Elegy On Jigar Moradabadi

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  • Words: 11,573
  • Pages: 34
Ist. Edition 1000 Copies JAN. 1982


Published by: MR. AZIZ AHMAD Mohalla Lal Bagh, MORADABAD- U.P. (India) 244001

By AZIZ AHMAD (Aziz Moradabadi)

M.A., B. Ed.

***ALL rights reserved with the Author

CONTENTS Photo (Jigar) Photo (Author) Introduction




Opinion Ist.


Opinion II






Supplementary Notes



Jigar Moradabadi

Caliph: Ah, If there shall ever arise a nation whose people have forgotten poetry or whose poets have forgotten the people, though they send their ships round Taprobane and their armies across the hills of Hindostan, though their city be greater than Babylon of old, though they mine a league into the earth or mount to the stars on wings-what of them? Hassan: They will be a dark patch on the world.

James Elroy Flecker

The Author presented the book ‘ Elegy On Jigar Moradabadi’ to Mrs. Indira Gandhi at her residence

Ah! Now She is Dead


Mr. Aziz Ahmad has written an Elegy on the Poet Haji Ali Sikander, commonly known as Jigar Moradabadi. The poem is in 48 stanzas of Eight lines each followed by 48 paragraphs of notes, one for each stanza. They explain the real mood of the stanzas. This is perhaps the first time that an Elegy in English on an Urdu Poet has been attempted. Elegiac poems in Urdu are common. The marsais of Anis and Dabir are long elegiac poems of unsurpassed beauty. An Elegy is literally a song or poem of mourning. The English examples are Lycidas, Adonais and Thyrsis. They are true elegies although Gray's wellknown Elegy, which was written in a country churchyard does not mourn anyone in particular and deals with 'the pathos of mortality'. English Elegies, like Latin Elegies before, were written in a metre called elegiac. Any poem written in that metre was called an Elegy irrespective of the subject matter. Later the point about metre was dropped and any poem was considered an elegy if the subject matter was what I have described, irrespective of the metre. Today the subject and metre must coincide to make a proper elegy. The metre must be hexameter or pentameter. A hexameter is of six measures the fifth being a dactyl and the sixth either a spondee or a trochee. The other four may be either a dactyls or spondees. An example is Longfellow's Evangeline. Homer's two epic poems and Virgil's Aeneid are in hexameter. Pentameter verse is in two parts, each of which ends with an extra long syllable. The first half consists of two metres, dactyls or spondees, the latter half must be two dactyls. I have said this because metre-wise this poem in English will not be regarded as a proper Elegy but subject-wise it is. Perhaps Mr. Aziz Ahmad can cast the lines again.


Subject-wise the poem is excellent. Jigar who wrote of himself: Jigar main ne chhupaya lakh upna dard o ghum lekin Bayan kardeen meri surat nay sub kaifiyatein dilki Was a poet in the front rank in India and in the days when there were Iqbal, Fani and Firaq and several others. Tabassum Nizami has done a great deal to bring his life before us, and his books Daghe Jigar, Shola- e- Toor and Aatishe Gul are poetry which is seldom equaled. No wonder Mr. Aziz Ahmad's heart bleeds at the very thought of Jigar's death in 1960. Not only has he paid his sincere homage to his memory but he has described the anguish of the family and friends. Jigar would have said: Meri roodad e ghum who sun rahe hain Tabassum sa labon par araha hai Jigar hi ka na ho afsana koi Daro devar ko hal araha hai. Mr. Aziz Ahmad's heart-rending verses do make even the doors and walls get into ecstasy!


23 September, 1981 6, Maulana Azad Road, New Delhi-110011.

M. Hidayatullah Vice- President of India


I append here for ready reference the views of the reputed critics about modern poetry, which are printed on pages 223,224 and 225 of “The Study of Poetry” by A.R. Entwistle. The reaction against metre in modern poetry is only another symptom of the dissatisfaction with things as they are. The movement towards “free verse” is, of course, no new thing. The experiment of Matthew Arnold, Henley, Walt Whitman and others occur readily to the mind. Here it is useful to know how the new poetry affected Professor Churton Collins: “If a man six feet high, of striking masculine beauty and of venerable appearance, chooses to stand on his head in the public streets….. he will at least attract attention, and create some excitement; secondly……..the law of reaction in literature, as in everything else, will assert itself, that when poetry has long attained perfection in form and has been running smoothly in conventional grooves, there is certain to be a revolt both on the part of poets themselves and in the public taste, and the opposite extreme will be affected and welcomed; and thirdly, ……… if a writer has the courage or impudence to set sense, taste, and decency at defiance and, posing sometimes as a mystic and sometimes as a mountebank, to express himself in the jargon of both, and yet has the genius to irradiate his absurdities with flashes of wisdom, beauty, and inspired insight, three things are certain to result,……… namely, sympathy from those who favor the reaction, disgust on the part of those who belong to neither party, but who are quite willing to judge what they find on its own merits.” For the frankly modernist view we turn to Mr. Robert Graves, who says: “Poetry has, in a word, begun to 'go round the corner'; the straight street in which English bards have for centuries walked is no longer so attractive, now that a concealed turning has been found opening up a new street or network of streets whose existence tradition hardly suspected. Traditionalists will even say of the adventures: ' They have completely disappeared; they are walking in the suburbs of poetry called alternatively Nonsense or Madness.' But it disturbs these traditionalists that the defections from the highway are numerous, and that the poets concerned cannot be accused of ignorance of the old ways, of mental unbalance in other departments of life, or in insincerity.” The spirit of the present generation is in marked degree anti-traditional, and it would easy, but tiresome, to show by copious quotations how welcome the spirit of revolt has become. Similar tendency is found in modern Urdu Poetry. We should see, what Akbar Allahbadi says in connection. Qaedon men husne mani gum karo Sher main kehta hoon hijje tum karo (Lose in rules beauty of meanings; Verse I compose, you do spellings.) Since this elegy consists of a mixture of a Urdu and English words, it is practically impossible to confine it to the conventional English metre. Aziz Ahmad

