her pillow.

Padlock and Key

One way to dream of the man you will marry is to place a locked padlock beside your bed. Put the key under your pillow and say:

“Husband who will one day be, Come and ask me for the key.”

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Four Kings

To dream of your future husband, remove the four kings from a deck of cards and place them under your pillow. This same divination can be performed by men using the four queens.

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Divination Candle Flame

The candle’s flame has long been used in acts of divination to determine the outcome of many things, from marriages to business deals. Here the candle flame will be read to find out how a relationship will turn out with the person named.

Set a red candle before you and say:

“[His/Her name] is his/her name And I do want him/her so. Reveal to me, O candle flame, How the relationship will go.”

Light the candle with a match. If the candle does not want to light on the first three tries, there will be no fruitful relationship between you and the named person. If the candle does need to be relit, the relationship will be off to a rocky start. When the candle is lit, watch the flame. If the flame sputters and spits, there will be fights between you. If the flame burns blue, the relationship will quickly turn cold. If the flame is short, the relationship will turn into a business partnership. Should the flame dance about merrily, the relationship will be a happy one. Finally, if the flame burns Copyright 2005, Eliza Yetter The Encyclopedia of Love Magic Page 19

tall and strong then you have found your soul mate.

Spring and Candle

An old Halloween night tradition states that if a woman peers into the water coming out of a natural spring while holding a candle aloft, she will see the reflection of her future husband.

Mirror and Well

For a woman to see the image of her future lover she must walk backwards around a well two times, hold a mirror over the well, and then look into the mirror to see his reflection

Who Loves Me Stone

Since ancient times stones have been used for divinatory purposes. For this divination you will need one small stone. It must be flat on both sides like a skipping stone.

When you find a flat-sided stone, rub some of your spittle onto it and then put the stone under your pillow. For three nights you must sleep with it under your pillow. Keep notes on who shows up in your dreams as the stone may already be trying to reveal who loves you.

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After this period of sleeping with the stone, remove it from under your pillow. Mark one side of the stone with a circle for “yes” and mark a line on the opposite side for “no.” This can be done with paint, nail polish, or permanent marker.

To use, shake the stone in your cupped hands and say:

“Who loves me? Is it [name]?”

Let the stone drop onto a table or floor. The symbol that is facing upwards is your answer.

This stone can also be used for answering other yes or no questions and should be kept in a pouch or wrapped in cloth for safe keeping.

Wedding Ring Pendulum

To discover the initials of the man you will marry, you must first borrow a friend’s or relative’s wedding ring. Tie a white thread onto the ring and then suspend it over a wine glass that is half-filled with spring water. Begin to slowly recite the alphabet until the ring hits the glass two times rapidly. The letter that it raps twice on is the initial of his first name. Repeat to find the initial of his last name.

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Hanging Apples

This divination is a Halloween game played by a

group of

young people to discover who will marry first, next, or not at all.

Each person hangs an apple on string in front of a fire. The apples are twirled around and the person whose apple falls first will marry first. The rest of the apples will fall in the order of who will be married next. Should someone’s apple not fall, that person will die unwed.

Apple Seeds

To discover if you will soon marry, cut open an apple and count the seeds. An even number of seeds means that you will be married shortly.

To discover which man you should marry, stick apple seeds on your cheek, naming each one after a man of your choice. The apple seed that sticks to your cheek the longest is the best man to marry.

An apple seed can also be placed on a fire, with the words:

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“If you love me, bounce and fly. If you hate me, lie and die.”

Should the seed pop or burst, your lover is true to you. If the seed does nothing, it is time to seek a new lover.

Apple Peel

Peel an apple in one long strip. Throw the peel over your left shoulder. Examine the apple peel after it has landed on the ground. You will be able to see the initials of your future wife or husband in the shapes of the peel.

Book Divination

This form of divination is quick and easy to perform. All you need is a book. For matters of love, you should select a book of love poems or sonnets.

Picture in your mind the woman or man that you are enamored with and then open the book to a random page. Let your pointer finger select a passage and read it. The passage will tell you something about the person you were thinking of.

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Odds and Evens

This divination also involves the use of a book and is performed to find your perfect match.

Stand before a bookcase with your eyes closed. Think of the person you are interested in and then reach out and pull a book off the bookshelf. Look at the last page number of the book and add the numbers together. For example, if the last numbered page of the book is 264, you would add the numbers 2+6+4. If the answer is an even number then you and the person you were thinking of are a match.

He Loves

This very old love divination turned nursery rhyme can be performed by gathering a handful of pennies and letting them drop onto the ground. Count the number of pennies that are heads up using the following old nursery and divination rhyme:

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“One, he loves. Two, he loves. Three, he loves, they say. Four, he loves with all his heart. Five, he casts away. Six, he loves. Seven, she loves. Eight, they both love. Nine, he comes. Ten, he tarries. Eleven, he courts. Twelve, he marries.”

If there are more than twelve heads-up pennies, begin the rhyme from the beginning and continue until they are all counted.

Pear Tree

Walk backwards nine times around a pear tree on Yule night to see the image of your future spouse.

Even Ash Leaf

If a girl wishes to meet the man she will marry, she must pluck an even ash leaf from a tree, and say:

“Even, even, ash, I pluck you off the tree. The first young man I meet, My lover he shall be.” Copyright 2005, Eliza Yetter The Encyclopedia of Love Magic Page 25

She must then put the leaf inside her left shoe and she will marry the first man she meets that day.

Hawthorn Branch

On the eve of May Day, hang a flowering hawthorn branch from a sign post at a crossroads. Leave the branch to hang there overnight. In the morning, check to see which way the wind has blown the branch and from that direction your husband or wife will come. If the branch has altogether blown away, you will not marry.

