Emission Calculations

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Emission Calculations Introduction...........................................................................................................................4 Calculating Emissions for Air Permitting ..............................................................................4 Qualifying Emissions.....................................................................................................4 Quantifying Emissions...................................................................................................5 Calculations and Emission Limits from MDEQ Rules...................................................5 Particulate Matter ...................................................................................................6 Sulfur-Bearing Compounds....................................................................................6 Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) ....................................................................7 Air Toxics................................................................................................................8 Emissions Inventory for the Renewable (Title V) Operating Permit ..................................10 Potential and Actual Emissions...................................................................................11 Point and Fugitive Emissions ......................................................................................12 Completing Your Emissions Inventory ........................................................................12 Compile Plant-Wide Information .................................................................................13 Identify Emission Units................................................................................................14 Identify Regulated Pollutants ......................................................................................15 Calculating Emissions for MAERS.....................................................................................17 What Pollutants Must Be Reported?...........................................................................17 Reporting Toxic Pollutants ..........................................................................................17 Toxic Chemical Release Inventory (TRI) and MAERS ...............................................18 Approaches to Emission Estimation ...........................................................................20 Direct Measurement....................................................................................................21 Stack Tests...........................................................................................................21 Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems...........................................................21 Step 1 – Calculating the Hourly Emission Rate ..........................................................22 Concentration of Air Pollutant in the Stack ..........................................................22 Stack Gas Flow Rate............................................................................................25 Calculating Hourly Mass Emission Rate ..............................................................28 Step 2 – Calculating the Source Specific Emission Factor.........................................29 Step 3 – Determining the Annual Mass Emission Rate..............................................31 Mass Balance..............................................................................................................32 Mass Balances Examples...........................................................................................33 Surface Coating Operations.................................................................................33 Considerations When Calculating VOC Emissions .............................................37 Laboratory Hoods.................................................................................................37 Combustion Sources............................................................................................38

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Emission Factors and Emission Models .....................................................................39 What are Emission Factors?................................................................................39 Emission Factor Examples..........................................................................................40 Grinding Operations .............................................................................................40 Foundry Emissions...............................................................................................41 Fuel Burning .........................................................................................................43 NOx Emissions Calculation for an Incinerator ......................................................44 Open Top Vapor Cleaners ...................................................................................45 Limitations of Emission Factors ...........................................................................48 Emission Factors Provided with MAERS .............................................................49 Emission Factor Resources ........................................................................................49 Emission Factor and Inventory Group .................................................................49 Emission Inventory Improvement Program..........................................................50 Clearinghouse for Inventories and Emission Factors (CHIEF)...................................50 Emission Factor Publications ......................................................................................53 Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors............................................................54 Pollutant Terminology and Conventions in AP-42 ......................................................55 Particulate Matter .................................................................................................55 Organic Compounds ............................................................................................56 Toxic, Hazardous, and Other Noncriteria Pollutants............................................57 Emission Factor Ratings .............................................................................................57 Other Ways to Obtain AP-42 Information and Updates .............................................60 Emission Inventory Improvement Program (EIIP) Preferred and Alternative Methods for Estimating Air Emissions ......................................................60 Others Ways to Obtain Information and Updates................................................62 Locating and Estimating(L&E) Document Series........................................................63 CHIEF Software and Computer Models .....................................................................63 Factor Information Retrieval (Fire) Data System ........................................................64 How MAERS Look-up Emission Factor Table and Fire Differ .............................65 TANKS ........................................................................................................................66 Storage Tank Standing and Working Storage Losses.........................................66 Landfill Gas Emissions Model.....................................................................................71 PM Calculator Program...............................................................................................71

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SPECIATE 3.2 ............................................................................................................71 WATER 9 ....................................................................................................................71 Wastewater Treatment Plants..............................................................................71 MDI Emissions Estimator Software......................................................................... 72 MOBILE 6....................................................................................................................74 AIR CHIEF...................................................................................................................74 Version 9.0 System Requirements ......................................................................75 How to Order Air CHIEF.......................................................................................75 Where to Go for Help on CHIEFS........................................................................76 Source-Specific Emission Factors ..............................................................................76 Industry-Specific Guidance .........................................................................................77 References.........................................................................................................................78 Appendix A. Appendix B. Appendix C. Appendix D. Appendix E.

Federal Listed Air Toxics (Hazardous Air Pollutants)..................................79 List of Federal Regulated Air Pollutants ......................................................84 Source Categories for Fugitive Emissions ..................................................88 AP-42 Contents, Fifth Edition......................................................................90 Emission Calculation Fact Sheets...............................................................97

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Emission Calculations Introduction There are at least three activities that require a facility to calculate the emissions of air contaminants: applying for and complying with an air permit, determining applicability to the Renewable Operating Permit program, and complying with the Michigan Air Emissions Reporting System (MAERS). The methods of calculating emissions are common to all three activities. Therefore, the emission calculation examples and discussions found under the MAERS section of this tab are pertinent to air permitting and ROP applicability. Calculating Emissions for Air Permitting An estimate of actual emissions is the first step in evaluating the impact of the proposed installation or modification of a process. A source must first qualify and quantify the emissions to determine which federal and/or state regulations might apply. When emissions are characterized, control and pollution prevention techniques can be planned for compliance with the appropriate emission standards. The permitting agency, the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ), establishes the allowable limits for air emissions in the special conditions of the permit to install. Qualifying Emissions Qualifying emissions means identifying what compounds, elements or particles are being released from the given source or process. The emitted materials are process or industry specific. A reference for understanding various types of sources is the Air Pollution Engineering Manual (AP-40). Frequently, industry-specific trade organizations can provide information about sources. Steps in qualifying emissions for a specific processes include: •

Making an inventory of raw materials used in the process.

Outlining the physical, chemical or biological changes that occur to those raw materials.

Determining which of the raw materials pass through unchanged and also have the potential to be emitted to the atmosphere.

Determining what by-products are produced as a result of the process and have the potential to be emitted to the atmosphere.

Combining the raw materials and by-products for an overall list of the type of emissions which could be released from the source.

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From the list of materials emitted to the atmosphere, determine which are subject to regulation. Are any criteria pollutants (sulfur dioxide, particulates, carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, ozone precursors, haze precursors, or lead) emitted? Are toxic air contaminants, hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), or other similar compounds present? This will give an indication of which federal and state regulations need to be consulted for further information. Quantifying Emissions Once the emissions have been identified, the next step is quantifying them. This means determining how much of each chemical is being released to the atmosphere. Regulations are based on quantified emissions expressed in units such as pounds per hour and tons per year. Emissions are quantified based on one or a combination of several factors. These include sampling, emission factors, equipment data and information from chemical MSDS sheets, and the mass balance approach. An explanation and examples of each emission estimation technique is found under “Calculating Emissions for MAERS” beginning on page 17. The present Michigan Permit to Install application package requires supporting information that includes an emissions summary. Each process needs a one-page emissions summary covering amounts of all pollutants in pounds per hour and tons per year. Emissions from each vent or stack need to be quantified with each toxic air contaminant listed individually as maximum pounds per hour, stack concentration in micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m3), and predicted ambient impact in µg/m3. Emission estimates need to provide a reasonable margin of safety to ensure that the process can operate within the levels quantified. Calculations and Emission Limits from MDEQ Rules Specific guidance for calculation of air releases and information regarding emission limits can be found in the Michigan Administrative Rules for Air Pollution Control. Certain sources and pollutants are also specifically addressed in federal regulations for National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPs), New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) provisions, and the Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) program. Some of the major sections of the Rules are devoted to provisions for sources of Particulate Matter (Part 3), Sulfur-bearing compounds (Parts 4 and 5), and Volatile

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Organic Compounds (Parts 6 and 7). Other pollutants are addressed within the context of other sections. Specific applicability of some of the rules is dependent upon whether a source is located in an area where air quality meets standards (attainment) or not (nonattainment). In some cases, specific methods for source emission testing are referenced in the Rules. These methods which are based largely on the provisions of 40 CFR part 60 (1989) are listed in Part 10, Intermittent Testing and Sampling, Rule 1004 (R 336.2004). A complete copy of Part 10 is available from the MDEQ Air Quality Division. Particulate Matter Emissions of particulate matter are discussed in Part 3, Emission Limitations and Prohibitions--Particulate Matter of the Rules. Table 31 lists maximum allowable emissions at operating conditions for fuel burning equipment, incinerators, steel manufacturing, ferrous cupola foundry operations, chemical and mineral kilns, asphalt paving plants, cement manufacture, iron ore pelletizing, fertilizer plants, and various exhaust systems. Coke ovens are addressed in Rules 349-357 and 360; steel manufacturing in Rules 358-359, 361-363, 365-366; basic oxygen furnaces in Rule 364; and sintering operations in Rule 367. Figure 31 presents a chart relating emissions to steam capacity rating and Table 32 provides information on allowable rate of emission based on process weight rate. Sulfur-Bearing Compounds Parts 4 and 5 of the Rules provide information on emission limitations and prohibitions for sulfur-bearing compounds. Part 5 rules are essentially obsolete at this point. Power plants are the subject of Rule 401. Table 41 presents the amount of sulfur in fuel limitations for fuel-burning equipment and Table 42 lists equivalent emission rates. Guidance for fuel burning sources other than power plants is found in Rule 402. Oil- and natural gas-producing or transporting facilities and natural gas-processing facilities are regulated under Rule 403. Sulfuric acid plants are addressed in Rule 404.

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Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Emission limitations for existing volatile organic compound (VOC) sources are found in Part 6 of the Rules with VOC limitations for new sources in Part 7. However, new sources will need to reference Part 6 Rules for emission rates. There are presently revisions and additions to these rules that may come into effect in the future. The purpose of the Part 6 and 7 Rules is to reduce emissions of VOCs, specifically in ozone nonattainment areas so that attainment with National Ambient Air Quality Standards can be achieved. Table 1 lists the current Part 6 rules. Reference to the Rules for your specific industry prior to performing calculations can provide guidance as to the type of calculation that needs to be done. For instance, surface coating emission rates are frequently expressed in pounds of volatile organic compounds minus water as applied or pounds of VOCs per gallon of applied coating solids (Tables 62, 63, 65, 66, 67 of the Rules). Applications such as graphic arts may express limits in pounds VOC per pound of solids (Table 64), and flat wood paneling coating line VOCs are given in pounds per 1,000 square feet of product.

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EXAMPLE #1: Automobile and Light Duty Truck Painting For Automobile and Light Duty Truck painting, you may have to calculate VOC emissions for surface coating operations in units of pounds of VOC per gallon of applied coating solids (lb VOC/gal coating applied). To complete this calculation, additional information is needed on the solids content by volume of the coating and the application equipment transfer efficiency. Coating A VOC Content of Coating = 3.2 lbs. VOC/gal of coating Solids Content (by volume) = 54% Transfer Efficiency = 55% (i.e., solids applied; varies with spray gun type) gal. coating solids gal. coating lb VOC lb VOC x x = gal. coating solids gal. applied coating solids gal. coating gal. of applied coating solids


3.2 lb VOC gal. coating gal coating solids x x gal. coating 0.54 gal. coating solids 0.55 gal. of applied coating solids 10.7 lb VOC lb VOC = gal. of applied coating solids gal. of applied coating solids

Air Toxics The current Michigan air toxics program applies to new or modified sources of toxic air contaminants. A discussion of the Michigan air toxics program is found in Part 2, Rules 224 through 232. The Michigan toxic air contaminants go beyond the 188 hazardous air pollutants listed in the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. All known substances can be regulated as toxic air contaminants with the exception of some specifically listed substances. Amounts of toxic air contaminants (TACs) are calculated on a pound per hour basis for maximum allowable emission rates. Information is also needed to calculate micrograms of TAC per cubic meter for various screening levels.

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Table 1. Air Part 6 Rules, Emission Limitations and Prohibitions -Existing Sources of Volatile Compound Emissions [Promulgated as of January 1994] 601



General provisions for existing sources of volatile organic compound emissions.




Storage of organic compounds having a true vapor pressure of more than 1.5 psia, but less than 11 psia, in existing fixed roof stationary vessels of more than 40,000-gallon capacity.


Storage of organic compounds having a true vapor pressure of 11 or more psia in existing stationary vessels of more than 40,000-gallon capacity.


Loading gasoline into existing stationary vessels of more than 2,000-gallon capacity at dispensing facilities handling 250,000 or more gallons per year.


Loading gasoline into existing stationary vessels of more than 2,000-gallon capacity at loading facilities.

608 Loading gasoline into delivery vessels at existing loading facilities handling less than 5,000,000 gallons per year. 609

Loading delivery vessels with organic compounds having true vapor pressure of more than 1.5 psia at existing loading facilities handling 5,000,000 or more gallons of such compounds per year.

610 Existing coating lines; emission of volatile organic compounds from existing automobile, light-duty truck, and other product and material coatings. 611

Existing cold cleaners.


Existing open top vapor degreasers.


Existing conveyorized cold cleaners.


Existing conveyorized vapor degreasers.


Existing vacuum-producing systems at petroleum refineries.


Process unit turnarounds at petroleum refineries.

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Table 1. (continued) 617

Existing organic compound-water separators at petroleum refineries.


Use of cutback paving asphalt


Perchloroethylene; emission from existing dry cleaning equipment.


Emission of volatile organic compounds from existing flat wood paneling coating lines.


Emission of volatile organic compounds from existing metallic surface coating lines.


Emission of volatile organic compounds from existing components petroleum refineries; refinery monitoring program.


Storage of petroleum liquids having a true vapor pressure of more than 1.0 psia, but less than 11.0 psia, in existing external floating roof stationary vessels of more than 40,000-gallon capacity.


Emission of volatile organic compound from an existing graphic arts line.


Emission of volatile organic compound from existing equipment utilized in the manufacturing of synthesized pharmaceutical products.




Delivery vessels; vapor collection systems.


Emission of volatile organic compounds from components of existing process equipment used in manufacturing synthetic organic chemicals and polymers; monitoring program.

629 Emission of volatile organic compounds from components of existing process equipment used in processing natural gas; monitoring program. 630 Emission of volatile organic compounds from existing paint manufacturing processes. 631 Emission of volatile organic compounds from existing process equipment utilized in manufacture of polystyrene or other organic resins. 632 Emission of volatile organic compounds from existing automobile, truck, and business machine plastic part coating lines. 651

Standards for degreasers.

Emissions Inventory for the Renewable Operating Permit One of the first steps in evaluating the potential impacts of the Clean Air Act (CAA) Amendments of 1990 is to develop an accurate inventory of all actual and potential

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air emissions from emission units at your facility. Individual pieces of equipment or processes with the potential to emit pollutants used to be referred to as "sources." Under the CAA Amendments, individual pieces of equipment or processes are referred to as "emissions units," while a "source" now represents the entire facility. The primary purpose for conducting an air emissions inventory is to allow your facility to quantify actual and potential emissions of all regulated air pollutants to then determine your major source status under the CAA. This section provides guidance on completing inventories of criteria pollutants, newly regulated hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) as found in Appendix A, and other regulated pollutants in Appendix B. The inventory is used in determining whether your facility is subject to specific regulatory requirements, including Title V of the CAAA. Keep in mind that if your are subject to Title V, you will be asked to gather information beyond emissions estimates. This section describes this "emissions-related" information. Potential and Actual Emissions An emissions inventory containing potential and actual emissions is essential because the determination of the applicability of many aspects of the CAA, and hence what needs to be included in the renewable (Title V) operating permit application, depends on a facility’s "potential to emit" a pollutant. Potential to emit is formally defined as... the maximum capacity of a stationary source to emit a pollutant under its physical and operational design. Any physical or operational limitation on the capacity of the source to emit a pollutant, including air pollution control equipment and restrictions on hours of operation or on the type or amount of material combusted, stored, or processed, shall be treated as part of its design only if the limitation or the effect it would have on emissions is federally enforceable (emphasis added) (40 CFR part 70). Potential emissions differ from actual emissions in the following two ways: •

Potential emissions are calculated using maximum allowable hourly emissions, based on an enforceable permit or regulatory limit, whereas actual emissions use average hourly emissions. If no maximum allowable hourly emissions limit exists, then potential emissions must be calculated using maximum hourly emissions. The maximum hourly emission rates will either be 1) maximum allowable hourly emission rates or 2) the maximum hourly capacity or design rate of the unit.

Potential emissions must take into account potential hours of operation, assumed to be 24 hours per day, 365 days per year (equal to 8,760 hours per year), unless a facility's federally enforceable permit constrains it to some lesser number of annual hours of operation. Actual emissions are calculated according to the hours an emissions unit was actually emitting over a given year.

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If permit limitations exist for an operation at your facility, such as a pollution control device or limits on hours of operation, those may be considered in determining your facility’s potential to emit, it is imperative that these limitations be federally enforceable. State construction or preconstruction permits were historically the prevalent means for obtaining a federally enforceable limit on an emissions unit. Existing (pre-Title V) state operating permit programs have varying degrees of federal enforceability. Point and Fugitive Emissions A complete emission inventory will include actual and potential emissions from all emissions units, including point sources and fugitive emissions at your facility. Point sources are emissions units with a discrete emission point, such as stacks, chimneys, vents, or other functionally-equivalent openings. Fugitive emissions are those that do not arise from a discrete emission point, such as solvent releases in a paint mix room, or oil mist emissions from metal working equipment released into the building and then eventually into the atmosphere through plant windows and doors. Most facilities are more familiar with point source emissions. The role of fugitive emissions in major source applicability determinations varies depending upon the relevant major source definition (see Table 2). For nonattainment pollutants and hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), fugitives always count toward the applicability thresholds. However, for the 100 tons per year (tpy) general threshold, fugitives only count if the facility may be considered one of the 27 source categories listed in the permit rule (See Appendix C). Table 2. Role of Fugitive Emissions in Applicability Determination CAA Program

Includes Fugitive Emissions?

