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I just realized Ellen Page's name is Ellen. by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 11:08:56) I just saw someone call her Ellen and I've never seen that without the Page after it. It just seems weird to me. Who names their 16 year old Ellen anymore? Who names a 16 year old? by Hexibar_Knightley (Fri Feb 15 2008 11:09:35)

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UPDATED Fri Feb 15 2008 11:10:33

Besides, she's 21 (almost). That's what we do, now: we just bootleg the bootlegs. - Ani DiFranco Re: Who names a 16 year old? by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 11:28:15) why does she look so young then? She doesn't. by BrunoVanNostrum (Fri Feb 15 2008 11:31:20)

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"I will NEVER forgive a traitor to the greatest country in the history of whole world." Same kind of people who named their child Michael 14 years ago? by Alexander_Blanchett (Fri Feb 15 2008 11:39:30)

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FYC: Atonement, Mortensen, Cotillard, Affleck, Ronan Re: Same kind of people who named their child Michael 14 years ago? by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 11:50:06) yea but thats a kids name too. have u ever met a kid named ellen? I used to have a best friend named Ellen. by Hexibar_Knightley (Fri Feb 15 2008 11:51:50)

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That's what we do, now: we just bootleg the bootlegs. - Ani DiFranco A kid's name? by BrunoVanNostrum (Fri Feb 15 2008 11:52:00)

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What is that? I assure you, everyone named Ellen was once a kid. "I will NEVER forgive a traitor to the greatest country in the history of whole world." Re: I just realized Ellen Page's name is Ellen. by matt311actor (Fri Feb 15 2008 11:53:26)

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It's not Ellen. It's L.N. L.N. Page ___________________ "Invent nothing. Deny nothing. Accept everything." - David Mamet Re: I just realized Ellen Page's name is Ellen. by Vicky_Nicholson (Fri Feb 15 2008 11:56:27)

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FYC: Johnny Depp, Marion Cotillard, Casey Affleck & Cate Blanchett. LOL by Tylosaur_Turturro (Fri Feb 15 2008 11:57:15)

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FYC: http://www.elmundo.es/especiales/2008/02/cultura/oscar/bardem/hollywoo d_04.html So when you are grown up you will change your name? by Alexander_Blanchett (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:03:28)

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and btw... I met more young Ellen's than I met young Michael's. FYC: Atonement, Mortensen, Cotillard, Affleck, Ronan

Re: A kid's name? by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:04:15) a kids name is a name for a kid and r u willing to bet on that???? i know for a FACT that not everyon 'ellen' out there was born with that name Like Frankenstein in Big Daddy? by Hexibar_Knightley (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:04:57)

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That's what we do, now: we just bootleg the bootlegs. - Ani DiFranco Re: I just realized Ellen Page's name is Ellen. by Edg9624 (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:05:40)

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I'm pretty sure they named her soon after she was born, not when she was 16... Since when is Ellen such an unusual name anyway?

What business is it of yours where I'm from...Friendo? Re: A kid's name? by Laderlappen (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:06:45)

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Usually when you name somebody, you name them when they are a kid. Oscar 2008 - http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/8800/oscar2008hz3.png Re: I just realized Ellen Page's name is Ellen. by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:07:43) its only unusual when you name KID that Whatever you're on, I want some. by KissKissRDJ (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:08:00)

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So in your logic, every person named Ellen was born with another name? Do you know how ridiculous you sound? It wouldn't be a Lemon party without old Dick. Re: Whatever you're on, I want some. by matt311actor (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:09:15)

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I was born with the name Ellen. I changed it to Matt 'cause Ellen is just a kid's name. ___________________ "Invent nothing. Deny nothing. Accept everything." - David Mamet If her name was Bertha Page, or Hitler Page, I could see it. by Hexibar_Knightley (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:10:47)

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But, you're just making yourself sound dumb. That's what we do, now: we just bootleg the bootlegs. - Ani DiFranco Haven't you been listening?! by BrunoVanNostrum (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:11:01)

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Ellen is NOT a kid's name. "I will NEVER forgive a traitor to the greatest country in the history of whole world." Re: Whatever you're on, I want some. by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:11:46) not every one, but if someone wants to have a kid named ellen, they should wait till they're like 20 to change it Re: Whatever you're on, I want some. by Laderlappen (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:13:00)

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Why? Ellen is a good name. Oscar 2008 - http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/8800/oscar2008hz3.png

I am stating to get worried about the future of this planet by Alexander_Blanchett (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:13:17)

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if all kids are as stupid as you are. But then, you are probably kidding anyway, because, well, its impossible you can be serious about that. FYC: Atonement, Mortensen, Cotillard, Affleck, Ronan Re: I just realized Ellen Page's name is Ellen. by crazyrussian2003 (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:13:20)

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They didn't name their 16 year old Ellen or even their 21 year old, they named their newborn baby Ellen. Last Movie I Saw: No Country For Old Men (9/10) Uhh... by KissKissRDJ (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:14:05)

