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To facilitate easy understanding of coding in GCC (GNU Compiler Collection)

Dyzan ’08

Anirban Kundu Gourab Dolui Kushal Sarkar


What exactly is GCC? The tautological answer is that GCC is an acronym for the GNU Compiler Collection. As remarked earlier, GCC is a collection of compiler front ends to a common back-end compilation engine. The list of compilers includes C, C+ +, Objective C, Fortran (now 95, formerly 77),and Java. It is free software distributed by the Free Software Foundation (FSF) under the GNU GPL and GNU LGPL. Today there is indeed a fully functional UNIX-like operating system, named Linux, abroad in the world and is being used with great success by countless companies, governments, and individuals. And this system, with all its utilities and applications, is based on the GNU Compiler Collection.

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Compiling a single source file Compiling a single source file, myprog.c, using gcc is easy—just invoke gcc, passing the name of the source file as the argument. $ gcc myprog.c $ ls –l -rwxr-xr-x 1 wvh users 13644 Aug 5 16:17 a.out -rw-r--r-- 1 wvh users 220 Aug5 16:17 myprog.

To define the name of the output file that gcc produces, use the -o option, as illustrated in the following example: $ gcc myprog.c -o output_filename

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Compiling a single source file $ ls -l -rw-r--r-- 1 wvh users 220 Oct 5 16:17 myprog.c -rwxr-xr-x 1 wvh users 13644 Oct 5 16:28 output_filename

If you are compiling multiple source files using gcc, you can simply specify them all on the gcc command line, as in the following example, which leaves the compiled and linked executable in the file named showdate: $ gcc showdate.c helper.c –o output_filename To execute a file write $./a.out If we change the name of the output file then in oder to execute we write $./output_filename Page  4

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GCC Command-Line Option Each command-line option begins with either a hyphen or a pair of hyphens. For example, the following command line will compile the ANSI standard C program named muxit.c and produce an unlinked object file named muxit.o. $gcc -ansi -c muxit.c -o muxit.o Despite its sensitivity to the grouping of multiple single-letter options, you are generally free to mix the order of options and compiler arguments on the gcc command line. That is, invoking gcc as $gcc -pg -fno-strength-reduce -g myprog.c -o myprog has the same result as $gcc myprog.c -o myprog -g -fno-strength-reduce -pg

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Some Important Command-Line Option  -c Do not invoke the linker. This option will allow compiling and assembling of source files into object files, but the linker will not be run to create an executable. The object files produced will be stored in a file of the same name as the source file with a .o suffix. Example : $ gcc -c showdate.c $ ls –l -rw-r--r-- 1 wvh users 208 Oct 5 12:44 showdate.c -rw-r--r-- 1 wvh users 1008 Oct 5 13:50 showdate.o  -v Displays the current version number of the compiler and displays all of the commands used to run each phase of the compile and link process.

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Some Important Command-Line Option When used alone, this optionwill display the current version number of the compiler .When used in combination with the --help option, a complete list of the command line options is displayed.  --help Print (on the standard output) a description of the command line options understood by gcc.  @file Read command-line options from file. The options read are inserted in place of the original @file option. If file does not exist, or cannot be read, then the option will be treated literally, and not removed. Options in file are separated by whitespace.

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Some Important Command-Line Option  -s Stop after the stage of compilation proper; do not assemble. The output is in the form of an assembler code file for each non-assembler input file specified. By default, the assembler file name for a source file is made by replacing the suffix ‘.c’, ‘.i’, etc., with ‘.s’. Input files that don’t require compilation are ignored.  -g Produce debugging information in the operating system’s native format (stabs,COFF, XCOFF, or DWARF 2). GDB can work with this debugging information. On most systems that use stabs format, ‘-g’ enables use of extra debugging information that only GDB can use; this extra information makes debugging work better in GDB but will probably make other debuggers crash or refuse to read the program

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Options for Getting Warning Messages in GCC  -Wformat option causes gcc to check all calls to printf(), scanf(), and other functions that rely on format strings, making sure that the arguments supplied have types appropriate to the format string and that the requested conversions, as specified in the format string, are sensible.  -Werror option to convert the warning to a hard error that terminates compilation.  -Wunused option, which catches all unused objects. Each of the warning options discussed in this section results in similar output that identifies the translation unit and line number in which a problem is detected, and a brief message describing the problem. Example of –Wformat Consider the program that uses printf() to print some text to the screen.

