Elements Of A C Program

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 7
Elements of a C Program Comments Any text placed between the delimeters /* and */ is a comment. /* a comment */ /* And this is another comment */ Programmers insert comments to document a program and improve program readability. Comments are not part of the executable program, they are ignored by the C compiler. A good programming practice is to have comments in the program. You can choose a particular style to highlight comment, for example /******************************************** * This program generates random numbers in * * the range 0 - 100 and determines and * * prints the maximum and minimum numbers. * ********************************************/ int main() { ... return 0; }

Constants A constant is a value that does not change during the program execution. Examples of constants are integer numbers such as 0, 10, 23987. These are integer constants. There are also floating constants, like 3.14159, 2.0, and character constants like 'a', 'B', etc. Character constants must be included in single quotes and in C language they are closely related to integers. Any sequence of characters written between double quotation marks is a string constant. A string constant differs from a character constant. For example, 'A' and "A" are not the same. If you use the same constant in your program more than once, usually you will define it using the #define preprocessor directive. The #define directive tells the preprocessor to replace every occurence of a particular character string which is called a macro name with a specified value called a macro body.

#define macro_name macro_body The macro body may be a string or a data item. For example, you may define the maximum number of input values as

#define MAXNUMBER 10 In another program you may define the course name: #define COURSE_NAME "Computer Science" Also you may consider to define the logical operators to make the program more readable: #define #define #define #define #define #define


1 0 0 && || !

Then you can write a logical expression like this: if(pass==TRUE) printf("You passed this subject"); NOTE: 1. # must be the first character on line 2. There is no semicolon at the end of a preprocessor directive 3. Conventionally, names of constants are written in uppercase

Variables A variable is used to present different values. In the statement such as i = 1; the value of a constant 1 is assigned to the variable i. Variable names and function names in C are called identifiers. To make a valid variable name you can use all the following: • • •

Characters A => Z, and a => z. Digits 0 => 9, which can be placed in any position except the first. The underscore character (_).

Examples of valid identifiers are max_number, var30j, firstName.A variable name cannot contain: • • • •

arithmetic operators (+, -, /, *, %) dots (.) apostrophes (') other special symbols ( #, ?, ^, etc.)

Examples of invalid identifiers are 4th_number, last-name, quest?.

There are 32 reserved words in C (also called keywords), which cannot be used as identifiers. The complete list of C keywords can be found in the reference textbook. Note that all keywords are written in lowercase letters. Before a variable can be used in a program statement, it must be declared, for example: int number; char c; float price; To declare a variable means to specify its type, for example, integer, with a keyword int, (types of variables will be discussed later) and name. Variables of the same type can be declared in one line. int n1, n2, sum; To assign a value to the variable, an assignment operator (=) is used, for example i = 1; number = 100; . A variable can be initialised (that is, given an initial value) at the same time as it is declared. int number = 0; char c = 'a'; float price = 2.5;

Expressions An expression is a combination of constants, variables, operators and function calls. For example: i + 8 is an expression of a constant plus a variable, and exit(0) is an expression of a function call. An expression can contain arithmetic and other types of operators.

C arithmetic operators: Symbol











Remainder or modulus

The last operator in this list requires some explanation. The remainder operator % is used to obtain the remainder of the division of the first operand by the second operand. For example, 7 % 3 is 1, 8 % 4 is 0, and 5 % 7 is 5 The remainder operator can be applied only to integer constants or variables.

The normal precedence rules are applied to the arithmetic operators, namely, any expression in brackets is executed first, and division, multiplication and remainder operations have a higher precedence than addition and subtraction. Try to work out the following example: (2+7%2)+45/15-5 = ? The solution can be obtained if you execute each operation in sequence, taking into account the precedence rules: (2+1)+3-5 = 3+3-5 = 1.