Nonattainment pollutants




100 tpy general threshold

Only for 27 named source categories

Completing Your Emission Inventory The rest of this section provides step-by-step guidance on completing a facility-wide emissions inventory. Some of the steps involve techniques to estimate emissions of pollutants. However, an emissions inventory for Title V application purposes requires much more information than simply pound per hour or ton per

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year emission rates. The steps for conducting an emissions inventory are: •

Compiling emissions data

Identifying applicable requirements

Quantifying emissions

Assembling the inventory Compile Plant-Wide Information

The first step in conducting an emissions inventory is to identify and gather background data and information that will be used throughout the inventory process. Sources of information, such as those listed below, should be assembled from plant and corporate files to help identify and characterize the facility's air emissions: •

Emissions reports, test results, ventilation surveys, stack inventories

Air permit applications and air permits

Toxic chemical release reporting forms prepared for SARA Title III, Section 313

Production, raw material usage rates

Emission composition and product information found in Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs), inventory reports

Process or block flow diagrams, or roof drawings

Michigan air quality regulations to define allowable emissions

Potential hours of operation for the calendar year (8,760 or as constrained by permit or design) and actual hours of operation for each emissions unit

Emissions characterization information from other similar facilities

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State Implementation Plan (SIP) emission inventory descriptions for your facility, or similar facilities Identify Emissions Units

The next step in the emissions inventory process involves the systematic identification of all emissions units (both point and fugitive) at your facility. For the inventory to be complete, we recommend that you include any piece of equipment involved in operations or support of operations that could release pollutants to the atmosphere. You should include units even if they have been exempt from state permitting or are considered "grandfathered" from permitting requirements. You generally do not need to include equipment associated with office activities (such as "white out" fluid, paint spray cans for office use, or cleaners for office lavatories). You should include seemingly insignificant activities, such as use of paint spray cans for marking items being manufactured at your facility, if the equipment or activity is part of, or supports operations. Some items that should be included, but that are often overlooked include: • • • • •

product, raw material, and waste material storage and handling operations storm water run-off, sewage and process wastewater treatment plants laboratories cooling towers CFC sources

Point and fugitive emission units can be initially identified by reviewing plant flow and design drawings, prior or current air pollution and other environmental permits, emission reports made to regulatory agencies, and other information describing the plant that has been collected. In addition, emission units can be identified through discussions with plant operations and maintenance personnel. Your list of identified emissions units should be visually verified during a plant walkthrough by personnel that are familiar with the plant and its operations. This plant walkthrough should be thorough to identify any emissions units that have not previously been included in existing inventories. Care should be taken to identify emissions units that are not operating at the time of the walk-through, but may be operated at other times during the year. All identified emissions units should be given a unique designation or identification number to facilitate record keeping and data entry into a database. This designation can be as simple as a unit number or a code that designates the building, facility, or process. The designations should be consistent with any other designations that may

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have been assigned in current air pollution permits or in any reports submitted to regulatory authorities. In addition to identifying emissions units, we recommend that you also identify personnel responsible for design, operations, and maintenance of each identified unit. These personnel will be able to provide important information for each unit that will be useful during the preparation of the inventory. Note again that you need to address emissions from units that may seem insignificant and that you may not have had to address in the past. It may eventually turn out that you will not need to address these units in your Title V permit beyond identifying them; however, you cannot adequately calculate your facility-wide potential to emit regulated pollutants unless you include all emissions units in your inventory. Identify Regulated Pollutants After identifying emissions units at your facility, you will need to identify the regulated pollutants emitted from each unit. These pollutants can be identified from the information sources mentioned previously, as well as from your general knowledge of the manufacturing processes and operations that take place at your facility. Compounds regulated under the CAA are: the six criteria pollutants for which the USEPA has promulgated National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS), the 188 chemicals to be regulated as HAPs, Title VI stratospheric ozone depletion pollutants, and pollutants regulated under the NESHAP and NSPS regulations. These compounds constitute the universe of federally regulated air pollutants, and are the pollutants you must address under the Title V operating permit program.

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Table 3. Facility Emissions Summary Table from the Title V Operating Permit Workbook prepared for the American Automobile Manufacturers Association is an example of how to organize emission inventory information Plant: Date: Potential Emissions

Actual Emissions

Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) List each HAP*:

Potential Emissions (tpy)

Actual Emissions (tpy)

Other Regulated Pollutants List those Applicable*:

Potential Emissions (tpy)

Actual Emissions (tpy)

Criteria Pollutants SO2 PM-10 VOC CO NOx Lead


Lists of HAPs and other regulated pollutants are found in Appendices A and B.

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Calculating Emissions for MAERS Facilities, under Rule 2 (R336.202) of the Michigan Administrative Rules for Air Pollution Control are required to report their annual emissions of air pollutants to the Air Quality Division of the MDEQ. Operational Memorandum No. 13 (see Tab 16 – AQD Guidance) provides information on which facilities must report. The AQD has a set of forms and instructions facilities must use and follow to report their emissions. In 1999, AQD replaced the Michigan Air Pollution Reporting (MAPR) forms with an entirely new set, including an electronic version. This new reporting mechanism is referred to as the Michigan Air Emissions Reporting System (MAERS). For more information about MAERS, see Tab 10 – Complying with Permit and Reporting Requirements. Some of the information contained in this section was taken from the emission factor publications found in the USEPA, Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards’ Technology Transfer Network (TTN). The TTN is a collection of technical Web sites containing information about many areas of air pollution, including emission estimation. The TTN can be accessed directly from the Internet via the World Wide Web. The Internet address is www.epa.gov/ttn. What Pollutants Must Be Reported? Emissions for the following pollutants must be reported: • • • • • • • • •

Ammonia Carbon monoxide (CO); Nitrogen oxides (NOx) expressed as NO2; Particulate matter (PM); Particulate matter less than 10 microns (PM-10); Particulate matter less than 2.5 microns (PM-2.5) Sulfur oxides (SOx) expressed as SO2 Volatile organic compounds (VOC); and Lead (Pb).

However, if the emission of one of the above pollutants from a source classification code (SCC) is less than 0.01 tons (20 pounds) per year, the emission does not have to be reported. Additional discussion of pollutant terminology and conventions begins on page 55. Reporting Toxic Pollutants Under MAERS, the reporting of approximately 240 toxic pollutants is optional. MDEQ, AQD will analyze the emissions data submitted by each company and estimate the toxic air pollutant emissions from the information provided for the criteria pollutants. This includes activity information such as source classification codes and material throughput. Facilities submitting their MAERS report electronically will be able to view the estimation of toxics prior to submitting their report. The MAERS software is

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equipped with an emission calculator. If the emission estimates are in error, the AQD would appreciate the facility’s help in correcting those estimates of toxic emissions. Toxic Chemical Release Inventory (TRI) and MAERS Section 313 of the federal Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) of 1986, also known as Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act, requires certain facilities to report Toxic Chemical Release Inventory (TRI) information for any listed chemicals manufactured, processed, or otherwise used by the facility above specific thresholds. Manufacture - production, preparation, import, or compound of an EPCRA Section 313 chemical. Example: manufacturing benzene on-site for distribution and sale. Process - preparation or process of a listed toxic chemical for distribution in commerce. This is usually the incorporation of a toxic chemical into a product. An EPCRA Section 313 chemical is processed as a reactant, as a formulation or article component, repackaged, or as an impurity. Example: process paint containing certain glycol ethers. Otherwise use - use of a listed toxic chemical that is not covered by the terms “manufacture” or process.” EPCRA Section 313 chemicals are otherwise used as chemical processing or manufacturing aids, or for ancillary or other use. Example: using Freon 113 as a coolant in a closed-loop refrigerant system to cool process streams. There are about 650 toxic chemical categories covered by Section 313. A small number of these are identified as persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT). Activity thresholds for non-PBT chemicals are more than 25,000 pounds manufactured, or more than 25,000 pounds processed, or more than 10,000 pounds otherwise used. PBT chemical thresholds are significantly lower regardless of the activity - more than 10 pounds or 100 pounds, depending on the chemical; for dioxin and dioxin-like compounds the activity threshold is more than 0.1 grams. The USEPA can add, remove, or modify the list of toxic chemicals that must be reported. Facilities should check each year for any changes to the Section 313 chemicals and chemical categories and reporting requirements. Michigan has over 900 TRI facilities and almost 2,000 MAERS facilities. Although the MDEQ does not have an exact knowledge of how many facilities are filing both reports, it is estimated that well over half of the TRI facilities report under MAERS.

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Facilities that report toxic pollutants under MAERS and are subject to EPCRA Section 313 TRI reporting requirements should develop a system that could satisfy both. This would eliminate the redundancy of calculations. The following outlines MAERS and TRI requirements. y The reporting period for both MAERS and TRI is the calendar year. The initial submittal dates of the reports differ. MAERS forms are due March 15. TRI forms are due July 1. y Under MAERS, facilities must estimate and report their releases of seven criteria air contaminants and may report an additional 240 toxic pollutants (80 requested by the Great Lakes Commission and 160 requested by the Toxics Unit of the Air Quality Division). All 188 Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) are included in the list of 240 toxic pollutants. A majority of the MAERS toxic pollutants are included in one form or another on the list of TRI chemicals. Under EPCRA Section 313, facilities must estimate and report releases (including disposal) and other waste management activities for approximately 650 chemicals and chemical compound categories. y The submittal of emission data collected by MAERS to EPA must be made on a process-by-process basis, as defined by EPA source classification codes (SCCs). In addition to emission estimates, several other parameters such as material throughput, operating schedules, stack parameters, and emission factors must be reported at the process level. EPCRA Section 313 TRI requires facilities to report at the facility level. y Under MAERS, facilities do not have to report an emission if it is less than 20 pounds per year for each activity (SCC process). EPCRA Section 313 has no minimum threshold for quantity released; once a facility meets the reporting threshold for chemical use mentioned above, it must submit a report, even if there are no releases. A facility should consider developing an effective emission estimation system that can adequately address MAERS and EPCRA Section 313 TRI reporting requirements.

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Approaches to Emission Estimation There are numerous approaches to estimating emissions of air contaminants. Figure 1 depicts the various approaches to emission estimation that should be considered when analyzing the tradeoffs between the cost and quality of the resulting estimates. In this section, three approaches will be discussed including some examples on how to use them: direct measurement, mass balance, and emission factors and models. Most of the following examples are calculations of actual yearly emissions as required by MAERS. However, a few potential emission calculations, as required by the Renewable Operating Permit program, will also be included.

Figure 1. Approach to Emission Estimation

Source: Air Pollutant Emission Factors (AP-42) Fifth Edition, Volume 1: Stationary Point and Area Sources, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.

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Direct Measurement The most accurate way of estimating emissions from a source is directly measuring the concentration of air pollutants in the stack gas. Stack tests and continuous emission monitoring systems (CEMS) are two methods of collecting actual emission data. This section explains how source testing data from stack tests and CEMS can be used in the completion of a facility’s Michigan Air Emission Reporting System (MAERS) submittal. The discussion will focus on the methodology to follow in converting data collected during source testing into a pollutant mass emission rate, i.e., tons of pollutant emitted per year. Albeit very important for compliance demonstration purposes, this discussion will not include comparison of stack testing and CEMS results, or all of the various air pollutant concentration limits contained within the state and federal air quality regulations. The use of source test data reduces the number of assumptions regarding the applicability of emissions data to a source (a common consideration when emission factors are used); as well as the control device efficiency, equipment variations, and fuel characteristics. Even then, the results will be applicable only to the conditions existing at the time of the testing or monitoring. To provide the best estimate of longerterm (e.g., yearly or typical day) emissions, these operating conditions should be representative of the source's routine operations. Stack Tests Stack tests provide a means to determine the concentration of emissions of an air pollutant at the point of release. These tests are conducted according to established procedures. Stack tests provide a snapshot of emissions during the period of the test. Samples are collected using probes inserted into the stack, then pollutants are collected in or on various media and sent to a laboratory for analysis or analyzed onsite by continuous analysis. Pollutant concentrations are obtained by dividing the amount of pollutant collected during the test by the volume of the air sampled. Only trained stack testers should perform the stack tests. Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems Continuous emission monitoring systems (CEMS) involve the installation of monitoring equipment that accumulates data on a pre-determined time schedule in a stack or duct. The continuous measurements provide data under all operating conditions. Use of CEMS requires attention to detail and strict adherence to state and federal guidelines. Emissions data are available through direct measurement using continuous emissions monitors, usually located in the exhaust downstream of a combustion device. Information obtained from CEMS is considered reliable,

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provided the devices are subject to a quality control/quality assurance (QA/QC) program that includes appropriate calibration. A CEMS provides a continuous record of emissions over an extended and uninterrupted period of time. Various principles are employed to measure the concentration of pollutants in the gas stream. These principles are usually based upon photometric measurements. Instrument calibration drift can be problematic for CEMS. The owner is responsible for proper calibration, operation, and validation of the monitoring equipment and emission data. Stack tests and CEMS directly measure two important values: the concentration of a specific air pollutant ([air pollutant]) in the stack gas and stack gas flow rate. Multiplying these two values together will equal a mass emission rate typically expressed as pounds of air pollutant per hour (see Equation 1 and Step 1). Once the hourly mass emission rate is calculated, it can be easily converted to a source specific emission factor by dividing the hourly mass emission rate by the hourly activity (i.e., hourly material throughput during the stack test or CEMS measurement, such as ton of coal combusted per hour [see Equation 2 and Step 2]). The annual emission rate of the air contaminant is simply the product of the source specific emission factor and annual activity (i.e., annual material throughput, such as tons of coal combusted during the year) (see Equation 3 and Step 3). Eq (1)

[air pollutant] * stack gas flow rate = hourly mass emission rate

Eq (2)

hourly mass emission rate / hourly activity = source specific emission factor

Eq (3)

source specific emission factor * annual activity = annual emission rate of air pollutant Step 1 - Calculating the Hourly Emission Rate

According to Equation 1, the hourly mass emission rate is the concentration of air pollutant multiplied by the stack gas flow rate. The concentration of air pollutants and stack gas flow rate can be reported in a number of different ways or units, such as milligrams per cubic meter (mg/m3) or pounds per standard cubic foot (lbs/scf). To correctly calculate the hourly emission rate, the concentration and gas flow rate must be in units that are compatible with each other. Concentration of Air Pollutant in the Stack The concentration of an air pollutant is calculated by dividing the mass of the air pollutant collected by the volume or mass of stack gas sampled (see Equation 4). During a stack test, most air pollutants are collected on some type of media. The

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type of media depends on the type of air contaminant being measured. For example, particulate matter and metals, which are solids, are collected on a filter. Benzene, which is in a gaseous state, is collected on a solid sorbent, such as charcoal. The total volume of stack gas sampled is typically measured by a dry gas meter. Continuous emission monitoring systems (CEMS) measure gaseous air pollutants directly by fluorescence (SO2), infrared spectroscopy (CO), chemiluminescence (NOx), and flame ionization detection (VOCs). Table 4 identifies the concentrations of the criteria air pollutants typically found in stack test and CEMS results. Concentrations can be reported on a mass or volume basis.

Eq (4)

mass of air pollutant collected ________________________ = concentration volume or mass of air sampled

Table 4 - Source Testing Results Pollutant


Mass of Pollutant Collected

Volume of Stack Gas Sampled

Concentration of Pollutant in Stack Gas

Concentration Units ppmvd




Vd(m3@ dry standard conditions) Vdw(scf)













Emission Calculations

M * 1000mg/g Vd


M * 1 lb/453.59 grams Vdw M * 1 lb/453.59 grams Vd M * 15.432 grains/gram Vd M * 1 lb/453.59 grams*1000 Vdw * pdw M * 1 lb/453.59 grams*1000 Vd * p d


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lbs/dscf grains/dscf lbs/1000 lbs (actual) lbs/1000 lbs (dry)

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Table 5 - Nomenclature acf acfm C dscf dscfm Fd ft3 Hin HHV M m3 mg MW

P pdw pd ppmvd

Q R scf scfm STP T Vd Vw Vdw Videal

Emission Calculations

actual cubic feet actual cubic feet per minute concentration (mass of air pollutant/mass or volume of air) dry standard cubic feet dry standard cubic feet per minute fuel factor (dscfm/MMBtu) cubic feet heat input rate (MMBtu/hr) higher heating value (Btu/lb, Btu/gallon, or Btu/cubic feet) mass of air pollutant cubic meters @ dry standard conditions milligrams molecular weight of the pollutant. The molecular weight of the air pollutant is the sum of the atomic weights of all atoms in the molecule. One mole of molecules contains 6.022 x 1023 molecules. The mass of one mole of pollutant is its molecular weight * lb/lbmole. pressure density of all sampled gas at standard conditions density of dry gas at standard conditions pollutant concentration expressed in units of parts per million volume dry. 1 ppmvd = 1 lb-mole of pollutant/106 lb-moles of air at dry conditions. Since ppmvd is a volume to volume ratio, it is independent of temperature and pressure. stack gas flow rate mass fuel rate (lbs/hr) standard cubic feet standard cubic feet per minute Standard temperature (70oF) and pressure (29.92 inches of Hg absolute) as defined in Michigan Rule 119(M). temperature volume of dry gas @ STP volume of water vapor @ STP volume of all sampled gas @ STP volume occupied by one lb-mole of ideal gas will occupy a volume of 386.5 ft3 @ 70o F and 29.92 inches of Hg

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Table 6 - Conversion Factors 1 gram/1000 milligram 1 gram/15.432 grains

60 minutes/hour 1 lb/453.59 grams

0.02832 m3/ft3 1 lb/7000 grains

Combustion Sources: The stack gas leaving a combustion device (e.g. incinerator or boiler) contains certain levels of air pollutants which can be made to appear smaller if the total stack gas quantity is increased by adding non-pollutant gas to the stream. The volume fraction of any gas present in the stack gas can be reduced by dilution, i.e., adding air. It is for this reason that combustion equipment concentration emission standards are written with a specified amount of excess air (e.g., 0.08 grains/dscf corrected to 12% carbon dioxide). These excess air corrections are important when comparing stack test results to the emission standards but not when calculating the mass emission rate. No matter how much the stack gas is diluted, the mass emission rate will not change because the decrease in concentration will be offset by the increase in stack gas flow rate. If concentrations from stack tests are corrected to 50% excess air, 7% CO2, or 7% O2, make sure the stack flow rate is in the same units when calculating the mass emission rate. Stack Gas Flow Rate The second piece of information needed to calculate the hourly mass emission rate is the stack gas flow rate (see Equation 1). As one can see in Table 4, the concentrations are based upon volumes of air at actual or standard pressure and temperature, and dry or wet conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to convert acfm to scfm and scfm to dscfm. Flow rates can be determined using continuous volume flow rate monitor, stack sampling data or, for combustion sources, can be estimated based on heat input using fuel factors. Converting ACFM to SCFM The volume of a gas varies with changes in pressure and temperature. In order to simplify comparison of gases, chemists adopted a set of standard conditions of temperature and pressure. Accordingly, Rule 119(m) of the Michigan Administrative o Rule for Air Pollution Control defines standard conditions as a gas temperature of 70 Fahrenheit (460 + 70o F = 530o R) and a gas pressure of 1 atmosphere (29.92 inches of mercury absolute).