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Now I'm hundred percent sure that you ARE on something. It wouldn't be a Lemon party without old Dick. Best thread ever. by BrunoVanNostrum (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:14:16)

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"I will NEVER forgive a traitor to the greatest country in the history of whole world." Re: I just realized Ellen Page's name is Ellen. by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:14:36) well i didnt mean they named their 16 year old ellen. it just came out like that, but WHY would someone name there kid that?? Re: Same kind of people who named their child Michael 14 years ago?

by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:15:39) how do u know im 14?? Why would name someone their kid Michael? by Alexander_Blanchett (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:16:09)

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FYC: Atonement, Mortensen, Cotillard, Affleck, Ronan Re: I am stating to get worried about the future of this planet by Laderlappen (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:16:32)

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UPDATED Fri Feb 15 2008 12:16:54

Who names their 16 year old Ellen anymore? This is like art. Oscar 2008 - http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/8800/oscar2008hz3.png Re: I just realized Ellen Page's name is Ellen. by matt311actor (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:16:35)

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Those crazy Canadians... naming their daughters Ellen. Next it'll be Sarah or Julie... We must put a stop to this. ___________________ "Invent nothing. Deny nothing. Accept everything." - David Mamet I just realised you're an idiot. by Marisa_Gabriella (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:19:21)

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Oh wait, you already was from the first time I read your posts. "Proof that I'm astonished - I would have never have worn this skirt...". Re: I just realized Ellen Page's name is Ellen. by Edg9624 (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:19:39)

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You're confusing the hell out of me Michael. Where do you live? Is Ellen an alien name where you come from or something? Why are you so shocked that someone would name

their baby Ellen?

What business is it of yours where I'm from...Friendo? In a world where people call their kids Apple by Alexander_Blanchett (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:24:05)

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he should really care about more important things. FYC: Atonement, Mortensen, Cotillard, Affleck, Ronan Re: I just realized Ellen Page's name is Ellen. by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:24:59) alberta, canada A girl that hates me is named Ellen. by Tyler_Cagney-forizzer69 (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:25:35)

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Vote on the ICC Awards : http://www.imdb.com/board/bd0000005/thread/93635653?p=1 Re: In a world where people call their kids Apple by matt311actor (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:25:51)

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UPDATED Fri Feb 15 2008 12:26:06

Right on. She could have been Moon-Unit Page. Rumor Page. ___________________ "Invent nothing. Deny nothing. Accept everything." - David Mamet Re: I just realised you're an idiot. by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:26:02) im an idiot? ur the one who just said "you already was" its "you already WERE" geez

Re: I just realized Ellen Page's name is Ellen. by Edg9624 (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:26:39)

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Answer my other questions. Why is Ellen such a strange name to you? It's a perfectly normal, common name. I have friends and relatives named Ellen and nobody has ever brought their parents' judgment into question for naming them Ellen. I'm clearly getting way too worked up over this right now, but this thread is so bizarre I can't help it!

What business is it of yours where I'm from...Friendo? Re: I just realized Ellen Page's name is Ellen. by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:28:08) its only a strange name for a KID, i have never ever ever in my long legged life seen someone, THAT IS A KID named ellen Re: I just realised you're an idiot. by Marisa_Gabriella (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:28:16)

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UPDATED Fri Feb 15 2008 12:28:24

You're really not one to correct grammar, Mr I've Never Heard of an Apostrophe (or the name Ellen). "Proof that I'm astonished - I would have never have worn this skirt...". Re: I just realised you're an idiot. by matt311actor (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:28:40)

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"Oh wait, you already was from the first time I read your posts." This is correct if it is a pseudo-profound existential observation. ___________________ "Invent nothing. Deny nothing. Accept everything." - David Mamet Re: I just realized Ellen Page's name is Ellen. by matt311actor (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:30:40)

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Ellen must have some other meaning. You know, like the Spanish word 'juevos.' It can mean 'eggs' or 'balls' depending on where in the world you use it.

___________________ "Invent nothing. Deny nothing. Accept everything." - David Mamet Your long legged life? 14 years a long legged life? by Alexander_Blanchett (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:32:08)

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Uh, right man. FYC: Atonement, Mortensen, Cotillard, Affleck, Ronan That's because you're a mentally disabled 14-year-old from Alberta. by BrunoVanNostrum (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:32:15)

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"I will NEVER forgive a traitor to the greatest country in the history of whole world." Re: I just realized Ellen Page's name is Ellen. by Edg9624 (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:34:08)

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So it's fine to be named Ellen the second you turn 21, but before that it's not a normal name...Jesus, you are really making my head spin, whether or not you're actually serious right now. I think Bob is a weird name for a kid, too, but I don't question why their parents name him Bob, because it's a normal name anyway! What do you think kids and adults are two different species? What are you 8 years old? Worry about kids being named Optimus Prime or Butt-head or something, not a perfectly normal name like Ellen!