Sage Leaves

Another way to see the image of the person you will marry is to pick twelve sage leaves on the night of the new moon and then toss them out in front of yourself. An image will appear in the darkness before you.

Rosemary and Flour

To discover the initials of your husband-to-be, put a plate of flour under a rosemary bush on the night before Midsummer. In the morning you will discover the initials of your future husband traced in the flour.

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Yarrow Leaf

A form of love divination performed by East Anglian girls required them to put a yarrow leaf up one of their nostrils and gently move it about, while saying:

“Yarroway, yarroway, bear a white blow. If my love loves me, my nose will bleed now. If my love don’t love me, it won’t bleed a drop. If my love do love me, ‘twill bleed every drop.”

Four-Leaf Clover

When you find a four-leaf clover, put it in your right shoe. The first man you meet will be your husband or he will bear the first name of the man you will marry.

Ivy Leaves

Pick an ivy leaf and put it in your left pocket. You will marry the first man you meet thereafter, even if he is currently married.

On the night of Halloween, gather a pointed ivy leaf to represent a man and a rounded ivy leaf to represent a woman. Name the ivy leaves and throw them into a fire at the same time. If the ivy leaves jump together, the two people named Copyright 2005, Eliza Yetter The Encyclopedia of Love Magic Page 27

will marry. If the ivy leaves jump apart, the two people will quarrel and part.

Dandelion Fluff

To find out how many years until they will be married, young girls pick a dandelion that has gone to seed and blow on it. The number of times it takes to blow off all the seeds will be the number of years until marriage.


Carlins (grey peas) were used for marriage divinations among groups of people in Northumberland. Carlins were prepared with an added odd bean. When served, the person who received the odd bean among his or her carlins would be the first in the group to marry.

In another group marriage divination, the carlins were dished out to all who were present until there was only a spoonful of the peas remaining in the bowl. Each person would then take a turn removing one pea at a time from the bowl. The person who got the last pea would be the one who would marry first.

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Pea Pod

Should a maiden place a pod containing nine peas on the lintel outside her front door, the first man to enter through the door would be her husband.


One popular marriage divination required a girl to sow hempseed over her left shoulder at midnight on Halloween. While doing this, she would say:

“Hempseed I sow. Hempseed, grow. He that is to marry me, Come after me and mow.”

The image of her future husband would then appear behind her. If no image appeared, she would not marry that year. However, if she saw an image of a coffin behind her it meant that she would die young and unwed.

Since it is no longer possible to sow hempseed in one’s garden, grass seed has been used in its place.

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Most of us have heard that stepping on a crack in the sidewalk will “break your mother’s back,” but did you know that if a woman unintentionally steps on a discarded cigar end she will marry the next man she sees? That is, at least, how the superstition goes in Salem, Massachusetts.

Tossing a Die

Discover what type of person you will marry by rolling a die.

One - You will marry someone who will become famous. Two - Your spouse will be a foreigner. Three - You will marry a thief. Four - You will marry a politician. Five - You will marry a person in the military. Six - You will marry into wealth.


On the eve of May Day, lay your handkerchief on a bush and retrieve it the next morning. The initials of your future spouse will be written in dew upon it.

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Love Letter

Take a love letter that was written to you and light it at the fireplace. If the love letter burns bright and clean then the love is true. If the love letter doesn’t want to stay lit, the love affair will soon be over. Should the flame burn blue and short, it is best that you find another.

Choosing a New Lover

On the night of the new moon, go outside or open your bedroom window so that you can see the moonsliver. Hold up a mirror and angle it so that you can see the new moon reflected in it. Say:

“Moon, moon, show to me Who my next lover will be.”

Stare into the mirror and the face of your next lover should appear. If nothing happens, place the mirror under your pillow and your new lover will appear in your dreams.

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I remember performing this bit of mirror magic when I was about fourteen years of age. My mom and I lived together in a stone farmhouse built in the early 1800’s and the place was always harboring haunts. On Halloween night I stood in front of my mirror and began combing my hair. No sooner had I started than did an image begin to materialize behind me. I let out a yelp, the comb flew through the air, and I high-tailed it downstairs to where my mom was sitting. You’ve been warned.

To see your future spouse, sit or stand in front of a mirror on Halloween night and comb your hair. The image of the person you will marry will be seen standing behind you.

Gold Ring

More frightening than the one above, this divinatory custom was commonly performed in Siberia. A girl would go into the cellar right before midnight. At the stroke of twelve, she would look through a gold ring and into a mirror to see the face of her husband-to-be who would be standing behind her.


Gather two acorns. Give the one acorn your name and the other acorn the name of your lover. Drop both the acorns into a Copyright 2005, Eliza Yetter The Encyclopedia of Love Magic Page 32

bowl of water. If the acorns float next to each other then marriage is certain. If one of the acorns sink the person it is named after will soon die.

Walnut Shells

This was performed by girls in Russia to see who would marry first, next, and not at all.

Each girl puts a candle bit into a walnut shell, lights the candle, and sets the walnut shell to float into a bowl of water. The girl whose candle goes out first will marry first, and so on. Should any walnut shell sink, that girl will not marry.

Walnut shells are quite often used in spells and divinations. It’s surprising that no candle makers sell walnut shell candles for these purposes.

Walnut Tree

For a young man wishing to discover who his true love will be he must walk around a walnut tree three times while saying:

“Let she that is my love to be Pick the walnuts from this tree.”

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Looking up into the tree, the young man will see the image of his true love.