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The volume of a gas or volume flow rate of a gas at one temperature and pressure can be converted to its volume or volume flow rate at standard conditions by using the ideal gas equation which relates pressure, volume, and temperature. According to the ideal gas law: Eq (5)

Qstd = Qo(Tstd/To) (Po/Pstd)

Where: Qstd = gas flow rate at standard temperature and pressure Qo = gas flow rate at actual conditions Pstd = pressure at standard conditions is 29.92 inches Hg or 1 atmosphere Tstd = temperature at standard conditions is 70o F Po = pressure at actual conditions (inches Hg) o To = temperature at actual conditions ( F) Eq (6)


Qscfm = Qacfm * (460 + 70 F ) * Po (460 + To) * Ps

Converting SCFM to DSCFM Certain processes will generate moisture in the stack gas Eq (7)

Qdscfm = Qscfm * (100 -% moisture) 100

This approach can only be used for exhaust flows < 5% moisture For Combustion Sources: When direct measurements of stack gas flow rate are not available, Q can be calculated using fuel factors (Fd factors): Eq (8)

Qdscfm = Fd * 20.9 * Hin (20.9 - %O2) * 60 min/hr

Where: Fd = fuel factor, dry basis %O2 = measured oxygen concentration, dry basis expressed as a percentage Hin = heat input rate in MMBtu/hr Eq (9)

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Hin = R * HHV 106

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Where: R = mass fuel rate in lbs/hr HHV = higher heating value of the fuel in Btu/lb The average Fd factors are provided in EPA Reference Test Method 19 for different fuels and are shown in Table 7. Also in Table 7 are the higher heating values (HHV) of fuel. Table 7- Fuel Factors and Higher Heating Values Fuel Type Coal anthracite bituminous lignite Oil residual distillate Gas natural Wood Wood Bark

Fd (dscf/MMBtu)


10,100 9,780 9,860

12,300/lb 13,000/lb 7,200/lb

9,190 9,190

150,000/gal 140,000/gal

8,710 9,240/lb 9,600/lb

1,050/scf 5,200/lb 4,500/lb

EXAMPLE #2: Company A operates a distillate oil-fired boiler. The fuel rate is 20 gallons of oil per hour. The percent O2 in their exhaust gas is 2.1%. Determine the stack gas flow rate Qdscfm. Step 1 - Calculate the heat input rate (Hin) MMBtu/hr Hin = (R * HHV)/ 106 Hin = (20 gal/hr * 140,000 Btu/gal * 1MM)/106 Hin = 2.8 MMBtu/hr Step 2 - Calculate the stack gas flow rate Qdscfm From Table 7, the Fd factor for distillate oil is 9,190 dscf/MMBtu Q = Fd* ((20.9)/(20.9 - %O2 )) * (Hin /60) Q = 9,190 * ((20.9)/(20.9 - 2.1)) * (2.8/60) Qdscfm = 477

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Calculating the Hourly Mass Emission Rate According to Equation 1 (see page 22), calculating the mass emission rate might appear to be quite simple; just multiply the stack gas concentration of air pollutant by the stack gas flow rate to get a mass emission rate. The trick in making this calculation is being sure the units of concentration of air pollutants are compatible with the units of the stack gas flow rate. The following equations will explain how the air pollutant concentrations reported in stack tests and CEMS data (see Table 4) can be converted to the hourly mass emission rate expressed in units of pounds per hour (lbs/hr). Converting ppmvd to lbs/hr Eq (10)

C ppmvd * MW * Q dscfm * 60 min/hr = lbs/hr Videal * 106

lb-mole pollutant MM lb-mole air

lb pollutant lb-mole pollutant

lb-mole air 386.5 ft3 air

ft3 air 60 min = lb/hr min hr

EXAMPLE #3: Company B operates a boiler equipped with a CEMS for SO2. According to the CEMS, the in-stack concentration of SO2 is 33 ppmvd. The stack gas flow rate Qdscfm is 155,087. What is the emission rate of SO2 in lbs/hr? Using Equation (10) and the molecular weight of SO2 is 64 (i.e., 32+(16 * 2)): 33 * 64 * 155,087 * 60 = 51 lbs of SO2/hr 386.5 * 106 Converting mg/m3 to lbs/hr 3 The mass of air pollutant per volume of stack gas (mg/m ) is corrected to dry standard conditions. Thus, to calculate the mass emission rate, the concentration of air pollutant is multiplied by the stack gas flow rate, in units of dscfm.

Eq (11)

C mg/m3 * V dscfm * 60 min/hr * 0.02832 m3/ft3 = lbs/hr 453.6 gram/lb * 1000 mg/gram mg m3

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ft min

lb gram


min hr

m3 ft3

gram = lbs/hr mg

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Converting lbs/scf to lbs/hr Eq (12)

C lb/scf * Q scfm * 60 min/hr = lbs/hr lb ft3


ft3 * min

min hr

= lbs/hr

Converting lbs/dscf to lbs/hr Eq (13)

C lb/dscf * Q dscfm * 60 min/hr = lbs/hr lb ft3


3 ft * min

min hr

= lbs/hr

Converting grains/dscf to lbs/hr C grains/dscf * 1 lb/7000 grains * Q dscfm * 60 min/hr = lbs/hr

Eq (14)

grains * lb * 3 ft * grains *

ft3 * min *

min = lbs/hr hr

Converting lb/1,000 lbs (actual) to lbs/hr lb pollutant * Q acfm * 60 min/hr * paw = lbs/hr 1000 lb air

Eq (15)

lb pollutant lb air

ft3 min

min hr

lb air = lbs/hr ft3

Converting lb/1,000 lbs (dry) to lbs/hr The density of air at dry standard conditions is 0.075 lbs/ft3 lb pollutant * Q dscfm * 60 min/hr * 0.075 lb/ft3 = lbs/hr 1000 lb air

Eq (16)

lb pollutant * lb air *

ft3 * min *

min * hr *

lb air = lbs/hr ft3

Step 2 - Calculating the Source Specific Emission Factor The hourly mass emission rate determined from CEMS or stack test data (see Step 1) can be converted into a source specific emission factor. An emission factor is the amount of pollutant emitted per activity. Activities are typically expressed in

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terms of material usage, e.g., tons of coal or gallons of oil fired. The basic equation used in emission factor calculations is: Eq (17)

Emission Factor (EF)


Emission Rate (ERhourly) Activity (Ahourly)

lb of pollutant emitted ton of material


lb pollutant emitted hr ton of material/hr

See page 76 for additional discussion on source specific emission factors. EXAMPLE #4: Company B operates a boiler that has an SO2 emission rate (ER) of 51 lbs/hr. During the stack test, the coal firing rate (A) was 6.7 tons/hr. Calculate the SO2 emission factor (EF). Using Equation 17: EFSO2 = 51 lbs SO2/hr . 6.7 tons coal combusted/hr EFSO2 = 7.612 lbs SO2/ton of coal For Combustion Sources: Often a stack test may report emissions in units of lbs/MMBtu. This is calculated by taking the lbs of pollutant/hr emission rate from the test and dividing by the heat input rate Hin (see Step 1 below). To convert lbs/MMBtu to an annual emission rate, use the fuel throughput and heating value of fuel (see Step 2 below). Eq (18) lbs pollutant/MMBtu * MMBtu/year * ton/2000 lb = tons pollutant/yr Step 1 - Converting lbs/hr to lbs/MMBtu: (lbs pollutant/hr ) / Hin = lbs pollutant/MMBtu Where:

Hin = R * HHV 106

lbs pollutant * hr * hr * lbs fuel *

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lbs fuel * 106 Btu * 1MM



lbs pollutant MMBtu

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Step 2 - Calculating MMbtu/year HHV Btu lbs fuel


lbs fuel used/year = * *

lbs fuel year

* *


MM 106


MMBtu year

Step 3 - Converting lbs/MMBtu to tons/year lbs pollutant* MMBtu *

MMBtu year

* *

1 ton 2000 lbs


tons pollutant year

Step 3 - Determining the Annual Mass Emission Rate The annual emission rate is the product of the source specific emission factor (determined in Step 2) multiplied by an annual activity rate. Some examples of an annual activity rate are tons of coal combusted per year or gallons of paint applied per year. EQ (19) Annual Emission (ERannual) = Emission Factor (EF) * Activity (Aannual) lb of pollutant emitted = lb pollutant emitted * yr ton of material * EXAMPLE #5: Company B burns 41,000 tons of coal during the year. emission rate (ER) of SO2?

ton of material yr

What is the annual mass

Using Equation 19: ER annual = 7.612 lbs SO2/ton of coal * 41,000 tons coal/yr * 1 ton/2000 lbs ER annual = 156 tons of SO2/yr One final key point to consider when deriving an annual mass emission rate from source test data: stack tests are generally only conducted over several hours or days at most. It’s a snap shot of the emission unit’s emissions. Over time, changes to the emission unit may occur that could result in emission rates that are different than those taken during the stack test. The facility may then have to conduct a new test to reflect these new operating conditions.

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Mass Balance Mass balance is a method that estimates emissions by analyzing inputs of raw materials to an emission unit and accounting for all of the various possible outputs of the raw materials in the form of air emissions, wastewater, hazardous waste, and/or the final product. As the term implies, one needs to account for all the materials going into and coming out of the process for such an emission estimation to be credible.

M A SS BA LA NCE A PPROACH air em issio n s

ra w m a te ria ls

p ro d u c t E M IS S IO N U N IT

w a ste w ate r

h az a rd o u s w aste

Figure 2. Mass Balance A mass balance approach can provide reliable average emission estimates for specific emission units. For some emission units, a mass balance may provide a better estimate of emissions than an emission test would. In general, mass balances are appropriate for use in situations where a high percentage of material is lost to the atmosphere (e. g., sulfur in fuel, or solvent loss in an uncontrolled coating process). The use of mass balance involves the examination of a process to determine whether emissions can be estimated solely on knowledge of operating parameters, material compositions, and total material usage. The simplest mass balance assumes that all solvent used in a process will evaporate to become air emissions somewhere at the facility. For instance, for many surface coating operations, it can be assumed that all of the solvent in the coating evaporates to the atmosphere during the application and drying processes. In such cases, emissions equal the amount of solvent contained in the surface coating plus any added thinners.

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Mass balances are greatly simplified and very accurate in cases where all of the consumed solvent is emitted to the atmosphere. But many situations exist where a portion of the evaporated solvent is captured and routed to a control device such as an afterburner (incinerator) or condenser. In these cases, the captured portion must be measured or estimated by other means, and the disposition of any recovered material must be accounted for. As a second example, in degreasing operations, emissions will not equal solvent consumption if waste solvent is removed from the unit for recycling or incineration. A third example is where some fraction of the diluent (which is used to liquefy cutback asphalt, for example) is believed to be retained in the substrate (pavement) rather than evaporated after application. In these examples, a method of accounting for the non-emitted solvent is required to avoid an overestimation of emissions. Mass balances may be inappropriate where material is consumed or chemically combined in the process, or where losses to the atmosphere are a small portion of the total process throughput. As an example, applying mass balances to petroleum product storage tanks is not generally feasible because the losses are too small relative to the uncertainty of any metering devices. In these cases, emission factors can be used. Mass Balance Examples Below are some examples of using the mass balance approach of estimating emissions. The processes included in the examples are surface coating operations, laboratory hoods, and combustion sources. Surface Coating Operations Surface coating operations, including preparation of the articles to be coated, can involve a variety of emissions such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and particulates from painting, metals from grinding, metals and VOCs from foundry operations, and other criteria pollutants from fuel. Emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from surface coating operations are a result of evaporation of thinners and solvents found in the coating. The main factor affecting VOC emission rates is the percent of volatile matter in the coating being applied. Most Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) indicate the percent weight or volume of volatile matter in the coating. The MSDS may also indicate the density of the coating, usually in units of pounds per gallon (lb/gal). The density of the coating can also be calculated, if it is not specified on the MSDS, by multiplying the specific gravity of the coating by 8.34 lb/gal, which is the density of water. (This is assuming that the coating is being applied at close to atmospheric conditions.)

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To quantify VOC emissions from surface coating operations, assume that all of the volatile matter in the coating is emitted to the atmosphere. The following example outlines the steps involved in quantifying VOC emissions from surface coating operations. 1. Identify the coating and amount used for a designated time period. 2. Locate the MSDS to identify the percent volatile by weight and the density of the coating. 3. Complete the calculations as indicated in Example #6. EXAMPLE #6: VOC Calculations Coating A

(assume the coating is solvent-based and applied as received)

Volatile percent (by weight) = 40% Density = 8.00 lb/gal Usage Rate = 2500 gal/yr = 1 gal/hr (average) = 3 gal/hr (maximum, based on maximum production rate) Hours of operation = 2500 hr/yr Permit limitations or other requirements = None that are federally enforceable Hours of continuous operation = 24 hrs/day x 7 days/week x 52 weeks/year = 8760 hrs/yr Actual VOC Emissions: gal lb 0.4 lb VOC lb VOC x 8.0 x = 3.2 hr gal lb coating hr gal lb 0.4 lb VOC 1 ton ton VOC Annual = 2500 x 8.0 x x = 4 yr gal lb coating 2000 lb yr Hourly average = 1

Potential VOC Emissions: gal lb 0.4 lbs VOC lbs VOC x 8.0 x = 9.6 hr gal lb coating hr lbs VOC hr 1 ton tons VOC Annual = 9.6 x 8760 x = 42 hr yr 2000 lb yr Hourly = 3

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The coating may also include a hazardous air pollutant (HAP) as one of its constituents. The MSDS may indicate for example, the following: Toluene = 10% (by weight) n-Butyl Acetate = 10% (by weight) Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) = 10% (by weight) Xylene = 10% (by weight) If so, you can estimate HAP emissions by assuming that the HAP is emitted into the atmosphere at the same percentage as it is found in the coating. For example using the previous example: EXAMPLE #7: Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAP) emissions) Coating A VOC Emission rate = 4.0 tons/year Toluene = 10% (by weight) n-Butyl Acetate = 10% (by weight) MEK = 10% (by weight) Xylene = 10% (by weight) Actual HAP Emissions (toluene): gal lb 0.1 lb Toluene lb Toluene x 8.0 x = 0.8 hr gal lb coating hr gal lb 0.1 lbs Toluene 1ton ton Toluene Annual = 2500 x 8.0 x x = 1.0 yr gal lb coating 2000lb yr Hourly = 1

Potential HAP Emissions (toluene): gal lb 0.1 lbs Toluene lbs Toluene x 8.0 x = 2.4 hr gal lb coating hr lbs Toluene hr 1ton tons Toluene Annual = 2.4 x 8760 x = 10.5 hr yr 2000lb yr Hourly = 3

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EXAMPLE #8: VOC Calculations Estimating Emissions Using Mass Balance with a Single Component In one process, Company C uses a solvent bath to clean its product, widgets. The solvent density is 7.7 pounds per gallon. (The density of the solvent is used to convert from gallons of solvent to pounds of solvent in the emission calculation). Xylene is the only substance in the solvent for which emissions must be quantified, and it constitutes 87% of the solvent by weight. At the beginning of the year, Company C had 7,500 pounds of this solvent in storage and purchased another 9 tons over the year. At the end of the year, the facility had 10,000 pounds in storage. Assumptions:

a. Xylene is a volatile organic compound and the total volume is usually emitted to the atmosphere. Thus, emissions equal amount of xylene used. b. No control device is used to reduce the emissions of solvent.

Because emissions equal the amount of xylene used, emissions (ER) are determined using the following equation: (20)


Where: ER SB SI SE F

= = = = =



(SB + SI - SE) * F

Annual emissions of xylene (lb/yr) Amount of solvent in storage at the beginning of the year (lb) Amount of solvent purchased during the year (lb) Amount of solvent left in storage at the end of the year (lb) Fraction of xylene in the solvent, lb xylene/lb

= [7,500 lb + (9 tons x 2,000 lb/ton) - 10,000 lb]*0.87 lb xylene/lb = 15,500 lbs x 0.87 lb xylene/lb solvent = 13,485 lbs of xylene emitted

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Considerations When Calculating VOC Emissions The VOC content of coating can be expressed in a number of different ways. Examples are: lbs of VOC/ gallon of coating or lbs of VOC/ gallon of coating minus water and exempt organic solvents. When calculating your annual emissions of VOC, make certain that the total gallons of coating used in a year is compatible with what is in the denominator of the VOC content of the coating. EXAMPLE #9: VOC Calculations Company D uses a coating that has a VOC content of 5.27 lb VOC /gal of coating minus water and exempt organic solvent. The company used 5,452 gallons of coating in the year. The percent by volume of water and exempt organic solvents in the coating is 5 % and 15 %, respectively. Calculate their annual emissions of VOCs. Step 1 - Determine volume of water and exempt organic solvents 5,452 gallons coating * (5% + 15%) = 1,090 gallons of water and exempt organic solvents

Step 2 - Determine gallons of coating minus water and exempt organic solvents 5,452 - 1,090 = 4,362 gallons of coating minus water and exempt organic solvents

Step 3 - Calculate annual emissions of VOC 5.27 lb VOC/gallons of coating minus water and exempt solvent * 4,362 gallons of coating minus water and exempt solvents/year = 22,989 lbs VOC/year Laboratory Hoods There are no specific emission factors for calculating releases from laboratory hoods. The most common approach to estimating releases is the use of a combination of material balance and engineering calculations. In general, unless there is some information to the contrary, you can conservatively assume that 100 percent of the volatile materials collected by the hood are released to the atmosphere.