Statements In C language a statement is a complete instruction, ending with a semicolon. For example, each line of the code below is a statement. i = 1; number = (n1 + n2)*12; hours = seconds/3600; return 0; You learned from the example in Program 1 that a function call is also a statement. printf("This is my first C program.\n"); Any group of statements enclosed in braces ({...}) is called a block. A statement block is treated as a single statement by a C compiler. This means that anywhere in the program you can replace a single statement by a block. For example, a while loop may include a single statement, or a block of statements, as well as if selection.


while(count != MAX) {


/*block of statements within the while

sum = n1 + n2; diff = n1 - n2; if(diff > 0) /* single statement after if */ printf("The first number is larger that the second.\n");

Functions Programming modules in C language are called functions. In the First Program we used the main() function and the C standard library function printf(). Besides using the standard library functions, you can also write your own functions or use some functions written by other programmers. A function definition consists of four parts:

1. The function type indicates what type of value the function returns after its execution. A function may return a value of any type (see Data types), or may not return any value. The default function type of main() function, for example, is an integer. That is why the C compiler gives you a warning message if the main() function does not have a return(0); statement at the end. In the example above, the function multiply_int() returns integer value, which is a value of the integer variable result that is declared in the first line of the function body. A function type must match the type of a variable which is returned by the function. If a function does not return any value the keyword void is used. void print_error_message(void) { printf("Invalid input. Try again."); } This function prints the message on the screen. The first void means that it does not return any values. The second occurance of the word void indicates that the function does not take any parameters. 2. The function name should reflect what the function does. For example, the name of the C standard library function printf() indicates that it "prints formatted data". If you encounter a function with the name calculate_average(), you would expect that this function calculates an average value of a set of numbers. A function name is an identifier, and the same naming rules are applied to names of functions as to names of variables. 3. A function often requires some information to be passed to it. For example, the multiply_int() function takes two parameters of integer type. The argument list (or parameter list) is given in the brackets following the function name, and includes a list of the types and names of all arguments. Type and name pairs are separated by commas. The name of a parameter to the function within the function declaration is called formal, to distinguish it from the actual parameter name, which you use when

making a function call. If a function does not take any parameters, the keyword void can be used, or the brackets after the function name remain empty, see, for example, the function print_error_message() above. 4. A function body is a program block included in braces. It usually contains variable declarations and C statements (including the return statement if required). One or more of the statements may be function calls for other functions. However a function body CANNOT contain a declaration of another function. A good programming practice is to write functions that perform a single task.

Making Function Calls To execute a function you make a function call from the other function body. The function call includes the name of the function and actual parameters in brackets: function_name(parameter1, parameter2, ...);. For example, the call for the function multiply_int() can be done as follows. Program 2.1. /*Program 2. This program multiplies two integer numbers and prints the result */ #include <stdio.h> /* This function returns the result of multiplication of two integers. */ int multiply_int(int n, int x) { int result; result = n*x; return result; } int main() { int product; product = multiply_int(12, 11); function */ }

/* 12 and 11 are actual parameters that are passed to the printf("The product of 12 and 11 is %d.\n", product);

Output: The product of 12 and 11 is 132

The C compiler must be told about the function you are going to use before you actually use it. The simplest way is to write all functions' definitions at the top of the program, ensuring that the function is defined before it is called, like shown in the Program 2. We will discuss an alternative way to structure a C program that contains functions in the second part of this course. Variables scope A variable declared within a block has a block scope, it is also called a local variable. A local variable can be accessed only within the block where it was declared. For example, because the variable result is declared within the multiply_int() function, it cannot be refered to from the main() function. A variable is said to have a program scope (or to be an external variable) when it is declared outside a function. A variable with program scope is considered to be global to all functions declared after it. After the program control exits from the block or function, the external variable remains in existance. Global variables decrease the manageability of a program. In a large program they may cause untraceable errors. The use of global variables should be minimised.

Summary: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

A constant is a value that never changes. A variable can present different values. Constants can be defined using the #define preprocessor directive. You have to follow certain rules to make valid names of variables. An expression is a combination of variables, constants, operators and function calls. A statement is an expression or a function call with a semicolon at the end. A statement block may contain more that one statement included in curly braces({ }). The function type of a function indicates the type of the value that the function returns. A function name must be valid and meaningful. The parameter list to a function contains types and names of parameters. The body of a function is enclosed in curly braces. A function should perform a single task. A function has to be defined before it is called. A local variable is a variable declared within a function. Global variables are declared before function definitions. The use of global variables should be minimised.

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