What business is it of yours where I'm from...Friendo? Re: Your long legged life? 14 years a long legged life? by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:34:32) wut does that even mean??? that was a song we learned in music class in grade 6. i assumed it was a man with long legs You even reached grade 6? by Alexander_Blanchett (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:35:18) Spectacular.

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FYC: Atonement, Mortensen, Cotillard, Affleck, Ronan How could anyone hate you? by Ecstatic_Cotillard (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:35:26)

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Punch her! She's named ELLEN, after all. ALLEZ MARION! http://img475.imageshack.us/img475/1200/forestmarionlv0.jpg Re: I just realized Ellen Page's name is Ellen. by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:36:03) no im 14. and yes i agree, bob is a weird name for a kid. as are a lot of other names but i didnt JUST realize a famous persons name was that name. DO U UNDERSTAND????? Re: Your long legged life? 14 years a long legged life? by matt311actor (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:36:42)

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UPDATED Fri Feb 15 2008 12:40:51

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! This just keeps getting better and better. He is the David Lynch of Oscar Buzz posters. Where's the backwards-speaking dwarf? ___________________ "Invent nothing. Deny nothing. Accept everything." - David Mamet No one understands, honey. by KissKissRDJ (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:37:17)

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It wouldn't be a Lemon party without old Dick. Something bad is happening. by BrunoVanNostrum (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:37:38)

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"I will NEVER forgive a traitor to the greatest country in the history of whole world."

Re: No one understands, honey. by cotillardcaplanshibasaki (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:37:41)

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What actually started this argument? Marion et Glen + Marketa gagnera l'oscar Bob is not a name. by Alexander_Blanchett (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:37:54)

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FYC: Atonement, Mortensen, Cotillard, Affleck, Ronan Re: No one understands, honey. by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:38:23) a bunch of PSYCHOS who didnt agree with me Re: Bob is not a name. by matt311actor (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:38:47)

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LOL! Bob is a verb. ___________________ "Invent nothing. Deny nothing. Accept everything." - David Mamet It's not an argument. by KissKissRDJ (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:39:26)

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We're just expressing our sentiments on how retarded Michael is. It wouldn't be a Lemon party without old Dick. Re: No one understands, honey. by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:39:26) wuts so hard to understand? ELLEN IS NOT A GOOD KIDS NAME!!!!!!!!!!!! DEAL WITH IT!

Neither is Michael. by Alexander_Blanchett (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:40:02)

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UPDATED Fri Feb 15 2008 12:40:22

But I will bite: What ARE good kids names? FYC: Atonement, Mortensen, Cotillard, Affleck, Ronan Yea well that's your fuhking opinion. by KissKissRDJ (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:40:59)

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Or are your words the new bible? I didn't get the memo. It wouldn't be a Lemon party without old Dick. Re: Neither is Michael. by cotillardcaplanshibasaki (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:41:38)

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I like the name Ellen. Marion et Glen + Marketa gagnera l'oscar Re: Neither is Michael. by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:41:47) jessica, jennifer, MICHAEL, simon, katelyn, sam, humphrey IM JUST KIDDING!! HUMPHREY IS NOT A KIDS NAME Sam is not a name either. by Alexander_Blanchett (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:43:25)

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FYC: Atonement, Mortensen, Cotillard, Affleck, Ronan Re: Neither is Michael. by matt311actor (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:43:55)

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UPDATED Fri Feb 15 2008 12:44:19

Humphrey Bogart was a kid once....I think. ___________________ "Invent nothing. Deny nothing. Accept everything." - David Mamet

Who are you kidding? by Alexander_Blanchett (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:44:56)

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FYC: Atonement, Mortensen, Cotillard, Affleck, Ronan Re: Neither is Michael. by Edg9624 (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:45:06)

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So can you, in that adorable little junior high brain of yours, explain why Jessica, Jennifer and Katelyn are better choices for kids than Ellen? Other than "I don't know, Ellen just isn't a good kid's name!"? And you started this argument, not anybody else. You're defending a stupid and naive opinion about a perfectly normal name to the death...

What business is it of yours where I'm from...Friendo? Re: Neither is Michael. by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:46:36) because i know kids who have names that are those!!! but they are not good adults name. how many old ppl do u know with the names jessica, jennifer and katelyn? So I guess we will name them all Ellen then. by Alexander_Blanchett (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:47:07)

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UPDATED Fri Feb 15 2008 12:47:40

Once they turn 21.

Oh and just because you dont know any kids named Ellen its not a good kids name?