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The key to making reasonable estimates of potential VOC emissions is to make sure that the product consumption rates used in the calculations represent the maximum or design capacity, rather than actual usage rates. For example, assume that your facility has been operating for only 5 days/week, 24 hours/day (or 6240 hours/year) over the past year, instead of the maximum possible 7 days/week, 24 hours/day (8760 hours/year). Production rates for the year at a laboratory hood thus reflect operations at about 70 percent of capacity, and should be scaled up to full production capacities to estimate potential releases. EXAMPLE #10: Laboratory Hoods Assume that in 1993 you consumed 3,800 lb of a volatile material at a laboratory hood and operated 6240 hours/year. Total potential VOC emissions could be calculated as:

Potential amount per year: 3800

lb 1 year hours lb x x 8760 = 5335 year 6240 actual hr year max year

Potential amount per hr: 5335

lbs 1 year lbs x = 0.6 year 8760 hours hour

Combustion Sources Fuel analysis can be used to predict emissions based on the application of mass balance. The presence of certain elements in fuels may be used to predict their presence in emission streams. These include toxic elements such as metals found in coal; as well as other elements such as sulfur, that may be converted to other compounds during the combustion process. The basic equation used in fuel analysis emission calculations is: (21)

ER = R * PC * (MW p/MW f)

Where: ER R PC MW p MW f

= pollutant emission rate = fuel flow rate (lb/hr) = pollutant concentration in fuel ( %/100) = molecular weight of pollutant emitted (lb/lb-mole) = molecular weight of pollutant in fuel (lb/lb-mole)

For example, SO2 emissions from oil combustion can be calculated based on the

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concentration of sulfur in the oil. This approach assumes complete conversion of sulfur to SO2 . Therefore, for every pound of sulfur (MW = 32 g) burned, 2 lb of SO2 (MW = 64 g) are emitted. The application of this emission estimation technique is shown in Example 11. EXAMPLE #11: Calculations Using Fuel Analysis Calculate the SO2 emissions from the combustion of oil based on fuel analysis results and the fuel flow information. fuel flow rate R = 46,000 lbs/hr percent sulfur (% S) in fuel = 1.17 ER

= R * PC * (MW p/MW f) = (46,000) * (1.17/100) * (64/32) = 1,076 lbs SO2/hr Emission Factors and Emission Models

What are Emission Factors? An emission factor is a representative value that attempts to relate the quantity of a pollutant released to the atmosphere with an activity associated with the release of that pollutant. An emission factor is a ratio of the amount of a pollutant emitted per throughput of material (for example, pounds of NOx per gallon of residual oil burned). Emission factors are founded on the premise that there exists a linear relationship between the emissions of air contaminant and the activity level. A wide variety of sources can use emission factors to estimate their emissions. The general equation for calculating uncontrolled emissions using an emission factor is: Eq (22) ERA Where: ERA EFA CF A EC


EFA * CF1 * CF2 * A1 * A2 * (100-EC/100)

= emissions of pollutant A = emission factor of pollutant A = 1 or more conversion factors (if necessary) = 1 or more activity values = overall emission control efficiency (%) (if controlled).

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Activity data (A) quantify the activities associated with a given emission factor (examples include tons of raw material burned, processed, handled, charged, or received and fuel burned). The conversion factors (CF) are those factors needed to apply the emission factor to the activity data. This includes factors such as the heat content of fuel expressed in BTUs per ton of fuel. The following are examples of emission factor calculations. •

Calculation for fuel combustion requiring a single conversion factor and a single activity value: ER = EF (# benzene / MMBtu heat ) x CF ( MMBtu heat / ton coal ) x A (ton coal )

Calculation of dust from hauling dirt requires two activity values: ER = EF (# PM / yard 3 − mile dirt hauled ) x A1( yard 3 dirt ) x A2 (miles hauled ) Emission Factor Examples

Below are some examples of using emission factors to estimate emissions. The processes included in the examples are grinding operations, foundries, boilers, incinerators, and open top cleaners. Grinding Operations Particulate emissions associated with the grinding of metal can be estimated by comparing the grinding operations to a scarfing operation at a steel mill. The scarfing operation is used as a surface preparation step to remove surface defects from slabs prior to shaping or rolling. Grinding operations can be assumed to follow the same basic procedures as scarfing, and thus the emissions factors for scarfing (Table 8) can in some instances be used to estimate emissions from grinding operations, although there may be other methods to estimate emissions as well. For example, if a grinder is equipped with a fabric filter, the control device vendor may provide you with a guaranteed particulate emission rate. Table 8. Particulate Emission Factors for Uncontrolled Grinding Operations Process

lb Particulate/ton metal in grinding operation




Note: Grinding emission factor from Table 12.5-1 of AP-42 for metal scarfing.

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EXAMPLE #12: Grinding Assume a grinding operations processes 50,000 tons of metal per year. The potential particulate emissions from the grinding operations would be:

Potential Emissions =

50,000 tons year


0.1 lb Particulate ton metal processed

1 ton


= 2.5

ton Particulate

2000 lb


Foundry Emissions Steel and gray iron foundries use the same basic processes to produce castings. Thus, the emission factors and estimating techniques are similar for both types of foundry operations. The main emissions from foundries occur during the metal melting step. Table 9, taken from AP-42 Section 12.13-6, lists the emission factors for steel foundry metal melting procedures. Emission factors for gray iron foundry metal melting can be found in AP-42 section 12.10.

Table 9. Steel Foundry Metal Melting Emissions Factors (Uncontrolled) Particulate Matter (a,b) lb/ton of melt

Nitrogen Oxides (a) lb/ton of melt

Electric arc

13 (4-40)


Open hearth



Open hearth oxygen lanced

10 (8-11)




Type of Furnace

Electric induction

(a) Expressed as units per unit weight of metal processed. (b) If the scrap metal is very dirty or oily, the emission factor should be chosen from the upper end of the range presented in parentheses.

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EXAMPLE #13: Steel Foundry An example potential emission estimate for a steel foundry using an electric arc furnace which processed 50 tons of metal a day would be:

Potential Emissions

Potential Emissions

tons metal 13 lb PM lb PM lb PM = 50 x = 650 day day ton metal day

lb NO x lb NO x tons metal 0.2 lb NO x = 50 x = 10 day day ton metal day

Other foundry operations with the potential to emit pollutants include materials handling, mold and core production, and casting and finishing. Particulate matter emission factors that have been developed for other gray iron (uncontrolled) foundry processes are summarized in Table 10, taken from AP-42 Section 12.10. Table 10. Miscellaneous Foundry Emission Factors Total Emission Factor Ib/ton

Emitted to Work Environment lb/ton

Emitted to Atmosphere lb/ton

Scrap & charge handling




Magnesium treatment








Pouring, cooling








Cleaning, finishing




Sand handling




Core making, baking





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Fuel Burning Calculating particulate matter emissions from distillate oil combustion serves as an example of the fuel combustion emission factors. Fuel burning emission factors are expressed as the weight of pollutant emitted per quantity of fuel combusted (e.g., pounds of sulfur dioxide emitted per thousand gallons of oil burned (lb/1000 gal)). EXAMPLE #14: Industrial Boiler Potential Emissions Consider an industrial boiler with a rated heat capacity of 100 million Btu/hr. The USEPA’s AP-42 emission factor document in a Table entitled "Uncontrolled Emission Factors for Fuel Oil Combustion" indicates that the particulate matter emission factor for distillate oil is 2 lb/1000 gal of oil burned. (1)

Assuming the oil has a heat content of 140,000 Btu/gal, the maximum oil firing rate of the boiler would be

Max. oil firing rate =


100,000,000 Btu / hour gal = 714.3 140,000 Btu / gallon hour

Potential particulate matter emission =


gallons oil 2 lbs particulate particulate x = 1.43 lbs hour 1000 gallons oil hour

Typical representative fuel heating values you may find useful are shown in Table 11.

Table 11: Representative Fuel Heating Values Fuel Type

Approximate Heat Content

Natural Gas

1,000 Btu/ft3

Distillate Oil (#2)

140,000 Btu/gallon

Residual Oil (#6)

150,000 Btu/gallon


13,000 Btu/lb

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These approximate fuel heat content values can be used along with the rated heat capacity of boilers and furnaces to estimate fuel firing rates of typical fuel burning equipment. EXAMPLE #15: Industrial Boiler Actual Emissions To determine actual emissions, the actual quantity of fuel oil burned in a particular period of time in the boiler is used in the calculation. Assume that your facility burned 1,000,000 gallons of #2 fuel oil in a year and the boiler was run at a 85% of the year (310 days). Then the calculated actual emissions would be as follows: gallons oil 2 lbs lbs ton x = 2000 = 1 year 1000 gallons oil year year ton 2000 lb 1 year 1 day lbs 1 x x x = 0.27 year 1 ton (365days)(.85) 24 hours hour

10 6

Other tables found in AP-42 provide uncontrolled emission factors for natural gas combustion and subbituminous coal combustion, respectively.

NOx Emissions Calculation for an Incinerator Thermal incinerators that are used to control volatile organic compounds (VOCs) not only have VOC emissions, but as with any combustion source, they also have fuel-related emissions. These fuel-related emissions are calculated similarly to emissions from fuel burning equipment. Thus, if you have an incinerator with a rated heat input capacity of 25 MMBtu/hr that burns natural gas, the potential NOx emissions would be calculated in the following manner:

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EXAMPLE #16: NOx Emissions from an incinerator Rated input heat capacity = 25 MMBtu/hr NOx = 140 lb/106 ft3 from AP-42 Table for Uncontrolled Emissions Factors for Natural Gas Production

Potential Emissions

140 lb NO x lb NO x lb NO x MMBtu 1 ft 3 = 25 x x = 3.5 3 6 hr hr 1000 Btu hr 10 ft

Potential Emissions

hr 1ton ton NO x ton NO x lb NO x = 3.5 x 8760 x = 15.33 yr hr year 2000 lb year

Assume that in 1993 the incinerator only operated for 7,000 hours. The actual emissions would then be: Actual Emissions =

3.5 lb NO x hr 1 ton ton NO x x 7000 x = 12.25 hr year 2000 lb year

Open Top Vapor Cleaners There are three significant emission sources from open top vapor cleaners (OTVCs): 1) idling losses associated with the air/solvent vapor interface; 2) working losses caused from the introduction and extraction of parts and spraying; and 3) other losses such as filling and draining losses, downtime losses, and leaks. Emissions data from idling OTVCs are presented in Table 12. A summary of some available data on emission rates for working OTVCs using electric (not manual) hoists is presented in Table 13.

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Table 12. Emissions from Idling OTVCS .

Notes: Source:

Primary Condenser Temperature

Emission Rate






















Assumes a cleaner size of 0.9 m2, a freeboard ratio of 0.7, an uncovered machine with no refrigerated freeboard devices or lip exhausts, and an AutoSonics device. USEPA - 450/3-89-030; August 1989, Alternative Control Technology Document - Halogenated Solvent Cleaners

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Table 13. Emissions from Working OTVCs

Air Speed (ft/min)

Primary Condenser Temperature (Fq)

Freeboard Ratio

Emission Ratea (lb/ft2/hr)



































































































































MC blend







MC blend







MC blend







MC blend








Cleaner Size (m2)

Cleaner Manufacturer







Working emissions include diffusion, convection, and workload losses, but not leaks, solvent transfer losses, or downtime losses. b Information unknown or not available c Constant cycling or parts into and out of machine and use of perforated metal basket that retained significant solvent upon exit from machine account for elevated emission number. d MC stands for Methylene Chloride USEPA - 450/3-89-030; August 1989, Alternative Control Technology Document - Halogenated Solvent Cleaners.

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Losses from such sources as filling and draining, and leaks are difficult to quantify. Equipment vendor estimates of downtime losses range from 0.03 to 0.07 pounds of solvent per square foot of surface area per hour. Table 14 presents relative evaporation rates of some halogenated solvents.

Table 14. Halogenated Solvent Evaporation Rates

Relative Evaporation Rate (CCL4 = 100)

Solvent TCE






Methylene Chloride




Source: USEPA -450/3-89-030; August 1989, Alternative Control Technology Document - Halogenated Solvent Cleaners

Limitations of Emission Factors Data from source-specific stack tests or continuous emission monitoring systems are usually preferred for estimating a source’s emissions because those data provide the best representation of the tested source’s emissions. However, test data from individual sources are not always available and, even then, they may not reflect the variability of actual emissions over time. Thus, emission factors are frequently the best or only method available for estimating emissions, in spite of their limitations. Average emissions differ significantly from source to source and, therefore, emission factors frequently may not provide adequate estimates of the average emissions for a specific source. The extent of between-source variability that exists, even among similar individual sources, can be large depending on process, control system, and pollutant. Although the causes of this variability are considered in emission factor development, this type of information is seldom included in emission test reports used to develop emission factors. As a result, some emission factors are derived from tests that may vary by an order of magnitude or more. Even when the major process variables are accounted for, the

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emission factors developed may be the result of averaging source tests that differ by factors of five or more. Air pollution control devices also may cause differing emission characteristics. The design criteria of air pollution control equipment affect the resulting emissions. Design criteria include such items as the type of wet scrubber used, the pressure drop across a scrubber, the plate area of an electrostatic precipitator, and the alkali feed rate to an acid gas scrubber. Often, design criteria are not included in emission test reports (at least not in a form conducive to detailed analysis of how varying process parameters can affect emissions) and therefore may not be accounted for in the resulting factors. Before simply applying emission factors to predict emissions from new or proposed sources, or to make other source-specific emission assessments, the user should review the latest literature and technology to be aware of circumstances that might cause such sources to exhibit emission characteristics different from those of other, typical existing sources. Care should be taken to assure that the subject source type and design, controls, and raw material input are those of the source(s) analyzed to produce the emission factor. This fact should be considered, as well as the age of the information and the user’s knowledge of technology advances. Emission Factor Resources Emission Factors Provided with MAERS The MAERS software includes a look-up table of emission factors that may be used in completing the report. The emission factors contained in the table are based upon those listed in the Factor Information REtrieval (FIRE) Data System. The AQD, in developing the look-up table of emission factors, edited and removed certain emission factors from FIRE. See the discussion beginning on page 65 on how the MAERS lookup table differs from the emission factors contained in FIRE. The emission factors contained in the MAERS look-up table are provided to make it easy for the user to estimate their annual emissions and report them to the state in order to meet the annual reporting requirements. It must be understood, however, that a general emission factor such as is found in the MAERS table is a default value. As such, it may not be the best factor to represent emissions for the process being evaluated. It is important to have an understanding of who develops emission factors and what other emission estimation tools are available. Emission Factor and Inventory Group (EFIG) www.epa.gov/oar/oaqps/organization/emad/efig.html Emission Factor and Inventory Group is part of the Emissions, Modeling, and Analysis Division of the USEPA’s Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. The program is located at the USEPA's facility in Research Triangle Park, North

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Carolina. The EFIG provides leadership in the development and use of emission factors through: preparation and dissemination of technical guidance and information; enhancements to and maintenance of reference guides (AP-42); and technical information dissemination tools (e.g., Fax CHIEF, Air CHIEF, and the CHIEF web site); training; and conferences. Emission Inventory Improvement Program (EIIP) www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/eiip The Emission Inventory Improvement Program (EIIP) is a jointly sponsored effort of the State and Territorial Air Pollution Program Administrators/Association of Local Air Pollution Control Officials (STAPPA/ALAPCO) and EPA. The EIIP Steering Committee and technical committees are composed of state, local, industry, and EPA representatives. The goal of EIIP is to provide cost-effective, reliable emission inventories which are an aggregation of emission data from specific sources of air pollution. State regulatory agencies use emission inventories in tracking trends in air releases and the development of new regulations. Since reliable emission inventories must be built upon the latest emission factors, the EIIP has developed some important emission factor tools that facilities subject to MAERS should consult. Methods for estimating air emissions from various industrial processes are available at www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/eiip/techreport/volume02/index.html and www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/eiip/techreport/volume03/index.html.

Clearinghouse for Inventories & Emission Factors (CHIEF) (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief) All of the latest information on air emission inventories and factors developed by the EFIG and EIIP are organized on the CHIEF web site which is one of 16 web sites of the Technology Transfer Network (TTN) (see Figure 3). The TTN Web is a computer system administered by the Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS), USEPA consisting of a collection of air quality related web sites. Each web site focuses on a different aspect of air quality or the Clean Air Act. The various sites contain on-line data bases, downloadable computer programs, bulletins, regulatory information, and public forums for exchange of ideas. Because of the available functionality, the TTN Web is being touted as a primary communication and outreach vehicle by the OAQPS. Many of the reports and information found in the TTN are in Adobe® Acrobat® Reader 3.0 which can be viewed or printed.

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Figure 3. CHIEF In addition to CHIEF, there is one other TTN web site containing emission factor information: Clean Air Technology Center (CATC). The web site (www.epa.gov/ttn/catc) offers free engineering assistance, a hotline, and technical guidance to state and local air pollution control agencies in implementing air pollution control programs.

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Figure 4 is an overview of all the components of CHIEF.