Hazel Nuts

To know if you and your lover are destined to be happy in marriage, name two hazel nuts and then set them side by side in a fire. If the nuts burst apart, it is a bad omen. However, if the hazel nuts burn side by side quietly, the marriage will be a good one.

Wax Divination (Voskolitie)

This was practiced in Russia by maidens who wished to discover something about their future, especially about the husband they would marry. A candle would be lit and allowed to burn for some time before it was midnight. At the stroke of midnight the melted candle wax would be poured into a bowl of spring water. From this they would divine their future.

Some shapes and their meanings are:

Bird - You will marry into wealth. Cat - You will be a spinster. Coffin - Death or widowhood. Cross - A hard life awaits you. Crown - Marriage. Copyright 2005, Eliza Yetter The Encyclopedia of Love Magic Page 34

Flower - A friend will soon marry. Heart - True love will strike you fast. Ship with Sails - You will marry far away from home. Wolf - Danger lurks nearby.

Three Bowls

This is a Halloween game played by girls to discover what sort of man they will marry.

Three bowls are set on a table: one filled with water, one with mud, and the other is empty. The girl whose turn it is is blindfolded and led to the table to choose a bowl. The bowl filled with water means a good and honest husband, the one filled with mud means a husband who will come to no good, and the empty bowl means there will be no husband.

This divination game can easily be elaborated upon by adding a bowl of sugar for a sweet husband, a bowl of salt for a soul mate, etc.

Cat Whiskers

On Halloween night, go to a spot where your cat sleeps and search the area for discarded whiskers. If you find one whisker, you will not be married within the next three years. If you find two whiskers, you will marry your soul mate. You Copyright 2005, Eliza Yetter The Encyclopedia of Love Magic Page 35

will marry but soon divorce should you find only three whiskers. Find four whiskers and you will marry and bear a child within a year’s time.


On New Year’s Eve take a clean, unbroken wishbone and drill a small hole through the flat part at the top. Place the wishbone on your nose like a pair of glasses and pass a thread through the drilled hole. The amount of times you fail to pass the thread through the hole is the number of years until you marry.

Trail of Ashes

A young man desiring to know his future wife should lay a trail of wood ash to his home on the night of Halloween. The woman who follows this trail will one day be his bride.

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Spells, Charms, and Rituals Full Moon Ashes

Take the ashes from a fire that burned on the night of a full moon and sprinkle them in a clockwise circle around a red rose bush while saying:

“Circle round The merry-wise. Love is crowned, Not otherwise.”

Pluck two petals from one of the rose blooms and put one petal in each shoe to draw love to you.

Hooked Heart

To hook a lover, form a heart out of softened beeswax. Scratch the initials of the one you love onto the heart. Very carefully, push a fish hook through the heart. Put the hooked heart into a small bottle and bury it in a safe and secluded place away from your home.

This spell first came to me by word of mouth. The teller assured me of its use in early America. Originally, the hooked heart was suspended from a tree. Knowing full well of the Copyright 2005, Eliza Yetter The Encyclopedia of Love Magic Page 37

dangers of carelessly discarded fish hooks, I altered the spell to place the hooked heart safely inside a bottle.

Matchbox Love Spell

This is one of the more involved love spells in this section. It also has a very high success rate if performed without interruptions and with strong focus of will.

Gather together: small red votive candle one match one small, empty matchbox pin white slip of paper red ink pen or marker penny white string


With the pin in your writing hand and the candle in your other hand, say: “I prick [his/her name] heart with these words.”

Using the pin, write on the candle: [His/Her name] loves [your name]. Copyright 2005, Eliza Yetter The Encyclopedia of Love Magic Page 38

Set the pin and candle down. Pick up the match and empty matchbox. Strike the match and say: “[His/Her name] feels his/her desire burning for me.”

Light the candle.

While the candle is burning, write your name and his/her name on the slip of white paper, using red ink. Draw a heart around both of your names together. Fold the paper in half and then in half again and place this inside the matchbox.

Place the penny inside the matchbox and say: “Venus, witness my act and make [his/her name] want me.”

Allow the votive candle to continue burning. When there is enough spilled wax or soft wax from the candle, take a small amount of it and form it into a heart. Place this into the matchbox.

Take the white string and begin tying it around the matchbox just as you would a package. While doing this, say: “I bind [his/her name] love to me. I am now in [his/her name] thoughts. [His/Her name] desires me.”

Allow the candle to burn itself out, if it has not done so already. Copyright 2005, Eliza Yetter The Encyclopedia of Love Magic Page 39

Place the matchbox in a safe place.

Spell is done.

Two Red Hearts

A friend of mine was interested in a certain man and wanted to perform a simple love spell that would bring them together. But, she warned me, the spell would have to be easily undone in case something went “wrong.” The following spell is what I had her perform.

Cut two red hearts out of construction paper. Write your name on one heart and his name on the other. Bind these two hearts together, names facing in towards each other, with a safety pin. Place these inside an envelope and seal. Keep in a safe place.

Should the need arise to undo the spell, rip open the envelope and remove the hearts. Open the safety pin, separate the hearts, and say:

“First bound, Now undone. To separate paths, We have come.” Copyright 2005, Eliza Yetter The Encyclopedia of Love Magic Page 40

Burn each heart, separately, to ashes and then release the ashes to the wind.

Braided Anklet

To bind his love to you, you will need a yard each of dark red, off-white, and black embroidery string.

Knot the three strings together while visualizing the person you desire and chanting:

“The love I make. The time has come.”

Continue visualizing and chanting until the entire length is braided. Knot the end.