FOREWORD I have with interest gone through the Elegy on the death of the late Haji Ali Sikander, Jigar Moradabadi, presented to me for my comments by Mr. Aziz Ahmad, the author. I am impressed by his style and art. It shows his deep love for Jigar Moradabadi who was a poet of great genius. It seems that he has a good knowledge of the life and art of Jigar. As he has written in the Preface that no poet has so far written an elegy in English on the death of any Urdu poet is, as far as I know, correct. The endeavour is his own. Some points given in the Elegy have already become widely known, while some others are quite new. When I started reading it, I was so charmed that I could not leave it unfinished. It is a fine piece of literature and fascinates its readers. I appreciate the unity of the poem. The stanzas employed help to bind the parts of the poem together into a single whole, so that it becomes a “Silver chain of sound of many links, without a break.” The choice of words and constructions are commendable. I feel that Mr. Aziz Ahmad make a very good use of rhetorical language. The poem is a rhymed product of the author's imagination. He has, no doubt, chosen a dignified subject- the death of a great poet, but the distinction lies in the fact that he has beautifully portrayed his life as well as art. The poem is elaborate in workmanship and is long enough, with orderly development and fine descriptions. The interplay of emotion, reflection and spontaneity are commendable. At the same time he has no want of narrative force. His logical transition from one thought to another is praiseworthy. The description of scenes in the poem presents a clear picture before the eyes of the readers. The author exhibits his real respect fro Jigar and grief over his death. In my view, the poem is great due to the following grounds:There is in the proposition- ' I weep for Jigar Moradabadi………' ; the invocations to Jigar's dead mother and the Spirit of poetry etc.; the mourning of the relatives and friends; the procession of the mourners in concrete and abstract form; The partaking of nature and Super-natural beings in grief; the praise of the distinctive traits of the life and art of Jigar ; and the reward that the great poet has found a place in paradise and has become eternal in death. In the end, the note of personal lament shows his deep personal attachment. While mentioning many good qualities of Jigar Sahib's personality Mr. Aziz Ahmad rightly emphasized in the last two lines of Stanza no. 25 that he little bothered for money. Just to endorse his point I would like to relate one incident which vividly remember even today. In June, 1947 an All India Mushaira was organized in Shahajan pur, U.P. Although a student of 10th Class, I happened to be one of the organizers of this function. Unfortunately because of extremely bad weather and sudden heavy rains, the Mushaira was a total failure. All was upset. Not a single poet could recite his poems. We lacked funds even to pay the traveling expenses of more than 12 poets who had arrived to participate in Mushaira, including such popular poets as Salam Machli Shahri and Khumar Barabankvi. Jigar Sahib was staying with one of his pupils Mr. Habab Tirmizi. The poets were demanding money and we were worries how to satisfy them. Jigar Sahib apprehended the whole situation. He got up quietly, went to the wall where his Sherwani was hanging, brought out some two hundred rupees and gave us saying, “Give it over to them.” When in 1955 I met Jigar Sahib in Aligarh and reminded him of this incident, he smiled and pretended as if he did not remember. Many such events can be related which reveal rare moral qualities of his character. To conclude my comments, I think it appropriate to quote a few lines from the Elegy which I like most. The following lines remind us of Shelly's Adonais: Ideals splendid, Desires, Adorations; Joys blinded with Tears and Winged Persuasions; In melancholy mood Love and Ties; Sorrows with her family of Sighs; With hair unbound and tears their eyes flow, Came there in form of procession slow, The slow moving procession might seem Like pomp of ants in Summer near stream. Beautiful imagination is presented subtle contrast of the following lines : Angels waited his life-account to write; But were dazzled, seeing him in white light. Who knows not the reason for this light? His body though dark, his soul was white.

The loveliest personification is found in stanzas no 12 and 13 where Learning of his death, Wines held a meeting To condole his death by hard breast-beating. and where Some Wines spirited came to his grave; Their eyes were red, their hearts were brave. Stanza no 19 testifies to the author's great skill in narration. Pathos is also beautifully given. It is evident from stanza no. 24 that Mr. Aziz Ahmad has been deeply influenced by Robert Frost, a famous American poet. The superb description is found in stanza no 26 and 27 where Jigar's fondness for playing cards is shown. In the following lines a fine smile has been used :His behavior was like verses laboured, Every syllable of which is measured. Respectful with his elders was he, And with his friend intimate and free. With his youngers reserved and fatherly, He treated them kindly and politely. In stanza no. 33 it seems that the author wants to say that Jigar disliked ' Ghazals' composed by ladies; but the idea has been expressed by giving a beautiful definition of 'Ghazal'. The following lines in stanza no. 44 are very befitting :Beauty is the base in the lays of Asghar ; But love beautifies the verses of Jigar. The following lines, though subjective, compel me to appreciate the author :Risen above the waves saw I a hand; All of a sudden, it drew me to land. It was the hand of Jigar- a rare man Who is born once in centuries span. In the following stanza I find a relish of sonnet. It is filled with sincere feelings. The void so created cannot be filled, The Hawk of death has the 'Ghazal Bird' killed. But the time of death is fixed by Him Who is our Lord without doubt and whim. The only tribute to him I pay Is to compose this sorrowful lay. His features shall in these lines be seen; If they live, he shall in them be green.

May this endeavour of Mr. Aziz Ahmad be crowned with success and glory! I wish him to give us many more such wonderful poetic pieces. Dr. Qamar Rais Reader, Department of Urdu University of Delhi


Janab Aziz Ahmad sahib has sent me a copy of an elegy he has composed in the memory of the late lamented Haji Ali Sikandar Jigar, the Doyen of Urdu poets in the Indian sub-continent. I have gone through this elegy with deep interest and I find that Aziz Sahib loved and admired Jigar Sahib from the core of his heart. He pours out his heart in grief for Jigar whom he considers the zenith of muses. The elegy is a fitting tribute indeed to a person who lived and died for poetry and whose verses shall for ever continue to inspire generations to come. Some of Aziz Sahib's stanzas are sublime and worth quoting. For instance he speaks from the unexplored depth of his heart when he says :For Jigar I weep. And you too weep With me, for I plunge into the deep Of pain and sorrow, of grief and tears. O hapless Hour chosen from all years! I ask you to rouse your other compeers; Then together we will weep blood fro tears. Till future dares forget the past His name and fame shall ever last. In stanza no 28 he has painted a true portrait of Jigar. Of such virtues was Jigar made and of such virtues his Ghazals are the outcome. He was noble both in mind and in action. He was cordial and hospitable most, And was to his guests a courteous host. His behaviour was like verses laboured, Every syllable of which is measured. Respectful with his elders was he, And with his friends, intimate and free. With his youngers, reserved and fatherly, He treated them kindly and politely. I am sure that all those who knew and loved Jigar will enjoy the fine quality of the elegy and will realize that Aziz Sahib has for once not taken to poetic exaggeration.

Kunwar Mehender Singh Bedi

OPINION II B. K Kansal Ph. D Chairman Dept. of Post-graduate Studies and Research in English Banbata Ganj (Near Kamal Talkies) Moradabad- 244001

B K Kansal


Dated 28 Sept. 1981

Mr. Aziz Ahmad' elegy on Jigar may be unconventional in metre but is wonderful in matter. The poem is the graphic account of the life, character and verse of a great Urdu poet, it has a great imaginative and emotional appeal and is remarkable for fine personification and vivid imagery. It reminds of Shelly's 'Adonais'.