Technology Transfer Network








Emissions Inventory


National Emissions Inventory-US

Technical Document Series

North American Emissions Systems Mexico

Technical Committees

Emissions Modeling


Emission Factor





General Emission Inventory Resource








ACA Interactive

AIR Data

ASEM 1.0 Beta


OTAQE Emission


Emissions Modeling MDI Emissions Estimator

Figure 4. Overview of CHIEF

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Emission Factor Publications There are three major publications containing criteria and toxic air pollutant emission factor information: y Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors AP-42, Fifth Edition, Volume I: Stationary Point and Area Sources and Supplements A, B, C, D, E & F, y EIIP Technical Report Series, Volumes I - Point Sources and Volume II - Area Sources, and y Locating and Estimating (L&E) Air Toxic Emissions Document Series. Each of these publications is available from the CHIEF web site.

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Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors (AP-42) www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/ap42/index/html The fact that an emission factor for a pollutant or process is not available from the USEPA does not imply that the Agency believes the source does not emit that pollutant or that the source should not be inventoried, it is only that the USEPA does not have enough data to provide any advice. The Fifth Edition of the “Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors (AP-42)”, Volume I, compiles emission factors and descriptions of activities that produce criteria and toxic pollutant emissions for most stationary point and area sources. The emissions data in the AP-42 document have been gathered from source tests, material balance studies, and engineering estimates. AP-42 is divided into an introduction, 14 chapters and 5 appendices (see Appendix D). Each chapter covers a different major industry or source category, and contains at least one section describing a specific operation with common products or similar process methodologies. Volume II of AP-42 deals with mobile sources. Since the February 1995 release of the Fifth Edition of AP-42, additions and changes to the emission factors have been placed in supplements. For the latest updates of the AP-42 emission factors, Supplements A-F should be reviewed in their entirety. The supplements are found in CHIEF at www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/ap42supp.html.

Figure 6. AP-42

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Pollutant Terminology and Conventions in AP-42 The need for clearly and precisely defined terms in AP-42 should be evident to all. The factors in this document represent units of pollutants (or for ozone, precursors) for which there are National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). These are often referred to as "criteria" pollutants. Factors may be presented also for hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) designated in the Clean Air Act and for other regulated and unregulated air pollutants. If the pollutants are volatile organic compounds or particulate matter, additional analytical information may be needed for specific applications. Many pollutants are defined by their chemical names, which often may have synonyms and trade names. Trade names are often given to mixtures to obscure proprietary information, and the same components may have several trade names. For assurance of the use of the proper chemical identification, the Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) number for the chemical should be consulted along with the list of synonyms. The pollutant terminology and conventions currently used in AP-42 are discussed below. Particulate Matter There are a number of terms commonly associated with the general pollutant, "particulate matter" (PM). They include three different particle size forms, and four different composition forms: Particle Size Forms y PM (particulate matter all sizes) y PM-10 (particulate matter less than 10 microns in diameter) y PM-2.5 (particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in diameter) Composition Forms y PRIMARY (sum of filterable particulate and condensable particulate y TOTAL (same as PRIMARY, but both form names are currently being used) y FILTERABLE (that portion of the particulate which is collected on a filter) y CONDENSABLE (that portion of the particulate which is collected in impingers after passing through a filter) Within a stack sampling train there are two locations where particulate matter is collected. In the front half of the train, particulate matter is collected on a filter. USEPA Method 5 is used to determine the mass of this filterable particulate. In the back half of the sampling train, particulate matter is condensed in the sampling train impingers. USEPA Method 202 is used to determine this condensable particulate.

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The inorganic gas, AMMONIA (NH3) is being considered as a haze precursor and, as such, is being added to the list of criteria pollutants. It is anticipated that reporting will begin with the 2002 emissions inventory. For MAERS reporting, the particulate matter form and AMMONIA, if present, are required to be reported and are shown with their emission factors, in the color blue at the bottom of the E-101 Emissions form within the software. Organic Compounds Precursors of the criteria pollutant "ozone" include organic compounds. "Volatile organic compounds" (VOCs) are required in a State Implementation Plan (SIP) emission inventory. VOCs have been defined by EPA (40 CFR 51.100, February 3, 1992) as "any compound of carbon, excluding carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, carbonic acid, metallic carbides or carbonates, and ammonium carbonate, which participates in atmospheric chemical reactions." There are a number of compounds deemed to have "negligible photochemical reactivity," and these are therefore exempt from the definition of VOC.

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Toxic, Hazardous, and Other Noncriteria Pollutants Hazardous Air Pollutants are defined for EPA regulatory purposes in Title III of the Clean Air Act Amendment (CAAA). However, many states and other authorities designate additional toxic or hazardous compounds, organic or inorganic, that can exist in gaseous or particulate form. Also, as mentioned, compounds emitted as VOCs may be of interest for their participation in photochemical reactivity. Few EPA Reference Test Methods exist for these compounds, which may come from the myriad of sources covered in this document. However, test methods are available to allow reasonable reliable quantification of many compounds, and adequate test results are available to yield estimates of sufficient quality to be included in this document. Where such compounds are quantified herein with emission factors, they represent the actual mass of that compound emitted. Totals for PM or VOC, as appropriate, are inclusive of the component species unless otherwise noted. There are a limited number of gaseous hazardous or toxic compounds that may not be VOCs, and whenever they occur they will be identified separately. The Emission Inventory and Improvement Group (EIIP) produces a separate series of reports that focus on a number of the more significant HAPs and related sources. The title of these documents begin with “Locating And Estimating Emissions From Sources of . . . (Substance).” Emission Factor Ratings Each AP-42 emission factor is given a rating from A through E and U, with A being the best. The factor's rating is a general indication of its reliability. This rating is based on the estimated validity of the tests used to develop the factor and on both the amount and the representative characteristics of those data. In general, factors based on many observations, or on more widely accepted test procedures, are assigned higher rankings. The factors are determined by AP-42 authors and reviewers. Because emission factors can be based on source tests, modeling, mass balance, or other information, factor ratings can vary greatly.

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Test data quality is rated A through D, and ratings are thus assigned: A = Tests are performed by a sound methodology and are reported in enough detail for adequate validation. B = Tests are performed by a generally sound methodology, but lacking enough detail for adequate validation. C = Tests are based on an unproven or new methodology, or are lacking a significant amount of background information. D = Tests are based on a generally unacceptable method, but the method may provide an order-of-magnitude value for the source. The AP-42 emission factor rating is an overall assessment of the reliability of a factor. It is based on both the quality of the test(s) or information that is the source of the factor and on how well the factor represents the emission source. Higher ratings are for factors based on many unbiased observations, or on widely accepted test procedures. For example, ten or more source tests on different randomly selected plants would likely be assigned an "A" rating if all tests are conducted using a single valid reference measurement method. Likewise, a single observation based on questionable methods of testing would be assigned an "E," and a factor extrapolated from higher-rated factors for similar processes would be assigned a "D" or an "E". AP-42 emission factor quality ratings are thus assigned: A (Excellent) Factor is developed from A- and B-rated source test data taken from many randomly chosen facilities in the industry population. The source category population is sufficiently specific to minimize variability. B (Above Average) Factor is developed from A- or B-rated test data from a "reasonable number" of facilities. Although no specific bias is evident, it is not clear if the facilities tested represent a random sample of the industry. As with an A rating, the source category population is sufficiently specific to minimize variability. C (Average) Factor is developed from A-, B-, and/or C-rated test data from a reasonable number of facilities. Although no specific bias is evident, it is not clear if the facilities tested represent a random sample of the industry. As with the A rating, the source category population is sufficiently specific to minimize variability. D (Below Average) Factor is developed from A-, B- and/or C-rated test data from a small number of facilities, and there may be reason to suspect that these facilities do not represent a random sample of the industry. There also may be evidence of variability within the source population.

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E (Poor) Factor is developed from C- and D-rated test data, and there may be reason to suspect that the facilities tested do not represent a random sample of the industry. There also may be evidence of variability within the source category population. U (Unranked) Too little data to rank.

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Other Ways to Obtain AP-42 Information and Updates In addition to downloading all or part of AP-42 from the CHIEF web site or Fax CHIEF, the emission factors in the AP-42 are in the Air CHIEF CD (see page 80) and in the Factor Information REtrieval System (FIRE) (see page 67). Paper copies of AP-42 Volume I and four supplements are available from the Government Printing Office (GPO): AP-42 Volume 1 Supplement A Supplement B Supplement C Supplement D Supplement E Supplement F

(Stock Number: 055-000-00500-1) $72 (Stock Number: 055-000-00551-6) $32 (Stock Number: 055-000-00565-6) $47.50 (Stock Number: 055-000-00587-7) $11 (NTIS Order Number: PB99-144628INZ) $58 (not available from GPO) (not available from GPO)

To order, visit the Government Printing Office web site at: http://bookstore.gpo.gov GPO Access User Support Team contacts:

Ph: (202) 512-1530 Toll Free: (888) 293-6498 Fax: (202) 512-1262 e-mail: [email protected]

Emission Inventory Improvement Program (EIIP) Preferred and Alternative Methods For Estimating Air Emissions www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/eiip/techreport EIIP focuses on producing documents that maximize the use of existing emission estimation information. EIIP documents present “preferred” and alternative methods for collecting data and calculating emissions from point, area, mobile, and biogenic source categories. For each document, EIIP assembles all available emissions and source activity data information for a specific source category. A committee of technical experts (from USEPA, state and local agencies, and industry) then chooses the most appropriate procedures, standardizes their presentation, and describes the circumstances in which to best use the information. The EIIP guidance development process does not develop new emission factors, nor will EIIP documents replace AP-42. EIIP relies on emission factors from AP-42. Users of EIIP documents are referred to the appropriate sections(s) of AP-42 for selection of emission factors or for more detailed process information. EIIP guidance and AP-42 have a complementary relationship. The following Table 15 contains the table of contents.

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Table 15 Table of Contents of the Preferred and Alternative Methods For Estimating Air Emissions Volume I: Introduction www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/eiip/techreport/volume01/index.html Introduction and Use of EIIP Guidance for Emissions Inventory Development. Volume II: Point Sources www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/eiip/techreport/volume02/index.html Chapter 1: Chapter 2: Chapter 3: Chapter 4: Chapter 5: Chapter 6: Chapter 7: Chapter 8: Chapter 9: Chapter 10: Chapter 11: Chapter 12: Chapter 13: Chapter 14: Chapter 15:

Introduction to Stationary Point Source Emission Inventory Development. Preferred and Alternative Methods for Estimating Air Emissions from Boilers. Preferred and Alternative Methods for Estimating Air Emissions from Hot Mix Asphalt Plants. Preferred and Alternative Methods for Estimating Air Emissions from Equipment Leaks. Preferred and Alternative Methods for Estimating Air Emissions from Wastewater Collection and Treatment. Preferred and Alternative Methods for Estimating Ai Emissions from Semiconductors. Preferred and Alternative Methods for Estimating Air Emissions from Surface Coating Operations. Preferred and Alternative Methods for Estimating Air Emissions from Paint and Ink Manufacturing Preferred and Alternative Methods for Estimating Air Emissions from Secondary Metal Processing. Preferred and Alternative Methods for Estimating Air Emissions from Oil and Gas Field Production and Processing Operations. Preferred and Alternative Methods for Estimating Air Emissions from Plastic Products Manufacturing. How to Incorporate Effects of Air Pollution Control Device Efficiencies and Malfunctions into Emission Inventory Estimates. Preferred and Alternative Methods for Estimating Air Emissions From Stone Mining and Quarrying Operations. Uncontrolled Emission Factor Listing for Criteria A in Pollutants. Preferred and Alternative Methods for Estimating Air Emissions from the Printing, Packaging, and Graphic Arts Industry.

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Table 15 - continued Volume III: Area Sources www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/eiip/techreport/volume03/index.html Chapter 1: Chapter 2: Chapter 3: Chapter 4: Chapter 5: Chapter 6: Chapter 7: Chapter 8: Chapter 9: Chapter 10: Chapter 11: Chapter 12: Chapter 13: Chapter 14: Chapter 15: Chapter 16: Chapter 17: Chapter 18: Chapter 24:

Introduction to Area Source Emission Inventory Development Residential Wood Combustion Architectural Surface Coating Dry Cleaning Consumer and Commercial Solvent Solvent Cleaning Graphics Arts Industrial Surface Coating Pesticides - Agricultural and Nonagricultural Agricultural Operations (Not yet available.) Gasoline Marketing Draft 1999 National VOC Inventory for Gasoline Distribution (addition) Marine Vessel Loading, Ballasting and Transit Autobody Refinishing Traffic Markings Municipal Landfills Open Burning Asphalt Paving Structure Fires Conducting Surveys for Area Source Inventories.

Volume IV: Volume V: Volume VI: Volume VII: Volume VIII: Volume IX: Volume X:

Mobile Sources Biogenic Sources Quality Assurance Procedures and DARS Software Data Management Procedures Estimating Greenhouse Gas Emissions Particulate Emissions Emission Projections

Other Ways to Obtain Information and Updates Volumes I through VII were printed in July 1997. In addition to being printed from the web site, they are available in hardcopy by calling the Info CHIEF Help Desk. The phone number is (919) 541-1000, the fax is (919)541-5680.

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Locating and Estimating (L&E) Document Series www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/le/index.html The L&E documents are the result of a USEPA program to compile and publish information on specific toxic air pollutants and the source categories from which these emissions are expected. These documents are pollutant, or source-specific. Each of the L&Es identifies and quantifies emissions from specific source categories and includes general process descriptions, potential release points, and emission factors. L&Es are hazardous air pollutant (HAP) specific reports that present emission factors and process flow diagrams. Emission factors from the L&Es are not subject to the same strict development guidelines required for AP-42 and consequently, may be of lower quality. CHIEF Software and Computer Models www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/software Emission models have been developed by the USEPA to estimate emissions for a limited number of processes. These models are generally more accurate than an emission factor used in a linear equation. All of the models may be downloaded from the TNN Web (See Figure 7).

Figure 7. Models Available From CHIEF

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Factor Information REtrieval (Fire) Data System www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/software/fire Emission factors are available from the Factor Information REtrieval (FIRE) Data System (see Figure 8). FIRE is a database management system containing over 18,500 emission factors to estimate the emission of criteria and hazardous air pollutants from stationary, area, and mobile sources. FIRE allows easy access to criteria and hazardous air pollutant emission factors obtained from the “Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors (AP-42)”, “Locating and Estimating (L&E)” series documents, factors derived from state-reported test data, and factors taken from literature searches.

Figure 8. FIRE Some of the emission factor data in the air toxics module of the FIRE tool come from a number of emissions source testing reports developed under the California Air Resources Board (CARB) air regulatory initiative (AB-2588). Some of these CARB data are of particularly high quality because they are derived from pooled source tests of similar sources within an industry in California. Sources in the CARB pooled emissions source testing include oil and gas production, asphalt production, petroleum refining, and fuel combustion.

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Each emission factor in FIRE also includes information about the pollutant (Chemical Abstract Service [CAS] numbers and chemical synonyms) and about the source (Standard Industrial Classification [SIC] codes and descriptions, and SCCs and descriptions). Each emission factor entry includes comments about its development in terms of the calculation methods and/or source conditions, as well as the references where the data were obtained. The emission factor entry also includes a data quality rating. FIRE Version 6.23 (released October 2000) is a user-friendly, menu-driven Windows® program that can run under Windows® 95/98 or Windows® NT. Users can browse through records in the database or can select specific emission factors by source category name or source classification code (SCC), by pollutant name or CAS number, or by control device type or code. FIRE 6.23 contains emission factors from AP-42 through Supplement F. How the MAERS Look-up Emission Factor Table and FIRE Differ The Air Quality Division has installed an edited version of FIRE 6.23 in the MAERS software referred to as the look-up table of emission factors. Below is an explanation of how FIRE was edited. y All FIRE emission factors that are identified as “less than or equal to” or as a “range” have been changed to “equal to” or “mean” factors. Emission ranges are not accepted by MAERS. y When FIRE identifies more than one emission factor for a pollutant for one SCC code, only one emission factor appears in the MAERS look-up table. For example, a SCC code in FIRE may display emission factors for SO2 and SOx. Only one of these emission factors will appear in MAERS. y Some FIRE emission factors have been replaced with Michigan emission factors. They primarily involve surface coating operations and were part of the old Michigan Air Pollution Reporting (MAPR) system. As a reminder, the emission factors contained in the MAERS look-up table are provided for reference and should not be used if more accurate information is available.

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TANKS www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/software/tanks/index.html TANKS is a Windows-based computer software program that estimates volatile organic compound (VOC) and hazardous air pollutant (HAP) emissions from fixed- and floatingroof storage tanks. The TANKS program is based on the emission estimation procedures from Chapter 7 of EPA’s Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, AP42. The user’s manual, available in Adobe Acrobat format and WordPerfect, explains the many features and options of TANKS. The program includes on-line help for every screen. TANKS uses chemical, meteorological, roof fitting, and rim seal data to generate emissions estimates for several types of storage tanks, including: vertical and horizontal fixed roof tanks, internal and external floating roof tanks, dome external floating roof tanks, and underground storage tanks. To use the program, enter specific information about storage tank construction and the stored liquid. The TANKS program then estimates the annual or seasonal emissions of VOC and produces a report. The emissions can be separated into breathing and working losses. A batch mode of operation is available to generate a single report for multiple tanks. The TANKS program employs a chemical database of over 100 organic liquids, and a meteorological database of over 240 cities in the United States. The program allows the addition of more chemicals and cities, if desired. TANKS is capable of calculating individual component emissions from known mixtures and estimating emissions from crude oils and selected refined petroleum products using liquid concentration HAP profiles supplied with the program. Storage Tank Standing and Working Storage Losses Emissions associated with the storage of organic liquids are due to the evaporation of liquid, as well as changes in the liquid level during filling or unloading. The two types of emissions associated with storage tanks are classified as standing storage and working losses. Standing storage losses result from vapor expansion and contraction within the tank due to fluctuations in temperature and pressure. Working losses result from continual filling and emptying of tank contents. There are five basic tank designs that are used for liquid storage vessels: fixed roof, external floating roof, internal floating roof, variable vapor space, and pressure (low and high). The following example illustrates the procedures for calculating working and standing storage losses for a fixed roof vessel. The procedures for other tank types are included in section 7 of the USEPA’s AP-42 document.