Bahahahahaha FYC: Atonement, Mortensen, Cotillard, Affleck, Ronan

Re: Neither is Michael. by Laderlappen (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:47:17)

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I gonna explain this so easy as possible. Somebody who's not a kid who's name is Ellen, probably was born Ellen. That means when she was a kid, her name was Ellen. Ellen is a good name. It sure is better than Michael, the like 2nd least original name west in the first 10 timezones. Oscar 2008 - http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/8800/oscar2008hz3.png Re: Neither is Michael. by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:49:14) its way better then ur name You dont know his name. by Alexander_Blanchett (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:49:44)

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FYC: Atonement, Mortensen, Cotillard, Affleck, Ronan Re: So I guess we will name them all Ellen then. by Laderlappen (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:50:47)

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I don't know one person who's name is Michael. So Michael is a bad name. because I don't know any Michael. Oscar 2008 - http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/8800/oscar2008hz3.png Re: So I guess we will name them all Ellen then. by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:51:46) let me make this as clear as possible. i do know ppl named ellen JUST NOT ANY KIDS

Re: Neither is Michael. by Edg9624 (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:51:55)

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UPDATED Fri Feb 15 2008 12:55:58

Several. I happen to be very close friends with a Jessica and a Jennifer, and both are approaching their 30s and have families. So I think they're doing well with their highly unusual names... Because you don't know any kids named Ellen, that means it's not a good kid's name? YOU'RE A 14-YEAR OLD FROM CANADA!!! You can't know that many kids period! You have a ton to learn about life when you question a normal name. FACT. I realize you're 14 so you're at the age where you think you know what you're talking about in some situations when you're totally off-base. You're separating kids from adults for no good reason. The world is full of PEOPLE. There's not some genetic separation from kids and adults. When people are named, that is (most of the time) their name for life. It's not a totally normal kid's name, fine. But don't bring into question a name like Ellen, which is, I repeat, a PERFECTLY NORMAL NAME in any situation! Now you're getting into bad adult names...Give me some of your personal examples (besides your own) of names that are suitable for kids AND adults. Because apparently, those are the only names that should be given to people when they're born.

What business is it of yours where I'm from...Friendo? Re: You dont know his name. by Laderlappen (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:52:20)

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I think he thinks my username is my real name. Oscar 2008 - http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/8800/oscar2008hz3.png Re: You dont know his name. by cotillardcaplanshibasaki (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:54:00)

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This is really ridiculous. He knows people called Ellen, but not any kids, therefore its not a good kid name? im sure the Ellens were children at one stage Marion et Glen + Marketa gagnera l'oscar

Re: I just realized Ellen Page's name is Ellen. by Forever_Frazzled (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:54:37)

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If the Razzies ever invade IMDb, this will surely win "Worst Thread". "Who names their 16 year old Ellen anymore?"

I saw a film today, oh boy. You are probably right by Alexander_Blanchett (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:54:44)

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FYC: Atonement, Mortensen, Cotillard, Affleck, Ronan Re: Neither is Michael. by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:54:53) if u think 30 is old, u got another thing cummin for example: Jason (Jason Bourne anyone???) Stephen (although once u get older, u should get ppl to call u steve) Re: So I guess we will name them all Ellen then. by Laderlappen (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:55:11)

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And I don't know any kids or grown ups that are named Michael. So Michael sucks as a kid AND as a grown up. And I don't really know many kids, so pretty much every name sucks when they are a kid, I suppose. Oscar 2008 - http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/8800/oscar2008hz3.png Re: So I guess we will name them all Ellen then. by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:55:56) thats ur opinion and i respect that

Ok by Alexander_Blanchett (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:56:20)

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but the question remeains... just because you dont know any kids named Ellen makes Ellen a bad kid's name. And was it already a bad kid's name when those Ellen's you know were kids?

FYC: Atonement, Mortensen, Cotillard, Affleck, Ronan Re: Ok by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:59:07) i didnt know them when they were kids Re: Neither is Michael. by Edg9624 (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:59:31)

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First of all, I'm in my 20s, so while we're both still very young I know more about age than you. Don't tell anyone anything about coming of age before you even get to high school, that's laughable. You want me to name how many old people I know with those names? Why would that matter to you at all? "Old" people, I guess you're thinking 75 and older, have plenty of normal names AND plenty of old-fashioned sounding names. You want an example? Fine. The late JESSICA TANDY. Damn, her parents must've been kicking themselves in 1930 when she turned 21 for giving her such an unusual name. In case you can't tell, that's sarcasm. Ask your language arts teacher to put that on your next vocab quiz.

What business is it of yours where I'm from...Friendo? Jessica Tandy, Jennifer Jones. by Alexander_Blanchett (Fri Feb 15 2008 12:59:35)

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UPDATED Fri Feb 15 2008 13:00:13

FYC: Atonement, Mortensen, Cotillard, Affleck, Ronan

Re: I just realized Ellen Page's name is Ellen. by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:00:09) no no no! someone said this was the best thread ever, so if the Razzie's ever DID invade IMDB *crosses fingers* then this would be BEST Thread, not worst What differnce does that make? by Alexander_Blanchett (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:01:18)

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FYC: Atonement, Mortensen, Cotillard, Affleck, Ronan Re: Jessica Tandy, Jennifer Jones. by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:01:26) well i've never heard of those ppl so.... By best, I meant worst. by BrunoVanNostrum (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:01:38)

