Edes 9018 Research Design And Evaluation

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,859
  • Pages: 5
EDES 9018 Research Design and Evaluation Dr Units Class Contact



6 1 3- hour seminar weekly

Educational Aims The aims of this topic are to present educational research as a coherent field of inquiry that includes case studies, surveys, experimentation and evaluation as well as the wide range of disciplinary based investigations that examine educational problems as well as introduce the many different methods of inquiry that are employed in the different situations in which educational problems arise. The topic consequently provides an integrated introduction to not only educational research, but also to research in the social and behavioural sciences with an emphasis on the use of information and communications technology in the planning, conduct, analysis and dissemination phases of research studies. Expected Learning Outcomes On completion of this topic the student is expected to have the skills necessary for (a) review and evaluation of journal articles and books reporting research, (b) undertaking a review of a field using published and online sources, (c) preparation of a research proposal, and (d) presentation of the findings of research as a conference paper or an article for publication. In addition, the student is expected to have a balanced understanding of the broad field of educational research. Syllabus The topic is designed to develop an understanding of the design of research studies in education, from the selection of a problem for investigation, through to reviewing the literature (including critical evaluation of research studies), procedures for data collection and analysis, and the writing of research reports. Topic coverage includes data collection instruments (questionnaires and interview schedules, observation methods, online data collection); data processing and analysis (computer tools for analysis, content analysis, qualitative and quantitative analysis); writing research reports (style and form of research reports, developing research proposals, writing for publication); and evaluating research reports (developing framework for evaluation, applying the evaluation framework to journal literature, evaluating research proposals).

The topic is designed to develop an understanding of the design of research studies in education, from the selection of a problem for investigation, through to reviewing the literature (including critical evaluation of research studies), procedures for data collection and analysis, and the writing of research reports. Topic coverage includes data collection instruments (questionnaires and interview schedules, observation methods, online data collection); data processing and analysis (computer tools for analysis, content analysis, qualitative and quantitative analysis); writing research reports (style and form of research reports, developing research proposals, writing for publication); and evaluating research reports (developing framework for evaluation, applying the evaluation framework to journal literature, evaluating research proposals).

Master of Education The Master of Education is a 72-unit flexible coursework program that allows students to create individual programs to suit their interests and thus shape their own educational pathways. Students can choose to apply for admission for either the generic MEd or the following optional specialisation.

Master of Education (Research and Innovation) (MEd(ResInnov))

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Course aims It is expected that graduates from this specialisation will be able to:

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understand the multidisciplinary, multivariate and multilevel perspectives of research and evaluation in education; recognise the unity of research and evaluation in education; examine with understanding the research literature relating to learning, teaching and human development; develop an increased ability to apply knowledge gained from research and evaluation in their practice as educators or in other professions; provide curriculum, pedagogical, and policy leadership in education; evaluate curricula and educational services in regard to their capacity to provide appropriate programs to foster learning and development across the lifespan; and examine and debate issues relating to the quest for knowledge and understanding relating to problems that arise in the fields of education.

Program of study [October, 2005] To qualify for the Master of Education (Research and Innovation) a student must complete 72 units, including approved credit, with a grade of P or NGP or better in each topic with the following conditions:

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a student may be granted credit for 24 units of coursework; a student must complete 12 units of coursework from the topics listed below; a student may submit a 36-unit major research thesis for external examination; a student may submit a 24- or 18-unit minor research thesis for external examination; a student may complete up to 24 units of coursework from other Master of Education programs; and a student must complete the topic EDES9018 Research Design and Evaluation.

The coursework topics with a research and evaluation orientation must be selected from the following: EDES9003 Introduction to Statistics and Data Processing EDES9005 Multivariate and Multilevel Analysis EDES9018 Research Design and Evaluation EDES9017 Advanced Educational Measurement and Assessment (Psychometrics) EDES9817A Applied Qualitative Research EDET9624 ICT and Intelligent T/T Systems

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EDES 9817A Applied Qualitative Research Dr Units Class Contact



6 1 2- hour workshop weekly

Show educational aims and expected learning outcomes

This topic aims to advance students' understanding of qualitative research and its application in education. The course will begin with an overview of the theoretical and historical underpinning of qualitative research methods used by qualitative researchers in education. This will enable students to place the tools in their social context and identify a philosophical underpinning for their current research. The focus of the topic will be on the particular issues that arise during a research endeavour. An integral part of the topic will be the students' own experience as they collect and begin to analyse their data. By the end of the topic students will be able to: identify a philosophical framework relevant for their current

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research project; analyse and interpret qualitative data; critique example of qualitative research and explore the issues of rigour and credibility, especially as it applies to their own work; problem solve issues from the field including ethical dilemmas, gaining access, the participant/observer continuum and so forth; and report findings in a manner appropriate for publication.