PREFACE The few lines I have put in this little book are nothing but a tribute I am obliged to pay to the memory of the Late Haji Ali Sikandar, Jigar Moradabadi, a relative of mine, to whom I am deeply indebted as the credit of my life's making goes to him. He was born on 6th April, 1890 in Mohalla Lal bagh, Moradabad, U.P., but from the boyhood he left his native city and roamed far and wide to make his life glorious. He was a natural poet of Urdu. If we peep into his life, we find it true that 'a poet is born, not made.’ Asghar Gondwi, a renowned poet of that time, on seeing him, understood full well that he was fated to be great. So, he owned him, guided him and showered his favors on him. Jigar lived at Gonda, U.P., in the house of his wife, Nasim. Journey had become the part of his life. He reminded mostly out in connection with Mushairas. Whenever he returned home, he wanted us to remain with him. So, I have passed a portion of my life with him and observed him with love and reverence. I wanted to write something about him in Urdu prose, and to get published some letters and poems written in his own hand, which I have kept safe with me like sacred things. I started writing it, but by the force of some unknown power, my mind turned to a theme quite novel. In English, as far as I know, nobody has composed an elegy on the death of an Urdu poet. My purpose of writing in this language is that English will be a vehicle to convey my thoughts and outside this country, as English, being an international language, is read and spoken everywhere. Jigar was acclaimed ' Ghazal King' in his lifetime. He died on September 9, 1960 and was laid to rest at Gonda in the lap of his dear country. He was truly poetic in his habits and disposition, character and conduct, thoughts and feelings, ways and manners, motions and gestures, dressing and clothing, gait and get-up. Moreover he was gifted by Nature with a throat extremely musical. I have poetized my feelings to pay him homage, as, I think, the homage paid to such a great poet should be musical. I hope that his soul will accept it. When I was staying at Mecca after the performance of 'Haj' in the year 1975, one night I saw him in a dream. During my stay there I had not dreamed of anyone else save him. When I woke up, I felt a sort of restlessness. Then and there, I performed 'Umera' for him. When he died, I felt a shock of grief. This Elegy is the outlet of the grief I felt then and have concealed so far. This Elegy contains some points which are quite new, and which the lovers of Jigar Moradabadi are unaware of. Though the Elegy has parts comprising many traits of Jigar, I have tried to make it a unified whole. I hope that for the lovers of Jigar Moradabadi, this work will be a Souvenir worth keeping. How far my aims are fulfilled is for the readers to judge! In the end, I express my thankfulness to Dr. B. K. Kansal, Head of the Department of English, Hindu College, Moradabad, who has been kind to me to give valuable suggestions for this composition. I am highly grateful to Mr. M. Hidayatullah, Vice- President of India, for his very valuable and illuminating introduction, which throws sufficient light on elegy in English, Urdu and Latin literature, on its matter and metre. His judicial office he has held as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. I also express gratitude to Dr. Qamar Rais and Kunwar Mehender Singh Bedi whose high praise of the poem gave me great encouragement. Aziz Ahmad


E L E GY ON  1 I weep for Jigar Moradabadi- he is dead ! O weep for the poet who has beautifully wed Love and Wine with verses of new time, And has achieved a fame so sublime ! Wailing and weeping wets the air. How so sad is the drum of the ear. How so sad is the whole atmosphere ! There is none who is not in despair.

2 For Jigar I weep. And you too weep With me, for I plunge into the deep Of pain and sorrow, of grief and tears. O hapless Hour chosen from all years! I ask you to rouse your other compeers; Then together we will weep blood fro tears. Till future dares forget the past His name and fame shall ever last.

3 Weep, O Spirit of poetry ! Weep, For he has gone for his final sleep. His body though motion less; his soul's brain Listens to your weeping with woeful strain. At his death are sorrowful many more Thank those who loved his poetry and lore. As a poet he was great; as a man was he sublime. He has lived life very fine; he is uneaten by time.

4 Alas ! O Noble Mother, Mother great Who bore a poet full many a trait ! You could not see him gathering fame, Upraising your position and name. In your grave you might have felt charm When he would sing his rhymings warm. Now he has gone into the gulf of death From where nobody returns to this earth.

5 Angels bewail him as he is mortified, And bless his three works to be immortalized. He could not bear when his Motherland's pride Was being crushed by the liberticide. Communal ghosts when raised their heads, Poison was filled in people's heads By professional leaders' hired men; Then sorrowful songs flowed his pen.

6 Ideals splendid, Desires, Adorations; Joys blinded with Tears and Winged Persuasions; In melancholy mood Love and Ties; Sorrows with her family of Sighs; With hair unbound and tears their eyes flow, Came there in form of procession slow, The slow moving procession might seem Like pomp of ants in Summer near stream.

7 Rooms of his house began lamenting anew. Their weeping was silent, though heard by a few. Such mute voices rarely poets hear; Others remain deaf, they do not care. They heard the sound of his amorous lay When he would sing there in wondrous way. To him they responded with their echo. Oh ! he is dead, leaving them in great woe

8 One day before his death, he slowly murmured, “A compartment of train for me be reserved As life's journey has come to an end And I have to go to Other Land.” Some kin by him were standing silent; Their eyes were tearful, their heads were bent. Grief so much shattered his dear wife, She lost all the pleasures of life.

9 When his bier was to be taken out, Every one was weeping without doubt. Short-lived though is general grief, His wife's agony was not brief. Till Nature is on its normal course, Morning after night will nature force. But his wife will weep, day and night, As her dear soul has taken flight.

10 The eyes had since stopped their weeping; Now came turn of the heart's bleeding. The air had been filled with grief and sorrow; People hurriedly made many a row For the prayer with humble salutation, They prayed to God for his soul's consolation. Homage was paid to departed soul; But Death was unmindful of the dole.

11 With open heart, his grave was ready To welcome warmly his dead body. Angels waited his life-account to write; But were dazzled, seeing him in white light. Who knows not the reason for this light? His body though dark, his soul was white. He, in dewy sleep, took his last fill Of liquid rest, forgetful of ill.

12 Learning of his death, Wines held a meeting To condole his death by hard breast-beating. The meeting was attended by all the Wines Of various colors, tastes and racial lines. A resolution was proposed in the meeting, And it was unanimously passed by standing. Wines were weeping, as he was the one Who once loved them more than any one.