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EXAMPLE #19: Storage Tank Assume that a facility in Delaware stores acetonitrile in a fixed roof tank with a dome roof. The tank has a diameter of 20 feet and a height of 10 feet, with a liquid capacity of 10,000 gallons. The following procedure may be used to estimate potential emissions from this fixed roof storage tank. LT = L S + LW

Where: LT = Total losses (lb/yr) LS = Standing storage losses (lb/hr) LW = Working losses (lb/hr) The standing storage losses may be calculated in the following manner: L S = 365 x V V x W V x K E x K S

Where: = Vapor space volume (ft3) VV WV = Vapor density (lb/ft3) = Vapor space expansion factor (dimensionless) KE KS = Vented vapor saturation factor (dimensionless) The vapor space volume is calculated using the following equation: VV =

π x D2 x HVO 4

Where: D = Tank diameter (ft) = 20 ft HVO = Vapor space outage (ft) HVO = H S - H L + H RO

Where: HS = Tank shell height (ft) = 10 ft HL = Average liquid height (ft) = assume equal to 0.5 tank height = 5 ft HRO = Roof outage (ft)

H RO = 0.137 x RS

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Where: RS = Tank shell radius (ft) = 10 ft HRO = 1.37 ft HVO = 10 - 5 + 1.37 = 6.37 ft

VV =


x 202 x 6.37 = 2001 ft3


The vapor density is calculated using the following: WV =

M v x PVA R x T LA

Where: = Vapor molecular weight (lb/lb-mole) MV = 40.05 lb/lb-mole (from Table 12.3-3) R = Ideal gas constant (10.731 (psia-ft3)/(lb-mole-°R)) PVA = Vapor pressure at average liquid surface temperature (psia) = 0.96 psia @ 54°F (Interpolated from Table 12.3-3) TLA = Daily average liquid surface temperature (°R) = 514°R (from Table 12.3-6 for Wilmington, DE) WV =

41.05 x 0.96 lb = 0.007 3 10.731 x 514 ft

The vapor space expansion factor is calculated using the following equation: KE =



∆ PV - ∆ P B P A - PVA

Where: ∆TV = Daily vapor temperature range (°R) ∆PV = Daily Vapor pressure range (psi) ∆PB = Breather vent pressure setting rang (psi) PA = Atmospheric pressure (14.7 psia) ∆ T V = 0.72 x ∆ T A + 0.028 x K P x I

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Where: ∆TA = Daily ambient temperature range (°R) = 19°R (from Table 12.3-6 for Wilmington, DE) = Tank paint solar absorptance (dimensionless) KP = Assumed to be 1.0 I = Daily total solar insolation factor (Btu/ft2-day) = 1208 Btu/ft2-day (from Table 12.3-6) ∆ T V = 0.72 x 19 + 0.028 x 1.0 x 1208 = 47.5° R ∆ PV = PVX - PVN Where: PVX = Vapor pressure at daily maximum liquid surface temp. (psia) = 1.20 psia (Interpolated from Table 12.3-3) PVN = Vapor pressure at daily minimum liquid surface temp. (psia) = 0.735 psia (Interpolated from Table 12.3-3) ∆ PV = 1.20 - 0.735 = 0.465 psia ∆ P B = P BP - P BV

Where: PBP = Breather vent pressure setting (psig) = assumed to be 0.03 psig PBV = Breather vent vacuum setting (psig) KE = 47.5 = 0.465 - 0.06 = 0.122 514 14.7 - 0.96

KS = 1 (1 + 0.053 x PVA x HVO) KS = 1 (1 + 0.053 x 0.96 x 6.37)

= 0.755

Ls = 365 x 2001 x 0.007 x 0.122 x 0.755 = 471 lb yr = assumed to be -0.03 ∆ P B = 0.03 - (-0.03) = 0.06 psig

The working loss is estimated using the following formula: LW = 0.0010 x M V x PVA x Q x K N x K P

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Where: Q = Annual net throughput (bbl/yr) = 250,000 gal/yr = 7937 bbl/yr KN = Turnover factor (dimensionless) KP = Working loss product factor (dimensionless) = 0.75 for crude oils, and 1.0 for all other organic liquids If the number of turnovers, N, is less than 36 KN = 1.0, otherwise: KN =


= Number of turnovers per year (dimensionless) N =


180 + N 6xN

5.614 x Q V LX

= Tank liquid volume (ft3) = 10,000 gal = 1337 ft3 N =

5.614 x 7937 = 33.3 1337

LW = 0.0010 x 41.05 x 0.96 x 7937 x 1 x 1 = 313

lb yr

Thus, the potential total losses for this example are: LT = 471 + 131 = 784

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lb yr

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Landfill Gas Emissions Model (Version 2.01) www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/software The Landfill Gas Emission Model was developed by the Clean Air Technology Center (CATC), and can be used to estimate emission rates for methane, carbon dioxide, nonmethane organic compounds, and individual HAPs from landfills. The program can also be used by landfill owners and operators to determine if a landfill is subject to the control requirements of the federal New Source Performance Standard (NSPS) for new municipal solid waste landfills (40 CFR 60 Subpart WWW) or the emission guidelines for existing municipal solid waste landfills (40 CFR 60 Subpart CC). PM Calculator www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/software/pmcalc/index.html PM Calculator is applicable to point sources only, and requires the user to input uncontrolled emissions (either total filterable particulate or filterable PM-10) for each source, the source category classification (SCC) and the control device, if any. The program will then calculate controlled emissions for filterable PM-2.5 and filterable PM-10 for each point source. SPECIATE 3.2 www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/software/speciate The SPECIATE database contains organic compound and particulate matter speciation profiles for more than 300 source types. The profiles attempt to break the total VOC or particulate matter (PM) emissions from a particular source into the individual compounds (in the case of VOC) or elements (for PM). WATER9 www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/software/water WATER9 is a Windows based computer program consisting of analytical expressions for estimating air emissions of individual waste constituents in wastewater collection, storage, treatment, and disposal facilities; a database listing many of the organic compounds; and procedures for obtaining reports of constituent files, including air emissions and treatment effectiveness. Contact the WATER9 and CHEMDAT8 hotline at (919)541-5610 for more information. Wastewater Treatment Plants There is no one technique for estimating air emissions from an entire wastewater treatment facility. One commonly employed technique is the use of a combination of engineering calculations and mass transfer equations to model potential air emissions. This type of modeling uses information on the chemical and physical characteristics of constituents of the wastewater to predict rates at which volatile compounds in the water are released to air. To use this technique, you must have detailed information on a variety of parameters, including chemical and physical characteristics of the wastewater (e.g., concentration of VOCs, Henry’s Law constants for constituents, volatility, diffusivity, vapor pressures, etc.), physical characteristics of the treatment facility (liquid surface area, volume, etc.) and other information, such as meteorological

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The USEPA has published the guideline document Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities, which outlines how these models can be used to estimate air releases. There are a number of factors to keep in mind when using these predictive models for estimating air releases from wastewater treatment plants. Obviously, the model can only be as good as the data available as input. Further, these models were developed based on a certain set of circumstances and are intended to be used only in certain situations. Therefore, the models may not be able to accommodate all the characteristics of the treatment facility. These and other factors are outlined in the USEPA document and should be considered carefully before applying the models to your facility. Additional methods for estimating VOC emissions from wastewater treatment facilities can be found in the Chemical Manufacturers’ Association (1990) A Guide to Estimating Secondary Emissions. In this volume, the use of mass balance equations and fields tracer studies are discussed. The following is a simple example of the calculation of maximum potential VOC emissions generated form a wastewater treatment facility. MDI Emissions Estimator Software www.polyurethane.org/regulatory/emissions.asp/index.html MDI Emissions Estimator Software is a tool that provides a fast and convenient method to estimate MDI emissions from typical process applications and activities. The software program is based upon the methodology outlined in the MDI/ Polymeric MDI Emissions Reporting Guidelines for the Polyurethane Industry. The program has built-in calculation modules to estimate emissions for the following activities: • Working and breathing losses from storage tanks • Enclosed processes based upon cavity size • Fugitive Emissions from process areas • Enclosed processes based upon foam density • Open continuous processes • Filling/Blending operations • Open processes involving adhesive/coating operations • Spills Included in the software are 18 illustrated examples based upon real-life applications. Illustrated examples include: Adhesives Air Filter Appliance- Refrigerator Appliance -Truck Automotive Boardstock

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Boats Doors Filling/Blending Laminator Boardstock Mobile Homes Packaging


Particleboard Rebond Recreation Spills Spray Foam Water heater

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EXAMPLE #20: Wastewater Treatment Plant Assume that using data from your Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMR) (required under your National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit), you estimate the presence of waste materials at the concentrations listed in Table 16. Assume that 100% of the VOCs are released to the atmosphere. Table #16. Example Waste Concentrations in Wastewater Average Concentration Maximum Concentration Constituent (from DMR) (from NPDES) Arsenic

0.11 mg/l

0.14 mg/l


1.18 mg/l

1.20 mg/l

Methylene Chloride

100 µg/l

250 µg/l


10 µg/l

200 µg/l


30 µg/l

250 µg/l

Vinyl Chloride

30 µg/l

35 µg/l

Total Volatiles

170 µg/l

735 µg/l

Assume the facility routinely discharges at 50 gpm for 24 hour per day, but could handle 75 gpm. Actual VOC emissions may be calculated as follows:


µg g = 1.7 x 10 -4 l l

g gal min 1000 l 1 lb lb x 50 x 60 x x = 4.3 x 10 -3 l min hr 264.17 gal 453.6 g hr

1.7 x 10 -4

4.3 x 10 -3


lb hr days lb x 24 x 365 = 37.7 VOCs hr day year year lb 1 ton tons x = 0.019 VOCs year 2000 lb year

Using maximum concentration and design flow rates the potential VOC emissions may be calculated as follows:

7.35 x 10 -4

g gal min 1000 l 1 lb lb x 75 x 60 x x = 2.8 x 10 -2 l min hr 264.17 gal 453.6 g hr

2.8 x 10 -2


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lb hr days lb x 24 x 365 = 245 VOCs hr day year year

lb 1 to n x year 2 0 0 0 lb

= 0 .1 2

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to n s VOCs year

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MOBILE6 www.epa.gov/otaq/m6.htm The USEPA’s Vehicle Emission Modeling Software, MOBILE6, is an emission factor model for predicting gram per mile emissions of HC, CO, NOx, CO2, PM, and toxics from cars, trucks, and motorcycles under various conditions. It is used by the USEPA in evaluating control strategies for highway mobile sources, by states, and other local and regional planning agencies in the development of emission inventories and control strategies for State Implementation Plans (SIPs) under the Clean Air Act, and in the development of environmental impact statements (EISs).

AIR CHIEF www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/software/airchief/index.html As a part of its commitment to protecting global air quality, the USEPA is working to provide current emissions data in convenient, easy-to-access formats to federal, state, and local regulatory agencies, businesses, and the general public. An important tool in this effort is the Air ClearingHouse For Inventories And Emission Factors (Air CHIEF) in CD-ROM format. The Air CHIEF CD-ROM gives the public and private sector users access to air emission data specific to estimating the types and quantities of pollutants that may be emitted from a wide variety of sources. Updated annually, Air CHIEF offers on one disc literally thousands of pages contained in some of the USEPA’s most widely used and requested documents. Included are the USEPA Emission Factor and Inventory Group’s most popular emission estimation tools. Air CHIEF is published annually. Air CHIEF version 9.0 has been developed in Adobe Acrobat® format and is now available for distribution by the Government Printing Office. This version of Air CHIEF contains many features, such as linking between related documents, web links directly to the CHIEF web site for easy access to the most recent updates, and enhanced fullCD searching. Included on Air CHIEF version 9.0 are: y Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors (AP-42), Fifth Edition, Volume 1: Stationary Point and Area Sources (including Supplements A, B, C, D, E, F and Update 2001) y Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors (AP-42), Fifth Edition, Volume 2: Mobile Sources, selected tables y EIIP Preferred and Alternative for Estimating Air Emissions from (source) y AP-42 Background Files

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y Factor Information Retrieval (FIRE) Version 6.23 Data y Source Classification Codes (codes)/Area and Mobile Source (AMS) Codes, October 2000 y 1997 North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) matched to 1987 U.S. Standard Industrial Classification Codes (SIC) y 1999 National Toxics Inventory Documentation for Area and Mobile Sources y Emission Inventory Guidance for the Implementation of Ozone and PM NAAQS and Regional Haze Regulations y Emission Inventory Training Material y Handbook for Criteria Pollutants Emission Inventory Development y National Air Pollutant Emission Trends Report 1900-1998 y National Air Pollutant Emission Trends Procedures 1985-1999 Also included on Air CHIEF are the installable copies of these software programs: • • • •

BEIS CHEM9 FIRE Landfill Model

• • • •


Version 9.0 System Requirements The minimum requirements to run Air CHIEF are an IBM-compatible PC with a 486 processor running at 33 megahertz or better (a 486 or Pentium processor is recommended), with at least 4 MB RAM, 5 MB hard disk space, plus 7 MB additional temporary disk space available during installation. Air CHIEF requires a CD-ROM drive and must be used with Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows NT to utilize all features. For viewing PDF files inside of a Web browser, Netscape Navigator versions 3.0 or later or Microsoft Internet Explorer or later are recommended (Data on the CD-ROM can be retrieved using other operating systems with the appropriate Acrobat Reader.)

How to Order Air CHIEF The Air CHIEF CD-ROM Version 9.0 is available by calling the Info Chief Help Desk at (919) 541-1000 or send e-mail to [email protected].

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Where To Go For Help On CHIEFS For information or assistance regarding the availability or use of any of the CHIEF tools and services, contact the Info CHIEF help desk: By e-mail:

[email protected]

By phone:

(919) 541-1000

By fax:

(919) 541-5680

By mail:

Info CHIEF Emission Factor And Inventory Group (MD-14) Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Research Triangle Park, NC 27711

Source-Specific Emission Factors Source-specific emission factor data are similar to and are used in the same manner as generic emission factor data, except that they are applicable to a specific source/device/process. Source-specific emission factors can be developed from fuel analyses, source tests, and laboratory analysis. These data are often available as a part of the information developed for permitting and enforcement purposes; sometimes the facility operator will have the required data as a result of monitoring and analysis performed by the facility operator for purposes of quality control and process optimization. Inquiries of the facility operator are necessary to determine the existence and extent of the data available for use in developing emission factors for a specific source/device/process. Source-specific emission factors may also be available in the form of emissions per hour that a process creates at a device. These data are often developed as a result of permit processing and may be used as an allowable emission rate for the device/process. Emission rate data can be used if it is representative of the actual operating conditions and is not simply an upper limit that is seldom achieved.

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Industry-Specific Guidance The Environmental Science and Services Division and the Air Quality Division of the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality are working closely with trade associations to develop industry specific guidance on estimating annual air pollution emissions from facilities. The guidance includes the SCC codes that should be reported, along with emission factors, emission models, and other factors that sources should consider when submitting their report. Currently, fact sheets have been developed for the following nine industries: Coating Electroplating Foundries Hot Mix Asphalt Plants Landfills Mineral Product Processes Oil And Gas Industry Petroleum Bulk Plant Sand Terminals Plastic Manufacturing These fact sheets are located in Appendix F.

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References A Guide to Estimating Secondary Emissions. 1990.

Chemical Manufacturers Association,

Alternative Control Technology Document - Halogenated Solvent Cleaners. USEPA -450/3-89-03, August 1989. AP-40: Air Pollution Engineering Manual, 2nd Edition. USEPA, Los Angeles County Air Pollution Control District, May 1973. Reprinted and updated by the Air & Waste Management Association, 1992. AP-42: Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, Volume 1: Stationary Point and Area Sources, 4th Edition. USEPA. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, N.C., September 1985. AP-42: Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, Volume 2: Mobile Sources, 4th Edition. US EPA, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, N.C., September 1985. Control of volatile organic emissions from manufacture of synthesized pharmaceutical products, Appendix B. EPA-450/2-78, December 1978. Guidebook for Determining Applicability, Renewable Operating Permit Program. Michigan Small Business Clean Air Assistance Program, 1995. Protocol for determining the daily volatile organic compound emission rate of automobile and light-duty truck topcoat operations. EPA-450/3-88-018, December 1988.

