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Engineering Geology CE-301-Lecture14 Dr. Muhammad Babar Khan, Asst. Professor


Semester 2 06 April 09 –  07 Aug 09

Strength of Geological  Material • Influence of Geological history – Burial – Uplift

• Importance of drainage • Behavior of rock and soil – Stress and Strain  – Cohesion and friction



Introduction • The  strength  of  rock,  or  of  less  well  consolidated  sediment,  is  influenced  by  the  mineralogy of its particles and by the character  of the particle contacts. • These properties are inherited from the  processes that formed the rock, as described in  rocks chapters. • And  modified  by  later  folding,  faulting  and  jointing  as  explained  in  geologic  structure’s  chapter.    

Influence of geological history

• Burial  and  uplift  are  frequently  recurring  aspects of geological history. • Burial – During  burial  the  volume  of  a  sediment  is  reduced  because water is squeezed from its pores. – Sometimes  the  drainage  of  water  is  prevented  by  overlying strata of low permeability, such as a thick  layer  of  mudstone,  and  water  pressure  in  the  pores  gradually  increases  with  burial  until  it  equals  the  strength of the confining layers. – Vertical fractures then develop up which the trapped    water escapes: this is called hydrofracturing.  

Influence of geological history

– Figure  illustrates  the  path  of  a  sediment  during  burial and the lateral strain that must attend it.



Burial • The deformation of  rock at very slow rates  of  strain  involves  processes  collectively  described as creep. • Fig. shows the strain that occurs in a sample  loaded under a low constant stress is plotted  against time.




• Primary  creep  is  recoverable,  and  secondary  creep  is  distinguished  by  the  onset  of  permanent  deformation,  and  tertiary  creep  by  its culmination in failure of the sample.




• Some  aspects  of  creep  are  analogous  to  the  deformation of a viscous fluid and the material  properties  rocks  must  possess  for  such  an  analogy to exist are illustrated in Fig.



Burial • Rock behaves as an elastic material When loaded rapidly & recovers its strain when unloaded. • Hence elastic deformation is a part of rock behavior. • Plastic deformation must also exist, Fig.b, because rock loaded slowly recovers only part of its strain when unloaded. • Many rocks that have been loaded by burial, A-B in Fig.c, and unloaded by uplift, B-C, contain stresses that exceed those calculated.  


• Fig. Aspects of the deformation of rock, (a)  elastic behavior; (b) plastic deformation with  viscous strain above the yield stress (YS); (c)      strain associated with loading and unloading.

Uplift • The overburden load is progressively reduced above rocks as they are raised towards ground level. • And this permits them to expand in the vertical direction. • Horizontal sets of joints and others of subhorizontal inclination, will open and bedding surfaces will part. • Crystals and grains begin to move apart as the rock expands.  



• These, and similar processes, gradually  convert  a rock from the unbroken character it possessed  at  depth,  where  its  crystals  and  grains  were  pressed  tightly  together,  to  the  broken  and  porous condition it exhibits at ground level.



Shallow burial and uplift

• Many of the younger sediments that are close to  the surface of the Earth have not been buried to  great  depths  and  are  insufficiently  consolidated  and  cemented  for  them  to  be  described  as  'rock'. • These are the sediments engineers call 'soil'. • The  variation  of  strength  with  depth  measured  in two deposits of clay is illustrated in Fig. • The  normally  consolidated  clay  has  never  been  unloaded and is without fissures or joints.  


Shallow burial and uplift

• The  over­consolidated  clay  has  been  unloaded  by  erosion  of  overlying  sediment:  it  contains  fractures,  called  fissures,  that  decrease  in  number with distance from ground level. • Fissures  influence  the  strength  of  clay  and  if  present  should  always  be  included  in  the  description  of  a  deposit,  e.g.  'a  stiff  fissured  clay'.



Shallow burial and uplift



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