Wear this braid wrapped around your left ankle.

Circle of Stones

To bring yourself and another together in love you will first need to gather a pile of small stones. You will also need a piece of charcoal for writing and a small, private clearing in the woods, in a field, or in your garden where it will not be noticed or disturbed. Copyright 2005, Eliza Yetter The Encyclopedia of Love Magic Page 41

From your pile of stones, select a stone to represent yourself and write your initials onto it with the charcoal. Select another stone to represent the person you desire and write his or her initials onto it with the charcoal.

Place these two stones beside each other in the center of the small clearing. Next, create a stone circle around the two stones and while doing so, say:

“Circle stones all around, Where two lovers have been found. In perfect peace of nature’s sound, Here the lovers have been bound.”

Leave the stones as they are and return to your daily life.

Candle Lighting Love Spell

This spell takes time to perform. Begin by gathering together the following:

5 small votive candles, 4 red and 1 white small photo of the person you desire matches compass Copyright 2005, Eliza Yetter The Encyclopedia of Love Magic Page 42

envelope small bowl of sand

The photo used in this spell will get covered in wax. To avoid ruining the photo you can make a photocopy of it. Use the photocopied picture in place of the original.


Using the compass, set each red candle at the four points: North, East, South, West.

Place the white candle in the center of the four red candles.

You should be standing at the South candle, facing North.

Place the photo in the center, below the white candle (South).

Keep a small bowl of sand beside you to put out the matches.

Light the North candle and say: “I call to [his/her name]. You are beginning to think about me.”

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Put out the match in the bowl of sand. Wait a few moments while the candle burns. When some of the wax has melted, lift it up and pour some of the wax onto the photo.

Light the candle in the East and say: “[His/Her name], you are now becoming curious about me and you want to become acquainted with me.”

Put out the match in the bowl of sand. Wait a few moments and then pour the wax onto the photo.

Light the candle in the South and say: “[His/Her name], you feel the heat and desire burning inside of you.”

Put out the match in the bowl of sand. Wait a few moments and then pour the wax onto the photo.

Light the candle in the West and say: “[His/Her name], you now realize that you are in love with me.”

Put out the match in the bowl of sand. Wait a few moments and then pour the wax onto the photo.

Light the candle in the center and say: “[His/Her name], I am now at the center of your Copyright 2005, Eliza Yetter The Encyclopedia of Love Magic Page 44


Put out the match in the bowl of sand. Wait a few moments and then pour the wax onto the photo.

Allow the candles to burn themselves out.

Once all the candles are out, take the photo and place it inside the envelope.

Seal the envelope and say: “[His/Her name] is now mine.”

Place the envelope in a safe place and do not open it unless you want the spell to be broken.

Two Sticks

Among many people in ancient times a popular love binding was performed using two sticks and some string. Each stick was named for a person. For example, one stick would be given your name and you would announce, “This is [your name].” The other stick would be given the name of the person you want bound to you, “This is [his/her name].” The two sticks were then bound tightly together and placed safely inside the house or sometimes in a hidden place in the woods.

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The sticks that were used came from trees that symbolized love or masculine/feminine energies. For love, use sticks from an apple tree. For feminine energy, use a willow stick. For masculine energy, a stick from an oak tree should be used. Holly (feminine) and oak (masculine) can also be combined.

Popsicle Sticks

This is a modern version of the Two Sticks love spell. You will need two wood popsicle sticks, a red marker, glue, and a red scarf or piece of fabric.

On one popsicle stick write your name and on the other write the name of the person you love. Glue the sticks on top of each other, names facing inward. Say:

“Together two turns to one. I the moon and you the sun, Eclipsed within eternity’s run.”

When the glue is completely dry, wrap the popsicle sticks in a red scarf or piece of fabric and keep in a safe, hidden place.

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The Faithful Wink

To ensure your lover’s faithfulness and love, wink at the largest star in the night’s sky before you go to bed.

Lemon Balm Pillow

Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) was used in the Middle Ages as a love charm. The herb is also dedicated to the goddess Diana, Queen of Witches.

To attract the love of a man, sew dried lemon balm into a small pillow using red, pink, or white fabric. Be creative by sewing a heart pillow to attract sexual love, a circle pillow to attract well-rounded love, or a square pillow to attract a love that is down to earth.

Say over it:

“Draw his heart Into mine To dwell And entwine.”

Keep your lemon balm pillow with you wherever you go until the man that you are seeking comes to you.

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Stone with Two Names

Take a red permanent marker with you to a pond. Walk one time around the pond widdershins and find a stone with a smooth side that is large enough to write two names or sets of initials upon it. Once you have completed your widdershins walk, turn around and, still holding onto the stone, walk around the pond clockwise one time. When finished, write your name or initials and those of the one you desire onto the stone with the marker. Throw the stone into the center of the pond and then leave the area.

Locked in Love

Long ago, small locks were used in many successful love spells. They have since been deemed as dangerous and are ignored in most modern books of witchcraft.

For this spell, gather together: small lock, the kind with a key and NOT a combination small red candle


Before you are to see the person you desire, open the lock. Place the open lock in your pocket and the key in another pocket. Copyright 2005, Eliza Yetter The Encyclopedia of Love Magic Page 48

When you see the person you desire from a short distance, place your hand inside your pocket and while you are looking at him/her, snap the lock shut.

Upon returning to your home, remove both the key and the lock from your pockets.

Light the small red candle and say: “Now I have locked [his/her name] heart. This candle burns with his/her desire for me.”

Allow the candle to burn for a short while and then tip the red hot wax into the keyhole and say: “[His/Her name] love is sealed.”