13 Some Wines spirited came to his grave; Their eyes were red, their hearts were brave. They were the ones he had preferred once, But later divorced them for nuisance. They came ashamed and fully disguised; They were by mourners not recognized. Once he had been under the charm of wine; Later, he broke all the bottles of wine.

14 His was not more than a twin will Which he made known when he was ill. He told his wife in presence of no other Thank my mother, he anon called her thither. “You won't break your bangles in my dole; You won't give alms for balming my soul.” His wife a gentle lady, told him anon That these two conditions would not be undone.

15 A Wish lay suppressed within his heart, Which remained unfulfilled in the last. He desired his grave to be dug near Those of his father and mother dear. But once his mentor made a prophecy. Every thing of Jigar, his house would see. His prophecy strangely came to be true; The dust of his grave him to Gonda drew.

16 His father, who was in paradise, Heard the news of his son's demise. The news proved to be dagger to his soul, Though he was beyond the reach of the dole. By angels there was a Naat being recited, Composed by Jigar, the very Naat invited God who rapt in listening to the numbers Allotted Jigar one of heaven's chambers.

17 People were drowned in the ocean of grief; They could not have time for nay relief. Angels so warmly received his soul; While Earth took his body as a whole. Grave swore his body never to mar; Angels wished his soul to shine like star. God judged the situation, and then delivered His body to Grave, and soul to heaven transferred.

18 First couplet he made, when eight years old, Father scolded him, when he was told. He said through he was to be a poet, He should not poetise so early yet. His father, an adapt in Marsia singing, Taught him to sing verses in the beginning. The art of singing he did well maintain; Many a poet copied him in vain.

19 A lot to adversities came in his early teens; After father's death, he had no sustaining means. Kin were not ready to call him their own, Save his step-uncle who helped him alone. Relations condemned him; he was lorn; Some called him poet, kin laughed in scorn. No one knew then he would change the weather, And would have in his cap a fine feather.

20 Compelled by the conditions, he drank wine That gave impetus to his metres fine. The more he drank, the more civilized; Oft in shame he felt demoralized. His hair was long, his beard neglected, And by passions he was much affected. Who can drink so much wine as the poet drank? He was super-drinker, to be very frank.

21 What a great poet mystic was he Who chose Jigar, and owned him dearly! I praise his might, wisdom and insight; He changed his life by dint of his light. The plant dear he watered and reared Grew to his prime and full flowered. But alas the fruit was never given birth! His dear is dead; and dead is the hope of mirth!

22 A land was inherited so fertile; Some incidents sowed it, but not futile. It was well watered by pure wine, And was looked after eyes so fine. There grew a garden of many plants green; It was charming and worthy to be seen. Colourful flowers, beautiful and fair, Shall always lend smell to poetic air.

23 When he became the climax and crown Of the poetic fame and renown, A man became of him deadly jealous, And mixed with his food something poisonous; When caught, he confessed his crime, And Jigar forgave him in no time. Even such men are very very sorry. What an exemplary character had he!

24 He was once staying with his friend, And had enough money to spend. He was, one night, lying on a cot; A person smelled that he had a lot. Presuming him asleep, he picked the pocket Of his hanging Sherwani or his jacket. He saw him doing this pernicious deed, But let him go, thinking him in dire need.

25 Forgetting had been his habit since boyhood. It is although bad, in his case was so good. It was his habit doing for others good; And having done it, he forgot it for good. He recommended daily several men, He had such wondrous power in his pen. Who could find such a gentle friend? He forgot money he would lend.

26 Playing cards was his hobby like rime; In playing them he did not mind time. He would play them till late at night And oft forgot to take his diet. He felt bitter when he lost his game, And got irritated, with excuses lame. Honesty reigned supreme over him, So chances of win sometimes were dim.

27 His wife disliked his playing cards With his intimate friends and bards. How so interesting when she was angry! And on it with him she did not agree! He cooled her anger by burning the cards, And swore he would never play them onwards. But lo! The cards burnt and cremated Were again born and animated.

28 He was cordial and hospitable most, And was to his guests a courteous host. His behavior was like verses laboured, Every syllable of which is measured. Respectful with his elders was he, And with his friend intimate and free. With his youngers, reserved and fatherly, He treated them kindly and politely.

29 He talked often in a roundabout way; Listeners had to guess point of his say. He did not know the art of oratory, He was although in the know of poetry. Poetry even he could not debate; He felt it though within, without combat. The way he advised was very attractive. Though he is dead, he is subtly instructive.

30 Humility was his noble trait, What though he was a poet so great. He was not narrow, nor arrogant at all, So his was a gradual rise, not a fall. Oft he would say that he was nothing, But was an outcome of some blessing. “Respect even the elders' shoes.” He said, and did similar dos.

31 Sycophancy did not suit his nature; Self-respect was his special feature. He was witty, sensitive and fair; To talk like him very few men dare. Ills, our beauty, spoil and mar, We are drawn from the goal afar. He sincerely tried to kill With his songs the germs of ills.

32 No poet ever earned as so much as did he, For the highest was his royalty and fee. He gave much money out of his income To the needy he gladly did welcome. When at homes currency notes he hid In pillow, book or tin with a lid. They were meant to be given to the needy, And kept hidden from the view of his lady.

33 Ghazal was originally meant conversation Lover had with his lady in imagination. But later its definition was amended; Now the scope of it is wide and extended. It has a number of beautiful lines; It has themes in lovely symbols and signs. Jigar disliked it composed by a lady; He said strangely, “Ghazal and a lady!”

34 “The life and soul of Mushaira has flown;” The poets who love Jigar say and moan. He was poet of so great a fame, People swarmed him on hearing his name. They came to listen to, from far and wide, His honey-sweet rhymes; alas he has died! The way he sang was singularly his own; Nature had given him such bewitching tone.

35 He love much his country dear, He did not leave it in greed or fear; Though many a chance in his favour In Urdu-loving Pak., India's neighbour. He loved his country's gardens and bowers; Thorns he bore, while leaving their flowers. He was favourite of Indo-Pakistan; He was moreover commended in Iran.

36 When muse goaded him, he made outlines Of plants, flowers and the like designs. From those shot out a natural couplet Which was the outcome of passions' outlet. He chose them after making his correction, And made of them a beautiful creation. Poems of his are wines of his liver, We are drunk with the rhymes of Jigar.

37 His love was very pure and without lust, Lady's-love respect for his was a must. He gave 'love' many a colourful name; According to him loving was no game. He drank love from the cup of lady-love, Then got communications from above. Who could think then and who could judge Such a hard drinker would do Haj?

38 He dipped in the oceans of passions, And bathed with water of emotions. He was so rapt in adoring the love, Often he scaled the firmament above. He was lost in his imagination, He had a bliss of reciprocation. He soared up high in versification To have a bliss of amalgamation.