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Appendix A. Federal Air Toxics (Hazardous Air Pollutants) Chemical Abstract Services (CAS) Number Chemical Name 75-07-0 60-35-5 75-05-8 98-86-2 53-96-32 107-02-8 79-06-1 79-10-7 107-13-1 107-05-1 92-67-1 62-53-3 90-04-0 1332-21-4 71-43-2 92-87-5 98-07-7 100-44-7 92-52-4 117-81-7 542-88-1 75-25-2 106-99-0 156-62-7 [105-60-2 133-06-2 63-25-2 75-15-0 56-23-5 463-58-1 120-80-9 133-90-4 57-74-9 7782-50-5 79-11-8 532-27-4 108-90-7

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Acetaldehyde Acetamide Acetonitrile Acetophenone 2-Acetylaminofluorene Acrolein Acrylamide Acrylic acid Acrylonitrile Allyl chloride 4-Aminobiphenyl Aniline o-Anisidine Asbestos Benzene (including benzene from gasoline) Benzidine Benzotrichloride Benzyl chloride Biphenyl Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) Bis(chloromethyl)ether Bromoform 1,3-Butadiene Calcium cyanamide Caprolactam - Removed 6/18/96 61 Federal Register 30816 Captan Carbaryl Carbon disulfide Carbon tetrachloride Carbonyl sulfide Catechol Chloramben Chlordane Chlorine Chloracetic acid 2-Chloracetophenone Chlorobenzene

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CAS Number 510-15-6 67-66-3 107-30-2 126-99-8 1319-77-3 95-48-7 108-39-4 106-44-5 98-82-8 72-55-9 334-88-3 132-64-9 96-12-8 84-74-2 106-46-7 91-94-1 111-44-4 542-75-6 62-73-7 111-42-2 64-67-5 119-90-4 60-11-7 121-69-7 119-93-7 79-44-7 68-12-2 57-14-7 131-11-3 77-78-1 534-52-1 51-28-5 121-14-2 123-91-1 122-66-7 106-89-8 106-88-7 140-88-5 100-41-4 51-79-6 75-00-3

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Chemical Name Chlorobenzilate Chloroform Chloromethyl methyl ether Chloroprene Cresols/Cresylic acid (isomers and mixture) o-Cresol m-Cresol p-Cresol Cumene 2,4-D (2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, including salts and esters DDE Diazomethane Dibenzofurans 1,2,-Dibromo-3-chloropropane Dibutyl phthalate 1,4,-Dichlorobenzene(p) 3,3-Dichlorobenzidene Dichloroethyl ether (Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether) 1,3-Dichloropropene Dichlorvos Diethanolamine Diethyl sulfate 3,3-Dimethoxybenzidine 4-Dimethyl aminoazobenzene N,N-Diethyl aniline (N,N-Dimethylaniline) 3,3-Dimethyl benzidine Dimethyl carbamoyl chloride N,N-Dimethyl formamide 1,1-Dimethyl hydrazine Dimethyl phthalate Dimethyl sulfate 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol, and salts 2,4-Dinitrophenol 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 1,4-Dioxane (1,4-Diethyleneoxide) 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine Epichlorohydrin (1-Chloro-2,3-epoxypropane) 1,2-Epoxybutane Ethyl acrylate Ethyl benzene Ethyl carbamate (Urethane) Ethyl chloride (Chlorethane)


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CAS Nnumber

Chemical Name

106-93-4 107-06-2 107-21-1 151-56-4 75-21-8 96-45-7 75-34-3 50-00-0 76-44-8 118-74-1 87-68-3 77-47-4 67-72-1 822-06-0 680-31-9 110-54-3 302-01-2 7647-01-0 7664-39-3 123-31-9 78-59-1 58-89-9

Ethylene dibromide (Dibromoethane) Ethylene dichloride (1,2-Dichloroethane) Ethylene glycol Ethylene imine (Aziridine) Ethylene oxide Ethylene thiourea Ethylidene dichloride (1,1-Dichloroethane) Formaldehyde Heptachlor Hexachlorobenzene Hexachlorobutadiene Hexachlorocyclopentadiene Hexachloroethane Hexamethylene-1,6-diisocyanate Hexamethylphosphoramide Hexane Hydrazine Hydrochloric acid Hydrogen fluoride Hydroquinone Isophorone 1,2,3,4,5,6-Hexachloro cyclohexane (all stereo isomers, including Lindane Maleic anhydride Methanol Methoxychlor Methyl bromide (Bromomethane) Methyl chloride (Chloromethane) Methyl chloroform (1,1,1-Trichloroethane) Methyl ethyl ketone (2-Butanone) Methyl hydrazine Methyl iodide (Iodomethane) Methyl isobutyl ketone (Hexone) Methyl isocyanate Methyl methacrylate Methyl tert butyl ether 4,4’-Methylene bis(2-chloroaniline) Methylene chloride (Dichloromethane) Methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) 4,4’-Methylenedianiline Naphthalene Nitrobenzene

108-31-6 67-56-1 72-43-5 74-83-9 74-87-3 71-55-6 78-93-3 60-34-4 74-88-4 108-10-1 624-83-9 80-62-6 1634-04-4 101-14-4 75-09-2 101-68-8 101-77-9 91-20-3 98-95-3

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CAS Number

Chemical Name

92-93-3 100-02-7 79-46-9 684-93-5 62-75-9 59-89-2 56-38-2 82-68-8 87-86-5 108-95-2 106-50-3 75-44-5 7803-51-2 7723-14-0 85-44-9 1336-36-3 1120-71-4 57-57-8 123-38-6 114-26-1 78-87-5 75-56-9 75-55-8 91-22-5 106-51-4 100-42-5 96-09-3 1746-01-6 79-34-5 127-18-4 7550-45-0 108-88-3 95-80-7 584-84-9 95-53-4 8001-35-2 120-82-1 79-00-5 79-01-6 95-95-4 88-06-2

4-Nitrobiphenyl 4-Nitrophenol 2-Nitropropane N-Nitroso-N-methylurea N-Nitrosodimethylamine N-Nitrosomorpholine Parathion Pentachloronitrobenzene (Quintobenzene) Pentachlorophenol Phenol p-Phenylenediamine Phosgene Phosphine Phosphorus Phthalic anhydride Polychlorinated biphenyls (Aroclors) 1,3-Propane sultone beta-Propiolactone Propionaldehyde Propoxur (Baygon) Propylene dichloride (1,2-Dichloropropane) Propylene oxide 1,2-Propylenimine (2-Methyl aziridine) Quinoline Quinone Styrene Styrene oxide 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethylene (Perchloroethylene) Titanium tetrachloride Toluene 2,4-Toluene diamine 2,4-Toluene diisocyanate o-Toluidine Toxaphene (chlorinated camphene) 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Trichloroethylene 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol

CAS Number

Chemical Name



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Regulated Air Pollutants cont.

1582-09-8 Trifluralin 540-84-1 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 108-05-4 Vinyl acetate 593-60-2 Vinyl bromide 75-01-4 Vinyl chloride 75-35-4 Vinylidene chloride (1,1-Dichloroethylene) 1330-20-7 Xylenes (isomers and mixture) 95-47-6 o-Xylenes 108-38-3 m-Xylenes 106-42-3 p-Xylenes • Antimony Compounds • Arsenic Compounds (inorganic including arsine) • Beryllium Compounds • Cadmium Compounds • Chromium Compounds • Cobalt Compounds • Coke Oven Emissions • Cyanide Compounds1 2 • Glycol ethers • Lead Compounds • Manganese Compounds • Mercury Compounds • Fine mineral fibers3 • Nickel Compounds • Polycyclic Organic Matter4 5 • Radionuclides (including radon) • Selenium Compounds Note: For all listings above which contain the word "compounds" and for glycol ethers, the following applies: Unless otherwise specified, these listings are defined as including any unique chemical substance that contains the named chemical (i.e., antimony compound, arsenic, etc.) as part of that chemical’s infrastructure. 1. X’CN where X=H’ or any other group where a formal dissociation may occur. For example, KCN or Ca(CN)2 2. On January 12, 1999 (64FR1780), the EPA proposed to modify the definition of glycol ethers to exclude surfactant alcohol ethoxylates and their derivatives (SAED). On August 2, 2000 (65FR47342), the EPA published the inal action. This action deletes each individual compound in a group called the surfactant alcohol ethoxylates and their derivatives (SAED) from the glycol ethers category in the list of hazardous air pollutants (HAP) established by section 112(b)(1) of the Clean Air Act (CAA). EPA also made conforming changes in the definition of glycol ethers with respect to the designation of hazardous substances under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA). "The following definition of the glycol ethers category of hazardous air pollutants applies instead of the definition set forth in 42 U.S.C. 7412(b)(1), footnote 2: Glycol ethers include mono- and di-ethers of ethylene glycol, diethylene glycol, and triethylene glycol R-(OCH2CH2)n-OR’ Where: n= 1, 2, or 3 R= alkyl C7 or less, or phenyl or alkyl substituted phenyl R’= H, or alkyl C7 or less, or carboxylic acid ester, sulfate, phosphate, nitrate, or sulfonate.. 3. Under Review 4. Under Review 5. A type of atom which spontaneously undergoes radioactive decay.

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Appendix B. List of Federal Regulated Air Pollutants I. Pollutants for which a NAAQS has been established Lead (Pb) Sulfur dioxide (SO2) Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) Carbon monoxide (CO) Particulate matter (PM10) (PM2.5) Ozone, including precursors: (O3) Nitrogen oxides (NO, NO2, NO3, N2O, N2O3, N2O4, N2O5) Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) As defined in 40 CFR 51.100(s), the term VOC includes any compound of carbon (excluding carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, carbonic acid, metallic carbides or carbonates, and ammonium carbonate) which participates in atmospheric photochemical reactions. The following organic compounds are excluded from the federal definition of VOC because of they have been determined to have negligible photochemical reactivity: Methane Ethane Methylene chloride (dichloromethane) 1,1,1-trichloroethane (methyl chloroform) 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2,2-trifluoroethane (CFC-113) Trichlorofluoromethane (CFC-11) Dichlorodifluoromethane (CFC-12) Chlorodifluoromethane (CFC-22) Trifluoromethane (FC-23) 1,2-dichloro 1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane (CFC-114) Chloropentafluoroethane (CFC-115) 1,1,1-trifluoro 2,2-dichloroethane (HCFC-123) 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane (HFC-134a) 1,1-dichloro 1-fluoroethane (HCFC-141b)

1-chloro 1,1-difluoroethane (HCFC-142b) 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane (HCFC-124) Pentafluoroethane (HFC-125) 1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane (HFC-134) 1,1,1-trifluoroethane (HFC-143a) 1,1-difluoroethane (HFC-152a) Acetone Volatile methyl siloxanes Parachlorobenzotrifluoride (PCPTF) Tetrachloroethane (perchloro ethylene) 3,3-di-chloro-1,1,1,2,2-pentafluoropropane (HCFC225ea) 1,3-dichloro-1,1,2,2,3-pentafluoropropane (HCFC-225cb) 1,1,1,2,3,4,4,5,5,5-decafluoropentone (HFC-43-10mee)

And all Perfluorocarbon compounds which fall into these classes: (i) Cyclic, branched, or linear, completely fluorinated alkanes; (ii) Cyclic, branched, or linear, completely fluorinated ethers with no unsaturations; (iii) Cyclic, branched, or linear, completely fluorinated tertiary amines with no unsaturations; and (iv) Sulfur containing perfluorocarbons with no unsaturations and with sulfur bonds only to carbon and fluorine.

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Regulated Air Pollutants cont.

The USEPA revised it’s definition of VOC, and this revision added the following list of compounds excluded from the definition of VOC: 32 difluoromethane (HFC-32) 33 ethylfluoride (HFC-161) 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoropropane (HFC-236fa) 1,1,2,2,3-pentafluoropropane (HFC-245ca) 1,1,2,3,3-pentafluoropropane (HFC-245ea) 1,1,1,2,3-pentafluoropropane (HFC-245eb) 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluoropropane (HFC-245fa) 1,1,2,3,3-hexafluoropropane (HFC-236ea) 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluorobutane (HFC-365mfe) chlorofluoromethan (HCFC-31) 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane (HCFC-123a) 1-chloro-1-fluoroethane (HCFC-151a) 1,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4-nonafluoro-4-methoxybutane (C4F90CH3) 2-(difluoromethoxymethyl)-1,1,1,2,3,3,3-heptafluoropropane [(CF3) 2CFCF20CH3] 1-ethoxy-1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,4,-nonafluorobutane (C4F9OCH2H5) 2-(ethoxydifluoromethyl)-1,1,1,2,3,3,3-heptafluoropropane [(CF3) 2CFCF20C2H5] methyl acetate II. Pollutants Regulated Under New Source Performance Standards Criteria pollutants (including VOCs and NOx) plus: Cadmium Dioxin/furan (defined in 40 CFR 60.53a to mean total tetra through octachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins * and dibenzofurans) Fluorides * Hydrogen chloride Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) Mercury Nonmethane organic compounds Sulfuric acid mist Total reduced sulfur Reduced sulfur compounds Total organic compounds Total particulate matter The new source performance standard (NSPS) for municipal waste combustors (MWC) controls emissions of dioxin/furans and hydrogen chloride gas (40 CFR 60.53a and 60.54a) as surrogates for controlling emissions of organic compounds and acid gases which are emitted in the exhaust gases from MWC units. Thus, the indicated dioxin/furan compounds and hydrogen chloride are regulated pollutants.

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Regulated Air Pollutants cont. III. Class I and Class II Substances Under Title VI

hydrochlorofluorocarbon-31 (HCFC-31) hydrochlorofluorocarbon-121 (HCFC-121) hydrochlorofluorocarbon-122 (HCFC-122) hydrochlorofluorocarbon-123 (HCFC-123) hydrochlorofluorocarbon-124 (HCFC-124) hydrochlorofluorocarbon-131 (HCFC-131) hydrochlorofluorocarbon-132 (HCFC-132) hydrochlorofluorocarbon-133 (HCFC-133) hydrochlorofluorocarbon-141 (HCFC-141) hydrochlorofluorocarbon-142 (HCFC-142) hydrochlorofluorocarbon-221 (HCFC-221) hydrochlorofluorocarbon-222 (HCFC-222) hydrochlorofluorocarbon-223 (HCFC-223) hydrochlorofluorocarbon-224 (HCFC-224) hydrochlorofluorocarbon-225 (HCFC-225) hydrochlorofluorocarbon-226 (HCFC-226) hydrochlorofluorocarbon-231 (HCFC-231) hydrochlorofluorocarbon-232 (HCFC-232) hydrochlorofluorocarbon-233 (HCFC-233) hydrochlorofluorocarbon-234 (HCFC-234) hydrochlorofluorocarbon-235 (HCFC-235) hydrochlorofluorocarbon-241 (HCFC-241) hydrochlorofluorocarbon-242 (HCFC-242) hydrochlorofluorocarbon-243 (HCFC-243) hydrochlorofluorocarbon-244 (HCFC-244) hydrochlorofluorocarbon-251 (HCFC-251) hydrochlorofluorocarbon-252 (HCFC-252) hydrochlorofluorocarbon-253 (HCFC-253) hydrochlorofluorocarbon-261 (HCFC-261) hydrochlorofluorocarbon-262 (HCFC-262) hydrochlorofluorocarbon-271 (HCFC-271)

Class I Substances carbon tetrachloride chlorofluorocarbon-11 (CFC-11) chlorofluorocarbon-12 (CFC-12) chlorofluorocarbon-13 (CFC-13) chlorofluorocarbon-111 (CFC-111) chlorofluorocarbon-112 (CFC-112) chlorofluorocarbon-113 (CFC-113) chlorofluorocarbon-114 (CFC-114) chlorofluorocarbon-115 (CFC-115) chlorofluorocarbon-211 (CFC-211) chlorofluorocarbon-212 (CFC-212) chlorofluorocarbon-213 (CFC-213) chlorofluorocarbon-214 (CFC-214) chlorofluorocarbon-215 (CFC-215) chlorofluorocarbon-216 (CFC-216) chlorofluorocarbon-217 (CFC-217) halon-1211 halon-1301 halon-2402 methyl chloroform

Class II Substances hydrochlorofluorocarbon-21 (HCFC-21) hydrochlorofluorocarbon-22 (HCFC-22)

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Regulated Air Pollutants cont.

IV. Pollutants Regulated Under Section 112 Pollutants for which national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants (NESHAP’s) have been established: Arsenic Asbestos Beryllium Benzene Mercury Radionuclides Vinyl chloride POLLUTANTS SUBJECT TO REGULATION UNDER SECTION 112

I. Pollutants listed in Section 112(b) Most of the 188 listed pollutants became regulated when EPA promulgated the Hazardous Organic NESHAP (HON) which is discussed below. The remaining pollutants will become regulated: (1) when EPA promulgates a Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) standard for the pollutant under section 112(d), (2) for a particular source, when case-by-case MACT determinations are made under section 112(g) for the source, or (3) the later of June 15, 1994 or 18 months after EPA fails to issue emissions standards for categories of sources in compliance with the timetable promulgated pursuant to section 112(e) as mandated by Section 112(j). II. Pollutants subject to the Hazardous Organic NESHAP (HON) As part of the effort to regulate pollutants listed in section 112(b), the EPA has developed the Hazardous Organic NESHAP (HON) which applies to the synthetic organic chemical manufacturing industry and controls emissions of 149 volatile hazardous air pollutants (HAP’s). All of the pollutants listed in the HON are among the 188 HAP’s listed in section 112(b). Pollutants addressed by the HON became regulated on the effective date specified in the HON. III. Pollutants listed under Section 112(r) Section 112(r)(3) requires that EPA promulgate an initial list of at least 100 substances with threshold quantities which would cause or may reasonably be anticipated to cause death, injury, or serious adverse effects to human health or the environment if accidentally released. The EPA’s proposed rule to implement 112(r)(3) was published in the Federal Register on January 19, 1993 (58 FR 5102). The finalized list of substances includes 77 acutely toxic substances, 63 flammable gases and volatile flammable liquids. At present, commercial explosives (classified by the Department of Transportation in Division 1.1) are included in the finalized list, but EPA has recently proposed the deletion of Division 1.1 explosives from the list of regulated substances. For more information regarding air contaminants, get a copy of the Clean Air Assistance Program’s “What is an Air Contaminant/Pollutant” fact sheet. See Tab 18 – Clean Air Assistance Program Publications.

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Appendix C. Source Categories for Fugitive Emissions Fugitive emissions are included in emission calculations for the following sources. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.

coal cleaning plants (with thermal dryers) kraft pulp mills portland cement plants primary zinc smelters iron and steel mills primary aluminum ore reduction plants primary copper smelters municipal incinerators capable of charging more than 250 tons of refuse per day hydrofluoric, sulfuric, or nitric acid plants petroleum refineries lime plants phosphate rock processing plants coke oven batteries sulfur recovery plants carbon black plants (furnace process) primary lead smelters fuel conversion plants sintering plants secondary metal production plants chemical process plants fossil-fuel boilers (or combination thereof) totaling more than 250 million British thermal units per hour heat input petroleum storage and transfer units with a total storage capacity exceeding 300,000 barrels taconite ore processing plants glass fiber processing plants charcoal production plants fossil-fuel-fired steam electric plants of more than 250 million British thermal units per hour heat input, or all other stationary source categories regulated by a Clean Air Act standard relating to hazardous air pollutants or any of the national emission standards for stationary sources, but only with respect to those air pollutants that have been regulated for the category in question.

