Edu Salaries

  • June 2020
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A new state law requires all Illinois school districts to create salary compensation reports for all individuals holding A d m in is tra tiv e c o s ts in 1 3 lo c a l administrative certificates. The reports will be posted annually by Oct. 1 on the district's Web sites. Below is a comparison s c h o o l d is tric ts of local superintendent's salaries. Inside (B2), salaries for all adminstrators in 13 local school districts.

A b in g d o n 2 1 0 A lW o o d 2 2 5 A von 176 B u s h n e ll-P ra irie C ity 1 7 0 G a le s b u rg 2 0 5 *** G a lv a 2 2 4 K n o x v ille 2 0 2 *** M o n m o u th -R o s e v ille 2 3 8 RO W V A 208 S p o o n R iv e r V a lle y 4 *** U n ite d 3 0 4 W e s t C e n tra l 2 3 5 W illia m s fie ld 2 1 0

S u p e rin te n d e n t's S a la ry

# o f T o ta l A d m in is tra to rs *

T o ta l S a la ry o f A d m in is tra to rs

N um b er o f P u p ils

A d m in is tra tiv e C o s t P e r P u p il**

$100,875 $102,206 $119,538 $110,240 $142,800 $115,000 $104,437 $127,190 $125,685 $74,926 $105,040 $119,500 $105,477

4 2 3 5 22 3 6 8 3 3 5 6 2

$322,782 $117,206 $246,258 $357,413 Will release Oct. 1 $372,580 $427,228 $643,965 $277,673 $170,054 $251,210 $418,457 $178,757

743 414 241 820 4,597 616 1072 1707 705 446 945 965 254

$434 $462 $1,021 $436 n/a $605 $398 $377 $394 $381 $422 $434 $704

Salaries and data are for 2009-2010 school year unless otherwise noted. District enrollment from 2009 six-day enrollment figures. *Number of people currently employed by district holding administrative certificates. **A rough estimation of administrative costs in relation to district size taken by dividing the total salary of administrators by the total number of pupils. ***2008-2009 data.

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