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Options for Getting Warning Messages in GCC Source Code for the Sample printme.c Application #include <stdio.h> #include int main (void) { unsigned long ul = LONG_MAX; short int si = SHRT_MIN; printf ("%d\n", ul); printf ("%s\n", si); return 0; } There are a couple of problems here. The first printf() statement prints the value of the unsigned long variable ul using an int format string (%d). The second printf() statement prints the short int variable si using the %s format string (that is, as a string). Despite these problems, gcc compiles the program without complaint. It even sort of runs. Page  10

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Options for Getting Warning Messages in GCC $ gcc printme.c -o printme $ ./printme 2147483647 Segmentation fault

On my test system, the program even crashed because the %s formatting option tried to use the short int si as a pointer to the beginning of a character string, which it is not. Add the -Wformat option and lets see what happens: $ gcc printme.c -o printme -Wformat printme.c: In function 'main': printme.c:9: warning: int format, long int arg (arg 2) printme.c:10: warning: format argument is not a pointer (arg 2) $ ./printme 2147483647 Segmentation fault Page  11

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Options for Getting Warning Messages in GCC Example of -Wunused Source Code for the Sample unused.c Application

int main (void) { int i = 10; return 0; }

As you can see, the program defines the int variable i, but never does anything with it. Here is GCC’s output when compiling unused.c with no options: $ gcc unused.c Here is GCC’s complaint when we use -Wunused: $ gcc -Wunused unused.c unused.c: In function 'main': unused.c:3: warning: unused variable 'i'

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Debugging Your Program Debugging is a phenomenon which is associated with every program which we write. There are many ways to go about debugging, from printing out messages to the screen, using a debugger, or just thinking about what the program is doing and making an intelligent guess as to what the problem is. Before a bug can be fixed, the source of the bug must be located. For example, with segmentation faults, it is useful to know on which line of code the seg’ fault is occuring. Once the line of code in question has been found, it is useful to know about the values in that method, who called the method, and why (specifically) the error is occuring. Using a debugger makes finding all of this information very simple. Loading a program So you now have an executable file (in this case main) and you want to debug it. First you must launch the debugger. The debugger is called gdb and you can tell it which file to debug at the shell prompt. Page  13

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Debugging Your Program Source Code for the Sample main.c Application #include <stdio.h> void print_scrambled(char *message) { int i = 3; do { printf("%c", (*message)+i); } while (*++message); printf("\n"); } int main() { char * bad_message = NULL; char * good_message = "Hello, world."; print_scrambled(good_message); print_scrambled(bad_message); } Page  14

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Debugging Your Program

Complie this main.c $ gcc -g main.c -o main Because of a bug in the program, running it will result in a segmentation fault: $ ./main Segmentation fault This is one of the areas where gdb comes in handy. By running the program under gdb, we can find out the exact line that the program is crashing on.

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Debugging Your Program So to debug main we want to type gdb main. Here is what it looks like when I run it: $ gdb main GNU gdb 4.18 Copyright 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc. GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions. Type "show copying" to see the conditions. There is absolutely no warranty for GDB. Type "show warranty" for details. This GDB was configured as "sparc-sun-solaris2.7"... (gdb)

gdb is now waitng for the user to type a command. We need to run the program so that the debugger can help us see what happens when the program crashes. Type run at the (gdb) prompt. Here is what happens when I run this command: Page  16

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Debugging Your Program (gdb) run Starting program: /home/newren/examples/main Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x0804835b in print_scrambled (message=0x0) at main.c:8 1 printf("%c", (*message)+i);

The program crashed so lets see what kind of information we can gather. Inspecting crashes So already we can see the that the program was at line 8 of main.cc, that this points to 0, and we can see the line of code that was executed. But we also want to know who called this method and we would like to be able to examine values in the calling methods. So at the gdb prompt, we type backtrace which gives me the following output:

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Debugging Your Program (gdb) backtrace #0 0x0804835b in print_scrambled (message=0x0) at main.c:8 #1 0x080483c3 in main () at main.c:20 Reading backtraces is fairly straightforward. The data associated with each function call in the list is known as a frame. The outermost frame is the initial function that your program started in, and is printed at the bottom of the list. Each frame is given a number (0, 1, 2, etc.). Following the frame number is an associated memory address, which is almost entirely useless and which you can ignore. Then each frame contains the name of the function that was called, its arguments, the name of the file where the function appears, and line number. So, the stack trace for our program says that at line 20 of gdb-example.c in function main, the print_scrambled function was called--and that the program got to line eight of gdb-example.c inside the print_scrambled function.

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Debugging Your Program If you find the problem then to exit from gdb type. (gdb) quit The program is running. Exit anyway? (y or n) y 107 newren@Miney:debugging/gdb$ Getting more information list show next ten lines of source list - show previous ten lines list lines display source surrounding lines, specified as: [file:]num line number [in named file] [fille:]function beginning of function [in named file] +off off lines after last printed -off off lines previous to last printed *address line containing address Page  19

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Debugging Your Program Example : (gdb) run Starting program: /home/newren/examples/main Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x0804835b in print_scrambled (message=0x0) at mainc:8 8

printf("%c", (*message)+i);

(gdb) list 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Page  20

void print_scrambled(char *message) { int i = 3; do { printf("%c", (*message)+i); } while (*++message); printf("\n"); }

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Debugging Your Program up n down n info args info locals Example :

select frame n frames up select frame n frames down arguments of selected frame local variables of selected frame

(gdb) run Starting program: /home/newren/examples/main Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x0804835b in print_scrambled (message=0x0) at main.c:8 8 printf("%c", (*message)+i);

(gdb) info locals i=3

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Debugging Your Program (gdb) info args message = 0x0 (gdb)


#1 0x080483c3 in main () at gdb-example.c:20 20 print_scrambled(bad_message);

(gdb) list 15 { 16 char * bad_message = NULL; 17 char * good_message = "Hello, world."; 18 19 print_scrambled(good_message); 20 print_scrambled(bad_message); 21 }

(gdb) info locals bad_message = 0x0 good_message = 0x80484a1 "Hello, world.“ (gdb) info args No arguments.