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"I will NEVER forgive a traitor to the greatest country in the history of whole world." Re: Neither is Michael. by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:02:27) i bet they were. so is that the ONLY jessica u could come up with?? lololol. by Alexander_Blanchett (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:02:57)

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Oh get out of here already. FYC: Atonement, Mortensen, Cotillard, Affleck, Ronan Re: So I guess we will name them all Ellen then. by Laderlappen (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:03:32)

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No, it's your opinion, kid. Oscar 2008 - http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/8800/oscar2008hz3.png

Re: Jessica Tandy, Jennifer Jones. by Edg9624 (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:04:36)

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...So how does that change anything? You asked for old people with the names Jessica and Jennifer and you got it. Are we supposed to use telepathy to find people in your hometown? If your point was that Ellen isn't a normal kid's name, fine. But you took it too far by bringing parents' judgment into question and separating kids' names from adults' names, adn you've turned this into an all-out war. And you're getting destroyed, but your naive little 14-year-old brain is using stupid excuses to cover it up, like your post above this one.

What business is it of yours where I'm from...Friendo? Re: By best, I meant worst. by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:04:47) nah ah ah, u cant change wut u said now Re: I just realized Ellen Page's name is Ellen. by Forever_Frazzled (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:05:17)

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Um... the Razzies don't give out a "Best" anything. That's why they're the Razzies. I saw a film today, oh boy. Right. Why would anyone actually think you would understand sarcasm. by Alexander_Blanchett (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:06:08)

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FYC: Atonement, Mortensen, Cotillard, Affleck, Ronan Re: Jessica Tandy, Jennifer Jones. by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:06:33) well that wasnt part of my argument, i was just saying.... and ok, u gave me an example, but thats ONE out of like a million ppl on this earth.

Re: Right. Why would anyone actually think you would understand sarcasm. by Forever_Frazzled (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:07:04)

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Oh, Alex, your pwning this poor 14-year-old. Thank you for providing me with a day's worth of laughter. I saw a film today, oh boy. I love this kid. by Alexander_Blanchett (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:07:45)

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FYC: Atonement, Mortensen, Cotillard, Affleck, Ronan Re: Right. Why would anyone actually think you would understand sarcasm. by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:07:47) dont encourage him Re: Neither is Michael. by matt311actor (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:08:13)

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Stephen (although once u get older, u should get ppl to call u steve) BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ___________________ "Invent nothing. Deny nothing. Accept everything." - David Mamet Re: Right. Why would anyone actually think you would understand sarcasm. by Forever_Frazzled (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:08:46) Why the hell not? I saw a film today, oh boy.

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Re: Jessica Tandy, Jennifer Jones. by BrunoVanNostrum (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:09:17)

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thats ONE out of like a million ppl on this earth

"I will NEVER forgive a traitor to the greatest country in the history of whole world." Wow by kimboluvr (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:10:40)

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just when I thought this board couldn't get any more retarded... Re: I just realized Ellen Page's name is Ellen. by pineappleupsetshark-1 (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:11:06)

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Ellen is a sexy name, and Ellen Page is hot. Re: Jessica Tandy, Jennifer Jones. by matt311actor (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:11:06)

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This thread OBVIOUSLY needs the highest reply count, so I'm going to add one more. ___________________ "Invent nothing. Deny nothing. Accept everything." - David Mamet Re: Right. Why would anyone actually think you would understand sarcasm. by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:11:35) because, its unnecessary Re: Right. Why would anyone actually think you would understand sarcasm. by Forever_Frazzled (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:12:06) Oh, I think it's definitely necessary! I saw a film today, oh boy.

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Re: Jessica Tandy, Jennifer Jones. by Edg9624 (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:12:31)

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Okay, now I have to congratulate you. I have to congratulate you for putting together one of the most clever troll-fests in the history of IMDB. Your last comment, "and ok, u gave me an example, but thats ONE out of like a million ppl on this earth.", pretty much gave away that you're just pretending to be stupid and naive as you are. Bravo, because you really had me convinced. But, if you really are that stupid, then I feel really sorry for you, your parents and your Canadian education system. You rival Forrest Gump in terms of intelligence (or lack thereof).

What business is it of yours where I'm from...Friendo? Re: Jessica Tandy, Jennifer Jones. by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:13:01) wut r u ppl complaining about now? Re: Jessica Tandy, Jennifer Jones. by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:14:35) ok wutever, that may have been a slight exageration, but dont diss my parents or school Re: Jessica Tandy, Jennifer Jones. by matt311actor (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:15:50)

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I love it. Best troll ever. Who's plan of troll-attack is to start a thread to say Ellen is a terrible name for a kid? Michael, Rumor has it that you hate doorknobs 'cause they're always looking at you funny. ___________________ "Invent nothing. Deny nothing. Accept everything." - David Mamet

Re: Jessica Tandy, Jennifer Jones. by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:16:43) doorknobs dont have eyes, and technically, they would be called goozak knobs Re: Jessica Tandy, Jennifer Jones. by Edg9624 (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:17:30)

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I have no choice. How could they name you Michael anyway? What kind of a name is Michael for a kid anyway? Most kids I know are named James, or Justin, or Anthony. I don't know anyone named Michael, so it must be a terrible name for a young person.