39 All the verses Jigar has wrought Bear the stamp of what he thought. The poetry he composed is a fine art; Naturally it goes to the people's heart. He had a very keen sense of beauty Whose expression he considered his duty. He made his critics bend so low With poetic spells he would throw.

40 He was created by nature as a bard, His ideas in verses are not so hard. He did not put art for only art's sake; He was the ‘Ghazal King’ of special make, His poetry is made out of his life; It belongs to life and exists for life. He has often blended love and beauty As if they were no separate entity.

41 He was by nature fitfully emotional; Poems of his are novel, though conventional. We hear the cries from within his heart; Moods he garnered into words of art. Concerned he was mainly with his feelings; Oft they are filled with spiritual meanings. He liked sorrow much more than delight Which he viewed unstable as the night.

42 Such poetic ego he was given by Nature, Imitation of others did not suit his nature. As from bees, the bee-queen takes honey, So he took much from sublime company. Governed he was not by views of others; If he liked, he dipped them in his colours. If we took into his poetic glory, We find beneath a current of Manglori.

43 On reading his poems, we find it evident, He was influenced by many an incident. Monetary lures could not him entice To cease fire against political vice. Fact and truth in them heartily we feel, Which to young poets very much appeal. This trend in Hasrat was just a start, But it was Jigar's beating of heart.

44 Till then, most poets had poetized the feelings Of lovers, their humble bowings and kneelings. Nut now Jigar translated the feelings Born in the hearts of the lovers' darlings. 'Loves' of common poets we do not love; But the 'love' of Jigar who would not love? Beauty is the base in the lays of Asghar; But love beautifies the verses of Jigar.

45 We see the sun and shadow of realism Blending with the dreams of romanticism In a balanced and fine symmetry In Jigar's beautiful poetry. He was a love-poet over and above, But he did not suffer from the ill of love. The heart of his 'Love' was kind and cruel; The role she played was double and dual.

46 He did not view life in a narrow way; He wove his view-points in many a lay. He was not afraid of his life's end; Death he took for the call of his Friend. For him, it was a meaningless thing; He was life, so he found death nothing. He has now reached a place of love Where he lives life our world's above.

47 Once I was in hot water of life; Many a hurdle came in my strife. Risen above the waves saw I a hand; All of a sudden, it drew me to land. It was the hand of Jigar- a rare man Who is born once in centuries span. The soul of that great man, like a star, Still guides my life when the hurdles bar.

48 The void so created cannot be filled, The Hawk of death has the 'Ghazal Bird' killed. But the time of death is fixed by Him Who is our Lord without doubt and whim. The only tribute to him I pay Is to compose this sorrowful lay. His features shall in these lines be seen; If they live, he shall in them be green.


I mourn the death of the Reverend Poet, Jigar Moradabadi. Let all of us weep for him who has very beautifully produced couplets after couplets on Love and wine. In fact, love is the spirit of his poetry. Wine gave him frankness to bring out feelings of his heart, but it could not make him naked in expression. He had a wineful personality from where his poems came out as intoxicants.

Stanza 2

I weep for Jigar Moradabadi. I invoke the sad Hour of his death which has been selected from all the years for this unfortunate event to weep with me. I also ask unlucky Hour to wake up his other companions (i.e. the hours that have passed). Then we all collectively will weep blood for the poet. So long as the future continues to remember the past, his name and fame as a poet shall be passed on from age to age.

Stanza 3

Spirit of poetry has been invoked in this stanza to weep over the death of the poet whose soul listens to its painfully musical weeping. He was a man of distinctive qualities. He had a laudable character. He was liked by men of every religion. His nature was so good that sometimes he was liked by those who had no taste for poetry. Time, therefore, cannot spoil his fame.

Stanza 4

Jigar's dead mother is worthy of praise as she gave birth to a poet who had many qualities. But it is regrettable that she had died before he became famous. I imagine that the soul of his mother might have felt comfort when he achieved fame. Now he has departed from this world to a place from where nobody returns.

Stanza 5

Even the angels are sorry about his death. They are unable to save him. So they bless to immortalize his three books; namely, 'Daghey Jigar,' ' Shaulaey Toor' and 'Aatishe Gul'. In the last of his books he has written some poems being moved by communal riots of those days. Such communal riots are planned by the politicians in India from time to time and their mercenaries disturb the peace.

Stanza 6

There came in the form of procession mourners: the poet's Splendid Ideals, Desires, Adorations, Joys which were blinded with tears and Persuasions (whose wings are conspicuous feature), his Love and Ties in melancholy mood, and Sorrows accompanied by Sighs. They were all with undressed hair, and tears were flowing from their eyes. The Procession was moving slowly and slowly. The whole procession looked like a train of ants seen near a stream in the summer season.

Stanza 7

Jigar sometimes composed lines of his poems after mid-night. Only his wife was present in the room where he slept. I slept in the other room. But his singing was so enchanting that it awakened me and made me lost. I sometimes felt that the rooms were also spell-bound. The rooms responded to him with their echo when he sang his loving poems in his house. It is now really painful that he has left the world, and has also left them in great woe.

Stanza 8

The words within inverted comas “A compartment of train for me be reserved as life's journey has come to an end, and I have to go to Other Land” are the actual words spoken by Jigar in depression one day before his death. A few relatives of Jigar were present in his house in a very sorrowful condition when he was nearing death. His wife was very much aggrieved. She was bereft of pleasures of life.

Stanza 9 In this stanza actual scene of the house is depicted when his bier was being taken out for the funeral prayer. Every one who was present at that time was weeping. The people who come to mourn the death of a man generally leave the house after some time. Similarly, the people who came to mourn the death of Jigar were also intending to leave house after some time. Day and night, as usual, will go on happening by turns; but for his dear wife, both day and night will be gloomy, as her joy has taken flight in the death of her husband. Stanza 10

Actual scene of the funeral prayer ( Namaze-Janaza) before the burial is depicted in this stanza. The prayer was held near his house. The weeping is stopped when the people offer funeral prayer. But the heart is sad. The whole atmosphere was surcharged with grief. People prayed for the consolation of his soul. But death was not the least affected by the grief.