Pick up the key for the lock and say: “I hold the key to [his/her name] love. And he/she is mine for as long as the lock is sealed.”

Place the lock in a safe place.

Keep the key worn either around your neck or on your keychain.

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The woman who discretely tucks a sprig of valerian into her bra will attract the attention of men.

Armpit Orange

There are a great number of love spells and charms throughout history that make use of an orange, but the most amusing spell comes from Norfolk.

A young man desiring the love of a certain girl would prick the pits on the skin of an orange and afterwards sleep with it under his armpit. The next day he would give the orange to the girl. If she ate the orange, she would fall madly in love with the young man.

Simple Heart Spell

The heart is a symbol of sexual love. Like the circle, it is also a binding symbol and it is most often used to hold the names of two lovers. In other words, it binds two people together in sexual love.

Many young people practice this form of magic without realizing that they are performing a binding spell. This lack of awareness is why their doodles don’t take on greater meaning Copyright 2005, Eliza Yetter The Encyclopedia of Love Magic Page 50

and don’t work in the realm of magic.

To bring the heart symbol into action, you will need: white slip of paper red ink pen or marker

In red ink, write your name on the slip of paper. Below your name, write the person’s name whom you are attracted to. Draw a heart surrounding both of your names while saying:

“Together you and I are bound As this pen/marker travels round.”

Hold this slip of paper in your hands and visualize yourself and the other person together in a loving embrace. Fold the paper in half and then in half again. Keep it in a safe place.

Five Pennies in a Well

If you live near an old well then this love attraction spell may be perfect for you.

Take five copper pennies to the wishing well. Drop the first penny in and say: “One for Venus.”

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Drop the second penny in the well and say: “One for Spirit.”

Drop the third penny in and say: “One for life.”

Drop the fourth penny in and say: “One for joy.”

Drop the fifth and final penny into the well and say: “And one for love to come to me.”

When finished, search around the well for a white pebble. When you find it, keep the pebble on your person until love finds you.

Bent Pennies

Wise women used to sell a popular love charm containing a bent penny and a chunk of red wax tied into a cloth.

These days one might alter this charm using a penny with one’s birth year on it and a bit of red wax shaped into a heart. These two items can then be tied into a white cloth with red string and carried in pocket or purse to attract love.

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Luck Changer

To change your luck in love, wear your socks inside out and put a leaf from the lovage plant (Levisticum officinale) inside each shoe.

Herb Bundle

To draw love into your life, gather one sprig of each: rosemary, lavender, thyme, and whole bay leaf. Bundle these four herbs together with natural twine.

Next, toss this herb bundle into the fireplace at night and, as it burns, say:

“Smoke rises into the night, Beckoning a mate for me; Seek far and near, on steady path, And draw her/him gently to me.”

Take a moment to close your eyes and visualize tendrils of smoke travelling through the air to find a love for you.

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To Attract a Soul Mate

For this spell you will need: sticks from an apple tree string, red and white glue outdoor evergreen tree

To begin you will need to make a small ladder from the apple tree sticks you have gathered. Two sticks should both be about six inches in length. These will be the sides of the ladder. For the rungs, you will need four thin sticks that are about two inches in length. Glue the rungs onto the side sticks and allow to dry completely before proceeding.

When dry, take a short length of red string. Knot it three times around the bottom rung of the ladder while saying: “To find, to secure, and to love.”

Take a short length of white string and knot it three times around the top rung of the ladder while saying: “To unite, to seek higher, and to gain wholeness.”

Take this miniature ladder to an evergreen tree and set it on the ground and against the trunk of the tree with the white knotted rung upwards.

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The Daisy Sending

To send out a calling for love you will need one white daisy and a nearby stream.

Standing by the side of the stream, pluck a petal from the daisy and drop it into the running water. Say: “Love come simply.”

Pluck a second petal, drop it into the water, and say: “Ever gently.”

Pluck a third petal, drop it into the water, and say: “Ever closer.”

Pluck a fourth petal, drop it into the water, and say: “Endearingly.”

Pluck a fifth petal, drop it into the water, and say: “Entering my life.”

Set down what remains of the daisy beside the stream, and say: “Spell is done. True love will come.”

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Moth Sending

Luna is the Queen of the Night and the winged night creatures are her messengers. To find love, go outdoors upon the full moon and gently catch a moth. While it is within your cupped hands, say softly to it:

“On whispered wings And dancing flight, Seek my true love Upon this night.”

Release the moth and return indoors.

Clam Shell and Candle

The purpose of this spell is to attract the affections of the person you love by calling upon the aid of Eros/Cupid.

You will need a medium to large clam shell (an oyster shell will do), sand, and a small red votive candle.

Fill the clam shell with some sand. On the red votive candle inscribe the following using a pin: “[Her/His name] awaken to me As love is sent to thee.”

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Set the candle in the clam shell, making sure that it is pressed down into the sand. Light the candle with a match, and say: “Eros, son of the Goddess of Love, Hear my plea from the clouds above And send [her/his name] a swift and accurate dart So that love may pierce her/his longed-for heart.”

Allow the candle to burn itself out and on the following day, bury the shell and candle remains outside your home or in some private place where it will not be disturbed.

Attract a Lover Parchment Amulet

Parchment is stronger than paper and has been used for centuries to create personal talismans and amulets. Many craft and office stores carry it as well as a number of occult stores.

For this amulet you will need a piece of parchment that is 2 inches by 2 inches, black ink for attraction (black absorbs heat and is the combination of all colors), and red thread for sexual energy.