What business is it of yours where I'm from...Friendo? Re: Jessica Tandy, Jennifer Jones. by matt311actor (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:18:08)

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I would think goozak knobs would be something else. ___________________ "Invent nothing. Deny nothing. Accept everything." - David Mamet This is so fun. Pleause open a new topic. Please. by Alexander_Blanchett (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:18:42)

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You could make a case ofhow RIchard is a bad name for a man, or something. FYC: Atonement, Mortensen, Cotillard, Affleck, Ronan Re: Jessica Tandy, Jennifer Jones. by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:18:54) and can u plz stop calling me a troll. i am not short. im like 5'4 Re: I just realized Ellen Page's name is Ellen. by Edg9624 (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:19:09)

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Can we start a troll Hall of Fame board section and make this the first inductee? In immediate retrospect this is an absolute classic of troll-hood. Michael should win an award for so effectively portraying a dumbass 14 year old kid.

What business is it of yours where I'm from...Friendo?

Re: Jessica Tandy, Jennifer Jones. by Forever_Frazzled (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:19:31)

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"and can u plz stop calling me a troll. i am not short. im like 5'4" It just gets better and better. I saw a film today, oh boy. I admit, he had me fooled. by BrunoVanNostrum (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:20:06)

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"I will NEVER forgive a traitor to the greatest country in the history of whole world." Re: This is so fun. Pleause open a new topic. Please. by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:20:24) richard is my dads name!!!! Re: Jessica Tandy, Jennifer Jones. by Laderlappen (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:23:40)

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I wanna keep him and put him in a box and feed him cookies. Oscar 2008 - http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/8800/oscar2008hz3.png Re: I admit, he had me fooled. by Edg9624 (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:23:46)

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And everyone's finally catching on to his trolling and he still won't stop! This is unprecedented!

What business is it of yours where I'm from...Friendo? Re: Jessica Tandy, Jennifer Jones. by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:23:57) plz dont Re: I admit, he had me fooled. by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:24:58) im not trolling!! wutever that means.

Re: Jessica Tandy, Jennifer Jones. by Laderlappen (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:26:15)

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You don't like cookies? Oscar 2008 - http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/8800/oscar2008hz3.png Re: I admit, he had me fooled. by Edg9624 (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:26:16)

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Okay, then you're just a complete dumbass. And trolls on these boards are people who start arguments just to get rises out of people, and they usually don't give up. This is what you seem to be doing. But if you continue to deny you're a troll, you'll just sound dumber and dumber, so pick your poison.

What business is it of yours where I'm from...Friendo? Re: I admit, he had me fooled. by matt311actor (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:27:00)

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I don't know if he really is a troll. Look at his post history. I think he's just an amusingly crazy 14 y/o kid. ___________________ "Invent nothing. Deny nothing. Accept everything." - David Mamet Re: Jessica Tandy, Jennifer Jones. by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:27:41) i LOVE cookies Re: I admit, he had me fooled. by Edg9624 (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:28:28)

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If he really is, then this is hilarious. I didn't know anyone HALF as dumb as him when I was his age.

What business is it of yours where I'm from...Friendo?

He's either one of the craziest, stupidest kids in Canada, or a troll. by BrunoVanNostrum (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:28:36)

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Personally, I'd settle for the latter. "I will NEVER forgive a traitor to the greatest country in the history of whole world." Re: I admit, he had me fooled. by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:28:50) thats not what im trying to do. i just made a statment and u hill billys made a huge deal about it Re: I admit, he had me fooled. by matt311actor (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:29:37)

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Michael "would womanize, he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy." ___________________ "Invent nothing. Deny nothing. Accept everything." - David Mamet Re: He's either one of the craziest, stupidest kids in Canada, or a trol by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:30:12) yea right. i just got 73 average on my report card. thats higher then like half the ppl in my grade Re: I admit, he had me fooled. by Forever_Frazzled (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:30:18)

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Michael "would womanize, he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy."

I saw a film today, oh boy. Re: I admit, he had me fooled. by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:31:14) wut on earth r u talking about?? i think ur the crazy one

Precisely. by BrunoVanNostrum (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:32:46)

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"I will NEVER forgive a traitor to the greatest country in the history of whole world." Re: He's either one of the craziest, stupidest kids in Canada, or a trol by Edg9624 (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:32:47)

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UPDATED Fri Feb 15 2008 13:33:01

Well there you go. You're one of the top students with a C- average...You just come from an incredibly stupid education system. I feel bad for you. That is, unless, you are just a troll...