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AP-42 Contents Fifth Edition CONTENTS Page Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 1 1. External Combustion Sources .................................................................................. 1.0-1 1.1 Bituminous And Subbituminous Coal Combustion ............................. 1.1-1 1.2 Anthracite Coal Combustion .............................................................. 1.2-1 1.3 Fuel Oil Combustion .......................................................................... 1.3-1 1.4 Natural Gas Combustion ................................................................... 1.4-1 1.5 Liquefied Petroleum Gas Combustion ............................................... 1.5-1 1.6 Wood Waste Combustion In Boilers .................................................. 1.6-1 1.7 Lignite Combustion............................................................................ 1.7-1 1.8 Bagasse Combustion In Sugar Mills .................................................. 1.8-1 1.9 Residential Fireplaces ....................................................................... 1.9-1 1.10 Residential Wood Stoves................................................................. 1.10-1 1.11 Waste Oil Combustion..................................................................... 1.11-1 2.

Solid Waste Disposal................................................................................................ 2.0-1 2.1 Refuse Combustion ........................................................................... 2.1-1 2.2 Sewage Sludge Incineration .............................................................. 2.2-1 2.3 Medical Waste Incineration................................................................ 2.3-1 2.4 Landfills ............................................................................................. 2.4-1 2.5 Open Burning .................................................................................... 2.5-1 2.6 Automobile Body Incineration ............................................................ 2.6-1 2.7 Conical Burners ................................................................................. 2.7-1


Stationary Internal Combustion Sources................................................................... 3.0-1 3.1 Stationary Gas Turbines For Electricity Generation ........................... 3.1-1 3.2 Heavy-duty Natural Gas-fired Pipeline Compressor Engines............. 3.2-1 3.3 Gasoline And Diesel Industrial Engines ............................................. 3.3-1 3.4 Large Stationary Diesel And All Stationary Dual-fuel Engines .............................................................................. 3.4-1


Evaporation Loss Sources ........................................................................................ 4.0-1 4.1 Dry Cleaning...................................................................................... 4.1-1 4.2 Surface Coating................................................................................. 4.2-1 4.2.1 Nonindustrial Surface Coating ........................................................ 4.2.1-1 4.2.2 Industrial Surface Coating .............................................................. 4.2.2-1 General Industrial Surface Coating.............................................. Can Coating ................................................................................ Magnet Wire Coating................................................................... Other Metal Coating ....................................................................

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Page 90 Flat Wood Interior Panel Coating................................................. Paper Coating.............................................................................. Polymeric Coating Of Supporting Substrates............................... Automobile And Light Duty Truck Surface Coating Operations...................................................................... Pressure Sensitive Tapes And Labels ......................................... Metal Coil Surface Coating ........................................................ Large Appliance Surface Coating .............................................. Metal Furniture Surface Coating ................................................ Magnetic Tape Manufacturing ................................................... Surface Coating Of Plastic Parts For Business Machines.................................................................... 4.3 Waste Water Collection, Treatment And Storage .............................. 4.3-1 4.4 Polyester Resin Plastic Products Fabrication..................................... 4.4-1 4.5 Asphalt Paving Operations ................................................................ 4.5-1 4.6 Solvent Degreasing ........................................................................... 4.6-1 4.7 Waste Solvent Reclamation............................................................... 4.7-1 4.8 Tank And Drum Cleaning .................................................................. 4.8-1 4.9 Graphic Arts ...................................................................................... 4.9-1 4.9.1 General Graphic Printing ................................................................ 4.9.1-1 4.9.2 Publication Gravure Printing ........................................................... 4.9.2-1 4.10 Commercial/Consumer Solvent Use ................................................ 4.10-1 4.11 Textile Fabric Printing ...................................................................... 4.11-1 5.

Petroleum Industry.................................................................................................... 5.0-1 5.1 Petroleum Refining ............................................................................ 5.1-1 5.2 Transportation And Marketing Of Petroleum Liquids ......................... 5.2-1 5.3 Natural Gas Processing..................................................................... 5.3-1


Organic Chemical Process Industry.......................................................................... 6.0-1 6.1 Carbon Black ..................................................................................... 6.1-1 6.2 Adipic Acid......................................................................................... 6.2-1 6.3 Explosives ......................................................................................... 6.3-1 6.4 Paint And Varnish.............................................................................. 6.4-1 6.5 Phthalic Anhydride............................................................................. 6.5-1 6.6 Plastics .............................................................................................. 6.6-1 6.6.1 Polyvinyl Chloride ........................................................................... 6.6.1-1 6.6.2 Poly(ethylene terephthalate) ........................................................... 6.6.2-1 6.6.3 Polystyrene..................................................................................... 6.6.3-1 6.6.4 Polypropylene................................................................................. 6.6.4-1 6.7 Printing Ink ........................................................................................ 6.7-1 6.8 Soap And Detergents ........................................................................ 6.8-1 6.9 Synthetic Fibers................................................................................. 6.9-1 6.10 Synthetic Rubber ............................................................................. 6.10-1 6.11 Terephthalic Acid............................................................................. 6.11-1 6.12 Lead Alkyl........................................................................................ 6.12-1 6.13 Pharmaceuticals Production ............................................................ 6.13-1 6.14 Maleic Anhydride ............................................................................. 6.14-1

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6.15 6.16 6.17 6.18 6.19 6.20 6.21 6.22 6.23 6.24 6.25 6.26 6.27 6.28 6.29

Methanol.......................................................................................... 6.15-1 Acetone And Phenol ........................................................................ 6.16-1 Propylene ........................................................................................ 6.17-1 Benzene, Toluene And Xylenes....................................................... 6.18-1 Butadiene ........................................................................................ 6.19-1 Cumene........................................................................................... 6.20-1 Ethanol ............................................................................................ 6.21-1 Ethyl Benzene ................................................................................. 6.22-1 Ethylene .......................................................................................... 6.23-1 Ethylene Dichloride And Vinyl Chloride............................................ 6.24-1 Ethylene Glycol................................................................................ 6.25-1 Ethylene Oxide ................................................................................ 6.26-1 Formaldehyde.................................................................................. 6.27-1 Glycerine ......................................................................................... 6.28-1 Isopropyl Alcohol ............................................................................. 6.29-1


Liquid Storage Tanks................................................................................................ 7.0-1 7.1 Organic Liquid Storage Tanks ........................................................... 7.1-1


Inorganic Chemical Industry ..................................................................................... 8.0-1 8.1 Synthetic Ammonia............................................................................ 8.1-1 8.2 Urea .................................................................................................. 8.2-1 8.3 Ammonium Nitrate............................................................................. 8.3-1 8.4 Ammonium Sulfate ............................................................................ 8.4-1 8.5 Phosphate Fertilizers ......................................................................... 8.5-1 8.5.1 Normal Superphosphates ............................................................... 8.5.1-1 8.5.2 Triple Superphosphates.................................................................. 8.5.2-1 8.5.3 Ammonium Phosphate ................................................................... 8.5.3-1 8.6 Hydrochloric Acid............................................................................... 8.6-1 8.7 Hydrofluoric Acid ............................................................................... 8.7-1 8.8 Nitric Acid .......................................................................................... 8.8-1 8.9 Phosphoric Acid................................................................................. 8.9-1 8.10 Sulfuric Acid .................................................................................... 8.10-1 8.11 Chlor-Alkali ...................................................................................... 8.11-1 8.12 Sodium Carbonate........................................................................... 8.12-1 8.13 Sulfur Recovery ............................................................................... 8.13-1 8.14 Hydrogen Cyanide ........................................................................... 8.14-1


Food And Agricultural Industries............................................................................... 9.0-1 9.1 Tilling Operations............................................................................... 9.1-1 9.2 Growing Operations........................................................................... 9.2-1 9.2.1 Fertilizer Application ....................................................................... 9.2.1-1 9.2.2 Pesticide Application....................................................................... 9.2.2-1 9.2.3 Orchard Heaters ............................................................................. 9.2.3-1 9.3 Harvesting Operations ....................................................................... 9.3-1 9.3.1 Cotton Harvesting........................................................................... 9.3.1-1 9.3.2 Grain Harvesting............................................................................. 9.3.2-1 9.3.3 Rice Harvesting .............................................................................. 9.3.3-1

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9.3.4 9.4 9.4.1 9.4.2 9.4.3 9.4.4 9.5 9.5.1 9.5.2 9.5.3 9.5.4 9.5.5 9.6 9.6.1 9.7 9.8 9.8.1 9.8.2 9.8.3 9.9 9.9.1 9.9.2 9.9.3 9.9.4 9.9.5 9.9.6 9.9.7 9.10 9.10.1 9.10.2 9.11 9.11.1 9.12 9.12.1 9.12.2 9.12.3 9.13 9.13.1 9.13.2 9.13.3 9.13.4 9.14 9.15 9.16

Cane Sugar Harvesting .................................................................. 9.3.4-1 Livestock And Poultry Feed Operations............................................. 9.4-1 Cattle Feedlots ............................................................................... 9.4.1-1 Swine Feedlots ............................................................................... 9.4.2-1 Poultry Houses ............................................................................... 9.4.3-1 Dairy Farms .................................................................................... 9.4.4-1 Animal And Meat Products Preparation ............................................. 9.5-1 Meat Packing Plants ....................................................................... 9.5.1-1 Meat Smokehouses ........................................................................ 9.5.2-1 Meat Rendering Plants ................................................................... 9.5.3-1 Manure Processing......................................................................... 9.5.4-1 Poultry Slaughtering ....................................................................... 9.5.5-1 Dairy Products ................................................................................... 9.6-1 Natural And Processed Cheese...................................................... 9.6.1-1 Cotton Ginning................................................................................... 9.7-1 Preserved Fruits And Vegetables ...................................................... 9.8-1 Canned Fruits And Vegetables ....................................................... 9.8.1-1 Dehydrated Fruits And Vegetables ................................................. 9.8.2-1 Pickles, Sauces And Salad Dressings ............................................ 9.8.3-1 Grain Processing ............................................................................... 9.9-1 Grain Elevators And Processes ...................................................... 9.9.1-1 Cereal Breakfast Food.................................................................... 9.9.2-1 Pet Food......................................................................................... 9.9.3-1 Alfalfa Dehydration ......................................................................... 9.9.4-1 Pasta Manufacturing....................................................................... 9.9.5-1 Bread Baking .................................................................................. 9.9.6-1 Corn Wet Milling ............................................................................. 9.9.7-1 Confectionery Products ................................................................... 9.10-1 Sugar Processing ......................................................................... 9.10.1-1 Cane Sugar Processing............................................................. Beet Sugar Processing .............................................................. Salted And Roasted Nuts And Seeds ........................................... 9.10.2-1 Almond Processing.................................................................... Peanut Processing .................................................................... Fats And Oils ................................................................................... 9.11-1 Vegetable Oil Processing ............................................................. 9.11.1-1 Beverages ....................................................................................... 9.12-1 Malt Beverages............................................................................. 9.12.1-1 Wines And Brandy........................................................................ 9.12.2-1 Distilled Spirits .............................................................................. 9.12.3-1 Miscellaneous Food And Kindred Products ..................................... 9.13-1 Fish Processing ............................................................................ 9.13.1-1 Coffee Roasting............................................................................ 9.13.2-1 Snack Chip Deep Fat Frying......................................................... 9.13.3-1 Yeast Production .......................................................................... 9.13.4-1 Tobacco Products............................................................................ 9.14-1 Leather Tanning .............................................................................. 9.15-1 Agricultural Wind Erosion ................................................................ 9.16-1

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Wood Products Industry ......................................................................................... 10.0-1 10.1 Lumber ............................................................................................ 10.1-1 10.2 Chemical Wood Pulping .................................................................. 10.2-1 10.3 Pulp Bleaching................................................................................. 10.3-1 10.4 Papermaking ................................................................................... 10.4-1 10.5 Plywood ........................................................................................... 10.5-1 10.6 Reconstituted Wood Products ......................................................... 10.6-1 10.6.1 Waferboard And Oriented Strand Board....................................... 10.6.1-1 10.6.2 Particleboard ................................................................................ 10.6.2-1 10.6.3 Medium Density Fiberboard.......................................................... 10.6.3-1 10.7 Charcoal .......................................................................................... 10.7-1 10.8 Wood Preserving ............................................................................. 10.8-1


Mineral Products Industry ....................................................................................... 11.0-1 11.1 Hot Mix Asphalt Plants..................................................................... 11.1-1 11.2 Asphalt Roofing ............................................................................... 11.2-1 11.3 Bricks And Related Clay Products ................................................... 11.3-1 11.4 Calcium Carbide Manufacturing....................................................... 11.4-1 11.5 Refractory Manufacturing ................................................................ 11.5-1 11.6 Portland Cement Manufacturing ...................................................... 11.6-1 11.7 Ceramic Clay Manufacturing............................................................ 11.7-1 11.8 Clay And Fly Ash Sintering .............................................................. 11.8-1 11.9 Western Surface Coal Mining .......................................................... 11.9-1 11.10 Coal Cleaning ................................................................................ 11.10-1 11.11 Coal Conversion ............................................................................ 11.11-1 11.12 Concrete Batching ......................................................................... 11.12-1 11.13 Glass Fiber Manufacturing............................................................. 11.13-1 11.14 Frit Manufacturing.......................................................................... 11.14-1 11.15 Glass Manufacturing...................................................................... 11.15-1 11.16 Gypsum Manufacturing.................................................................. 11.16-1 11.17 Lime Manufacturing ....................................................................... 11.17-1 11.18 Mineral Wool Manufacturing .......................................................... 11.18-1 11.19 Construction Aggregate Processing .............................................. 11.19-1 11.19.1 Sand And Gravel Processing...................................................... 11.19.1-1 11.19.2 Crushed Stone Processing ......................................................... 11.19.2-1 11.20 Lightweight Aggregate Manufacturing ........................................... 11.20-1 11.21 Phosphate Rock Processing.......................................................... 11.21-1 11.22 Diatomite Processing..................................................................... 11.22-1 11.23 Taconite Ore Processing ............................................................... 11.23-1 11.24 Metallic Minerals Processing ......................................................... 11.24-1 11.25 Clay Processing............................................................................. 11.25-1 11.26 Talc Processing ............................................................................. 11.26-1 11.27 Feldspar Processing ...................................................................... 11.27-1 11.28 Vermiculite Processing .................................................................. 11.28-1 11.29 Alumina Manufacturing .................................................................. 11.29-1 11.30 Perlite Manufacturing..................................................................... 11.30-1 11.31 Abrasives Manufacturing ............................................................... 11.31-1

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Metallurgical Industry.............................................................................................. 12.0-1 12.1 Primary Aluminum Production ......................................................... 12.1-1 12.2 Coke Production .............................................................................. 12.2-1 12.3 Primary Copper Smelting................................................................. 12.3-1 12.4 Ferroalloy Production....................................................................... 12.4-1 12.5 Iron And Steel Production................................................................ 12.5-1 12.6 Primary Lead Smelting .................................................................... 12.6-1 12.7 Zinc Smelting................................................................................... 12.7-1 12.8 Secondary Aluminum Operations .................................................... 12.8-1 12.9 Secondary Copper Smelting And Alloying ....................................... 12.9-1 12.10 Gray Iron Foundries....................................................................... 12.10-1 12.11 Secondary Lead Processing .......................................................... 12.11-1 12.12 Secondary Magnesium Smelting ................................................... 12.12-1 12.13 Steel Foundries ............................................................................. 12.13-1 12.14 Secondary Zinc Processing ........................................................... 12.14-1 12.15 Storage Battery Production............................................................ 12.15-1 12.16 Lead Oxide And Pigment Production ............................................. 12.16-1 12.17 Miscellaneous Lead Products ........................................................ 12.17-1 12.18 Leadbearing Ore Crushing And Grinding....................................... 12.18-1 12.19 Electric Arc Welding ...................................................................... 12.19-1 12.20 Electroplating................................................................................. 12.20-1


Miscellaneous Sources ........................................................................................... 13.0-1 13.1 Wildfires And Prescribed Burning .................................................... 13.1-1 13.2 Fugitive Dust Sources...................................................................... 13.2-1 13.2.1 Paved Roads ................................................................................ 13.2.1-1 13.2.2 Unpaved Roads 13.2.2-1 13.2.3 Heavy Construction Operations .................................................... 13.2.3-1 13.2.4 Aggregate Handling And Storage Piles ........................................ 13.2.4-1 13.2.5 Industrial Wind Erosion................................................................. 13.2.5-1 13.3 Explosives Detonation ..................................................................... 13.3-1 13.4 Wet Cooling Towers ........................................................................ 13.4-1 13.5 Industrial Flares ............................................................................... 13.5-1


Greenhouse Gas Biogenic Sources........................................................................ 14.0-1 14.1 Emissions From Soils — Greenhouse Gases .................................. 14.1-1 14.2 Termites — Greenhouse Gases ...................................................... 14.2-1 14.3 Lightning Emissions –- Greenhouse Gases..................................... 14.2-1

Appendix A Miscellaneous Data And Conversion Factors...............................................................A-1 Appendix B.1 Particle Size Distribution Data And Sized Emission Factors For Selected Sources ..............................................................................................B.1-1

Sources of Air Permit Information


Page 95

Appendix B.2 Generalized Particle Size Distributions .....................................................................B.2-1 Appendix C.1 Procedures For Sampling Surface/Bulk Dust Loading ..............................................C.1-1 Appendix C.2 Procedures For Laboratory Analysis Of Surface/Bulk Dust Loading Samples ..........C.2-1

Sources of Air Permit Information

Fall 2000

Page 96

Appendix E. Emission Calculation Fact Sheets

Emission Calculations


Page 97

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