If you are seeking a heterosexual affair then draw an ankh in the center of the parchment. The ankh represents the masculine and feminine sexual energies as joined together. Copyright 2005, Eliza Yetter The Encyclopedia of Love Magic Page 57

For a woman seeking a female lover, draw an almond shape in the center. The almond is an ancient yoni symbol and also forms part of the body of the fish which was a symbol of the Goddess long before it was adopted by Christianity to symbolize Christ.

For a man seeking a male lover, draw a triangle pointed upwards. The upright triangle has long been used as a symbol of the masculine energies and erect phallus.

On the upper right and lower left corners, draw a heart. On the upper left corner write the number 5. On the lower right corner write the number 3.

Tightly roll up the parchment and wrap the red thread around it 9 times and then knot it twice (square knot).

Keep this rolled parchment on your person whenever you desire to attract a lover.

Knotted Hair

Hair has long been believed to hold a person’s power. This is why there are numerous superstitions involving the cutting and disposal of hair. No one wanted an enemy to get a hold of a lock of their hair because of the harm that could be done to Copyright 2005, Eliza Yetter The Encyclopedia of Love Magic Page 58


For this spell both you and the one you desire must have some length of hair. You will need one hair from your head and a hair from the other’s head. Hold the two strands of hair together and knot them nine times, saying:

“This is for the love I bear, Knotted in two strands of hair. Twisted, tangled, woven through, Turning into one from two.”

Place the knotted hair strands in an envelope, seal shut, and keep in a safe place.

Bottled Love

As mentioned previously, hair is considered to hold a person’s power and, according to some superstitions, the essence or spirit of the person it comes from.

This old love binding spell requires hair from the person you desire and can be gathered from her or his hairbrush.

First you will need to cut two hearts from red felt. Sew the hearts together with white thread. Leave an opening and stuff the heart with the person’s hair. Sew the heart closed. Copyright 2005, Eliza Yetter The Encyclopedia of Love Magic Page 59

Next, stuff the heart into a glass bottle. Close the bottle with a cap or cork and then seal it further with wax from a white candle.

You will need to keep this bottle safe and hidden. Should the bottle ever break or if it ever be seen by another person then the binding will come undone.

Rose Quartz Amulet

Rose quartz is commonly worn to attract love. For this charm you will need a necklace with a rose quartz bead(s). Some craft stores carry crystal beads. Those that do oftentimes have heart-shaped rose quartz beads that can be used to make your own necklace.

Charge your necklace on the night of the new moon by rubbing some of your spittle onto the rose quartz and saying:

“Now the moon begins to grow From nothingness to full round face. My siren’s song begins to flow And draws true love to here, my place.”

Leave the necklace on your bedroom windowsill for the night and begin wearing it the next day. Copyright 2005, Eliza Yetter The Encyclopedia of Love Magic Page 60

Finding a New Partner for You and Your Children

This simple bit of food magic can be performed by either a spouseless mother or father whose children also desire a new member of the family.

Begin by hard boiling any number of eggs. Light a cinnamon candle to represent love, home, and comfort, and then prepare to paint the eggs as though it were Easter.

Get the children involved and ask them to help paint the eggs, showing what they would like in a new father or mother. Some ideas are pink hearts for love, yellow suns for happiness, blue eggs for peace and healing, and purple flowers for magic to bloom. When finished, chill the eggs for eating.

Walnut Shell Boat

This is a simple spell for those that live near a stream or lake and wish to find their soul mate.

First you will need half of a walnut shell. In a bowl of water, make sure that the walnut shell floats and has no holes or cracks in it. If it floats properly, remove it from the water and dry it off.

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Clean out the inside of the shell as best as you are able and paint a red heart in it. Paint three white circles around the red heart. Allow this to dry.

On a bright and sunny day, take the walnut boat that you’ve made and go to a stream or river. Wade into the water, if possible, and set the walnut shell afloat. As it floats away, say the following either out loud or quietly to yourself:

“Carry my hope to yonder, To tell to those that hear. A soul mate, a soul mate; Bring him/her to me here.

Tree-Bound Love

In Germany a young man would choose a healthy tree to represent himself, marking it with his spittle, blood, or semen. He would then place three hairs of his love into a crack in the tree so that they would remain in love for as long as the tree lived.

Names in the Sand

A very ancient, but still widely practiced, love spell requires the use of the

middle finger on your left hand and an

empty beach at low tide. Copyright 2005, Eliza Yetter The Encyclopedia of Love Magic Page 62

Go to the waterline and write your name and the name of your love in the sand using the middle finger of your left hand. As the waves come in they will carry your desire with them and stir it into action.

Long ago, the middle finger was believed to be the finger of love and married women would wear a ring on their middle finger to show that their love was bound to that of their husbands’.

Red Wine

It was a British superstition that claimed that if a woman consumed a drink that contained a drop of blood from a man’s left hand pinky, she would fall madly in love with him. In today’s world, we know that blood can carry diseases, some of which are deadly. There are plenty of safe substitutes for blood, such as salt water or red fruit juice. In the spell below, used by at least one man I know, red wine is used to attract the affections of another person. The following is what he does.

Invite the person you are interested in over for dinner and purchase a bottle of red wine for the occasion. Shortly before s/he is due to arrive, tap the top of the wine bottle with your left hand pinky nine times. Raise the bottle with your right hand and repeat the tapping on the bottom of the Copyright 2005, Eliza Yetter The Encyclopedia of Love Magic Page 63

bottle. Set the bottle down and turn it three times to the left and finally six times to the right.

After my friend does this little routine he usually goes through and gives a last tidying to the place until his guest arrives.