Stanza 11 When Jigar was buried, his grave felt joyous to receive his body. The Muslims believe that after the burial, angels come to ask the dead a few questions. Angels asked Jigar some questions in his grave, but they were amazed to see in the grave a white dazzling light instead of darkness. The reason for this light was that Jigar was saintly at heart though once he was wine personified. Jigar was actually dark-coloured, but his soul was supposed to be white (a striking contrast). He enjoyed the most tranquil rest in his grave, unmindful of the worries of life. Stanza 12 Wines in this stanza have been figuratively portrayed to hold condolence meeting on his death by hard breast-beating. All sorts of Wines (Wines of different colors, of different tastes and of different races) attended the meeting. A resolution to mourn the death of Jigar was proposed in the meeting, which was agreed upon and then passed by standing, without a single vote of dissent. The reason why Wines mourned his death was that Jigar once loved them more than any other man. He was once a record-breaker in drinking wine. Stanza 13 Some Wines were so much spirited that they came to his grave to pay him homage. Their eyes were red and their hearts were brave. (It is to be noted that after drinking spirited wine the eyes become red and heart becomes brave). These were the Wines Jigar once preferred to other Wines. But when he realized later that they were the cause of nuisance, he divorced them. They came fully disguised and were ashamed because they were divorced by the poet. The mourners who were present at his grave could not recognize them. In the last two lines, the figure changes into factuality because Jigar gave up drinking in his later age.

Stanza 14 When Jigar was on the death-bed, one day he called my mother, and told his wife who was sitting beside him that, after his death, she should neither break her bangles nor give anything in charity for the peace of his soul. When he was asked the reason be his wife for forbidding her from giving alms for the consolation of his soul, he said, “I have done much for myself. You need not to do any thing for me.” His wife who was a righteous and gentle lady promised him that she would fulfill his will. Stanza 15 In fact, Jigar wanted to be buried at Moradabad, his birth-place; but Asghar Gondwi, his mentor, once said that every thing of him (Jigar) would be done at his (Asghar's) house at Gonda. His prophecy finally came to be true. Jigar died on September 9, 1960 at Gonda and was buried there. Stanza 16 I imagine that his father was in paradise. Hearing the news of his son's sad demise, he felt a shock of grief. The paradise is the place where ordinarily the news of this world does not reach. But the angels specially delivered the news of Jigar's death to his father. In paradise some angels were reciting the NAAT (a poem in praise of the Prophet, Mohammed which Jigar composed after the performance of 'Haj' in the year 1953) in a very sweet voice. God who loves extremely his dear prophet was attracted by the singing of the NAAT and become so much rapturous that he allotted Jigar one of heaven's chambers. Stanza 17 People were over head and ears in grief. They could not find any relief so far. Earth claimed that the dead body of Jigar should be given to it. Grave ( a sub-ordinate of Earth) swore that it would not spoil his body. Hearing the arguments of Earth, angels, the inhabitants of the sky declared that his soul would be put in the sky to shine like a star. So, it should be given to them. God judged the case and then ordered that the body of Jigar be given to earth and Sky has a rightful claim over his soul. By this order, angels very warmly received his soul.

Stanza 18 It is true that Jigar in his childhood was trained by his father in singing and throat- controlling. Marsias are Elegiac verses in Urdu composed on the battle of Karbala in which Hazrat Imam Husain and others were beheaded mercilessly. He spoke out first couplet at the age of eight. When his father heard his couplet, he scolded him saying that he should not make couplets too early. Many poets tried to copy his style of singing but in vain.

Stanza 19 When Jigar was in his early age, his father died. Thereafter, he was surrounded by many difficulties. He was condemned, disowned and deemed inferior by his paternal relatives. Only Maulvi Ali Asghar, his step-uncle who was a gentle and righteous man, supported him. His relatives in the initial stage of his career did not think that he would become so great. Some of the relatives even mocked when the people said that Jigar had become a poet. Stanza 20 He was forced by the circumstances to drink wine, but wine could not spoil the sublimity of his character. His feelings and senses were all the more awakened when he was drunk. In that condition he did not utter foul words. He realized that drinking of wine was bad. His hair was long and he often neglected the dressing of his beard. He was an abnormal drinker of wine. Stanza 21 A famous mystic poet of those days, Asghar Gondwi, owned Jigar and guessed at first sight that he was to become great. Jigar was taken by his admirers, was offered drinks, and his Ghazals regaled them; but he was given nothing. Then Asghar urged him not to attend the Mushaira without his consultation. Now, when people wanted to take Jigar, Asghar asked them to give him atleast Rs. 50, which was initially fixed as his fee for a Mushaira. His fee began swelling with his growing fame, and it went beyond Rs.1000 (a good sun in those days) excluding travelling expenses. Asghar Gondwi married off his sister-in-law to Jigar on her condition that Jigar would have to give up drinking. On breaking his promise not to drink, the marriage got terminated resulting in divorce. After about 15 years he remarried the same lady. Then he gave up drinking for ever, and led a good conjugal life, but, unfortunately, remained childless. Asghar Gondwi is worthy of praise as he helped Jigar a lot and tried to uplift him.

Stanza 22 Jigar inherited poetic talents from his father, Maulvi Ali Nazar, and his grand father, Maulvi Amjad Ali, as they were also poets. He also took blessings of some spiritual men. A few incidents of his life and wine gave a push to his muse with the result that many themes came out of his heart like green plants which make a plot of land beautiful, attractive and worthy to be enjoyed. The poems of Jigar are likened to the colourful, fresh and fair flowers of the garden. They shall for ever continue to please men of poetic tastes. Stanza 23 The incident referred to in this stanza is true. Various books written on Jigar after his death corroborate the fact that when Jigar was staying at Bhopal, a man who was jealous of his because of his extra-ordinary fame, tried to give him some poison by mixing it with his food. But it was discovered, and the man was caught & questioned. He later on confessed that he had actually committed the heinous crime. At this, Jigar at once forgave him. It shows the sublimity of his character. Even such men as were jealous of Jigar are very sorry.

Stanza 24 Jigar was staying at his friend's in Bombay. He had two thousand rupees in his pocket which were given to him as fee of a Mushaira. He was at night lying on a cot. A person, presuming him asleep, picked the pocket of his Sherwani which was hanging on a peg. He was not sleeping at that time and was noticing all the actions of the man. But he said nothing and let the thief go. In the morning, he asked for some rupees from a friend of his, but did not disclose the name of the person who picked his pocket. This incident is mentioned in various books. Stanza 25 Forgetting had been Jigar's habit since boyhood. He used to do good to others and after doing good, he forgot it fro ever. He wrote several recommendatory letters daily for the men who approached him and wanted to get employment somewhere. He often gave the needy some money as loan, but did not think it proper to take money back. Stanza 26 He was very fond of playing cards. He played at a stretch for hours together, and was so much engrossed in the game that he even forgot to take food. He got irritated when he lost the game, and put forth various lame excuses. Honesty was in his nature, so he wanted to play fair game and sometimes lost it owing to his honesty. Stanza 27 When at home, Jigar was very often reprimanded by his wife, a strict and religious lady, for playing cards. Often an interesting quarrel arose in the house between them on this score, and he was compelled to please his wife by promising that he would never play them; but when the anger of his dear wife cooled down, he forgot all his abjurations and promises, and started playing cards again. Sometimes, he burnt the cards. But getting opportunity, he managed to buy them again. The idea in the figure used in the last two lines of this stanza has been borrowed from the belief of the Hindus that the dead after cremation is born again and again until he attains salvation. Stanza 28 He always welcomed his guests warmly. People came from far and near, and stayed in his house. He did not let even the unwanted guests feel that he did not like them. He treated the guests properly according to their position and gradation. Stanza 29 Jigar's way of talking or advising was very peculiar. He did not come to the point directly, but started beating about the bush. He felt and enjoyed poetry, but lacked ability to discuss it. Though he is no more in the world, his verses are a source of instruction to us.