What business is it of yours where I'm from...Friendo? Re: He's either one of the craziest, stupidest kids in Canada, or a trol by Forever_Frazzled (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:33:18)

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Actually, in Canada, a 73% would be a B-. I saw a film today, oh boy. It's called special ed. by BrunoVanNostrum (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:33:54)

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"I will NEVER forgive a traitor to the greatest country in the history of whole world." Re: He's either one of the craziest, stupidest kids in Canada, or a trol by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:34:03) k well i may not be one of the smartest. but at least i didnt fail like SOME ppl i know Re: He's either one of the craziest, stupidest kids in Canada, or a trol by Edg9624 (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:36:54)

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Were they named Bob, Stephen or Ellen? That would explain it right there, wouldn't it?

What business is it of yours where I'm from...Friendo?

Re: He's either one of the craziest, stupidest kids in Canada, or a trol by matt311actor (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:37:01)

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http://content.ytmnd.com/content/3/e/0/3e09cd739585a859df46d0dedcaeb05 d.jpg ___________________ "Invent nothing. Deny nothing. Accept everything." - David Mamet Re: He's either one of the craziest, stupidest kids in Canada, or a trol by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:37:57) UPDATED Fri Feb 15 2008 13:38:22

no they werent. BECAUSE I DONT KNOW ANY KID NAMED ELLEN. so obviously that doesnt explain it, does it? Re: He's either one of the craziest, stupidest kids in Canada, or a trol by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:38:59) what the deuce is that? OUT...OF...CONTROL. I don't think the sandbox allows... by Tylosaur_Turturro (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:44:39)

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...such idiocy to fester this much. "what the f/ck is wtf?" Re: OUT...OF...CONTROL. I don't think the sandbox allows... by Edg9624 (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:46:12)

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It really is incredible how quickly this thread got pushed over three pages and 150 replies...Michael doesn't realize that he's so stupid that a large group of people are upin-arms about his stupid naive opinions and nobody's on his side, for good reason.

What business is it of yours where I'm from...Friendo?

Re: OUT...OF...CONTROL. I don't think the sandbox allows... by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:47:45) i bet there is someone on my side. there just too shy to come and defend me, unlike ur obnoxious, arrogant army no one by guggle57 (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:48:19)

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is on your side FYC: Ellen Page Diablo Cody "Michael, I got the thingy! Half in english half in scribbly!" Re: OUT...OF...CONTROL. I don't think the sandbox allows... by Forever_Frazzled (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:49:00)

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Sweet Jesus, your grammar pains my eyes. I saw a film today, oh boy. Re: OUT...OF...CONTROL. I don't think the sandbox allows... by Edg9624 (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:49:11)

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LOL. How are we arrogant? You just learn that word on your last vocab test? you must've gotten a 73 on that one, too. If someone agreed with you, they would've shown up by now. Sorry, you're a lonely little boy right now. You're wrong, and everyone else is right. Period.

What business is it of yours where I'm from...Friendo? Re: OUT...OF...CONTROL. I don't think the sandbox allows... by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:50:10) so my opinion is wrong??? plz. and so wut if i dont know wut arrogant means? if it seems like the right time to use a word. GUESS WUT? im gonna use it

Re: no one by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:54:26) o and go to my ignore thread! there IS someone on my side! Re: OUT...OF...CONTROL. I don't think the sandbox allows... by Edg9624 (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:54:32)

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Get a clue. And a life. It's been pretty funny for a while, but now I feel terrible that I've wasted the last hour of my downtime at work (and that's something you should be familiar with soon, specifically in the fast food and/or waste collection industries) to argue with a stupid 14year-old from Canada. You're right, your opinion isn't wrong. Nobody's right and wrong when it comes to opinions. Yours is just completely asinine (look it up, kiddo). I need to go home now, but when I get home I plan on getting some great entertainment out of reading your next several posts at this board. You have become an instant troll legend, Michael, whether you meant to or not. Take a bow.

What business is it of yours where I'm from...Friendo? Re: OUT...OF...CONTROL. I don't think the sandbox allows... by Forever_Frazzled (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:56:43)

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Hey, Edg9624? Just wondering, but why do you keep referring to the fact that he's from Canada? Do you see it as a negative? I just noticed how you keep insulting the Canadian education system and now I'm curious! I saw a film today, oh boy. Re: OUT...OF...CONTROL. I don't think the sandbox allows... by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:56:59) *bows* and i am not extremely or utterly foolish and stop bringing up that im from canada. dont be racist Re: OUT...OF...CONTROL. I don't think the sandbox allows... by matt311actor (Fri Feb 15 2008 13:59:21)

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Against the Canadian race? LOL ___________________ "Invent nothing. Deny nothing. Accept everything." - David Mamet

Re: OUT...OF...CONTROL. I don't think the sandbox allows... by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 14:02:01) yes, that is what i was saying Re: OUT...OF...CONTROL. I don't think the sandbox allows... by Forever_Frazzled (Fri Feb 15 2008 14:03:59)

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Michael, believe me when I say... You bring shame to your entire country. I saw a film today, oh boy. Re: OUT...OF...CONTROL. I don't think the sandbox allows... by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 14:06:50) no kidding!!! its not as bad as ur country. at least we don't go to other countries and kill random ppl for no reason [Post deleted] This message has been deleted by the poster Re: OUT...OF...CONTROL. I don't think the sandbox allows... by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 14:08:55) well i was actually replying to the person u were replying to hence the "no kidding" Re: I just realized Ellen Page's name is Ellen. by travh99 (Fri Feb 15 2008 14:17:32)

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haha I had this EXACT same 'realization' yesterday! I was like wait huh her names "Ellen" hm thats interesting, i neve thought of it like that before Re: I just realized Ellen Page's name is Ellen. by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 14:24:48) THERE! SOMEONE is on my side!