EDES 9817A Applied Qualitative Research Dr


Units Class Contact


6 1 2- hour workshop weekly

Educational Aims

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To assist students in identifying a philosophical framework for their current research projects To analyse and interpret qualitative data To critique examples of qualitative research and explore issues of rigour and credibility To build skills in practising qualitative research methods To problem solve issues from the field including ethical dilemmas, access, the participant/observer continuum etc

To report findings in a manner appropriate for publication

Expected Learning Outcomes Students will have developed

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an understanding of the qualitative/quantitative dynamic in social science an understanding of the historical emergence of different qualitative methodologies. an understanding of how different qualitative methodologies help us to know the social world differently

skills in how to plan and undertake interviews, ethnographies, life histories, participatory action research and critical and reflexive approaches to research (from feminism to postcolonial inquiry), and; proficiency in articulating some of the philosophical and political influences on qualitative research approaches Syllabus This topic aims to advance students' understanding of qualitative research and its application in education. The course will begin with an overview of the theoretical and historical underpinning of qualitative research methods used by qualitative researchers in education. This will enable students to place the tools in their social context and identify a philosophical underpinning for their current research. The focus of the topic will be on the particular issues that arise during a research endeavour. An integral part of the topic will be the students' own experience as they collect and begin to analyse their data. By the end of the topic students will be able to: identify a philosophical framework relevant for their current research project; analyse and interpret qualitative data; critique example of qualitative research and explore the issues of rigour and credibility, especially as it applies to their own work; problem solve issues from the field including ethical dilemmas, gaining access, the participant/observer continuum and so forth; and report findings in a manner appropriate for publication.

MONASH Master of Education - thesis and coursework

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Course code: 3204 + Course abbreviation: MEd(Thesis&Crswrk) + 2 years full-time, 4 years part-time Study mode and course location

On-campus (Clayton; External (Clayton; Gippsland; Peninsula)



Course description

The Master of Education (thesis and coursework) is a research degree which requires candidates to complete a coursework component of two units and a thesis of up to 40,000 words. External candidature

Candidature by external mode is now available and can be undertaken on a full-time or part-time basis. For further information, contact the administrative officer, Research Degrees (Clayton), telephone +61 3 9905 2803 or +61 3 9905 2821, email [email protected] or visit www.education.monash.edu.au. Course structure

Candidates for the Master of Education by thesis and coursework will complete a coursework component of two units including an appropriate 12-point research unit to be selected from the faculty suite of research methodology units listed below (taken on advice from the course coordinator or supervisor) as the core research methods unit and a thesis of up to 40,000 words. Candidates will engage in a research induction program in consultation with their supervisor. Entry requirements - both programs Applicants must have completed four years of tertiary study in appropriate fields and be able to demonstrate they have the academic ability, interest and motivation to carry out independent research. Preference is given to applicants with some qualifications in education. Academic ability will be assessed on the basis of at least a credit average performance in a pass degree, or the possession of an honours degree, or success in postgraduate coursework, or academic references. Applicants who do not meet these criteria may be admitted to preliminary candidature and if the preliminary requirements are successfully met, they may then proceed to the Master of Education degree. Preliminary candidature normally involves enrolment in a number of relevant postgraduate coursework units. In all cases, admission depends on the availability of a member of staff for supervision of the applicant’s approved thesis topic. Candidates intending to carry out an empirical research project for the degree should complete a relevant research methods unit, unless given credit for equivalent studies or otherwise exempted by the faculty’s research degrees committee. These courses consist of a maximum of two years of full-time study or four years of part-time study. A full-time candidate is expected to devote at least four days a week to the research project (two days a week for a part-time candidate). Applications - both programs

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Applications for admission to MEd by thesis only candidature may be lodged at any time of the year. Candidates proceeding under Master of Education by thesis and coursework would normally commence at the beginning of the academic year, or at the beginning of second semester. For an application form, contact the faculty’s Research Degrees office, telephone +61 3 9905 2803 or +61 3 9905 2821, visit www.education.monash.edu.au or email [email protected]. Contact details Inquiries: telephone +61 3 9905 2840 or +61 3 9905 2819. Course coordinator

Associate Professor Trevor Gale (Clayton)

TOMY VERYANTO BAWULANG in searching….!!!!!!!!


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