Chicory Root

If you feel that you are unlucky in love, keep a dried chicory root in your pocket the next time you ask someone out or go on a date. Chicory root is a luck bringer and removes obstacles. Tie a length of red thread on it to keep as a lovedrawing amulet.

Binding the Knave of Hearts

This spell uses a nursery rhyme, The Queen of Hearts, to bind a wayward lover.

You will need three cards from a regular deck of playing cards: Queen of Hearts, King of Hearts, and the Jack (Knave) of Hearts.

You will also need a paper clip or, if you are married to an unfaithful Knave, a needle and thread.

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Lay down the Queen of Hearts face up, and say:

“The Queen of Hearts She made some tarts, All on a summer’s day.”

Lay the Jack (Knave) of Hearts face down on the Queen, and say:

“The Knave of Hearts He stole those tarts, And took them clean away.”

Lay the King of Hearts face down on top of the Jack card, and say:

“The King of Hearts Called for the tarts, And beat the Knave full sore.”

Place your right hand on top of the cards. Say:

“The Knave of Hearts Brought back the tarts, And vowed he’d steal no more.”

If you are not married to the unfaithful Knave or if you Copyright 2005, Eliza Yetter The Encyclopedia of Love Magic Page 65

are just newly wed, paper clip the three cards together and place them under his side of the mattress.

If you have been married to the Knave for some time, sew the three card together with needle and thread and then place them under his side of the mattress.

Fern Leaf

If you feel that your lover is losing interest in you, pick some fern and place it between the pages of one of her or his books. This will fan the flame of love once more.

Ivy Leaf

Perform this very popular love spell by plucking an ivy leaf and saying:

“Ivy, ivy, I love you. In my bosom I place you. The first young man that speaks to me, My future husband he shall be.”

If you approve of the first man who speaks to you, plant the ivy leaf in a pot and nurture it in your home.

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Another popular love spell requires you to gather the dirt from the footprints of the person you love. Place the dirt in a pot and sow calendula seeds in it. As the seeds grow so will his love and faithfulness for you grow.

To Force a Confrontation

When a confrontation is needed with someone who is nowhere to be found, boil a strand of his hair in water to bring him to you.

Twelve Pins

Another way to call back a faithless lover is to throw twelve pins into a fire and say:

“It’s not these pins I wish to burn, But [name]’s heart I wish to turn. He will neither sleep nor rest Until he has granted my one request.”

Love Stinks

Have an unwanted suitor? Write his or her name on a slip of paper and place it in a dirty, smelly sock. He or she won’t Copyright 2005, Eliza Yetter The Encyclopedia of Love Magic Page 67

be able to get away from you fast enough!

Undoing Love Spells

Most of the love spells provided in this section can be undone simply by destroying the items that you had placed in safety. If you feel that this is not enough, perform one of the following spells.

Water Dump

On a night of the waning moon, take a bowl of water outside, if possible, and begin stirring it widdershins with your pointer finger. Say:

“The love that was made Must now come undone. We part on our ways Upon the rising of the sun.”

Toss the water onto the ground and return indoors or pour the water down a drain.

Two Separate Candles

For this undoing spell you will need two separate white votive candles. On one candle, write your name and on the other Copyright 2005, Eliza Yetter The Encyclopedia of Love Magic Page 68

candle write the name of the person you wish to part from. Set these candles up on opposite ends of a table.

Light your candle and say: “Here I stand alone, ready to move on.”

Light the other candle and say: “Here you stand alone, ready to move on.”

Allow both candles to burn down and out. Dispose of the wax in separate bags.

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Gods and Goddesses of Love

Absusu: Sumerian goddess of promiscuity. Angus: Gaelic god of love. Aphrodite: Greek goddess of love and beauty. Astarte: Phoenician goddess of sexual love and fertility. Cupid: Roman god of love. Eros: Greek god of love. Frey: Teutonic god of love, peace, and prosperity. Freya: Norse goddess of beauty and love. Frigga: Norse goddess presiding over marriage. Hathor: Egyptian goddess of love and bodily pleasures. Hebe: Greek goddess capable of restoring youth and beauty. Hymen: Greek god of marriage. Ishtar: Babylonian goddess of sexuality and desire. Kama: Hindu god of love and pleasure. Kotus: Thracian goddess of sexuality. Lilith: Goddess of sexual freedom. Venus: Roman goddess of beauty and love. Voluptas: Roman goddess of desire.

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* A man who wipes his hands on a maiden’s apron will soon marry her. * Sneezing two times in a row foretells a kiss. * If your finger joint cracks when it is pulled, someone loves you. * To accidently put on a piece of clothing inside out means that you will have luck in matters of love on that day. * A flea bite on the hand foretells a kiss. * It is unlucky to gift your lover with a pair of shoes. * Finding a cobweb on the door to your house means that your lover is seeing another person. * Sharing a towel with your lover will bring the affair to an end. * Put three sunflower seeds down the back of your shirt and you will marry the next person you meet. * If a hairpin falls from your hair, you will lose your lover. * You are jealous if your left knee itches. * Emeralds bring the wearer success in matters of love. * Offer a man a sprig of basil and, if he takes it from your hand, he will be faithful to you. * When your shoelaces come undone, it is a sure sign that someone loves you is thinking of you. * An overly hairy woman is not only a witch, she is also an unfaithful wife. * A ringing in one ear means someone is talking about you: Copyright 2005, Eliza Yetter The Encyclopedia of Love Magic Page 71

“Left your lover, Right your mother.” * Itching lips will soon be kissed. * To stumble while going up the stairs foretells a wedding. * Should a woman’s left eye twitch it is a sign of good fortune. If her right eye twitch, bad luck. For a man the opposite holds true. * Should three white lights appear before a maiden it means that she will soon be married. * When sewing yourself a dress, pricking your finger or breaking the needle foretells a kiss when you finally wear the dress that you are making. * Get the last piece of cake at tea time and you will be the first in the group to marry. * If you feel that you have to sneeze but cannot come to it, it is a sign that you have a secret admirer. * Find a double fruit and share it with someone you love. This will bind the two of you together in love and faithfulness. * Should three drops of blood fall from the nose of your lover, the end of the affair is nigh. * If you wear the shoes of the man you love for eight days, he will fall in love with you after you have returned his shoes and he has worn them.