Stanza 30

Though he was very great, he did not consider himself so. He was neither narrow nor arrogant at all. Often he used to say that he had no qualities of his own but became great because of the blessings of spiritual men. He achieved greatness step by step, and therefore it was permanent. For the interest of the readers I write here an incident that proves his humility. Once it so happened that a number of men were sitting with him on the carpet in his sitting room. They put their shoes outside the room. After some time, drizzling began. I was standing outside the room, but it did not come to my mind that I should remove their shoes to the shade. Jigar at once stood up and began to pick up the shoes. Seeing him doing so, some men from within the room rushed, and did not let him do so. Then turning to me, he said, “God will give you respect, If you respect the elders' shoes.” Stanza 31

Jigar hated flattery. In this connection an incident of his life is given below:Once he was staying at Hyderabad. He was at a place busy in playing cards. He was favourite of the Nawab of Hyderabad. A man came from the Nawab and requested him to compose some poem in praise of the Nawab to be recited on the occasion of his birth-day ceremony. Jigar at once retorted that he was a poet, not a clown. The Nawab, a wise man, was not displeased to know the reply. He valued him all more. It was only the scheme of those who were jealous of him, but it fell through. He was witty, sensitive and very fair in his dealings. He had such frankness as is rarely found in men. He did not like ills at all, and tried to annihilate them by means of his songs. Stanza 32

He earned so much wealth that neither the poets prior to him nor his contemporaries could earn; but he was very generous and spent his money in helping the poor. When he was at home, he kept some money out of the knowledge of his wife. He often put some rupees under the pillow, sometimes in a tin with a lid, or in some book. This money ordinarily was meant to be given to the men who visited him to seek his help. It was very interesting to se Jigar searching for the money urgently and confusedly. He was not sure about the places where he had concealed the currency notes. Sometimes turned the bed upside down, sometimes he opened the boxes, and then shut them confusedly pronouncing Lahol (cursing the Shaitan), sometimes he turned the pages of the books. This was all done stealthily lest wife should see his perplexity. She sometimes smelt the rat and enjoyed the sight.

Stanza 33

The literal meaning of Ghazal is to converse with the lady-love or to express something about her. In other words, it can be said that generally in it are expressed such emotions and experiences of life as are concerned with beauty and love. As these emotions are universal, so the presentation of them in Ghazal helped it much in becoming favourite of the people. But if Ghazal had stayed within the narrow bounds of the above definition, it would not have reached the present place. It was, therefore, necessary for it to take up different conditions and feelings. So, even after centering on beauty and love as their favourite themes, the poets took into its domain social, cultural, political, historical, religious, mystical, philosophical and psychological aspects of the life of man. At every stage, it went on changing according to the call of time. That is why it still survives, and has a life of its own. The structure of Ghazal proved helpful to the poet in adopting different ideas. In each of the couplets which are between the first and the last ones, the poet presents a complete thought. Therefore every couplet is itself a unit. In this way, the poet presents different thoughts in different couplets. Thus, it becomes the beautiful product of the poet's imagination. As Ghazal is very close to human feelings softness and delicacy are sure to appear in the language. When all these aspects of Ghazal are combined with music of its words, it all the more influences the people. The reason why it is liked so much is that it is expressed in lovely symbols and signs carrying deep and hidden meanings. After looking into the development of Ghazal, we find that at different stages of life it served as translator of the time. Thus its shape is polished and scope extended. I write here an interesting incident that caused me to compose this stanza. Once it so happened that Saghar Nizami, an Urdu poet, came along with his wife to meet Jigar who was then staying in the house of Maulvi Mohammed Ahmad in Mohalla Lal Bagh, Moradabad. Saghar Nizami's wife recited before Jigar a Ghazal composed by her. Jigar heared it and praised it a little; but when he was coming out, he smiled and said in a strange way, “Aurat aur Ghazal” (Ghazal and a lady!).

Stanza 34

He was really the life and spirit of Mushairas. When he was alive, he was the only poet who won the hearts of his listeners with the magic of his poem sung by a painfully sweet throat he was gifted with. Ordinarily in the Mushairas he was given the chance of reciting his poems after all the other poets had sung their poems. During the singing of other poets the audience remained unserious, but when he started singing, there was perfect silence. Nobody dared disturb the decorum of the Mushairas. The audiences were rapt and lost while he sang. Not only this, but the people also remained eager to have a glimpse of him. Stanza 35

Jigar was truly patriotic. His love for his Motherland is fully exhibited in his poems. In Pakistan also he was very famous. He attended the Mushairas on invitation from Pakistan. The Government of Pakistan once desired him to immigrate there, and promised to give him a beautiful building with a motor car if he settled their permanently; but he flatly refused to accept the offer. He also wrote many poems in Persian due to which he earned fame in Iran. Some poems of his were translated in his lifetime, and were sent to english0speaking countries. This translation, I remember, was made by Mr. Mohammed Ahmad who was a judge posted at Gorakhpur at a certain time.

Stanza 36

The method of his composing poems was very peculiar. Although some of his couplets were extempore; generally it was his way to compose his poems when he was in his proper mood. He began humming in loneliness and made outlines of plants with leaves, flowers and buds. All of a sudden, from the buds or flowers he drew a line either slanting or straight and then wrote a couplet. In this way, when there were some couplets, he made of them a beautiful poem. After a few corrections, the poem was complete. He has made his poems with the extract of his liver (the equivalent word for liver in Urdu is Jigar which is also the pen-name of the poet), and therefore they make the listeners drunk.

Stanza 37

Jigar was not sensual. He was in fact a sensuous poet. His love was pure. He had a respect for his beloved in his heart. He started his loving his lady and when he reached the climax of his love of God. He was such a drinker as remained excessively intoxicated; but his will-power was so strong that when he made abjuration, he gave up drinking for ever. The giving-up of wine had a bad effect on his health, and the result was that he suffered from various diseases. After giving up drinking, he became spiritual and performed 'Haj'.

