EMBASSY OF THE UNITED STATES Mr. Charles Grenchus Consular Section 1, “Kapitan Andreev” St. Sofia, Bulgaria July 7th, 2000
Mr. Grenchus, You may recall me from your February letter on behalf of Ambassador Miles. Thank you both for that. Apparently no one of the parties saw fit to reply to me, neither unexpected or surprising under the circumstances. But in my stubbornness I continue to take the battle to whatever legal fronts are afforded to me under U.S. and international law. The enclosure requires your consular department’s assistance. It is an Affidavit and Exhibits I intend to provide, while I can, to the Attorney General of the United States and the Attorney General of Texas. I require them notarized and attested to by the consular section and forwarded to the respective officials. Hopefully they will act while I struggle to bring, with families of the victims in Texas, a civil action against Bulgaria. Respectfully yours,
Michael Kapoustin