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Debugging Your Program print [/f ] [expr] / p [/f ] [expr] :

show value of expr [or last value $]

according to format f: x d u o c f

hexadecimal signed decimal unsigned decimal octalt binary character foating point

continue [count] :

continue running; if count specified,

step [count] :

execute until another line reached; repeat count times if specified

next [count] :

execute next line, including any function calls

return [expr] :

pop selected stack frame without executing [setting return value]

jump line :

resume execution at specified line number

jump *address :

or address

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Debugging Your Program Example : (gdb) run Starting program: /home/newren/examples/gdb-example Breakpoint 1, main () at gdb-example.c:16 16 char * bad_message = NULL;

(gdb) print bad_message $1 = 0x8048410 "U\211%G%@VS"

(gdb) next 17

char * good_message = "Hello, world.";

(gdb) print bad_message $2 = 0x0

(gdb) next 19

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Debugging Your Program (gdb) next 20


(gdb) step print_scrambled (message=0x0) at gdb-example.c:6 6

int i = 3;

(gdb) step 8

printf("%c", (*message)+i);

(gdb) step Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x0804835b in print_scrambled (message=0x0) at gdb-example.c:8 8 printf("%c", (*message)+i);

(gdb) print (*message)+i Cannot access memory at address 0x0

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Debugging Your Program To do anything really useful with gdb, you need to set breakpoints which temporarily pause your program's execution so you can do useful debugging work like inspecting variables and watching the program's execution in an atomic line-by-line fashion. This right here is the magic of a symbolic debugger. Breakpoints come in three flavors: ‫ ٭‬A breakpoint stops your program whenever a particular point in the program is reached. ‫ ٭‬A watchpoint stops your program whenever the value of a variable or expression changes.. ‫ ٭‬A catchpoint stops your program whenever a particular event occurs.

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Debugging Your Program We'll first concentrate on learning how to set breakpoints, and then we'll debug the program. Setting Basic Breakpoints There are four major ways to set a breakpoint, in roughly the order that we use them.: – By function name. – By line number. – By filename and line number. – By address.

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Debugging Your Program  By Function Name The "break main" command sets a breakpoint at the top of main(), which happens to be line 8 of main.c. (gdb) break main Breakpoint 1 at 0x8048464: file main.c, line 8.

 By Line Number (gdb) break 9 Breakpoint 2 at 0x804846b: file main.c, line 9

 By Filename And Line Number (gdb) break main.c:10 Breakpoint 3 at 0x80483fd: file main.c, line 10.

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Debugging Your Program Removing Breakpoints Just as you can set breakpoints, you can also remove them. There are numerous ways to remove a breakpoint:  If you want to remove the breakpoint by its location, use clear.  If you want to remove the breakpoint by its identifier, use delete. (gdb) clear fgets.c:10 Deleted breakpoint 3 (gdb) clear 9 Deleted breakpoint 2 (gdb) clear main Deleted breakpoint 1

The delete command deletes breakpoints by identifier, as opposed to clear which removes breakpoints based on their location. In fact, delete n deletes the breakpoint with identifier n. Page  29

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Debugging Your Program  Listing Breakpoints But how do you remember the identifiers for your breakpoints, or even where your breakpoints were set to begin with? There's a command, info breakpoints which lists all your breakpoints, their identifiers, and lots more information. (gdb) info breakpoints Num Type

Disp Enb Address


1 breakpoint

keep y 0x08048464 in main at main.c:6

breakpoint already hit 1 time 2 breakpoint

keep y 0x0804846b in main at main.c:9

breakpoint already hit 1 time 3 breakpoint

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keep y 0x08048477 in main at main.c:12

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Debugging Your Program Setting watchpoints •

watch EXPR Set a watchpoint for an expression. GDB will break when EXPR is written into by the program and its value changes. Eg : watch (*message)+i •

rwatch EXPR Set a watchpoint that will break when the value of EXPR is read by the program.

awatch EXPR Set a watchpoint that will break when EXPR is either read from or written into by the program.

info watchpoints This command prints a list of watchpoints, breakpoints, and catchpoints; it is the same as `info break'

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Some Important Tips about GCC

» Header Files alloc.h, conio.h are not available in GCC. So functions as clrscr(), getch() cannot be used while writing a code. » The memory allocation function are available in stdlib.h » Use main() ,and not void main() as a main function in GCC should always return a value.

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Thank you

Dyzan ’08

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