Re: OUT...OF...CONTROL. I don't think the sandbox allows... by Edg9624 (Fri Feb 15 2008 14:45:45)

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No, I don't really have anything against the fact that he's from Canada, just kind of a heat-of-the-moment kind of thing. I'm actually part French Canadian, so if anything I'm ashamed at the bad rep he's giving our people. Canadian race...lol

What business is it of yours where I'm from...Friendo? Re: OUT...OF...CONTROL. I don't think the sandbox allows... by Edg9624 (Fri Feb 15 2008 14:47:21)

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That's what I was trying to get at when I pointed out he was Canadian. I'm not racist against Canadians, lol

What business is it of yours where I'm from...Friendo? Re: OUT...OF...CONTROL. I don't think the sandbox allows... by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 14:52:47) well it was a racist comment Re: OUT...OF...CONTROL. I don't think the sandbox allows... by matt311actor (Fri Feb 15 2008 14:58:43)

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Iraq is when I bow out of this thread. ___________________ "Invent nothing. Deny nothing. Accept everything." - David Mamet Re: OUT...OF...CONTROL. I don't think the sandbox allows... by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 14:59:38) wut do u mean?

Re: OUT...OF...CONTROL. I don't think the sandbox allows... by Edg9624 (Fri Feb 15 2008 15:23:59)

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It wasn't disparaging to any certain race of people, so...No, it wasn't.

What business is it of yours where I'm from...Friendo? Re: OUT...OF...CONTROL. I don't think the sandbox allows... by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 15:24:55) um how about um i dunno to.........CANADIANS!!!!!!!!!!1 Re: I just realized Ellen Page's name is Ellen. by RCTJediMaster (Fri Feb 15 2008 15:29:16)

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I am more perplexed that in four hours this thread is 4 pages long...and that Alex Blanchett thinks that SAM is not a name. Facebook:http://usc.facebook.com/profile.php?id=3412841 Pictures and my life. Re: I just realized Ellen Page's name is Ellen. by Michael128 (Fri Feb 15 2008 15:37:16) sam IS a name No Sam is a SHORT form of a Name. by Alexander_Blanchett (Sat Feb 16 2008 11:41:50)

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UPDATED Sat Feb 16 2008 11:42:38

Actually for more than one name. It's an abbreviation just like Bob. FYC: Atonement, Mortensen, Cotillard, Affleck, Ronan Not entirely true. by Tylosaur_Turturro (Sat Feb 16 2008 11:45:34)

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Someone I went to High School was named Sam. His parents never named him "Samuel", just straight up Sam. It's a fairly common name here in the states. "what the f/ck is wtf?"

I just want to say by TheLastStop41 (Sat Feb 16 2008 12:20:49)

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That this is quite possibly the funniest thread I've ever seen on IMDb. And I'm thinking about history, and I'm living for history. Re: Not entirely true. by Edg9624 (Sat Feb 16 2008 12:29:39)

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Anything can be a name, as long as the parents put it on their birth certificate. Sam is a regular name anyway, saying it isn't is like saying Luke isn't a name because it's short for Lucas. I have a friend named Luke whose name says "Luke" on the birth certificate.

What business is it of yours where I'm from...Friendo? Re: Not entirely true. by Michael128 (Mon Feb 18 2008 13:02:49) not anything i doubt theyd let u put swear words Re: Not entirely true. by matt311actor (Mon Feb 18 2008 13:56:41)

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My friend $-hitty Mc$-hitface would beg to differ. ___________________ "Invent nothing. Deny nothing. Accept everything." - David Mamet I thought this deserved a bump by Victoria_Carax (Tue Feb 19 2008 10:32:04)

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And to the OP... I get what you're saying, but this is still the dumbest post I've seen in a while The critic has to educate the public; the artist has to educate the critic.

That's huevos, actually by Victoria_Carax (Tue Feb 19 2008 10:39:55)

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But yeah. Maybe there's like this weird unknown nickname for Ellens of the sort of Richard's "Dick" that makes everything fall into place... The critic has to educate the public; the artist has to educate the critic. Re: I thought this deserved a bump by Michael128 4 days ago (Fri Feb 22 2008 14:34:53) so ur on my side? no country for michael I am by Javier-Nasty 2 days ago (Sat Feb 23 2008 15:49:26)

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I never knew a kid called Ellen, either. *** This hot piece of ass supports Daniel, Julie, Javi, Tilda & No Country for Old Men

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