
  • November 2019
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  • Words: 427
  • Pages: 8
ELECTIVE/COMBINATORICS: #include #include <dos.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define UP 72 #define DOWN 80 int choice; int e[]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}, c[9]; int n, r; long int total=1, str[1000][9]; int temp, last, loc, p; int x, y; main() { int page, curp; int m, start; char key='\0'; clrscr(); printf("Permutation and Combination"); printf("\n\n1 Permutation\n(maximum is 8 taken 3!)"); printf("\n2 Combination\n(maximum is 9 taken 9!)"); printf("\n3 Exit"); printf("\n\nEnter number of choice: "); scanf("%d",&choice); clrscr(); if(choice==1) permute(); else if(choice==2) combine(); else if(choice==3) exit(0); else { gotoxy(25,7); scanf("%d",&choice); } clrscr(); key='\0'; start=0; curp=1;

if((total%120)==0) page=total/120; else page=(total/120)+1; for(x=1;x<=61;x+=15) { for(y=1;y<=24;y++) { if(start1) { clrscr(); curp--; } } else if(key==DOWN) { if(curp<page) { clrscr(); curp++; } } start=(curp*120)-120; for(x=1;x<=61;x+=15) { for(y=1;y<=24;y++) { if(start
printf("%d",str[start][m]); start++; } } } } } } permute() { int m; clrscr(); datafeed(); loc=r-1; for(m=0;m
if(e[loc]!=c[p]) findnext(); else if(e[loc]==c[p]) { while(e[loc]==c[p]) { loc--; p--; } sortremain(); moveall(); loc=r-1; p=n-1; } } } datafeed() { /*1*/ gotoxy(1,1); printf("Input value of n: "); scanf("%d",&n); /*2*/ gotoxy(1,2); printf("Input value of r: "); scanf("%d",&r); /*3*/ if(choice==1) { if(n==r) { for(x=1;x<=n;x++) total*=x; gotoxy(1,4); printf("Total permutation: %ld\n",total); } else if(n>r) { for(x=n;x!=(n-r);x--) total*=x; gotoxy(1,4); printf("Total permutation: %ld\n",total); } else if(r>n) { while(n
gotoxy(1,1); printf("Input value of n: "); scanf("%d",&n); gotoxy(1,2); printf("Input value of r: "); scanf("%d",&r); } }

} else if(choice==2) { if(n>r) { for(x=n;x!=(n-r);x--) total*=x; for(x=r;x>0;x--) total/=x; gotoxy(1,4); printf("Total combination: %d\n",total); } else if(r>n) { while(r>n) { gotoxy(1,4); printf("Invalid Input"); gotoxy(1,1); printf("Input value of n: "); scanf("%d",&n); gotoxy(1,2); printf("Input value of r: "); scanf("%d",&r); } } } for(x=0;x
for(x=loc;x<(n-1);x++) e[x]=e[x+1]; e[n-1]=temp; } findlast() { for(x=loc;xc[x]) { temp=c[y]; c[y]=c[x]; c[x]=temp; } } } last=c[n-1]; } sortfirst() { for(y=loc;ye[x]) { temp=e[y]; e[y]=e[x]; e[x]=temp; } } } } findnext() { int ctr=0; if(choice==1) { temp=e[loc];

for(x=(loc+1);xe[loc] && ctr==0) { e[loc]=e[x]; e[x]=temp; ctr++; } } last=e[n-1]; } else if(choice==2) { for(x=(loc+1);xe[x]) { temp=e[y]; e[y]=e[x]; e[x]=temp; } } } } moveall() { int z, ctr=0; for(x=(loc+1);x
ctr++; } } for(x=loc;x