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Dream Dictionary

Acorns: To shake acorns from a tree in a dream affirms that you will attain your desires in matters of love. Anchor: If a woman dreams of an anchor she will soon marry a sailor. Asp: A man who dreams of an asp will marry a rich woman. Bananas: Bananas in a dream tell of a boring lover. Birdcage: A woman who dreams of letting a bird out of its cage will marry the first man who asks her to wed. Boat: A woman who dreams of falling out of a boat and being rescued will one day marry her rescuer. Briar: Being pricked by a briar in a dream means that you are in love. Candle: To dream of a brightly burning candle means that you will soon receive a love letter. Candy: Eating sweet candy foretells of a pleasurable love affair. Cat: If a woman dreams of being scratched by a cat it means she has a rival. Climbing: If you dream of climbing and reaching the top of a mountain you will have success in love. Cradle: Dream of a cradle and you’ll soon be married. Cupid: To dream of Cupid breaking his arrow means that your current love affair will cease. Dew: A maiden who dreams of dew on the grass will one day marry a wealthy man. Copyright 2005, Eliza Yetter The Encyclopedia of Love Magic Page 73

Eye: Seeing a disembodied eye in your dream means that you’ve a rival for the affections of your lover. Faithfulness: Dreaming that your lover is unfaithful means the opposite in the waking world. Flying: Dreams where you are flying signify that you are both romantic and ambitious. Gloves: Finding a new pair of gloves in your dream foretells either a new love affair or marriage. Green Field: To dream of a green field tells that you will marry a loving and faithful person. Hat: To dream of losing your hat means that you will soon marry. Hedges: Evergreen hedges in a dream tell of a coming quarrel with your lover. Hen: A hen in the dream of a woman signifies that she will marry a widowed man with children. Ice: To see ice in a dream means that your lover is faithful. Ink: Spilled ink in a dream means forthcoming slander from a rival. Jewelry: To dream of receiving jewelry foretells of coming pleasures. Key: Unlock a door with a key and you will soon have a new lover in the waking world. Lace: Dream of wearing lace and your lover will bow to your every whim. Mirror: If you see your image in a mirror while dreaming, it foretells unfaithfulness on the part of your lover. Copyright 2005, Eliza Yetter The Encyclopedia of Love Magic Page 74

Nun: You will find disappointment in love if you dream of becoming a nun. Nuts: Gathering nuts in a dream tells of good fortune in matters of love. Oysters: To dream of eating raw oysters foretells a period of sexual pleasures. Pit: To dream of falling into a pit tells you that your lover has been untrue. Ploughing: Ploughing a field signifies that you will have a good marriage. Quarrel: A quarrel in your dream means a break-up with your spouse. Rainbow: A rainbow means that you will experience much happiness with your lover. Salad: Dream of making a salad and it is time to seek a new lover. Sea: To dream of the sea tells of a coming period of sensual and erotic pleasures. Tent: A time of celibacy is at hand if you dream that you are living in a tent. Torch: Carrying a lit torch signifies that you are a good lover. Vase: To dream of drinking from a vase foretells that you will soon seduce another person’s lover.

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Bonnerjea, Biren. A Dictionary of Superstitions and Mythology. London: Folk Press Limited, 1927. Brand, John. Observations on Popular Antiquities. London: Chatto & Windus, 1913. Knowlson, T. Sharper. The Origins of Superstitions and Customs. London: T. Werner Laurie Ltd., 1910. Liungman, Carl G. Dictionary of Symbols. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1991. Marshall, Logan. Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes. Philadelphia: John C. Winston Company, 1917. McVicar, Jekka. Herbs for the Home: A Definative Sourcebook to Growing and Using Herbs. New York: Viking Studio Books, 1995. Miller, Gustavus Hindman. 10,000 Dreams Interpreted: Or What’s in a Dream. New York: Rand McNally & Company, 1995. Monaghan, Patricia. The Book of Goddesses & Heroines. St. Paul, Minnesota: Llewellyn Publications, 1990. Opie, Iona and Peter. The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes. London: Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1952. Radford, E. & M.A.Encyclopedia of Superstitions. Edited and revised by Christina Hole. Hutchinson of London, 1961. Ryan, W.F. The Bathhouse at Midnight: An Historical Survey of Magic and Divination in Russia. Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1999. Smythe, J.L. Complete Book of Fortune Telling. New York: Gramercy Books, 1998. Copyright 2005, Eliza Yetter The Encyclopedia of Love Magic Page 76

Thiselton-Dyer, T.F. Folklore of Women: As Illustrated by Legendary and Traditionary Tales, Folk-Rhymes, Proverbial Sayings, Superstitions, Etc. A.C. McClurg & Co. 1906. Walsh, William S. Curiosities of Popular Customs and of Rites, Ceremonies, Observances, and Miscellaneous Antiquities. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Company, 1925. Waring, Philippa. A Dictionary of Omens and Superstitions. London: Souvenir Press, 1978.

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