Stanza 38

Jigar was very sensitive and emotional. He had delicate feelings which sometimes became too intense. His wonderful flight of fancy, his sincerity, his passionate intensity, his piety of soul and purity of inspiration gave sometimes a spiritual colour to his poems. He did not pass through the stages of beauty and love carelessly, but he full well experienced the hardships of the journey. He felt it so much that he absorbed their spirit in himself. Often he is lost in them too. He composed his poems when his feelings were intense and when his thoughts inflamed his over quick imagination. In the beginning he enjoyed various shapes of beauty but when he reached the last rung of his love, he found that every breath of his was filled with the air of beauty. It is a fact that beauty is unlimited but to contract and absorb it in himself is called love. Jigar has tasted the relish of this love. Stanza 39

Jigar's views are very clear in his poetry. His poetry is the image of his life. He was not in the habit of saying one thing and doing another. As his couplets came direct from his heart, they touched the hearts of the listeners. There is a flood of passions in his poetry, but it is a craftily dammed by his art. As he was the lover of beauty, his poetry is also a product of beauty. As is the tradition that in the beginning the critics are generally antagonistic to the artists, they criticized him also; but they fell into astonishment when he was appreciated by all and sundry.

Stanza 40

Jigar was a great poet. His poetry is a thing to be enjoyed. It is not an art without substance. Educated as well as uneducated persons can enjoy his poetry, according to their understanding. This was the reason why he got commendations of all and became the favourite of the masses. Even in his lifetime the title of 'Ghazal King 'was bestowed upon him. He had seen the ups and downs of life. So, his poetry is an outcome of his own experience. In the opinion of jigar beauty and love are one and the same thing. Apparently the words, beauty and love seem very ordinary, but these are the only words in which the secret of both the words is hidden. In the poetry of Jigar we find several ideas about these terms. Sometimes he declares that beauty is the cause and love its effect and sometimes he calls love, the cause; and beauty, the effect. At some stages he passes through a place where he finds beauty and love mixed up. In other words, when love reaches its climax, it becomes beauty and when beauty is lost in seeing itself, it becomes love. In such a state of Love, Mansoor, a great Saint yore had uttered “Anal Haque” (I am God). Stanza 41

He did not like unrhymed verses. His poetry is modeled on the technique of the poets of old. His couplets are proportionate and rhythmical. This conventional form of poetry suited him best because he was extremely musical when he sang his poems. Many of his poems can be interpreted in spiritual sense. The quotation “Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thoughts” comes true when we go through his poetry. He was over packed with feelings. Somebody has rightly said about him, “had he not been a poet, he would have been mad.” Stanza 42

Jigar maintained self-respect in his life. He did not copy the ideas of the past or present poets. He was not a blind follower of any poet. He used to sit in the company of such great personages as Iqbal Suhel, Mirza Ahsan Beg, Suleman Nadvi and Rashid Ahmad Siddiqi but he did not dye himself in the color of any one of them. He put the influences he got from such august men into the glass of his own poetic wine. He had a God gifted quality to extract the essence from the views of others and drew the conclusion thereof according to his own taste. This made him all the more polished in beauty and art. If we read his poems, we find in them the influence of the blessings of his Pir (Spiritual Guide), the late Maulana Abdul Ghani Manglori. Stanza 43

Perhaps we can mention no other Modern Ghazal poet who was so much moved by adverse circumstances and great events as Jigar; but he remained optimistic and found hope in despair. Whatever he viewed and experienced, he poetized unhesitatingly. The Government of that time often tried to shut his mouth by monetary temptations but in vain. The young generation very much liked this tendency, which had been initiated by Hasrat (an Urdu poet); but in Jigar we find it all the more prominent. Hasrat took it lightly, but in Jigar it is the beating of his heart. According to Prof. Rashid Ahmad Siddiqi, this is the place where character makes poetry high or low. Here we find actual difference between poetry and propaganda.

Stanza 44 Generally, it had been the tradition from yore that the poets translated the feelings of the lovers and showed them bowing before their lady-loves to invite their attention and favours; but Jigar opened a new chapter by translating the feelings of the lady-loves. He maintained equal respect of the lovers and the lady-loves. The character of the lady-love presented by the Urdu poets in general is not good. We do not like it, but the character of the lady-love presented by Jigar is so fine that we cannot help appreciate it. Urdu poetry is really grateful to him for this novelty. Jigar is the poet of love. But he is opposed to purchase at low cost his beloved as most second rate poets do. He knows very well the delicate relation of beauty and love and wants to maintain it all costs. Jigar's attachment with Asghar was personal, but in poetry he was quite different. In Asghar's verses, we find excess of thoughts, but lack of emotions. In Jigar's verses, we find excess of emotions, but lack of thoughts. The poetry of Asghar is based on beauty, while of Jigar is based on love. Love adorns his poetry. Stanza 45 Jigar is a romantic poet. Romantic poets present realism in dreams. In him we find the sun and shadow of realism. He has sung songs of beauty and love through out his whole life. To him, beauty is alive and real. He recognizes beauty in various forms. He has not painted his beloved so cruel as the Urdu poets of old have done. His beloved has a soft corner in her heart where the feelings grow. His beloved is cruel and kind both. She is naughty as well as shy. She is the sun as well as the moon. That is why in the poetry of Jigar love is not an endless tragic story. In his poetry, there is a desire to love and to be loved. Stanza 46 Whatever Jigar has said, has said after coming into contact with life. In his view, the field of life is not limited. He feels life from this world to Other World. He says, “I am life, death cannot touch me.” To him death is a meaningless thing. To move from one place to another is not death. His love is not perishable. Wherever he sees, he finds life and life. Though he has parted forever with the glass and bottle of wine, we feel his presence in the poetic world. He still lives in his verses. We find life in his poetry. He is not afraid of death. If death comes as a message of Friend, it cannot be called death. In reality, life and death are the two aspects of a phenomenon. Stanza 47 This stanza throws light on my personal relationships with Jigar. My father died when I was a child. I had to face many difficulties. Jigar, as a guardian, gave me all the help needed. He used to infuse courage into me in desperation. He always wished me success. Though he is dead, I still receive spiritual guidance from him at the time of difficulties. Stanza 48 I think the gap caused by the death of Jigar is not to be bridged. As for myself, I feel very much indebted to him. I have only tried to compose this Elegy to express my gratification. It is a fact that on account of his art he is to be remembered; but I have tried immortalize his extra-ordinary features by writing this Elegy.

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